Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 21, 1913, Image 25

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j&tal ICAN s. financial ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1913. Sunday American The Atlanta Georgian Published by The Georgian Co. !0 East Atlanta Alabama St. ' Georgia Entered flt Atlanta postofflc® second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier or Agent Daily and Sunday 12e Daily only 10c BY MAIL (he United States, Canada or Mexico. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE DAILY AND SUNDAY: Year . .»7.on Months .. 3.50 Months T .. 1.75 Month .. .60 DAILY ONLY: Tear . .$5.20 Months .. 2.60 Months .. 1.30 Month .. .45 SUNDAY ONLY: Tear . .$2.50 Months .. 1.25 Months .. .70 Month .. .25 THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN NEWS BRIEFS: 1 Year S6c SPECIAL NOTICES. R AI LWAV SCHEDULES. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South. Arrival and Departure Passenger Trains, Atlanta. The following schedule figures are published only as Information, and are not guaranteed. 3« B’ham .... S' New York 4S Wash'ton . l JirkMHe . 12 Bh'report . 23 JackMUe . . ]7 Torcoa ••• ■ 2G Heflin .... s Chatta'*a . 7 Macon .... 27 Ft Valley ?i Co’unihua ...10 fi Clnciri'tl ....11 York ..11 4ft B'h«m 12 r° Co'iimbua ... 1 30 B'ham 2 SO Charlotte ... S fi Tark'dlle K New York 4 2d 3" New York f* i 5 Brunswick .. 7 31 Ft VAlley .. 8 Jack'dlle ... 8 11 Richmond .. 8 1 Ohatta'sa ... 9 2 Chicago .... 9 24 Kan. City 19 Columhus . 14 Clncin’ti :01 am .00 am •2f> am :10 am :30 am :50 am TO am :10 am :8f> am :4f> am 45 am A0 am Oft am :15 am ;40 pm 40 pm :30 pm 55 pm 00 pm AO pm ■oo pm :30 pm t 00 pm t 10 pm t: 15 pm 1:35 pm • :55 pm • 15 pm • 20 pm :80 pm No. Depart To— no New York 20 Columbus 35 B’ham . .. 1 Chicago .. 12 Rl'-hmond 23 Kan. City 7 Cliatta’ga 32 Ft Valley 16 Macon ... 1st 38 New York. 11 f. Jack’vlUe ...11 29 B’ham 11 2d 38 New York . 12 40 Charlotte . “ 30 ^olurabus . 30 New York 15 Chatta'ga 39 B’ham .... 18 Toccoa .... 22 Columbus . 5 Clndn’tl . 28 Ft. Valley 10 Macon .... 25 Heflin .... 13 Clncin’ti .. 44 Wash'ton . 2 Jaek’Yllle . 24 .Tack’rllle 11 Sh’report . 14 Jaek’Yllle - :15 am :20 am :50 am :20 am :55 am :00 am :10 am : 15 am 45 am :00 am :10 am :30 am : or. nm !:15 pm ! 30 pm : -45 pm ; oo pm :19 pm :45 pm TO pm TO rm 20 pm :30 pm •45 pm 20 pm ; -.45 pm :05 pm :S# pm TO pm :40 pm All trains run dally. Central time, ri'v Tirket OfCire. No. 1 Peachtree St. HOTELS. EAL HOTEL. CENTER of city; rates reasonable; con venient to Union Station. 42 to 52 ir St. At’anta phone 2615. TAXICABS. taxicabs, Belie isle IVY 5190, ATLANTA 1598. LEGAL NOTICES^ RECEIVER’S SALE. The undersigned will sell at Bain- hridge, <Ia., on December 31, 1913, the ?.iw-mill property of Decatur Ginning & Milling Co., consisting of one 30 H. P. holler, one 25 H. P. Frick engine, one Frick saw-mill outfit complete with all I illeys, belting and shafting, together Yith 14 head of mules, 14 sets of har ness 2 log carts. 2 log drays. 2 lumber wagons and leases on approximately i three million feet of timber. Mill and property located near Elderendo. Ga., sold under order of the Superior Court. For further particulars write J. W. WHITE, Receiver, _ Balnbridge. Ga. CHURCH NOTICES. „ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. first CHURCH OF CHRIST, Scientist, Cable Hall, North Broad street. Serv- ,ce 3 Sunday, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, ‘•W a m.; Wednesday evening, testi monial meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading rooing at 613 the Grand, open daily, ex- £ e Pt Sundays and legal holidays, from a m. to 5 p. in., free to the public. METHODIST. s MARK M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH— .,‘ ,r Thornwell Jacobs will preach at - a. m.; no services at night; Sunday ® Cno °l. 9:45; prayer meeting, Wednes- evening, 7:45. J-OST AND FOUND. TSIPSewa r D^oR^NixTiuT^riu eifT " 1 . 1>ay lhe a kove for information that will lead to arrest of negro who went by name of John Henry Robinson here He is about 30 years old,,welgh3 around 130 pounds, black with sickly pallor, had clean shaven head month ®,S°; Works as cook and house servant. Claimed Aflgusta, Columbus, Bainbridge all as his home. Wanted for stealing horse November 25. Notify Sheriff of Duval County, Florida, or undersigned, J, A Hollomon, Jacksonville. Fla. kOST—One pair gold lorgnettes. Jacobs’ \> hitehall store or Broad street via duct, Thursday afternoon. M. 1384, At- lanta 1773. R e w a r«i 1A»ST—A box of pictures shipped from Spartanburg to J. W. Sims, 431 Green wood avenue, Atlanta; three portraits, four landscapes, one an old man sitting by table. Miss Sims, Lakewood Heights, Atlanta. R. F. D. No. 2. Reward LOST—BUI purse containing bills arid small change; one bill marked with pen_ and ink; liberal reward. Ivy 2455-L, LOST—One-karat diamond ring in lav atory tenth floor Atlanta National Bank Building. Return same to Thomas H. Goodwin and receive reward. 