Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 07, 1913, Image 32

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•• §, am t-ift-*-****,*- ** 'V i ># * «- W m "* --** w-vr^ier 4 D mwiMS ?1NT)\y \ M ERIC AN READ FOR PROFIT SUNDAY AMERICAN WANT ADS USE FOR RESULTS ATLANTA. GA., SUNDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1018. | lootin' Poolltry Fanciers Annonnce Here Their Offerings For 19113-11914 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS THIS YEAR at Southern International Poultry Association, I entered three cocks, three hens and three pullets. 1 won 1st and 4th cock. 1st, 3d and 4th hen. This cock has been shown | at three different shows, and has always taken! first prize. Eggs from this pen, $5.00 per lo. MY WINNINGS last season were 1st cockerel; 1st. 3d. 4th cock; 1st. 2d, 3d, 4th pullet; 4th ! pen. These winnings were at Georgia Poultry Association. Atlanta; Savannah Poultry Associa tion. Savannah, and Southern International Poultry Association, at Atlanta. At Savannah 1 got “Specials” for best cock, cockerel and pullet. Eggs in season. For prices address MRS. W. A. SHARP COLLEGE PARK, GA*. “You Should Worry” IP YOU DON T GET YOUR Poultry h oods and Supplies FROM “arcu” McMillan bros. “bob” SEED CO. NOTE OUR NUMBER 12 S. Broad St. ^ BHd s e Block Atlanta Bell Phone M. 3076. Atlanta Phone 593. Aldrich Strain White Orpingtons T(i POINTS against 70 points for all competitors combined. Mrs. L P Eberhardt, who breeds Aldrich strain exclusively, and our birds, won 1st and 2d pens, 1st and 3d pullets; 1st, 3d, 4th hens; 3d and 4(li cockerels, and 2d cock. Sec our display a I Poultry Show, where we have on display Quality King, finest living White Orpington. Orders for eggs now being hooked. Address ALDRICH POULTRY FARM Station B. Columbus, Ohio. BARRED ROCKS IF YOU want as good Barred Plymouth Rocks as arc on the market, I have them. MY BIRDS won on everv entrv in show. I make w •/ a specialty of selling prize winners for shows. 1 HAD on exhibition the Barred Rock Cock pro nounced by all Phenomenal Barring. This bird was one day late, so could not compete. I CAN satisfy and supply you in this breed. GEORGE R. BERRY ROME, GA. WHITE LEGHORNS WHITE LEGHORNS are mj specialty. I hare spared neither expense nor time in bringing my birds up t,o the standard. They are always heard from at the shows. Eggs and stock for snlr m an> quantities at, all times. Write me for prices OAK HILL FARM B P Hart. Proprietor. College Park, Ga. E. L. ALLISON Breeder and Exhibitor S. C. BLACK AND WHITE ORPINGTONS Wins prize* a: the Atlanta *hov as follows 2d cockerel, 4th hen. 1 •> :tck Orpingtons, and 4th cockerel White Orpingtons. For young stock in ! ♦-•eg ' <5, * and $10 per setting, WRITE Rout e ♦>. E. L. ALLISON Columbia. S. C. When Interested in Leghorns of QUALITY See us first. Model Strains, Single Comb White Leghorns Never fall to win and lay See our exhibit at Atlanta Show, of th* ninth priz* pen. winner* in Philadelphia. North American Egg Laying Contest, held at Storr's Kxperimental Station, Storm, Conn., 1912-13. Our winnings at this show' as follows: 2d, 3d, 4th cock; 2d cock erel; 3d. 4th pullet; 2d pen. Out of 10 entries there were S winners, and our exhibit led all on White Leghorns. T hese birds are eventually what you want. ‘ A limited number of eggs at $10 per 13. See certified egg record on exhibit. Cockerels, hens, j 1 pullets for sale. Meet our president an<? manager at the show’. We are ready. Are you ? MODEL POULTRY FARMS (Inc.) J. L. Reinhardt, Pres. COLBERT. GEORGIA. Geo. A. Libhart, Mgr. i YVHiTE WYANDOT FES I AM OFFERING a rare opportunity for great White Wyandottes for money invested. THE BEST is none too good, and yon get them from M..F. Morris, 525 Atlanta National Bank Building, Atlanta Ga. MY BIRDS have won all over the country. In competition with 11 magnificent pen entries on White Wyandottes, my pen cap- i tured FIRST PRIZE. M. F. MORRIS Farm, Stone Mountain, Ga. Office, 