Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 07, 1913, Image 29

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/ 5fttal <£s MEXICAN 5. Jnttatmal ATLANTA, (JA„ SUNDAY, DE( 'KM15ER 1913. The Sunday American The Atlanta Georgian Published by The Georgian Co. fO East Atlanta Alabama St. Georgia Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second-clasR matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, or Agent pally and Sunday 12c Daily only 10 ° BY MAIL the United States, Canada or Mexico. [ MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE DAILY AND SUNDAY: 1 Year .. .87.on 6 Months ...~ ... 3.K0 3 Months ... 1.75 1 Month ... .60 DAILY ONLY: I Year .. .*5 20 6 Months ... 2.60 3 Months ... 1.30 1 Month ... .45 SUNDAY ONLY: I Year ... * . . .*2.50 fi Months ... 1.25 8 Months ... .70 1 Month ’. ... .25 THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN NEWS BRIEFS: 1 Year 36c SPECIAJL^NOTICES. RaTlWAY SCTfEDtrCEfsT SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the Sonth. Arrival and Departure Passenger Trains, Atlanta. The following schedule figures are published only as Information, and ape not guaranteed. LOST AND FOUND. EoSf^TtWWesT'EndT or on road to College Park, one long, blue feather. Finder will return and receive reward. B. A. DeLoach, 97 South Gordon LOST—One plain ioiid gold ring, at Five Points. Finder will return to Zakas’ Bakery and get reward. LOST—One purse between Davison- F’axon-Stokes and Terminal station, containing one railroad ticket to Powder Springs. Ga., ahd about $£.50 in money. Liu. ral reward Phone Ivy 821 Lost Brown leather bag, containing money, keys and cards. Finder please phone Main 2743 or West 770 and re echo liberal reward. LOST In the shopping district, port- folio containing water color and two other pictures. Finder please return to H. LeGate, Agnes Scott College. Re ward. LOST- -On Ponce DeLeon avenue, red leather notebook. Return to Richard Battle, 288 East North avenue. Reward. LOST Black handbag, embroid ered in pink flowers, contain ing about $20. Reward. Norris Candy Factory, 267 Edgewood avenue. LOST OR - 1TRAY E6 One turkey, about 14 pounds. Return to 44 Pon ders avenue and receive reward. STRAYED—From 689 Edgewood ave nue yellow and white spotted cow. Can Jvy 2769. Lost—Wednesday, between 118 E. Hunter and High's store, bunch white aigrettes. Phone M. 2687 or W. 1372 LOST OR ST HAY ED One turkey gobbler, last Friday, November 28. Weight about 14 pounds. Finder will please return to 44 Ponders avenue. At- ianta phone 579. Reward LOST—One English setter (female), black, white and tan. Name and ad dress on collar. Notify or return to F. M. Berry, care Fourth National Bank. Reward. FOUND—One blue and white head necklace, on Forsyth street. Owner may call for same and pay for this ad and have it. B. A. DeLoach. 97 South Gordon street. EDUCATIONAL. coachingT Any^lHgh^schooP^ubjects^ Broad experience. Columbia Diver sity of New York man. Ivy *3707. 149 West Peachtree. REFINED FRENCH LADYTtwo years in this country, wants to give French I lessons. Terms reasonable. Success guaranteed. Best of references. Mile. E. H Jacobs, 23-D Williams Btreet. No. Arrive From— .12:01 am . 5:00 am . 8:25 am Sfl B’ham .... 35 New York 43 Wash’ton . ] .TerVville . 12 Sh’report . 23 Jack'viUe . 17 Toccoa .... 26 Hefltn .... SCbttU'fft • 7 Macon 6:10 am 6 30 am 6:50 am R:10 am 8 :10 am .10:35 am .10 45 am 11:00 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1 :40 rm 2 :30 pm 3:55 pm 5:00 pm 27 Ft. Valley ..10:45 am 21 Columbus ...10:50 am 6 Cinctn’tl . 29 New York 40 B’ham ... 29 Columbus 30 B’ham ... 89 Charlotte . I at 37 New York 5 TO pm 2d 37 New York 5:10 pm 15 Brunswick .. 7:30 pm 31 Ft Valley 13 .Taek’vllle II RFhmacd ifi Chatta'ia 2 Chicago 24 Kan. City 19 Columbus :4 Clneln'ti R • 00 pm R si 0 pm 8:15 pm ... R'RF pra ... 9:55 pm ..10:15 pm .. .10:20 pm .. .11:30 pm No. Depart To— Jtft New York 12:tt am 20 Columbus .. 5 ?o am 85 B’ham 5 -.10 am 1 Chicago ... fi 20 am 12 Richmond . 6:55 am 23 Kan City . 7:00 am 7 Ch&tta’ga . 7:10 am 32 Ft. Valley . 7:15 am 16 Macon 7 45 am 1st 38 New York. 11 :00 am 6 Jack’dlle 11 1ft am 29 B’ham . . 11:30 am 2d 38 New York 12:05 pm 40 Charlotte .. 12 :10 pm 30 Columbus .. 12:30 pm 30 New York . 2:45 pm 15 Chatfa'ga .. 3 00 pm 39 B’ham 4 :10 pm 18 Toccoa 4 :S0 pm 22 Columbus . . 5:10 pm 5 Ctncin'tl .. 5 10 pm 28 F*. Valley . 5:20 pm 1ft Macon 5 :30 pm 21 Heflin 5:45 pm 13 Clneln’ti ... 8 :20 pm »£ Wash’ton .. 8:45 pm 2 Jack’Ytlle .. 14-05 pm 24 .Tack’rills .. 10:30 pm 11 Rh'report 11 10 pm 14 .Taok'Yille .. 11:40 pm All trains run dally. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree Bt. DANCING. DANCING SCHOOL—Latest steps; pri vate Instructions. Ivy 6067-J. 43 W Peachtree street. MATRIMONIAL. MAlCSY^fhousands wealthy will marry soon; all ages, nationalities and reli gions; descriptions free. Write at once. Western Club. Dept. 66,.268 Market, San Francisco, Cal. BACHELOR, 38. worth $50,000, would marry. C., Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio. MARRY -Many wealthy people seeking marriage. Photos and descriptions free. Mission Unity B-639, San Francisco, Cal. HELP^WANTED--MALE. * W ANT IRY~^The~iid(Ures^^^ the old Sunny South; friends to the extent that they would be willing to lend a hand in the rejuvenation of that excellent literary paper or the estab lishment of one similar in name and na ture, a consummation certainly to be desired in the South. Address A. H. Mecklln, Toccoa, Ga. GOVERNMENT railway mail clerk, cus- toms Internal revenue “exams" every where soon. Get prepared by former I nlted States Civil Service Secretary- Examiner. Free booklet A-49. white NOW, to-day. