Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 09, 1913, Image 16

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' THIS ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ TOR RKOE1T—GEORGIAN WANT ADS USE FOR RESULTS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. By two young mr-n h steam heated room: ningle beds; walking distance; reasonable Give prices. et- Answer Box $16, < are Georgian, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. I >R SALE boa Ming •oinm ih<3 room *e of men; d< - of th*- Wl om owner css C. L. «ra ry .ogenj car* OJs; ACCOUNT great demand from lie public for furnished rind unfurnished roonia or furnished apartments. we in rite the public to list with ua and let | in aaaist them In renting to suitable tenants The Hoarding and Rooming i-Ioute Bureau of Information. 259 «’an<i er Anne.*. Phones Ivy 8424, Atlanta FOK SALE -On m must sell my -Ig O, A. (»., Box 667 < FREK OIL LOT d Quickly advertise only condition Nothing unfair. t tie guarantee! Address oil Svn< FoH SALE In Georgia town, 11 shed 15 years. I At l of my henltl :and Addr «ieorglan and maps to i your frienda; *• he recorded, i become worth p drill soon T1 "< f(,r postag»*. louaton. Texas, speroua Houth y si ore; e.stab • ss Q , Box 53, 291. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING. ROOMS WANTED. 1 »L’ \ l i 1 I'l l V ( M* < Gilcai ’ I I till 1 I.Nlf , nK Hfl(1 Invention ! development promptly executed at. j reasonable prices 209 l, 1 >*e street >1 M M f'llrj HI |PARTNER W \ .NTi;i> If vou have n few dollars to buy half intercut with BUSINESS PERSONALS. 1^ ^?EAL ESTATE FOR SALE^ Furnace Repairing. i FOR SALK Five-room house on lot Rnbv *,.«• ido"' I 11,0 •>.' - 00 f*«» I" Decatur; |.rh e *..000, r L KN A( K Khl AlKa $200 cash. $20 monthly; a genuine bar- THE ONLY PEOPLE to repair Moncrlef 1 gain E. F. Hufflnes, Germania Savings furnaces is the Moncricf Fuffiace Cora- Bank, 1’ W hltehali St. pany, 139 South Prj| r Main 285. At- for SALE—By owner, new five-room lanta 2877. bungalow; all conveniences. 101 Furniture Bought and Sold. Brookline xireet. Price 53,750; terms. wrvi:i.i;..... - VH^rr^'hS'u ‘-h,.,..- m.... qwi-l , . . .. , p I Southern Wreckage Company, 114 second-hand far. see us before Routh E.-rsyth street _ real estate for sale or ex- . huyinj?. Fords. Overland, Ever- ] ! change. G. on. Whiting. Will * eli or ex-1 i FOR SALE Five-piece 11 hoi stared In leather, ma good Condition, cost $200 two year- hv price $76, easy terrm Two h* ii*'< Meta with toilet mirrors, coat $50 *a< will Hell for $20 each. Blankets, pull w'hlte bedspreads. Must sell by Frida v HAddretw Crenshaw. Ivy 8155. i FOl; SALE Burroughs abiding rn n | chine; nine columns, good condltb A. M Robinson Co., 59 North Pry AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES GOOfT uHe«i four-passenger < artercar for Quick sale. $380 cash. Need money. , Main 4480 AUTOMOBILE and real ESTATE EXCHANGE. 116 Auburn Ave. Ivy II">45. 1 IF YOU are in the market for a! FARMS FOR SALE. Ad<1rr iti.l HO; tel* and res- ■d board 11x14 Fh, 25 South Ja salary of $60 also, call at 176 Patera I street and ho if you llk« the new ball __ I game. WANTED One or two nicely furnished j \va.\teT) To sell nn Interest In a rooms and kitchenette by couple with j p | ant to a party who 1* competent to one child Must have heat and con von }, an< n,> tie purchasing and sales de- *en< e*. State I : u *• him! 1cm atlc* " *'T 1 , o tment or manage the plant Plant answering Address K. R , B x 1 *), j , OMt j40,000 and pa>> monthly $20,000 100>4 Whitehall street TVV« • diamond rings, << will take $40 and $2 Box 1, care American. LAW for protection of tau rants. printed on Inches 25c each Ben i cards, book*, magazines and samples from everywhere Send 10-• silver to cur directory. W. .J. Swafford, Niota, Term. ADVERTISE 21 words 1 weeklies, $1. (Jope Agere 8t IjQuIk. Mq FitESM WATER pearls bo pay highest prices. I dinner for real estate one Set-! price* 1:8 oiimer. Hou.e Mover. L., vlrn. (SWEAT ISAHGAIN Five - jiaHsenger W. r. PFASE auto body with top and tank Gall or 4th Nat I li 1. V ...»V. I/, .ill*,. “ 710 / got i Oil v care Georgian ! Want to Increase capacity several times J larger. Address Business, cure U’elc- graph, Macon, Ga. -l IREAT SACRIFICE )N ACCOUNT of Illness compellfkl to . give up good business at once, 33 . f rivate party. r(> o m boarding snd rooming house, fur- local money. Business conflUenUal nnrr htate/| f full of best class h..ard- •'BUvsa*,** Boa 11 rare Georgian. i , good servants who would remain. WILL BUY first mortgage purchase) m * t location Will sell all the furnish- PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. Mi scklla'neo'us. mu. BUY first or .ocoritl rnort*ngo| purchase money notes " money notes, payable monthly. 412. care Georgian. Box Kiaei MONEY TO LOAN. rTi AA nT^some money to lend for client on good security at 6 y w Cousins. Attorney, 4lt MONEY for SALARIED PEOPLK AM) OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments Confl- 820 Austell Bldg "Home funds to lfndT <tr I a SPFC Alt lugs or reserve some and make reason able reduction and easy terms. Mm. A f». Cox, 36 Last North avenue, Ivy 6501 MOVING PICTT’RK THEATER In a town of about 5,500 people; good bual ness Little cash needed. Act Quick. Box 215. Cartersville. Ga i\ \ ENTION8 We win manufacture and market meritorious Inventions Acme Specialty Company. 20$Vi Lac at reel West 1318 any amount; 6 per rent. Write or call S W. Carson. 