525 Atlanta National Bank Building, Atlanta. Ga. PIT GAMES I AM BREEDER of up-to-date Pit Games. Pan fur uish stoek and eggs at all tiines SEE my display at show. Z. A. TATE ELBERTON, GA Silver Laced Wyandottes t have th» btst Siivsr Wyandottes o n the market My birds won the fol lowing prizes at this week’s show: First, second, third, fourth, fifth pullet; first second, third, fourth cockerel; first, third, fourth, fifth cock; second, third fourth, fifth hen: first, second pen; silver cup for best male Silver Wvsr- dotte’In show; silver cup for beet female Silver Wyandotte In show; silver cup for best display Silver Wyandottes Sto clt and eggs for sale. POPE M. LONG OARIXJVAe ALABAMA Marquise S. C. Black Leghorns, Georgia Breed Look for I*g bands, black and red. are the guys that put the egg in Leghorn The BLACK LEGHORN ts the only practical fowl for city fanciers. Come out and how we keen them rrorn flying over the fence. Plant com plete without a hospital. Visitors welcome. Winnings at Atlanta Show as follows: Golden Wyandotte*, first pen; S. C. Black leghorns, first ar.d second cocks, first pen, first, second, third, fourth •nid fifth henft, first and seend cockerels, first, second, third, fourth and fifth pullets. ;Clean sweep. • MARK E. JOHNSON CITY TAX OFFICE 7# Beecher St Athmta. Ga. SOUTH LAKE FARM Breeders of White Blaok, Buff, Columbian. Stiver. Golden. Silvar Pencil and Partridge Wyandottes. also Buff Black and White Orpingtons. Our winnings at show were: On Black Wyandottes, 1. 3, 3, *, 8 cockerel; 1 2. 4. 5 hen: 1. 2. S, 4, 5 pullet. Columbia Wyandottes 1. 2, 3, 4. 6 hen: 1, 2. 8, 4 pullet; first pem. Silver Wyandottes. 1 hen, 2 cockerel. 5 cockerel. 3 pen Silver-Penciled Wyandottes X, 2, 3, pulet; 1, 2. 3. 4 hen: first cockerel! Cartridge Wvandottes, 8 cock: 4, 5, pullet. Buff Wyandottes 1. 3. :t, 4 5 cock; 1, 2. S, 4, 5 hen White Wyandottes 3. 4. pen. Buff Orpingtons 1st pen, 5 cockerel. MRS. J. M. HAR T, Proprietor Bell Phone 303-L East Point Exchange. COLLEGE PARK. GA Partridge Plymouth Rocks a .r u.i.g, at the great Atlanta Show are as follows: Second cock, second ' second, third and fifth cockerel first pullet and thin pei r vio-.’k and eggs for salt* at very niodera'it* prices \v. Hum's, A 1 LAX 1 A, UA- BLACK LANGSHANS M> v\ > nings i Black I .angshans ai Southern International were se fo. • •ws. On ten entries in nig show, third pen. firs: and second pullet, second • keroi. fifth cock. In Children's Show, sweepstake* cockerel, first and sec- i*d -..okere' > iivd pullet. Stock and eggs for sale at ail time* Larkin Hill, J Jr., Lakewood Heights. Atlanta H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, BULBS, ROSE BUSHES AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. BELL PHONES: MAIN 2568, MAIN 3962; ATLANTA 2568. THERE TS NO good reason why every one that has a home in Atlanta should not have plenty of roses. For $2.50 we will furnish one dozen two-year-old bushes that will begin blooming in early spring and continue to bloom until very late fall. These bushes are field grown and transplanted at this season of the year doesn’t set them back any. We have all of the popular varieties. Ask for our rose catalogue and make your selection. HAVE YOU SEEN the beautiful pots of blooming Cyclamen we are show ing? There are no prettier ones in the city, and our prices are one-half what you pay at the florists’. Bear this in mind, and Christmas, when you want to send a friend a blooming plant, come to Hastings’ for it. We will also have pots of Narcissus and Roman Hya cinths. WE HAVE ordered ten dozefi Canary Birds to be shipped to us direct from Germany for the Christmas trade. A sweet singing Canary Bird makes a very acceptable gift and this lot will be ext ra good singers. The price will be the same, $2.75 each. WE HA VE A NICE line of Brass Cages at prices ranging from $1.25 up to $5.00. GOLDFISH FOR PRESENTS. They are always a source of great pleasure and interest to the children. We have some beautifully marked ones at 10c, 15c and 25c each. Fish Globes from 25c up to $3.00. ARE YOUR HENS LAYING? If not, get a bag of Red Comb Mash Feed for them. It is the greatest egg-producing food on the market. $2.35 per 100 pounds; 10 pounds, 25 cents. LOOK OUT FOR ROUP this damp weather. Get a box of Pratt’s Roup Cure, put it in the drinking water twice a week. It is a preventive as well as a cure. 25c and 50c boxes. SELF-LOCKING CARTONS for de- t livering eggs in. Hold one dozen. 