1022 Atlanta National Bank Bldg LOST—Keys on steel ring. Please phone Ivy 1714 or M. 4739-J. LOST—In College Park, a ladles 1 heavy corded navy blue skirt. Notify Mrs L. F. Busha. Reward. Phone East Point 469-L. LOST—Scarf pin in shape of “question mark;’’ diamond studoed. Reward if returned to H. L. Stearns, 745 Peachtree St. Phone 6ft Ivy, IX>ST—On South Side, probably on Pulliam street, Wednesday evening, a pin set with twenty-nine pearls. Re- ward Call Ivy 3127-J. LOST—Monday afternoon, one dark Llewellyn setter, with black head; £5 reward if returned at once to J. B. Bowen, 117 S. Forsyth St. DANCING. DANCING SCHOOL—Latest steps; pri vate instructions. Ivy 6067-J. 43 West Peachtree street. MATRIMONIAL. BACHELOR, 46, American. Florida homesteader, seeks acquaintance of American lady with view to matrimony. Must be of suitable age. Native of Georgia or Florida pref<" r ed. Honorable one, care Georgian. MARRY—Ge*t your ideal’s address Plan sealed, 10c. B, Social League, Toledo, H, Cleveland, < >hio. STOCKMAN, 42, worth $30,000. would marry. J., Box 35. League, Toledo, Ohjo. MARRY—Hundreds wealthy members will marry soon. Descriptions free. Grace Hyde, S-506. San Francisco, Cal. MARRY—Many wealthy people seeking marriage. Photos and descriptions free Mission Unity B-639, San Francisco, Cal. MARRY—Thousands,’ wea'thy will marry soon; all ages, nationalities and reli gions; descriptions free. Write at once. Western Club, Dept. 66. 268 Market, San Francisco, Cal. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED- A reliable colored chauffeur. The place is an exceptionally good one for the right kind of man. Apply 1210 Candler Building. _H E L ^ W A N ^E D--FE M A L^E^__ MUX^SfrtfJS^’ExpeHenced^^^ keeper, able to taka off trial balance, be thoroughly conversant with office work and take dictation rapidly-and ac curately; state reference and salary <ie- sired. Address P. 1> Box 998, Atlanta, Ga. Learn Millinery. Pays $60 to $100 a month. Free scholarship now Ideal School of Mil linery._100 1-2 Whitehall St., cor Mitchell. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN l FIFTY ladies wanted for light machine work. Write 1). C. Collier, manager Collier Manufacturing Company, Barnesville. Ga. WANTED- Experienced bindery girls. Atlanta Envelope Co., 162-164-166 Ma rietta St. WAITED GOOD, HONEST ' GTHUS. MAKE $15 PER WEEK, SPARE TIME, ADDRESSING ENVELOPES AT HOME; SAMPLE INSTRUCTIONS, ETC.; 10c (COIN OR STAMPS). MUL- HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE. and womerP uTTopy and write letters, postals and address envelopes. All or Rpare time. $15 to $50 weekly. Send stamped, addressed en- 1 velopo for particulars to Box 662, *Ma- c °fi.„Oa WANTED—Men and women to copy and write letters, postals, and address envelopes. All or spare time, $15 to $50 weekly. Send stamped, addressed en velope for particulars to Box 662, Ma con, Ga. Ci 1RLS WANTED—Hustlers; boys and girls to sell twelve packs of Christmas cards 10c each Splendid premiums or cash commission. Write to-day. H. A. Puckett, Box 437, Atlanta. DEPT. MARRY—Many rich, congenial and anxious for companions; interesting Particulars and photos free. The Mes senger. .Jacksonville. Fla. LEN S MAGAZINE AGENCY, 57, BUFFALO, N 1 _Y. WANTED—Cook and housework In apartment; references required. Ap ply 771 Piedmont avenue mailing circulars is light, plsfusant work for spare time, no experience or canvassing Send name. Begin mak ing money at once. Raymond, 99 Rox- bury Crossing. Boston, Mass, WANTED—Ladies, sewing at home. Material furnished. No canvassing, steady work, stamped envelope for par ticulars. Calumet Supply Co., Dept. P-79, Milwaukee, Wis LADIES To make shields at home. $20.00 per 100. Ordinary plain sewing. Can make lour an hour. Material fur nished. Work sent prepaid. Send stamped addressed envelope for particu lars. Paragon Supply Co., Z, 334 Myrtle avenue. Kansas City, Mo. WANTED -Lady traveler, for 1914. beginner; salary, commission and ex pense money. Libera] offer and agree ment. Me Brady &_Co., Chicago. LADIES also men. address envelopes, mail circulars at home, $10-$40 weekly. Spare or whole time. Full particulars 13c stamps. Commercial Co., 808 B 69, Bldg., ('hioago LADIES make shields at home. TlO ner 100. Work sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars for stamped ad dressed envelope. Eureka Co., Dept. 107-1’, Kalamazoo. Mich. $1 I’l'R I'i'ZUN can be earned at home embroidering one corner ladies' hand kerchiefs. Any quantity. Plain, spare time work. Trial lot stamped handker-' chiefs and instructions, 20c. Sent any distance, prepaid. Arabian Supply Co., Dept. 44. Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED At once, first-class ~cooiT Must be clean and neat. Comfortable room. $4.00 a week. Cafl Bell phone 237, East Point. WANTED At once, colored girl. Apply 198_Luckie COLORED WOMEN agents for wonder working Palmer’s Skin Whitener. Start own business. 100 per cent profit. >1.50 outfit free to responsible agents. Write to-day, giving references, Jacobs' Pharmacy. Atlanta. Ga. 1-26-3 LADIES TO SEW at home for a large Philadelphia firm; good money; steady work; no canvassing; send stamped en velope for prices paid. Universal Co., Deptx 68, Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. A manufacturers oversiocK. zb ny a, 30 by 3, $8.20; 30 by 3%, $10.50; 3%. $11.25; 33 by 4, $14.50; 34 $16. All other sizes. C. O. D. EDUCATIONAL. pX^EnTs^mT^Ttw^ ed in” placing your first grade pupils, also 4 and 5 year old children, with an educator having years of experience with little WANTED Lady stenographer- state children, please phone Ivy 6970-J. A | experience and salary expected. Ad- college graduate with kindergarten j dress Box 603, care Georgian. training. Certificates from Columbia WANTED- Energetic lady canvasser University. University of Tennessee and for qulck seller. Good proposition, but other normal schools. Best references must willing to travel; salary and from patrons and boards of education commission. Address C. D. Harrison, JA East Merritts avenue. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED—$100 weekly profit in spare time at home; mail order business. Don’t worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Nebr. WANTED—‘Men with rigs to Introduce and se l 95 extracts, spices, medicines, etc.; big money. Wilson made $90 weekly. We mean business. Bbx 516, Dept. 53, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. WANTED Good man cook. Apply 85 E. Hunter St. l Intel, (Jpelika, Ala. WANTED An experienced rlerk famil iar with mail order trade; must be familiar with dry goods; prefer a wom an 30 or 35 years of age. Apply in writing of applicant. Address Jackson, P. O. Box 645 , WANTED—Two young ladies for il lusion show. Apply 70 Whitehall, urn i uk SEX. earn splendid income at home during psare time; send 10c for names of 40 reliable firms supplylni home work. Dee Pub. Co., Desk Hodges Bldg., Detroit, Mich, WANTUI 1 Girls to take course in Miss Sparkman’s Improved Millinery School. Free scholarship offer. All mll- llnerv work done free. 94^ Whitehall. WANTED Quick, ten chorus girls, ex perienced and inexperienced, for mu sical comedy; also good responsible peo ple in all lines. T. J. Murray, 88 Wood- Atlanta. Ga. r 'if, WANTED—Men to learn barber trade. Barbers always in demand. Big wages. Easy work. Few weeks completes by our method. F.arn while learning. Tools furnished. Illustrated catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 38 Buckie street. WANTED—Sober white man with fam ily wants a share cropper’s place, or | Ward avenu can take position as overseer on a ten WANTED Experienced "operator, on horse farm or overste a small dairy m machines: light work; good Write quick, M. (.. Edge. f.ray^Ga. i pay ^ pply ,, eter H m C o , top fi 00r WANTED—Experienced felling machine Commerce Hall Bldg., corner Pryor and operators; light work; good pay. Ap- j Edgcwood. ply Peter Hill Company, top floor Com merce Hall Building, North Pryor and Ed ge w ood a venue. W A NTED -Young women ana girls. Je- siring attractive positions. Welfare of ______—operators and clerks closely supervised WANTED—P.e detectives; big pay, easy i by the company; their conduct on the work; travel; wonderful opportunities. premises carefully guarded by matron, experience unnecessary : women supervisors and chief operator. Secret Service, Dept. 16, Wheeling, W. who bave complete control over the re- Va. J tiring and operating rooms. Short train ing course for those inexperienced; sal _ FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ^pratlingIsdyeing T. NINO BLACK IN ONE DAY'S rv', TI . CE - USS paid one way on all out- . ' *vn orders amounting to $1 00 \NT.\ STEAM DYE AND CLEAN- Al ‘ W’ORKS, 53 Auburn avenue, Ivy —Atlanta 954. LOST AND FOUND. * Mo/iday afternoon In Rhodes .. jK small silver mesh bag, contain- u *■ , Js and change; engraved “Nell T' , 1909.” Finder may keep money i‘‘J . no fiuestlons will he asked if purse L returned to 601 Rhode* Bldg. -Between Lowry National Bank • Forsyth and Marietta streets, a (, , ^ a Se about 15 inches long, wrapped _ ' "ivy paper; blank book with name n therein, checked with blue pen- a ,, ;a list of names also on pack- ' edger, balance paper. Finder {"V .'* a ve at Georgia Cotton Oil Office, mplre Bldg., and receive reward. Bin Friday night. between Druid . and the Grand or at the Grand, L- T.'r ne 8hoe buckle with pin fasten- * Please call Ivy 3302. Reward. GOVERNMENT railway mail clerk customs-internal revenue “exams” everywhere ’soon. Get prepared by former U. S. Civil Service secretary- examiner. Free booklet. A 49. W’rite now, to-day. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT examinations thorough preparation, $5. Returned If not ap pointed. Particulars free American Civil Service School, Washington, i>. C. AMBITIOUS PERSON may earn $15 to $25 weekly during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. Send for particulars. Press Bureau, M-24, Wash- ington. D. O. I WILL START you earning $4 daily at home in spare time Bilvering mirrors; no capital; free instructive booklet, giv ing plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 85, Boston, Mm, WANTED—All-around machine man to work in a woodworking plant; none but first-class help need apply; good wages and steady work. Southern Up holstering Co., corner Jefferson and Echo Sts. WANTED—Agents to sell health ami ac cident insurance in every county in State Contract to yield $24 to $*8 a week. Box 750, Atlanta. WANTED—A man to fire furnace dur- ing the Christmas holidays. Apply 31 West North avenue. WANT !• J > Boy about 16 to 18 > • ■ assist in laboratory work; good chance for advancement. Apply in person Lab oratory. Southern Cotton Oil Co., »*ort McPherson, Ga. WANTED—Experienced Janitor for small building. Reference required. P. O. Box 1720. C. M. W. . WE WANT a few bright young men f<>/ a very profitable sales proposition, who desire the benefit of scientific training in salesmanship; unlimited opportunity. Call between 10 and 12 a. m., 531 Can- d 1 er Bldg. T?QhavP A t Mol er Barber Co 1 - Tree ona\e Iege 38 Luck i e st. 1TT . n We do* good work. *nd I lair Out Give us a “trial WANTED—Men, 18 to 35, wishing to be railway mail clerks *75 month. An- ply for Information L M. N Box 10, care Georg' a tv YES—We teach the barber trade and give position in our chain of shops at good wages, for $30. Atlanta Barber Col lege. 10 E Mitchell itreet Atlanta. Qa. MEN TIT to 35, become government rail way mail clerks Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 48-H. Rochester. N Y. FARMER WANTED Young man or small family, to cultivate crop on -hares Everything furnished Mne iand. G. W. Hutchison, Ebony. Texas. ary paid while learning Salary in creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient. increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate advancement to $75 per month. Refer ences proving the standing of the appli cant essential. Those having educa tional advantages preferred Lunch room, and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Carnegie Library books for the convenience of the operators. Matron and trained nurse in attendance. Apply 8:30 to 5, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 25 Auburn avenue. GOVERNMENT positions open to worn en $75 month. Write immediately for free list Franklin Institute. Deyt. 602-H. Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE. WANTUD^ferso^^ copy letters. $10 to $25 a week readily made by following our practical direc tions Send self-addressed envelope for particulars. Brooks Copying Company, 5*24 Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, D. C. WILL PAY reliable man or woman $12 60 to distribute 100 FREE pack ages Perfumed Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required. I). D. Ward Company, 216 Institute place. Chicago. » EITHER SEX- $15 weekly spare time addressing envelopes for us; instruc tions for 10c. J. Olfert, Dept. D, Nume- dahl, X. Dak. WANTED Either sex; $6 ana up week- time addressing, mailing, etc ; no canvassing; send 4c for par ticulars Venn Co., 1111 Alice St., Oak land . ('al . . AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. 49c club out by strongest company; only 19c; send references for supplies, P. <>. Box 410, Atlanta, Gh CIGAR SALESMEN wanted t * > carry line of cigars on the road. Salary $100 per month and expenses. Experience not necessary. Continental Cl^sr Com- pany, Wichita, Kans. IF WE HAD your address we’d een4 free p«mple and show you how to make $25—not one week, hut weekly. G. Mfg. Co., Warren street, New York. Suite 257. AGENTS—Salary or commission. Great est seller yet. Every user pen and ink buys on sight. 200 to 500 per j cent profit. One agent's sales $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Manufacturing Company, X-142. LaCrosse, Wis WANTED-Agents make 5^0 per cent profit selling “Novelty Sign Cards.” Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 800 varieties. Catalog free. Sullivan Com pany, 1234 VanBuren street, Chicago, Ill. AUTOMOBILES—Fine guaranteed tires at cut prices. Fully guaranteed high quality, brand-new, standard styles of tires at bargain prices to clear out manufacturers’ overstock. 28 by 3, $7.50; “ 32 by by 4, on 20 per cent deposit. Shipment prepaid if full amount accompanies order. Tiro Factories Sales Company. Dayton, Ohio. WANTED—Salesmen; commission prop osition especially strong in dull pe riod following holidays, appeals grocery and other retail trade, no samples. Send references and 4c postage. W. E. Beard Co., Sta. A, Ch&ttanooga, Tenn. WANTED—Agents; great money mak ing opportunity; men and women; get subscriptions for latest popular music; new’ plan; no work. Write for wonder ful offer. Standard Popular Music Pub lishers, 105 W. Madison St., Chicago. NEW specialty; big thing for retailers and salesmen; experience not neces sary; give age and present business. Big Specialty. Iowa City, |owg WANTED—Salesmen, something new for advertising novelty and calendar men; side line or exclusive; twenty new novelties for 1914. E. H. Downs, Sales Mgr., Box 13, Lyons, Iowa WANTED—Salesman for general mer cantile trade. Vacancy January 1. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Com mission contract. $35.00 weekly for ex penses. Continental Jewelry Co., 347-51 Continental Building, Cleveland, Ohio. TAILOR AGENTS—Get our spring and summer line 160 wonderful patterns to sell at $16.00. Suits to measure. AgentB wanted everywhere. Leeds Woolen Mills, Chicago. DO YOU WANT $10 a day, side or main line, retail, premium and punch board deals? Ten propositions. American Factories Company, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS—Big profits. Exclusive terri tory' Wonderful automatic gaso line table lamp. 300 candlepower; one- third of a cent per hour. Absolutely the best seller on the market. Send for free sample proposition. National Stamping Works, 420 Clinton, Chic ago. WANTED—Agents. You have been looking for something to sell to col ored people. We have it! “Negro An gels Entering Heaven.” Home Supply Company, Jackson. Miss. VACUUM CLEANER A G ENTS—Here it is,' absolutely new design in wheel- operated powerful bellows vacuum cleaner; new visible nozzle; exclusive appearance; sells quick at $7.50. Write for particulars about money-back guar antee now. Doty Company, Dayton, Ohio. A(jENTS—Snappiest household line on earth; red hot sellers; steady repeat ers. More than 150 different articles. Goods guaranteed. 100 per cent profit. Write quick. Hurry. E M. Feltman, sales manager. 