Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 07, 1913, Image 52

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« H ttearst’s Sunday American, Atlanta, ga., Sunday, December 7. urn. ' I i CC* I > Iv \\ \ /| \ ouo of the most popnlar young women attending the sea- j .II^C 131 V f\\ I l son’s dances. - * jt 4 L> College Pari! A N interesting event of the pest week was the wedtllng of "Miss 1 >.! „ ijejnhert sikJ J. D. McKlroy, which took place Wrdneiwlay afternoon at the College Dark Christian Church. The ceremony wee performed by the Itev .1 1 IAmbert, father of Ihc bride Men/leleeohtTe ' WeddlnK March was rsndered hr Miss Bthsl Martin, and during the oeretnony "Hearts and How .re" was softly played. The bridesmaids were Mleees Pelma lAunlwrl and Myrtle Betterton and the groometnen I’ A. Mo- t'lelland and George \\ Branch. Imme diately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs McKIroy left for a short trip to l ay etevllls to visit the bridegroom s par ante, and after December ; will be at home to their frlenda In College Ihuk Miss Kiigenla Klchanlson wan lioslssa for the Domino Club Thuretlay tnorn- "flrs l.uTidv Harris was the recent guest of hsr daughter. Mrs llarry One of the most delightful prngraims of the t ear was presented by the Wom an's Club a* their regular meeting lues- day afternoon. . ... Mr. and Mrs .lames Merrtn. of Atlan ta. were guests of Mrs. Alonzo Rich ardson (be past week Mrs B F. Craig, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs D. C. Lyle on Wodnes- d *The ladles of SI. John'a Episcopal Church conducted a suooessft bazaar Thursday and Friday of lest week. Miss Helen Smith entertained at a matinee party Monday for her guest, Miss FenUton. of New nan Hapeville I RR PRATHER and Mia* Jim Turnbull, of Tooooa. w*r© recent pueata of relative* here Mrs. .1. C. Adanmon. of Jonesboro, is siting her sister. Mrs Marvin King Miss Hessie Ragsdale. of Powder rings. sjient several days recently with ■r sister. Mrs. Drake The Rev. H. W. Joiner and family left inirsd.iv for Reynolds, where the Rev Joiner lias been assigned to the 1 storate <>f the First Methodist Church Mi and Mrs. Blanche Tyson announce « Birth of a daughter, named Kllza S) and Mrs. Alexander Clyatt visited •11I- recently In Hex. Mrs H T Williams will entertain • bridge club Friday. M l.ouiM- Baker has returned to huh n ift. r a visit to her aunt. Mrs P Jones. Mrs. Thomas Fields, of Hampton, was g..r*t of relatives here the past eek. 1 he Rev Mr Rivers and family have loved into the parsonage, the Rev Mr. Ivors surceoding the Rev. Mr. Joiner as d tor of th. Methodist Ohuroh. Mr and Mrs Marvin King visited datives recently at Fairbum Decatur \ 1 KS F jV ,* th ' 1 Hu tot RR F H. REP WINE, of Palmetto, the guest of Mrs Joseph irheson. Mrs W. G. Flake, of Conyers, was the guest of relatives here on Thurs day Mrs \Yhitcher, who has ©been the guest of Mr and Mrs. Horace Parker, returned to her home In Boston on Tuesday. Mrs R. M. l.lghtfoot and children leave in a few days for Fayetteville. X. C., where they will spend the win ter. Mrs. W. R Jackson, of Greensboro. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. U. P. Jerni- gan Mrs K W Copeland, of Greensboro, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ia P. Jernlgan. Miss Sara Terrell entertained at bridgf on Friday as a compliment to Mrs Emory Polar, the guest of Mrs. Roy Gwlnn Jones y Dr. and Mrs Lewis Kstes returned on Monday from a two weeks’ stay in Jacksonville There was a dance at the Pecatur Athletic Club on Friday evening. An affair of Saturday was the R o'clock dinner given by Miss Gladys Glass, loafer In the evening a number of young men were invited Mrs R E Richards, of Macon, was j • seceut guest of Mrs R. M Light# foot. Mr and Mrs. R. L. Paine and children, j of Social Circle, spent a few days last ] week as