24 South Broad street farm LOANS piacM in anj amount on Improved farm lands In Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould Pudding When you want to BORROW MONEY, $25 OR MO HE, We w ill loan you what you need ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC. At Legal Kates This company has set out to render a practical service to borrowers, loaning monev at legal rates und on a repay ment plan that Is both practical and reasonable, guaranteeing you fair treat ment, quick service and n courtesy often backing In transactions <>f this kind. GITIZENK LOAN GO.. 413 PETERS BLDG. 7 Peachtree Street. PHONE MAIN 3771. "LOANS $25.00 AND UP. On Furniture, Pianos, or on En dorsed Notes. tVV. ARF a new company, or ganized for the purpose of loaning money to work ing men and ladles keeping house, at the lowest possible rate of interest Wa positively' make no charges for commis sions, drafting papers, or any other so- called charge, but only ask vou to pay the rate permitted by the laws of tha State Our easy -payment flan allows you to pay us back to suit your Income. r *Fe also protect you from publicity, and «xtend every courtesy to make tha carrying of a loan satisfactory to you In every' way GUARANTEE LOAN GO. Room 318 Atlanta National Hank Bidp., Bell Phone Main 440. iVE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlan ta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purohasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edge wood Avenue. STOCKS AND BONDS. AHVRRTIKK 30 wnrylo In 30 hl,c Sun- day papers. Including Hearst’s Sun day American, only $5. Bank refer- • rres Dope Agency. 3740 olive street. 8M Loula, Mo. FOR SALE M.e grocery and meat- market, In good location. Owner leav ing city. Address J., Box 2, care Oeor- glar^ or Main 3146 AUCTION SALES fk v‘< Yr tvftTf to '31* pose of your fur niture, household goods, pianos or of flee fixtures, see B. Bernard, or call M. 2306. PERSONAL. nToiI'i-T'Tfian 5,000~hair switches to be sold at the Robins Hairdressing l*nr lors. livery one reduced. Combings made into braids and switches dyed. 40' . Whitehall street, second floor. Main 3625. ’ LADIRH! Ask youi Dnigglet for Cblchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand For 26 years kjiown as Best. Safest, Al ways Reliable. Buy of your Druggist Take no other. Cblchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by Druggists every where. DR. S. F. WEST S I'Ed A 1,1ST. GENTTO-URINAKY fcKIN and CHRON IC fUSKASFS. 10G vti WHITEHALL M AIN 4216. LAD1KK Why be enibarrasseo by a hairy face? I remove hair or money back. Write W. .1. Swafford, Niota, Tenn. MAKE FK1KX1 >S everywhere; receive postcards, letters from other mem bers Lirge list. Membership, 10c Social Correspondence (Tub. Braddoek Pa. Dolls mend- 110 Luckle ight sold. I ii for $1 per grain. Lavernc Mapes, Indiana Harbor, KnR HALE Wheeler A- Wilson sewing machine, almost new. for $15. 652 Peachtrc*e._ Ivy 45 HEX UAL K NOW LEDGE L*r Hall’s great book, 320 pages, illuatrated; highlj indorsed; splendid Xrnas gift; • verj body should have H Postpaid #1.10 Southern Supply Co., Box 614, Maoon, Ga. WANTED Bridal bouquets of roses to make into heads at 50c per dozen. Miss ,M E Thorn. Hillsboro, Ga, irg ir poor safe Her ring Hall-Marvln make, cost new $350. Will vdl cheap for spot cash This is a great bargain for any one wishing real protection J. B.. care Georgian. M EDI I’M SIZED safe; 21 inches high. IftVfc wide, 14 deep: Inside door; weighs 1,000 pounds Will sell cheap. Cost, new. $75. Can be seen at 115 North Pryor street Gookln Bank and office Equipment Company, or R. J. M , care Georgian. 1 d llBoLI > ^ A EE; weights 2,000 pounds. j t«i ken in exchange for larger sized Her ring Hall-Marvln make. Will sell cheap if taken at once Can be seen at 116 North Pryor street Gookln Bank and < iffice Equipment Company. FOR'SALE Boy’s bicycle and phono- grnph In good condition. West 28. FOR SALIC Goat and wagon. S. V. Sluder, Route 6, Atlanta. Atlanta phone yards 74-F. FOR SALK Pineapple oranges, $1.75 pci* box f. o. b. Fine quality. 126- ■ i ' ' FOR~SALI f Tn tlque malm ga n y table, done 04 present. Phoru MAKE tw $1. Co., Jacks FOR SALIC write L H Sawyef, 709 North Boule vard, A tlanta, Oa. FOR SALIC One Hudson auto, In good condition, with all equipments Is a great bargain if sold at once. Box 286, Sandersvllle, Ga. BIG BARGAIN IN MB ED CARS WE ARE OFFERING USED LOCOMO BILES. PIERCE ARROWS. F I. A. T„ STEARNS KNIGHT. COLMMBIA AND STODDARD-DAYTON AT VERY REA- SONABLE PRICFmS GA LL OR WRITE FOR USED GAR BT>jLICTIN NO. 3, LISTING i'RICKS AND GIVING DE TAILED INFORMATION USED CAR DEPARTMENT THE lX)COM( /BILK COMPANY OF AMERICA. PHONE: IVY 6017. 469 PEACHTREE STREET. FOR SALE Will sell my 1914 Hupmo- blle at a big sacrifice; am leaving the city and must sell at once. Address Hurry 1 'p, Box 744, care Georgian CADILLAC. 1912, four-passenger ton neau, Delco starting and lighting, wide gauge, full equipment; just overhauled; bargain for cash. W., Box 413, care Georgian. Bk. Bldg Atl, — J change for Atlanta renting property or ; will sell at bargain and take good auto Moves brick and as cash payment, balance 1, 2 and 3 frame houses. 