Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 21, 1913, Image 44

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IIEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, <UA., SUNDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1912. "’P*KE nubdebutani!•< have no reason I lo complain of lac k of attention at this season, several of the week's affairs being arranged in hon or of the many attrac tive young Rirl« of the city who are at home for the holidays. This week’s calendar is full of interesting parties, arranged for these vivacious young women, and there are still many planned for next w eek, most'of the girls remaining un til the early part of January. On Tuesday several parties will be given by members of the younger set. Miss Virginia Haugh gives a tea for her guest, Miss Mildred Wicks, of Spokane Wash., who t< mmpanied Miss Haugh home from Hollins In- , stitute for the holidays, and for Miss 1 Mary Howard, who will also be her guest Miss Marc Hrock Mallard gives an afternoon tea, and Misses Cornelia and Virginia Walker will be | Joint hostesses at a heart-dice party. The luncheon which Miss Marlon ■ I’elder gives will be a compliment to her sister. Miss Aline Felder, who is at home from Winston-Salem for the holidays. Wednesday will be devoted to Christmas preparations and on Christmas Day these yflung people will go to the theaters and to the many family dinner parties, which are always given on that da> Saturday evening Miss Katherine Darb) gives a dancing parly at home, when all the college set will be pres ent. For the following week there are Ka.veties galore. The initial event will he the masquerade which Mieses May and Laurence Horine give Monday evening at Segadlo’s, when a large number of guests will be entertained. The tea which Miss Louise Dobbs gives Tuesday will assemble the members of the college set from 5 to 7. Miss Jane Walker also gives a tea Tuesday afternoon, and the young girls who will assist her will remain for an informal evening party, when a number of young men will join them. Miss Helen Atkisson gives a large dancing party Tuesday even ing. complimenting Miss LaG range Cochran, of Rome; Miss Louise Coo per's guest. Miss Lottie Moyer gives a reception the same afternoon for the college set. The dancing patty which Mr. and Mrs. William A Parker give Wed nesday evening at Hegadlo's in honor of their daughter. Miss Louise Par ker. who is at home from school in Washington. D. O., for the holidays, will assemble the college set. Miss Virginia Farr also gives a dancing party on New Year’s eve. and other parties are being planned. ||m| (ff|||| H low'd I wh0W ' T £ Are > IX V\V M lo .In- ,5! r , . . , , Exclusive i mn Aiasni. will i" one of the interesting events ol .January. |« Miss Howell possesses, iii addition to a distinctive type of beauty, / H sweet Voice which Inis received Hie best, training. Photo by ;L Thurston Hatcher. 1SS NELL PRINCE gave an en- i I formal tea at the Piedmont Club Thursday afternoon in compliment to Miss Lima Rosser, of Dallas. Texas, who is here with her father. Dr. Rosser, for the Surgeons’ convention, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs Luther Z. Rosser on Gordon street Her guests included Mlsrcs .Mary Butler, Elm a Rosser. Rosalind Wood. Nancy Prince. Caroline Muse, Mrs. Joseph Eby and Mrs. Luther Rosser, Jr. • * • V/J ISS ANNIE GREEN has return- (I down through the centuries to the present day No other holiday has such an abundance of old customs and observances as Christmas, and at all the Christmas parties, the Christmas tre<». the mistletoe, tlie hol ly and the evergreen, each with a halo of superstition about them, form an important putt in the decoration of these merry Christinas parties. Atlanta society will have plenty of diversion on Christmas Day. with eggnog parties, family dinner parties and other social events. Many of these family dinner parties, while quietly observed, ate marked by elab orate details of decoration, and there is hardly a family in Atlanta society where the entire circle will not gather about the table on the great day. Several Atlanta hostesses will ob serve their annual custom of