Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 17, 1913, Image 13

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TTTE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ FOR PROFIT —GEORGIA!! WANT ADS USE FOR RESULTS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS 13 i the Sunday American The Atlanta Georgian pubnstied by The Georgian Co. MEaM A ' ,an, ‘ Alabama St. Georgia „t Atlanta postotflce as rrK foconil-class matter. subscription rates By Carrier or Agent pally anti Sunday 12c Daily only luc by mail the United States, Canada or Mexico. LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. corporation* ot a like kind and character. FRANK I, ,VETTEVILI,E. . , Attorney for Petitioner*. r.22i e< t " ,«7i ce - ,h( ' 4lh <ia.v ot December, 1913. ARNOLD BROYLES. , c-t'lerk of Superior Court. GEORGIA Fulton County. I. Arnold Broyles, Clerk of the Su« perlor Court of said County, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is , a true and correct copy of the applica tion charier of the Riviera Planta- i‘ on . C ?"? pa "£* as the same appears of I file in this office. I Witness my hand and seal this the 4th day of December, 1913 ARNOLD ilROYLFP. | . I'lerk of the Superior Court. , ~^7l subscriptions payable in advance DAILY AND SUNDAY: I Year * 5 Morthe 3 Months 1 Month 60 DAILY ONLY: I 1'ear I!!! « Months 2.60 3 Months 1 Month 45 SUNDAY ONLY: I Year *2.50 6 Months L25 S Months TO 1 Month 25 the WEEKLY GEORGIAN NEWS BRIEFS: 1 Year 36c SPECIAL NOTICES. " railwaTscheduTeS. SOUnTlT^ Premier Carrier ot the South. Arrival and Departure Passenger Train*, Atlanta. The following schedule figures are published only as Information, and are not guaranteed. . All trains run dally. Central time, nty Ticket office. No 1 Peachtree St. TAXICABS. TAXICABS, Belle Isle IVY 5190, ATLANTA 1598. Ivy 4051 _ LOST AND FOUND. STOLEN from In front of^Poufth'rJaUi BU. Bldg , about 4 p. m. Tuesday 1913 model Ford; license No. 30130 Reward for Information. Call Main 843, or call at 716 Fourth Nat l Bank Bldg LOST Large Maltese cat. Answers to name of "Billy." Reward if returned to 632 Peachtree street. LOST—Monday afternoon open face gold watch and chain. Initials "W L. P." Gold pencil casn attached to chain. Mngraved “P." Reward Room II. 130tj Peaclhree street Phone Ivy 1297. LOST -Silver bag containing keys, eye- glasses and purse; also dark green leather bag containing opera glasses; *10 reward If returned to Room 232. Electric and Gas Building. HELP WANTED—MALE. ~ i?rpo~SlTavB At Moler Bat her Col- 1*1 ee »na\ e ll>ge 38 st . j iT n :*. w® < Jo *°°d work. I lair Out Qivs us a “trial.’ \\ wil l- Men to learn barber trade; great demand for barbers; big wages, easy work; short time required; expert instructors; tools given; earn w r hile learning. Write for free catalogue Moler Barber College. 38 Buckle St., At lanta. WAN! ED Men. IS to IK Wishing to be railway mall clerks. $75 month. Ap ply for Information I*. M. N., Box 10, care Georgian. YES—We teach the barber yade and give position in our chain or shops at good wages, for $30. Atlanta Barber Col lege. 10 K Mitchell street. Atlanta. Ga MEN, IS to 85, become government rail way mall clerks. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 4S-TI, Rochester, N Y. DOST—Two-year-old female Airedale dog; brown shaggy hair; looks like Irish Terrier; weighs about 50 pounds; answers to name of “Tippy.” Five dol lars reward if returned to W. T. Elder, Agent Southern Express Co. Rhone Main 3472. LOST—Pocketbook containing $20 gold- piece, $5 bill, few $1 bills, some change and watch chain Liberal re ward. Charles McHenry, 304 Marietta St. Bell phone_Ma i n 1942. LOST—Monday afternoon, one dark blue Belt Lleweliyn setter. Return to J. B. Bowen, 117 S. Forsyth St., and get reward^ LOST Over and white pointer dog; long tail: small knot on right plbow: lame on right hind leg; answers to name of “Don." For reward, apply 24 West El even tli street, city. LOST—Female collie dog. yellow with white neck and feet. Name, ‘•Beau ty.” Finder notify R. p. Stripling. 157 Lucile avenue, and receive reward. LOST—-In College Park, a ladles heavy corded navy blue skirt. Notify Mrs. L. F. Bush a. Reward. Phone East Point 469-L. LOST—Scarf pin in shape of “question mark;” diamond studded. Reward if returned to II. L. Stearns, 745 Peachtree St. Phone 69 Ivy. LOST—Pearl circle pin. Monday morn ing. on Washington street or Alabama street, between Whitehall and Georgian office. Return Society Department, Georgian. PERSON holding Sport, white and tan collie, with one blue eye, please no- tlfy Mrs, Keith. Ivy 6164 FOUND—Thursday night, small sum of money. Give amount, description, ap proximate time, place. Address A. M. A., care Georgian LOST—From Union Passenger Station baggage room, pointer dog. white with liver spots, bobtail. Reward DANCING. DANCING SCHOOL— Latest steps, pri vate instructions. Ivy 60G7-J. 43 West Peachtree street. MATRIMONIAL. yolTno^manT 22 years old. would like to correspond with young ladies worth money. Object matrimonial. Address T. S. Mahorne, 21-A Williams street, Atlanta, Ga. BACHELOR; elegant city residence. country home, thirty minutes from city by automobile; would like to corre spond with young ladies from town or country. Object, matrimony. Address R. F., Box 60, care Georgian. BACHELOR MAID. 41. wealthy! would marry. M., Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio. MARRY—Many rich. congenial and anxious for companions; interesting. Particulars and photos free. The Mes senger. Jacksonville. Fla. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. 