Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 21, 1913, Image 30

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it si M>AV AMERICAN, ATLANTA, CA , SI MJAV. DECEAIBEK 21, 1913. L Waycross W Jamaic; Oil 11 ding <r Blacks! jiumb'*r Mr f Wa I>. >ung M* « haling Mr 20. —Invitation* vod In Wa> crons of Minn Mildred rlilbald Brantley , January 1. at Mr. I’urdom’a After the wed- wlll return to will reside. A affairs are being honor by Black vrosa friends Parker was the hostess the member!* <*f the Club. The pm rming i their the W( Me t in impoi offieen [•'rank F Nowell con- sine review • . . f int Church held ita last ifit NCHsion at the home . Pendergrass. At this were chosen for the an in onor o*e of the evening service ian Chur h on Sunday there impressive farewell service .f the pastor, the Kev W. A. and wife, who leave Monroe Me affair The guests in- Itided Mrs Robert Miirmhv. Mrs Janus I;i;glish Mrs Francis Findley. Mrs A. 3:. Smith. Mrs Edward .Iordan. Mrs Reginald 1’ortcr and Mrs. McAllister Torvett. Mr. and Mrs T. ^ Darling enter- laim*d a parly of school-teachers Tuesday with ;i dinner at their lubur- ban home, being <»nc of a series of af- lairs given bv them for tiie teachers 3n recent weeks Mrs Ralph H. Van WornTer enter- lained Thursday evening tiie members ..f the Fort nightly Music Club. one of the recent organizations of this clt>. Turner ftharp was host at a dinner party Wednesday, given for a small Humber of his friends. Tiie guests in- « lud* <J Miss Marion Williams, of Black ehear. Mia* Flore 11c* Andrews. Miss Anna Morrison. Miss Susie Sharpe, .John Henry Lott. Hamilton Woodruff. Arthur Wells ami Walker Sharpe. r <iriffin •f the most beautiful events in social life within the past few .is the reception given by Mrs. \v l, Ricker In honor of tiie Young Matrons' «*luh. Carnes were Indulged in at Hie conclusion of which refreshment* were served. rr j r Cordele I - ITZGKRALD, Dec. 20.—One of the prettiest parties 6f the holiday season was that of Mrs. Clayton .lay when she was hostess to the Tues day Afternoon Club and a number of other friends. ‘James were enjoyed by tin- guests, after which refreshments were s. rved In three courses Sixteen guests were invited to share Mrs. Jay’s charming hospitality. Miss Hazel Tisdel entertained a few friends and the Kllkare Club Saturday afternoon Those present were Misses Nolle Frazer. Pauline Crawley. Birdie Mcl/endon, Helen Mathews, Maude Clover. Glenn Griffin. Gertrude Peacock, Tsla Green, Mary Powers. Helen Os borne. Mary James, Irene Jones. Fannie Boyd, Mildred Hanger and Jelxle Per sons. ( ^ORPELK, Dec.. 20 A quiet affair, but about which the Interest of a v -* Jargon umber of friends was cen tered, was the marriage Wednesday at high noon of Mis* Ida i*ay Mathews and A. 1 Starr, both of Cordele. taking place at the home of the brides par j ents, Mr. ami Mrs. W H Mathews. The Rev .I B. Wardlaw. presiding <1- • ier of th Cordele Meihodiet District, performed the ceremony. Miss Lollle Brown, of Fhellman, a cousin of the bride, was maid <»f honor. The brides - ) 1 iabi was Miss I touglas Williams. J. . Starr, brother of the bridegroom. mis best man. I Kphraim Mathews, brother of the bride, gave her away. One of Hie most beatitifiil cnlertain- jnents of the season was given by Mrs. >iax 10. I*and when she entertained ut auction bridge Frida> afternoon In lion • •i of her liousr guest, Mrs Fort Rand, of Macon. Mrs .1 B. Spencer, of Roan oke, Ya . and Mrs. .1 J. Willis, who b-avc.s soon to make her home at IjRko- lamJ. Ha. Mrs I .and was assisted in receiving by Mesdames Meredith Clarke end F. G Boatright. The Matrons' Club was entertained on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. C. C. Montforri. Punch was served by Misses Alice Fenn and Emily Hyde. Hook was j the game and there were sixty guests. 1 The morning bridge at which Mrs. 1* ' M. Clarke entertalne<l Thursday was a < ompllment to Mrs Fort Hand, of Ma con; Mrs. .1 B Spencer, of Virginia, and Mrs. J. J Willis. Mrs. Clark was assisted in entertaining by her sis- le.r, Mrs. Clyde Wilson, and Miss Alice Fenn. Top score was made by Mrs. Max Land. The honor guests were pre sented silk hose. An interesting event of the week was the large auction bridge party which Mrs. F. G. Boatright gave on Thurs day afternoon In honor of Mrs. J. B. I Spencer. Mrs. J. J. Willis and Mrs. Fort land Mrs Boatright was assisted in entertaining by Mesdames P Holmes. G. R. Wilkes and K. H Hamilton. The 1 honor guests were presented gold and silver souvenirs. Mrs spencer and Mrs Willis one each «»f Georgia and Mrs. Jaind one of Cordele. LENA. Dec. 20.