an in formal eggnog party on Christmas morning the guests going from one to another. Mr. and Mrs William A Speer have invited i large number of guests to their eggnog party on Christmas morning The debutantes of the sea son will assist in entertaining, and the Speer residence will be elaborate ly decorated for tins occasion, which b. always eagerly anticipated by the friends of this popular couple. Dr. and Mrs. Floyd McRae will also be at home informally on Christinas morning, when many of their friends will drop in to enjoy the Christmas cheer. Mrs. A. D. Adair. Jr., has for years been at home Informally on Christ mas morning, and she and her moth er. Mrs. John H. Clarke, have. Invited a number of their friends for an egg nog party on Christmas morning. Mr, and Mrs Joseph Raine. Jr., will also observe their annual custom of keep ing open house on Christmas Day No matter how many private par ties one attends, the fact that the Piedmont Driving Club will keep open house offers a special appeal. The clubhouse is always decorated with holiday decorations for Christmas, and from 1- o'clock on the club mem bers are expected to call, when deli cious holiday refreshments are served. During the late afternoon and evening music adds its charm, and the club suggests a large Deception, where hundreds of men and womsn are meeting under the happiest aus pices The Capital City Club also will keep open house and the members will drop In informally One *»f the happiest affairs of the day will be the dinner party which Mr. and Mrs. John Kiser will give Christmas night at their home on Eleventh street. A number of friends Will enjoj j'm » borate Christmas dinner with them, the list of guests to number eighteen. The appearance of the Yale Gleo Club on Christmas night will afford the greatest pleasure to those who always look forward to the visits to Atlanta of these popular organiza tions. The Grand is expected lo he filled with an enthusiastic audience, and after the performance a dance will be given at the Piedmont Driving Club. Tlte dance will in no way in terfere with the club’s observance of open house. • • • V/11SS FRANCES CONN ALLY en- j I tert&ined a few friends inform ally at tea at the dansaut Fri day afternoon in compliment to Miss Rosalind Wood, of Savannah, who lias been the guest of Mrs Luther Ros ser. Jr. Others who have entertain ed for her during the past week at very small affairs are Miss Lillian Logan. Mrs. Cam Dorsey and Miss Margaret ^ortheu Miss Wood re turned home Friday evening. S ANNIE GREEN lias return ed home from Locust Grove i Institute, where she has been this fall, to be with her mother, Mrs. L. M. Green, on Alice street for ! Christmas. Mbs Mary Murphej lias reiurn- | ed home to spend the holidays j with her parents Dr. and Mrs. C. E. j Murphey, on North Boulevard. She I has been attending Washington Col lege, in Washington, l>. C. The Origin C Good Bread! ’-p UK ORIGIN of nOOLl broad I* Rood 1 FLOUR—and CLEAN doush! UNCLE SAM BREAD in made from the BEST flour. The dough Is knoaiied by clean MACHINERY not by human hand*. *'might b\ «» House ■ Mnde b> gchlfsingp:-Me\er Raking Co i>< b1 by all Good Grocers’ *T*HE primary department of Ja,ck- ; 8 son Hill Sunday school will hold i ■ its annual Christmas entertain- i incut next Tuesday afternoon at 2:HO , o’clock In the main auditorium of the . Sunday school building. * An*intc--resting program io being ar- P ranged; also gifts for the children , and a happy occasion for the little | : fellows ar- expected. The entire prl- < mary membership will attend. j * On Monday evening at 7:80 o’clock the main school, including adult, in termediate and jJnior departments, will hold Us annual Christmas enter tainment. A feature of the evening’s program will be an old-fashioned candy pulling. Various classes will also bring gifts for Institutions of charity and needy families. * * * The Alpha Alpha Chapter of the Chi Zeta Chi Medical Fraternity held a delightful smoker Tuesday evening at the Fnlverslty Club. All the active members and several of the alumni were present. • • * » . iss SARA SMITH will entcr- l V J tain a house parly at her home 1 1 on North Jackson street during the holidays, her guests being- Mrs. Julia May Fisher Anderson. 