4 YOUNG fady~wanted To do hand sew ing. Call between 6 and 7 p. in. 202 Peck Bldg. TEN LADIES and girls at once. G 1 l>a\ Mr Simmons, fill Temple Court. MONOTYPE keyboard operator; must be experienced. Piedmont Printing Co.. 127 Central avenue. WANTED a once, a reliable nurse 523 ^4pri11street. WANTED — Middle-aged woman as housekeeper for widower and two children; good home to right party. Ad- dress P. <> Box 474, Fitzgerald, Ga. GOOD GIRL '«» do general housework; one to live < n lot preferred. 35 East Ninth street. CASE-FOWLER LIMBER COJnc. Manufacturers HARDWOOD LUMBER MACON, GEORGIA Macon, Ga.. December 15, 1913. The Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen : Please allow me to congratulate you on 1 lie splendid results received from your “Want Ad" column. Now, for instance, on Sunday you inserted a small ad for me advertising some bird dogs I have for sale. Monday morning f received 21 inquiries and I expeet to receive twice that many before the day is out. I have learned this lesson, go to The Georgian and American for results. Yours respectfully, .10 K F..WORSU5Y. WANTED—A housemaid; good wages pai.l Apply 282 Juniper Street. WANTED -SeMled colored woman, un incumbered, to cook; two in family; references required. 107 Ponce Del^eon place or Ivy 7877 WANTED—Chorus girls to work with a musical comedy company; traveling girls under age must have parents’ consent; no experience necessary; all wardrobe will be furnished. Apply Room 614. Empire Life Bldg., to Louie Cohen. WANTED—First-class cook with refer ences; small family; gobd pay; nice room in house. Call 72 Austin Ave | HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE- j ^ male. _ i addressing envelopes for ns; instruc- | lions for 10c. J. Olfert. Dept. D, Nume- dahlj n Dak WILL U\Y reliable man or woman $12.50 to distribute 100 free pkgs. Per fumed Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required, p. D. Ward Company, 2U> Institute PI., Chi- cago. WANTED—Men and women to copy and write letters, postals, and address envelopes. AH or spare time; $15 to $50 weekly. Rend stamped, addressed en velope for particulars to Box 662, Ma con, Ga. WANTED—Industrious colored maid; neat appearance; must bring Refer ences. Apply mornings. 11 Gordon ave nue. Kirkwood WANTED Neat while house girl, pref erably German. Apply 445 Washing ton St. Phone Main 4641. WANTED—A good cook; good wages; room on the lot. Call Bell phone Ivy 6022. _ WANTED—White girl about fourteen years wanting good home with small family. Address Mrs. C. H. Fennelle, 339 Ormond St. WANTED- Washerwoman lo do wash ing on lot. Apply 43 Drewry St. WANTED, EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED HELP IN BAG FACTORY. i Good Wages. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. HOTELS. EAL HOTEL. CENTER of city; rates reasonable; con venient to Union Station. 42 to 52 Decatur S' Atlanta phone 2615. RESTAURANTS. COME TO THE CABARET. 51 North Broad Street. Good music, eats and drinks. TER TV HAT YOU WANT, It will save you time and money if you use Hearst’s Sunday American and At* lanta Georgian FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 'PRAT! INGls j)YEING M'Thxixg black in one days . N'OTICE. KXPRESS paid one way on all out- of-town orders amounting to $1.00. ATLANTA STEAM DYE AND CLEAN- WORKS, 53 Auburn avenue, Ivy Atlanta 954. SPECIAL NOTICES. :*KURGIA- Fulton County. the Superior Court of Said County: petition of .1. Edwin Kerr, of De kalb County, and Frank K. Houston and ,|,)se P n V Reese, of Fulton County, re spectfully shows; . 'i°ur petitioners desire for them- . their associates, successors and •'’■■' Kus to be incorporated and made a " u b politic for a period of twenty (20) “ars. with the, privilege of renewal at expiration of said time, as provided un !. u un der the name and style of PLANTATION COMPANY. - I • object of said corporation is wuihiHr. gain to its stockholders. „ , Die particular business to be oar- s &id corporation is the buy- \ ' h.g and leasing farm lands and ner real property in Georgia and else- f a AW and the carrying on of general ; nung perations, including the grow- ! r fruit trees, or any of the 0 ! J' nH iucts of the earth; dealing furl* ‘ n farm products: also, se- f a ‘ , ''lying and selling options on . . m-is and other real estate; buy- , “ tr and trading in purchase ,, and other evidences of in- , ‘ ‘ acting as agent for others f ir ., r t selling, leasing and renting ' and other real estate; man- ind of borrowing giving security therefdr. .. * principal office of said corpora- * . ' ” >n Fulton County, Georgia, * ners desire that said corpo- % avc rhe right to establish branch T,,' t ,: “Dier places in Georgia, and 7 an d the right to do business r 4.' ia ‘ PS as may be deemed to the 'mpany. ♦ion ,' ai'Ral stock of said corpora- ar« 1 n , "f , five thousand ($5,000) dol- Into shares of one hundred Urrr.: 1 -- 8 each - with the privilege - 8aid stock to any amount ! am i( ,"^ ni . v -five thousand ($25,000) dol- r,:^ ( U on a majority vote of thp stock- corporation. Ten per f Pa minimum capital stock to n hf, fcre commencing business fl ' stock of said rorpora- a mairr. ,v . tl , le vote of the holders of icn a* . nA stock of said corpora- v ;'’ 1 ' time outstanding, cease to •ribiri G® 8 ' i'Huidate its affairs, dis- p br* c ,. 3 assets and surrender its *Vh pt*p f c,.-. , " . -avlng complied with the r nnx m ,r, g and publication, peti- ' ■ ■ ah order incorporat ing r A associates and successors ^ • , 0 ‘ .. I::|! ne and style aforesaid. ** her«.t n IPowers and privileges 0r may f !' rt h, or as they now are. * herea fter bo conferred by the HELP WANTED—MALE. -Agents to sell health and ac cident insurance in every county in State. Contract to yield $24 to $48 a week. Box 750, Atlanta. WANTED—Good colored harber for white trade. O. S. McEntire. WANTED—Boys at once to carry routes of Christmas number Frost's Magazine, the Call of the South. 