Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 14, 1913, Image 10

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!0 A IIEARSTN -T'XDA V AM I’KH W ATLANTA, <LV. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14. 11*13. HOLIDAY SALE. Hats at Reduced Prices. S. S. FRYE MILLI NERY CO., 39 W. Mitchell St. Something will happen to you if you fail to read the W. A. DAY ad on this page. HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES Guaranteed Singers $2.75 EACH Can be shipped with safety. A constant reminder of the donor. M’MILLAN BROS. SEED CO. 12 S. Broad St. M. 3076. Atlanta 593. Call HANNEMANN’S BAKERY Now located Forsyth and Luckie Streets OUR ONLY STORE for the BEST POUND CAKE, LAYER CAKE, FRUIT CAKE and other high grade cakes. Bell, Ivy 7072. Atlanta 2736. Alders’ Clothes Shop Individual Attention, No Crowding, High-Class Goods, Prices Reasonable In Atlanta tlmrc are hundreds of specialty shops, where locations and wares are unknown to thou sands of shoppers. These shops arc conducted by men and women who are experts in their respective lines. I hey buy what they know to be good and up-to-the-minute i n style. They sell on small margins of profit, made pos sible by their low rent and small clerk hire. '[’he specialty simp offers just what you want- things with individuality—that difference you so mueli desire. Moreover, you can select your gifts at leisure, without jam or hurry. Prompt service and quick de livery is every shop's holiday slogan. Go see the offerings of these shops—you will be pleased and well repaid. Solve Your Gilt Problem AT THE Custom Arte Shoppe 505-6 Grand Building. Paintings—Oriental Designs for Gift Cards. WATER COLORS A SPECIALTY. Special Individual Orders Filled FOOTE’S k FACTORY 19 East Alabama Street AiLANTA, GA. Wholesale & Retail TRUNKS, BAGS, SUIT CASES, BOOKS AND LEATHER NOVELTIES. Phone 230 Main TRUNKS AND CASES MADE TO ORDER. TRUNK REPAIRING SAVE ^ TIME AND MONEY fy Why not get your gifts this year at Patrick & y f Thompson's? It means a saving—and it will be just as easy to shop for your family and friends at this store. And your gifts will be a satisfaction to you and the recipients. YOU CAN MAKE THIS CHRISTMAS A MEMORABLE ONE for any member of your family—or friend—by a well chosen gift of jewelry. A most generous stock of high-grade goods to select from—and best of all you can save money on every’ piece you buy from this store, t Low rent—one short block from Whitehall street means just 25 per cent saving to you. / PATRICK & THOMPSON 15 S. Broad Sf. JOHN—“Mary, we need the cash on hand for the holi days. and yet I want the kids and you. as well as myself, to have some good clothes for Xmas.” MARY—“I can solve that problem. John: all we have to do is to go over to the W. A. Day Co., get the clothes, and pay for them on the easy plan of ONE DOLLAR A WEEK.” JOHN—“Fine. Mary, we’ll go right over to Day’s and have the clothes as well as the ready cash for Xmas. Anyhow, we won't miss the dollar a Follow John's and Mary's plan yourself It w’ill mean a happy Xmas for you. Simplifies Your Christmas Buying NECKWEAR SHIRTS SOX GLOVES (HAT $2.00) BOX COLLARS & 15 Decatur Street Atlanta s Only Exclusive Furrier “FURS” Cleane d and Re modeled Equal to N ew All k mds of Furs for sale for Millinery use. TT-^ T TT pi 4th Floor Hillyer Bldg. . i K I 140 Peachtree St. Bell Phone Ivy 2724 Several Handsome Set* For Sa le Reasonable Xmas Suggestions - From Barksdale==* A Large and Varied Selection at Reasonable Prices Men’s Xmas Neckwear, in beautiful boxes. . . ,25c to $1.00 Men’s Gloves 50c to $2.50 Men’s Ilose, silk and lisle, in boxes 50c to $3.00 Lallies’ Umbrellas $5.Q0 to $15.00 Ladies’ Ilose. silk and lisle 25c to $1.50 Men s Umbrellas $1.00 to $15.00 Combination Sets 50c to $1.50 Initial Handkerchiefs, one dozen to box $1.00 All-Linen Handkerchiefs, one dozen to box $1.50 Fancy Suspenders, in boxes $1.00 to $1.50 Christmas Boxes Free R. D. Barksdale Co. 11 Decatur Street Electrical Toys For Xmas Gilts Interesting and Instructive There is no more practical gift for the children than an electrical toy. They furnish the beginning of a knowledge of elec trical engineering and at the same time offer an unpar- alled form of amusement. We have these toys in a number of different designs, and at astonishingly low prices. Portable Lamps All Shapes, Sizes, Colors and Prices Mall Orders Promptly Filled L. L M0NCRIEF 61 North Forsyth St. Almost Opposite Poslolfice THE HAND THAT LIFTS THE TOP LIFTS THE TRAY Xmas Suggestions From the Corset Shop An order for a comfortable Corset for mother, a dainty Brassiere for sister, a beautiful Tricot Corset in pink or white for your wife, and a Doll Corset for baby sister’s doll, in a cute little corset box. Tailor Made Corset Company 6 1-2 Whitehall Street Phone Main 4525. On Viaduct. Picture Frames Made to order. Our spe cialty, oval frames for photographs. Mail orders given prompt attention. H. W. YARBROUGH 2 1 /2 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta, <5a. REPUBLIC StAqGaRd TREAD TIRES It’s real economy to buy them First—because you obtain greater freedom from skidding and slew ing. because the extra thickness of the Studs over the ordinary plain tread yields you extra mileage. WHXVC. *t»4 4 *^*TXCAP PAT 5£PT*tS-M-t90t W. C. HAYS SPECIAL PRICES ALL NEXT WEEK ON LADIES’ TAILOR MADE SUITS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES BY EXPERT ENCED HANDS. 700 Grand Bldg. Phone Ivy 1793-J He Would Like— A novel Cigar Clipper or any one of a thousand unique nov elties that we are offering you for Xmas. We are just off the high rent district, conse quently expenses are less. You derive the benefit of low prices. See us. A. M. BALDING, 17 Edgetvood Ave. — XMAS SOUVENIR — Have Your Furs Remodeled FOR CHRISTMAS WE GUARANTEE IT Call Mr. Fox---142 Peachtree Peck B1 g. 5uit Patterns Reduced I am closing out all my new fall suitings as a Christmas gift. The Best Tailored Suits for Ladies IMilii III 11II >1—1 ARTIFICIAL HOLIDAY FLOWERS AND FAVORS Wreaths, poinsettia and Xmas favors. Christmas cheer for the home, clubroom or in stitution. Roses, violets,. carna tions and corsage bou quets that*will win ever lasting gratitude. Fra grant with the rarest perfumes. Mrs. George Dolvin won first prize for the most beautifully dec orated car at the Auto Show this season. DOLVIN’S FLOWER SHOP, 3 S. Broad St. Phone Main 2045. We are offering a discount of 33 1-3 per cent on all ladies’ suits, coats and furs, men’s suits and over coats this week. On account of the prolonged warm weather, we have found ourselves overstocked. H. KAPLAN 41 West Mitchell St. r >,. Her * • (jive him this them Or another model of the Columbia Grafonola rang ng in price from $17.50 to $500 Make your selection and get .your order placed—we will deliver it in time for Christmas. Make a small payment at the time of purchase—and pay the bal ance at convenient intervals during the coming year. Complete the purchase with a few specially selected Christmas recordings from the Columbia list. Columbia Grafonola “Mignonette,” $1C0 IMPORTANT All Columbia records will play on Victor talking machines. NOTICE! Likewise, all Columbia Grafonolas will play Victor records. 132 Peachtree Street COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE GO.