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED—Writ© moving picture'plays’; $50 each; all or spare time; no expe rience nor correspondence course. De tails free. Atlas Publishing Company, 91, Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTED-—First-class ruler at once. Byrd Printing Co. WANTED- A good man with experience on salary to look after one-horse farm and hog-raising industry, one and a half miles from Thomasville. Address, giving references, J. A. J., Box 291. Thomasville, Ga. WANTED—I will teach several young men the automobile business in ten weeks by mail and assist them to good positions. No charge for tuition until position is secured. Write to-day. R. S. Price, Automobile Expert, Box 463, Los Angeles. Cal. wanted Bright li-year-okk buy in every town; money-maker. W. J Nor ris, Warren ton, Ga. i WILL START you earning $4 dally At home in spare time silvering mirrors; no capital; free instructive booklet, giv ing plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 86, Boston, Mass. W A N fife GO V E R N M1N T g X A MI NATIONS; thorough preparation. $5; returned If not appointed; particulars free. American Civil Service School. Washington, D. C. W AN T ED— R e p r e s e n t a J i v e i n each lo- eality by The Mystic Tie, the only fraternal magazine In the State. Write for samples and agents* terms to W M Felts. t\ O. Box 1153, Atlanta. WANTED—Students to learn telegra phy: positions guaranteed when competent; total expenses while learn ing about one hundred dollars, includ ing everything. Charlotte Telegraphy Class. Charlotte. N. C. SEND 25c for book giving full instruc tions how to go on the stage. Pal metto^ pedalty Co., P. O. Box 98, C11y WANTED—Power trip-hammer. State kind, price and condition. Address Stansell & Rape. McDonough, Ga. WANTED—Several ambitious school boys more than 14 years old to work afternoons and all day Saturday. Ad- dress D. A. W., care Georgian. BRIGHT, well educated men to qualify in 30 days for good office positions, absolutely free; model office. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn. Shave xnd Hair Cut” &? e d ° 3 help wanted—female. stTvP: nfFTR2 ntsr'fiNl FIFTY LADIES wanted for light ma chine work in underwear mill, families preferred Good wages, steady employ ment. Write D. C. Collier Mgr. Col lier Mfg. Co., Rarnesville, Ga. S TO SEW at "home for a large Philadelphia firm; good money; steady work; no canvassing; send stamped en velope for prices paid. Universal Co., Dept. 68, Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—Competent cook. Must have references. Apply 245 Peachtree struct Ball phone Ivy Nik. WANTED Solicitors to sell toilet spe cialties; good salary to right parties. Apply 130H Peachtree, room ” WANTED—Girl to assist in light house keeping with couple in West End; sleep In nouse at night; white girl pre ferred. Apply In person, 131 Houston St. Ask for Mr. Norris. MKN-KKKTS STUDIO OK QUALITY', 2H Auburn avenue. $10 folder photos for $6 a dozen from now’ until after the holidays; postcards 80c per dozen; chil dren s photos our delight. Ivy 3541. SPACE, desk and typewriter free to young lady desiring public stenograph ic work Room 915 Third National Bank Bldg. WANTED—-A white woman or girl to do cooking and housework for a couple. Phone Ivy 826. THIRTY fast messengers. with or without wheels. Some after school hours; best pay. Wheels sold on easy terms. American Messenger Service, Pryor and Alabama streets. MARRY—If you are lonely. The Re liable Confidential Successful Club has large numbers of wealthy eligible mem bers. both ‘ sexes, wishing early mar riages. Descriptions free. Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland. Cal WE WANT a few bright young men for a very profitable sales proposition, who desire the benefit of scientific training In salesmanship; unlimited opportunity. Call between 10 and 12 a. m., 531 Can- i dler Bldg. j WANTED—Men, 18 to 35, wishing to be * railway mall clerks. $7* month. Ap ply for Information L. M. N., Box 10, care Georgian. MARRY—Many rich, congenial and anxious for companions; interesting. Particulars and photos free. The Mes senger. Jacksonville. Fla. TAXICABS. Ivy 4051 taxicabs, Belie isle IVY 5190. ATLANTA 1598. HOTELS. EAL HOTEL. CENTER of city; rates reasonable; con venient to Union Station. 42 to 52 Decatur St. Atlanta phone 2615 Lebed Hotel Excellent table. 20 meals tickets $5.0. P-TiTb’ and polite service. Bellevue Irm 57 r^™ r £L St Cicely furnished single or double rooms. Steam heated, with or without meals. RESTAURANTS. HIGH CLASS CHOP SUEY CAFE Table Reserved for Families OPEN ON SUNDAYS. BELL PHONE IVY 475S-J. SECOND FLOOR, 36 LUCKXE ST. JOE JUNG COME TO THE CABARET. 51 North Broad Street. Good music, eats and drinks. __ FUNERAL directors. 'NT A THING IS DYEING Mourning black in one day’s N' 'TICE. X DRESS paid one way on all out- "t-town orders amounting to $1 00. J I LA NT A STEAM DYE AND CLEAN- ’•'•G Works. 53 Auburn avenue. Ivy ^40: Atlanta 954. ____ CHURCH NOTICES. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. "T CHURCH OF CHRIST. Scientist. ‘ lh J e Hall, North Broad street. Serv- ■ Sunday, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, a. m.: Wednesday evening, testi- ‘«Tl meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading s at 613 the Grand, open daily. ex- Sundays and legal holidays, from to 5 p. m., free to the public. c , METHODIST. MARK M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH— .. 1 ’ r Thornwell Jacobs will preach at 1 m.; no services at night; Sunday l0 * 9:45; prayer meeting. Wednes- ' evening, ?;45. LOST AND FOUND. ' s T-—]CavalT]efe with smaTT^dTamond and pearls. Return and receive re- jud to Box 318, Bamesvilie. Ga. U -ST—At the Atlanta Theater. Wed nesday evening, b’ack fur neckpiece; b-^ads In back. Liberal reward if f . J . T J Jrn ©d to Sutherland. 