417 years. Main 2041 Main 161$. work Make fine Christinas Ivy 1737. inatt beer; expressed. Hodge Manufacturing Hie, Fla. CHEAP—One pair Fair- bank floor scales, capacity 6,000 lbs. L Loab C< ilumbua, (la. FOR BALE Chestnut telephone, tele graph arui electric light poles. Prompt shlpmenV (JoorK freight rates. Satis faction guaranteed. We want your busi ness J. G. Dougherty, Johnson City, Tenn. ARMY tents; 18-ounce duck, slightly used, all sizes. Call or write 295 South Pryor street, _ Main 2543-L._ FOR SALE One set of market fixtures complete; some terms. W. D. P.. No. 9 Williams street, SNEED NURSERIES will mall you catalogues of Urst-class fruit trees, plants and vines, shade trees, privet he«iv. i>* i ati trees, etc Morrow. Ga i 1 nd-hand safes, alT sizes. Hall's hank, fire and burglar proof safe-. vault doors, etc. C. J. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Hank Build ing FOR HALE Five passenger 1913 Liver land car. electric lighted. Perfect con dition. Apply 1612 Candler Building Phone Ivy 5287. BOUGHT KNIGHT TIRE COMPANY 1913 STOGK TIRES—All sizes. Offer them 50% off as long as they last. Fine stock. Names on. McPherson Auto Tire Company, Atlanta. Oa. 1912 MODEL touring cai in perfect condition and a bargain for quick sale, cost $3,000; or will exchange for Atlanta renting* properlj' or vacant lota. Main 2041. SEVEN-SEATED Speedwell for sale, second-hand; can be sent for Inspec tion. P O, Box 1448. . > 1 want th* gain of the year, drop me a card and let rne show you my Ford; have got to sell at once, as I have been trans ferred to another city and I don’t want to ship. Address M. N., Box 743, care (Jeorgian. _____ $2.60 CASH will buy classy little road ster. Splendid condition. Good tires and recently pairtfed. “Cash.” Box 41, care Georgian J*-a r *• re and Optician*. D1 N A W \T bH0§7~ 6 Walton St. EXPERT engrav’ng, diamond setting and Jewelry repairing. - job PrMtIng. nOSs'B ’ M< ><»!< IC. Job Printer. Always M 3864-J. Miili JeMAS BAlfGAINs $5 trimmed hats a specialty. Full line of children’s trimmed hats I^adies’ and misses’ vel vet shapes, 98c to $2.98. Fur skins and gold lace trimmings. Old hats remod eled, $1.50. Gharge accounts solicited. Open evenings Mrs. C. II. Smith, 115 Peachtree. FIFTY acres three miles from Toceoa in famous apple belt. Ideal for sum mer home; near large lake. To sell cheap or exchange, or exchange for Atlanta property. Phone Main 2041. FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build ing lots In College Park, the moat de sirable suburb of Atlanta, sea I. C. McCrory. New Rubber Tire*. V* tires put on your i\ Jj VV baby’s carriage; repaired, re painted and re-covered. Ivy 3076. Rob ert Mitchell, 229 Edge wood. « Painting and Tinting. THE TRIPOD PAINT COMPANY. 27-9 Pryor Street. BEST goods, prompt service. Phone us your orders. Phones Bell Main 4711. Vtlanta 408 Pecans. * §~“k BAfiSfwsSiX. JK., 217 Kiser Bldg. Fancy paper-shell pecans. Ma 161-J ' ATLANTA SAFE CO. Shoe*. shoZsTTSauk-solbd sewed 50 CENTS AT GWTNN'S SHOE SHOP. 8 Luckl* street, opposite Piedmont Hotel Both phones. In a hurry. Call Taxicab Com pany for auto rent service. Slate Roofing. tv »v'iv v,v.xrK™(ATfmrra: *iww> I jm Repairs and New Roofing. Main 1615 Atlanta 955. ATLANTA Doll Hospital ed All pans furnished f treat. MME. O’NEAL Informs the la-lies that I L.n-iwl <• »• -he has returned und Is ready to do lx H 1 ’ ‘ \ all kinds of cleaning 188 Windsor »t. REMEMBER Queen's Delight, ladles. for removing hair from face “Send for free sample.” National Remedy Co./ Poet office 808. Atlanta, Ga. $100 REWARD Ladles, our monthly compound never disappoints; safely relieves longest, most obstinate, abnor mal rase of suppressed menstruation In three days. Price $3. Southern Reme dy Company, Memphis. Tenn. MWTSHaIIKS best stock In Georgia. Dividend this year 20 per cent. Call ]yy^f>365. _ MfNEY WANTED WanYkU To 'borrow $i.,V'T'per cent for three years on $6,000 worth of gilt-edg** Atlanta properly. Address J. F. N., 301 i'mpii'e Building. WE LOAN other people's money on ftrat mortgag > Atlanta real estate Why not let us lend yours at 6. 7 and 8 per cent? See us. G R Moore, 116 Lobby, Candler Bldg Bell phono Ivy 4911. At lanta 2483 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. • | iT/i~PLA NT oTul Refrigerator ieirsg * J Station Gost $15,000, for $5,000 cash. Crystal lee Co., High Springs, FIs DO YOU KNOW THAT Morrison's method of manipulation Is « sure euro DREGLESS system for ull diseases” 414 Kiser Bldg.. Atlanta. National Cash $36, $50, $60. $75, $100 and up. Terms easy. Monthly payments. 60 NORTH BROAD ST. WOMEN, to invest $3,000 to $5,000 tn manufacturing business Money mak ing proposition. Chance for suffragette to get in business world. Address Con tinent, care, Georgian. .>_U>n A MONTH INCOME CAN be made by enterprising men or women who will handle our properties in their h>< .City We have just opened the sale of ’*Bryanhurst.” beautiful sub urban addition to Houston. We offer a j>w lots at $50 payments $2.50 cash, 52 50 mom hi; Remarkable sellers Write l<>-day for free maps, plats and our spei ial offer to salesmen. The J. C. Nelson Co., 509 Garter Bldg., ‘Houston, BEK KM'S RESULTS come from trusses 1 m propel I y fitted. John B Daniel, at 34 Wall sit eat, has aii expert fitter and it will oust you no more to have him fit you, und It means Irsnrnnre M \TURNiTY SANITARIUM I’r!vate. refined, homelike Limited number of patients cared for. Home provided for infants Mrs. M T Mitchell. 26 Wind sor street. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. I’ifAi^ncXl^XN^ inov TiTnTng room suit at bargain. Owner leaving home. Write for information. H. L., Box 6!»5. care Georgian. WANTED—MISCELL AN LOUS. i :i * jPool taSlaa, In good shape; have a perfect diamond to exchange tor same. Address Box 8. care Geor gian. WANTED Victrola and records; must be in good condition and a bargain. S. G W., No. 1217 Third National Bank Building, (Tty. Roller chair for crippled Address Roller Ghatr, care FOR SALE Shavings from planing mill. In carlots. Write 1L D. Richter, Godfrey. Ga. 7 w v ii AT wholesale for factories. 4 \J.\1j furnaces and grates; also fertilizer material* W. E. McCalla, man ufacturing agont, Atlanta. 415 Atlanta N atlonal Ba nk Build in g. j , One $600 Morris piano Tor $100. also one Royal typewriter, at Hotel Cumberland. FOR SAl.E 100.000 1-year-old apple trees, grown from whole French seed lings Retail and wholesale. Write Appa lachian Nurseries, Tallulah Falls. Ga. EM I'IRE FISH MARKET Fresh oys ters and dressed poultry, fish dally 112 Whitehall WANTED—To store three automobiles h t $5_a month at 362 Peachtree street. WANTED -To buy a second-hand Ford automobile; price must be low; don’t answer this unless you have a Ford to poll, as I won’t buy a heavy car. Ad dr.--- X X . Box 742. C0re Georgian# sou. RADIATOR CO. EXPERT repairing on radiators, lamps, fenders and windshields. 112 Pied mont avenue. 4 OXYGEN REMOVES CARBON We clean your auto cylinders while you wait Good job. small price. AUTOGENOUS WELDING »f all inetals. Gear cutting and general machine repairs. Satisfaction guaran teed SHEARER MACHINE CO 197 WHITEHALL. MAIN 1670. GOOD USED OARS. A few cars in good condition for sal* at reasonable prices. ROADSTERS. FORD, repainted. BITCK MODEL 32. repainted. OA KLAND. COLE, foredoor LITTLE, foredoor. COURIER, foredoor, repainted BUICK MODEL 30. TOURING CARS. OVERLAND repainted. OVERLAND, foredoor, repainted. E-M-F. foredoor. BUICK MODEL 31 repainted. STUDEBAKER, 7-passenger, repainted. If you want a good used car it will pay you to call on us. lU'ICK MOTOR COMPANY, 241 Peachtree 8t. Atlanta, Ga. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING ~ IS ONE of our specialties High grade work. Reasonable prices. Stove and Range Repairing. VTr?ANKTrYPriTiT > r'2^^m'. : T:K''?'T'' EXPERT stove and range repairing Gas stoves moved and remodeled. At lanta 18 78. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED DAN, THE FIXER. 121 Whitehall. M. 2699 ^ ^ Typewriter* For Rent. YES, we rent practically brand-new, splendid Oliver Visible Typewriters, three months only $4.00, and apply on purchase. Easy Terms. Expert Ste nographers furnished on short notice. OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY, 54 AUBURN AVE. Umbrella*—Wholesale ana Retail. n AT DPfiT TAG Try" “T a y 1 o r Uivl DIilLLAg Made” Detacha ble handles. All prices. No charge for repairs. Phone Main 3748 Taylor Urn* bred a Company, 116(£ Whitehall. Window and House Cleaning. NATIONAL Window » earring Co 6?flc* 4Y E. Hunter Main 1175, Atlanta 1051. PICTURE PLAYS. 'wRiYTrTKrViNG^pISTtfflOE^PLATs. YOU can learn with our instructions Write for particulars. A1 Bartlett Film Company, Rhodes Building. WRITF MOTION~ Pict u re Plays. >V ill lli l>lv/l ILLN It . s easy wlth our Studio Cincinnati REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE- North Side apart ment; rents for about $2,006 year; will take property of about $3,000 as cash payment Ivy 8228. FARMS FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE WANTED^ SEEfTi*r7n>ourT!>rop^^ foreclosure or the piece giving you the most worry. Cash or unencumbered real estate for your equity. A. L., 626 Empire Bldg. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. Ducks. T*URl?"^WhTte fndi a rT^lTurmer IStmks (Flshel strain); good size and shape, erect and great layers; $1 each. Sawnee Farm, Cummlng, Ga. Ground Bones.^ GREF^gTound bones for chickens; ground every day. 89 Decatur St. Incubators. FOR SALE—One incubator,' '120 eggs; two International hovers, one brood er. All half price. R. R. Harwell, 115*/^ North Pryor street. FOR SALE*—Four hot water Incubators with automatic gas lamps; two 200- egg, two 100-egg; have changeable trays and can be run as continuous hatch ery. Bringing off chicks every five or six days. Dr. Charles P. Ward, 120 Gordon -4— Leghorn*. Brown Leghorn pul lets. Beautiful plumage, large flop combs; perfect beauties; heavy layers and now laying. Lots of eight or more 90 cents each. Fifty at a bargain. Guy ton Farm, White Plains, Georgia THOROUGHBRED Kellerctrass W'hlte Orpingtons. F'ine March-April pul lets $1 up. H. W. Woolf. Grant Bldg Poultry—Ail Varlatlaa. “ChTcKEN INSPECTOR” badges. 25c each. Lynch Pharis Company. A tlan ta ^Ga. FOR HALF:—One pair White Runner ducks, $2; one pair Partridge Rocks, $5. All the White Rocks you want, $2 and up C. O. Harwell, care H. G. I last inafCft Co., Atlanta. instructions, $1 postpaid. National !lo. Cincinnati, Ohio. BARGAIN SALE standard bred fowls— ’White Leghorns, $1.00; Crystal W'hlte Orpingtons, $1.50; Indian Runners, $1.25; Embden Geese,, prize winners, $5.00 pair. Hatching eggs. $1.50 setting. Express paid to Mobile. Write us. Fish River Yanis. Magnolia Springs. Ala Rhode Island Reds. ofTrEST^brecSer^Keds^Thls^sectlon. My birds have won many ribbons and specials. Eggs $150 per 15 straight. If by parcel post will prepay charges Few pens young breeders $10 for four nice pullets and male. C. L Pierce, Co lumbus. Ga. 120-122-124 AUBURN AVENUE. ESTABLISHED 1869. qvxas WILL sell $5,000 note, amply secured. due November, 1914 with interest at * per cent, for $4,500. Address Box 468, care Georgian FOR BALE- l>alr> with well established trade. Call Ivy 6141. LOCAL MANAGER wanted at Atlanta who can come well recommended to represent high class Illinois concern whose product has a great demand. Ex perience in our line not essential, as a man will be furnished to Instruct and assist in opening tip the business The right man can makt a permanent con nection whereby th«- compensation should amount to $3,009 to $5,000 per annum. An investment of $:’.,000 re quired, which is secured at all times by stock <d merchandise Address Sec retary. 