Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 14, 1913, Image 58

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•4 I HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, C,A., SUNDAY, DECEMBER illU Miss Alice IM(ir Hapeville \ 1 R. VXD MRS S G. WHITNEY I I will leave December 15 for Flor ida, where they will spend the * inter, Mrs. W. G. Aiken haw returned from Zebulon, where ihe was called on ac count of a death. Mis* Lida Moore, of Atlanta, in the week-end guest of Miss Mattie (.’ouch. Mr and Mrs. Venable have returned from Jacksonville, where they spent several weeks Mrs. Felix MrKIroy has been 111 for the pas* week at her home on Stewart avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill have re turned from a wedding trip to Ten nessee and are at home to their friends on Atlanta avenue. Mrs. L. M McDaniel and her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A F. Herndbn, will leave Wednesday to join Mr McDaniel at St. Petersburg, Fla., where they will spend the winter The many friend* of Mrs. MeNair are sympathizing with her in the recent death of her husband. Mrs. H. T. Williams entertained two table* at auction bridge Friday after noon at her country home near Hapo- ville. The prizes were of gold and white china. After the games a salad course was served Those present were Airs I>»slle Cox. Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Felix McElroy, Mrs Frank l>*wis, Mrs. S. J Brown, Miss Stella Nape and Miss Mattie Couch. Mrs Williams was as sisted in entertaining by Mrs. i>*slie Cox. | from Athens, where she was the .guest ..f Miss Cobb. The Agnes Dee Chapter of the 1' T> I C. was entertained by Mrs. B. F. Bur gess on Friday afternoon. Miss Helen Pease, of Columbus, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Hatcher. Miss Stephens*, of Sourti Georgia, Is | the guest of Mr and Mrs. B. 1C. Glenn. A pretty event of last week was the birthday party given by little Misses Frances ami Alice Glenp. Mr. and Mrs. neverage, of Scotiand, have moved to Decatur. Mrs. Howard Askew' entertained at a matinee party last week and later had lunch at the Hotel Ansley. Her guests Included Miss Peace, of Colum bus; Miss Bradley, of Newnan; Mrs Thurston Hatcher, Mrs. John Askew and Miss Martha Askew. Miss Bradley, of Newnan, Is the guest of Mr and Mrs. H. M. Askew. Mrs. Willie Ramspeck leaves In a short time for Florida, where she will remain during the wdnter. College Park th<* attractive niece of .Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Mar- i tin ,of Police DeLeon avtnue, who lias made a iiost of friends here and lias been the honor truest at a number of informal affairs since coming to At lanta several weeks ago.—(Photo bv Lennev.) Kirkwood |V/| ISR ETHEL GREEN and Miss I^ila 1^1 Green, of Andersonvllle, have been • * visiting Miss Wlljje Bernice and Miss Annie Kate Green, on Howard street. Mrs. Gillespie, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs Shumate in Sutherland Terrace last week. Mrs. II. G Park is visiting her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Tutt. In Augusta. Mrs. Bertie Harris has been the guest of F. M. Merritt, near Decatur. Mrs. H. D Hill and Miss Della Hill Wright were hostesses at a large re ception given at their home in Oak- hurst in honor of their guest. Mrs. Rob ert Nowell of Monroe. Assisting In en tertaining were Mrs. Van Hoose, Mrs. C Mitchell. Mrs. JO. L. Bosworth, Mrs Prank Irwin, Mrs. H 10. Riley. Mrs. Frank Merrlam, Mrs. J. H. Newsom and others. Mr. and Mrs. Winn and family, of Richmond. Va., have taken possession of their home on Clifford avenue. Dr. and Mrs laingford are visiting friends In South Carolina. Reginald Cassels has returned to his home In Columbus, after spending sev eral days with his sister, Mrs. Frank Woodcock. Air and Mrs. Gld Harris spent sev eral days with relatives In Decatur The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. (iwens have returned from a visit to Mrs. W. C. Cousins. Mrs. Alexander