1013 Candler u <i*. Pfcoo* Ivy 4447 or West 136. HELP WANTED—MALE. xSuNCpMAN wanted to advertise Hog ers silverware. Pay $52 per month. A. A. Cline, advertising manager, 146 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—First-class repair man. w'ho can also do good pressing. Colored only Apply 193 West Peachtree street Monday morning. A PAPER HANGER AND decorator who can estimate work and handle men can make most sat isfactory connection in Atlanta. Man must be an A-l worker, furnish his own tools and hauling. Address B., Box 69, care Georgian. U .nr.AT looking men; stage door Lyric Monday 10 a m. WANTED A miller. Mult be a mar ried man with no children. Fine posi- tion. Address “Miller,” care Georgian. INSTALLMENT man wanted to collect weekly accounts three days a week and sell balance of time; salary for col lecting. commission on sales. Oppor tunity for the right man. Box 901, care Georgian. WANTED—MAN TO SET BANK FIXTURES, MARBLE AND WOOD. NONE BUT EX PERT NEED APPLY. TELE PHONE MAIN 4430 MONDAY MORNING, 9 O’CLOCK. WANTED—$100 weekly profit In spare time at home. Mall order business. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Nebr. CARRIAGE PAINTERS to color and varnish wheels. Blount Carriage and Buggy Company. WANTED—Three colored boys to rack balls in poolroom. Apply 82 Auburn ;iv. t: •• Muiidaj morning at 8 o’clock. WANTED Experiem ed bookkeeper who can use typewriter. Must do neat work. Address P. O. Bog 1716, Atlanta. AMBITIOUS PERSON may earn $15 to $25 week'y. during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. Send for particulars. Press Bureau, M-24, Wash ington. D. C. WANTED Earn easy Christmas rnon ey; whole or part time. Our new’ colored circular shows you the great possibilities. $20 daily profit not upuauaK Experience unnecessary. G. Macy, wiles 640 Lydia St., Chicago. WASTES Man wanted with rig to introduce and sell 96 extracts, spices, medicines, etc. Big money. Wilson made $90 weekly. We mean business. Box 516, Dept. 53, Cedar Rapids. Iowa. WANTED Linotype machinist-operator for four-machine plant; also ftrrft-class operator; union; must be jam-up men Address Foreman, Enquirer-Sun, Colum- bus, Qa. wanted White messenger Sots, about 15 years old; prefer boys with wheel; day work; good pay. Apply Postal Telegraph Company, 40 North Broad. WANTED—Shoe repairer, either white or colored. Apply 403 East Hunter St. Monday morning. W A N TED—Office boy; make appliea- tion in own handwriting; must be able to operate typewriter. F. W. Kifig & Co., corner Madison avenue and Gar nett St. WANTED- Men to learn barber trade; great demand for barbers; big wages; easy work; short time required; expert instructors; tools given; earn while learning. Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie St., At lanta. YES We teach the barber trade and give position in our chain of shops at good wages, for $30. Atlanta Barber Col lege. 10 B Mitchell street Atlanta. Ga MEN, 18~to 35, become government rail way mall clerks. Sample examination questions free Franklin Institute, Dept. 48-H, Rochester, N. Y. Yr.S, shave 10c, hair cut 15c. massage 15c, at 41 Marietta, 4 E Mitchell, 115 Edgewood, 99 Whitehall. 52 ivy. white workmen. Clean linen. Baths 15c. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. energetic woman, more than 30, to travel South Caro lina, Georgia and Florida; also assist ant manager. Phone Room 1222 Ansley Hotel. WANTED—Several lady solicitors. High-class work. Good chance to make some Christmas money. Give tele phone number in answer. Address R. B.J“ Box 2, care Georgian. ______ WANTED Cash girls from 12 to 16. Apply M. Rich & Bros. Co. COLORED housemaid that lias nothing to do but work, 42^ Decatur street. WANTED-Ladies. Sewing at home. Material furnished. No canvassing. Steady work. Stamped envelope for particulars. Calumet Supply Company, Dept. B-79, Milwaukee, wls, WANTED I.adi.s to COPY names and addresses for us. home spare time, experience unnecessary; $5 weekly or more can be made; send 12c in stamps for first supply of material. Standard Copying Company, Nashua, N, H. WANTED - Singh* Woman for cook. Must live on lot. Apply 1068 DeKaJb avenue; _ WANTED First-claw COoS Inquire Monday at 806 Peachtree street "WaNTED- Girls experienced in candy and cracker factory work. Apply Monday, 7 a m., Harry L. Schlesinger, 70 Madison Ave. WANTED—Woman for general house work; must be a good cook. Apply at once. 78 E. North Ave. WANTED—Servant for general house- work; nice room on lot. 139 Moreland avenue. WANTED—A good cook. Apply 36 West Peachtree place. WANTED -Ladies make shields nt home; $10 per hundred. Work sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars for stamped addressed envelope. Eure ka Company, Dept. 107-C, Kalamazoo, Mich. LADIES—To make shields at home. $20 per hundred. Ordinary plain sewing. Can make four an hour. Material fur nished. Work sent prepaid. Send stamped addressed envelope fur particu lars. Paragon Supply Company, p-334 Myrtle avenue. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED—Young ladies to sew shirts; steady work. Apply Robinson Shirt Co., 195*4 Mari etta street. EITHER sen, earn splendid income at home during psare time; send 10c for names of 40 reliable firms supplying home work. Dee Pub. Co., Desk 17, Hodges Bldg.. Detroit. Mich. WANTED—Young women anti girls de siring attractive positions. Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; their conduct on the premises carefully guarded by matron, women supervisors and chief operator, who have complete control over the re tiring and operating rooms. Short train ing course for those inexperienced; sal ary paid while learning Salary in creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient, Increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate Advancement to $75 per month. Refer ences proving the standing of the appli cant essential. Those having *edura tional advantages preferred. Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Carnegie Library books for the convenience of the operators. Matron and trained nurse in attendance. Apply 8:30 to 5, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 25 Auburn avenue; WANTED—twirls to take course in Miss Sparkman's Improved Millinery School. Free scholarship offer. AH mil- line ry_work_done free. 94Vfe Whitehall. GOVERNMENT positions open to wom en. $75 month. Write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 602-H. Rochester. N. Y. r I T>Y q Learn Millinery. Best trade * 1 * on earth for women. Pays $60 to $100 a month. We re-trim bats free. Free scholarship now. Nice velvet hat for $1. Fine dressmaking establish ment in connection. Prices reasonable. IDEAL SCHOOL OF MILLINERY, 100Vi Whitehall stret. Corner Mitchell. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE- MALE. WRITE MOVING PICTURE plays. Any one can learn at home. Literary abil ity unnecessary. Details free. Western Pn otoplay Com pan y, Palouse. Wash. WILL PAY reliable man or woman $12.50 to distribute 100 FREE packages Perfumed Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required. D. D. Ward Company, 216 Institute Place, < Chicago. W \ NT ED Boys, girls: If you want a Xmas present without fail write Ths Mercer Supply Go., Arnold, Pa. WANTED—Solicitors for residence sec tion. Salary and commission. Expe rience unnecessary. Box 497, care Geor gian^ AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. . -( o Sweep* CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Big money for agents. “Veribest" constructed machine. Get NEW PRICES to-day. Sayre Ac Co., 168 North Michigan Boule- yard, Chicago. est polish mop on the market. Big profits. Premium plan that gets the quantity sales. Factory prices on vacuum cleaners and sweepers. Jaeger Manufacturing Com- . i [03 Heyworth Building, < '• it VACtruM cLeaner agents IfSrS it. is; Absolutely new design In wheel- operated, powerful bellows vacuum cleaner; new visible nozzle; exclusive ap pearance. sells quick at $7.50. Write for particulars about money-hack guaran tee now. Doty Company, Dayton, Ohio. WANTED— Agents. Big profits. Ex clusive territory. Wonderful new au tomatic gasoline table lamp. 300 candle- power; l-3o cent per hour. Absolutely the best sellei on the market. Send for free sample proposition National Stamping Works. 420 (’1 inton. Chicago. WANTED—Agents. Snappiest house hold line on earth; red hot sellers; steady repeaters. Over 150 different ar ticles. Goods guaranteed. 100 per cent profit. Write quick. Hurry. E M. Feltman, sales manager, 8081 Sycamoce St., «Cincinnati, < >hlo. LADIES send to day for Taylor's Hair Vigor Produces long. beautiful, charming hair; 25 cents by mail. Agents wanted. Taylor Remedy Go, Louis ville. Ky. WANTED Salesmen; local agents in every town to handle best automobile lock out; brand new; big sales; fine commissions. Crown Bales Co., 1108 Empire Life Bldg . Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—Salesmen. W« want high- class specialty salesmen in every State to sell our complete line of computing bins to grocers and seedsmen. The greatest time and money savers ever offered the merchant. Write quick for information, terms, etc. Automatic Computing Bin Co., Shreveport, La ie WE had your address we'd send free sample and show you how to make $25—not one week, but weekly. G. Mfg. Co., Warren St., New York, Suite 80 AGENTS—Sell Concentrated Liquor Ex tracts for making liquors and cordials at home. A few minutes does the work Saves over 50 per cent. Guaranteed strictly legitimate. Small package; enormous demand; sells fast; coins you money Send postal to-day. We’ll show you how to make money quick. Universal Import Co., 5J3 Sycamore 84., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Salesmen to sell our line of polishes to the grocery trade. Send stamp for particulars Heroux Mfg Co. 199 Short St., Attleboro, Mass. 6-1-3 WANTED—Agents, add $6 to $18 to your weekly income selling our guar anteed hair treatments to negroes. No fake. Every negro a possible customer. Terms free McPherson Specialty Co., Box 4, Norton, Va __ rnake big money and become sales managers for our goods; fast office sellers; fine profits; particulars and samples free. One Dip Pen Company, Dept. 567, Baltimore, Md. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Mail order dealers and agents Get our offer on Dr. Hall's “Sexual Knowledge." the greatest "Sex Hygiene” hook published, setting forth scientific sex facts in plain language; also “Eugenics'' fully explained, includ ing “Moral Issues and Reforms of To day,” all in one volume, 320 pages, il lustrated. only $1. We are spending thousands of dollars advertising this truly wonderful sex book In all the leading newspapers and magazines. See display advertisement In almost any magazine you pick up, especially Sun day Magazine of this paper. Enormous demand. Everybody wants plain sex facts to take the place of ignorance that has so long prevailed concerning such matters. Explains for the first time In a popular work, many hitherto misunderstood experiences. $886 cash ($1 orders) received direct from one magazine advertisement. Let me. show you how to get some of these dollars from our advertising. We supply circu lars wdth your name and address, and also electro, to help advertise and sell this great book. Don’t miss this oppor tunity International Bible House. L6th and Chestnut, Dept. 204, Philadelphia, Pa., U. 8. A. ^ WANTED -Agents; salary or commis sion. Greatest seller yet. Every user pen and ink buys on elfcht. 