403-404 First National Bank Building. Chicago. Ill WANT El woman. Georgian. MATTRESSES RENOVATED. FEATHERS BOUGHT. BLI.I. lihone Main 3554. AUatila 3S33 American Jdattress Company Peti W American Matti 5 pi ' 168-170 bicycle; must be in good order and cheap. R W Parris, . Nat na Vlaji I WA NT ED To trade for a se typewriter. | Georgian. Address Trader, WANTED- Stock in country bank; pre fer enough to control; give full par ticulars Box 1256. Atlanta 1 IlH MEN’S old clothes and shoos Drop a card I Bock ITT Gilmer street PROP A CARD. W’e’H bring cash for old clothes and shoes. “Th* Veat- nlra." 161 Decatur St SAFES. FILES, cabinets, new' and seo- ond hand. Qookln Bank and Office Equipment Company, 113-116 North Pryor Street. FOR SALE OR EXCH ANGE-M IS- CELLANEOUS. ^FTve^vtfrTeties of standard bred poul- t ry. One small National cash register t me McCormick binder. One Cyphers incubator. One Cyphers brooder. Two carloads of haled oat straw. T4\ ■ oarloads of baled corn stover. Will sell cheap or trade for pedigreed cattle or hogs, thrashing machine, gaso line engine, or anything l can use of equal value. Address P. O. Box 141. Social Circle, AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. FOR SALE Four-cylinder roadster; runs like new. Can be seen at 208 De- catur street; $160 cash, .Wl OGENOUS Oxygen cutting, welding and carbon cleaning machines, complete all In one State depository for oxygen and acetylene tanks, abso lutely harmless. We are carbon cleaners. Wellborn Oxygon Carbon Cleaning Co.. 14 Oiimer St,. Phone Main 54. SIMPLEX Ready Made Portable rage? and Houses; shipped complete In sections; can put them up yourself; hammer, wrench and screwdriver only tools required; no carpenter needed; our prices save you half; garages $80 to $198; houses $160 to $579. Write post card to-day for “Ready-Made” Building Catalog, No. 757. Sent to you without charge. Sears, Roebuck & Co, Chi cago. Auto* Want*d. "XUTOMOIULK WANTED WILL EXCHANGE real estate in Druid Hills section for a good five-passenger automobl'e. Chelsea I^and Co.. 501 Em- plre Life Bldg. Phone Ivy 5478, Q a rapes f°r^ (TaTTagl electric lights and water Apply Mrs. E. D Davis. 376 North Boulevard. Ivy 1245-J. MEDICAL. DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pannyroyai and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions Trial box by mail, 80c Frank Edmon/lson ft Bro., manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., A Van tab REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SAl.E By owner, one nine-room | house on Merrltts avenue; first-class; will double In value in five years: also one of the finest vacant lots on St. Charles avenue. Call Ivy 1950 -L. BEA1 TH* i L five room home oi & Side; $3,000; for quick sale, $2,300; $500 cash, balance easy. Address Modern, Box 903, care Georgian. DECATUR STREET WILL SELL you a genuine bargain on Decatur street. Address “Decatur,” Box 40, care Georgian. BEAUTIFUL North Side apartment site, corner, for a few days can he had. direct from owner. $3,000. Can M handled onr-thinl rash ami balance in two years at 6 t>er oanl simple In terest. This is a bargain. Address “D,” P. Q. Box 1679. PERSONAL. WILL BUY 100 feet front on Marietta street; prefer a corner this side of Hunnicutt street; want a vacant corner or small improvements. Address “Man ufacturer.'' Box 60, care Georgian. Rhode island Red*. ^ S^^r^^P^FDsT'cockerelB and pullets, good shape and color, at $1. One dark cockerel and ten pullets, color a little light, for $10. Pine Hill Poultry Farm, Jacksonville, Qa. Turkeys. TURKEYS FOR SALE—Order your Chrismas turkeys now. I have them. Will ship when directed. W. J. Parker, White Plains, Ga. MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS—Fine strain. Young toms $4. pullets 3; two-year-old toms, $6. J. T. Holbrook, Ashland, Ga. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. JtiTuAWi buys my motorcycle in per fect condition; tires never punctured; need of money. Answer quick. Box 946. care Georgian. FOR BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED TIRES SEE US We PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fur niture Cash advanced on consignments Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell street. Bell phone Main 2424 TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. TVFkWHITKKS KKNTKI). ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants State manager. High class article. 4 MONTHS FOR $5 AND UP Fhould pa> $1CmhH> annually. $.500 to $1.- Rebuilt typewriters. $23 to $75 090 capital. Will pay expenses to Chi- ! AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO. cago ’f you are the man w »■ wain Kef 4$ North Prvor St Phone Main 252* • lug, Chi 1 ago. EARN an easy' dollar Box 157. Dei ver, Colo. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. 28x3 30x3 80x3%....... 32x3 V* 34x8 ....... 36x3 *y . >00 6.00 7.00 7.00 8 00 9.00 11.00 32v4 . .. •34x4. . . 36x4... 34x4 V* . 30x4'I. 36x5... Tires shipped C. O I). $ 8.00 10 00 12.