the guest of Miss Cora Graves. Mr \Y V. Richards entertained twelve 1 of his gentleman friends at a stag din ner on Thursday evening. Mis. Hull and Mrs. Cooper, of Wash j ington, Ga., who have been the guests l> V Pc Oakland City J guest. Mrs. Emory Palmar, of Troy, Ala. Mrs. Jones was assisted by Mrs. T. A. Branch. Miss Sara Terrell and Mrs. Hoyt Peck. Three prizes were given. Mrs. B. H. Burgin will be hostess for the U. P. C. meeting on Pecember 12. M ISS INEZ THOMASSON enter tained a number of friends at dinner Tuesday evening In com pliment to Miss Dessle Lee, whose mar riage to Alvin Skinner was an event of Thursday night. The guests Included Misses Dessle Lee, Mary Comer, Grace Almand and Inez Thomaeson, and Alvin Skinner. Morton Almand, Henry I^ee. Ernest Thomasson and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thomasson Mr. and Mrs. J. E Upchurch and Miss Reble Upchurch left Tuesday for Monroe, where they will make their borne. Mrs. J. B. Terrell, of Coving?<»n. is the guest, of her mtoher. ,M • M w \. manrf. Mrs. F. E. I^etson has returned to her home, In Little Rock, after a month's visit to friends. Kirkwood C OLONEL and Mrs. William Schley Howard and family left on Wed- — neBday for Washington, P. C. Mrs. H. Thomas, of Macon, is spend- lng the week with Mrs. Jennie Sim mons on Howard street. Dr. and Mrs. E. C Davis were the guests of Mrs. L. L. Sisson on Sunday* Miss Edna Paschall and Miss Clyatt, of Washington. Ga., have been visiting Mrs. Joseph Smith on Murray Hill ave nue. _ Mrs. Ashley Outlaw, of Forsyth, who has been visiting Mrs. A. K. Clark, has returned home. The young people of Kirkwood are ivhearslng the play. “Between Acts, which promises to be most entertaining. Tt will be given at the school auditorium on Friday. Pecember 19. under the aus pices of the Women’s Civic League. Mrs. T. R. Talmadge and Miss Lucile Talmadge, of Forsyth, have been spend ing the week-end with Mrs. Talmadge’s sister. Mrs. H. E. Clark, on Howard street. The Young Ladies’ Book Club was en tertained on Friday afternoon by Miss Myra Haygood. The women of the Civic League of Kirkwood held a bazaar at the school auditorium on Friday, the proceeds oi which will be used for the school fund Mrs. L. C. Cassells entertained the members of the Forty Two Club on FrU day afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Hal Reviere. Mrs. H. N. Tyus and daughter, from Carrollton, are visiting Mrs. IT. E. Clark. Mrs. E. E. Huguley, who has been ill for some time at her home in Suther land Terrace, is able to be out again. MISS SARAH E. WELLS, Teacher of Piano. 417 Wesley Memorial Bldg. Res. Phone Ivy 3870-J. Of My. and Mrs T. L. Cooper, returned home on Tuesday Miss Ellie Holt, of Macon. spent Thunksglving as the guest of Mrs Ma rianne McClellan. Mrs. T. A. Branch entertained at a theater partj v at the Atlanta Theater on Wednesday as a compliment t# Mrs Kolmar, of Troy. Ala., the guest of Mrs. Roy Gwlnn Jones. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Roy G. Jones entertained at bridge for her 011 otuxjtam 10 nett I ENGRAVED TO ORDER IN A DISTINCTIVE MANNER IS A MOST APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR A LADY OUR NAME ON THE BOX IS A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY ORDER NOW J. P. Stevens Engraving Co. 47 WHITEHALL ST.. ATLANTA Write For Our Christmas Catalogue Write for your copy of our now IBM page illustrated cata logue and lH»gin to make up your list of holiday purchases lie fore the rush gets worse. Don't wait until you have your entire list made out. We pa\ forwarding charges and \ou can have as many ship mouts as you like, without any additional eost to you. Our catalogue brings your shop ping to you, saves time, money ami trouble. Thousands of appropriate articles for both children and grown-ups will l»e suggested to you by the catalogue