has been 111 at her home in Oakhurst. A H ; a 1 F) talned at an Informal dinner 'rlday evening for Jt. R. Ross, of New York, the general manager of the Dodd-Mead Publishing Company. Miss Moore, of Gainesville, is visiting Mrs. E. I>. Barrcll at Tier home on Cam bridge avenue. Mrs. V. C. Mason was hostess for the Sewing club Friday afternoon. <»ne of the most delightful affairs of the week was the domino tea given Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. J. A. Trammell. Mrs. Walter Marshall leaves this week for New Orleans to spend the Christ mas holidays with her mother, Mrs. Gautier. A pleasant social event of the past week at Cox College was the reception given by the senior class to the students of the Atlanta Medical College. Mr. and Mrs Frank Marshall and son, Robert,! left last week for hi or id a to spend tne winter. Mrs. George Findlay entertained in formally at luncheon Friday for Mrs. 1 *. c Dyle. Mrs. Charles Myers, Mrs. S. N Connally and Mrs. It. E. Red ding Miss Mary Goodrum, of Newnan, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs I. c McCrory. The young men of the O. M. A. gave a delightful dance Saturday evening Miss Emma Jones is the guest of friends at Brenau College. Decatur V/l MARY BELLE MOORE, of i I Norfolk, Is the guest of Mrs Dan 1 1 S. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Flake, of Con yers. were the guests of Misses Kate and Annie Ansley on Tuesday. Mrs. R. M. Light foot and children left on Tuesday for Fayetteville, N. C., to spend the winter. Mrs. Ruth Pattlllo and children will ‘-pend the holidays with relatives In Waynesboro. Mr. and Mrs. K D Gash and chil dren will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gash at Brevard, N. C. Miss Sarah Franklin Montgomery re turned on Monday from Athens, where she was entertained as the guest of Miss Edith Bright well. Mrs. Dan S. Fowle has returned from a visit to Virginia. Mrs. Crockett Twitty, of Atlanta, spent Tuesday as the guest of Mrs M. S. Moore. Mrs. Don Donaldson was hostess for the Bridge Club on Thursday morning Miss Dottle Ramspeck has returned '7X7 T the North Avenue Presbyterian I \ Church to-day the following rnu- • ■ sical program will l»e given, with Joseph Ragan, Jr., as organist Morning. Organ. Introduction and Bridal Cho rus (Lohengrin)—Wagner. Festival I)e Deum—Dudley Buck, j Offertory Solo, "Behold. There Shail Be a Day”—Dudley Buck. Miss Cly- burn. Organ Postlude, "Coronation March” —Meyerbeer. Evening. Organ Prelude—Dickinson. Anthem, “Angels from the Realms of Glory”- James H. Rogers. Offertory, “Jesus, Lover of My Soul”— Williams. Organ Postlude. Choir: Miss Mayme Ciyburn, soprano; Mrs. Charles Bellingrath. contralto; Mr. William Maurer, Jr., tenor; Mr. J. R. Regnas, basso; Mr. Joseph Ragan, Jr., organist and director. Sunday evening. December -1, ’The Christ-Child.” a cantata by C. B. Haw ley. will be given by the North Avenue Presbyterian choir, assisted by a large chorus “The Christ-Child'' is one of Mr. Hawley’s best works, and this will be its first rendition In Atlanta. The public is orcdially Invited to attend. * * • Morning. •T' HE musical program at the First | Baptist Church to-day will be as ■ follows: Prelude. “Jerusalem” (Gailiai. Gounod—Mrs. Peyton H. Todd and chorus. Sextette from "Lucia”—Donizetti. Postlude. Evening. Prelude. "Awake Up. My Glory,” Rogers— Harry R. Bates and chorus. “There Were Shepherds,” Pflueger— Mrs. Janies H. Whitten and chorus. Postlude. On the evening of December 28 the choir will render "The Story of Christ mas.” by Alexander Matthews, under the direction of J. P. O'Donnelly, organ ist. mm* S T. MARY’S GUILD, of the Church of the Incarnation, will hold a Christmas sale Wednesday, De cember 17, at which time many beau tiful fancy articles, desirable as gifts, will be put on sale. The sale will be conducted at 50 North Pryor street. * * * At the First Presbyterian Chprch to day the following musical program will be given: Morning. Organ prelude. Anthem. “Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Waking”—Buck. Response—Mase. Offertory, “As Pants the Hart”— Spohr. Mrs. Wingfield and choir. Organ postlude. Evening. Organ prelude. Anthem. “The Grace of God"—Barnby. Mr. Marsh bank and choir. Response- Wells. Anthem, "Glory to Thee”—Gounod. Orgap postlude. Choir: Mrs. T. H. Wingfield, soprano; Mrs/ John M Cooper, contralto; Mr. J. H Mullin, bass? Mr. J. W. Marsh- bank, tenor and director; Mrs. L. E. Rogers, organist. * * * The Trinity Church’s musical pro gram for to-day follows: Morning. Prelude. Voluntary. “The Son of God Goes Forth to War”—Giebel. Offertory, “O Jesus, Thou Art Stand ing”—Schnecker Postlude. Evening. Organ prelude—Guilmant. Voluntary, "Sing, O Heavens”—Aian- ney. Anthem, "Now the Day Is Over”— Marks. Offertory, Intermezzo—Spurges. Postlude—Bach. Choir: Mrs. Charles A. Sheldon, ,Tr., soprano; Mrs Arthur Creviston, alto; Mr. Howard Davis, tenor; Mr. Joseph Hubbard, bass; Charley A. Sheldon, Jr., orgapist and director. * * * Chapter No. 7* Woman’s Guild of All Saints Church, Will give a delightful en tertainment, including a Christmas story and music, Tuesday afternoon. Decem ber 16. at 4 o’clock, under the manage ment of Mrs. W. C. Comer and her com mittee, at which time the Rev. W. W. Memminger, of All Saints Church, will read, and Mrs. John Hurt. Mrs. Llew ellyn Scott, Walter Stanley and Alexan der Von Skibinski will give the musical numbers. An admission of 26 cents will be charged. The public will be made welcome. Those assisting Mrs Comer will be the ladies of Chapter No. 7, who are: Mrs. Joseph Orme, Mrs. J. R. Watts, Mrs. W. H. Smith. Mrs. Thomas Erwin. Mrs. A. P. Coles. Mrs H. C. Wagstaff, Mrs H Anderson, Mrs. Sarah Davis. Mrs' T. M. Girdler, Mrs. N. P. Black. Mrs. H Cowles. Mrs. H. W. Todd. Mrs. S. BT Wight Mrs. R. J. Yancey, Mrs. T. L. Dickson, Mrs. T. M. Moody. Mrs. S. Linthlcum. Mrs. W. T. Thompson, Mrs. L. Sheilman, Mrs. R. F. Sams. Mrs. E. A Speer, Mrs. Painle, Mrs. W. H. H. Anderson. ♦ * * *TT* HE sacred recital given by the I Westminster Presnyterian Church ■ the past week was the occasion of a large gathering of friends in the Church. The following program was given: Prelude, Andante in D-flat—Organ. Gloria Patri—Choir. Invocation. Holy, Holy, Holy—Congregation. Come Unto Me—Choir. 1 Am No! Worthy—Miss Hollings worth and James Wilson. Lullaby from Jocelyn—Miss Margheri- ta Carter, accompanied by Miss Johnson on the violin. Song of My Soul—Choir. Reading—Dr A. A Little. Offering. Ave Maria—Miss Johnson. In Heavenly Love—Choir. Bass Solo—Mr. Thomas Seidell. My Faith Looks Up to Thee—Miss Johnson, violin, acqpmpanied by the Choir. Benediction and Postlude—Choir. Members’ of the choir are Miss Margherlta Carter, soprano; Miss Nell Hollingsworth, alto; James Wilson, tenor; Thomas Seidell, bass; Miss Isa belle Hllley, organist, and Miss Nellie Johnson, violinist. * * * N observance of the season a number of special services will be held in the English Lutheran Church, Trin ity avenue and Capitol place. On “Go- to-Church” Sunday the pastor. Rev. W. C. Schaeffer, Jr.. fcili preach on “Christ’s Proof of His Messiahship,” as found In the Advent text. “ .< . the poor have the Gospel preached to them.” Sunday, evening the subject will be “Matters of Taste,” or character as re vealed in fashions, in pleasures and in the ideals of life. The Christmas festival of the Blbie School will be held on Sunday evening a week, and the regular Christmas service on Christmas morning at 6:4o o'clock. Special Xmas Sale of fine HAIR GOODS and TOILET ARTICLES Special Tickets for Scalp Treatment. Hairdressing, Shampoo ing, Manicuring. Lady agents wanted to sell the “Sani-Masseur.” THE RANDOLPH CO. 58*4 Whitehall. Phone M. 3573-J. Dolton D ALTON. Poo. 13.