Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 07, 1913, Image 51

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ITEAllST’S bund at AmrrruuAN, jnumua, wn., sun DAT, nnrrrnHTnra t, tvj3. 7 H J0^ 0 . oU/)WXNO 1» the mueloml program 1 for Trinity Church morning and o-tnlTiB services to-day: Morning. [ I«t Us Sin* Unix) rofftr^ 17, "More lave to Thee’ 1 — Baoh. Evening. rt-an Prelude—Wagner. Totatary. "Remember Not, Lord, L, offer ses”—Marks. -V "Communion”—Batiste. "The Shadow of Thy Wings” L*aq^^ WS. 1,. Charles A. Sheldon; soprano; a rtMir CreVlston, alto; Howard ■Kvio tenor; Joseph Hubbard, bass; ■Buries A. Sheldon, Jr„ organist and |i:r-tor . . . S r *r, New Jerusalem (Sweden- borglan), Rev. J. B. Spiers, gen eral missionary of the New Jeru- I... nurch, will preach at the home |„( the Misses Burkert, No. 306 North Ijicreiand avenue, corner of. North ave- |j u e at 11 a. m. Subject, "How the Ihori Is Making His Second Coming." 5 P m., Mr. Spiers will speak at lowland A Manning Hall; subject, |«Rrrelatlon-” The public is cordially Invited. * * * Punch and Judy show was the at- - n at the doll bazaar, held at the , cf „. RICH’S ECONOMY BASE- §': MENT £ home of Dr. and Mrs. Hugh K, Walker Friday afternoon. A number of beauti ful dolls were sold and lees and sand wiches, with 6 o’clock tea were served. The entertaJnment was for the benefit of the Young Matrons' Committee of the First Presbyterian Church. e • a A T the First Baptist Churoh to day the musical program will be as follows: Morning* Prelude. "Protect TJs Through the Coming Night"—Curschmann. "The Cross,” Ware—Solon Druken- mlller. Postlude. Evening. Prelude. "The God of Israel"—Rossini. "The Birthday of a King," Neldlln- ger—Mrs. James H. Whitten and cho rus. Postlude. "The Story of Christmas," a new can tata, by H. Alexander Matthews, will be presented for the first time In At lanta, on December 28, at 8 p. m., un der the direction of J. P. O’Donnelly, or ganist. Soloists: Mrs. Peyton H. Todd, so prano; Mrs. James H. Whitten, alto; Solon Drukenmlller, tenor; Harry R. Bates, baritone. • • • T HE ladles of the Inman Park Bap tist Church will hold a parlor sale at the home of Mrs. R. J. Pritchett, "No. 64 Hurt street, Tuesday, December 9, from 10 a. m. until 6 p. m. The proceeds from this sale will go to ward the building fund for the new church. Ail kinds of fancy articles, suitable for Christmas gifts, will be on U a •M 15 vrp sale, an well as a varied assortment of homemade cakes and candles. see S T the North Avenue Presbyterian Chtinch the musical program to day will be as follows: Morning, Organ prelude -Wagner, Anthem, "Fear Not, O Israel," Max Spicker. Offertory solo, "The I#ord Is My Strength,’ 1 Wooler—Miss Simons. Organ postlude. Evening. Organ Prelude—IUrker. Voluntary, "Hear My Cry, O Lord’*— Morse. Magnificat—Shepperd. Organ Postlude. Choir: MlssMayme Clyburn, soprano; Miss Martha Simons, contralto; Mr. Williarti Maurer, Jr., tenor; Mr. J. R. Regnas, basso; Mr. Joseph Ragan, Jr., organist and director. ^ #-»*, luimcnjr leading l tone soloist in All Saints choir, is In the city, after several years spent In the North and West, and will remain here for two or three months, during which time he will sing at All Saints every Sunday. Mr. Brusch’s father Is famous as a conductor of a symphony orches tra. • * * Miss Elizabeth High, chairman of the Current Events Committee of the At lanta Woman’s Suffrage League, has temporarily given tip the chairmanship while she travels In Fgypt this winter In company with her mother, Mrs. J. M. High. the Atlanta Chapter, D. A, K., and her sister, Miss Dorothy High, one of the season’s debutantes. e * • T HE Ladles* Aid Society of Bt. Phil ip’s Cathedral will give a diver tea Tuesday afternoon from 8 to 6 at the residence of Mrs. Albert I* Dunn No. 876 Ponce DeLeon avenue. A musl cal program will be given. » • t One of the well attended lectures of the week was that of l>r. Edwin M. Po- teat, president of the Furman University at Greenville. 8. C.. whose subject was "The Philosophy of Happiness." The lecture was given under the auspices o‘ the Young Men’s Bible Class of the See ond Baptist Church. The East Point Home and School Club held an Interesting meeting In th Audiforium of the City Hall Friday aft ernoon, at which time Dr. Toepel gave n talk on the benefits of outdoor exer cise. A large number of members and visitors were present, who were served with refreshments during the afternoon after the business session was ended. • • • The latest bulletin Issued by the Drama League highly commends ‘The Great Adventure" to the members of the league as a bright and fanciful produc tion, hung upon a pleasing thread of plot. Shop Early Let these Christinas [ I suggestions save you money. The size and | color range will be bet- |tor