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 16.00 with 10 per cent accompanying order with privilege of examination. .1 \KK ft JOHN TIRE COMPANY, 2103 Michigan Avenue. Calumet 3824. CHICAGO. ILL BUSINESS PERSONALS Abstract and Title Insurance. ATLANTA TITLE GUAKANTEh GROUND FLOOR Equitable Bldg. 5420. CO., Main Want to Know ARHIIT Farm Lands in Georgia? Consult The Farm Land Expert ■7" Information Given by Letter—FREE Send Communications to The Farm Land Information Bureau FARMS FOR SALE. FARM~FOR~SALE—In Brooks County. Georgia, 350 acres. 150 in high state or cultivation; 6 miles from Quitman, the County seat; less than L mile of good church and school; easy terms. P. C. Burke, R. F. D. No. 6. Quitman. Ga. 320 ACRES—Cotton, wheat, corn, alfal fa land; 5 miles county seat; two sets Improvements; 140 acres in cultivation; living water; an excellent combination stock farm; good terms; $20 per acre. Robert L. tCnie, Cordell, Okla. 60 \< ’KES good land $300 balance on time; no interest. Lock Box 8, Haralson, Ga. FOR SALE—400 acres good land, well timbered, one mile from depot, $15 per acre. A. L. Turner, Wauchula, Fla. WE SELL land in Langtfale County Wis., from $10 an acre up; V* to 1-3 down, bal. 6%; it Is the best In the State; If you are interested write us and find out the rest. Joseph Duchac & Co., 106 N. La Salle St., Chicago, or Antigo, Wis. VOLUSIA, FLORIDA. Welcomes the Ilomeseeker. 5 TO 20-ACRE FARMS—Il'ich soil, ad- joining new town of Volusia; modern hotel, school, stores, lumber mill, etc.; perfect drainage; 30-foot fall to beauti ful Tomoka River. Three crops a year and big returns. Fine for vegetables, fruits, poultry and cattle. Good hunting and fishing On main line of Florida East Coast Railroad; 4 miles from fa mous Ormond-Daytona Beach Farms $40 per acre; town lots $50. Very easy terms. Free advice to settlers by ex pert farmer as to crops, time of plant ing. etc. Write to-day for illustrated folder. Volusia Development Co., Heard National Bank Building, Jacksonville, Fla. FARMS FOR SALE. ^ 5]650~9CcTtES richest land in Georgia: 3.300 acres cleared and free of stumps, balance in fine timber; only $15 per acre on easy terms. E. U. Ethridge, care Robert A. Ryder Realty Co., 1018 Em pire Bldg. Ivy 8180. owner one eight-act® farm, two houses, good orchard and outbuildings, on Southern Railway; 12. miles from Atlanta, at Mableton, Oa «tlantar. SEE ME for South Georgia Farma Will exchange for city property. J. Ti Kimbrough. 409 Atl, Nat Bk. Bldg. FLORIDA HOME SEEKERS AND INVESTORS CAN secure valuable information on Florida crops, climate, soil, schools, etc. Many business openings and some low-priced land in this vicinity. Ad dress Secretary Chamber of Commerce, Lake Worth. Palm Beach County, Florida. WILL give favorable retail selling con tract 1,120 acres splendid colonization land. Suwannee County, Florida. George V Colburn, Lake City, Fla. FOR SALE- Seventeen acres on Mari etta. car line. One six-room and one four-room house. Terms. H. P. Steph ens, Route 5. Marietta. Ga. FOR SALE—1,100 acres extra fine land, 2 miles of Americus on fine graded road; 800 acres open: good buildings, ginnery; land lies well and of excellent quality; admirably located; none better. For quick sale, only $55 per acre; cheap at $100 per acre. Opportunity to double your money. Very desirable home or in- \estment. Don’t delay if you want one of the best farms anywhere. P. B. Williford, Americus. Ga. 120 ACRES Well improved; two rooms; price $1,600; $400 down. Write Box 694, Mountain View. Mo. FARM LANDS for sale at a bargain. M. J. Carswell, Jeffersonville, Ga. HIGH-CLASS SOUTHERN FARM. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOMB. (Stock and Implements Included.) SEVENTY - FIVE MILES south of At- lanta, on Central of Georgia. Railroad station oh the farm; 600 acres now in splendid operation, paying well. Owner has good reason for selling at a bargain. Information to a real purchaser fur nished by EDWIN P. ANSLEY. LAND DEPT. REALTY TRUST BUILDING ATLANTA, GA. CAN FURNISH retired business men. clerks, bookkeepers and others fln« farms, 5 acres and up to 1,000, near railway stations and good markets, cheaply and on easy payments. Writ® particulars to Stephenson I^and and Lumber Company. Oconto, Wis. . MISSOl HI HARMS one dollar cash buys a Missouri or Florida farm, bal ance five to eight years’ time; no inter est; free trip. Save this ad; it’s worth $10. Call or write Missouri Farms Company, Bremen Station, St. Louis. Mo. - CAN furnish retired business men, clerks, bookkeepers and others fin® farms, 5 acres and up to 1,000, near railway stations and good markets, cheaply and on easy payments. Writ® for particulars to Stephenson Land and Lumber Company, Oconto. Wis. FARMS FOR RENT. I WANT a good farmer with two horses to rent my farm, two miles from Ston® Mountain, also two-plow farm in Haral son County, 2 miles from Felton. Ga. Good houses improvements. L. Gross man, 96 Whitehall street, Atlanta. FARMS WANTED. WILL” TRADE ten beautiful North~Sl&® lots for farm. Must be first-class proposition and bear closest investiga tion. Address Owner, 301 Empire Build ing. Tailor and FuitIt. I URIUS, the Tailor and Furrier, has moved to 140 Peachtree street, on fourth floor. Furs repaired equal t* new. Phone Ivy 2724 Trunk*. Bags and Suit Ca**a. RETAILED AND REPAIRED. ROUNTREE’S. 77 WHITEHALL ST. Phones. Bell Main 1576, Atlanta 1654 CaPjarles. FOR SALE—Canary birds; guaranteed to sing. 21 Doane St., city. Dogs. FOR SALE—Pointers. setters and hounds, trained and untrained. Write for catalogue. Consolidated Kennels Co., rsville, N. < Box 25. FOR SA LE Tra ned and Untrained set ters and pointers. 