8081 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. EARN gnod~pay copying addresses Par ticulars six stamps. Hlnchey, 345, Mlddleport, N. Y. 31-25-5 A 25-CENT WINNER. AGENTS, canvassers, salesmen, great success first day out; men coining money selling our Self-Lighting Gas Burner and Automatic Stove ,and Mantle Lighter. They sell on sight. Send 20c for sample. State rights and exclusive territory given. Guaranteed Manufac turing Company, 1777 Broadway, New York. lfcCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTE! > —No canvassing or soliciting required; good income assured. Address National Co-Operative Realty Co., V-949 Mardcn Building, Washington. P C. j WANTED—Salesmen to sell our line of polishes to the grocery trade. Send stamp for particulars. Heroux Mfg. Co. 199 Short St., Attleboro, Mass 6-1-3 WANTED—Salesmen, $75 per month and all expenses to begin, experience not absolutely necessary; take orders from dealers for cigarettes, cigars, smoking and chewing tobaccos. Penn Tobacco Co., Station O, New York, N. Y. THE SANI-MASSEUR. COMPETENT lady agents wanted; good S roflt to good salesmen. 68^ White- 1 street. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. traClAL RATES for alto*, tion Wanted ads; 3 lines 1 time, 10c; 3 t imes, 10c; 7 times, i$c. W,\\ff:i> By young man. 25, welt known ami acquainted in Southern States, position as traveling representa tive January 1; position must Ue perma nent and offer future to one worthy and who can furnish reliable references as tc* ability, etc.; now employed, but leav ing account of a future; a talk will con vince. J. C. W.. Box 60, care Georgian. WANTED Young man, 20, desires steno-clerieal position; have had ex perience bookkeeping; good character; references. X. Y. Z., Box 34, care Geor gian. WANTED Colored man wishes employ ment on farm; work of chores. Ad dress W. P. R.. 2 Me Cruder St., At lanta, (la. _ C6m PET ENT detective, well recom mended, wants position In store or hotel for holidays. J. V. P., Atlanta phone 5701-M. ______ WANTED A position by a young man of good habits. Can furnish the best of references. Not afraid of work or long hours. Fair education. Would start very cheap where there is a chance for advancement. Can invest some money where necessary. Address R. O. Carlisle, Union Springs, Ala. WANTED Young man, A-l experienced sign painter and show card writer, wants position as assistant window trimmer and show card writer or help er. Apply S. 8. Friedman, 139 Peters SU MUST HAVl work; white man. 38, married; well educated, as collector or wagon driver, or any kind of work. B. B. B., care Georgian W \\TUD—Young man wants position, preferably as salesman; some experi ence; will accept any honorable posi tion with future; guaranteed reference. Address Box 62. Lllburn, Ga. WANTED—Position as hoTel clerk by young man. 30 years oW; four years' experience with first-class hotel. Ad dress H. J., P. O. Box 32, McDonough, Ga. • WANTED Position as superintendent of fertilizer plant; fully conversant with every branch of the business; best references. Address M. I. M., Box 7, car ®_^' e<> r?l*: n :: WANTED Position by experienced of fice man with two years’ experience in law office handling collections. A-l ref erences. Address R., Box B., Colquitt, Ga. EX I’F.RT WINDOW" DRESSER DESIRKS work at nights. C. C. W. Ivy fi77 SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE. XnBfOTTAGErr couple, competent and experienced, would like to manage small hotel or work as clerk and house keeper. Couple, 81 South Pryor street, Atlanta. ROOMS AND BOARD. without board. Apply 224 South Pryor street. BOARDERS -Beautifully furnished; all modern conveniences, good home cooking, ivy 8086. 18 Currier A U.vDY of refinement, agreeable and intelligent, would like to get room and board for companionship; would assist with light housework. Address 631 Thomas St., Athens, Ga. WANTED Boarders for nice rooms, hot and cold water. 102 Capitol avenue. 8ELECT boarding at m s Pryor; steam heat; under new management; cloag in. > l’ONCE DE LEON 1 AVE , coupT# of young men; select, ivy 719-.1 COUf*LE wtinted in private W Peach tree home; steam heat; every conve nience; prjvatc bath Phone Ivy 715. YOtjNG MEN Dm you warn good, homelike board? If so, see 116 South Pryor St. COMFORTABLE room, with or without meals; rates very reasonable Atlanta phone 698. Mrs. Thomas, 81 Whltefoord avenue. BOARDING—Five minutes' walk from SoOthern Shops. Quiet; homelike. 43 Doans St. ROOMS AND BOARD. wlfh' b.iardf '"M J Peachtree street. Ivy 27T4-J. NICE ibH.M adjoining bath, to two young inen; breakfast and supper if d< lied; walking distance Main 3688. _ BEST table board obtainable; rates rea sonable. 84 W. Peachtree. Ivy 7635-J BEA1 TIFULLY furnished rooms with select board at $4.50 a week. 123 Cap itol Ave. TilK BOARDING! AND ROOMING HOUSE BUREAU OF INFORMA TION. INFORMATION FREE. Ivy 8424. Atlanta 293. j 259 Candler Annex. WHEN in need of boarding place, fur nished or unfurnished rooms or fur nished apartments, see us. as we have listed at our office the best places on all streets in the city. WE are the people who give results. Try us. 104 N. PRYOR STREET. No offices Elsewhere WANTED, EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED HELP IN BAG FACTORY. Good Wages. Fulton Bag & CoOon Mills, Atlanta, Ga. VVE HAVE openings for ten lot sales men to sell Improved lots in Druid Hills and Peachtree section, on easy terms. A hustler can earr from $26? per month upward. Address “Lot Sales- min.” Box 13, care GeoTglan A few first-class salesmen for a first- class real estate specialty Apply 10 to 12 forenoon. Candler Bldg. AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell “Golden Rule” Soap and “Golden Rule" Salve; good goods; big profits, only one agent in community. Address Edwin K. Krebs. Box 75. Seitzland, Pa. 100 NEW AGENTS Gold watches free; sell Dr. Doran’s Queen Root Cordial; free sewing machine samples free Doran Drug Co., Paducah, Ky. AGENTS WANTED to sell what every automobile owner wants. Tire prob lem solved. Easy in application, but