33.3-14 The Grand Bldg. WANTED—Men and boys to make spring beds. Apply Supt., 90 Means St. WANTED Men with rig to introduce and sell 95 extracts, spices, medi cines, etc.; big money. Wilson made $90 weekly. We mean business. Box 516, Dept. 53. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, WANTED—Route boys for afternoons and Sunday mornings; good pay to good, steady boys. Inquire for Mr Bress. ('all 3 p. m. Georgian office WANTED—One good tin roofer. w dress R. L Moncrief. NVvvnan. Ga WANTED—Men wanted with rig to In troduce and sell ninety-live extracts, spices, medicines, etc. Big money. Wil son made $90 weekly. We mean busi ness. Box 516, Dept. 53, Cedar Rapids. Iowa, $100 WEEKLY profit in spare time at home. Mail order business—don’t wor ry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Oma ha. Nebr. EARN easy Christmas money; whole or part time. Our new colored circular shows you the great possibilities. $20 daily profit not unusual. Experience un necessary. G. Macy, Sales Manager, 640 Lydia St.. Chicago. WANTED A gentleman who can buy and sell dry goods and ladies’ ready- to-wear goods; must give good refer ences; a good salary for the right man. Address Box No. 526, Statesboro, Ga. WANTED—Men to make $10 per night selling wieners and tamales. Buy one of our patented cans and try it. West ern Tin and Japan Company. 1013 Wal nut. Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Do your own cleaning, dye ing. pressing at home; new, simple process; complete illustrated particu lars; stamped envelope; money back guarantee. Cleandye Shops, o357 Peoria St., Chicago, Ill. WANTED—Ambitious men for Govern ment positions in railway mail and postoffice service. Large pay; short hours. Write for catalog l Manhara Oerrespondence School, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED—Young lady experienced candy maker, kiss wrapper; none but one that has had experience need ap ply. Mrs. Wiggins, Candy Dept., Ja cobs], 28 Whitehall. WANTED Governess for out <»f town; state experience and salary expected. Governess, care Georgian. WANTED White woman or girl to d 1 ' cooking and housework for couple Phone Atlanta 517. WANTED—Settled woman who wants a home and reasonable pay to nurse and make herself useful around house Apply 181 Rawson street between 8 a. m. and 2 p. rm \YANTEt)—Two refined, well-educated women over 30 to travel Georgia and Florida; also assistant manager; ex penses guaranteed. Phone room 1222. Hotel, for appointment. WANTED < i per dosen embroidering ladies’ handkerchiefs at home; trial lot stamped handkerchiefs, instructions, 20c coin. Brown, 188 N. Davidson, Buf falo. WANTED—Ladles, sewing at home. material furnished; no canvassing; steady work; stamped envelope for par ticulars. Calumet Supply Co., Dept. <’-79. Milwaukee, Wls. GOOD, HONEST GIRLS MAKE $15 per week addressing envelopes at home; samples. Instruction, etc., ten cents (coin or stamps). Mullen s Mag azine Agency, Box 748, Dept. 850, Buf falo. N Y. WANTED An experienced saleslady for dry goods and ladies’ ready-to-wear. Must give good references. Address Box No. 52fi. Statesboro, Ga. / * i i > I q Learn Millinery. Pays 460 IjJ I\ I iO jo 5100 a month. Free scholarship now. IDEAL SCHOOL OF MILLINERY. IOOV2 Whitehall street^co^rner Mitchell. LADIES —Start fascinating home busi ness; tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare time; make $12 weekly; no can vassing; samples 10c; particulars free. Artint, P-808, 130 Manhattan *. street, New York. WANTED—Ladies to make shields at home. $20 per hundred. Ordinary plain sewing. Can make four an hour. Material furnished. Work sent prepaid. Serai stamped addressed envelope for particulars. Paragon Supply Company, R-334 Myrtle avenue, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Hustlers; hoys and girls to sell twelve packs of Christmas cards 10c each. Splendid premiums or rash • A commission. Write to-day Puckett, Box 437, Atlanta H. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED ADVERTISE- 21 words in 50 gfood weeklies, 81. (’ope Agency, 3740 Olive, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS WANTED to Bell what tvery automobile owner wants. Tire prob lem solved. Easy in application, but marvelously effective. No competition Entirely new Large profits Writs, get full information, select territory. Em ploy sub-agents and reap first fruits. H. Oberly, 132 S. Elliott Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. i:\i‘i-:ui k\< i-:d book keeper, CREDIT AM) OFFICE MAX, WISHES GOOD CON NECTION ON JAM ARY 1. BOX 328. CARE GEOR GIAN. WANTED Position as soda dispenser; four years’ experience (’an furnish references. Address R. J , Box 10. care Georg i a n. WANTED—Position by young man; store or office; have had .'ales and clerical experience. Box 315, care Geor gian. WANTED—Energetic, productive fire insurance agents in unoccupied terri tory; liberal commission, good leads and exclusive territory to desirable parties. Manager. 4077 Liggett Bldg. St Louis, Mo. I WANT good men and women to sell unbreakable lamp chimneys, armor plate glass: drive nails with it. heat It, plunge it into cold water, stand on it, throw it downstairs; won’t even crack: it’s indestructible. Semi 35c In silver for samples and wholesale prices. F. &■ P. Supplies, 9 and 11 North Erie street. Toledo, Ohio. PICTURE PLAYS. ^WRfTE~MoVTNG^PfCTl REMPLAYST" YOU can learn with our Instructions Write for particulars. A1 Bartlett Film Company. Rhodes Building. WRITE MOTION gSf»» ‘ our instructions, $1 postpaid. National Studio. Cincinnati, Ohio AGENTS- Salary or commission; great est sellar yet; every user pen and ink buys on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent’s sales $620 In six days; an other $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 140. IjftCrosae, Wls. $3.00 TO $10.00 A DAY made by agents selling to colored people only. Every one buys. Get busy at once. Address Dixie Novelty Supply Co., Postofflce Bldg.. Pine view, <;.