Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 14, 1913, Image 61

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ITEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, rM .\ i j a l , !V ft IAMI, FLA., Dec. 13.—Invitations j v l have been issued for the recep- * * tion and dance which will intro duce Miss Winifred March, daughter of Mrs. William Everard March, into so ciety, on the night of December 17. Mrs. March will be assisted by Mrs. Henry Gould Ralston and Mrs. James M. Jackson and tne affair will be one of tiie most brilliant of the winter sea son. Miss March is a graduate of the J^alrmount Seminary, Washington, D. C., and spent the summer in Chicago. Next year she expects to go abroad. Mrs. J. H. Tatum entertained at a charming luncheon on Wednesday. The guests were the members of th'e Tuesday Bridge Club. This club was entertained Tuesday by Mrs. William Clifford Maynard. Mrs. Robert Marshall Price enter tained at bridge w r hist on Thursday afternoon. One of the interesting events of Wed nesday was the marriage of Miss Kate l^ang to Seymour Dane, which took place at the home of the bride’s pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Felder Lang. Mr. and Mrs. Dane will make their home in Miami. He is exceedingly wealthy arui is retired from active business. The wedding was a quiet one. Mrs. B. F. Keith, the young bride of the theater magnate, is a new addition to social circles here. She was for merly Miss Chase, of Washington, D. C. The palatial Keith houseboat, Hil- dabret, is here, and they expect lo cruise about a great deal. Mrs. Merwin Bobst was among the hostesses of the week. Auction bridge was the diversion. Mrs. Frederic H. Rand gave an elab orate dance Friday night, in honor vjf Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Maury, of Pales tine. Texas, who were married in Long- wood, Fla., last Tuesday. Mrs. Maury was formerly Miss Evelyn Rand. Greenville G reenville, s. c.. Dec. 13.—The devotees of -the "futurist twirl" and other new r dances are enjoy ing many informal evenings at the Country Club now, and judging by ex pressions from those "who know how." the new creation promises to he the mont popular dance of the winter sea son at the club. In attendance upon a "twirl" Fiis week w’ere Mr. and Mrs. R. Q. Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. John Mi lam, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Guion, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Wilkins, Miss Lucia Par ker, Miss Heard, of Augusta; Miss Wright, of Richmond; Miss Carter In gram, of Richmond; Miss Tudor Perry, Miss Adelaide Godshaw. Miss Naidie Westervelt, Miss Byow-n, of Concord, N. C.: Henry Hammett, Hamlin Beattie, George Duncan, Hal Tlndal, James Calmes, Daniel McGee. Frank Henry, Allen Bedell, Melville Westervelt, J5n- sjgn Anson Merrick, Clinton Morgan. Robert Williams, Dr. Fair, William Beerns and J. C. Latimer. While the guest of Mrs. J. T. Wood- side. Mrs. Arthur Dunlap, of Atlanta, was the recipient of many social com pliments. Mrs. Hayne Rice, of Aiken, was the charming honoree at a lovely party Friday afternoon when Mrs. N. C. Poe Mrs. Claude Hughes Estes A recent bride, who is now being welcomed to Birmingham so- ciety. Before her marriage she was Miss Katherine Swaim, of Dandridge, Tenn., of the Swaim family, long prominent in At- < lanta business and society. Charles Golson, W. E. Oannudy. J. T. Bennett, J. S. Sherman, A. E. King. <V. S. Jackson, C. D. Brinkley, G. M. Lewis, T. W. Norris. Ralph Ghent, T. H. Mc Intyre and E. C. Porter and Misses Ruth O’Neal of Andalusia, Evelyn Far mer, Bessie Whiddon and Alice Wat ford. Waycross W A VC ROSS, Dec. 13.—Mrs. T. W. Morrison and Mrs. .