Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 07, 1913, Image 42

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6 E ITEARST’R ST'NDAY AMERK’AN, ATLANTA, 0A„ SUNDAY, DRr'EMP.ER 7, 1913, Home Looked Pretty Good to Them—By “Bud” Fisher Smiles from Everywhere Oopyvlgtit. 1*1*, by th» Star Company. Great Britain Rights Baser** P^t.MtTrr Meet comes A Mexican ophca?*.. M C kgowx ujy*!. **16R1CANS, ufG’KJE „ (Song T 3 XJMOVAI rr* U/tH-U RAMP To Bull ni*a ikj-ro TMiNn«4b _ WCR6 M&xiCam*. «JHt) v\ Heft; A**c«.tfANs| MOLD, CANTUS **»h' You fififegiCAN PATRIOT* r 1 5M0ULD t>ocy So. ' 1 HOf** you t>otJVT*MNe we aids hats Artiom U«Ll ' r ”tw< Yct> CRM SAV® BOB- meuco , 0*6. Of H€K.&e«ATBVT <S*N6AALS. I Am THAT OBH6RAL 1 HAT) 0«.t>e*.s VRONs HUERTA TO Attackjuarez capture £6n. v/illa and execuTe Hl A, OR GVT VMOT MTieLP JJ th&n IB You TRuD mexiCAHS YOU will Do Mexico a fcfcLArr PATOR-. OK W«'B DO »^r:^ ■vv t /(1/lfvR/// > /1, put J DIDN'T CAPTURE v to somr mdy huit fee SHOT IN Hit, POACH - how err hr*. OH^i ob rot) <a€MTL£N\ew w u_L DO . Mju *»/'< ooh; /ilVMIM L The Rebellious Husband. RUY dear, I sea you ar* haring soma clothes mads for your poodle." •*Tas; It Is tha latest tod.” "Well, I serve notice right hers that I don't button any dogs down the back.” W**D ev«N C*ND HB*. M Faith Misplaced. R8. EVANS was making a call Mrs. Francis. and they were enjoying a obat about some of their neighbors. "Mrs. Greene," said the hostess, “Is a woman who suffers much for her belief." "Indeed," replied the oaner won- daringly, “and what Is her bellefT*' “Why, continued the hostesa, “she believes she oan wear a No. 8 shoe on a No, ( foot.” An Accomplishment (ipHOLLY seems popular In so- L-« aiety." “Yes, he oan yawn with his month shuL" In Safe Company. THH young man with the Broad way hunting outfit and the rook-a bye-baby cap was hunting in company with the farm-owner. ■‘That’s the twenty-fifth rabbit I ve shot at," said the young man, as he let off the left-hand barral. "CMv, do," said the farmer. “It*s all the same rabbit He'a keeping near yon for safety." Placing It. IC/vAN I have my arrow, please? It has gone over Into your garden.” “Certainly, my little man. Do you know where it is V “Well, I—I—think It's sticking ts your cat” Good Reason, I/TYTHY dhd yon move away Horn ▼V Chicago r '“The doctor advised my husband to move to some town with asih one team to worry about." *ST COONVWf \ 'Tn, ob vsss. j 5 't Sw»er lam^ ov uberty s* cv Relief For Rupture Without Operation No Big Expense—No Time Lost From Work No Misery-Causing Belts or Leg-Straps 60 Days Trial to Prove It Operation for uptUT# would hardly Tb« book tells how our guaranteed rupture oI<*bt ever be heard of if it weren't for the *“ »««urthening and bwirticiai th« phy»idu» in , , . P arts of America now recommend It lastdl ji mischief dons by elastic and spring , dTblnj Hovf u hM ^ trusses. Mighty few people ever have to h« operated on when first ruptured. thousands of people whose cases seemed almost hope less. How It doee away with the curse of belts, leg-straps, and springs. How It Is water-proof and , , . ... . will hold In the bath. How It Is perspiration-proof But wearing makeshift trusses year „ d t(ullJ kep , clMn How ^ c „ trj lt Jlltj after year is soorwr or later almost day* without having to risk a penny, and how in sure to make work for the surgeon. tie it costa tf you keep it You know that from your own experience--you know you're worse now than a year ago—probably getting worse all tbe time. If you keep on that way. how long wfll lt be before you'll have to undergo a dangerous and expensive operation t ; Some New Jokes They’re Telling Along V/hitehall This Free Book Is Full of Facts Never Before Put in Print There are so many mistaken Ideas about rupture and what to do for It that we have taken the tine t to sum up In this book all we have learned during Aren't you willing to let us prove—by a sixty- _ , day demonstration—how you can save yourself from rortjr 7* ar * 07 ■aponeneo. all that! You'll find It full of facts never before psrt tn Especially whan you oan make _thle glrty dav print. It shows just why elastic and spring trmaea are the ruptured man's worst enemies—why they are almost sure to shorten your life or make operation necessary--why the law should put a atop te their sale. It exposes the humbug “appliances," “methods.“ “pi asters, “ etc. It explains why operation Is nearly alwaye s needles* gamble with death—and why, even 1/ you test without having to risk a penny? Won't Cost You a Cent If It Doesn’t Stand the Test. True. ’J’HE MAJOR—Ah, good morning, Count! What'll the matter? 1 never saw .eou looking ao old aa you do thi* morning. The Count — That'* natural, Major. I never wan ao old as 1 am this morning. Not Introduced. Of Course. 