Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 07, 1913, Image 54

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J r 10 H IIEARST'S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1913. Miss IMxxhi Steworf °j qiwntly visit* !iit flintor, Mrs. Ilillitird Spalding, in Miss St.pwaft is a popular morn her of the yonn(?er societ attends nil the ooIIpro dances in Athens. (Photo b American Staff Photographer.) Athens, h o f r e - this city. y set, who y Sunday Augusta a UGUSTA. I>«o. «. AVmpUmenttng Mm PV>r«no« D. Qmw#U. Jr., on#- of tha iMion'i brldus, Mri. Fred eric Bal Pope *nt*rtaln#*1 'M ium 1 # Phursday afternoon at lanchoon at the 'nuntry (.'Hub. f)r Henry Prit<st>«tt. of Mew York * liatlnrulebed irueat In Augu*Uu **a* pitmen ted br the Medical Depart •nent of the University of Oaorfta with a luncheon cm Thursday at tha Country Mto fWeale MaAuilffe entertatr.ed the rhursdsy ooterl* at her home on Tel fair street, the came of five hurxlr-d be- *n* followed W afternoon lee A jharmln* addition te the Coterie l» Mrs Utrlok Olofson, who he* reoenty arrived ’n August* *e • November brine She win be lioetoss at the meeting on next Thursday . Mlee CaXeene Broome entertained with a bridge itmohect) Tuesday In oenipll- mant to Mies Miriam Haselton. of Ath ene who la her meet The high eoore pH re a pair of gold hat pins, was pre sorted by Mr* Bishop Alexander. Jr The guest ot honor wee riven a pretty rater oolor haled of an Indian maiden Mlee Broome also entertained Friday afternoon for Mlae Haeelton. Mies Glad'.a Virginia Odom enter tained about 40 of her young friends on Wednesday afternoon at her home on Tipper Reynold* street In celebration of her thirteenth birthday Th« Augusta Woman** Ohih hold am Intereetln* meeting Friday afternoon In Confederate Hall when the public health of Augusta was discussed. There was an Inatructtvr talk by rn Hhignr.e Mur phoy. who gave many suggestions ae fo how to conserve health. Mrs Green ville Talbott la ohalrman of the health committee. The Fhtlomantlilo Club wtn moot on Wedneaday afternoon at tba Y. W O. A parlora The Christmas bazaar hoM Wednes day at the Y W. O. A produced the gratifying reeulta. Mr and Mra Harvtd (Husky gave a reception Tuesday evening at their home on the Hill celebrating the twen ty-fifth anntsrersary of their marriage. [ Pome pa (SWli*. f>oo. 6 In honor ol h#»rils- 1 J tar. MY* Robert Nowell, of Monroe, Mra Delta HT1! Wright entertained at a reoentlon Wedneaday when 260 oa-led Mr* James Bolling MUno *nt*r ♦alivod at bridge Friday tn Iwnor of Mrs James Maddox, a raoant bride Mine Adeline Wright end M1«s Anna Graham gave a party for Mrs Nevin Patton Thursday at Hill Crest. The married contingent was present. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the pure food expert, rave a leoture Monday under the ausploes of the Rome Woman's Club, which lias arranged s lyoeum oourse. An event of Interest Thursday flight was the Christmas charity benefit of tableaux vlvants at The Opera House Romes society beauties were seen In poses characteristic of different nations and In Imitation of portraha and sculp ture. Mrs Gordon ITlght entertained three rabies of bridge Thnreday afternoon complimentary to Mro reoent bskles. Airs. James Maddox and Mrs Nevin Patton. Mrs John Berry and Mrs O S Pru- den have returned from Washington. D. C.. where they attended the Wilson *ayre wedding The Bachelor Otriir' Chib met this week with Mies Jook Tjong Miss lanilso Moultrie made top score and was awanl f-d tlx prise.. Miss Ruth Awerett gave a buffet sup per and InformaJ dance In honor of Miss Martha La tody, of Birmingham, who is the gueef of Mm Frank Woodruff. Eld win Clapp Shoes for Men Serviceable Xmas Gifts Laird & Schober Shoes for Women Gifts that wfTl please as well as fulfill the quality of service—Genuine Gifts that will be appreciated. Itlen’s flonse Slippers lounge about In. few things you a man and be wants. Any man tn the world simply de lights In a eomf ortn hie pair of house s 1 i ppers to Tt’s one of the can give sure he $| 50 1 to $}.50 J V-. Boudoir Slippers Warm, felt boudoir slip pers in a hun dred beauti ful des i gn s and colors, aTe the ideal “Gift- Rnntrihle” for milady. Our stock of boudoir slippers is very complete and varied. $1.00 1 to $J.0O A Pair of Shoes ' is a sensible Xmas gift—one that brings forth real appreciation in the reciprocant. If they are not the exact size, exchange , them after Xmas. V J r For The Boy A pair of real boys’ shoes. The kind that last and at the same time are comfortable. They stand all the wet weather of the long winter. 35 Whitehall 27 Years at the Same Stand. Mail orders promptly filled R. C. BLA CK 35 Whitehall wrpt. Columbus C OLUMBUS, l>#tc. On« of th« moat elaborate social affairs of the season was planned for Mrs. Howell Simmons, of Amerlcus, In the card party of Mrs. A P Tread wall at her apartments ai the Carolyn. The card part y was followed by a 6 o clook dinner . . XKv . m Mrs Albert Wynn, the guest of Mrs W H. Dlsmukes, and Miss Lucy Coney, the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Julia Har rell. thared honors at a theater party l>Vlday afternoon Mrs Edward Swift entertained a num ber of friends at the Muscogee Club Thursday afternoon. As a courtesy to her sister, Mrs. c*ch ard Massey, of Birmingham. Mrs. A I. Gordy entertained the Friday Auction Club at her home on Third avenue Mrs Cartwright Cook won the prize for top score. Mrs Massey was pre senter! with a bouquet of carnations Miss Margaret Bradley entertained In formally at bridge on Friday morning In honor of Miss Martha Ruth Or age. of Macon, the guest of Miss Kate Woolfolk. About 20 friends were invited •Mrs. Frank Phillips entertained on Wednesday evening complimentary to her house Sfv.estH, Miss Marguerite Wil liams .1 nr! Miss Elizabeth Felton, of Martin. Fifteen of the intimate friends of Mrs. Phillips were invited to meet, the visitors. Mrs Lawrence Hunt entertain**! tne Sewing Club Wednesday morning Mrs B. H. Hardaway was the hos tess at her home on upper Third ave nue Thursday afternoon at a reception complimentary to Mrs. Richard W. Mas sey, of Birmingham The Students' Club met Friday after soon at the home of Miss Mary Tigner on upper Second avenue. The subject for consideration was “The New Era of Mrs Lucius Wootten, of Jacksonville, the guest of her cousins. Mrs. Georg*- Walden and Mrs Elbert Driver has teen the honoree of a number of parties during her visit here. Mrs. Frank G Lumpkin entertained at a supper party at the Country Club in honor of her guest, Miss Florence Williams, of Rochester NT Y There wore eighteen In the party awards for the most finished dan ung went to Valentine BUUngsiea. James | James Hellene*. Gertrude Lazarus, Franklin Haley. Margaret Mckenney and Marietta I -avis Macon society waa In fall attendance upon the annua charity ball given un der the auspices of the Matron kin dergarten Association at the Volunteers Armory Thursday night. Live turkeys were given as prizes to the best turkey trotters. Mrs. M J Hatcher will give a dance *t the I*og Cabin Club on next Tuesday night In honor of Miss Susie Hatcher, of Columbus. Mrs W. TV Coleman gave a dinner party Thursday night for Mrs. Swift, of Texas, who is the guest of Mrs. Laura HU!. , ^ ^ The December meeting of the Wom an's Club was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Freeman Hart, on Orange street Mrs A M I>alv and Mrs Benjamin C. Smith will give a bridge party next Tuesday afternoon to a large number of invited friends Miss Mildred HoIUa, of Amerlcus. and Miss Addle Baldwin, of Paris, Texas, were honored by Mrs Robert Flournoy Wednesday morning with a bridge par- ty. Mrs A. C. Bad gel ay, of New York, was complimented Thursday morning with r bridge party by Mrs. E. Trls Napier Mrs E. D Rlrbardoon, of Atlanta, and Mrs E C Marshall, of Charlotte, N C . who arc the guests of Mrs. Pliny Flail, were entertained Thursday morn ing by Mrs. Ellsworth Hall. Macon r L Griffin Bridge Club on Wednesday afternoon at her home on Dixie street. Mrs J. B. Camp entertained Miss Helen Ixing, a bride-elect, at a linen and hosiery shower Friday afternoon at her home on Maple Hill. Mrs. Ruth Kramer and slstor. Miss Rachel