~*gnes Find lay entertained the Georgians yesterday afternoon, the meeting and social that fol.low’ed proving one of the most delightful affairs of the season. Mrs. Robert Murphy entertained the members of the newly organized Young Matrons’ Club Wednesday, the party be ing the third of a series of entertain ments planned for the members Re freshments were served during the aft ernoon. Wednesday afternoon Miss Carrie Per- ham was hostess for a number of her friends. She was assisted in serving re freshments by Misses ltutli Carswell and Lillie Parnell. homcksville •"T* HOMAKV1LLE, Dec. 13 The I Thomasville Study (Mass held an Interesting meeting on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. s. Rlchy at the Tosco Hotel. For December the class is studying Mexico and several inter esting papers were given on the his tory of the country which is so much in the public eye just now. Mrs. Z. I. Fitzpatrick, the president, presided. •L 11 of this city, and Miss \ ivien Bishop, of Aueilla. Fla , were married oil Thursday evening at Audi- r> i^ n '* ^ rH - ••ones arrived in Thomasville yesterday afternoon and will make their homa here. formed by the Rev. T. R. Kendall, of Hartwell. The bridal march was played by Miss Clairo Ray. Miss Arlie Sewell was maid of honor, and Tom Carson best man.. The bride is the attractive daughter of C. B. Sewell, of Livonia. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Allen, of Fair Play, S. C., were out-of-town guests at the wedding. c Tifton | AVONIA, Dec. 13.—Tuesday after- J noon at the home of the bride, Miss Amalee Sewell, of Lavonia. was married to W. H. Whitworth, of Hartwell. The ceremony was per- -T*lFTON. Dec. 13. Mrs. < >. W Pate S and Mrs. A. 1). Suhler entertained * Wednesday with a spend-the-day party. The guests were Mrs. C. W Durden, Mrs. J. J. Rooney, Mrs. I. \\ Myers and Mrs. S. L Fleotw-ood. A very tempting dinner was served. Mrs. K. P. Baker entertained Thurs day evening at a 6 o’clock dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Goodgion, who are moving to Birmingham. Ala. Thfe guests were Mr. and Mrs. Good gion. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hendry, the Rhv. and Mrs. T 11. Thomson and Mrs. Useai Bowen. lunlsville I’NTSVILLE, ALA., Dec. 13.—Mrs. R. E. Smith entertained the Aue- ion Club on Tuesday afternoon her home on Franklin street. Mrs. II: .1 J. Bradley and Mrs. Gus White won the prizes. A chicken course was served ufter the game. The Rex Club entertained at a lovely dance in the parlors of the McGhee Hotel on Friday evening In compliment to the young ladies. Fifteen couples attended. THE POULTRY SERVED at our restaurant Is the finest the market affords. It Is simply impossible to Ret younger, ten derer or more freshly killed birds. Same thitig applies to every other article of food. Kut here and you will eat of the best, cooked in the best manner and served the same way. HOTEL ANSLEY entertained at bridge in her honor. Miss Mildred Lewis Rutherford, of Athens, Ga., was the guest of honor at the brilliant reception held Monday at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Chaf fer, on Broadus avenue. One of the many lovely parties for the debutantes and Miss Octavia Ar rington's guests was the bridge party given yesterday by Mrs. E. J. Gage. Mrs. Clement Haynsworth’s recep tion Wednesday was a beautiful com pliment to two of the recejnt brides, Mrs. Marshall Beattie and Mrs. Wilton Earle. Miss Mamie Schwdng was married Brenau G AINESVILLE. Dec 13.—"The Sing ing Bird,” a three-act comedy with a cast of 29 characters, was presented in the auditorium of Brenau College-Conservatory on Monday even ing December 8. The cast was chosen from members of the Cushman Club, tlie college dramatic organization, and was under the direction of Miss Grace Jeun Sails, professor of dramatic art in the school of oratory. She was assisted by Miss Esther Eddy Irvine, director of physical training, who had charge of the aesthetic dancing. The young ladies in their acting showed the results of hard hours of study and preparation. Miss Jessie ltulien. a senior in ora tory, presented her original dramatiza tion of "T^he Quarantined Rivals" Sat urday evening. The play is a roaring farce, with a series of ludicrous inci dents. Supporting Miss Rulien were Misses Louise Liddon, Mary Wood, Amy Childs. Juanita Tiehenor, Robbie Blas- ingame, Rubye McGaughey and Gladys Ascher. The Sigma Iota Chi Sorority gave a tea Thurs#a\ afternoon in honor of Miss Martha Land, of New York, and Mrs. Perkinson, of Marietta. Seventy-five guests were in attendance. Wednesday afternoon the last sets of the tennis tournament between the Juniors and Sophomores were played Those contesting were Misses Fannie Mae Chestnut and Rebecca Lang for the Juniors, and Katherine Lumpkin and Lydia Griffith for the Sophomores. The Sophomores won by five points. Brewton and Campbell. The mission study jubiJato in progress to-day and Sunday. Invitations were sent to friends all over the State, and a number of out-of-town visitors are present. The speakers are Mrs. Neel, of Cartersville; Miss Amos, of Atlanta; Miss McDowell, of Bessie Tift College, and Dr. J J. Bennett, of Atlanta. Lucy Cobb essie Tift i ORSYTH, Dec. 13.