—A Japanese operetta was given in the Col lege Auditorium Tuesday evening by Miss Ruth Grady, teacner of voice The music was varied and the chorus composed of 4f>voiccs whs a feature. Miss Deborah Creighton was a charming Japanese princess, and Ern**t Dyal. of McRae, her father, tiie emperor. There were fairies. Japanese maidens, spirit** arid soldiers. The P o K of A.’p gave an oyster supper in the chi broom at the Business College Monday evening Only tiie members witii thetr wives and girl friends were present. After supper music was furnished by Miss Florence Davenport and the club songs were sung. Professor Gordon was master of ceremonies. on Friday in honor of Mrs. Charles Hunter, of Htaunton, Va., who has been the guest of her mother. Mrs. M. A. Brown. Mrs John L. Brown compli mented Mrs. Hunter on Wednesday. Miss Maurice Fagan entertained the Hook Club Friday evening. Mrs. Clifford II. Prator was hostesw to the History Club Wednesday after noon. The December business meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society will be held at the home of Mrs R S Braswell Monday afternoon. Mrs. G. Leighton Dure gave ari Hah orate reception Friday afternoon corn pllmentary to her sister, Mrs. Roy Tot bert, of Hurtfboro, Ala. Eliza Phinizy. who gave a dinner party of eighteen in compliment to Miss Geor gia Hull, one of the charming debu- 1 mlit* -1 01 the season; Alonzo Purdy and Dr Kverard Wilcox, Mr and Mrs. Rod ney Cohen ami John Davison. Birmingham ~ OR8YTH, Dec. 20. Mrs. H. W. Nal- ley entertained the Friday After noon Club at a rook party. Miss lyiulse Phinlzee entertained the Just for Fun Club Friday afternoon in celebration of her birthday. A salad c ourse was served. Miss Florence Phin- izee assisted. Mrs. Ashley M. Outlaw was a charm ing hostess on Thursday afternoon when she entertained the Halcyon Club. A hot luncheon was served at the conclu sion of the game. Dothan B irmingham. Dec. 20. Birming ham is tangoing at the rate of two tango teas a week, and an other in prospect. AH tills has come about within the last month, and no telling where ir will end On Krliiay afternoons the Country Club is turned over to the tangoers, and not a lahle goes begging On Sat urday afternoon Mrs. M F. Stevens holds her tango tea and society moves over there Now comes the Phoenix Club with a tango tea with innovations -ballroom made into a tea garden and girls in Jap costume wheeling tea wagons from table to table. This event took place Thursday afternoon from 1 to 7 o’clock ar the club. The tango tea is not the first of a series at the club, but It is whispered that there will be others. Di) Monday afternoon Miss Martha Glover gave a tea for her cousin, Miss Martha Green, of New nan. Ga., and Miss Kathleen Hayes, a debutante. Her receiving line was composed of debu tantes and other girls of that age Mrs c M Rudolph's tea Wednesday afternoon at her home on Altamont r< ad was the largest event of file kind this week. It was given for Mrs Alice Fitts Hill, of Montgomery; Mrs. James Alston. Miss Annalee Fitts and Miss Mary Emily Kitts, of TtlfccaJooHa. Sev eral hundred persons left cards. Miss G.arrio I.ep Morgan was married to Claud Raymond White Wednesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morgan, on Syca more street. She was attended by Miss Lois Murray, of Tuscaloosa: Miss Mary Odell Condor, of Opelika, and her sis ter, Miss Lucile Morgan. Agnes Scott girls and others re ceived with Miss Vallie Young White at her tea Friday afternoon at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Sidney White. Among the girls In line with her were Miss Bessie Foster. Miss Grace Geohegan, Miss Annie I^ee, Miss Mary Bryan and Miss Lula Maddox. Decorations carried out the colors of the college. Another event of Friday was tiie buf fet luncheon given by Miss Josephine Cosby and Miss Nell Cosby, at their home on South Eleventh avenue. Saturday was a busy day socially. Miss Irois Brown gave h big party joint ly with her mother. Mrs. E. D. Brown, the afternoon inception ending with a