Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 14, 1913, Image 71

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Copyright, 1913, by the I Star Company. Great Britain Rights Reserved. - Three Pretty Princesses fi Russia and Roumania Who Will Be Sacrificed to Help Selfish Inter ests and Subdue Barbarous Warriors / Crown Prince Alexander of Servia, Who Will Wed Grand Duchess Olga. a other triumph. It has planned to marry the young princesses and princes of the Balkan nations to on* another in order to preserve the peace between these peoples, who have been engaged in cutting one another’s throats during the past year. A young princess from one country will be married to a foreign priucelet for whom she has no love and whom she may not even know. As the Balkan nations have conducted war with more atrocity than has ever been displayed in modern times, the lot of the loveless brides seems a gloomy one. It is very difficult to keep the Balkan peoples from flying at one another again, and the young princesses will be placed between them, as it were, in the hope that the rude warriors will hesitate to shoot or stab them. Chief among the victims will be the Czar of Russia’s daughters. It is announced that the Czar's oldest daughter, the Grand Duchess Olga, will marry Crown Prince Alexander of Servia. His second daughter, Grand Duchess Tatiana, will marry Crown Prince Charles of Roumania. Olga is eighteen and Tatiana seventeen. They are both very pretty, sensitive and delicate look ing girls Crown Prince Alexander’s father, Ring Peter, gained the throne of Servia as a result of the horrible murder of his predecessor, King Alex ander, and the latter’s wife. The conspirators. The Beautiful Princess Elizabeth of Roumania, Who Is to Be Married to the Crown Prince Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana, Two Pretty Daughters of the,Czar. Greece to Preserve Peace Between Greece and Roumania. who included friends and partisans of King Peter, were not satisfied with killing the young King. They nearly tore his wife to pieces as they stabbed her to death. Photographs were published showing how the assassins cut and slashed the furniture of the bedroom, where the poor woman was hiding, in their rage to kill her King Peter took the throne directly from the men who perpetrated these crimes. On account of his more than dubious associations, the royal families who stand for "outward decency" boy cotted Peter for a time The Czar took a lead ing part in censuring him. and consequently bis daughter, the Grand Duchess Olga, has no ac quaintance with Crown Prince Alexander Yet now apparently the Czar is willing to marry his daughter into this Ill-reputed family for the sake of a political advantage in the Balkan peninsula. Crown Prince Alexander's older brother, George, was deposed from his position and ex iled for murder and other criminal and dis graceful conduct. The Servian throne has a shocking and barbarous record in many ways. Enlightened people may well feel indignant at the sacrifice of a helpless young princess to this Crown Prince George of Greece, Who Is to Have the Lovely Roumanian Princess as a Bride. family It has been arranged that Crown Prince George of Greece shall marry the Crown Princess Elizabeth of Roumania. Greece and Roumania are considered more civilized than the other Balkan nations, but the attitude of Roumania during the war was re markably selfish and cold-blooded Sbe stayed out of the war until the other countries were exhausted and then stepped in and snatched some of the fruits of victory There can be little happiness in store for a princess who is used by this nation In a game of political intrigue. There remains one important Balkan na tion—Bulgaria—which has not been provided for in these arrangements. Prince Boris, the heir to the Bulgarian throne, Is only seventeen years old, and It is considered too early to ar range the marriage of a prince of that age It is intimated, however, that the diplomats hope in a few years to arrange a marriage between him and the Grand Duchess Marie, the Czar’s third daughter, who is now fourteen years old. Crown Prince Charles of Roumania, to Whom Grand Duchess Tatiana Has Been Assigned. "4 A 1 r Msg 'M IVV® 1 'mfUl