Brock, will leave December 1« for an extended trip through Europe Mrs. W Ft. Campbell will entertain the Wednesday Afternoon Social Club at her home on Stewart street. The oc casion will be a sewing party. The Young Ladies’ Sewing Club met with Miss Tiraca Veal Tuesday after noon The next meeting of the Jokers’ Club will be with Miss Helen Long at her home on Maple street M ACON, Dec. « An Interesting wedding of the week was that of Miss Blanche .Wood Adams and James Guyton Parks, Jr., on Wednes day. at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Randall, on High street. Miss Margaret Coleta Harmon and Robert Ernest Melvean w*ere married Wednesday night at St. Joseph’s Cath olic Church. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. James Hoffman, of Atlanta; Mrs. Josephine Schneider; of Hawklnsville; Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Kee, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. William Cleary, Misses Florence and Vera Cleary, of Springfield, Mass., and Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy, of Savannah. A largely attended meeting of the Ma con Child Life Club was held Friday afternoon at the Chamber of Commerce. Among those participating in the pro gram, with recitations or readings, were R. C. Cranberry, .Mrs. D. J. O'Connell, Miss Louise Smith. Miss Sara Stone Taylor, Mrs. B S. Ooatln. Mrs. A. K. Williams, R. W. Edenfleld and Miss Rosa Taylor. The annual juvenile dansant of the Misses Baber and Balckshear Wednes day afternoon at the Dempsey waa an occasion in which scores of parents manifested much Interest. The honor G RIFFIN. Dec 6.—The Pulaski Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy met Wednesday aft ernoon with Mrs. James C. Edwards. An event of Tuesday afternoon was the auction- bridge party at which Mrs. Robert Shapard entertained. Mr. and Mrs Robert Strickland were hosts at a dinner party. A cofnpliment to Mrs. Parks Walker and her guest, Miss Magnus Freeman, of Greenville, was the auction bridge party given by Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy. Jr. The ladles of St. George Episcopal Church are holding «. bazaar this week !n the millinery parlors of Mrs. Blanch W 'lcott. Miss Mattie Wilson, of Griffin, and C F Hlillard, of Atlanta, were married Monday, Judge J. A. Drewry officiat ing. Miss Mabel Rivers, of MeanevlUe, and Clarence Cannifax. of Indianapolis, were united In marriage Wednesday after noon. Carrollton C A RTERSVILIJC, Deo K.—An event of Wednesday evening wo* the marriage of Miss Eula Ba*« and Oliver Anderson Neel, of Charlotte, N. C.. which took place at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Emma Bass, the Rev L. G. Hames officiating The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mra. M R. McClatchey, of Marietta, and Henry Bass. Miss Belle Bass, Mias Car rie Gordon and the Misses Burney, of Rome. Miss Bernice Tumlln was h#>stess at a bridge party Mrs. Wade Cothran for top score received an embroidered hand kerchief. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Lila Mor gan entertained the Main Street Bridge Club and a few guests not olnb mem bers. Mias Mary Hill Jolly waa hoatesa at a dinner celebrating hre sixteenth birth day. Mrs. Horace Foster entertained her sewing club Tuesday afternoon Thomas Lumpkin entertained fourteen friends at an elegant turkey dinner of five courses. Joseph and Robert Stiles entertained a few friends at their country home. Malboume." During the evening an old-fashioned Virginia reel was danced. tained at a small but elegantly appoint ed o’clock dinner. Mr and Mrs. J. Frank I^aa antar- tained at a small dinner party. Miss May Cole was hostess at the Young Ladies' Social Club on Wednea day afternoon. About thirty young w’oinen enjoyed bridge and dominoes. Mrs. Ernest Powal entertained her brUige club on Thursday afternoon in honor of Misses Martha Lawshe and Elizabeth Ramey, of Atlanta, and Miss Fannie Joe Dent, of Maryland. The club trophy, a pair of silk stockings* was won by Mrs. Thomas Parrott, and the consolation was drawn by Mrs. Henry A mail, Jr. Miss Martha Green was