200 to 500 per cent profit. One agent’s sales $620 in six days; another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 142. I^nCrosse. Wls WANTED—Cigar salesmen to carry line of cigars on the road. Salary $100 per month and expenses Experience not necessary. Continental Cigar Company, Wichita, Kans. WANTED—Salesmen to handle the ”1920 SEGAR” on the side; good com mission and easy seller. Dorr Cigar Factory, Augusta, Qa. WANTED Salesmen; $76 per month and all expenses to begin; experience not absolutely necessary; take orders from dealers for cigarettes, cigars, smoking and chewing tobaccos. Penn Tobacco Co., Station O, New York, N. Y. WANTED—Two experienced salesmen. capable of earning $50 per week or more. We can offer you an unusual op portunity selling a nationally advertised specialty. Call 8 to 9 a. m. 407 Austell Bldg. ,\sk for Mr. white. 100 NEW AGENTS- GoM watches free; sdl Dr. Doran’s Queen Root U*»rdlnl; free sewing machines; samples free. Do- ran Drug Co.. Paducah, Ky. AGENTS WANTED for article' which no housewife can resist. Sells at al most every home. Write quick for frea particulars. Clinton Specialty Company, Clinton, Iowa. THE SANI-MASSEtm. COMPETENT lady agents wanted; good profit to good salesmen. 68V4 White hall ^treer WE HAVE openings for ten lot saloe- men to sell Improved lots in Druid Hills and Peachtree section, on easy terms. A hustler can earn from $250 per month upward. Address "Lot Sales man.” Box 13. care Georgian SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. Wa'^TKD Ambitious young man de sires position where there is chance for advancement; rapid and accurate bookkeeper; also knowledge of banking, anxious to work: steady habits; A-l references. Address R. T. Dutton, Al- pharetta, Qa. WANTED By an experienced book keeper, set of books to write up at night. Address C. F., Box 682, care Georgian. WANTED—An experienced soda clerk would like Job with some drug store 21 Win ' L. IT. Wall. Windsor street. BOYS AND GIRLS—Easy Christmas money after school. No matter where you live. Write or call on W. B. Sas- nett, manufacturing agents, 511 Temple Court, Atlanta. Ga. WANTED—Honest men and women everywhere to Solicit subscriptions for The Georgian Weekly News Briefs, Daily Georgian and Hearst’s Sunday Ameri can. Liberal commission offered to hus tlers 1 am interested. Send me your agent’s outfit. Name No Street City State R. F. D. No WANTED, EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED HELP IN BAG FACTORY. Good Wages. Fulton Bag & CotJon Mills, Atlanta, Ga. 1,1 j i u,. « . * •» : — WANTED—Competent nurse who would stay at night and a first-class cook; room on lot: good wages. 779 Piedmont Ave. Ivy 59. ave. nj . WRITE moving picture plays; $50 each; all or spare time: no experience nor correspondence course. Details free. Atlas Publishing Company, 97, Clncln- nati Ohio. WANTED—$1 per dozen can be earned at home embroidering one corner la dies’ handkerchiefs. Any quantity. Plain spare time work. Trial lot stamped handkerchiefs and instructions, 20c. Sent any distant prepaid. Ara bian Supply’ Company. Dept. 44, Cleve land. Ohio. WANTED—Hustlers; boys and girls to sell twelve packs of postcards. 10c each Splendid premiums or cash com mission Write to-day. H. A Puckett. box 437. Atlanta. ARE foTJ E'X'KrNG for results? The Want Ad pages of Hearst’s Sunday American and Atlanta Georgian fill the bill WANTED- Agents to sell health and ao cident insurance in every county in State Contract to yield $24 to $48 a week. Box 750, Atlanta. WANTED—An experienced clerk famil iar with mail order trade; must be familiar with dry goods; prefer a wom an 30 or 35 years of age. Apply In writing of applicant. Address Jackson, P. O. Box 545. COLORED WOMEN agents for wonder working Palmer's Skin Whitener. Start own business. 100 per cent profit Si.50 outfit free to responsible agents Write to-day. giving references, Jacobs' I * 1 iarmacy, Atlanta, Ga. 1-25-3 WANTED—Twenty-Jive young ladles to solicit subscriptions for the lea/ling fraternal magazine of the State. Sal ary or, commission. Apply W. M. Felts, 57 Etj4%en;a street, Atlanta. PICTURE PLAYS. YOU can 'earn with our Instructions Write for particulars. A1 Bartlett Film Company. Rhodes Building WRITE MOTION !D"7;„ v ^ our instructions, $1 postpaid. National Studio. Cincinnati, Ohio._ WOULD YOU BUY a good automobile cheap? The automobile columns of the “Want Ad” section carry a list of automobiles and accessories WANTED—Our $1 adding machine adds quicker and better than yourself; many already in use: sent prepaid upon receipt of price; money returned If not 'leased. Agents wanted. Haynes Mfg. 'o.. Henrietta, N. C. AGENTS WANTED Imported Sr” fumes, flavorings. Soaps. Toilet Arti cles Christ mas Boxes, Teas, Coffees. Outfit loaned; credit, given. Paris Per- fume C\*;npany. Newark. N. J. WOULD $40 a week interest you7 We seek a representative for our old es tablished brand of guaranteed hosiery. Sold direct to consumers Protected ter ritory Credit given. Parker Mills, 735 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. EARN g< od pay copying addresses. Par ticulars six stamps. Hinchey, 345, Middleport, N. Y. 31-25-6 A 25-CEXT WINNER. AGENTS, canvassers, salesmen, great success first day out; men coining money selling our Self-Lighting Gas Burner and Automatic Stove and Mantle Lighter. They sell on sight. Send 20c for sample State rights and exclusive territory given Guaranteed ManiHac- turing Company, 1777 Broadway, New York. AGENTS—100 per cent; lightning sell ers; transparent handled novelty