Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 17, 1913, Image 14

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V TTTT ATT-A NT A GEORGIAN AND NEWS. kjcau r uk rituj? it crJ^UrvLrlAIN W xTIN i AJJb u UU X UiV iVJjO UUiO MONEY TO LOAN "VVIIF.N YOI WANT TO BORROW MONEY, $25 OR MORE, We will loan you what you n«ed ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC. personal II. A. MARTIN EERNI TER EDO. NEW LOCATION. When the (rr)u]int: of Whitehall street bepun the Mnrtiri & Knott At I^fral Rates. This company ha* set out to render ai r •. * j practical service t t,..rr were, np | v tirnitiire ( onipanv were forced SSrpSIn'X'.T.'WpSe.leffTii to dmoontinue business on ae- reaeonahle. (riarajiiveln* you fHlr treat . cotint of the condition of Ihe E, ent, quick ^rvh eking In transactlo a courtesy often of this kin<l. CITIZENS LOAN CO., 413 PETERS BLDG. 7 Peachtree Street PH ONE MAIN 3771 j|[6NET loam • n diamond*. Jewelry, anything of value. 136 Peters street. MOhfEY F(»H SALARIED PKOPLK AND OTHKR8, upon their own names. cheap rates, easy payments Confl* is i Special jk.mi ttxrn t< "mintx any amount 6 per cent Write or •a'l 8 W. Carson. 24 South Broad atreet FARM LOANS placed In any amount on Improved farm lands In Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould V "ng LOANS $25.00 AND CP. On Furniture, Pianos, or on En dorsed Notes WT, ARE a new company, organised for the purpose of loaning money to work ing men and ladles keeping house, at the lowest possible rate <<f Interest Wa positively make no charges for commis sions. drafting papers, or any other so- called charge but only ask you to pay the rate permitted by the laws of the ptate Our easy payment plan allows you to pay us hack to suit your Income W« extend every courtesy to make tht carrying of a loan satisfactory to you !n every' way GUARANTEE LOAN CO. Room 318 Atlrinta National Bank Bid?.. Bell Phone Main 440. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlan ta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster Robson. 11 Edpewood Avenue. street, and the Company dis solved. II. A. Martin was former ly located at 13!) W. Mitchell St., and recently of the Martin & Knott Furniture Company, 135 Whitehall Street. I am now open under the old name of H. A. Mar tin Furniture Company, 73 S. Pryor St., opposite Bell Tele phone Exchange, where I will be ?lad to see and serve all ray old friends and patrons. 1 have a minimum of expense and will trive you the benefit of this by making you prices much lowpr than furniture houses in the hiph rent district can quote. Trustinp that you will call and inspect my stock before buying any article carried in an up-to-date furni ture store, I hep to remain, Very respectfully, II. A. MARTIN. . S. F. WEST SPECIALIST. GENITO URINARY SKIN and CHRON IC DISEASES. i06tt WHITEHALL MAIN 4216 LADIES! Ask your Drugglrt for Chi chest ecu Pills, the Diamond Brand For 25 yea fa kjmwn as Beat. Safcat, Al ways Bellahh- Buy of your Druggist 'lake no other Chichester* Diamond Brand Bills are sold by Drugglata every where BEAT’TIFT Tfi! Our YOU CAN RE three-cotirae beauty treatment tells* you how No drugs used. Plain In- & siructlona. Will send three full coursea for a dime Sell formulaea to your frienda. Money back If not satisfied. International Company, 319 Temple Court Building, Atlanta. ■tTa VALLIERE BEAUTIFIER,’ a rouge that gives a natural bloom to the complexion. Sold practically by ev ery druggist. Price 2o cents. Mall or- Addreaa La Val- llere Toilet Co.. Charleston, S. C. ENTS MONEY WANTED. WANTED ^LoarC'oT $47>O0 for'^aiiT or twelve months at 8 per cent, secured by fifty shares good hank stock. Ad- dr ea .a WANTED Motley \Y> have a fine "de? | dera filled promptly rnand for money on improved Atlanta .and nearby property at 7 and 8 per cent. Can secure you on property fforth several times amount borrowed. & Itobson, 11 Edge wood avenue Wanted—To borrow $1,000 on two- acre lot; worth $4,000 Address L, Box 988, care Georgian WE LOAN other people's money on first mortgage Atlanta real estate Why not let us lend yours at 0. 7 and 8 per cent? See us G R. Moore, 116 Lobby. Candler Bldg Bell phone Ivy 4978, At lanta 24*S WRITERS FOR RENT. TYPEWRITKHS RENTED. 4 months for $& and up Rebuilt typewriters, $23 to $75 AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO. 48 North Prvor St Phona Main 2524 FOR Sale—MISCELLANEOUS. uFn i LEY vacuum cleaners remove dlii and germs from rug.s. floor*, walls, etc. Vacuum cleaners from $25 up Free demon National Rank Bloch Pullman Vacuum sweepers $9 "5 ■tratton. 416 Fourth Building FOR SALE Handsome baby carriage, good as new. Reason able price. Phone Main 2796-J. For SALE Humphries copper coll heater, gas stove and other household goods. 110-13 West Harris street, At lanta. NITRATE SODA 'XU sale prices. Also hulk Acid, Kalnlt, Muriate Potash. C 8 Meal, Hulls and Coal In car lots W. E McCALLA, 415 ta Nat Bank Bldg $25(1 Perfect blue golltalre diamond, first -class, for $175 cash. Box 711 care Georgian. FoR SALE one slightly used bicycle. Apply 92 Whitehall street COLONIAL OAK DRESSER, chiffonier, library table, oak dining room furni ture. practically new. Ivy 362. FOR SALE' Fire-proof garage; cost $183; sacrifice price $115. Phone Ivy 996-. I. WK have on hand A veral se -^id-hand safes for sale which we have ex changed for larger ones. These ex changes include our own and other makes Bargains for cash. Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Company, 115 North Pryor street. Phone Ivy 456. FOR SALE -One handsome sideboard Apply 202 Washington atreet NEW LANGUAGE Phone f>-r Sp&niah lessons by which you can easily learn to speak Spanish at home without a teacher. Address "Language Phone," Box 110, care Georgian. KACKIFrrF KoH CAHH * four ►dm n i i M Vj diamond rings, one necklace, one bracelet; total value $4 - 000 See these before buying a Christ mas present for your friend or wife. Cali 1 !a ndler A nnex FINE "Strad " model Violin. ifooS con dition Call 44 Inman Building, At lanta. FOR SALE Market outfit complete, ready for business, cheap VV. D. I*., 9 Williams street. FOR SALE Girl's Dayton bicycle; full size; good condition; cheap. BelJ phone Main 3254 J FOR SALE Four tabfee, organl sofa set. encyclopedia, sixteen volumes; family Bib e. 95 Garnett St. FOR SALE Large dairy or market re frigerator; price $286. will take $125: almost new. Ivy 2346, Atlanta 2845 66 W. Pine. FOR SALE $35 baby carriage. $30 nov elty baby bed, good as new. take both Ar $20. 934 Highland avenue. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. CHALMERS ' a bout] first condition, newly painted. See D. M. Brannon, 225 Highland avenue 1 (TtIMO. THE only carbon remover in ^he world. Worth its weight In gold. Will re move the carbon In your car In 10 minutes. Absolutely harmless. Sold under a rsmltive guarantee. Get a < an. Ask your dealer for It. If he is <»ut, call Ivy 4695 and we will supply him, or ask The Georgia Motor Supplies Co., 216 Peachtree St. TIIE CRIMO CARBON RE MOVER CO., 39 Luckie St. ONE second-hand Ford for sale at a bargain. 26 Inman Bldg WILL EXCHANGE five-pasifenger Chalmers, Just repainted, excellent condition, for hank stock or real estate; value $850. Address Motor Car, Box 999, care Georgian. SPLENDID seven-seated Speedwell for sale cheap. I* O. Box 1443, Atlanta, c Ja BUSINESS PERSONALS. 5arpet Cleaning. A T LA NT A O RIEN T A L RU(Y XnD CLEANING CO. 9 h\ 12 rugs cleaned; $1.60 and up. Bell phone Ivy 3471. Main 5027 i ORIENTAL rugs cleaned like new, also repairing and upholstering W M I Cox 145 Auburn avenue Ivy 3135-J Carpet and Rug Cleaning. ! ( A RPET AND RUG" CLEANINO— oriental a specialty, also furniture I repairing Zaok Harris, 298 Piedmont avenue. Ivy 2060-L. Christmas Umbrellas. ntmmrAs~nradr to order; large se lection. fine handles; also repairing. Harry Briggs, 5 Viaduct plaoe. Phone Main 5100. UG3 FIVE-PASSENGER Ford car, good condition: at a big bargain, overland - Southern Automobile G<^ One S i ► ven - - J hu yea Utile SiX with Judkins limousine body; cost $5,200. will sell for $1,200; in fine shape; shown by appointment. One model “X” Stevens-Duryea. in Jne condition, with new tires will take $800. One 500-pound Chase truck, used about three months. $460. JOHNSON MOTOR CAR OOMVANY, 455 Peachtree St. Ivy 1969 ONE to horsepower, five-passenger Bulck, just overhauled and repainted. Bargain at $450, or would exchange for lot of equal value. Box 516, care Geor gian. AGENTS You something tr Foster l We hav< Heaven.’ Miss BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. have been looking for sell to colored people. It! "Negro Angels Entering Home Supply Co., Jackson. HEALTH, beauty and strength without drugs; use In your own home; makes women beautiful, men strong, ‘sanest treatment ever devised. Send fifty cents to Royal Sales Co., Box 662. Macon, ■ k > MORE than 6.000 hair switches to be sold at the Robins Hairdressing Par lors. Every one reduced. Combings made into braids and switches dyed. 40Mi Whitehall street, second floor. Main \ BARGAIN. 18625 9 1.387 ACRES of timber .mostly bard- REMEMBER' Queen's Delight, ladles. wood white ouk 3 >e <HW> black oak. j for removing hair from face "Send 1.. JO .000; hickory, 1.300.000. gum. 1 -JO, , f or f r< . H sample" National Remedy Co., 000. pine. 300.000, cypress. -00.000, trial. 1 |> 4 ,stofflce 808 Atlanta. Ga 4.070.000 feet. Sawmill 25.000 capacity.! planing mill and all fixtures complete; j $100 lie.WARD Ladles, our will S. I' mill Wimral- from ilm»«-r. fempouml never disappoint., ........ price *1.1000 For further Information relieve* lotisem. most obstinate. abnor apph to I A Neal. M..ratio. Ark. »>■' «•■»« <lf euppreejed menstruation li three days Price $2 Southern Rcme TAKE NOTICE! $ i “ j u j BI YS probably tbe best and T * '7' n most completely equipped FRENCH DRY CLEANING plant «im businesses of Its slxc in \tlanta: do ing cleaning and job work only which amounted to about $900'for last month Machinery cost about $1,600; very small j patient operating expense; one of the best business openings of the day; invest I- will he delighted See YOUNG * d\ Company. Memphis. Tenn - .KiOI’S IM'SI LTS come, from trusses | npropeily fitted John B Daniel, at I : t Wall street, has an exoert fitter and i will rosl you no more to have him fit you. snd It means Insurance \! A i lOltNI 8ANIT ‘ HU M Prlvats. refined, homelike Limited number of 'ared for Home provided for nfcmts Mrs M T Mitchell. 