Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 09, 1913, Image 13

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13 TIIK ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS By GEORGE M’MANUS TIIITIOIIL Present Head of League Has Pre pared Hot Speech for Mog- nates at To-day's Meeting, By Frank G. Menke. N TCW YORK, Dec. S—Tom •lunch's farewell to-day to the National League cla.n, wl]Jch he has served so well as president, promised to be of the kind that the ojansmen would not forget for a. eon- •iderable period, This was the annual meeting day jf ihe National League crowd. The first event on the program was the plac ing of the skids under the said Thom as Lynch, giving Thomas a push in rhe general direction of the subway, and then the immediate elevation of Governor John K. Tener, of Pennsyl vania, Into Tom’s old job. Lynch knew the National Leaguers no longer wanted him. Also he knew that If they cared for him no more it wouldn't do him any good to plead his own cause. But Lynch also knew ihat he had the right of free speech, and that as a retiring officer of any organization he had the right to utter a few words of his own choosing. And from those close to Lynch the word rame that Lynch had prepared for de livery before the National Leaguers just about the hottest little denuncia tion of men and policies that has been prepared since speechmaking became an art. Long Contract for Tener. Tener will he tendered a four-year contract, calling for $25,000 each year, immediately after his election. How ever, he will not draw any salary for his first year on the Job, as his term as Governor will not expire until Jan uary 1, 1916, and he will retain his Gubernatorial position until then. But Tener has announced thgt he will give as much tithe to baseball af fairs during the next year as he would even if he wasn't Governor. The Waldorf-Astoria, where the meeting will be held, was thronged to-dav with magnates and managers of the National League ball clubs. Bach was eager to make some sale or trade that would strengthen his team. Garry Herrmann, owner of ttie Cincinnati Reds, and also owner of Joe Tinker, was besieged by an army of magnates and managers who .-.anted Tinker, regarded as one of the greatest shortstops that ever played the game. Herrmann to-day still stood pat on his demand of $„0,- itoo cash for Tinker, but several own ers fried to get him to change h;s mind and let Tinker go for part cash and part players, Brooklyn After i inker. The Brooklyn club 1s hot after Tinker, although Tinker has an nounced that he would not play ex- in Chicago or Pittsburg. Herr- , it is said, was offered Brook lyn players of more than fair ability ... Tinker, but turned down the prop- , 11ion It is possible that Tinker in; . so to Brooklyn as the result of a • hree-cornered deal involving Broos- Ivn Cincinnati and Philadelphia. John B. Foster, secretary of the \'ew York club and proxy for Man ager McGraw, was' much sought aft- r by the moguls. Most of them want ed Marquard, the Giants star pit..h- who has grown unpopular In this “potion The Giant management wl.l trade the •Rube” If a reasonable proposition is made. Jut du rf n S morning Foster waved the "“thing doing'” sign at those who wanted to talk Marquard business to him. A of them. It is said, wanted to give Foster some money and a few ordlni- rv nlavers in exchange, but Foster was out after Rucker, of the Dodgers Tvler. of the Braves, or a southpaw of equal merit- Managers and owners held prlva e conferences during the forenoon and It was whispered that many big-deals were pending, but Just who was in volved was not divulged at^the time. McFarland Spurns Match With Clabby ,„ P « C v' turaed ! ’down Ck an o« a twenty-round battle on the coast with JlmS? Flabby. ,h * Hammond. Ind., crack middleweight. CofTroth The Offer came from James Commit,; the San Francisco promoter CTabbJ and Packet are very Dipolar o'" tves^ and "Sunny Jim" set January if aa th. ^According 10 CofTroth, Clahbv is anic Urns to battle the local man. hut since he very best the ^Hammond hoy can do Is Hi pounds, McFarland passed J ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF THE SHOW AT THE DUTCH MILL There is not a dull moment uring the performance at the lutch Mill, and you II really ®n- oy the Extravaganza put on here. The chorus is made up f beautiful girls who can sing ni dance, and the costumes wi lease you, too, as they are all iew, bright and clean. There is ust enough plot to make it in- cresting, and the ° rc l h . estr, L„ ! iptop. If you feel that the whole ,orld is against you. visit the >utch Mill and you will change our mind. POLLY AND HER PALS That Makes Quite a Difference---Quite a Difference rr-r Su-rUNcy ~foo6n cm a vtouAi6 TELLER Like A£hur. Jon ~To BE. OoWM vtfnw The. , Chickew fby, Bot rt'S B&TterI Ta4U A OLE M4W " Put That Bock. Down THi£ M/MUTE TW/HOM ARE Vcu SpfAh'iv' X'"0hOM