to-morrow than any | later time. Felt Slippers 3 with cushion insole liffis $1.15 3 Exactly as illustrated, in 3 Red. Xavy Blue and Gray. 14=1.50 value, $1.15. Crochet Slippers jsFn r w o m e n, | m ; s s e s and £ c h i 1 dren, 75c lvalues m jS | Exactly as illustrated, in ? Black, Red, Pink, Navy Blue •:and Light Blue. Bed Socks | "i- Kootwarmers. In brown ;ni- gray, nicely lined through- ifout. | Men’s sizes, | >e values T'«Jw | Women’s sizes, |">0c values 3 —— Felt Juliets 3 with fur top, as illustrated, |in black, brown, wine and is stray. * $1.' S values T HE Women’s Civic Club of Center Hill, after having worked con- sistenty for the widening of the public road, which passes through their section of the city, have been assured by the County Board of Commissioners that the road would be opened and Im proved in the near future. * * * "T" HE Wednesday Morning Study Clr- i cle met with Mrs. M. M. Davies 1 during the week and enjoyed a pleasing program. The routine business was followed by a social hour, during which refreshments were served. 0*0 M ISS MARGARET NUTTING en tertained her bridge club Fri day afternoon at her home on Merrltts avenue. Twelve guests were present and appropriate souvenirs were given to the winners of top scores. • • • M ISS ETTA PUTNAM, formerly President of the Children of the Confederacy, after a visit to Miss Emily Cassin, has returned to her home at Marietta. Mrs. Owens Johnson, of Marietta, has been In the city this week attending the United Daughters of the Confederacy bazaar. * • • M tS. FRANK P. RICE, second vice president of the Atlanta Woman’s Pioneer Society. Is improving aft er an Illness of several weeks. • * * S N Important meeting of the Atlanta Free Kindergarten Aasoolation will be held in Carnegie Library Monday morning at 11 o’clock All mem bers are requested to attend the meet ing. The Kimball brings added charm to home life Player Christmas Gift for Each Member of the Family This month, of all months, is the most popular time for music in the home, on account of Christ mas and the attending holidays. Can you think of anything more entrancing or delightful than to be able to enjoy any music, in which you chance to delight, on the Kimball player-piano? If you have a "never-played’’ piano in your home, we will make you a reasonable allowance for it, in exchange on a new KIMBALL PLAYER. Intrinsically your piano is worth more than it will be later. You are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock, consisting of many styles of players, which is most complete at this time. W. W. KIMBALL COMPANY 94 North Pryor St. H. R. CALEF, Mgr. $■ Men’s Felt Slippers j Klack felt : Everetts for [house wear. I$1.50 values... Men’s Kid Operas j exactly as illustrated, in iblack or tan kid; kid lined I t hroughout. (4 JQ ■ $1.50 valuei 1 : I ho most desirable house 5 ■; slipper obtainable. S |RI CH’Sj Ec nomy Basement Tiv mv.WMMMVWw„».« wwwvw.wwl When Your Boy Reaches the Good Clothes Age Once it was the toy shop that attracted your boy. That was when he had only reached the amusement age. Presuming that he’s big enough now to be well-dressed—all boys are— we’re sure that his biggest joy this Christmas is in Muse’s Boys’ Shop. The Handsome Norfolk Suit the Fine Chinchilla Overcoat—are pride factors in his life. And secretly, maybe, his young soul goes out after the smart details of dress: Shirts, Ties, Hats, Gloves, Sweaters, Pa jamas, Nice Underwear, Box of Handkerchiefs, Cuff Links—all the nice necessities of a man’s life—they’re just the same to a boy. Giving these good things to wear at Christmas is making a well- dressed man of your boy. Consult with our Boys’ Shop for detailed information. Suits and Overcoats, $5.00 to $20.00 Second Floor. 20. Muse Clothing Company Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Holiday Handkerchiefs Beautiful, But Not Expensive Tho first, snowdrift of the season came in these thousands of beauti ful Handkerchiefs, here for men, women and children. They are piled high on the counters for Christmas gift seekers who will throng tho aisles during the next few days. The few suggestions in the following do not, half tell the Handker chief story. Mere quoting of prices and attempt at description can not do justice to the hundreds of beautiful styles here -nor tell the great gift possibilities. May we suggest early choosing for you? These Specials for Monday For Women— At 25c—especially pretty gift Handker chiefs, with very dainty embroidered cor ner designs. Scores of styles to select from. Lace Trimmed Handkerohlefs- a popu lar gift number; a m^st pleasing assort ment; 25c each. Three for $1.00—Exceedingly dainty Handkerchiefs, some with hand-embroid ered corners, others with Armenian lace finish. At 50c and 75c Each—Armenia^ edge if finish and embroider^ corner