26 Wind sor street. gslr. Vt leaving RoE, 1 JWfng. WANTED Part m business Can business will ann a Ad«ite lam a. Ga. W ' NT FI shop ar Good ioca Hr I* 616 < iwnei GOOD- Pcteia I »r good paying lent Jh’oflt* of ) _ root ■ » Investment in j 7450 J ». Box 646. At FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD DS. F«51? l^innishings >d^ a nlne- n house Must go at once. Ivy Bn one-chair barber stand combined, ne here. No op position ‘‘an gtvr tivi-cn for selling W_rit*' d \ : Wa \ngustine. Fla. 1 tir.sA LE p ard'Tii tel. Chapel Mill, N. C Modern conveniences; thirty three rooms comfortably furnished; will deliver at once The only hotel in this growing town, situated on Main street, opposite tl c campus of Slate University. Profits will pay for propert> within ten years, with opportunity to educate your children Very low price, with liberal terms Ai Company 1 ply to Smitl m bam, N. C gate Jones & BAILED j on worl In oil painting costumes. etc. Mrs. Paniello, IM man of undisputed invest $2,000 purpose Invest I- Courtland. HIGH-CLASS ofric competency wish and take position with reliable concern. Address L . Box 109. care Georgian. WANTED An experienced milliner t< occupy store used for that past 15 years, good opening gate Box 85. Boston, uh ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants State manager. High-class article Should pay $10,000 annually; $5<H> to $1.- 000 capital Will pay expenses to Chi cago if you are the man we want. Ref erenepy Richardson, Old Colony Build- ing, Chicago LARGEST Wholesale, retail and mall or der business in Now England; profits $30,000. recent blindness of owner rea son South wick. Nahant, Mass. $1,200 GREAT SACRIFICE' ON ACCOUNT of illness compelled to give up good business at once; 33- room boarding and rooming house, fur nace heuted. full of best class board- era. good servants who would remain; best location, will sell all the furnish ings or reserve some and make reason able reduction and easy terms. Mrs. A. I>. Cox, 36 East North ave Ivy 3501. FOR SAI.K Vehicle and Imp] etnent business in a growing town and fine farming section. Established fourteen years. Making money. A rare oppor tunity for some one Address P. O. Box 384. Cordele. Ga TCU PLANT and Refrigerator Icing JL ‘J station. Cost $16 000. for $5,000 cash Crystal Ice Co., High Springs, Fla __ FOR SALE The three Williams Ho tels in Atlanta, in order to close up a deal for the construction of one large hotel in lieu of the three will take some good‘real estate as part payment. Buy these Making money to-day Ad dress K C Williams. Hotel Williams, Max:on Ga MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. KXT KAURI UNARY PIANO nnd PLAYER PIANO BA RGAINS. MANY prominent pooplft nrp taking ADVANTAGE of the EXTRAORDINARY L O \Y PRICES WE ARE MAKING ON PIANOS and PLAYER- PIANOS during December. Why don’t you buy direct from lie MANUFACTURER, ns oth- irs are doing, and save YOUR MONEY I We are showing beautiful new SAMPLE pianos, fresh from our factories, tlint will surely please you. See them before you make YOUR SELECTION. Terms as you like. The Baldwin Piano Co., Wholesale Distributing W arehouse, 40 West Alabama Street A Opening Evenings. FOR SALE -Typewriter desk, solid oak; good condition; bargain for quick sale. Address P d. Box 378, Atlanta.. FOR 8 \ Li: One dh&ndier & Price Job printing press, size 12 by 18; able steam fixture*; long fountain; riding roller; six form rollers, regular chases and spider chases. This press is com paratively new and will be sold at a sacrifice to an Immediate purchaser. Address Help Speer, McDonough, Ga. FOR SALE Iron folding bed with new cotton mattress, $8. Mrs. Scott, 62 Crew street. FOR 8 ClS Oak rolltop desk, $ 10; Oli ver typewriter. No. 3. $25; good as new 311 Edge wood avenue. FOR SALE Gas stove, four burners, $5 49 Pulliam St. FOR SALE Large dairy or market re frigerator; price $285. Will take $125; almost new. Ivy 2346, Atlanta 2845. 66 West Pine FOR sale A very brilliant solitaire, nearly 2 carats, worth $600. Will take $300 for a quick sale. X. Y. Z., Box 71. care Georgian. F*ERFECT blue white diamond ring over Vfc carat; cost $100; small one cost $45 Will sell cheap. Diamond, Box 125, care Georgian. WALTHAM watch. 17-Jewel. 16 size. 20- year case; nearly new ; $12.50. A., Box 160, care Georgian SCARF' PIN, pearls, diamond horse head and shoe; cost $12. for $6. Pin, Box 100 care Georgian. F< >R SALE Gas stove at 446 Washing ton street Phone Main 4641 Ft »R SALE Extra good second-hand well■ drilling machinery at unusually low prices. Address Box 433. Tiffin. Ohio FDR HALE Handsome mahogany Tes ter bed and Encyclopaedia Britannica. Address Mrs. \V D. Johnson, 112 Gilmer Sl, Cartersville. Ga. \ FOR 8AI I Second hind bicycle with coaster brake, excellent condition; price $10. 38 York avenue West 127. EDfsON Phonograph anil new records; cost $48 60: will sell for less than half price. E. M. P., care Georgian. FOR 8 \ i E two 32-Inch full braids of beautiful golden brown hair, cheap Ivy 7456 J. FOR SAl 1 Three Standard Home Co contracts; 36 Installments paid in Box 4, care Georgian. FOR HALE Chestnut telephone, tele graph and electric light poles. Prompt shipment. Good freight rates Satis faction guaranteed. W’e w’ant your busi ness J C. Dougherty. Johnson City. Tenn 1.000 ARMY TENTS' 18-ounce duck slightly used, all sixes. Call or write 295 South Pryor sir. , t Main 2643-L. National m ' * 50, ,50, f75, $10 ° i and up. Terms easy. ‘ ^ Monthly payments. 60 Registers, north broad st. OXYGEN REMOVES CARBON. We clean your auto cylinders wnils you wait Good Job. small price. AUTOGENOUS WELDING )t »ll metals. Gear cutting and general machine repairs. Satisfaction guaran teed SHEARER MACHINE CO, m wmTKH.