knives; exclusive territory; blades guar anteed Novelty Co., 626 Bar, Canton, Ohio. $1,300 COLD CASH ilADE, t*AIl>, BANKED in 30 days by Stoneman; $15,000 to date. Join our famous $1,000 class, which absolutely Insures $1,000 per man, per county. Korstad, a farm er. did $2,200 in 14 days. Schleicher, a minister, $195 first 12 hours after ap pointment. Ten Inexperienced men di vided $40,000 within 18 months. Strange invention; startles world. Agents amazed. Think what this invention does. Gives every home a bathroom with hot and cold running water for $6.50. Abolishes plumbing, waterworks Self heating No wonder Hart sold D» in 3 hours $5,000 altogether. Lodewlclc 17 first day. Credit given. Come now. Investigate. Postal will do. Exclusive sale. Requires quick action, but means $1,000 and more for you. Allen Mfg Co., 8837 Allen Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. . FIFTY CENTS »in quantities) buys a full size compressed air clothes wash er Weighs only two pounds. Women grab It at $1.60; 200 per cent. Thorough ly cleans tub of clothes In three min utes. Wash day no longer dreaded. Mrs. Marrlck earned $90 first three weeks. A 14 year-old Kansas boy made $55.40 outside of school hours during September. Send for catalogue to-day and get your county right which is FREE. Wendell Washer Co., 124 Oak St., Le 1 pslc, Ohio. WANTED Two experienced salesmen capable of earning $50 per week or more; we can offer you an unusual op portunity selling a nationally advertised specialty. Call 8 to 9 a. m. or 4:30 to 5:30 a m , 407 Austell Bldg. Ask for Mr. Wilkinson. SALESMEN Hustlers; capable of earn ing $25 to $50 weekly, to Introduce In your territory our guaranteed foot cure. Sells Itself. Experience unnecessary. Write l d Ami Co., Astoria, N. Y. LC >C A TV n KPKES BN TA TIVE W ANTED No canvassing or soliciting required: good income assured. Address National Co-Operative Realty Co., V-949 Marden Building. Washington. D. C. TEACHERS WANTED. WEf?R , EE?rTea7j»er!r - for w ^raruiaTy ? ^open^ ings. Calls coming in now. Sheridan’s Teachers Agency, 307 Candler Building, FIVE? intermediate teachers wdth cer- tifleates; graduates of normals pre ferred; at salaries from $50 to $60 per month. Work to begin January 5. W. H. JJ%es, Manager. Southern Teachers’ Agency, 1 i nbia s C SPECIAL KNU'iIJ.MKNT Many open ings. Foster’s Teachers’ Agency, 618 Third National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. SIMPLIFY HOME, house and room seeking by saving time, temper and tramping by consulting The Georgian's Rent Bulletin. SALESMEN WANTED. I WANT four good salesmen who have had dealings with drug stores, to re- i main in Memphis, Nashville, Chatta- I nooga and Knoxville and give constant j care to taking orders; new company I Just forming Cobber); each salesman I must Invest $300 to receive weekly saJ- j ary of $20 per week and commissions; we have splendid established trade to call on; no canvassers need apply. Ad dress F E. W., care New’ Brittain viHuta, Ga. WANTED- Agents make big profits handling our “Fast Selling Holiday Tost Cards," "Novelty Signs,” "Holi day Decorations,” "Pennants.” etc. 5.000 varieties. Demand unlimited. Write to-day for free catalog. Sulli van Company, 1234 VanBuren street, Chicago. WA NT'KD AfrKNTS--tou hav«~Wn looking for something to sell to col ored people, we have It! “Negro Angels Entering Heaven.” Home Supply Co., Jackson, Miss. WANTED Salesman for general mer cantile trade. Vacancy January 1. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Com mission contract; $35 weekly for ex penses. Continental Jewelry Company. 347-40 Continental fBuilding, Cleveland, Ohio. r SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE. SPECIAL RATES for situa tion Wtfnted ads; 3 lines 1 tima, 10c; 3 times^20c^7^1rnes. 40c WA?f¥Tcfh^Well educated young man of experience wants position when- character and high capabilities count. Good correspondent, bookkeeper and systematizes Can use typewriter. Would consider working interest if good opportunity. Now employed. Address P. O. Box 378, Atlanta. POSITION as superintendent of farm by successful, experienced, progressive man, skilled In the use oX up-to-date machinery; 80 years old, energetic, tem perate and a hustler. *>L. Lawson, Gen eral Delivery, Savannah. Ga wanted Position by hm Mcpsriancsd colored man bricklayer doing repair work and odd jobs. Address 34 Glenn- wood avenue. A. L. Copland. WANTED Position by chef in hotel or cafe. European or American plan. Best of references. Box 761, car© Geor gian. WANTED--Crop to tend* on shares by young married man. Sober and re liable. References exchanged. Ad dress “Farm.” care J. E. Barnett, Ma- con, Ga., General Deiivery WANTED - Position by experienced bookkeeper and office man; seven years of experience; use typewriter; ref erences furnished. Phone Ivy 7199-L. Ask for bookkeeper. W \ NTEi» (>ffi< e or clerical position by young man, 17; best references. Call Main 6599 J. YOfNCi MAN STeK-OOUAITIER, hard worker and reliable, desires change for best reasons. Can begin on short notice. Moderate salary. Present em ployer as reference. Hteno., Box 7, care Georgian. WA NTED - Middle-aped collector bf good experience wishes position with instalment concern or weekly premium Insurance company; best of references and bond given. Address Collector, care Georgian. FERTILIZER SALESMAN WANTS position for coming season. Alabama. Georgia or South Carolina. Address Bradford, Salesman, Box 422, care Georgian. I tlDir* OKA DE BOOKKEE PER ami combination office man desires con nection with responsible real estate firm, as office man and salesman to work on salary and commission Owns auto; plenty of friends and can get re sults. Address F. L. T., Box 4, care