s I 60HS yco FfRtfiT 54r5ELF ybuMti LAdV. you Aim~ -T4LKIU' ~r'MCHL OF Ver, G?owitS you Aimt* VOURE ADDREtt>M(r VfcR 1 ALL RIGHT Pa, nis Vbcw? lookout moi Mime 1 . MUHADOyti irk M»y OH HuThim! Much - / OMiy had THAI book in Bed! With RIM -fut/o OAyS! | Autos +*-r +•+ +•+ Only for a Short Time This is the fourth installment of the life of Light-weight Champion Willie Ritchie, as described by himself and written exclusively for The Georgian. BG ^ure• Id 1 1° ’’ unnatural fllfwharge*. Contains no poisons and ?tV*nir«h "aJoimriy without fear, (iuaran- rteturc. I’lrvenifi «'ont*gi f >r> MOJ CUBE YOURSELF' «»ts, or bv parcel P n Pt. ■ • or *•; 75 Particulars with rath nailed oti request. [ns CHEMICAL company Cincinnati, O. By Willie Ritchie. S AN FRANCISCO, Dec. 9—After losing two battles In a row, one to Charley Reilly and the oth er to Frankie Burns, I began t>o scratch my head and figure a little. True, I managed to put over seven teen victories without a loss, but those two defeats caused me more worry than t am now willing to ad mit. I was not knocked out or even hurt in either of the battles, but at the same time I was outpointed, and this very thought was enough to make me sad and gloomy. The promoters did not look for me after Burns got that verdict. They never do go after a fellow who Is beaten once. They are looking for the one who is right up in front and who the fans are talking about all the time. I knew that they were not talking about me, for I had not been a winner. My brother and Baker and Ed- Wards and a lot of my friends came to me and urged me to go ahead and take another chance. But their words did not seem to give me much com fort. I could not see any future in the boxing game and I decided to try my hand at something else. I ran across a friend of mine who advised me to get into the automo bile business. He told me of a place down In Coalinga where I probably could get a Job In a garage and work myself up into something better. This struck me right, so I wrote down to the address that my friend gave mr and in a few days I got a letter saying that the position was open to me. Goe* to the Oil Fields. I did not even hesitate. I jumped on the first train for the oil fields, determined to Ret out of the fighting game for a while at lea-st and per haps forever It was just into my hands for T managed to Ret a lot of fxpnrienre while l was working for tha1 wholesale machinery house. I frit ready to take a chanre anyhow, no matter what did happen. 1 started to work in the garage at the oil fields for $2.50 a day. and. be lieve me. it was pretty hard work at that I used to put in 12 and 14 and sometimes hours every day and night I learned rapidly, and al though T was doing two men’s work half the time, still T liked it. for I took a great interest in machinery and l was given every opportunity to learn. They called upon me to do all sorts of odd jobs, and I always did the best 1 could. Some nights 1 would go to bed so tired that I would not even take time to eat my supper. But I was learning a good trade, so I never kicked. T made many good friends down in the oil country and thfey all seemed to like me. and after a few months J fell in for a pretty good Job. Forgets About the Game. When the opening came 1 jumped in as a driver.of machines and later a demonstrator. 1 was getting $5 a day for this. There was pfenty of money in that section of the country then, and f managed to get my share of it I worked steadily all the time, and just kept my nose to the grind stone Some of my new-made friends who knew’ that I had been doing a lot of boxing around San Francisco tried to get me to go on again Tn fact, they put several good matches up to me. But there was no chance. I made up my mind to atlck with the automobile business, and forgot that thero was anything 1n the world like a set of boxing gloves But later I will show how T changed T began to get tired of Coalinga. I had saved up a nice little sum of money, and I was about ready to take my departure My boss was very nice to me, and he offered me a good raise when I told him I was about to go back to San Francisco. This did not do a bit of good, because I had my mind made «ip to return to my home town Returns to HI# First Love. My father and my brothers and sisters were very glad to see me. es pecially when I told them that I was in the automobile game to stay. They believed that I intended to stay in the ring, and this did not seem to suit them at all. It was against their will that I started to fight, and they kept wishing and praying that T would do something else for a living Everything went along nicely for a month or two, till 1 started going out to the four-round fights on Fri day nights again. I paw fellows per forming whom I had licked in the past T began to find myself slip ping. The old feeling cafnc back on me I tried to stall it off, hut It was no use. I was