-.r.r. main 1670. AIITOMOBILE AND BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 116 Auburn Avenue. Ivy 3545. 1013 Ford Touring Car. 1912 Ford Touring Car, driven 4,500 miles. 1011 Ford Roadster. 1012 Overland Touring Car. 1911 Whiting Roadster. 1011 Everi'tt Touring Car. These ears cheap for cash. COLUMBIA AUTOMOBILE EX- CHA.NOE, 287 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. LARGEST dealers of used cars in the South Watch our list of used cars in this paper BIG BARGAIN in USBJD CARS ! WE ARE OFFERING USED LOCOMO BILES. PIERCE ARROWS, F I. A. T., STEARNS KNIGHT, COLUMBIA AND | STODDARD-DAYTON AT VERY REA- i SON A RLE PRICES. CALL OR WRITE , FOR USED CAR BULLETIN NO. 3, LISTING PRICES AND GIVING DE- i TAILED INFORMATION USED CAR DEPARTMENT I THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY OF AMERICA PHONE. IVY 5017 469 PEACHTREE STREET SOU. RADIATOR CO. EXPERT repairing on radiators, lamps. fenders anti windshields. 112 Pied mont avenue. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING IS ONE of our «»ppela!Ho«» High grade work «T*nnbie prices u-xn.Flowers. TWO DOLLAR AZALEAS $1.50 AT FLOWER SHOP, 121 WHITEHALL STREET Furnace Repairing. FURNACE RE PA IRS. THE ONLY PEOPLE to repair Moncrlef furnaces is the Moncrief Furnace Com pany, 139 South Pry T. Main 285, At lanta 2877. r rmture Bought and Sold. WE Sl-ffX for cash and save you half. Southern Wreckage Company, 114 8outh Fori • > Horae Shoeing and Waqon Reeatrfng. ci ,uminv., repairing painting, rubber-tiring; rea- sonable prices ii-*> QUmer. House Mover. 1 pi? A QTT Moves biick and . t . I I^/\»4rj frame houses. 417 Atl >56, Main i«i». Jeweierx and Optlcfans. DUNAWAY BROS., 6 Walton St. EXPERT engraving, diamond setting and J welry repairing. Job Printing. _ ROSS B. MOORE. Job" Printer. Always reasonable. Call rne. M 3864-J. Lock and Gunsmith. KEYS MADE- downer, 29^ i o ^ WFi viarieHa. Both phones Main 2146, Atlanta 4922. Machinery and Mechanical Designer. I* REDRIGK NEUDoRFF. designer In special machinery and mechanical de vices. Developing ideas and models for patents Patents secured. Call and see work done or write 53Vi East Alabama St.. Room 2. MMfinery. 5v\fAS^ILMt(TATDrs^^$5 trimmed hats a specialty Full line of children's trimmed hats Indies’ and misses’ vel vet shapes, 98c to $2.98. Fur skins and gold lace trimmings. Old hats remod eled, $1.50. Charge accounts solicited. Open evenings. Mrs. C. H. Smith, 115 Peachtree. New Rubber Tires. vt LpW R ,t BBER tires put on your Vj \ > baby’s carriage ; repaired, re painted and re-covered Ivy 3076 Rob ert Mitchell • ! “wood. Picture Framlnfl. SAM G. WALKER is still In the pfe~ ture frame business at 91 North Pryor street Phone Ivy 5331. Sates. ATLANTA SAFE CO. Shoes. SHOES HALF-SOI,i5d^EW®C~^ 50 CENTS AT GWTNN’S SHOE SHOP, « Luckie street, opposite Piedmont Hotel Both phones. In a hur r y Call Taxicab Com- pany for auto rent service. . Slate Y i ■^ / i.N ! jO Repairs and Nsw Roofing Main 1615 Atlanta 955. St^ve and Range Re P a,r,n fl^ > ^ v Xc STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED RAN. THE FIXER. 121 Whitehall. M. 2609 ke. Bags and Suit Cases. RETAILED AND REPAIRED^ ROUNTREE’S. 77 WHITEHALL ST Phones Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654 Typewriters For Rent. YES, we rent practlcallj brand-new, splendid Olivet Visible Typewriters, thrtv months only $4 00. and apply on purenase. Easy Terms Expert Ste nographers furnished on short notice. OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY. 54 AUBURN AVE. PIANO BARGAINS. ONE 1 $300; F B « MANO, good as new: cost 1 will sell for $85. (’all at ’loin. 62 Decatur street. about 5970 WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. it) i i] m siz. d ond-hand safe in perfect condition; gi\* full particulars in answering No dealers need apply. M L K Box 303, care Georgian. ORIOLE BABY BASKET FOR CASH Rhone Ivy 6754-J. WANTED—-Fifteen iron cots, fifteen mattresses; must be in good order, cheap 97 Garnett St. WANTED Second-hand flat-top desk; also desk for typewriter ami office * nroDKres——=35—^ .—=, — , chairs. Must be a bargain. B.. Box 99. ADAERT1SE 20 words in 20 big Sun !,..... ,; porir i Hn day papers, including Hearst’s Sun- “ f '' **" r- ——, — .. day American, only $5 Bank refer DIAMONDS- For cash, must weigh ences Cope Agency. 3740 Olive street. , r:irMl better. Must be bargain 8 f Louis. M Address Diamond, care Georgian. 1 14 L \ MEN'S HAVE YOUR CARPETS CLEANED In your own homes by the HOOVER Process Brush and suction combined. Contracts taken by the hour or day. Demonstrations free on request. OZIAS NAT’L SELLING CORPORATION. 605-7 Empire Life Building Phone Ivy 8239. FOR SALE- 100,000 1 year-old apple trees, grown from whole French seed lings Retail and wholesale. Write Appa lachian Nurseries. Tallulah Falls, Ga EMPIRE FISH MARKET Fresh oys ters and dressed poultry, fish dally 112 Whitehall Umbrellas—Wholesale^ana Retail. PM BE 17 L LAS Made” Detacha- i ble handles All prices No charge for repairs Phone Main 3748 Taylor Um brella Company ltn\fe Whitehall. W indbw p He:isp Cleaning. NAtTo>TaYYvlndow aning Co Office 47 E Hunter Main 1175. Atlanta 1061. 120-122-124 AUBURN AVENUE. BSTA1 DISHED 1869. Autos for Exchange. 1912 MODEL Thomas Flyer, cost $6,54Mb to trade for purchase money notes. Car in best of condition P. O Box 666, Atlanta. Autos Wanted & V^X?