designs. Especially popular gift Handkerchiefs ] this season have very sheer linep centers with Point Venise lace edge; they are priced at $1, $1.25, $2, $2.50 and-$3 each. These in Boxes with Sheer, all-linen Handkerchiefs dainty initial; six for $1.00. Fine, sheer, all-linen Handkerchiefs with Longfellow initial;4 in box for $1.00. Ideal for young girl*—Boxes contain ing four dainty Handkerchiefs—three with colored border, one all-white; 75c box. For Men Men’s all-linen Handkerchief's with hand-embroidered initial in color; these colors: red, blue or lavender; three in box, at $1.50 box. Soft Leather Oases—Containing six all-linen Handkerchiefs with initial; for men; price $1.50. Men’s plain linen Handkerchiefs with initial, 25o each. Men’s sheer, very fine, all-linen Hand kerchiefs at 50c, 75c and $1.00 each. Men’s sheer, all-linen Handkerchiefs with French cords round hem; 50c and 75c each. New and decidedly attractive colored bordered Handkerchiefs for boys; priced at 16c each. Gift Handkerchiefs for Misses and Children Boxes containing three pretty colored bordered Handkerchiefs, with colored in itial; 50c box. Misses’ dainty, all-linen Handkerchiefs with lace edges; 25c each. Six for 35o—Very soft Handkerchiefs with French cords, and small initial; very special value. For tiny tots—Boxes containing three colored bordered Handkerchiefs with colored initial; 25c box. "Hey Diddle Diddle” boxes with three dainty Handkerchiefs—-85c box. Fancy, Colored Handkerchiefs, rose bud, wistaria, daisy and other designs, for making dust caps, aprons, hags, kimonos, etc. Priced at lOo each. Vantine’s Toilet Gift Goods The word Van tine means gift —at least to every one who has sver been so fortunate as to share, at any time, the treasures of that Art Center. Those who appreciate the dainty, the individual, are al ways delighted to receive a pack age containing any of Vantine’s Oriental Goods. All in Holiday Packages The delightful extracts and toilet waters of incomparable odors are in holiday boxes, just ready to go—a delightful mes sage to some happy recipient. See the display of Vantine’s Gift Goods in our Toilet Article Section. First Floor, Main Aide. Dainty Gift Fans for Children Small Celluloid or Gauze Fans, painted in dainty colored de signs; 25c and 50c each. Men’s Ties in Christmas Boxes New, beautiful silk four-in-hand Ties; choice colors and styles, that please men. One Tie in gift box, at 50c, 75c and $1.00 box Men's $1.50 Silk Mufflers at $1.00 Square silk Mufflers or scarf effect; black, white and gray. The kinds Robe Blankets Whether it is for a man or wo man, one of these beautiful Bea con Blankets for hath or loung ing robe will be most acceptable. They come with cord and tassel to match; two weights—medium, at $2.50—extra heavy, $3.50 each. INDIAN BLANKETS for couch covers or robes, in especially rich, pretty designs—are priced at $3.50 each# Monday Will Be a Day of Unusual Advantages in the Downstairs Section There are many economies planned for Monday in the Downstairs Section. No doubt many you will want to share. Plenty of new and desirable merchandise tha t will help to solve your gift problems. Some suggestions in the following: This Special News from the Doll Store To morrow you may buy large, beautiful, jointed Dolls—22 inches high— with pretty, curly wigs that can be combed; eyes that sleep—real eyelashes, life like expressions; blondes and brunettes; they have on pretty slippers and stock ings^-and are priced at 98c each. Women's Boudoir Slippers at . . . 29c Japanese Slippers, witout heels; em broidered on toe and finished with silk pompon; these colors: pink, blue, tan and black. They will soli very quickly at this price—29o pair. Men's Gift Ties—One in Box, for 25c Silk four-in-hand Ties in an assort ment of pleasing colors. Each Tie in a gift box—25c each. Q~ For Fancy Colored Handkerchiefs For making dust caps, bags, aprons, pillow covers and so on. A variety of pleasing designs to select from. Priced for Monday at 8c each. $4 Chiffon Blouses at $2.50 This is a very unusual opportunity— by reason of the excellent value and good stylo of the Blouses offered. Choose a black, navy, Copenhagen or taupe chiffon ovor white net; a dainty laco vest and high collar; three-quarter length sleeves. 69c For Women s Long Kimonos Flannelette or cotton crepe. Kimonos, in light an ddark colors. Several styles to select from. Pretty ChallisDresses for Girls A re Priced at $3.75 Misses’ sizes—13 to 16 years—and they are ideal dresses for the holidays. Mainly in light colors—a few dark shades that will do for street wear. All beautifully made, and Dresses of won derful value at this price—$3.75— which will dispose of them very quickly Monday. Children's Union Suits at 25c Good fleece-lined Suits for hoys and girls; 4 to 12-year sizes.