'W HAT li your son doing now?” “Playing the piano in a moving picture show." “I shouldn't think you would want him doing that" “I don't; but when a chap ha* a musical education he'* got to do something with K, hasn't he?" mother. ™ said I Oood Advice. IKH-IN-LAW —• Th* doctor *u all ran down and needed ecirchnlne a* a tonic. Now. I dofrit want to take too much. How bis a doee do you recom mend? BeotMae (bopofnllyl — I wouldn't take more than a gallon to begin with. Other Times. Other Man ia ners. MIbs Progressive bad ITTLE paid an afternoon oail upon her new neighbor across the street who had not been rery genorou* In sharing her toy a from all account*. “Well," said her mother tn roa- ponse to bar remarks. 'If anybody bad treated in* like that when I was a little girl I should have gone home.” “Umph." returned the small wom an with a shrug of her shoulders, "things have changed since you were a little girl. Mother!. 1 slapped her face and stayed." "Gladys, tell that young man to take his arm away from round your waist.” “Better tell him yourself, ms; he's a perfect stranger to m*.” They Were Accommodat inS- Uic was undeniably from far be- “ yond the suburbs, and. as he was walking along a city street, he •topped In trout of the fire-engine hone* sod looked Id. "Have many five* tn town?*' he asked. • “Yes. w* bee* them preWy often.” replied the fireman “Bver try to see bow gulck yew can hitch up?" "Oh. yea." At that moment an alarm came in. At the first stroke of the gong the men rushed to their poets, the doors of the (Walls opened, and within a few seconds men, horses and cart were speeding down the street The young man watched the pro ceedings with admiration “Well!” he exclaimed when speech re turned; there ain’t many towns where they'd go to all that trouble to show a stranger what they can do." last time 1 calls at your house dare's a sign on lt 'For Rent.' Has you-nll moved?" “Yes, Mrs. Brown, we's moved. My old man got tired livin' In all de noise an' bustle of de city, an' so we goes sway out In the sub- ubs.“ "What direction does you go?" "We goes northwest." An Jest where Is y*u locatedV “We Is located In a new neigh borhood. Mrs Brown. Its kinder hard to describe it exactly; but If I had a map of de city here I could show you We lives Jest about halt an Inch outside de city limits.” Due Recognition. A h' amusing scene wan witnessed In s Cincinnati machine simp recently on the occasion of the re tirement. after a service of thirty years, of a valued and faithful em ploye. In consideration of his long and faithful service the company had arranged to give hfm a mone tary recognition, and It fell to the lot of the superintendent, a Oep man, to make the presentation speech This le how he did tit "Gustave, you haf worked tor dls company over thirty yware, yeef" A bow from the expectant recip ient of the puree. “Und now you ere going to qntt, yes ?" Another and tower how. “Veil, Gustave, der company le so glad of It dot 1 had been asked to hand you deee hundred dollars." fronted a quiet, gentlemanly per son. who returned the mayor hie own purse, handkerchief and keys, saylngr: "l beg your pardon, I didn't know you were one of us." Marriage! 15% Nothing Missing. I♦ TV7"HAT Is this, dear?" asked ” the young husband at breakfast. — “Minced veal, dear,” replied th* bride wife. 1 think It needs something." “Wall, I don't know what It can be. I put everything In it I eoaM find.” Jr— EffectK Too. /fTVHKRB ought to be a law l against aviation." said tb< humane citizen. "There Is one," replied the oold blooded man. “The law of grav itation Is oontlnually Interfering with It." Evidence. fCnrHERE have you been, my '■ ” dear?" “Walking In tha park, mother." “And with whom?" “Ko one" “No oner “No one." « “In that case," continued the mother relentlessly, “you will please be so kind as to explain why you have returned with a walking- stick Instead of an umbrella.” Here Is nomethln* -a guaranteed rapture holder— which haa saved thouaanda of people from ever hav ing to be operated on. It haa so thoroughly proved It* merits that we are willing to send It on 60 day* trial. We'll make It especially for your case make it manago to live through lt, you may'have to keep to me&auro - and practically lend lt to you Just for a on wearing a truss eat. It shows why sixty dayR’ trial 1* the only way If a* f-™, In the world you can make absolutely sure of any- .'l fnU UiM for rupture ami ho» the Clutha Trusa la tin !L b only thins you can get on such a Ions trial b» %"fou rlu J,rf. bSr k .rd u sss xT'd^tS' 5 ' "° od ■' noush 10 ,,and * d " e&t you a single penny. mSSPyJfTr. coat you a single penny, Will You Spend Two Cento To Find Out? We don’t