** a 1913 twin IndiarPmoTom cycle in first-class condition for rmxlel T Ford automobile, with or without body'. Address Box 631. care Georgian AUTOMOBILE WANTED WILL EXCHANGE real estate in Druid Hills section for a good five-passenger automobl e. Chelsea Land Co.. 501 Em- plre Life Bldg. Phone Ivy 5478. _ MOTORC ' CLF.S N Y BICYCLUS FOR SAIiE Twin-Indlan. fully equip ped; run 2.500 miles; $175. Address Andrews, 911-3 NortJ P 3 r 8t. $65 CASH buys my motorcycle In per fect condition; tires never punctured; need of money. Answer quick. Box 946. care Georgian. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Abstr?ct and Title insurance. a 11' Title gi a ran i 1: i < 5i GROUND FLOOR F:quitable Bldg Main | All Kinds of Stove Repairing. WHENLNTROUBLE, CALL “THE STOVE DOCTOR.” ATL 1410 u*o IN 61 SOUTH PRYOR. SAFES. FILES, cabinets, new and sec ond hand. Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Company. 113-116 North Pryor Street. PERSONAL. MKTffcL US flfp FREE MatHmoni*. Club: indorsed by u S Govern tight: particulars 10c: time limited. Box 23. Sta B. Cleveland, Ohio. PROFESSOR LOWELL spiritual me dium. accurate predictions, past, fu ture, love, business. Send dime for test Salem, S Dak. S W! T ■ unbings $1 Eureka^ Hairdressing Parlors, 73Vi Whitehall. old clothes and shoes Drop a card I Book. 177 Gilmer street bring ca old clothes and shoes. "The Vest- aire.” 166 Decatur St I WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fur- niture. Cash advanced on consignments Central Auction Company. 12 East MHchell street Bell phone Main 2424 SIMPLIFY HOME, house and iro&tt 1 seeking by saving time, temper and { j tramping by consulting The Georgian's: | Rent Bulletin. | FOR EXCHANGE—M ISC ELLANE OUS. wTntKD To exchange T^good guitar With case for a shotgun in good con dition This is a fine guitar. Address L., Box 89. care Georgian EXCHANGE We will exchange gold watch, S and W. revolver. .33-cali ber. bicycle with coaster, or Williams visible typewriter for second-hand fur niture or best offer. Box 112. Omega. Ga. ARK YOU LOOKING for a good posi Tlon" A little "Want Ad” will find it for you. Altering. Cleaning and Pressing. LADIES and gentlemen. I have just opened a first-class repair shop; place to have your old suits made new; guar antee perfect satisfactory work Miss I! 1 HI’Ingham. 77^ Whitehall. Room 5, Altering. Dyeing and Cleaning. CIC E U< ' FITZ P A TRICK PRESSING CLUB. 52 Peters St Phone Main 1167 Artistic Upholstering. P. L. VOLBERG, JR. UPHOLSTERING and furniture repair ing 226^4 Peachtree street Phone Ivy 8224 "The Shop With a Reputation." Artistic Wall Paper. ~ ^Ve \VUTT)o Your Papering. PIEDMONT WALLPAPER CO., 63 AUBURN WF. BOTH PHONE8 Altering F* ind Cleaning. THl' METHt'i'olYTAN' 'T’RESSING CLl T B Pressing $1 per month. 2St Edgewood. Atlanta 2194 wamte. Ym'KRh'a'n na rioNA'i. bank Corner Alabama ann Bread streets CAPITAL AND SURPl l T S $1,000,000 MEDICAL. COMPOUND OXYGEN made daily for catarrh, deafness, diseases of nose and throat and ears. This is the sea son to be cured Special reduced rates Dr George Brown, 312-314 Austell Build ing DR EDM* )N DSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions Trial box by mail. SOc Frank Edmondson A Bro., manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., Atlanta. _ POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. __ Bantams. B ' N 1 Ga ne bai tarns, sehrights. Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga EXHIBITION poultry and Bantams; all varieties; circular, 2c. Write F. C. Wilbert, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ducks. FOR SALE Pen Fishel White Runner ducks, drake and four ducks: beauti ful birds. For quick sale. $10. Will make nice Christmas present. John F. Stoudenmire, Flint, Ga. INDIAN RUNNER ducks, $1 50 each, drakes, $1. Now laying white eggs. Nice Rhode Island Red pullets, $1. Fire cockerels. unrelated to pullets. $1.50 each. Mate of my prize winners. Miss Sadie Covington. Wadesboro, N. C. PURE White Indian Runner Ducks (Fishel strainl; good size and shape, erect and great layers: $1 each. Sawnee Farm. Gumming, Ga. Eggs -All Varieties^ TH* >ROpCHHReT> Buff Orpington" eggs. $1.00 per setting. Main 358S. 126 Windsor.St Games. FOR S A1.1 ! * Uie~TiTu' trto~ of T(*e"Te<L mon Grist Champion Game Chickens. First money order for $2.75 gets them. R. H. Crawford, Tiger, Ga. Ground Bones. GREEN ground bones for chickensT ground every day. 89 Decatur St. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. Pegs. £TT)possum and rabbit hounds. Three trained hounds, good as in Georgia, $15 each; pair $25 Open on track, steady at tree. Also several par tially trained, good for rabbits, at $7.50 f-ach. These are No. 1 dogs. Must be as represented. B W. Springfield, Dal ton, Ga. FDR SALE One white poodle puppy. two_months old Call Ivy 8198-J. FOR SALE Opossum coon hounds, rabbit hounds, bloodhounds puppies, bird dogs pointers and setters. P. O. B* \ 662, Villa Rica. Ga ree French poodle pup pies. Ill Cascade avenue Two fe males and one male Will sell male lor $5 female, $2 50 each. For Information c all West 80 6 - J. \Y A NTED—One 2-year-old setter, well trained; retriever and fine ranger P. A^. Stanton, Social Circle, Ga. F'/R SALE Trained and untrained set ters and pointers. S. R. Owen, Gor don, Ga. COLLIE PUPPIES for sale cheap L. A. H jdgins Der-atur. Ga , Route I. ONE fine male pointer, 18 months old, well trained, $20; one male pointer. 