and at prices to suit your individual require nieuts. A postal request will brng you a catalogue and diamond Ixioklet b\ return mail. Maicr & Berkclc, Inc. Gold and Silversmiths V'-Tah 1 isitoil Dst. 1 33 Whitehall St O’ 1428 Pairs of Women’s$4, $5 and$6 High-Grade Boots $2-95 The above announcement should bring five hundred people to our Shoo Department before f> p. m. Monday and would if you knew what the shoes cost us. Of course those who come first fare best. They are Allen’s regular stock shoes (high shoes only), with the , , ....... ' , exception of two hundred pairs of Bench-Made Samples, and they S6* 00 Hoots are equally as good as our regular stock. $2.95 h is a ease of too little cold weather and too many high shoes on our shelves for the time of year. This does not include all of our boots, but does include all lines that for lack of sizes or change in maker, or for any other reason, we now know will not be reordered. This and 20 ter P. Alien & Company Novelties I Allen’s Greatest Display iw 1 ■-)Inspection Of Christmas Suggestions j venient Selection Our formal opening of Christmas Toggery takes place to-mor row. Many new and novel ideas collected from all parts of the Globe will be shown in otTr Famous Specialty Department. Hosiery For Men, JFomen and Children Men’s Pure Silk Half Hose at 60c, $1.00. $1.50 and $2.50. Men’s Silk Half Hose and Tie Sets in Xmas boxes, $1.00, $1.60 and $3.50. Ladies’ Hand-embroidered Silk Hose, $1.50 to $12.00. Ladies’ Anklet Hose, Rhinestone and Em broidered bands, $3.50 and $5.00. Ladies’ Tango Side Lace Hose at $7.50, Ladies’ Plain Silk Hose, $1.00, $1.60 and $2.50. Ladies’ Italian Silk Hosiery, at $1.60. Ladies’ two-toned extra heavy Silk Hose, at $4.00. Ladies’ Side Clocked Silk Hose at $1.50 and $2.00. Children’s Fay Stockings, white, black and tans. Gloves: Reynier, Foivnes, Dents, Bacneo and D. & P. Ladies’ 12 and 16-button Doeskin at $2.75 and $3.50. Ladies’ Short Chamois and Doeskin at $1.00 and $1.50. Ladies’ Heavy Cape Walking Gloves at $1.00 and $1.50. Ladies’ Pique Sun Gloves at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Ladies’ 1 and 2-clasp Dress Gloves, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25. Ladies’ Evening Gloves, 12, 16 and 20-but ton, $2.00 to $4.50. Boys’ Rough Rider Gauntlets at 50c. Boys’ Pique and Chamois Gloves, $1.00. Children’s Pique Gloves, $1.00. Misses’ Cape and Pique Gloves, $1.00. Auto Gauntlets at $2.00. Men’s fleece-lined Mocha and Reindeer, $1.50 and $2.00. Kavser’s Chamoisette, Leatherette, single and double silk Gloves, 50c and $1.00. Handkerchiefs: Children’s Kindergarten Series, boxed at 15c. Children’s Initial Linen, boxed at 25c and 50c. Ladies’ Glove Handkerchiefs at 15c, 25c and 50c. Ladies’ Embroidered and Initial, boxed, 49c to $3.00. Ladies’ Hand-Embroidered, Madeira, Bre- tonne, Aarennes, Armenian. French and Irish Handkerchiefs, 15c to $3.50. Ladies’ Real Lace and Dainty lace trim med, at 50c to $5.00. Ladies’ Linen Initials in an endless variety of pretty new designs, 15e, 25c and 50c. Ladies’ Plain White and Mourning, at 10c to 75c. Men's Initials; Hemstitched, at 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $1.75 each. Men’s Initial, boxed, in 1-4 and 1-2 dozen, at the box 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $3.00, $6.00. $10.50. Men’s Plain White Hemstitched Linen, at 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c. Men’s Cheney Silk with colored borders, at 50c. Madeira and Appenzell, Hand-Embroid ered. Glove and Handkerchief Cases, Card Cases and Vanity Puffs.. Exclusive designs, $1.00 to $10.00 each. Neckwear: Lace, Net and Chiffon Yokes and Guimpes. 