dance Saturday evening. Miss Selene Rountree honored her guest. Miss De- maris Smith, of Mobile witii a <ea. to which the members of the high school set were Invited. Miss Hettie Sibley, a college girl home for the holidays, entertained with a tango tea Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sibley, on Highland avenue. Several large luncheon and dinner parties were given during the past week. Wednesday Mrs. George Morrow- honored her guest, Mrs. George Mayo, ..f Kentucky, with a luncheon at the Country Club. Mrs. J. L. Davidson was another luncheon hostess, having fourteen at her pretty' table Erskine Ramsey gave a <1 inner party Tuesday evening at the Roebuck Springs Automobile-Golf Club. At his table were seated forty persons who are counted among the most important in Birmingham society. The guests were Mr. ami .Mrs. Henry Bad ham. Mr Mrs. W. H. Kettle, Mr and Mr, Rc T ert .Teinlson. Jr., Mr. and Mrs F \r Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Dreiui., Mr. and Mrs. William Walker Mr „ Mrs. A. U Fulenwlder. Mr ’..J Bradley Saunders. Mr. and Mrs w M ,7 t rawford, Mr. and Mrs. Boss Smith ' mV fjAEMiWKr and M ■ Walker Percy. Sirs'. John V“ , TomS!, Mp ’' Mrs. Marie McKee. Mrs o t 1 E 8P "- bairn, Mrs. Viola Roden-Red in '' Mary Cobbs, of Montgomery? r'-iei ?! Toulmin. Murry Brown, Mason rL„ Robert Brown. W. K. Collier „ ow ,'> Rydins. Hubert Kinney and II.' a Hotel THE HOME OF RECHERCHE AFFAIRS. Ansley Atlanta, Ga. APPROPRIATE SOUVENIRS FOR THE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES. CHRISTMAS DINNER in the ITALIAN CAFE will be one of the Yuletide events of Atlanta life. From 6 to 9 o’clock. $1.50 per person. Reservations should be made in advance. NEW YEAR'S EVE will be TILE gala occasion of the year. From 10 to 12:30 p. ni. $3.00 per person. R, s ervations should be made in advance. BEAUTIFUL decorations and exquisite souvenirs. Phone or write for tables. I) OTHAN, ALA., Dey. 20.—Mia* Olivia Irelle Turner, of Headland, ami Joseph Peyton Carson, a trav eling salesman, were married Thursday evening at the home of the bride’s mother. Mrs E. A Turner, at Head land The ceremony was said by the Rev E. G. Fenn. pastor of the Head land Baptist Church. The wedding came as a surprise to their friends, no previous announcement having been made. . Following the ceremony the bride and groom, accompanied by Charles Newton, of Dothan, motored to this city, later departing for Jacksonville. Miami and Key West. Fla . Havana. Cuba, and the Canal Zone before going to Green wood. Miss , where they will make their home. Nashville N \SHVILLE, GA., Dec. 20— A N. Tyson and Miss Annie Spell were united ltt marriage Sunday after noon. Judge J. II Hull performing the ceremony. The bride Is the daughter of Guh Spell, of Berrien County. C Oxford Monroe NROE, Dec 20 A beautiful wed ding of the week, taking place Wednesday afternoon at the home the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. O S FoRD, Dec. 20 - The Initial event of the Christmas season was the reception tendered the Kill Kare KluI* by Mrs. James E. Dlckev. After .i well arranged program, refreshments were served. Miss Mary Hill Moore was hoctess to the young ladies of Oxford Thursday afternoon. Misses (’lara and Janie Johnson en tertained tiie young ladies at a morning party Thursday. The Young ladles’ Club met with Miss Virginia Peed Wednesday'. 'Phis club has been in existence six months and is for the purpose of study as well as pleasure. So far. the sole question discussed Is "What Shall We Name Our Club?” Ami no name has been decided upon. Augusta A' 1'harbs L. Barrett, was that of Miss Zora Barrett and Golden Blasingame. <*f Jersey. The t-eremony Mas beautifully performed by the Rev. W A. Chastain, «>f the Christian Church. \ marriage that mbs a surprise to their many friends was that of Miss 1/iiu Beil, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Mvht K Bell, of Royston. and George Malcom Rooks, of Monroe. Mrs Lena i^ewis was the hostess tn Hie Athenaeum Club on Wednesday aft ernoon. "Tories of tiie Day” were dis- • -ussed during the roll caM. Miss Lula Seim an bad charge of the history les- rorf Valley I ^ORT VALLEY. Dec. 20. There was a happy family gathering at the home of Colonel and Mrs. W. H. Harris on East Main street on Stlnd&y, the occasion being the forty-fourth