12 months old. fine dog, $12; first check takes them; two fine opossum hounds, two years old; $30 takes them. M. L. Crawford. Tig<-r. Ga. DOGS- Three well-trained pointers and setters, four well trained fox hounds; also four fine young hounds, ready for training, cheap. Write E. C. Stark, Commerce, Ga. SHETLAND POXIES FOR SALE. XMAS PRESENTS, $50 TO $65. It. WARFIELD & CO.. UNION STOCK YARDS, ATLANTA, GA. FOR SALE—Shetland ponies. W. I. Mc Intyre. Thomasvllle, Ga. WE WILL sell at auction to the highest bidder. 25 to 35 head of registered and imported Shetland ponies, consisting of stallions, brood mares, mares in foal and yearlings. Hale Thursday, Decem ber 18 at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Prevost Pony Company, Anderson. S. C. Cows. FOR "^XTdv^^^r^extra fine ^Jersey milch cows; fresh In milk. Shippey Bros. A White, 968 Marietta street. Both phones 516. Horses, Mules. Vehicles. Etc. FOR SALE- One good, sound farm horse, buggy and harness; weight 1,050 pounds; reasonable price; quick sale Write or see W. F. Embry, Vir ginia avenue, j Qllege Park, Ga. FOR SALE- Shetland mare with eight months old colt; will sell separately or together; also new’ unused cart and har ness. Bargain. M. C. McKenzie, 24 West Eleventh street, city. MV HORSE Jay Boy, a deep bay geld ing, 7 years old. weight 850 pounds; a perfect buggy and saddle horse, not afraid of anything; sound; city broke and a beauty; would be an ideal Xmas ? ift for some boy or girl. First offer of 150 gets him. Worth $250. A. L. Thomas R F. D. 6, Atlajita, Ga. FOR SALE—Three delivery wagons In good condition, three sets harness, at once. Apply before 9 a. m. or after 5 p. m. 129 Auburn avenue. FOR SALE— $50 cash will buy a two- seated surrey and harness, with top and side curtains. In good condition. 40 White street, West End. Poultry, Plants and Seeda. II. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, BULBS, PLANTS AND POUL TRY SUPPLIES. BELL PHONES: MAIN 2568, MAIN 3962; ATLANTA 2588. WE have some beautifully marked Fox Terrier puppies about three months old. They make an ideal gift for boys. We also have two Toy Black and Tan Terriers, four months old, and weigh less than two pounds each. These are extra fine, and great bargains at $20 each. Male and female French Poo- d es, little beauties, at $10 and $12.60 each. Come in and see them. GENUINE Hartz Mountain and Eng lish Canaries, fine singers, and beau tifully marked, at $2.75 and $5 each. a globe and some fish for the children. Fish, 10. 15, 25 cents each. Globes from 25 cents up to $3^ GUINEA PIGS, >1.50 per pair. OUR STOCK of blooming Narcissus. Roman Hyacinths and Cyclamens are as fine as any shown In the city, and our prices are about one-half what you usually pay for them. Be sure and see oui stock before you buy. DON'T let your hens loaf too long. Eggs are too high to lfeep a bunch of hens that are not laying. Feed them on Rerl Comb Mash feed, the great egg-producing 4 ood. Guaranteed to make them lay. $2.35 per 100 pounds; 10 pounds. 25 cents. Phone us a trial order. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. INMAN PARK lot on cherted street, just off the car. level and has all im provements; at a sacrifice price of $900. See me for terms. Address W. G., Box S, care Georgian. FOB QUICK SALE, a bargain for cash, house and lot in Clayton, N. C. Write Bennet None, Jr. MUST be sold by owner, two stores, corner Hood and Ira. M. 3864-J. llOi/a Whitehall. 76 17 A ST TENTI%STREET—Just com- pleted, seven-room house, steam heat, bard wood floors; every modern conve- nience. Ivy 7760-L, FOR SALE—Two-story eight-room home w’ith every modern convenience: best part of Inman Park; for sale by own er. Place has basement, furnace heat, sleeping porch, is screened throughout and freshly painted. Large lot. This is a real home at only $6,500. If you wish an attractive home cn easy terms, call Ivy 3209-L. WILL sell 6-room home at bargain if can sell by Jan. 1. All conveniences. Terms. Call West 411-J after 6:30 p. m. Owner. Book and Job Printing. ADVANCE PRINTING CO. CUT PRICES next 3U days. 1*4 Au-. burn avenue. Cakes and Sandwiches SANDWICHES of all kinds made and delivered for banquets, parties, etc . on short notice. Address P. O. Box 229. «_eghorns. uiX'ii.i: C5mS w 1 ite Leghorns ¥oung strain; pullets early haleh; yearling hens, cocks and cockerels; good size, shape and colored to lay. $1 00 each Write us your wants. Sawnee Farm, Cummlng, Ga. TWELVE fine White Leghorn hens. 60c each. 339 Courtland street. Ivy 696U TTfriRoT^'.H B11UI) KcdTorsTra^^XYTfite Orpingtons: extra large fine birds; four yearling hens, January cockerel. m H W W < • Grant Bldg. THOROUGHBRED White Orpington cockerels for sale; $1 each; satisfac tion guarantees;!. Mrs. J. H. Coleman, MR oh ell, Ga.. Route 3. FOUR trios each, fine white and black Orpingtons, bred from prize w inning stock, at remarkably low price of $5 per trio. Address Meadow I And Farm, Chamblet . Ga. Rhode island Reds. FOR SALK- Twt-lve fine hens and one j cock, pure bred Rhode Island Reds; first check for $12 gets the lot. Need the room H. U Smitl Crawford, Ga. White Cornish. To enter my heavyweight White Cor- 1 nish is to win. Birds guaranteed. $2 ! to $5. M K. Kennedy, Temple. Ga. LOOK You have read this; if you want 1 anything, others will read your ad if • it’s in the Want Ad section. I SACRIFICE—Lot in best resident sec tion. on cherted street, with all im- rovements, just off the car line, for 50 cash. A good margin for a profit