want you to send any money All we a*k you to spend is the price of a two-cent stamp In writing for our big free book—that will tell you everything you want to know. It shows how our guaranteed rupture holder—the | famous Cluthe Automatic Maaeaglng Truss -la so utterly different from everything else for rupture that it has received eighteen separate patents. How it Is made on an absolutely new prlnolple. How lt is self-regulating, self-adjusting. How It In stantly and automatically protects you against every | strain so your rupture can't possibly be forced out. I Ami how In addition it provides the only way ever discovered for overcoming the weakness which Is the real cause of rupture and how lt doe* all that 1 entirely automatically. •dn’t fail to get this book—don't put It off -the ndrmte lt takes you to write for lt may free you from trouble for the rest of your life. Just use the coupon or simply say In a letter or postal “Send me your book." -THIS BRINGS IT . Box 724—CLUTHE COMPANY 125 East 23rd 8t.. NEW YORK CITY Pend me your Free Book and Trial Offer. Name Not Denying It L ONO-SUFFKRINO WIFE)—4 d* not know how I ever came ti m«urrr yon, anyhow? You've al wave had a hard face on yon! Equally Long-Suffering Husband —That's true enough. You've kept my noM to the grindstone for fif teen years and It* still s fairly "Tf fem not baok ro*utlng-»tms, don't welt up, pet/' "No, I won't. I’ll fly round on* fotob vou." sl- Cereally Related. jz'T’HAT husband of mine ■1 ways gets things twisted." “Indeed?” "Yes; I sent him tor sods crack ers and he cam* back with pret zels." Figures and Lies. A N old darby was oonvlnoed that “ a bill rendered him by his butcher was not correct He oom- plalned to the butcher, who eaM. "Sam, figures don't lie." “Ah knows dat," said Sam; "hut liars do flggsn" One Reason. QCHOOLMI STRESS — Master Isaac, what wrong did the brother* at Joseph commit whoa they soM thetr brother? leaao—They sold him too cheap Easy. *4T NEVER pay Old debts.” A "How about ronr now ones?" ‘"Oh, I let them get old." Feminine Gender. •WRACHBR—Why le the English of the r her advertisement the lady principal of a school mentioned her lady assistant and the "reputa tion for teaching which she bears,’ but the printer left out th* “which"; so the lady** advertise ment went forth commending the lady** "reputation for teaching ah* bears." language spoken mother tongue? Pupil—1 think lt ts because women use It mors than men do Just Outside. T»WO darkey women of Baltimore *■ met on the street the other day and th* following conversation en sued : "Why. Mrs. Botts, I ain't seen ywu for t don’t know how long De Looked Bad. A CERTAIN mayor of s weB- ■‘A known city was walking down the street a few weeks sines when he perceived Just ahead of him an acqirlntanoe whose handkerohtsf was sticking half out of his pocket. Seized with a brllHwit Idea, th* mayor quickened Ms pace sad, stepping up Just behind his friend, withdrew the handkerchief alto gether without the owner being tn the least aware of what had taken place. He wae just shout to address him and call his attention to what he had done when he felt a tap on his arm and, half-turning, coa- B31 13 i An Opportunity ToMakeMoney «, W idee* and tsssskv* abdily, AuMd ****** **- f '| let M iamOoM seeded, sad pdm *f*r*d by hwdfat* >• :: f Pataen neend a* ear le* ntmA "Why Se* Feil" “Hew I* On Year Palest sad Y*or M**ig r*ltt*hk boeU*k aaM ho* I* as* addiOM. \ RANDOLPH & CO. Pat*at Aft*!■*>% 618 “F’ Street, N. W*, WASHINGTON. D. €k -T; 1 This Key? The Tenth Anni versary Number of the Los Angeles “Examiner” will be out Wednesday, December 24th. It will be a re markable edition. It will tell you every thing worth knowing about the busiest and most beautiful place on the continent. It wfll show all the won ders of a Wonderland. Six different sections will be devoted to description and im portant information, both for the visitor, the settler and the investor. There is no doubt about your wanting a copy, the only question is, How many of your friends shall we put on the list? Please fill out the coupon below, inclosing 15 cents for each copy you want. Anniversary Number mailed anywhere. United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy. All foreign points, 25 cents a copy. It’s Going to Un lock the Treasure House of Facts About Our Magic Southern California ET ONE 1 WITHOUT FAR LOS ANGELES "EXAMINER,” Los Angeles, Cal. Inclosed please find cents, for which you wUl please send the Tenth Anniversary Number of yonr paper to the following names: N*me....„ Street.. Name. Street. Name Street. Name Street Name. Street. Name Street. City....... State... City............... State... City State... City State... City State... City State... ji J)