< WANTED Agents, old-timers ami be ginners in the agency or mail order business; new; every one pleased; light ning calculator; the high-class adding machine at a low price. $5 delivered. Write for terms. Union Specialty Com- pany, Glasgow, K$ WANTEf> Agents; SO cents (in quanti ties) buys a frill size compressed air clothes washer; weighs only two pounds; women grab it at $1.50; 200 per cent; thoroughly cleans tub of clothes in three minutes; wash day no longer dreaded Mrs. Marrick earned $90 first three weeks. A 14 year-old Kansas boy made $55.40 outside of school hours during September. Send for catalog to-day and get your county right, which is FREE. Wendell Washer Co., 125 Oak St., Lelp- sic, Ohio. W|\NTED Agents make 500 per cent profit selling “Novelty Sign Cards.” Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 800 varieties. Catalogue free. Sullivan Company, 1234 VanBuren street, Chica go. ilL WE need teachers for January open ings. Calls coming in now. Sheridan’s Teachers’ Agency, 307 Candler Bldg SPECIAL ENROLLMENT. Many open ings. Foster’s Teachers’ Agency, 616 Third National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. IF WE HAD your address wed semi free sample and show you how to make $25 not one week, but weekly. (J. Mfg. Co., Warren street, New York. Suite 206. WANTED—Cigar salesmen to carry line. of cigars on the road. Salary $100 per month and expenses. Experience not necessary. Continental Cigar Com- pany, Wichita. Ivans WANTED—Competent colored man wants position as butler or general houseman in private family; can fur nish best of references. R. T., 10 Old Wheat st. A-1 BOOKKEEPER WITH YEARS OP EXPERIENCE WITH LARGEST CORPORA TION IN GEORGIA DESIRES CONNECTION. THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH ALL OF FICE APPLIANCES. OPER ATES TYPEWRITER. CAN KEEP ANY SET OF BOOKS, GILT -EDGE REFERENCES. CALL IVY 4927 OR ADDRESS M. M., BOX 944, CITY. YOUNG man holding responsible clerical position with large corporation is desirous of mak ing change January 1. Good rea sons for leaving. Best references given as to character, honesty, ability and reliability. Address 1 !. P., Box 175, care Georgian. WANTED Position by refined young man; prefer either In real estate or wholesale office. but anything with chance for advancement considered. I lav#* some knowledge of shorthand, with experience in bookkeeping <’an furnish Best of references. Address I. II.. Box 2, care Georgian u ANTED Position i>\ general office man. stenographer and bookkeeper; experienced. Can furnish A-1 refer ences as to character and ability Ad dress l B Box 1. care Georgian 1 AM an experienced salesman and will be open for position January 1. What can you offer? Claud R. Holloway, Clem, Ga. WANTED Position In drug store; five years’ experience. 22 years old. Good references. A. D. Bolton, Commerce, Ga. W.NLTLD Position by an experienced colored man bricklayer doing repair j work and odd jobs. Address 34 Glenn- wood avenue. A. L. Copland. WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper and office man: seven years of experience; use typewriter; ref erences furnished. Phone Ivy 7199-L. Ask for bookkeeper. .SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE ROOMS AND BOARD. THK BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE BUREAU OF INFORMA TION. INFORMATION FREE. Ivy 8424. Atlanta 293. 259 Candler Annex. WHEN in need of boarding place, fur nished or unfurnished rooms or fur nished apartments, see us. as we have listed at our office the best places on all streets in the city. WE are the people who give results. 104 X PRYOR STREET. No offices Elsewhere Ciassifted Adver tising' Rates: 1 insertion 3 Insertions 7 Insertions.... 30 insertions . . . 80 insertions.... . .10e a line .. 6c a line .. 5c a line a line .. 4c a line BOARD VND ROOM f*>t one or two young men in North Side private home; steam heat: also room with sleep ing porch attached for two young la dles Ivy 784S-J. _ 477 PEACHTREE- Steam-heated room; splendid meals. Ivy 7010. Homelike. NICE room and board. 68 Garnett street. Bell phone Main 15lt»J NICELY furnished rooms, best table board, all modern convenlences. easy walking distance. 121 Capitol Square. Main 4839- L. BEST table b >a d obtainable; rates rea sonable. 84 W. Peachtree. Ivy 7635-J ROOMS arid meals 131 Washington BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms with select board at $4 60 a week. 123 Cap itol A ve^ PRIVATE BOARD, steam heat, all con veniences- old-fashioned Southern cooking 864 Euclid avenue, Inman Park. Ivy 6421 -J The Washington— steam-heated; well furnished and best meals In At lanta for the money. 36 E North ave nue. Ivy 6601 SUBURBAN BOARD. IN PRIVATE suburban home, front room, bath and sleeping porch; con venient schedule; low car fare to At lanta. one or two young men; rate rea sonable. Address Suburban Board, care Georgian. WANTED Boarders f«»r nue rooms; ex cellent fare; hot and cold water. 102 Capitol avenue. PRIVATE HOME room, w’ith or with out meals; best neighborhood; walking distance. Ivy 37Q7-J. THE PATTEN, 11 CONE ST. IVY 5491 -L. Newly furnished rooms; good meals. 25r 5 meals for $1. PEACHTREE INN TRANSIENT and family hotel: homa cooking; 160 rooms, with or without private baths. Public baths on all floors Both phones FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NTcET^TurnTshed room; Southern ex posure; best location; all convenien ces. lfi West North avenue. < »NE nicelj furnished room; good board; all conveniences. 160 Courtland. ONE nicely furnished room. Rand St. Ivy 6722. 408 Court- $1 PER DOZEN can be earned at home embroidering one corner ladies’ hand kerchiefs. Any quantity. Plain spare time work. Trial lot stamped handker chiefs and instructions, 20c. Sent any distance, prepaid. Arabian Supply Com pany. Dept. 44. Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED—1,000 women. Write for us; big pay; no canvassing; dime brings work. National Publishing Co., Mem- phis, Tenn. WANTED Ladies, make shields home; $10 per 100; work sent prepaid to reliable women; particulars for stamped addressed envelope. Eureka Co., Dept 107-C, Kalamazoo. Mich. WRITE moving picture plays; $50 each; all or spare time; no experience nor correspondence course. Details free. At las Publishing Co.. 97. Cincinnati. Ohio. LADIES earn $5 to $25 weekly at home. No canvassing or peddling: light, easy, agreeable, profitable work (’art be made a permanent business. Send no money. Ask for free particulars. H-D Chemi cal Co.. Dept. B. Box 597, Louisville. Ky. LADY correspondents who would mar ry eligible men, send history, photo and 25c for confidential introduction. Heart Exchange, Box 375, High Springs, Fla. WANTED Solicitors to sell toilet spe cialties. good salary to right parties. Apply 1301? Peachtree, room 7. EITlIERjSEX; earn splendid income at home efuriqg psare time; send 10c for names of 40 reliable firms supplying home work. Dee Pub. Co., Desk 17. Hodges Bldg . Detroit. Mien. WANTED Girls to take course In Miss Sparkman’s Improved Millinery School. Free scholarship offer. All mil liner y work done free. 94^ Whitehall. AMBITIOUS man liaril worker anti1 ie- sourceful. capable of earning U-OWJ vearlv. References and particulars, in own 'handwriting. Thos. Ingham, t>> Fountain Ave.. l>os Angeles. Cal. WANTED—VVe will start you in the cleaning and dyeing business: little capital needed: big profits. Write for booklet. Ben-Vonde system. Dept. 30, Charlotte. N. C- GOVERNMENT railway mail clerk. Customs-Internal Revenue Caim everywhere soon. Get prepared by for mer' U S Civil Service Secretary- Examiner Free Booklet A-49. Write now. to-day Patterson Civil Service School. Rochester. N. t WANTED—Write moving picture plays; $50 each: all or spare time, no ex perience nor correspondence course, de tails tree. Atlas Publishing Co.. 9., Cin- cinnati, Ohio- — WANTED—Traveler for 1914. a begin ner- salarv. commission and expense money Liberal offer and agreement. ,f E McBrady. * hicago. TVu'WANT a few bright young men for a very profitable sales proposition, who desire the benefit of scientific naming tn salesmanship: unlimited opportunity call between 10 and 1- a °'>1 - a " dier Bldg. - BRIGHT, well educated men to qua lift In 30 days for good office posit on* absolutely^ free; mndel offlce. Ultv.r Typewriter Ageucj, »>4 Auburn, WANTED—Young women ana girls de siring attractive positions. Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; their conduct on the premises carefully guarded by matron, women supervisors and chief operator, who have complete control over the re tiring and operating rooms. Short train ing course for those inexperienced; sal ary paid while learning. Salary in creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient. increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate Advancement to $75 per month. Refer ences proving the standing of the appli cant essential Those having educa tional advantages preferred. Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Uarnegle Librarv books for the convenience of the operators. Matron and trained nm-se in attendance. Apply 8:30 to 5, Southern Beil Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 25 Auburn avenue GOVERNMENT positions open to worn en $75 month. Write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 602-H. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE. XM^TioUS^ERS^"^rinay earn $15 fo $25 weekly during spare time at home, writing for new-spapers. Send for par ticulars. Press Bureau. M-24, Washing ton, P- C. FORTY g^Qd salesmen, men or women. (jooy pay. 611 Temple Court Bldg. AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. A few first-class salesmen for a^first- class real estate specialty. Apply 10 to 12 forenoon. 531 Candler Bldg AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell “Golden Rule” Soap and “Golden Rule” Salve; good goods: big profits; Only one agent in community. Address Edwin K. Krebs, Box 75, Seitzland. Pa. WANTED—Two experienced salesmen, capable of earning $50 per week or more. We can offer you an unusual op portunity selling a nationally advertised specialty. Call 8 to 9 a. m. or 4:30 to 5:30 y. m., 407 Austell Building. Ask for Air. Smith. WANTED — Responsible manufacturer desires placing valuable agency, per petual repeater, income earner, business builder; easy; no competition; protected territory guaranteed. Automatic Per fection. 17 West 42d St.. New York. WANTED Agents. 260 per cent profit. Wonderful little article Sells like wiidflre. Can be carried in pocket. Write at once for free sample. H. Mathews, 1929 Finch avenue, Dayton. Ohio ^ WANTED Agents. New air-burning coal oil lamp. 300-candlepower light. Brightest, safest, cheapest light in the world. Splendid profits on every sale. Write quick for territory and fifteen- day free trial offer. Thomas Ump Co., 7129 Hopper a tree t, Dayton, Ohio. WANTED Salesmen; $76 per month and all expenses to begin, experience not absolutely necessary; take orders from dealers for cigarettes. cigars, smoking and chewing tobaccos. Penn Tobacco Co., Station O, New York, N. Y. THE SANI MASSEUR. COMPETENT lady agents wanted; good profit to good salesmen. 68*4 White hall street WE HAVE openings for ten lot sales men to sell Improved lors In Druid Hills and Peachtree section, on easy terms. A hustler can earn from $250 per month upward. Address “Lot Sales man/’ Box 13, cate Georgian. SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads: 3 lines .1 time. 10c; 3 times. 20c; J firr?