an niversary of tiie marriage of Mrs. Har ris' parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hlap- pey. Mrs R. M. Houser gate a musical UGU8TA, Dec. 20—Already the spirit of Christmas is in the air and the city Is filled with pretty girls ami college boys home for the season. Any number of Christmas par ties are being arranged, ainong them being one on the night of December 26 at the Country Club, when Miss Mary Lyon and Miss Margaret Addi son will entertain for their house-guest Miss Jola Wise, of Macon who arrived with them to-daj? from Mary Baldwin Kerninary. Others returning from Mary Baldwin are Miss Jessie Alexander. Miss Gladys Teague. Miss Maud Gary and Miss Mary Bland. William M Nixon, Jr., and Geosge Horkan, who are home from George town University, will entertain their friends on the. night of December 29 at Villa Maryland, the Hill, with a danc ing party. The P. T. Club, one of Augusta a new social organizations, gave an enjoyable dance at 8t. Patrick's Hall Friday eve ning. Dr. and Mrs. George Merritt and Mr. and Mrs Orice being chaperons. This club will entertain once a month. Mrs. Stephen B. McCord was hostess at the meeting of the Thursday Coterie, an enjoyable, game of five hundred being played anil a course tea following the game. Mrs. Samuel Fleming Garllngton en tertained tiie Friday Club, the after noon proving very delightful. The Saturday afternoon dancers at the Country Club, which were resumed to-day. arc among the most enjoyable of the many social features of the club. A large number of the younger set were out and there were quite a few golfers who dropped in for tea and a round of the floor Bearden's Orchestra played from 4 to 7 o’clock, and after supper there was more dancing till 11 o’clock. The Topics Club met In regular week ly session Friday at the Cranford Club Library. Some of Augusta’s best-known women are members of this recently- organized club. Little Virginia Thomas will have her small friends at a Christmas party Tuesday afternoon. December 30, at her home on Broad street. Mrs. Rutherford Walton and Mrs. James Jefferies gave a bridge party Monday afternoon when $44.50 was made for their Empty Stocking Club. Entertaining at the Monday dinner dance at the Country Club were Miss South (leorcjiu Normal V ALDOSTA, Dec. 20.—On Friday evening, the college celebrated its first Christmas by an oUl English • inner, which was served strictly in his torical manner Every one appeared in Sixteenth Century costume. The i»arty assembled in the entrance hall and i hen marched to the dining room singing "God Rest You. Merry Gentlemen." The menu consisted of • nly the historic* dishes, as a huge sir loin of beef, stuffed goose, boar’s head, plum porridge*, fruit and wassail. As tiie boar's head was brought In by the steward, the procession, led by the trumpeters, sang the* Fifteenth Century "Boar's Head Carol." At the close of the dinner the party followed the Lord of Misrule ami tiie Jester to the chapel, where it indulged in Christmas frolics, blind man’s buff and the Kir Roger De- <'overly. Tin- eve ning closed with tab leaux and Christmas carols. The festivities were directed by the senior class. Miss Greene and Miss Grlf- ' l n. of the music department, and Miss Center, of the English department. 'Hie young ladies taking the principal parts in this were Miss Carolyn Ballen tine, author of tiie play, and Misses Cable Hancock, Julia Gill, Esther Cutts, Mary Hamilton and Kris Stevens. Miss McDowell talked on "The Chris tian College the Feeder of the W. M. C Mrs. \\ J. Neel, president of the W. M. U. of the State of Georgia, sj>oke to ike students on "The Mother’s h«t“ Among the out-of-town visitors pres ent on these* occasions were Mrs. W. J. Neel, of Cartersville; Mrs. Weston Bru- ner and daughter, Miss Helen Bruner, of Atlanta: Miss Louise Drury, of Shor ter College, and Mrs. Tajlor, of Cuth bert. trenail Till ^ ORSYTll. Dc« 20. The Young Woman s Auxiliary of Bessie Tift College* has held its jubilate and Mi eg ion study demonstration. A recep tion was given by the Young Woman's \uxiliary in the recreation hall, where the maps and charts that had l>een ised in the three study courses were on exhibition. The pageant feature was presented in the auditorium. The im migration forces, under the leadership f the Misses Nolen and Noles. present ed a drama. "Just Plain Peter." The principal i»arts were taken by Misses Celeste Dominick. Lena Whately, Leota McCutcheon. Mabel Padrlck, l^ena l^an- < aster and Mary Fletcher. The class- in "India Awakening." led by Misses Brew ton and Campbell, gave "Mosaics from the IJfe of Ann Hassel- !