Georgian. FARM overseer, at liberty for 1914. Can furnish A-l reference. Address Aaron Tyson, Douglas, Ga. PRINTER A-l union ad man wants steady position; married man; ten years’ experience. Can come at once J. Ward, 918 Lincoln street, Savannah, Ga. ^ WAlM'I&D- -Position as manager of a farm for 1914, sober, experienced mid dle Georgia farmer: best of reference jlddrsw M . Route ■. Box 65. Rome. Oa wanted Position as stenographer and general office man by young man, 24 years of age; four years experience. Best references Address A. A. A., Box l", para Georgian WANTED Position by co'ored chauf feur; good references. T. L. 8tevens, 260 East Gain. Call Ivy 2457. WANTED—Position a* janitor. I am also experienced with railroads as train porter S. Smith, 139 Orme street. WANTED Position as druggist. Have Georgia llcsnse. Address B., care Georgian. wanted By colored man, position as cook: also willing to do housework; good references. Address W. W., Box 5. care Georgian. _ WANTED E\r ••rDT,''Dd Stenographer and dictaphone operator desires posi tion January 1. Best of references. Ad- dress P. E J., care Georgian. W A NT ED Position as assistant book keeper or shipping e'erk In some wholesale house by young man; accu rate in figures, can use typewriter; will ing to leave city E. P., Box 23, care Georgian. WANTED By young Vian, 24, position as clerk; have had two years' expe rience in grocery store. Can furnish A-l referen^ea. Address L. C., Box 3, care Georgian. WANTED By young iDigrapher position; best of references. S.. Box 90s, care Georgian. WANTED Job na man cook at once. William Epps, in rear of 20 East Ellis street. REGISTERED APOTHECARY wants position: nine years’ experience. Ad- dress A. B. Garber, Lawrenceville Va. BARBER A-l, white, at once, for 15c shop; $15 guarantee; 60% over $25: no student. Made bach, 224 Eighth, Augus ta. Ga. WANTED Bj young man willing to work, position ns assistant shipping clerk or any position with advancement. Moderate salary. Address J. B. F., Box 652j | i re Ge « gU n W VNTED Position as chauffeur by col ored man. Best of references Three years’ experience. Able to take care of oar. 270 North Butler street. E. L. Val- \ entlne. \ WANTED Position by reliable colored man with some experience as train porter. Address E. M. McLerin, rear 44 I lent y St. WANTED—Position by young man, 28, raised in the country; six years’ ex perience shipping clerk and general of fice w’ork. Address J. G., Box 14, care Georgian. WANTDt.) Situation as foreman molder in high-class engine, machine or gen eral Jobbing work; 30 years’ experience; age 45. Robert Clarkson, 614 Third street, West Anniston, Ala. WANTED—By young man, 27, with some experience in the grocery busi ness. position at once. Address F. A. B., care Georgian. WANTED- Situation by young country man traveling for some reliable firm. Hardware or drug preferred. Can give best of references. fc?., Box 304, care Georgian. CAPABLE corporation office man now open for a change; references. C. M F., No. 311 Capitol avenue. QassSfied Adver tising Rates: 1 insertion 10c a line S Insertions 6c a line 7 Insertions 5c a line SO Insertions 4Ho a line 90 Insertions 4c a line No advertisements taken for less than the cost of two lines. Shi words makes a line. TELEPHONH MAIN 100 ATLANTA mo. Classified Adver tisers May telephone their "Want Ads ’ The f’.eondan will not be responsible for more than one In correct Insertion of any advertise- ment ordered for more than one time. The CeorKlnn reserves the rl,ht to correctly classify all Want Ada The Georgian can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors of any kind occurring la telephoned advertisements. The Georgian will not accept phone or verbal orders to discon tinue at change (T P.) “Till For bid” aMvertlsements. Advertiser should retain receipts given by The Georgian In payment of Want Ads. as no mistake can be recti fied without them. Read for Profit Use for Results Hearst’s .SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads: 3 lines 1 tlma. 10c; 3 times. 20o; 7 times. 40c. EXTT^RHJNun^D^inck nurse; maternity a specialty. Highly indorsed by lead ing Atlanta physicians. Dates booked in advance. West 1054 or Ivy 7304-J. STENOGRAPHER--Young lady with eight years’ experience in legal work and home office insurance wants posi tion in Atlanta. Best references. Sal ary not less than $75.00. Box 594, Athens. Ga. UNDERGRADUATE nursg with beat medical references desires private nursing. 55 East Harris street; Apart ment 1. fOUNG lady stenographer^ three years’ experience, desires position at once. Call Ivy 3987. EXPERIENCED stenographer and dic taphone operator desires position Jan uary 1. Best of references. Address P. E. J., care Georgian. ‘WANT ADS” WANTED—Experienced lady stenogra pher from Chicago desires position. Address L R. B„ Box 3, rare Geor- glan. * ' wanted Trained nurse, seven years* experience, desires position in den tist’s office. Address X. Y. Z., 102 Ivy street. Well experienced stenogra- ior. WANTED pher wants position. Address fcte nographer, B., 102 Ivy St wanted Position by young lady 53 stenographer; have had six months’ experience. Call M. 1419-J. EXPERIENCED housekeeper and cook, strong and well, wants home in good family; reasonable pay; best of refer ences. Address Mrs. J. A. S., care At lanta Georgian. WANTED Typewriting to do nt home; work called for and delivered. Call M 8434. WANTED- Experienced stenographer with good references desires to make change January 1. Y. Z.. Box 88, care Georgian. SETTLED, refined lady wTll assist In housework part of day for room and board for winter. N., Box 311, care Georgian. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOURyoung men can get excellent ta ble board; only those desiring flrst- class home surroundings need apply. 