“S. 40c WXnTeTu'j want place as cook or maid; am a reliable, first-class cook; can furnish best recommendation. Ad- dress 103 Fraser* 1 Bt. EXTRA WORK, after 6 p. m . by ex perienced stenographer, copying reg ular correspondence. Will call for ami deliver if preferred. A., Box 99, care Georgian PRIVATE BRANCH operator desires position at once. Can do office work If necessary. Ivy 2782-L. NICELY furnished room In steam- heated apartment for gentlemen. Ivy 8286. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ONE OF TWO GENTLEMEN ON PEACHTREE ST.. FIVE BLOCKS FRQM I'ANPLER BLDG. IVY 8467-J. FOR RENT Nice rooms; also light housekeeping apartment; private fam ily; close In. 151 Spring street. TWO nice completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; bath, gas and phone: private entrance. No ohiectlon to children Call 255 South Boulevard. Main I892-J. TWQ ROOMS FOR RENT NICELY 1 FURNISHED 167 CENTRAL AVE No advertisements taken for less than the cost of two lines Six words makes a line. TELEPHONE MA TN 160 ATLANTA ItfO Ciassified Adver tisers May telephone their “Went Ads ’ The Georgian will not be responsible for more than one in correct Insertion of any advertise ment ordered for more than one time. The Georgian reserves the right to correctly classify all Want Ads. The Georg’an can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors < t any kind occurring 1b telephoned advertisements The Georgian will not accept phone or verbal orders to discon tinue or change (T F.) “Till For bid” advertisements Advertiser should retain receipts given by The Georgian in payment of Want Ado. as no mistake can be recti fied without them. ^ Read for Profit Use for Results Hearst’s Sunday American and nan ADS” FURNISHED APARTS. FOR RENT. \V r TLLsutMp^e^nHr^yoiTr"-V^r^ apart ment and exchange use of furniture for one room; steam-heated; well light ed and close in; proposition some nice couple will appreciate. Ivy 5078. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE !s Increas. ing In value dally. Many bargains are offered In the Real Estate columns of the ‘ Want Ad” section of The Georgian UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. SIX-ROOM apart ments, close in, modern in every respect: he^t, .janitor s"rviee, pas range. Phone Ivv 3635 after 8 p. m. FOR RENT—Unfurnished four-room apartment; reception hall; butler’s pantry. Ivy 4109. EXPERIENCED sick nurse, maternity a specialty. Highly indorsed by lead ing Atlanta physicians. Dates booked in advance. Weet 1054 or Ivy 7304-J. WANTED—Position by colored woman as cook or general housework, or will do both in small family. Address L, 80 Electric avenue WANTED u. S Government uses Richmond Chemical Fire Extinguish ers that kill gasoline fires; district man agers make 5<10 per cent profit. Auto free. Richmond Chemical Co., Dept, i lfi. Wheeling, W Va NEW PROPOSITION to a gaols and salesmen; Swedish Vibrator for home vibratory treatments; 150 per cent profit; one sale a day gives you $9«l week; some men now averaging 5 to 10 sales a day. most amazing real money making offer ever made; grand, easy selling plan; exclusive territory; com plete information free. Write to-day. Name county desired. Swedish Vibra tor Co., 106 Vibrator Bid#., Chicago. AGENTS— Big profits ^exclusive terri tory; wonderful new automatic gaso line table lamp; 300-candlepower; one- third cent per hour: absolutely the best seller on the market. Sen/1 for free sample proposition. National Stamping Works, 420 Clinton, Chicago. 100 NEW AGENTS Gold watches free; sell Dr. Doran’s Queen Root Cordial; free sewing machine samples free Horan Drug Co., Paducah, Ky. WANTED--A gents, sell Concentrated Liquor Extracts for making whiskies, liquors and cordials at home; something new at last: wanted in every home; saves over 50 per cent; one taste makes a customer for life; strictly legitimate; no license required; big demand; sells fast; coins you money. Send postal to day for money-making selling plans. Universal Import Co., Dept. 513, Cincin nati, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED Aluminum cooking utensils and specialties, hard ware and department store trade con nections preferred. Prices that get the business. State experience. Exclusive territory for $3,000 men. Aluminum Products Company, Lemont, Ill. WANTED— Responsible man to close deals we develop in his exclusive terri tory; honesty rather than experience necessary; all or part time. Paris Gaso line Lighting Systern,_St. Louis. VAOUI' M CLE A N E R A GENTS—Herd i t is; absolutely new design in wheel- operated, powerful bellows vacuum cleaner, new vh*ible nozzle; exclusive appearance; sells quick at $7.50. Write for particulars about money-back guar antee now. Doty Company, Dayton, Ohio. _ agents Get particulars --f one of the best paving prepositions ever put on the market. Something no one else sells. Make $4,000 yearly. Send postal to-day lor particulars, i:. M. Feltman, sales manager. 8081 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, ()hjo WANTED Salesmen for general mer pantile trade Vacancy January 1. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Com mission contract; $35 weekly for ex penses. Continental Jewelry Company, 347-50 Continental Building. Cleveland, Ohio. U. S. GOVERNMENT is< Richmond Chemical Fire Extinguishers that kill gasoline fires. District managers make 600 per cent profit. Auto free. Rich mond Chemical Company. Dept. 119, Wheeling, W. Va. SALESMEN earning $60 a week and up, accepting orders for latest punch- hoard proposition; trade demands it; re peat orders yours; your opportunity to make easy money. Write th6 Daskal Co., Dept B-46, Chicago* WANTED—By colored girl, plain sew ing by the day; 76c and carfare. Call or write Willie. 39 Maple street, Atlanta. PRIVATE BRANCH operator desires position at once. Can do office work if necessary. Ivy 2782 L. WANT El)—Experienced stenographer desires permanent position with good, reliable firm; salary no object. Call West 1313. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. SPECIAL RATES for situa tion Wanted ads: 3 lines 1 tlma, ^ times 40c MUST HAVE work: white man. 39. married; w r ell educated, as collector or wagon driver, or any kind of work. B. 14 (*, . cai u ' Jeorgian WANTED Young man wants position, preferably as salesman; some experi ence; will accept any honorable posi tion w’ith future; guaranteed reference. Address Box 62. Lllburn, Ga. WANTED Position as superintendent of fertilizer plant; fully conversant with every branch of the business; best references. Address M. I M., Box 7, care Georgian. WANTED— Position by experienced of fice man with two years’ experience in law office handling collections. A-1 ref erences. Address R., Box B , Colquitt, | Ga. j EXPERT WINDOW DRESSER DESIRES work at nights. C. C. W. Ivy 677. WAN'ITT) Position as draughtsman or foreman with up-to-date mill manu factory: all Grinds of mill w'ork; 38 years old; unsurpassed system for handling large and complicated jobs; 11 years with last employer; A-1 references Ad- dresw B. Box IIP, care Georgian. WANTED Situation as clerk in some business where thete is good chance of advancement by young man. 21 years of age. Can give good references. Ad dress H. O. K.. 52 Simpson street. SITUATION WANTED by engineer- competent to take full charge of ho tel or office building. best of refer ences. Address W. S., Box 444, care Georgian. WANTED Young man, 24, would like temporary employment for two weeks or more; good salesman, but clerical work preferred. J. C. W., Box 681. care Georgian. WANTED Ppi tion bj reliable olored man, chauffeur, at once; willing to f assist with housework and Jive on place. Gall Overland Southern Automobile • ' mpany. Ivy 1477, ash for Henry Farm- 1 iVili ENGINEER, good draugfa surveyor and mathematician, desires position in architect’s or engineer's of fice for the winter. Highest references. Thorough training. Married. Address J. L. JR., Box 608, care Georgian. WANTED Position by licensed drug gist; state salary in first letter. Ad dress S., Box 5. care Georgian. HIGH-CLASS office man of undisputed competency wishes to Invest $2,000 and take position with reliable concern. Ad dress L., Box 109, care Georgian WANTED Position as hardware sales man, have had 14 years’ experience both in the house and on the road J. E. Cook, 15 Dunn 8 WANTED Position as hotel u., butler; good references. Address F. H. D., Box 663, care Georgian. FIRST-CLASS painter desires position. Will contract for Job or sub-contract. Address II. Y.. Box 8. care Georgian Wanted Position by reliable man 40 —nears old; anything thalfls honorable: night or day. watching preferred or derk in grocery store; feri years' expe rience; best of references. Phone Main 118-J. 1 LADY stenographer, long experience. must have work whole or part of time. Would write for two parties. Most reasonable salary. Steno . 127 ivy street. Phone 4280 Ivy. TEACHER, with good English educa tion. holding primary license, wishes position at once. Address Teacher, care Georgian. WANTED—Situation as sales lady. Three years’experience; best of references. Address R. S., Box 125, care Georgian. DRESSMAKING — DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING of all kinds, evening dresses ami trousseaus a specialty. Miss ('amp, 77 G. Whitehall Sr PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. CI RCt? larX ett ers3 419 Empire PROCESS MISS HATTIE FLEXNER Bldg ivy 8178 SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE. W A NTED—Middle-aged couple want employment; ran manage or help In hotel, store or farm work. Couple, 81 S. Pryor St., Atlanta BEAUTIFUL housekeeping rooms, ev erything furnished and all conven iences; or will rent entire second floor. Use "f i elephone. ('a II Iv 6705 FOR RENT One pleasant furnished front room. 24 East Baker street. FOR RENT- Beautiful front room, pri vate La^li; gentlemen preferred. Rea- ■sonable. w ‘Peach tree,” care Georgian. FOR RENT—Two very attractive housekeeping rooms in Inman Park; all conveniences. Call Ivy 6418-J or ap ply lfii Elizabeth street. FOR RENT Two largo, sunny furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all con veniences. Main 2436-J. 96 Ira street. FOR RENT—Four-room apartment. North Side; close In; gas, electric lights, porcelain bath; cozy and nice $25.60 per month. Phone owner, 2155 Ivy. THE LAWRENCE 52 WEST PEACHTREE PLACE, Five Blocks of the Candler Bldg ONE three-room apartment with built- in bed, one four room furnished 'If seen at once) and one four-room un furnished; all apartments have electric lights, gas stoves, shades, refrigera tors, hot and cold water, steam heat. Janitor service, etc. See J. T. TURNER, Resident Manager, Apartment 8. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms; all modern conveniences; private fam- 11 \ . adults only. Phone *MaTn 2186-J. FOR RENT Steam-heated room; mod ern North Side private home; all con veniences. Ivy 1294-J. FOR RENT—Three nice furnished rooms. >yith all conveniences. Call Ivv 3365-J. ROOMS AND BOARD TWO nice rooms with board for "gen tlemen or couple; '-lose in. Ivy 7636-J. A W. PEACHTREE. NICELY furnished front room, excel lent table board; furnace heat Mrs. Sullivan. Call Ivy $790-J BEST MEALS IN TOWN $3 WEEK; ROOM AND MEALS. $4 197 SOUTH PRYOR (’ALL MAIN 5048. GARAGE FOR SALE. ROOM, with or without board, in North Side private home; desirable Ivy 4674-J. PRIVATE BOARD—Steam heat; all conveniences; old-fashioned Southern cooking. 354 Euclid avenue, Inman Park. Phone Ivy 6421-J. M. 1680 LOOK ATL. 272 IF you need furnished or unfurnished rooms, flats or apartments, call THE ROOM RENTING AND BOARD ING HOUSE AGENCY. Information free. 4 North Pryor St., MR. D’HOLLOSY, Mgr. Free automo bile trip to see rooms TWO exceptionally desirable front rooms; private bath; steam heat, hest location, excellent table; reasonable; We si Peachtree residence. Ivy 1959-L. LARGE FRONT ROOM with board. 