in the spring. Address R. A., Box 94, care Georgian. pr $8i AT EAST POINT; A SACRIFICE— House built seven years ago for a home; modern conveniences; has seven rooms and bath, cabinet mantels and tile hearths, folding doors between re ception hall, parlor and dining room; all bedrooms upstairs, opening into bathroom and having wardrobe closets; electric switch in every room and dou ble switches In halls; wide summer porch; latticed back porch with good weil on it. pantry and butler's pantry w’ith swinging doors into dining room and kitchen: every room has sunny ex posure: in fact, just such a house as your wife would love to live in. Take her to see it. House located on the corner of Lester street and West For est avenue. Lot contains four acres and fronts on four streets, three of which are graded; whole place fenced with six-foot Page chicken fence with Page gates; spring branch running through it; chicken house and cow barn. Owner married and moved away, hence the desire to sell House is vacant and pos session could be given at once. For quick sale, $5,000 buys it; $2,000 cash, balance in one and two years at 8 per cent Would sell house with part of lot If preferred. Apply to Mrs. J. S. Reid. Buckhead. Ga.. Route 2. EXTRA good building lot for sale by owner. 200 feet from Peachtree road: water, sewers, and sidewalks paved. Small cash payment; balance easy. Ad dress Extra, care Georgian. FARMS FOR SALE. FARMS FOR SALE. Yom Want to Know =__ A BOUT ===== Farm Lands in Georgia? Consult The Farm Land Expert Information Given by Letter—-FREE Send Communications to The Farm Land Information Bureau SUNDAY ICAN FARMS FOR SALE. 60 ACRES good farming and trucking land; 25 miles to Tampa. 2 miles to railroad station, and hard-surfaced road, partly Improved; land constantly increasing in value. E.~W. Berghofer, Route 2. Plant City, Fla. BIG LAND OPENING. REYNOLDS COUNTY, MISSOURI. 6,008 ACRES of choice fruit and agri cultural lands thrown open; best proposition ever known in the history of land openings; act now; this is your opportunity; no residence required; any man or woman over 21 years old or widow not having over 40 acres of land, may register; registration fee, $15; pay ments. $3 cash, balance four months’ time; sure to get something for your money. Call or write to-day. Wm. C. Uphoff A Co., 409 Times Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. FARM BARGAIN—368 acres in Gordon County, three miles from Falrmount and two miles from Ranger. About 150 acres in cultivation, balance In pasture and timber. Strong red soil, and pro duces well. Nice colonial home of seven rooms, and two or three tenant houses. Price only $5,000, on reasonable terms. Place is worth $7,500. WM. TATE HOLLAND, Real Estate and Loans. Marietta, Ga. NORTHEAST TEXAS farm for sale; 320 acres, 80 cultivated, balance tim ber; good house, wells, spring, barn, three acres orchard, good neighborhood, church, store, school near, R. F. D., telephone, main road; sandy loam; healthy mild climate; open stock range; price $10 per acre; will accept $2,000 cash, balance like rent. Douglas Jones. Jefferson, Texas. FOR SALE. FARMS—25 acres up to 200 acres; reasonable terms and reasona ble prices; near the Youngstown mar kets, on good macadam road. City prop erties in all parts of city. See or write T. H. Payne. 22 North Phelps street, Youngstown, Ohio. FARMS FOR SALE. GjTTsTAn : ToruT)Ar' Welcomes the Ilompseeker FIVE to 20 acre farms, rich soil, ad joining new town of Volusia; modern hotel, school, stores, lumber mill, etr perfect drainage; 30-foot fall to beau tiful Tomoka River; three crops a vear and big returns; fine for vegetables, fruits, poultry and cattle; good hunting and fishing on main line of Florida East Coast Railroad; four miles from famous Ormond-Daytona Beach; farms $40 t»er acre; town lots $50; very easy terms free advice to settlers by expert farmer as to crops, time of planting, etc. Write to-day for illustrated folder. Volusia Development Co., Heard National Rank Building, Jacksonville. Fla. BUT 616 ACRES- 61,600. Level, in small timber, well watered, every acre arable when cleared. Guerrant Cosby, Jr. Lynchburg. _Va. WRITE J. F7. Holt. Ogamaw, Ark., about his well-improved farms and timbered tracts. $8_to $12.50 per acre. Terms. FLORIDA Bargain—Grapefruit - groves. Redland section below Miami; near de pot; rock roads; where tropical fruits grow. Box Mil. Modello, Fla. FOR SA LK - Eight Cobb County farms and two gpod dwellings for sale. Ad dress J. C. $tokely. Real Estate Agent, Ac worth, Ga. WILL give favorable retail selling con tract 1,120 acres splendid colonization land, Suwannee County. Florida. George V. Colburn, Lake City, Fla. 320 ACRES—Cotfton, wheat, corn, alfai fa land; 5 miles county seat; two sets improvements; 140 acres in cultivation; living water; an excellent combination stock farm: good terms; $20 per acre. Robert L. Knie, Cordell, Okla EAST COAST, SOUTH FLORIDA \ And aJI information given concerning j Miami and South Florida. Rest grape* 1 fruit country in United States Write for Information. J. B. McLendon, Mi ami, Fla A SPECIAL BARGAIN. FOR SALE—120-acre farm, located in Murray County, Georgia, on Western and Atlantic Railroad, 8 miles east of Resaca; 30 acres In branch bottom. 