Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 14, 1913, Image 57

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\ \ I = "HE wedding of Miss EuJa Juck- sou and Edward Alsop was pre- c e ied by a round of parties < liifli were charactti ized by the most ivi.sii details of decoration and ap pointment. Each day there Mas a luncheon for this feted young girl and ■ inner parties concluded eac h day. The night before the wedding the • iiurch rehearsal was preceded by a brilliant dinner party, at which Miss Katherine Ellis was hostess. Miss I - i * is entertained at the Ellis mansion n Ansley Park, and the guests were eeeived in the rose drawing room. where quantities of pink foses and narcissi were decorations/ The table about which the guests were seated nad for a decoration tlie unique rep resentation of an Italian garden. Tur- ' o doves were perched upon the mar ble fountain in the center, and tiny bisque figures were grouped in the water. French bisque urns, tilled with narcissi and miniature plants, were • n the table, and at each end of the iablc were little pergolas, wreathed in pink trailing roses. Souvenirs for • ach guest were little French' bisque t 'up ids, and much merriment was cre- ted by the reading aloud of billet «' o u.\ for each guest which were placed in the beaks of turtle doves perched up&n the glasses. The hostess was lovely in a din ner gown of white brocade satin, the tteAttars sr\nAV American, vti.wta cja.. srxn.w dkck.viiseu u. Miss Mosely to Give Dance For the Empty Stocking Fund \ DANCK for the benefit ot‘tho Emplv Slocknm Uiiristmiis F\ Fund will be given Friday night al Se'-adlo’s by .Miss E. \ . Moselv. whose reputation as a dancing teacher is na tional. All of Mias Moselv\s pupils, among whom are several of the best known society people in Atlanta, and a great many ) Tech students will attend. The admission will be .10 cents. corsage embroidered with rhine stones. Her guest. Miss Doorthy Ale^hire. of Washington. D. C\, wore a smart dinner toilet of Nile green charmeuse, with chiffon draperies. Miss Jackosn’s beautiful gown of shell pink satin was adorned with rare lace. Following the church rehearsal the guests were entertained at a “souper dansant” given by Miss Margaret Grant, who was maid of honor at the wedding. Miss Grant also entertain ed at her home, and there the decora tions' were of Bridesmaid roses, En chantress carnations and narcissi. The table bore a large vase filled with a shower of these flowers, and the silver candlesticks held rose shades. The cakes and ices were in the form of pink roses. Miss Grant wore apricot satin, with sash and girdle of old blue. Me. Grant, who assisted her daughter, wore white satin with draperies of tulle, threaded in silver*. .Colonel and Mrs. Robert J. Lowry arc spending ten days at tire Wal dorf. New York. They are expected home this week. Mrs. W. C. Humphries has returned from Washington, where she has spent several weeks with Mrs. Jef ferson Young. She was also in New York for a while before going to Washington. * * • Miss Pearl Harks returned last week from Washington. D. t\, for the holidays. * • « Miss Marie Brock, of Lafayette, Ala., is the guest of her cousins, Misses Mary and Brock Jeter. r o * Miss Carrie Speer is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eustace Speer on Fourth street. * * * Miss My nice Tye w ill arrive on December -0 from New York to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tye. * * * Miss Jennie Rice, of Chicago, who has been the guest of Mrs. L. Eise- man at the Georgian Terrace for some time, left Sunday. * * * Mrs. Thomas Moselv of Columbia, S. C., will spend Christmas with her brother. Dr. E. G. Ballenger. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Hugrh Scott are in Cuba on their wedding trip. * * * Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie will have as their guest during the holi- I buys Al.-. Aibe.’ Thrush ' bin. She wi'l fucivo s.*.i Ai-> ; Mat i:o O’KeiTr Kii'i,p.; • U. the voting daughter of A! . and Ms-.. Wallace Kirkpatrick, who ha b. a a popular student at Cln v <'haac College. Washington. D. C. will re turn home this week to su mo tin C h ri .Linas holidays. * * * Mrs .1. R. Coleman > v.siKt’g friends in Jacksonville and will later go to St. Augustine. Mrs. C. VV. Carroll, of YoikvTle, S. C.. has returned home, after \ is- iting her sister, Mrs. T. S. lloshamm. * 4 « * Mrs. I’. J. Golden is visiting in S; Augustine and Jacksonville. 