—Mrs. I* H. Crawford was honor guest at the Bridge Clijb's annual reception to the member whose combined score foi the \ear was highest. Mrs. Crawford won the honor for the past year, and the meeting in her honor was held yes terday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Crawford on Selvklge street. A number of special guests shared with club members in the pleasure of the meeting. Mrs. \V. DZ King entertained her card club at a bridge luncheon at her home on South Thornton avenue Thursday morning. Mrs. Locke Brown entertained at din ner as a special compliment to her guest. Miss Linda Felker, of Monroe, at her suburban home south of here Friday evening, covers being laid for Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Miss Felker. Miss Mary Brown. Mr. Thomasson. of Chat tanooga. and I>r. 11. L. Erwin. The Baraea class of the First Baptist Church entertain'd -m a banquet in op'linent to the Philutheas in tin* Baraea rooms at me enurch Thursday evening. Colonel S. 1' Maddox acted as toastmaster, ami toasts were re sponded to by a number of guests. I >alton Lodge. No. 1267, B. F. <L Elks, will entertain next Friday even ing at a tacky party, the affair being for charity. The ladies of the city will assist in arranging the entertainment. Columbus OLUMBl’S, Dec 13 An interest- ( ing wedding of the week was that on Monday evening when Miss Mary Elizabeth Kavanaugh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert E. Kavanaugh. be- i dine the bride of Layton Marion Ives, of Atlanta, the marriage taking place at the Kavanaugh home on upper Third avenue. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Schlenke. of the Church of the Holy Family. Miss Noll Jones was maid of honor, and Meri wether Hackney, of Atlanta, a cousin ol the groogi. was best man. Among the out-of-town guests were Miss Norma MarkwaRer, of Augusta: Meriwether Hackney and Hugh Hackney, of At lanta. and Robert Kavanaugh. a student at St Bernard College. Cullman. Ala. ” he couple will reside in Jacksonville As M»et*ial cou:tes\ to Mrs. Mar shall J Hatcher, of Macon, the guest of Mrs \Y. 1*. Hunt. Mrs. Carl Hatcher entertained the Friday Auction Club yesterday afternoon at the home of her sister-in-law. Mrs. Everett Strupper. Miss Emma Bradley was the hostess of the Two-Tabic Auction Club on Fri day morning as a* special courtesy to Miss Louise Long, of Birmingham, the guest of Mrs T! H. Hardaway. The prize for top score, a lovely hand-em broidered handkerchief, was won by Alias Mamie Hunt Hall. Mrs Frank l’. Garrard entertained in an informal manner on Friday morning in honor of heY* house guest. Miss Ruth Hill, of Atlanta, and Miss Lillian Wil liams, of Rochester. N. Y., the guest of Mrs. Frunk G. Lumpkin. Miss Lillian Hess, of Jacksonville, the guest of Miss Mabel Hofnin, is being delightfully entertained during her visit to the city Among the hostesses in her honor have been Miss Mabel fTofflld. Mrs. Dora Fox. Mrs Morris Buhler and Airs. Dave Oreentree. Mrs Louis Fox. of Atlanta, the guest of Mrs Dora Fox. Miss Delia Adler, of Guthrie. Okla.. amt Miss Lillian Hess, of Jacksonville, the guest of Miss Mabel llofflin. were entertained at a theater party Thursday afternoon. Circle No 6. of the Rose Hill Metho dist Church, was entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. < >. A. Young at her home on Hamilton avenue. The Parent Teachers' Association of East Highlands School held Its Christ inas reception Friday afternoon at the Last High'unds School building when a large number of the parents, teachers and children were In attendance. L Savannah ^ A VANN AH, Dec 13. Clubwomen vannah this week for the First District Convention of the Federation of Women’s Clubs. The convention opened Thursday afternoon and closed this afternoon. Mrs Z. 1. Fitzpatrick, of Thomasvllle, president of the Geor gia Federation was guest of honor and took a prominent part in the proceed ings. Among the more important en tertainments was a luncheon at Han non’s Lodge, given by The Savannah Morning News Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Frank have is sued cards to a dance at the Hotel Savannah on December 20 for Mr. and Mrs. Monroe L