'They eliminate all danger of breakage and miscounts. 15 cents a dozen; $1.00 per 100 cartons. WHEN YOU NEED poultry feeds, sup plies and remedies, come to Hastings’. We carry the best brands of feed, and our prices are right. If it is a good thing for poultry, we have it. COME IN and get a copy of Pratt's Poultry Book. 160 pages of good dope. Every fancier should have one. •They are free for the asking. J. C. McMillan, Jr. SEED COMPANY “QUALITY" SEEDS * 23 South Broad Street. Bril Phone M. 940 Both 1 ’hones At la “» 2 Ph °w WHITE and BLACK ORPINGTONS MY COMBINED winnings on White and Black Orpingtons r Southern International Show were: WHITE ORPINGTONS—1st and 2d pens; 1st hen, 2d and 3d pullet. BLACK ORPINGTON—1st and 4th pens; 2d hen; 2d pnltet SWEEPSTAKES PEN OF SHOW (Pen of Black Orpingtons'- SWEEPSTAKES HEN OF SHOW (White Orpington). HUNDREDS of beautiful birds for sale. Eggs for sale after Jgjm ary 1. MRS. L. P. EBERHARDT ELBERTON, GA. Mrs. P. T. Callaway’s Reds Won First, third, fourth, fifth cocks, first, third, fourth oeek«rtf; third fetm, Sweep stakes cock <Ty Cobb came back). This Is a poach that takes first over an comers. Won In S. I. Poultry Show last year. “He Crows—Atlanta Grows." Hurrah for the Southern International. If You Want the Best in Reds, as (rood as the World Produces, I Have Them. The Right Shade of Red, Extra Large in Size, correct type, with constitutional vigor, and wonderful laying qualities My wls, nings the past two seasons in the hottest of Red shows Is sufficient evidence that T have the BIRDH WITH THE RICH BLAOK TAILS in color, and the proper biaxik wing markings, which most breeders have loet sight of. But it takes these to win the Blue, in this day and time. Eggs from my three be§t pens, all headed by first prize males, containing mostly prize-winning females, a? $25 per setting straight. Other fine pens of same blood lines, fo per bet ting. $2o per hundred. Several hundred magnificent birds for sale. I raised all my winners the past season, and furnished many winners to customer*. I. you want the cream of Reds in tyr>© and color, write me. MRS. P. T. CALLAWAY WASHINGTON, GEORGIA. PATTERSON FARM White Plymouth Rocks HAVE BEEN winners for years at the best shows. Are offering special mated pens and trios at very REASONABLE PRICES. COCKS, COCKERELS, HENS and PULLETS at PRICES TO SUIT ALL. OUR WINNINGS at show this week on five entries White Rocks were: 1st cockerel; 2d hen; 3d cock; 2d pen. WRITE US. We have the Birds and guarantee satisfaction. PATTERSON FARM FITZGERALD, GA. H. L. D. HUGHES DANVILLE, GEORGIA. Breeder of the Best BLACK ORPINGTONS. RHODE J SLANT 1 WHITES, RHODE ISLAND REDS, INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS, in ?»»• and White, and White. Stock end Ksgs tvi gale. Winning* for Atlanta show ae follows: Atlanta, Indian Ranner Da&ti | 1st pen, 1st and 2d cock, let and Sd hen, let cockerel and let paUe! , Rhode Island Whites, let cock, let hen, 1st cockerel, let pullet; Buff Or 1 pinyten, 3d pen. H. L. D. HUGHES DANVILLE. GEORGIA. At the Big Atlanta Show * This Week I entered 13 birds and 11 of them were in the winning. 200 H*’ ris and Pullets for sale at $1.50. If you want Barred Plymouth Rocks with the right kin' neat and clean even barring, the kind that win and lay eggs, f ha' 1 them in any quantity. Raised on free range. My birds have " ‘ for the past two years in hot company and will please anyone RED JONES The Barred Rock Specialist, FITZGERALD, GA. uisnsim.r