55 Enst \ fa rris, A part merit 1 NICE R60M With steam heat and prU vate bath for couple or several young men. 647 Peachtree street. 131 \\ \SHlNGTON Rooms and mwjg WANTED A coupl* to board or ar range to live In nicely furnished home with owner. Address A. B., Box 175, care Georgian^ LARGE front room and single room; steam heat; Peachtree street Ivy 1779-J. WANTED Gentleman to board in pri vate family; home cooking; fresh farm butter. Call Main 992-J. 198 South Pryor street. THE BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE BUREAU OF INFORMA TION. INFORMATION FREE. Ivy 8424. Atlanta 293. 259 Candler Annex. WHEN In need of boarding place, fur- d or unfurnished rooms or fur nished apartments, see us, as we havs listed at our office the best places on all streets in the city. WE are the people who give results. Try us. 104 N. PRYOR. STREET. No Offices Elsewhere. YOUNG LADY stenographer desires po sition. Willing to work for reasonable salary. Call West 674-L. WANTED—Position by young lady, either office work or private telephone exchange. Address L. B., Box 4, care Georgian. WANTED Position by reliable settled colored woman as nurse or any kind of housework; willing to stay at nights. Address 167 West Mitchell street. At lanta pihone 6022-M. REFINED young woman desires posi tion as companion and nurse for in valid lady or one child; would assist with light housekeeping; must have work. Nurse, Box 98 care Georgian. WANTED Position as cook or maid. Can furnish best of references. Ruth Sanders, 368 North Butler street. wanted Cases to nurse by expert- enped stok nurse; six years’ expert enee; maternity cases a specialty. Main 2383-L. WANTED -Position; must have work where wages will not be less than $6 a week- anything honorab’e. Address A. L., 47 Markham 8j Atlanta, Ga. WANTED By settled, refined lady a place as housekeeper and ompanlon. Will furnish own room. Live with eld- erly couple. H . Box 38, care Georgian. EXPERIENCED young lady steno-book- keeper desiges position by first of year Experienced in department store. An swer Necessity, care Georgian DRESSMAKING — DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING alterations and ladies tailoring. Good work. Reasonable prices. 59 West Baker street. WANTED- Dressmaking or plain sew ing. Reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed Ivy 7567. Wijl call. WANTED Sewing amT dressmaking. $1 25 per day First-class work. Dressma 1 per maker, 374 East Hunter street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE. ElMW^TSfisTATTENTION! When In need of a careful bookkeeper, a com petent stenographer or other efficient office help, call Ivy 4857. Atlanta Em- ployment Agency. 1126 Hurt Bldg. MIDDLE AGED couple want employ ment. Can manage or assist in ho tel, store or farm work. Couple, 81 South Pryor street. Atlanta. ROOM AND BOARD, or rooms without board; reasonable rates. Modern con- venlences. Ivy 3741-L. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms with select board at $4.50 a week. 123 Cap itol Ave. Mree gentlemen or three young business ladles or re fined couple. Atlanta phone 5600-A. Ill Washington St. TWo nicely furnished or unfurnished rooms, with or without board. 218 Bass, half blockefrom Capitol avenue, near school, BUSINESS MEN can get room and ex cellent board. Turkey dinner Christ- mah. 272 Houth Pryor. LARGE front room and dressing room, w 1th board. 766 Peadhtrce. Ivy 7744-J. NICELY furnished rooms conveniences! furnace, excellent meals. 109 West Harris._ Ivy 2540-J. LARGE, newly papered rooms and ex- cellent board; modern conveniences; garage In rear. 121 Capitol square. Main 4839-J ROOM and board con be found at "257 Whitehall street. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished rooms, furnace heat, home oooklng. 15 Currier street. Ivy 8086. • | NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, REA SONABLE, WITH BOARD; CLOSE IN. MAIN 4380-L. _ DANDY sleeping porch with sitting room, with or without breakfast ana supper. Also rooms for light house- keiping West 9 0-J. LARGE FURNACE - HEATED room with private bath and board; near Georgian Terrace. Tv.v 2927-J. riUVA 7K BO A ftp, steam heat, all oon- venlences; old-fashioned Southern cook 1 ng Ivy 6421-J. NICE" rooms, with board, for couple® or young men, in private home. 256 Capitol avenue. Main 2031-L. DOS tion; swift worker; good general hand in bindery. No ruling or finishing. Ad dress Terry. 892 Pulliam street. WANTED- Position on the road for re- liable concern. E. N. Richard, Dade i City. Fla. WANT ED-Position by experienced | double entry bookkeeper, bill clerk, ' typist and office man; use typewriter i rapidly; keep neat set of books; refer- j ences furnished. Call Bookkeeper, Main 277L PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. omr\;l a r-i .kttfkS^ PROCESS. MISS HATTIE FLEXNER, 419 Empire Bldg Ivy 8178. ROOMS AND BOARD. WAN^Tlff)--Board ers. Nice room and board. 58 Garnett. Phone Main 1588-J. ROOMS board. - With or without Reasonable rate. > Iy y 3741-L. 29 East Harris street. THE PATTEN, 11 CONE BT. IVY 5491-1* Newly furnished rooms; good meals, 25c 5 meals for $1. NICE ROOM and board. 14 50 week. 1*- dies or g. ntlemen. 12J Capitol av». BFST~MEA1 .S IN TOWN, 13 WEEK; ROOM AND MEALS. 14 197 SOUTH PRYOR CALL MAIN 5048. PEACHTREE INN TRANSIENT and family hotel*, home cooking: 150 rooms, with or without private baths. Public baths on all floor*. Both phones. YOUR Lost and Found” ad* will ba taken over phone. Advertise for your articles in The Georgian and have them returned to you. 8IMPLIFY HOME, houm and seeking by saving time, tem, tramping by consulting Ths G«b’ Rent BullMUh