Biokart, who will ar rive soon from Baltimore. There will 1** several other affairs for them while visiting ir. this city. The first winter concert of the Sa vannah Music Club, at I>awton Memo rial. on Thursday afternoon was one of the most successful in the history of the association. The full number of tickets were subscribed and a neat sum was realized toward u guarantee for the Spring Music Festival. Mrs. C. Cortland Walton, Jr., of Rich mond. was the guest of honor this aft ernoon at a tea given by her sister. Mrs. Samuel Reed Dighton, whom she Is visiting. Carrollton ( C ARROLLTON. Dec. IS. Mrs. T. A. Hearndon entertained tHe Jokers’ Club Saturday afternoon at the home of iter father, S. J. Boykin, on College street. Mrs. Sidnef Holderness entertained Friday afternoon at dominoes in hon or of tlie Lopg-Boykin bridal party. The Schoolgirls' Sewing Club met with Miss Elizabeth Edmondson Fri day afternoon. Miss Alice Weems entertained at four tables of bridge Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Helen Long, at her home on Dixie street. Miss Marie Bradley entertained Wed nesday afternoon at a suit case shower, in honor of Miss Grace Veal, a bride- elect of December. Mrs. Irvin Cheney entertained tHe Recreation Club Friday afternoon at her home on South street. Mrs. Buford Boykin entertained the Indies’ Aid Society of the Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon at her home on Depot street. Cordele C -^ORDELE. Dec. 13.—Miss Alarie Scandrett entertained at two tables of rook Monday evening in honor of her attractive visitor. Miss Nettie Binion, of Adel. The guests were Misses Lamar Ryals. Frankie Har ris. Marie Scandrett and Nettie Binion, atui William Bivins, H. B. Kent, Pal mer Green and Dr, \Y. C. Wright. The ladies of the Symphony Music Club were entertained Saturday after noon by Mrs. .1. J. Wilis. After an interesting program of “plantation mel odies” and “folk-lore songs" a salad course was served. About 60 ladies of the city were i guests Wednesday afternoon of Mrs c. j C. M< ntfort at on** of th** most brilliant* coni parties held during the season Airs. F. G. Boatright was a hostess | Thursday afternoon at cards for Airs. Murray, of Tifton; Mrs. J. B. Spencer, of Roanoke. Yu.; Mrs. J. J. Willis and Mrs. J. K. Livingston, at which she en tertained a large number of the matron society set of the city. A social event of the week was the Japanese tea given on Friday afternoon by Mrs. G. R Wilkes at her home in honor of her visitor. Mrs. J. B. Spencer, of Roanoke. Mrs. Max E. I>and enter tained at cards Friday evening in com pliment to Mrs. Spencer. The department of expression of the O’Neal High School, in charge of Mrs. E. M. Espy, gave a recital at the school auditorium Friday evening. The pro gram opened with a pretty little colo nial play presented by twelve small girls. The Comet* School of Music has ar range*! to give five different recitals at as many homes in the-city from Decem ber 18 to 23. I Idem | | ELENA. Dec. 13.—Miss Clair Dun- I ford entertained the younger set ■ with a rook party at her home on Railroad avenue Friday evening. After the game an ice course was served. Those present were Misses Marion Creighton. Edith Wright Vera Mea dows, Bonnie Calloway, Eddie May Bar rett; Messrs. George Whitehead. Harrv Jenkins. Eugene Hasmer, Percy Gilbert and Carl Meadows. The marriage of Marvin Pittman, formerly of Helena and Miss Hulda S kelly, of Macon, will take place at the Yineville Methodist Church in Macon on December 17. noon was the bridge party given by Mrs. Edward Strickland, Jr. The following officers were elected by the Missionary Society of the Sam Jones Memorial Methodist Church for the coming year: Mrs. \V. W. Davis, president; Mrs. T. E. Vaughn, first vice president. Mrs. J. A. Mont fort, second vice president; Mrs. D. B. Freeman, third vice president and leader of the study class; Mrs. AT. L. Conyers, treas urer foreign department; Airs. L. D. Munford, treasurer home department; Mrs. H. ,T. Jolly, recording secretary, and Mrs. J. P. Adair, corresponding secretary. Eastman Cartersville I Z^ASTMAN, Dec£ 13.