Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 07, 1913, Image 34

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«» 13 HEARST’S ST*NDAY AMERICAN JxifiAD b UK ritOi' iT />rr<\ By FORREST ADAUR Real estate m Atlanta does not* go back ward. Aboot the worst thing that ever hap pens to bs that a particular section may go through a process ot seasoning for a few months. At the end of the seasoning period trade starts up with renewed activity, higher values are established and the trend is ever Only a few years ago Trinity Avenue, Mitchell Street, Oarnett Street, Forsyth Street, Central Avenue and Pryor Street were looked upon only as a boarding house district. It was not considered the property had any further usefuflnessor any additional value. Then began the invasion by wholesale and man ufacturing concerns, resulting in a complete change in the status of this .-property. It is now treated by all real estate men as business property. During the transformation from boarding house to business property values readjusted themselves, increasing from $100 and $200 a foot up to $500 and $1,000 a foot. Nelson St. frontage is just about as near the middle of Atlanta as it would be possible to establish a wholesale and manufacturing dis trict. Proximity to center is sometimes ac quired at the expense of disconnection from railroad tracks. For ceirtain lines of business a railroad track is a vital element. The Nel son Street property has the advantage of cen tral location, proximity to everything that goes to make up the activities off the city, having the additional advantage off a railroad track in the rear. Business efficiency determines success or failure in these days off sharp competition. A concern located on Nelson street, right in the heart off Atlanta Terminal District, within one Mock off a passenger station, with all off Atlanta easily accessible by down-hill hauls, and alt the South reached by eight radiating railroad lines— this concern would be hard to down. Conditions right now are favorable to the buyer. The man off brains and cool judgment has the best opportu nity he has had in a long time. By this time buyers will be pushing each other out off line. Edwin P. Ansley MJJMDAY AiVl^KlUAJN WAJNT ADS PEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. USJ!i t UK itJfiifi U LiTSS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. For Sale By FOSTER & ROBSON 11 Edgewood Avenue WEST END LOT, 48x149 feet; tile sidewalks; sewer; pas; water. Lot elevated three feet above sidewalk. There is $250 quick profit for the party who buys now. Price only $725. See Air. Cohen. CALIFORNIA bungalow in Decatur; 6 rooms and all modern conveniences, except gas. Hardwood floors; nice fix tures, etc. Large lot, 50x200. $4,500, on terms. See Mr. Bradshaw. THREE 6-ROOM bungalows on North Side, equal to any $10,000 or $12,000 homes in Atlanta in appearance and finish. These are really the prettiest homes to be found any where. Let me show you at once. $6,250, $7,200 and $7,500. See Air. Martin. 44 ADAMS STREET, Oakhurst, a modem up-to-date 8-room house on lot 73x240 feet. One block of car line. Owner leaving city, has reduced price from $6,000 to $5,250. Terms. See Air. White. GREENWOOD AVENUE, near Boulevard, a beautiful home of 6 rooms for only $5,750. You can’t get in a better lo cality for the money. Reasonable terms. See Air. Radford. GOOD FARAI on Wilson Mill Road, 1V> miles from Adams- ville. Five-room house, barn and tenant house. Running water. About 35 to 40 acres cleared; plenty of wood and some fruit. For price and terms, see Air. Eve. GRAHAM & MERK REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING. 301-302 EAIPIRE BUILDING. MAIN 4376. SOUTH GEORGIA— Sub-division tract; 30,000 acres in one body, fine truck and farming land, high and dry. Can raise oranges, grapefruit and figs; in few words, all kinds of vegetables at small cost. Charlton County, Gporgia, 24 miles of Jacksonville, Fla. Railroad runs through this prop erty. Enough timber to half pay for it. Price, $6.50 per acre. Good town and bank. If you don’t mean business, need not answer. Best bargain in Georgia. OAKLAND AYE. CORNER—Two lots with six-room house. Corner lot vacant. Best site on South Side for store, will sell the whole for $4,250. No loan against this. Want as much cash as possible. It’s a bargain. BRYAN STREET—Six-room house. Splendid. Let as show you this, and make us an offer. Must, sell. TEN ACRES on Dunwoody road, in one-half mile of Peach tree in Oglethorpe Section. $300 per acre* Tracts like this are scarce. SPRING STREET—Close in. Right at Carnegie Way. $400 per foot. Owners adjoining refused $600 per foot. Have small equity would like to trade for income property, balance on dead-easy terms. SAIYRNA, GA., two acres and nice house, property fronts three streets. $18.00. Against this will consider ex change. 17 ACRES on nice truck farm, seven miles from city; splen did water and branch with 300 fruit trees; good two- story house in fine condition; chicken bam with runs all ‘ wired in. Land in high state of cultivation. Price $3,750 on terms. , ATLANTA GA. SUNDAY DECEMBER 7. 1913. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. EXCHANGE FOR CITY OR SUBURBAN PROPERTY IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED, approx imately a 2,000-aere farm, about 80 miles below Macon, in one of the best counties in the State. One thousand to 1,200 acres cleared, stumped, and in culti vation. The remainder can be easily brought into cultivation or used for stock-raising purposes. The soil is rich, fertile, and is capable of producing from one to one and a half bales of cotton per acre; corn, hay, oats q,nd other crops accordingly, and is now paying a SPLENDID DIVIDEND ON . THE INVESTMENT. GOOD IMPROVE MENTS AND WELL LOCATED. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED COMMUNICATE WITH US AT ONCE. SMITH & EWING IVY 1513. 130 PEACHTREE. ATL. 2865. W. M. SCOTT & CO 210-212 Gould Bldg. EAST POINT. 600 feet from White HIcknrv plum «, have lot 125 feet front witii «, 1* brick residence; gas. water ami A ct rk lights; room for two more houses- one 50-foot lot, fronting the hack s’treei 0 on which Is a two-story barn Y A takes all of It. ' t-' 13 ® Also on Hendricks street, lot ltai v„ 314 to Second street, with go room cottage; room for two houses: S’.250 takes it. Say $2,000“£Ih on both; then Improve, and no better renting property can be found thai close in at East Point. At Waterworks we have five-room m tage and hall; three lots; big gar,f. r I? 11 *' 5,‘Jr Just outsWe city affd end of Hemphill avenue car line. Vitul, years g time at 6 per cent. Come end W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ELIZABETH STREET HOME. 8 ROOMS. LOT 63 BY 183. PRICE, $6,500. This is near Euclid avenue and in th« best part of Inman Park. It is a home in every sense of the word and the best buy on the North Side. Terms tan be made. W. A. BAKER & CO., 1115-1116 Fourth National Bank. Main 613. FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WE HAVE this amount of cash ready to pay for a good piece of business property, central or semi-central. Figure with us quick if you have anything good to offer. ONE of our friends dropped in the other day and said, “I have two thousand dollars and want to put it in Atlanta renting property, see what you can get.” Now it’s up to you, list with us right quick anything you have for sale, that is, if you need the two thousand. $4,250—INMAN PARK, 7-room home, on lot 55x220, all con veniences, plenty of fruit trees, nice garage, east front, and all that goes to make a jam-up home. Can give terms. $4,750—Clo4e to Highland and North avenue, story and a half bungalow, on fine lot, 50x165. NO LOAN. $3,000—In section between Whitehall and Pryor streets, good store with living rooms above, on fine business comer. NO LOAN. Terms. D. C. SMITH & M. W. TURNER 001 Empire Building. Phone Ivy 8155. FOR SALE BY JUST OFF Edgewood avenue, very close in, a corner with three houses, rent ed all the time for $26.60 moath. Quick sale, bargain, only $2,600.00; terms. ACRES, five-room house, right In Lakewood Heights, line cherted road; house nearly new, good branch. This won't keep at the price. Only $3,500.00; terms. 314 Empire Bldg. Real Estate, Renting. Loans Phones. Ivy 8399. Atl. 1599. G R EENE REALTY CO MPANY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. gharp & goylstoe NEGRO INVESTMENT PROPERTY. THIS is three double three-room negro houses on lot 120x100 feet, situated in one of the best negro renting sections of the city on paved street, with all the im provements. This piece of property will en hance in value as well as being a more than 12 per cent invest ment as it now stands. We can show you the rent records on this for the past 5 years. No better in the city. Price $4,500. Terms. Qeorfiriaie Want Ads LOOK—Tou have read this; It you want anything, others will read your ad it It's in the Want Ad section. HIGH-CLASS SOUTHERN FARM A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS INCLUDED. FIFTEEN MILES SOUTH OF ATLANTA, ON CEN TRAL OF GEORGIA. RAILROAD STATION ON THE FARM. 600 ACRES NOW IN SPLENDID OPER ATION, PAYING WELL. OWNER HAS GOOD REA SON FOR SELLING AT A BARGAIN. INFORMATION TO A REAL PURCHASER FURNISHED BY EDWIN P. ANSLEY LAND DEPT. REALTY TRUST BLDG., ATLANTA, GA. Forrest Adair Big Money in Lot Subdivisions And 75 I.OTS ripe for development. Small expense to get readv for sell ing. CAN BE PICKED UP lit $125 a lot: 100 TER CENT NET PROFIT easily made. Reasonable terms arranged. All inside the city limits and near ear service and good residential section. Sure thing. See. A. S. HOOK, Manager Chelsea Land Company, Suits 501 Empire Life Building. HUGH G. HEAD, Salesman. Ivy 4125, 547S. Atlanta 187. FOR THE NEWLYWED OR SMALL FAMILY. THIS IS the prettiest bungalow, or rather story-and-half, in the Ponce DeLeon section. Rigid off Ponee DeLeon avenue and the car line. Large living room, dining hall, kitchen pantry, hallway, bedroom with closet and tile bathroom downstairs. Two bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs. Stone and brick mantels, beautiful finish to rooms, furnace heat and every modem improvement. Large front porch and stone front. East front, also. $6,250 on terms will buy this complete home. It is brand new. SPRING STREET FRONTAGE NEAR TENTH STREET, on the coming thoroughfare of the city. 175x180 feet. Will sell entire tract or cut into lots. $55 per front foot. It will go'to $65 next year. WASHINGTON STREET HOME—$5,250. NEAR CRUMLEY, on the best part of the str;et, 8 large rooms, all conveniences, good lot with garage and chicken run, cement walks.' Splendid condition. $5,250, on terms, will get this. COLORED INVESTMENT. RENTS for $13.20 per month. Double 6-room house, city water and sewer. Sidewalk in front. Always rented. Price $1,200 on easv terms. THOMSON & LYNES 18 AND 20 WALTON STREET. FHONE IVY 718- ./ T