30 acres in! cultivation; one four-room house, one tenant house, three good barns; plenty of other good outbuild ings; good community; close to school and church; fine chance for farming or stock raising; two fine pastures Price $2,000. For further Information, address Z. A. Sexton. Carters. Ga.; R. F. D. 1. FARM LANDS for sale at a bargain" M. J. Carswell, Jeffersonville. Ga. SEE ME for South Georgia Farms Will exchange for city property. J. T. Kimbrough, 409 Atl. Nat. Bk. Bldg 80-ACRE farm 1 mile from Gatnesvijle. Ga. Good five-room house, good or chard; convenient to city schools; also Brenau and Riverside colleges. Must sell Make me a price, or would ex change for good city property. M. Q. Whitehead, owner, Commerce. Ga. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- 100 acres of land in South Georgia; $5 per acre, will take vacant lots or automobile part payment, balance easy. Apply 504 Gould Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, one 8-acre farm, two houses, good orchard and out buildings. on Southern Railway. 15 miles from Atlarta. at Mableton. Ga. J. L. Thomas, 510 Crew street, Atlanta. FLORI DA HO ME S E EK~- ERS AND INVESTORS. CAN secure valuable Information on Florida crops, climate, soil schools, etc. Many business openings and some low priced land in this vicinity. Address SECRETARY. CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. Lake Worth, Palm Beach County. Florida. 4,500 ACRES, twenty-five houses, 1.800 cultivation, 3.000 bottom land, North Mississippi. Can be divided. Price $12.50 per acre. E. W. Francisco, Holly Springs. Miss. 710 ACRES timber for sale, near Oconee, three-fourths of a mile from station on So of Ga. Railroad; 575 acres well timbered with oak, R. gum, pine, hick ory, ash, etc. Never been cut over Will sell with or without land. Inquire of Kramer, 235 East Lane avenue, Co lumbus. Ohio SIMPLIFY HOME, house and room seeking by saving time, temper and tramping by consulting The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin. HIGH-CLASS SOUTHERN FARM. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME (Stock and Implements Included.) SEVENTY-FIVE MILES south of At lanta, on Central of Georgia. Railroad station on the farm; 600 acres now in splendid operation, paying well. Owner has good reason for selling at a bargain. Information to a real purchaser fur nished by 4 EDWIN P. ANSLEY. LAND DEPT. REALTY TRUST BUILDING. ATLANTA. GA. CAN FURNISH retired business men, clerks, bookkeepers and others fine farms, 5 acres and up to 1,000, near railway stations and good markets, cheaply and on easy payments. Write particulars to Stephenson Land and Lumber Company, Oconto, Wis MISSOURI FARMS one dollar cas buys a Missouri or Florida farm, bal ance five to eight years’ time; no inter est; free trip. Save this ad: it’s worth $10. Call or write Missouri Farms Company, Bremen Station, St. Louis. Mo. FARMS FOR RENT. t WANT'angood^farmer wdthYwcPhorses to rent my farm, two miles from Stons Mountain, also two-plow farm In Haral son County, 2 miles from Felton. Oa. Good houses. Improvements. L. Gross man, 96 Whitehall street. Atlanta FARMS WANTED. WANTED—Home in country for boy of 12, where he can attend school. Ad dress H., P. O. Box 782, Atlanta. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. SEASHORE HOME SITES~$2 CASH, $2 MONTHLY. AT CLIFTON-BY-THE-SEA. Mont beautiful suburban resort city In Houston Bay Shore District. Finest bathing, hunting, fishing on the bay. Magnificent bathing pavilion. Hous ton's growth causing enormous increase In property values. Special sale. 300 lots, 50 by 125 feet, at only $50; $2 cash, $2 monthly. Write to-day for free liter ature, maps and views of Bay Shore. E. O. Glenn Company, 471 First Na- tional Bank Building. Houston, Texas. FOR SALE—Nine lots In Decatur Tar- race; lots are 25 by 100 to an alley; price $150 cash for quick sale: need money; Investigate this fast-growing section of Decatur. Write Mrs. M E. I^anier, Monroe. Ga. ' FOR SALE—By owner, new five-room bungalow; all conveniences. 101 Brookline street. Price $3,750; terms. Phone Main 3409-J. FOR SALE—Five-room house on >ot 100 by 200 feet in Decatur; price $2,000; $200 cash, $20 monthly; a genuine bar gain. E. F. Huffines, Germania Savings Bank, 2 Whitehall St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EX- CHANGE. OOToOOr^ACRES^MexlcTCTarvYTiear Rk> Grande, value $100,000, for income property. Write Skoglund, 1829 Mer- Clar, Kansas City, Mo. FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build- ,lng lots In College Park, the most de sirable suburb of. Atlanta, ses I. C. McCrory REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE— North Side^apart- ment; rents for about $2,090 year, will take property of about $3,000 as cash payment. Ivy 8228. REAL ESTATE WANTED. —V. -* HAVE you real estate or other property you want to sell? Write me. I can sell it for you. E. M. Martin, Key West, Fla. SEE US about property threatened with foreclosure or the piece giving you the most worry. Cash or unencumbered property for your equity. A. L. C., 625 Building. DO YOU NEED HELP of any kind? a little "Want-Ad” wull get it for you STORES FOR RENT. STORES FOR RENT. SPECIALS FOR RENT IF YOU expect to change your business location on the first of the year, look at the following stores—they might do: Some large and some small stores at Luckie, Hay den and Harris Streets. Building on Walton Street at Marietta. 18 South Forsyth. 65 East Alabama. 105 North Pryor. 397 Peachtree. And many more. Turman, Black & Calhoun Seeond Floor Empire Bldg.