766 Peachtree 1 i%y .’.74 .i TWO young noon or ooupie can find room and board with private family in comfortable, modern, furnace-heated home. Gal] West 1334. NICELY furnished room with board, In private home, for two young men. Ten minute*’ walk of Candler Building. Call Ivy H32. NICE ROOM adjoining bath, to two young men. breakfast and supper If desired, walking distance. Main 2588. SUNNY, furnished housekeeping rooms; $2.75 weekly. 31 Hood, near White hall. Main 2768-J. TWO elegantly furnished front, rooms, conveniences, three blocks from Ara gon; young men preferred. 66 E. Cain. 152 WEST PEACHTREE STREET— Nicely furnished rooms; also house keeping suite; eevry modern conven ience; hath connections; walking dis tance; rent reasonable. POR RENT To gentleman, nice room In steam-healed apartment. Call Ivy 7464. FOR RENT—One nicely furnished front room, in gdod location. 631 Whitehall. THK .PICK WICK NEW 10-STORY AND FIREPROOF. Steam-heated rooms, connecting baths Convenient shower baths on each floor. 77 Falrlle si . near Carnegie Li] FOR pent Three nicely furnished rooms, complete for housekeeping; Bell phone, sink; $16; one front bedroom, connecting bath, private entrance; dress ing room; $12.50. 290 Washington. 21 DELTA PLACE In Inman* Park, fr'»rn two to five rooms; bath. sink. lights. Ivy 3468-L. I < >P furnished rooms and light house keeping apartments—everything neat ly furnished see !?6 Garnett street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ree unfurnished rooms, two connecting rooms. 170 North Jackson. Ivy 3504-J. TWO unfurnished rooms; all conve niences. A<f)ply 168 Central avenue. Reasonable FOR RENT—At once, four nice rooms. In double apartment; first floor. 334 Houston, corner Boulevard $20. Ivy 6207-J, Main 4183. THREE unfurnished connecting rooms and kitchenette; all modern conve niences; opposite Grant Park. Call Main 5023-J or Atlanta 1336. FOR RENT Two or three nice house keeping rooms, unfurnished. 316 Cen tral avenue. HALF' HOUSE for rent at bargain 77 taken at once. Ivy 7635-J WAN'IED Business women or couple two bright rooms, bath, kitchenette. $12. Ivy 7491-J. FOR RENT—Two-room apartment and kitchenette; private bath; all modern conveniences; In the I*awrence Apart ment, 52 West Peachtree place. Apart ment No. 24. THE READING OF WANT aDS in Hearst’s Sunday American and At- lanta Georgian means money to you. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RPLNT—Furnished five-room bun galow at Colonial Hills. Call Mr Freeman, Main 204. FOR RENT—Ten-room house, West North avenue, near Tech. All conven iences. Water and lights furnished I have nineteen boarders and want to sublease. Address E., Box 440. care Georgian. TWO sunny rooms; all conveniences; no children. 19 Pickert street, just off South Boulevard. F'OR RENT Two unfurnished rooms first floor. Private entrance. 282 Cen tral avenue. FOR RENT Three nice, sunny house keeping rooms, unfurnished. 62 Whlte- hall terrace. FOR RENT Two largn connecting rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing; close in Reasonable. Main 1063 FOR RENT four unfurnished house- keeplng rooms: vacant January 1. For particulars call West 1044-J after 4 p tn. THREE large connecting rooms; one small; large hall and bath. 37 Bed- ford place. FuR RENT Two rooms and hall Mod ern conveniences, private entrance. Apply 63 Windsor street. UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. NICE five room cottage. 31 Richardson street: tinted wallp, cabinet mantels, bath. Terms. $15 per month. Inquire at store. FOR RENT Nice six-room cottage. 15 Quean sireet, right :it Gordon street. West Find. All conveniences. Apply A M Langford, 66 Whitehall. WILL RENT 284 East Georgia avenue five rooms, bath; to reasonable tenant for $15 per month. Worth $20. L. Grossman. 96 Whitehall street FOR RENT- No. 304 Hill street, five rooms, hall and bath; electric lights, two large lots Owner 162 Ashby St. West 1083-J. 268 FORREST A VENUE—Seven rooms; gas and electric. Apply at 372. FOR RENT New bungalow, six largo rooms, on fine street, close to White hall street car line. West End. Call bmilh. owner, West 1140-J, after 4 p.m. ARE YOU LOOKING for > good posi tlon° A little "Want Ad” will find it for you. j OFFICES FOR RENT. LIGHT private office or desk room, with use of reception room and tele phones; rent reasonable. 285 Equitable Building. F' >R RENT—Offices In the Moore Build ing at No. 10 Auburn avenue; steam hfat; passenger elevator; lights and Janitor service; $12.50 to $15. George P Moore, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Au burn avenue. STORES FOR RENT. THREE attractive stores in C’andler Bldg . Candler Annex and Commerce Hall. Heat and water included In lease. Prices very reasonable. Asa O. Candler. Jr . 222 Candler Bldg See Mr. Wilkin son. Phone Ivy 5274. FOR RENT Excellent opening for ex perienced printer and newspaper man; good proposition for one understanding business. Box 85 Boston, Ga. RENT SHck store with " base ment; size 20 by 60. near viaduct on Peters stT*-e* Call Ivy 2318. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. I'WOMU sekeeping rooms, new' apart ment. first floor, near in; $16. Main 9*1-J. ARE YOU LOOKING for results? The Want Ad pages of Hearst’s Sunday American and Atlanta Georgian fill the bill. i 7 BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT. 10 cent department store: none here, bound to do good business. Investi gate Box 85, Boston. Ga. UNFURNISHED HOUSES WANTED wTTuldlEASE seven or eight room modern house in West End; not over $35 per month. Permanent, ct^e At lanta Georgian, cajje