50c to $7.50. Lace, Net and Chiffon Fichus, 50c to $15. Fancy Embroidered and Silk Vests, 98c to $12.00. Lace, Net and Chiffon Collar and Cuff Sets, $1.00 to $5.00. Batiste Sets and separate Collars, 50e to $5. Chiffon, Crepe de Chine, Lace and Span gled Scarfs. $1.00 to $15.00. Japanese Hand-Embroidered Capes, $15.00 to $60.00. Fancy Lace and Hand-Embroidered Ja bots, 50c to $7.50. Middy and Windsor Ties, at 25c, 50c and 75c. Maline and Net and Liberty Silk Ruffs $1.00 to $10.00. Marabou and Ostrich Collars, Boas, Capes and Muffs, up to $35.00. Mourning Collars and Sets, 50e up. Mourning Chiffon and Organdie Bands, 25c and 50c yard. Chiffon, Net and Shadow Lace Plaiting®, 25c to $1.00 yard. Marabou and Ostrich Trimmings, 75c and $1.00 yard. Fur Trimmings of all kinds, 50c to $7.50 the yard. Auto Lace, Chiffon and Mourning Veils for all occasions. Leather Goods For Men and Women New models in Leather, Moire, Silk, Velour and Beaded Bags, $1.00 to $20.00. Beaded and Silk Opera Bags, $2.50 to $15. Misses’ Beaded and Leather Bags 50c to $1.50. Matinee Watch Bags, at $6.00. Matinee and Bridge Bags, $3.50 to $7.50. Men’s combination Bill Folds, at 50c to $5. Men’s Leather Cases, $1.50 to $5.00. Men’s Identification Bill Fold, $1 00 to $3.00. Bridge and Pinocle Card Cases. 50c. Men’s Traveling Cases, ivory and ebonv filling, $3.50 to $25.00. Ladies’ Leather and Suede Belts, 50c to $3. Hair Ornaments: Platinum finish Braid Pins and Barrettes with rhinestone settings, at 50c to $10.00. Amber, Shell and Demi Blonde Braid Pins. Barrettes and Back Combs, with gold en graved and rhinestone settings, latest Pari sian models, 50c to $10.00. Jet and Mourning Back Combs, Braid Pins and Barrettes, in sets and separate pieces $1.00 to $7.50. Gold-filled Band Comb and Side Comb Sets, rhinestone and Pearl Hair Bands, 50c to $7.50. Ostrich and fancy feather ornaments, up to $10.00. Boudoir and Beaded Juliette Caps. Ribbons: Fancy imported Brocade Velour, Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, in an endless variety of pretty new designs. Plain Satin Taffeta in all widths, from No. 1 to 9-inch staple and fancy colors. Holly Prints and narrow widths for Xmas packages in 5-vard pieces, at the piece 10c. Ribbon Chatelaine, Sewing, Darning and Manicure Sets, 50c and $1.00. Fans: Imported Hand-Decorated and Spangled Fans with bone and pearl sticks, $1.00 to $10.00. Favor Fans, celluloid and novelty Fans for ladies, misses and children, 25c to $10. Jewelry: Sterling Silver Vanity Cases, Coin Hold ers, Puffs, Rouge Boxes, Frames; Photo Holders, Bracelets, Hat Pins, Manicure pieces, Chains and Novelties. Solid Gold Thimbles, Neck Chains, Lock ets, Cuff Pins, LaVallieres, Vest Chains, Pocket Knives, Scarf Pins, Link Buttons, Full Dress Sets, Tie Clasps, Bracelets, Ear rings, Bar Pins, Brooches, Bib Holders. Gold-Filled Bracelets, Lockets, Chains, Links, Tie Clasps, Earrings, Brooches. Bliss Bags, Vanity Cases and Opera Chains. We carry the complete line of this famous Fifth Avenue Jeweler—all the latest novelties in Jeweled Chains, Soldered Link Mesh Bags, Vanity Cases, Coin Holders, Sautoir Chains, Earrings and novelties. Sterling Silver, German Silver and Gun Metal Bags. The largest and best selected stock of Bags to be found in the city moderately priced. Gun Metal Novelties. Our own importation of novelties in the latest designs. Pearl Necklaces. Roman and French Pearl Necklaces, Opera Chains, Dog Collars and Festoons, $1.00 to $25.00. Mourning Jewelry. We specialize in Mourning Jewelry and carry the most complete line 3carf Pins. A wonderful eollectipn of Stone Mounted and Signet Scarf Pins in gold-filled and solid gold, 50c to $20.00. Fine Rhinestone Pins. Special importation of very fine Rhinestone Circle Pins, Horseshoe, Crescent and Har vest Moon Pins in Sterling Silver Mounting, $1.00 to $7.50. Fancy Beads. The largest variety of exclusive styles of long and short Beads in Cut Crystal, Jade. Amethyst, Jet, Wood and Filigree Combina tions, 50c to $25.00. f. P. Allen & Co. 51 and 53 Whitehall St.