fighting mad once more, and the automobile business seemed to lose all Its charm The first thing I knew, I was out in the gymnasium again after work, putting on the gloves with the hoys, hitting the punching bags and doing some road work every time I got a chance. I felt better than I ever felt in my life before, so 1 « oncluded that the fighting guile reall) wai t3t* game for me. and I began In look around for another match with the four-rounders. Boxing Notes THE FREAK. A mighty tumult surges about the playhouse door, The speculators gathered kale, until both arms were sore: "Ah. this/ breathed, “is Bernhardt, or some strong sketch like that, Or maybe Mr. Ilopprr pulling ‘Casey at That Bat! 9 ’’ When 1o! a blaze of winkling lights proclaimed the wondrous dope : "The Only Sir-foot White Man Who Don’t Claim To Be a White Hope!" # • * We can offer the White Hope this much consolation it isn’t his fault. His forefathers began living in cities two thousand years too soon. They are big enough and strong enough, but their judgment of distance is on the blink and their agility is like unto that of a traction engine in advancing bog This is the penally civilization exacts from mankind. And dogs, too not been forced to depend on our sure ness of eye for a meal once a week or so: and our escape from a side swipe of the cave-tiger’s paw has not hinged on our quickness of foot for several years row Hence we have lost these things The dog feels it, too. He has had his eats passed out to him in a. pan so long that, he no longer classes with his broth er. the w’olf, as a fighting machine ft is a paradoxical wmrld How would you figure that any man who would pay money’ to see a White Hope contest could ever get $5 together at one time? * * * Sieve Ketchel, the Chicago light weight who has a host of admirers In the Windy City, will box Joe Mandot ten rounds at Racine. WI*.. on December 19 Ketchel writes that he is in hard training for the bout and expects to land the verdict. Promter John Keating, of Kenoeha. has resuscitated his Huh, according to a wire from the Badger village John is to offer a championship attraction early in January. He says be has signed Johnny Kllbane, featherweight chan, plon, for a scheduled ten rounds with Joe Harang. of New Orleans. * * * Faidle Hanlon, local welterweight, started light work last night for his fifteen-round bout with .lack Robinson, at Jacksonville. Fla . on December lfl Kddle boxed three fast rounds with Frank Baker and pulled ihe pulleys for fifteen minutes l>ldle is anxious to win this scran *s he will be In line for- some good bouts If be gets sway with Jack. * • * The Charlie White Ad Wolgaat bout lias finally been closed Frank Mulkem, Milwaukee promoter, lias secured Wol- gast’s signature to a set of article* t.o box White in the Brewer City on De cember 19 The winner will probably get Dundee on Christmas Day. * * * Mat i y McCue. who, a few months ago was being touted as the oomnig feath erweight champion of the world. is now under Tom Jones’ management Mc Cue hades Tommy Bresnahan in a ten round go at Kacine, Wi* , to-night. ThreeUmpires Hear ‘Can’ 1 ingling +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ Judge Kavanaugh May Swing Ax By O. B. Keeler. R UMORS emanate from up Mem phis way that Judge William Marmaduke Kavanaugh. presi dent of the Southern League, is go ing to dust off the well-known rinky- dink and apply the same to one or more umpires before th© robins nest again. One section of the rumor says one umpire will he attached to the can. Another says three Our guess would be a* good a.s yours, and no better. And now that the heat of battle has chilled off into a Regular December, we aren’t dis posed to boat a drum, mount a dry- goods box and shriek for anybody’s head. We reflect on the cold and lengthy winter months, and the idea possess es us that even umpires have to live. • • • B UT a~s a plain matter of news and dope, we have it that of the four umpires Wright. Flfleld. Stockdale and Kerin- who debutted last spring In the Southern League, only the laat- named made good. Our observation was that Kerin did uniformly good work, and appeared to have the nec essary qualifications of an umpire The others did not do well, but it isn’t our job to figure out if they were hopeless or simply green. Judge. Kavanaugh is the Judge * * * O F the four veteran umpires- Breit- enstein, Hart, Rudderham and Pfenninger there was not so much criticism last season, and a rood bit of what there w'as might easily have resulted from their being teamed •with an erratic youngster At the risk of getting In bad with the fans by saying a good word for an umpire, we will just say mildly that that quartet looked pretty blamed good after watching the work in the American Association for t hree years which is a Olaas A A league, at that. • • • S O it looks aa if the four old ’uns will stick, plus Kerin, the