Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 14, 1913, Image 62

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14 H HKARST'S ST’NDAY AMERICAN. ATLANTA, OA. ST*Nf)AY, DECEMRER 14. 101T I MPRESSIVELY rich and fimjSe are the fabric* used for the mak ing of the wraps and coats being worn at present. No matter If the wrap be of the moat practical Intention, for stormy lav wear or for motoring purposes, the materials used, especially the etorm coat tweeds, chinchilla cloth and fur cloth fabrics are elusively rich and warm in their coloring and weaves. Fur cloths have never been vuccessfully produced, while many of the plushes offered for the inspection of the casual shopper are so furlik* and beautiful in color one is some times at a loss to know which fabric la fur cloth and w hich is plush No other material lends itself mop acceptably to the making of a wrap for afternoon and evening wear fur cloth. For wear upon street car and train, when visiting tho theater, the opera or for attendance .it formal afternoon affairs, a substantial wrap, which shall protect the wearer sufficiently and yet not be ugly in appearance, is ftn absolute necessity. This season the answer to all such problems is fur cloth. Taupe-colored fabrics, resembling moleskins; lovely brown stuffs, imi tating beaver skin*, black, close clipped pile fabrics, of sealskin like ness, and caracul imftatlons galore, are offered Made in big. all-enveloping loose roominess, untrimmed even, and de pending for elegance of appearance upon their cut and shape alone, these fur cloth wraps are a blessing, indeed, for the woman of little income. In the storm coat and motoring coat classes there are the chinchilla and plush cloth fabrics, as well as the rravenetted cloths and the tweeds of well-known and popular favor. All such coats preserve strict ad herence to straight line fashion and big sleeve styles of the raglan or kimono types. These coats button high at the neck and have unusually large well-placed Dockets attached to their protecting skin* Where set-in sleeves are preferred, and many of the latest models are showing such sleeves, very wide arm holes are the rule. For dres« coats, those smart little affairs of taffeta, velvet or cloth. In tended for wear with handsome cloth r>r r sllk gowns for formal afternoon wear and matching tho color of t|he gown or frock perfectly, quite a num ber of the nice style distinctions are to be observed. First of all, the skirts to fitted coats—and by this is meant the coat which sports a girdle or belt division —flare broadly, and in some Instances are wired to extend themselves even more bouffantly than they otherwise would. Such coats as these are to be worn with bustle or padded topped skirts, with dresses made with numerous designs upon chiffon, is displayed. • • • Hy way of Paris there comes to us a most costly fashion—the use of precious Htones-^as glove buttons. These little Jeweled s.are composed of single gems set it t. claw mounts, which can readily be attached to the long evening gloves in colors de manded by the gown. Topaz buttons on champagne-colored gloves, aqua- nrnrlnes on light green, sapphires shimmering against black suede (with a royal blue gown) and endless other striking combinations caused the fad to instantly become a fashion. Among the novelties for spring Is a lovely new organdy that has a dis tinctive Japanese floral pattern in black shadow embroidery. It is dainty in its fine uncertain lines of leaf and motif interspersing flowers of a pf»in- settia character. * * * Lovely, dainty, frilly, gauzy neck wear is one, of the great features of smart dressing. Broadly speaking, this feminine sort of neck fixing is of two sorts, that meant to wear with a guimpe and that intended for the more or less low V-shape so much in favor. Of course the mannish neckgear to wear with the most severely tailored shirts does not come under this head at all. and is therefore ignored. So. to continue with the etherealities, one finds one tvpe consisting of frills and even little lapel effects, the frills go ing around the neck and coming down at the front in pointed effect. The other sort is mostly a matter of bows, bow being a broad term which takes in, almost everything. • • * The use. of fur as a trimming on day and evening gowns is becoming more and more marked. The flounced skirt Is now appearing an adapta tion of the tunic—-two or three deep flounces falling one below the other, from waistline to knee, and in most cases these are edged with narrow bands of fur—sable, skunk, mus quash or tailless ermine, the latter in particular being much favored for the sole trimming on chiffon, velvets or charmeuse. It is the exception to see a coiffure in the evening left undecorated, and because that is so, some astute wom en are taking upon themselves the task of proving that the well-dressed chevelire can look exceedingly beau tiful when absolutely bereft of adorn ment. In my mind remains the memory of a black coiffure dusted with blue me tallic powder to give it the old-fash ioned and once greatly admired raven tint. It was dressed w’ith that charming indefinition that defies description the blue hair piled high, a mere thought puffing outward behind the ears and at the back twisted in a French knot. The nut-brown maid who owned this specially fascinating crown of glory wore in her ears long and very brilliant diamond