8. R. Owen, Gor- don, Ga. . « fiTNCH poodle puppies for sale. 548 Peachtree street. P< ss i'M AND COON DOG—Best dog in North Georgia; $15 gets him; 2V6 years old; full hound; open on track; steady at tree; as represented or money back. This dog is perfect. B. W. Springfield, Box 33. Dalton. Ga. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR RENT. W.A.FOSTER & RAYMOND ROBSON FOR SALE. WEST END LOT, 48 by 149 feet; tile sidewalks; sewer; gas; water. Lot elevated three feet above sidewalk. There is $250 quick profit for the par ty who buys now. Price only $725. See Mr. Cohen. REAL ESTATE. R ENTING AND LOANS. 11 EDGEWOO D AVENUE for rent. GRANT PARK SECTION—We have FOX TERRIERS—Fine, well marked puppies: males, $7.50; females, $5. C. O. Harwell, care H. G. Hastings & Co., Atlanta. 1 1FUL Scotch collie dogs, months old; male, $25; female, 104 Warren St.. North Kirkwood. WAN® CALIFORNIA bungalow in Decatur; six rooms and all modern conven iences except gas. Hardwood floors; nice fixtures, etc. Large lot, 50 by 200. $4,500, on terms. See Mr. Bradshaw. Pair thoroughbred pups. Must be thoroughbred. Birchmore, Gay. Ga. • Pet Stock. V\AVWNVWVWWWVWVWWSAA.VVWVAAAAA FOR SALE Guinea pigs, rabbits, ring doves, white doves, fancy pigeons, spotted rats, white rats, fancy mice. \ John M\ Omellas. 1719 East Mason cows, fresh in milk. 9 Boykin street. Atlanta phone 4032. AM Kind* of Stove Repairing. —WTTenW¥SoublS?--all THE STOVE DOCTOR." *U 0 ,N fil SOUTH PRYOR. ATL 1410 Artistic Upholstering. F. Ij. VOLBEKgT JR. UPHOLSTERING and furniture repair ing 226V4 Teachtree street Phon* Ivt 8224 “The Shop With a Reputation. ’ Artistic Walt Paper. OOD opportunity for physician want- iu a home and good practice In small • wn. For particulars address Box lit*, ive Oak, FU look ih;re JtAJKi: BARGAINS for small cash pay ment* a no easy terms. We have tor 1 aale some of the best boarding and looming l ouses and business opportu- 1 !♦ s of ail * mbs ir. town Call and 1* t u>* tell you about these i? you want to b - a business of any kind. nil-; BOARDING ANT* ROOMING ID /USE BUREAU OP INFORMATION. J.'.G Candler Annex, 104 North IT} or St Ivy 8424. Atlanta 293 DIAMOND vine and on* half carat M ,, ^UTO OWNER: Does your car . have borrowed $l-«* 0,1 >L vmsi ; n iiss occasionally? Have you a carbon !hnn 'Th a ,' M 'r- r ‘'u'v T ! k'" kV I'-, you liavo trouble climbing $JOO .a«b «. «... Box ", .-Ale Georgian hlis if so . , r y a can of CRIMO. II DIAMOND ■*-carat stone, will sell for! will relieve all your trouble in a few $125 cash. This Is it beautiful stone 1 minutes. For sale bv THE CR1MO G.MIRvN REMOVER COMPANY. 39 Luckle street, and GEORGIA MOTOR SUPPLY COMPANY. 2H» Peachtree street ur..\i The able FVl< >u in tires 2$ bv 3. $6 90; 30 bv 3. $7.50; 30 by *4, $9.90; 32 bv 8U. $10 90 34 by 3H, $11.60: 33 bv 4. $14.90. 34 by 4. $15.90; 36 by 4. $16 90; 34 bv 4 1 *. $17.65; 35 by 4^. $19.90; 36 bv 4 ; . $30.90; 36 by 5, $22.25 37 by 5, $22.9(1 "ALL STANDARD MAKES. FRESH STOCK. Slightly used casing, standard makes. SO by 3V^. $8.75; 84 by 3V, $9.26. 34 by 4’s. $12 50 Bought Knight ’hire Company 1913 stock; offer at 50 ?ver cent off their list. Full line sizes. McPherson Auto Tiro Company, A t i«u* t«* i G a. We Will Do Your Papering PIEDMONT WALLPAPER CO., 13 u BI RN AVE LOTH PHONES. Altering. Tailoring and Cleaning. IND1 AN Twin Motorcycle, two- " "Mi f^cWSttTAi^r^^RF^siNG CLUB Pressing $t per month. 2S# Edge wood Atlanta 2894 Auction Sate* of Furnltur* and Household Good*. j \ l AUCTION COMPANY, i| East Mitchell street buys and sell* everything regul.xr auction Tuesday and Friday Bell phene Main 2424. BinKi. AMERICAN NA HonVC "SASH. Corner Alabama ana Broad atre*t*. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,000,000 speed, completely equipped. Brand new. Perfect condition. Year guarantee. Sacrifice price. Phone Ivy 4324 Mr. Stnoota. CRfMa and u big bargain. I need the money, t, 1. . Box 4. . are Georgian. DO VOU COOK WITH COAL i Red Ash Round $5AK) Special for Furnaces jJellico Nni $4,50 THOMAS & HARVILL, Main ..5 8 r > I Atlanta SOS. Atlanta 3»>85, Book and Job \pVWi i: i i;i vnf ro. CUT PRICES next 30 days. 1«4 Au-. burn avenua. Cakes and Sandwlche* SAMnYlUHES^f alT kinds made an2J delivered for banquets, parties, etc., on shon notice. Address P O. Box 229. Carpet c, «5i nln jl- ATLANTA ORIUNTAL RUG AND CLEANING CO. 9 by 12 rugs cleaned; $1.50 and up. Bell plume 1 v> 3471: Main 5027 ORIENTAL r.;g* cleared like new ; also repairing nnn upholstering \V M Vox, 145 Auburn avenue. Ivy 2L&*L NEGRO PROPERTY. LOT 100x400 feet, room for 12 to 24 single-ami double-room houses. Will pay 35 per cent. Price, $2,500. Also lot 50x100 feet, one house, room for two more $1,200 cash. Call 301 Empire Life Building, phone Ivy 7926. IN WEST END I have a new six-room bungalow, lot 53 by 153 feet, level and shady, close to school and car line, worth $3,500. For a quick sale, will take $2,650; $200 - ash balance $20 per month. Will rent for $25 per month. J. H. McNes- sor. 308 Peters Building Alain 2854. IN BEST section of Stone Mountain large 11-room house in beautiful four- acre grove for $6,000, on easy terms. This is an ideal home and enough lots can be sold off to more than pay for place and reserve a large lot with the house. Must be sold quick. Phone Main 2041. SEASHORE HOME SITES - $2 CASH. $2 