Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 14, 1913, Image 21

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O VER 4,500 Everett Pianos Are in Daily Use in Georgia Alone. New Everett Sell for $550 Up to $1,200. Here Is an Opportunity to Buy an Everett Greatly UNDERPRICE. The Manning Piano Co. Lease Has Gone to the • N ’ T * ' . , ' Remington Typewriter Co. Hence This Sale! ow A Opportunity That Seldom Comes s ThE Time To Buy Xmas Pianos RICHMOND WERNER GERMAN-AMERICAN REMINGTON WRITE PHONE W I R E We will pay your railroad fare. We will send you a piano or player on ap proval. We want this to be the most musical Christ mas morn that ever dawned in Atlanta. Don’t let your house fall down in this ambition. Buy at once while this greatest and last of oppor tunities is yours. Don’t forget that we pay your railroad fare to come here and get a piano or player for Cliristmas. OUR CHANCE Here Are the Prices On the Famous EVERETT PIANOS That Tell the Entire Skry $900 Everett Grand, oca Mahogany, slightely used "\ Make Your Own Prices on Any > t . * ', • ‘ Piano Buy on Credit * Pay as •JV You Please $750 Everett Grand, Ebony, shopworn $soo $800 Everett Upright, Mahogany, used . $500 v > -L- S f * t,-: $550 Everett Upright $350 $600 Player Piano, used in demonstrating . . $340 % ■ X $600 New Players, Mahogany, walnut, Oak Whv mv more when vou can buy for less? Never before in the history of piano selling in Atlanta have you been afforded the opportunity of buying Everett. Weyman, Harvard, Dayton, Cote, John C. Corl pianoforte at prices within the reach of all. Old instru ments taken ^ exchange.- Come early.^ where we will take care of collections and accounts. Now we are busy sell mg out our entire line. Come in at our expense and select your piano, and we will guarantee to trade with you. We admit that we need have it delivered Christmas if you like. When may we expect you? $450 Mr. Manning’s Public Letter. Read It. Trade conditions and a crowded piano market force us to retire from the retail field of trade in Atlanta. We shall devote our future time to our wholesale trade exclusively and now offer our exclusive stock of pianos, player-pianos, uprights and grands, together with over two thou sand rolls of player music, at about 50 cents on the dollar. Our present and future accounts will be taken care of from our wholesale offices, maki ng good our guarantee of satisfaction on evfcry piano sold. The high standing of the pianos we sell, and now that the prices are cut in two, should sell for us our entire stock inside of a week, Yours truly, HARRY MANNINNG. President. Used Pianos $25 to $130 Maybe you want a good used piano. Come in while picking is good—$25 and up to $130 are the prices on second-hand pianos. After January 1st, we will have wholesale offices where we will take care of collections and accounts. Now we are busy selling out our entire line. Come in at our expense and select your piano. We admit that we need the cash, but will arrange payments to suit YOU. Remember—there are no higher grade pianos made than those sold by this house. A guaran tee backed by a million dollar, paid-in capital stock with every piano sold. Our proposition should sell you. Buy now and have it delivered Christmas. PS* MANNING PIANO COMPANY Across From Lowry Bank 52 North Pryor Street