hosteea at a dinner, entertaining ten guests In honor of Miss Christine Melson. of Atlanta. Henry Israel entertained six of his friends at an opossum dinner. Mr. and Mra. Tolleson Kirby enter tained at a large family dinner In honor of Joseph E. Dent and his daughter. Mias Fannie Joe Dent, of Maryland. Eastman E astman, d#o. Mr* J. w Brook entertained the Auction Bridge Club on Friday afternoon i In the Commercial Club room* The guests and members of the oIud “cut** for the prize Miss Lillie Mae Wright being successful. cross Dalton w ( “* ARROLLTON, Dec. —Invitations have been issued for the Long- Boykin wedding, which takes place at the Presbyterian Church on Thursday, December 18. Miss Bernice Acklln entertained the Jolly Six at a Thanksgiving dinner at her home on College .street. The Lit Mu Club met with Miss Mar garet Simonton Friday afternoon at her home on Maple street. The Schoolgirls’ Domino Club met with Miss Ruth Dempsey Friday after noon. The ladies of the Baptist Tabernacle will hold a bazaar on Monday. Decem ber 15. at Miss Anna Oxford’s studio in the Red (toss Building. Miss Christine Fitts entertained the D ALTON, Dec. 6— M!*s Maida Alston was hostess to a number of her friends Thursday evening. The Lesche and Reviewers Clubs combined In an Interesting observance of Arbor Day yesterday afternoon. The members of the clubs met at the Lesche clubrooms. where the following pro gram was given; "Origin and Purpose of Arbor Day; Shade Trees and How to Plant.” Mrs. Julian McCamy;" "Quota tions on Trees;” "Dedicating and Plant ing of Club- Trees." Miss Clara Brown. Hymn, “God Save This Tree We Plant," Lesche and Reviewers. The Rev. R., A. Edmondson, of Car rollton. was the guest of honor at a banquet given by the Busings Men’s Club of the First Methodist Sunday School at Buchholz' restaurant Thurs day evening. AYCROSS, Dec. 6.—Members of the Friday Club were enter- VV tained by Miss Kate Stanton and Miss Margaret Stanton. Mrs. C. Francis Findley entertained the members of the Young Matrons' Club Wednesday afternoon. The club will be entertained next Wednesday by Mrs Robert Murphy. • The Carswell Society entertained a number of friends this evening at Cen tral School. The program was in charge of girls of the High School. Two Informal but enjoyable dances were given at the Moose Home during the week complimentary to visiting young ladies In the city. Several such affairs have been planned for next week and members of the Countrv ra-,v I p t.“„T" n f 1 ? fw 'G One of the most beautiful 1 the w«ok socially was the re™*,/‘I grlven by M*«. Edgar Allen honor of her visitors n l Akerz of Atlanta, and'Mias MlnnuSH Powell, of lajwrencevllle A.sisti,,, " J receiving and entertaining wer« f. U John W Bennett. Mrs. Harvev 0 R „ • I Mra. Bon Otbeon, Mrs Hereford vr H. Lester Marvll, Mrs Herbert ^ w ‘ •on, Mrs. Dessau Bunn Mrs Hopkins. Mrs U E. Strain, Mr. w ; Birmans and Miss Busts Sharps ' E ' Thomasvilie T homasville, ds«. «.-ThT£~! rlage of Miss Annts Hands «f tfci, city, to Frank Mallory, of'Broke, Bow, Okla., was an evsnt of Wednssds. afternoon. The ceremony was tA formed In the First Baptist Church * . father of the Slide, the Rev w V Harris, officiating. The bride was tended by her sister. Miss HalUe Ha, ™. maid of honor, and her aunt Mr." Mary Harris Armor, matron of lonm George Mallory, of Little Rock was best man. The ushers were Chastain. Jeo Jerger, Jr., Will HjJhI and Charles Robinson. A prett# wedding of Wednesday sv.> lng was that of Mies Maude 3petx'h; and Robert Harris Dixon both of city, which took place at the home J the bride s mother. Mrs Laura Hpehrh* The ceremony waa performed bv tb2 Rev. W. M. Haris, of the BapdS Church. Mrs Louis Edwards. 0 f man Park, sister of the bride, waa rrw. tron of honor, and Miss Genevieve Wti. don maid of honor. Miss Susie Brandon entertained Thursday morning at bridge n hon<3 of her guest. Miss Carrie Flster A Madison. The Thomasvilie Study Claes nt which Mrs. Z, I. Fitzpatrick Is presl- dent, held an Interesting meeting this week with Mrs. Taylor Mitchell Th» class Is studying South America Leesburg I EESBURG, Dec 8.