MONTHLY. AT Clifton-by-the-Sea. Most beauti- j street. Springfield, Ill ful suburban resort city in Houston 1 Cow*7 Bay Shore District. Finest bathing, | hunting, fishing on the bay. Railroad * sale iwo station on ground. Thousands of dol lars in improvements. Magnificent bathing pavilion. Houston's growth causing enormous increase in property values. Special sale 300 lots 50 by 125 feet, at only $50; $2 cash, $2 monthly. Write to-day for free literature, maps and views of Bay Shore. K. O. Glenn Co., 471 First National Bank Bldg., Houston, Texas. KuTt SALE—At a bargain, one house, one block from white college, three blocks from center of town on main street: contains three rooms and hall, nice porch, well fenced, for $650: cost this last year before new’ room and other improvements were added. Owner got to leave and must be a cash sale. Rents for $7 month. Write D. S. John son. OrlfMn. collie J. M. WE WILL SELL yotl a small herd of Duroc Jerseys for small cash payment, balance to suit. The best swine for the South. Jefferson Farms, Albany, Ga. Horses. Mules. Vehicle*. Etc. WILL TRADE two lots in YiapevilleT Ga., for young mules or horses, 1,000 or 1.100 pounds. Call E. P.. 409-L. THREE SIX-ROOM bungalows on North Side, equal to any $10,000 or $12,000 homes in Atlanta in ap pearance and finish. These are real ly the prettiest homes to be found anywhere. Let me show you at once. $6,250, $7,200 and $7,500. See Mr. Martin. 44 ADAMS STREET, Oakhurst, a modern, up-to-date, 8 room house, on lot 73 by 240 feet. One blpck of car line. Owner leaving etfy, has reduced price from $6,000 to $5,250. Terms. See Mr. White. GREENWOOD AVENUE, near Bou levard, a beautiful home of six rooms for only $5,750. You can't get in a better locality for the money. Reasonable terms. See Mr. Radford. ;y situated in this pretty South Side sec tion of our city, and would mention pretty cottages on Georgia avenue, on Capitol avenue, on Cherokee ave nue, on Atlanta avenue; in fact, we have them scattered all over the South Side, from a simple five-room cottage to the ten-room house. Come In and let us go over our list w’ith you and find for you the little home you have been looking for. NORTH SIDE We have some very attractive homes and cottages on the North Side. Most of these are well arranged and well located and carry all of the conveniences, and on account of the season of the year the opportunity of getting a very good house at a very low rental Is up to you. If you will come In and look 1 over our list we believe we can give you what you want. STORES AND OFFICES—If looking for a business location or for of fice rooms, come in and get our list. You wdll find here anything in the way of business office, manufacturing or wood and coal yard location that could be desired. If you can’t call, send tis your name and we will mall you one of our lists. IF YOU HAVE MONEY to lend w e can place It safely. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. For Sale—Ponies. FOR SAI.F - Shetland ponies. W. I. Mcj Intyre. Thomasvllle, Ga. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, BULBS, ROSE BUSHES ANI POULTRY SUPPLIES. BELL PHONES; MAIN 2568, MAIN 3962; ATLANTA 2568 SACRIFICE. SIX-ROOM cottage, on lot 50x150. Large ecreened-Tn sleeping porch. Double garage, private drive. AU new r - ly decorated Inside Worth $4 000, will sell for $3,250. $1,000 One-half block off Gordon street car line Owner. 39 Queen street, West 721-J. THERE IS NO GOOD REASON wny everyone that has a home in Atlanta should not have plenty of roses. For $2.60 we will furnish one dozen tw’o- year-old bushes that will begin bloom ing in early spring and continue to bloom until very late fall. These bushes are field grown and transplanted at this season of the year doesn't set them back any. We have all of the popular varie ties. Ask for our rose catalogue and make your selection. $200 TO $400 $35 Down. $10 Monthly A FFW choice icts, overlooking anc adjoining PruU> Hills, just off IVroe DeLeon avenue; $200 t< $400 Let me show you. W. C*. Merrill. Chelsea Land Co.. 501 Empire Life Building. Ivy » At littH A HAVE YOU SEEN the beautiful pots of bldoming Cyclamen we are showing? There are no prettier ones in the city, and our prices are one-half what you pay at the florists'. Bear this in mind, ash. $25 month | and Christmas, when you want to send ' a friend a blooming plant, come to Hastings’ for it. We will also have pots of Narcissus and Roman Hyacinths. WE HAVE ORDERED ten dozen Ca nary Birds to be shipped to us direct front Germany for the Christmas trade. sweet singing Canary Bird makes a very acceptable gift and this lot will be extra good singers. The price will be the same, 5- ”5_eac^ WE HAVE A NICE line of Brass Cages at prices ranging from $1.25 up to fcLOO. 46 LOTS FOR SALE NEAR the Simpson street car line and fronting on Chestnut, Foundy, Spencer and Thurman streets, we have a sub-dixi- sion of 46 lots which we are offering as a whole for $6,000. Can make terms and give a release agreement. Twenty-five of these lots have sewer and water. Forrest & George Adair FOR SALE EY TrT „ rT , _ Jl ST OFF Edgcwood avenue, very cloea in, a corner with three houses, rent- XA/ -EV rd all the time for $26.60 month. Quick R __ - _ sale, bargain, only $2,600.00; terms. Lf* T 5\ ACRES, five-room house, right in W -* -*• Lakewood Heights, fine charted road: _ _ _ ___ — « house nearly new, good branch This ^ won’t keep at the price. Only $3,600.00; Real Estate. Renting- Ixans Fh<»n<Iv;