<>n Judson." Misses Eugenia Stone, Fannie Lee McCall and Dona Hendricks had the principal parts. "Mexico To-day." with Misses Mc Dowell and Patrick as leaders, presented Mexico, the Cinderella of America.” ( —* A1NEKV1LLK. Dec. 20. Monday ■ evening the RihcldufTer Gnile; ■ - " Company gave a concert In the au ditorium of Hrenau College under the auspices of tiie Alkahest Lyceum Sys tem. Dr. and Mrs. H J Pearce were at home to Madam Grace Hall Klheldaffer. : Misa Ittrji Dennison Qftilej ami Miss Louise Milligan after the concert. In vitations were extended to the faculty and officer* \ buffet lunch was served, on Thursday the students of Hrenau I left for their respective homes to spend | the holiday season. On January 5 school j reopens Miss Bessie Waddell has made an nouncement that she will conduct her j "Music Lovers" trip abroad early in {June. Many interesting stops will be j made through England and Southern Italy and a number of Hrenau girls and their friends have already made j reservation for the tour. by the young girls of the academy. The. college colors , of red and white were used in many of the decorations and in the ices. The affair was one of the most delightful of the early holiday re ception for the college set. The senior play, "Engaging Janet." w*us given in a morft successful man ner on Thursday evening. The girls of the senior class were assisted by the members of the expression class, and the play of college girls’ life was great ly enjoyed by a large audience The holiday* began on Friday and will continue through January 1 ( "* I'THBERT, Dee. 20—On Sunday evening, the Andrew chorus class. -* under the direction of Miss Helen Knox Spain, rendered Nevin's "The Adoration." in the college chapel. All the Cuthbert churches suspended serv ices and tiie congregations worshiped with tiie college family in this service of song appropriate to the Christmas season. Numbers were rendered by tiie Misses Beaty, Burton. Brim berry. Mil ligan ami Hayes and tiie entire chorus. Miss Belle Geise was at the piano. [ LaGrange ] i Cox 1 T”l 1E last days before the holidays at Cox College have been spent with many beautiful affairs. On Satur- ! day evening the girls were hostesses to j the young men of the senior class of the | Atlanta Medical College. The entire I lower floor of the main building was ' open to tee guests ami was prettily dec { prated with palms and cut flowers. Re- I celvUig line* of th* faculty, Motors and ! undergraduates were formed in the re- i oeptton rooms. libraries and parlors, 1 and the punch bowls were presided over j[ A GRANGE, Dec. 20.—The play. 1 "Miss Fearless & Co.,” give*} bv the expression cla^s in the LaGrange College auditorium was en joyed bv all who were present. The Glee Club assisted the expression class. A carnival was given on the second floor of the Orian A- Smith Building to raise money for the Y \V. C. A. Those who took part In this carried out their parts well Two. three and four cents was charged to see these differ ent shows. Sunday evening some of the I>aGrange College girls went to Dixie Mills and rendered a Christmas program for the mill folks. Misses iVmpsey and Walker enter- ta tied delightfully for their Sunday School classes. The Irenian Society entertained for the Mezzofantian Society, when a very interesting program was rendered. Miss Halite Smith sang. Miss Eula Bradford gave a reading and Misses Bee ton and Chastain each played a piano solo. CNR STMAS BARGAINS Now is the time to place a beautiful Piano or Player-Piano in your home $ 10 Will Buy a Piano For Christmas Call at our warerooms Monday morning and let us show you our brand new $375 400 450 for $148.00 for 168.00 for 195.00 $100 Kimball In Circassian Walnut, thoroughly guaran teed—a beauty. EASY PAYMENTS Players M Grands i Half Price (6,800 Roll Library Absolutely Free) Our Holiday Offerings are the most attractive in the city. Call and be con vinced yourself Out-of-town customers write us. Open until 9 o’clock every evening WEATHtRHOLT PIANO CO. 72 N. BROAD ST.