— At the largest party of the season Mrs E. B — Lee entertained the members of the Forty-two Club and a number of other guests Wednesday afternoon. Newnan N «;WNAN. Dec. 6.—Mrs. Frank Rawls was hostess at two pretty parties this week, entertaining at dinner and at a domino party for Miss Allle Mann of Atlanta. At the domino party Mrs. Rawls was assisted In receiving by Mrs. Austin Smith, Miss Lutle Powel and Miss Louise Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parrott enter- hristmas ol LEATHER- ^ Artistic—Practical a no arc Just The Items that arc Bound to Please w iui Mibcmas only a matter of a few days off, it behooves us all to be about our Christmas buying. The Rountree Store is truly a treasure house of usef ul, attractive and beautiful gifts. You must come and SE*E! Give Her One of These Shoppinq Bags Xmas Luggage Who Is the man or woman who can not use one of THESE to great advantage? Make this your gift. We make them. Only the best qualities, no matter what price you pay here—$1 to $35. A Travel Case For 0 Vwo ma „ Containing alt the things needed on a trip. Will they like it? Indeed they will if it comes from Roun tree’s. $1 to $40. Here’s a List to Help You Decide What Wardrobe Trunks Our own make. Splendid values. $20 to $87.50 to Give Pullman Slippers In cases. Wonderfully conven ient. $1.00 lo $4.00 Leather Collar Bags 11 ■ — 1 " All colors—holding two dozen collars. $1.00 lo $5.00 Automobile Bags. .$2.00 to $25.00 [ Automatic Razor Stroppers, $1.00 j Address Books 25c to $2.50 J Bill Rolls 25c to $7.50 | Bags (shopping and traveling) $1.00 to $35.00 j Bridge Whist Sets..$1.25 to $6.00 j Bag Tags 10c to 50c j Baby Carriage 8fraps 75c Card Cases 25c to $2.50 j Coat Hangers In leather cases, $1.00 to $4.00 Cigar and Cigarette Cases, 50c to $3.50 j Collectors’ Wallets..50c to $7.50 j Clocks in leather cases, $1.50 to $5.00 Collar Bags $1.00 to $6.00 : Cuff Cases $1.00 to $5.00 j Cups In Cases 25c to $4.50 Court Plaster Cases 25c j Dressing Cases. $1.00 to $25.00 Diary Books 25c to $1.50 Emergency Leather Cases, $4.00 to $8.50 Empty Toilet Rolls. $1.00 to $5.00 | Flask, covered in leather, 75c to $10.00 | Game Sets in leather cases. 50c to $2.50 I Gillette Razors. . $5.00 to $6.50 Gentlemen’s-Hat Boxes. $5 to $12 Handkerchief Sets..$1.00 to $5.00 Hand Purses In leather, 50c to $5.00 Hat and Clothes Brushes In leather cases 60c to $5.00 Initials 25c to $1.00 Jewel Cases $14)0 to $20.00 Knife Cases 25o Key Packets 25o Library Sets. 75c to $3.50 Laundry Lists 50o Ladies' Card Cases..50c to $2.50 Lawyers' Brief Cases, $1.00 to $15.00 Leather Tie Cases. $1.00 to $10.00 Music Cases 50c to $10.00 Manicure Sets.. . $1.50 to $12.50 Music Cases 50c to $10.00 Medicine Cases 60c to $8.50 Military Brushes. $1.50 to $12.50 Motorist Washup Case . . $5.00 Music Rolls 60c to $10.00 Odds and Ends Boxes In leather 50c Photo Frames In leather, 35c to $10.00 Prescription Books, $1.00 to $3.50 Pass Cases 50c to $7.50 Poker Sets in leather cases, $8.50 to $10.00 I Pullman Slippers in case, $1.50 to $4.00 j Portfoflos....... $2.00 to $70.00 ; Razors $1.00 to $7.50 | Sewing Sets 50c to $8.00 ; Scissors Cases $2.50 to $4.00 | Stick Pin Boxes. . .$1.00 to $3.50 Stamp Cases 25c to 75o Shaving Brushes. .. ,75o to $1.60 Stationery Cases, $2.00 to $12.50 Suit Cases (our own make) $1.0J to $35.00 Shawl Straps 25c to $1.50 Tie Holders $1.00 to $7.60 Table Covers In leather. .. $1.50 Thermos Bottles. . $1.50 to $7.50 Thermos Cases. . $2.00 to $12.50 Tltewad Purses 25c to $2.50 Traveling Bags (our own mak e> $1.00 to $35.00 Drinking Cups in Cases, 25c to $5.00 Trunks (our own make) , . $8.00 to $87.50 Writing Cases . $1.50 to $10.00 Whisk Brooms and Holders, 25c to $1.00 Watch Fobs 25 c to $1 00 Web Straps 50c Wardrobe Trunks (our own $20.03 to $87.50 Work Baskets. $1.00 to $15.00 ROUNTREE TR B U A N G K C T They’re ine best colors and durable leathers and SI In V_'Ii practical shapes * 11 Manicure Sets Card Cases. L, a =''ette Slips. Clgsf Magazines, Pouches, Bill Folds all make the very finest gifts. 77 "MM. W. Z. TURNER. 64 So. Broad Sts Manager.