marvelously effective. No competition Entirely new Large profits. Write, g**t full information, select territory. Em ploy sub-agents and reap first fruits H. Oberly, 132 S. Elliott Place. Brooklyn, N. Y. PICTURE PLAYS. ^TtPrir^ioVl nTT^TctuK^Tl aYk ~ YOU can 'earn with our Instructions. Write for particulars. Al Bartlett Film Com pany. Rhodes Bu ildlng. WRITE MOTION fi-7' ur - aay our instructions, $1 postpaid. National Studio, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED-Position as draughtsman or foreman with up-to-date mill manu factory; all kinds of mill work; 38 years old; unsurpassed system for handling large and complicated Jobs; 11 years with last employer; A-l references Ad- dress B. C„ Box 110, care Georgian. WANTED—Situation as clerk III some I business where there is good chance j of advancement by young man, 21 years | of age. Can give good references. Ad- dreaa h C k , 52 Simpion street. SITUATION WANTED by engineer; competent to take full charge of ho tel or • office building; best of refer ences. Address W. 8., Box 444, care Georgian. WANTED—Young man, 24. would like I temporary employment for two weeks or more; good salesman, but clerical j work preferred. J. C. W., Box 681, care an. WANTED—Position by reliable colored man, chauffeur, ri once; willing to assist with .housework and live on place. Call Overland Southern Automobile Company, Ivy 1477, ask for Henry Faun. CTVIL ENGINEER, g 1 draughtsman. surveyor and mathematician, desires position in architect's or engineer’s of fice for the winter. Highest references. Thorough training Married. Address J I, B , Box 608, care Georgian WANTED Position as hardware sales man; have had 14 years’ experience both in the house and on the road. J. E. Cook, 15 Dunn St. WANTED—Position By reliable man 40 years old; anything that is honorable; night or day; watching preferred or e'erk in grocery store; ten years’ expe rience; best of references. Phone Main 118-J. WANTED—Competent colored man wants position as butler or general houseman in private family; can fur nish best of references. R. T., 10 Old Wheat 3t^ WANTED—Position by first-class salesman, married, of finest ability; twenty years' road experience, with several years behind the counter; de sire to make change by January 10 and locate in Atlanta. What have you to offer? Address McPherson, No. 5711 Twenty-ninth street, Omaha, Nebr. YOUNG man holding responsible clerical position .with large corporation is desirous of mak ing change January 1. Good rea sons for leaving. Best references given as to character, honesty, ability and reliability. Address C. P., Box 175, care Georgian. I AM an experienced salesman and will be open for position January 1. What can you offer? Claud R. Holloway, Clem, ‘ '.a .SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE SPECIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ads: 3 lines 1 time. 10c; 8 times. 20c; 7 time*. 40c. OPERATOR of three years' experience desires private switchboard in busi ness bourn or hotel. For information call Ivy 6706 j ED Position by experienced stenographer, best of references. Call M. 3532-L. WANTED—By colored girl, plain sew ing by the day; 76c and carfare. Call or write Willie, 39 Maple street, Atlanta. PRIVATE BRANCH operator desires position at once. Can do office work if necessary. Ivy_2782 L \Y.\ NT El» Experienced stenographer desires permanent position with good reliable firm; salary no object. Call West 1313. LADY frapher, long experience, must have work whole or part of time. Would write for two parties. Most reasonable salary. Steno.. 127 Ivy street. Phone 42R0 Ivy. A RELIABLE colored girl want* work as maid or will cook for small family. J am trusty and honest. Call from 4 I>. m to 7 a. m Phone Ivy 2883-L. EXTRA WORK, after t p. m., by ex- perienoed stenographer, copying reg ular correspondence. Will call for and deliver if preferred. A.. Box 99, care Georgian. PRIVATE BRANCH operator desires position at once. Can do office work Ivy 2782 E. EXPERIENCED sick nurse; maternity a specialty. Highly indorsed by lead ing Atlanta physicians. Dates booked In advance. West 1054 or Ivy_7304-J. NICE, neat, intelligent colored girl wuints position as office maid. Write Maid, care Georgian. TEACHERS WANTED. SPECIALENkTh^LM ENT Many open ings. Foster's Teachers' Agency. 616 Third National Bank Building, Atlanta, G a. LOOK—You have* read tnls, if you want anything, others will read your ad if It’s In the Want Ad section. DRESSMAKING — DRESSMAKERS CXrfifESF TA1 uTTrs^T^and dressmak ing. Finest work. Reasonable. 138 Forrest avenue. Ivy 6181. DRESSMAKING of all kinds, evening dresses and trousseaus a specialty. Miss Camp. 77*^ Whitehall Rt. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. r [ ROTJI jA R-L ETTERS rew PROCESS. MISS HATTIE FLEXNER, 419 Empire Bldg, fry 8178. HUNT FOR ROOMS IN OUR MOTOR CAR WHOEVER needs rooms, furnished or unfurnished; houses or apartments, tome to us and take your pick of the best living quarters in Atlanta. THE city’s best, hoarding houses list their accommo dations with us, and we sup ply them with first-class, highly desirable guests. YOU are guaranteed pleas ant surroundings among congenial, refined people if you rent a house, apartment, room or engago hoard through our service. WE FURNISH motor cars to people seeking living accommodations. This au tomobile service is absolute ly free of charge. We take you to see more places in an hour than you oould find alone in a week. After see ing the city’s offerings you take your pick and be well located for the winter. ALL information in our pos session is at your com mand for the asking. No charge to you for our help in locating you pleasantly. PEOPLE having rooms to rent CRn list them with us for $1.00 per month. For further information, call us on the phone and our repre sentative will be glad to ex plain things to you. THE ROOM RENTING AND BOARDING HOUSE AGENCY Bell Phone Main 1080; Atlanta 272. 