de butante. As to the others well, the judge lias always been firm In up holding his boys in blue, and that undeniably is the proper attitude for a league president The Southern League owes a good deal of Its sta bility and prestige to Just that, pol icy, and it is a good thing for fane to remember when they begin yell ing for scalps But our idea of the worthy Judge is that his ideas of support do not Include long-term contracts with um pires that are manifestly incompe tent. * # • U/HEREFORE, if Mr Kavanaugh considers that Wright and Stockdal© and Flfleld or any one or two of them are incompetent, Mr. Kavanaugh probably will try out one. two or three new boys in blue in 19 M At this writing anything connected with the G. O. O. looks so good to us that we can’t get much worked up even over an umpire McWhorter Placed on All-American Team Bob McWhorter, captain and half- ; bark star of the University of Geor gia football team, has T>een honoreo with a place on sn all-American team Parke H. Davis. Princeton's repre sentative on the football rules commit tee, gives Hot) the position of halfback. In speaking of McWhorter. Mr Davis says, In part: “To Northern en thusiasts McWhorter comes as a strang er. hut not so in the South, where he Is known as the most phenomenal hack field player the game has known in years. Here Is his selection Ends- Merrilst (Army), (Pittsburg.) Tackles—Ballin 'Princeton) (Michigan) Guards -Talmsn (Rutgars) (Navy) Center -Marting 'Yale). Quarter Huntington (Colgate) Malfs— Guyon (Carlisle), McWhorter (Georgia). Full—Brlckley (Harvard* Fans Refuse to Bet On Murphy Against Champion Ritchie SAN FRANCISCO, Deo I.—There is a lull in the training camps of both Willie Ritchie and Tommy Murphy to-day. Both lads have finished their training and each is on edge for the 20-round title mill at Coffroth's arena to-morrow night Ritchie is a 'i to 1 favorite to win in the betting, but wagering is ab sent. If he were a 4 to 1 choice it is doubtful whether any more money would be in evidence The fans here have taken it as a foregone conclusion that the champion will retain his hon ors and Ritchie money goes begging Some bets of freak nature are made, but very few on the final result. HOWELL BEATS ALBERTS. PHILADELPHIA Dec. 9.—Tommy Howell, the Italian welterweight, won from Johnny “Kid'’ Alberts, the New York lad. In an uninteresting six-round bout at the Olympia Athletic Clnb last night MARS BEATS CONLEY. CINCINNATI. Dec 9 Frankie ('on- ley. ex-bantamweight champion of Ke nosha. Wis . was hosted here last night in h ten-round bout with Knockout Mars, of this city Hoodlums Riot at Bike Race; Fourteen Teams Are Bunched NEW YORK. Deo. 9.—While the six teen teams left tn the six-day bike race at Madison Square Garden went merrily on their way smashing records, two gangs of hoodlums fought a pitched bat tle in the building early to-day The rioters were driven from the gar den after one man. an "innocent by stander,'' as usual, had been hurt. The fight is said to have started over the dl vision of spoilH taken from sleeping spectators by the "dip*'’ that always Appear at the garden during a six-day race. At the end of the thirty second hour, 8 a m., fourteen of the teams were five miles and two laps ahead of the record BOXERS IN DOUBLE HEADER PORTLAND. MAINE. Dee. 9.—Terry Martin and Patsy De Luoca last, night i fought the first six-round double-head er that has been pulled off in this oity since the six-round law went mto effect several years ago. the referee declaring it a draw at the end of the second six round session 1 Wagner Ponthjs Brown AUTO RACER KILLED BRI'SREIiR. BELGIUM, Der ? Ca mille Jenathy, the Belgium automobile racing pilot, was arMdontally killed in a forest naar here yesterday He wi* with the editor of s Brussels nswspe prr Both were members of a. hunting party Mi “THE OLD RELIABLE' PL ANTE N’S n h ; B L A C * CAPSULE REMEDY;^ MEN AT DRUGGISTS OR TRIAL BO* BV MAIL SO* FROM PLANTER 9^ HENRY3T. BROOKLYN NY, -BEWARE OF 1M I TA T IQNfa- TETTER TVtWtu# '“nr*# t*r»er T*earl wh«« ▼ i MeQuMdj. EettU T*bd, I mi» at tattw an hath aa* I Snellv halfl#** A laadlaa nfcyanlftii kn«* trf eo aura. I d'ftlderf to jlva Tottarlaa n trial Ta my uttar aurprlao aotf ' istlafactlon It werkad a apaariy eura. Usp Tetterine ' !» ruro* *o‘rni. tetlar •rvslpalaji It'-htnp ' ' plica, pround Itch and all atrin maladlra 50« at tfniaelaft. nr hy mall. SHUPTRINE CO. SAVANNAH. (5A * Ask the man from Ortonville —all about his Ford. Here’s a Michigan town with forty- six ears, ami forty-four are Fords. And there are many other towns the world over making Ortonville hustle for its record of Ford popularity. hundred dollar* is the new price of ♦he Ford runabout; fho touring car Is five fifty, the town car even fifty r o. h Detroit, complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from Ford Motor Company. 311 Peachtree 8L. Atlanta. Go. Five