3 mr - Kamis.''rjaaraB ivjip ■ *i ■muw 1 o Get Rid of Wrinkles and Bad Complexions (From Beauty’s Mirror.) I; is more important now than during the period of profuse perspiration, to keep the pores clean. All cosmetics .-log the. pores. In winter this interferes greatly with elimination of waste mate rial, injuring instead of aiding the com plexion. Ordinary mercolized wax serves a 1 the purposes of creams, powders and rouges, giving far better results. It ac tually peels off an offensive skin, at the same time unclogging the pores. Minute particles of scarf skin, come off day by day. causing not the least pain or dis comfort. Gradually the healthy, young er skin beneath peeps out. and in less than a fortnight you have a lovelier complexion than you ever dreamed of acquiring. Mercolized wax. obtainable at any drugstore, is spread on nightly like cold cream and washed off morn ings. One ounce usually suffices For removing wrinkles, without stop ping the pores with pasty stuff, here's a never-failing formula: I oz. powdered saxoHte. dissoived in £ pint w itch hazel. Bathe the face in this daily for awhile every line will vanish completely. Even the first application gives surprising re sults.—Advt. IT IS THE SAME QUESTION EVERY YEAR What Shall I Get the Family for Christmas? i hid year you can quickly answer the question to the balisfaetion of yourself and everyone in your household, by arranging to have us deliver to your home on Xmas morning an Autopiano,—a gift that will give pleasure to everyone I he fact that there are twice as many Autopianos in use as any oi her plaver- piano, is positive proof of its popularity and merit. Jusi read what these great operatic anl-is sav a bold, the Autopiano. TETRAZZINI C.- ■ . » ' ’ * %>T, A m GARDEN San Francisco, Cal. New York, N. Y. The Autopiano is a blc-jung I Was ; suck pleased :<> lietea to humanity. It should be in to your rendition ot the Auto- every home, for it bring. Kith piano, which is the height of it the culture and rctinemcr' ingenuity, when it -comer to which only the compositions of the great masters afford. I find I can play the gr».at operas o. i. ing the piano bj n • cd a music roll. Your instrument follows thoroughly the inter pretation of the performers. with the same feeling and ex- giving a dignified reading of the pression with which I sing them. classics. By your system for T love to play it—it is wonder- accenting the melody, one is ful—there is no player-piano to equal it. led to imagine hearing the vel vety touch of a Paderewski, and seems to live and breathe. Faithfully yours. Sincerely, LUISA TETRAZZINI. MART GARDEN. CAiiASA Ii k i; „ J n —r —y w-yr . a San Sebastum, Spain. T1 - \utopiano U certY t!v t'.? b’reatest interior player I cave ever seen, and 1 exac.i; ;f the all. I derive mi ire enjoj i tei . out Auotpiano than word an r.-.-,p:<-:• and it i* invaluable to me in my oper atic work, as, without stud- . l van familiarize myself with all the opt- j. and render them with ,11 the c intended by their coni posers. It seer s to me the beautiful, sym pathetic singing quality o r tone of the piano, and the remarkable ra-e of operation of the pneumatic action can not be improved Meal cordially yours, TADERICO CAR ASA WESTER MUSIC COMPANY 7mGms\MA .Que-atio an s were arc now evenings to 64 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Ga. OPES EVENINGS 157 Cotton Avenue Macon, Ga. W open demoiijtrab: the AUTOPIANO. Why not drop in to-night if it is in convenient. to call during the day? Feed the Youngsters Plenty of Tiptops and all the Goodies that are so Unusually Plentiful dur ing the Holiday Season? How often, however, do these very Holiday Time Goodies cause the Youngster to have Stomach Troubles, and how often, just because of all this, do many Precious Kiddies have Hard Times of it until a long time after the Holiday Season passes? You have often decided to do this---but this year WE ARE RE MINDING 'S OU so the youngster’s health and strength shall not be Ask !Vlr. Grocer He Knows He will tell you that Tip-Top Bread is by Far the Best Ask Your Grocer for Tip-Top Bread It’s made in Georgia Sold Everywhere in Ga. Makes a Good Meal Tip-Top Bread BE 11 ER-lt’s the Bread for Every Home Helen! hal New South Bakery Atlanta Highland Bakery Birmingham (acksonvillc mooga - —« ii. nrnin. Holiday Time Is Exactly The Time