4 North Pryor Street. Mr. D’Hollosy, Manager. A LARGE front room, nil convenlencen; for young men. with board. 23 For- wit avenue. Ivy 6257. ONE nicely furnished room; good board; all conveniences. 160 Courtland. Mrs. D. P. Moore. 53 W. BAKER. FTRBT-CLASR TABLE delightful rooms; steam heat. Ivy 7689-J NICELY furnished roornu best table board; all modern conveniences; easy walking distance. 121 Capitol Square. Main 1839 .1 BEST TABLE BOARD obtainable; rates reasonable. 84 West Peachtree. Ivy 7635-J. TWO ROOMS, suitable for four gentle men, with board; private Peachtree home Ivy 1779-J TWO nice rooms with board for gen tlemen or couple; close in. Ivy 7635-J. 4 W. PEACHTREE. NICELY furnished front room; excel lent table board; furnace heat. Mrs. Sullivan. Call Ivy 6T96-J BEST MSALS IN TOWN $3 WEEK: ROOM AND MEALS, $4 197 SOUTH PRYOR. CALL MAIN 6048. OARAGE FOR SALE. R< >• >M, with or without board, In North Side private home; desirable. Ivy 4574-J. Il'.IVATE ‘ BOARD--Steam heat; all conveniences, old-fashioned Southern cooking 354 Euclid avenue. Inman Park. Phone Ivy 6421-J. m: iesb. atl 272. lUOK IF you need furnished or unfurnished rooms, flats or apartments, call THE ROOM RENTING AND BOARD ING HOUSE AGENCY Information free. 4 North ITyor St., MR. D’HOLLOSY, Mgr. Free automo bile. trip to see rooms. NICELY furnished room with board, in private home, for two young men. Ten minutes' walk of Candler Building. Call Ivy 1132. BOARD AND ROOM for one or two young men In North Side private home; steam heat; also room with sleep ing porch attached for two young la- dlei, Ivv 7818-.! NICE room and h'>nrd, S3 Garnett street. Bell phone Main 1588-J NICELY furnished rooms, best table hoard, all modern conveniences, easy walking distance. 121 Capitol Square. Main 4839-L. PEACHTREE INN TRANSIENT and family hotel; home cooking; 160 rooms, with or without private baths. Public baths on all floore. Both phones. ARE YOU LOOKING for a good post tion? A little “Want Ad” will find It for you. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ONK nicely furnished front room; all conv< nlencei Mein 2302-J, itf:nROOM, dining room, kitchen, fur nished for light housekeeping; $16. 357 Capitol avenue. NICELY furnished large room. All oon- venieneos. Private family. 129 East Pine. FURNISHED rooms, close in, homelike, reasonable. Phone Ivy 7561. i FOR RENT—One nice large furnished j room, steam heated, private bath. 485 I Peachtree street. BEAUTIFUL steam-heated housekeep ing apartment. Also lovely furnished rooms. Oglethorpe Apartments. Ivy 8335- L. FOR RENT One nicely furnished steam-heated room, North Side; gen tlemen; walking distance; very reason- abli phone I\ j 7991-J. Fi Hi RENT eeplng rooms un<l rooms for gentlemen; all conven iences; private homo; five minutes from Five Points. 110 Luckie street. Classified Adver tising Rates: t inset tion 10c a line S insertions 6c a line 7 insertions 5c a line 80 insertions 4^o a line 90 insertions 4c a line No advertisements taken for less than the cost of two lines. Six words makes a line. TELEPHONE MAIN 100 ATLANTA IMOl Classified Adver tisers May telephone their ,r Want Ads.’ The Georgian will not be responsible for more than one In correct Insertion of any advertise ment ordered for more than on# time. The Georgian reserves the right to correctly classify all Want Ads. The Georgian can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors of any kind occurring la telephoned advertisement#. The Georgian will not accept phone or verbal orders to discon tinue or change (T F.) “TUI For bid” advertisements. Advertiser should retain receipts given by The Georgian in payment of Want Ada. as no mistake can be recti fied without them. Read for Profit Use for Results Hearst’s Sunday American and ADS” FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR furnished rooms and fight housed keeping apartments—everything neat ly furnished see |6 Garnett street. ARE YOU LOOKING for a good posi tion’ A little “Want Ad” will find it for you. TWO nice large furnished rooms for rent to gentlemen only; all modern conveniences Call Ivy 5043-L. NICELY furnished, large room, con necting with bath; electric lights; pri vate entrance; walking distance; young men or business women. 345 Peachtree Rt._ LARGE, nicely furnished front room for couple or young men either. Nice boarding houses nearby. For all Infor mation coll Ivy 2998. FOR RENT—Lovely furnished room in private family; North Side; furnace heat; all modern conveniences; suitable for couple; board if desired. Phone Ivy 6693-J. hOR RENT Two nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms wfth kitchenette, private bath and hall, hot and cold water. Ivy 6506-J. THREE elegant furnished rooms for light housekeeping; no objection to children. Phone M. 259-J. 407 Fraser street. LARGE, bright, lightly furnished front room; steam heat; private family; North Side; gentlemen. Phone Ivy 3570-J. _ 500 PEAUHTREE STREET ONE large room; private bath; one small room; steam heat, etc; very ac cessible to meals; reasonable. Ivy 7592 J. THREE K<»' '.ms, furnished complete for light housekeeping; electric lights, gas. hot and cold water, sink and all modern conveniences; Ideal location; North Side. Phone Ivy 1744-L. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two or three connecting unfurnished rooms; newly papered; sink in kitchen; close in. Call Main 3309 1 _ • FOR RENT—Three unfurnished, con necting rooms and kitchenette; all modern conveniences. Call Main 5023-J or Atlanta 1336. WANTED Business women or couple; two bright rooms; bath, kitchenette; $12. Ivy 7491-J. BEAUTIFUL housekeeping rooms; everything furnished; all conve niences; also two bedrooms; use of phone. Ivy 6705. FOR KENT—Two unfurnished rooms, first floor. Private entrance. 282 Cen tral avenue. FOR RENT--Three nice, sunny house keeping rooms, unfurnished. 62 White hall terrace. NICELY furnished rooms for two young men or couple, near transportation. Ajpgly at 84 West Peachtree St. Ivy OnE nicely furniahea, steam-heated front room; all conveniences. Apply 445 Peachtree st. FOR REN¥ I'lirr :rooms for light housekeeping. 232 Central avenue. BEDROOM, dining room and kitchen ette with porch; fuel supplied. Apply 11 Baltimore place or phone Ivy 7388-J FURNISHED rooms for light house- | keeping 31 East Fair St. Atlanta phone 2388. FOR RENT Two large connecting rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing, close in Reasonable Main io."8. FOR hunt tum rooms and hall. Mod. ern conveniences, private entrance. Apply 63 Windsor street. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. ROOMS FOR RENT. WANTED—Three rooms, furnished or unfurnished. North Sloe, suitable for housekeeping, by young married couple. Occupancy January 10. Walking dis tance preferred. Write or call W. C. King, 501 Empire Life Building. fW5 attractive rooms in modem bun galow; fight housekeeping or board. West 1325-J. * 'l.« *se IN furnished rooms; conve nient for working people. 42 Auburn avenue. FURNISHED APARTS FOR RENT. I^ARG^r^fronT^roomT^TrTnity^^artnient 4. Main 1218-L. THREE furnished rooms, including kitchen, furnished complete; North Side; reasonable P O Box 342. heated furnished room, con necting bath; suitable for two gentle men; private family. Apartment A, 113 W. Peachtree. Ivy 7991-J.■ WITH couple only, two connecting fur nished housekeeping rooms; $4 weekly. Opposite Lyric Theater. Apply 37 Car negie way. . BEST ROOMS, best location In clty, also housekeeping 76 Walton. En trance corner Spring. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. IN HOME with owner, entire upstairs; four large rooms, hall and bath; pri vate porch. 612 Capitol avenue. Main 5371-Ji SIX-ROOM apartments, close in, modern in every respect; heat, janitor service, pas range. Phone Ivy 3655 after 8 p. m. IN THE COLONIAL—Delightfully com fortable apartment for rent; strictly first-class; best North Side section; large porches, handsome grounds, auto mobile accommodations, etc. Phone Ivy 657-J or call 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue. PRIVATE HOME Excellent room; walking distance; modem convenien ces; meals next door. Ivy 3707-J. T\v< * housekeeping rooms, new apart ment, first floor; near in; $16. Main 331-J. NICE furnished room; Southern ex posure; best location; all convenien- <-(-h 16 West North avenue NTClSLY furnished room In steam-1 heated apartment foi gentlemen. Ivy : 8286. TWO nice completely furnished rooms , for light housekeeping; bath, gas and phone; private entrance. No objection to children. Call 255 South Boulevard. Main 1392-.T. FOR RENT Nice rooms; also fight housekeeping apartment; private fam ily; close In. 151 Spring street^ FOR RENT Beautiful front room, pri vate bath; gentlemen preferred. Rea sonable “F’eachtree.” care Georgian. FOR RENT—Two very attractive housekeeping rooms In Inman Park; all conveniences. Call Ivy 6418-J or ap ply 164 Elizabeth street. FOR RENT Two large, sunny furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all con veniences. Main 2435-J. 95 Ira street. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms; all modern conveniences; private fara- Hy; adult# onl> I’hone Main 2186-J. FOR RENT Steam-heated room; mod ern North Side private home; all con- venlences. Ivy 1294-J. SUNNY, furnished housekeeping rooms; $3.75 weekly. 31 Hood, near White hall. Main 2758-jr. TWO elegantly furnished front rooms, conveniences, three blocks from Ara- gon; young men preferred. 66 E. Cain. THE PICKWICK NEW 10-STORY AND FIREPROOF. Steam-heated rooms, connecting baths. Convenient shower baths on each floor. 77 Fairlle at., near Carnegie library. THE LAWRENCE 62 WEST PEACHTREE PLACE, Blocks of the Candler Bldg ONlTthree-room apartment with built- in bed, one four room furnished (if seen at once) and one four-room un furnished; all apartments have electric lights, gas stoves, shades, refrigera tors, hot and co'd water, steam heat, janitor service, etc. See J. T. TURNER. Resident Manager, Apartment 8. FOR RENT Unfurnished four-room apartment; reception hall; butler’s pantry. Ivy 4109. FOR RENT—Four-room apartment. North Side; close In; gas. electric lights, porcelain bath; cozy and nice; $25.60 per month. Phone owner, 2165 Ivy. FOR RENT—One steam-heated fclorth Side apartment, $30. Call Main 4613, 6 to 6 p. m. - - HALF HOUSE for r»nt at bargain If taken at once. Ivy 7635-J. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. APARTMENTS FOR RENT, FOUR ROOMS, with bath and small hallroom, Peachtree, near Tenth, furnished or un furnished. Phone Ivy 2227-J. THF. READING OF WANT ADS In Hearst’s Sunday American and At-* lanta. Georgian means money to ydu* ■me