—The last meet ing of the Eastman Study Class —* was held at the home of Mrs. W. E. Davison, on Fifth avenue. A most instructive program was carried out, the study being on “Early American Settlers.” Papers w-ere read by Mrs. Alex W. Bealer, Airs. J. D. Herrman and Miss Lucilo Baker and a solo was rendered by Aliss Hortense Herrman. Donations were made to Tallulah School, of the Georgia Federation of Women's Club. Mrs P. O. Cambell and Miss Lilly Mae Wright entertained the Auction Bridge Club and the Forty-two Girls on Thursday afternoon at the home of Airs. P. O. Cambell. The high score at bridge j was made by Mrs. Harry llirsch and | the forty-two game by Aliss Hutcheson. A salad course, with sandwiches and tea. was served. Besides the club members there were present Airs. Rob ert Wynn, Airs. L. M. Peacock, Jr.. Airs. McAlister, of AIcRae; Miss Tattle, of Macon; Miss Barnes, of Barnesville; Aliss Frankie Fielder, of Cordele, and Mrs Adams, of Cochran. Sterling Silver Hem Gauge a Lasting and Useful Gift for 50c Cents This Hem Gauge has a handle of daik gray Sterling Silver. It makes a useful and lasting gift, certain to be appreciated, and costs only 50 cents. • We^tave other styles at 50 cents and 75 cents. Stilettos, with attachment for regulating holes, is another sensible gift, for 45 cents. Hundreds of inexpensive gifts can be selected for either children or grown-ups in our Novelty Room or Catalogue. We are headquarters for gift goods. Call at the store or write for 160-page illus trated catalogue and diamond booklet. Maier & Berkele, Inc. Gold and Silversmiths Established 1887 31-33 Whitehall St. Atlanta, Georgia ^DipKTToaa, B.A. TYLER. Pm Dmltos bwcsr O*. H. J. SMITH, Smith EU11 WhoWooio 4 D. B BASRSTT, W»T*h#nM F- T HARDWICK. Bonk O L. Rar4wtafc A O*. ■. p. Davis. co«hi#r rtr«t rntiomni H. L SMITlf. Pm. M. DAHL SmltkO* F. S. PHUDIK. Pruden lo»ar»ne* A|»»n W. L MeWILtiAMS. Dry Vood. DAVE ALPER. Pwp Kmoonay Ntcr* W C. MoOHKB. L*ODar4-M<Oh«* Pnrallm* O*. J. J tHJAKK, D«u« Chair Mf« Co. F F FARRAR. Farrmr La«W C*» W. M. SAPTV Clark 8a*arior Coart W C. MARTIN. Atwmay B. A. TYLER. *Wr»f H. J. SUITH. Vi~-Fr*. E P. DAVIS Trm W. M. JONES. StcrtUrf Office of President Dalton chamber of Commerce DALTON, GEORGIA December 5 Ur. J. F. Latton. Ansley Hotel. Atlanta. Ga. Dear Sir-: C -* AKTKRSVILLE, Dec. 13.—Next week with the home-coming of the college set, an impetus will be given social life, many house par ties. dinners and dances being planned. Aliss Rebecca Knight entertained her sewing club, the Individuals, at a For ty-two party Tuesday afternoon. For highest score Alis* Roslyn Lumpkin re ceived a hand-embroidered handker chief. After the game refreshments were served. Thom present outside the club were Airs Walter Baldwin?* of Madison; Mrs. W Ham. Mrs. Glenn Uaraker. Mrs. Horace Foster and Aliss M >ggie I rick. A delightful affair of Thursday after orsijm In answer to your letter of Deo.'Third,'I will gay that I have taoA stopping at Hotels all over the United States for a good many year* and I am frae to aay that the Ansley aeema sore like home te me than any Hotel I ever stayed in. Uy reeent visit in Atlanta was made more cieaeant because of the splendid accommodations yonr Hotel mrniehed. I with to mention the exoeptlonal oleanllneaa of the bade and batnroom. also the meals were the kind that make a man feel like living and doing busineaa. Thanking you for all yaar eourtesies. I wish to say that I hope to be one of your patrons Tor many yeara to oome. ORSYTH, Dec. 13.— On Tuesday afternoon Claude Reed celebrated his tenth birthday with a delight ful party. During the afternoon games \ were played, after which refreshments were served. Airs. T. O. Smith was hostess to the Fridaj VYrei*noon Club. Progressive rook was played and at the close of the game a salad course and hot coff o were served.