—On Monday evening Bessie Tift College and Forsyth people enjoyed a lecture, "he Georgia Darky,” by the Rev. Alex Healer This is one of the most pular of Mr. Healer’s lectures havin e en given in many of the Southern ates. Mr. Healer always receives a uni welcome at Bessie Tift. He was r several vears a trustee of the col- ge. His wife is an alumnae and his ughter is now a student there. The Clionian Society gave a unique ogram on Saturday evening. Girls in stume represented the departments of magazine. Those represented were the kes. fiction, fashion, beauty hints, good nduct. suggestions for Christmas esents recipes and advertisements. The Kappa Delta Society met in the d tori uni on Saturday evening and vc a Christmas program. Among the pecially good features were the read- gs —"Mother Goose. by Miss Callie incock; "The Shepherds and the An- ls " bv Miss Lillian Reid, and The glit Before Christmas.” by Miss Ruby •atl, the latter pantomimed *>y Mlss^e Ina Walton. Inez Hyman and Thelma is ; erlin. . ,, . , . The Mission Study ( lasses held joint aetings \<Mth their leaders on Sunday ening for their last lesson, ^be class "Immigrant Forces" was led by isses Nolen and Nolen: "Mexico lo- v" by' Misses McDowell and I atrick. ,d ‘ India's Awakening” by ilisses A THENS. Dec. 13.—The Lucy Cobb basket ball team played a match . game against the team of the Gainesville High School, the "Lucies” gaining an easy- victory by a score of 29 to 2. While in Athens, the Gaines ville girls were pleasantly entertained at Lucy' Cobb. Under the management of Miss Jeff- cott, aided by the girls of the German department, the Christmas bazaar was a great success, financially as well as socially. Attractive booths were ar ranged in the gymnasium. Besides the fancy articles, cakes, candies and toilet articles were on sale. Refreshments were served all day in the tearoom and the affair ended with a mastfuerade dance in the evening The pupils of Miss Mott and Miss Desha gave a charming twilight recital in the blue parlor of L\icy Cobb on last Tuesday' afternoon. A program of vocal and instrumental pieces was re ceived enthusiastically by a large au dience. Plans are afoot for the annual Christmas tree for the benefit of the children of the factory district of Ath ens. Miss Ruth Rei I. president of the Young Woman’s Christian Association, is planning for this tree to be the finest one yet. The announcement of Miss Edith Dunson’s engagement to Mr. Willing ham was of interest to her Lucy Cobb friends. Miss Dunson having been a popular student at Lucy Cobb a few years ago. Invitations have been received in Athens to the wedding of Miss Ange- lique Hal t to Richmond Jaffrey' Reese, the marriage to take place at the Church of the Holy Trinity in New York City' on December 27. Miss Hart was a popular student at Lucy’ Cobb last year. Miss Dorothy Selby entertained a few of the Lucy Cobb girls whose birthdays fall in December at a marshmallow roast on last Tuesday. Miss Lucy Harrington was the guest of honor anil the recipient of many witty toasts. to William Hamilton Moore, in this city. Wednesday. G ainesville, fla., Dec. 13.—At the annual election of officers the J. J. Finley Chapter, U. D. C., selected the following: President. Mrs. | W. B. Taylor; vice presidents. Mrs. J. M. Dell, Jr., and Mrs W. T. Chesnut; recording secretary. Mrs. J. E. Turbe- v'ille: treasurer, Mrs. R. C. Bowers; cor responding secretary, Mrs. T. A. Pow ell. The Gainesville High School basket ball team, consisting of Misses Mary Burdick, Jeanette Morris, Millicent Bishop, Miriam (loin, Leona Thigpen, “Jack” Colson, Kate Daughtry and Lil lian Colelough, with Miss Maurivine Kirkpatrick as chaperon and Mrs. IL j F. Gobert as referee, went to Palatka I Friday afternoon to meet the Putnam County High School team. Kirby Smith Chapter, U. D. C., at its annual meeting this week elected the following officers: President. Mrs. J | Fletcher Burnett: vice president, Mrs. H. H. McCreary; secretary, Mrs. Sallie Plnkason; treasurer. Mrs. Dilly Truby; register. Mrs. Marvin Phifer, and his torical committee. Mesdames J. R. Em erson. L. W. Jackson, A. W. Taylor and Evans Haile. J ACKSONVILLE, Dec. 13.