ornaments, and around her beautiful throat a string of the same gems, scintillating with throbbing, blazing lights and ending in an old-fashioned-looking pendant like a sheaf of corn. Not every one can afford to defy the modes of the moment in these ways, and in consequence the num ber of coiffure decorations multiplies every day. * * * Another development of the tango craze is the laced dancing stocking, which has an arrangement of em broidered eyelets and ribbon laces up the front—just another device, it ap pears, to call attention to the foot and ankle which have been given very’ conspicuous prominence of late. The world has grown so accustomed to slashed skirts that they no longer arrest the attention, but when a black stocking laced up with white ribbon peeps in and out of the slash, the ef fect is certainly apt to hold the eye of the beholder These new tango stockings are worn with high-heeled dancing pumps or satin slippers and the ef fect is supposed to imitate the 1 acini slipper or buskin worn away back in the 40’s and 60*8 of the last century —when one’s grandmamma was a bride. Much less conspicuous and • as most women feel—in far better taste, are ordinary stockings of threa l silk worn with high-heeled buttoned boots, made comfortable for dancing by the thinnest of turned soles. Such boots are usually of patent leather with well fitting buttoned tops of soft kid, and very graceful, tapering lines of toe. Corduroy tailored costumes ana elaborate afternoon frocks are more in demand than ever this winter, not only perhaps from the fact that the material wears so well, but from the added virtue of warmth. For young- girls still at school suits made in Norfolk styles of this material are very popular. Give of pianos X MAS - r Children *®Get One ? Your Home Beginning 9 o’clock Monday Morning We Will Place on Sale fllkJ ruffling* or with those designed wired hip-length tunic*. with There is a menace to the flat chested woman in the styles of to day. When revers, much drapery of the bodice, tucks, folds and gathers are in fashion the thin-chested wom an may go on her way rejoicing. But to-day, in spite of the fact that loose, bagging bodices are worn, their plain ness makes them accentuate the thin ness of their wearers. A good deal may be done to cover up defects If the neckwear worn is, carefully chosen. Wide frills and turnover collars do much to bring good lines to the thin woman’s figure. • * • Buttons and bows are to share the work of trimmings this winter. But tons are still much used for trim ming tailored suits. And bows are used as they have not been used for years. One French frock shows a long tunic of white chiffon with bows of blue ribbon extending from neck to knees. The satin underskirt has a double row of small white satin buttons down the front from knees to hems so combining two smart meth ods of trimming. • ♦ * The woman who makes a fetish of keeping up with the mode never al lows herself to lag behind the mo ment’s fancy in footwear, for no de tail of dress so speedily proves one’s conversance with current styles as up-to-the-minute boot s. This autumn the patent leather boot with a buttoned top of kid Is the correct thing for afternoon wear, with draped costumes covered with smart little wraps or with tailored suits of distinctive style. Such boots have delicately tapering toes, with not the least suggestion of short-vamp stub- bishness—in fact, a rather long, e: ceedingly slim foot is Just now con sidered the gome of aristocracy. The heel of this correct boot is moderate in height—a fact that ap peals to women of conservative taste —but the arch of the boot and Its general lines are so exquisitely pro portioned that a much higher heeled effect is suggested. • • • Gold lace, gold embroideries, gold bead trimmings and lares of black or white, designed in gold, will be :sed extensively. Bead trimming both by the yard and in embroidered 3 5 8 (Regular (Regular (Regular $350) $375) $400) New New New Pianos Pianos Pianos $98.00 $136.00 $178.00 5218 The above Pianos are in beautiful figured Mahogany, Walnut and Oak cases. Remember these are brand-new Pianos and are sold to you on a ten-year on trial factory guar antee, backed by $6,000,000 capital and surplus. . ”■> v * : y . Come Direct to THE FAIR Atlanta’s Best Homen’s Credit House Stylish Clothes For Women and Misses ON CREDIT The Helpful, Easy to-Pay Kind For Your Christmas Clothes Where is the joy of Christmas if you are not appropriately arid fashionably dressed? Come to the fair quality credit store, where a magnificent stock of the latest styles in Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits. Coats. Dresses, Millinery, Etc., are always here to choose from—-at remarkably low prices. December Clearance Sale Now going on in our big ready-to-wear department. Latest and most fashionable Suits and Coats of the season, all fabrics, all colors- ^11 reduced in price. Dress up for Christmas this week at THE FAIR, all goods bought at the clearance prices can be charged on our easy-payment plan. Player NOt9C6^ Every purchaser of a Player gets free use of our 6800-roll library absolutely without " any charge whatever. The only store in the city with a free exchange library. Buy a Plano or Player at Wholesale— While the Opportunity Lasts Open Until 9 o’Clock Every Evening Weatherholt Piano Company 72 North Sroad Street 93 WHITEHALL STREET ■ ;