-^Fifteen ladies, representing the Jacksonville chapters of the United Daughters of the Confedracy, yesterday afternoon met with Chairman William Foor, of the committee on arrangements for the Confederate Veterans’ Reunion in 1914 and discussed the part to be assigned to the Daughters in the arrangements for that occasion. There were present Mrs. C \V. Denton, Mrs. Walter Hawkins, Miss Si. H. Besseni. Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. G. F. Haas. Mrs. H. E. Drew. Mrs. M J. Brcgassa. Mrs. W. R. Harney, Miss S. L. Holmse. Mrs. R. P Velms, Mrs T. It. Hendricks. Mrs. A. H. West. Mrs J. L. Medlin, Mrs. T. A. Carroll and Mrs. J. G. Inglis. The Church Club of the Forsyth Street Episcopal Church held a recep tion last night, welcoming Bishop T. F. c.ailor, of Tennessee, to Jacksonville. Eloquent addresses were made by F. P. Hearing, president of the club; former Bishop Albion W. Knight, of Cuba; Rishop Edwin G. Weed, of Florida, and Bishop Gailor. Dothan Oxford O XFORD. Dec. 13.—The Emory Chapter of the Sigma Upsilon Lit erary fraternity was pleasantly entertained by Miss Sue Means Monday evening. The interesting features <»f the evening were a lecture by Dr. Wighi- man b. Melton on short story writing and a dramatic presentation by Miss Sue Means from "Madame Butterfly." Miss Virginia Peed will * ntertain for Miss Ophelia Bussy, of Waverlv Hall, at an informal morning party the com ing week. D OTHAN, ALA., Dec. 13.—Dothan society people are interested in the announcement of the engage ment of Miss Lou Mae Breekenridge to DeWitt Talmage Holland, of Mobile, whose marriage will take place at the First Presbyterian Church at Jackson, Ala., Tuesday, December 23. Mr. Hol land is a son of 1. L. Holland, of Do than. The annual bazaar of the ladies of the First Baptist Church was held Thursday and was liberally patronized. The Elw'ell Auction Club was enter tained by Mrs. J. T. Bennett at the home of her mother on North Foster street. The guests w'ere Misses Alice Watford. Evelyn Farmer, Bessie Whid don and Ruth O’Neal, of Andalusia, and Mesdames W. E. Oannady, G. M. Lewis, C. D. Brinkley and A. E. King. Miss Maude Crawford entertained the Rook Club Tuesday afternoon, those present being Misses Janie Farmer, Ruth Stapleton, Nettle Leslie, Minnie Cave, Virginia Parish. Florence Ellis, Gussie Mae Siallings and Jennie Mae Ward. Miss Rebecca Cochran, of Montgom ery. was* the honored guest at a party- given by the D. A. Q. Club. Mrs. Er nest Ford was hostess. The guests were Mesdames Quinn Nix, Hugh Smith, R. 1L Walker, Ray June* A Collection of Exceptionally Good Instruments in a Wonderful Holiday Sale Without Doubt This Sale oi FineFactory Sample Pianos Is the Best and Greatest Opporlnnity For Buying This Season Has Ottered Only 10 days left to secure a real bargain This Holiday Sale of ours has been a big success, but we still have some great values in Pianos and Player-Pianos The Time—To-morrow Is Your Time to Buy Right The Place—89 North Pryor Strcef Two car-loads of The Sale Fine Pianos One $750 Player for $475. $400 Piano for $287. $350 Piano for $249. $250 Piano for $179. Holiday Sale of Slightly Used and ■■■■■■■■■■■■ aanHHi mmmm wmmuamammmtms ——n——mhhjm mBmmmmmm » Second-Hand Pianos-Cometo See Them! One $800 Player One Fine Mahogany Up- One Handsome Oak Case, One Upright, Walnut $387. right, was $425; $247. was $400; $127. Case, $48. i^rRailroad Fare Refunded lo Onl- oi-Town Purchasers During this Sale! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■Mi ISBEHnHBSTBUHnHMMMH ■■■■■■■■■■■ 6XHE3229EP TBHHEEEifr'J HOWARD BROS. & C0. 89 North Pryor St. W. H. HOWARD, Prop. * f --:£r 1 'w-v “-r- :-*U. •’Pk&La-s *'• V R ' lira " Jpn Him pin l !1!!!!!'»iii min * «•»»i T| ■Mill Oil i, J* -—BP.*#'