8. t\; Miss Marlon Snyder, Williamsport, Pa.. Miss Billy Bradley. Washington, till., and Miss Fay Hutehtnson, Bre- natt College, Gainesville. Christmas morning, from 11:30 to I o’clock. Miss Sara Smith will have .to eggnog party In compliment to her attests. followed later in the evening by a dinner party. On Friday Mrs. George Brice will entertain at a bridge luncheon !i compliment to Miss Smith’s guests Friday afternoon Mrs. .1. H. Tribble will be at home Informally at 5 o’clock tea. Saturday evening Miss Elisabeth Smith will entertain a matinee partv at the l.yrle. Monday evening Mrs. J. H. Thomas’ phantom party will be a compliment to the house party. Miss Sara Smith will entertain at a bo\ party at the Atlanta Tuesday evening. Wednesday evening a irogressi'v parly will be given the house par’y various courses being served by till several hostesses at their homes. • * * Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCrary have closed their East Lake home and are now at the Ponce DeLeon Apartments i for the winter. • * * The Atlanta friends of Miss Mildred j Wellhouse arc eagerly welcoming her j back home after six months spent i abroad, with her mother. Mrs. Alv u! Wellhouse. and Mrs. J. H. Lelnkuuf | Mr. and Mrs. Wellhouse. Miss Well- house and Mrs .1 H. Lelnkauf have taken apartments at the Piedmont Hotel. • • • M OWS of the marriage of Mrs. Mortoh Campbell Longino to Dr. Park Howell will be of much interest to the many Atlanta friends of the couple. The marriage took place Wednesday in New Orleans, where the bridegroom has been sta tioned for some time at the quaran tine station. Dr.* Howell is the son of Mr and Mrs Albert Howell, Sr., of Atlanta, and is a splendid man. The bride is a handsome and popular young wom an. with many friends in Atlanta, where she made her home for sev eral yeans. situ was formerly of Galveston. Texas Tlte marriage Is the culmination of n pretty romance begun when Miss | Katherine Howell, a sisteul of the i bridegroom, and her flam # Julian , Ma.'-oi, w h Mrs. Long-fu*. were ; guest of D: Park Howell v -. the quata. s: l.on mar N’uf Orleans i 1 i -i s nan r. They are spending their 1 *i”*Vmoon at the quarantine station 1 there. Atlanta Agents M. RICH & iVi WWk i V>^ Greater Shoe Section Rear Main Floor The Spirit of Christmas More than nineteen hundred years ago the Christmas spirit came into existence, and even now it is prompting you to remember your friends in a liberal spirit. The most appropriate gift is one that will prove of the most service to the recipient, and for that reason Queen Quality Shoes will be ideal for wife, mother or sister. To construct a shoe worthy of representing in name the wonderful personality, charm and graciousness of Queen Louise is no easy task. Two million wearers is proof positive that the Queen Quality makers have not failed in the task. Twenty years of good shoemaking stand behind every pair sold. The illustrations show, in a measure, how completely the Queen Quality line covers every need of your wardrobe. Our Present Showing Of styles and sizes is of particular im portance to buyers at t his t ime. Most dealers carry a stock of broken sizes at this season of the year, and neglect their street and dress shoes for fancy slippers. This we never do. < >ur stock is suf ficient ly large to enable us to tit you at any time in the style that pleases you best. Being the largest dealer in Queen Qual ity Shoes south of Philadelphia, we have a reputation to maintain. From Spanish Louis heel dress shoes to low heel English walking boots, the most discriminating woman will find just what pleases her best. Every desirable leather and fabric is represented in our stock. You can place confidence in our good judgment about proper styles, for Queen Quality Shoes are always right—and as for fitting qualities, their wonderful flexible soles make “breaking in” un known to Queen Quality wearers. The prices range from $3.50 to $7.00 the pair, according to grade and leather. wh When gown stvles make vour shoes such a prominent feature of your apparel, isn’t it unwise to risk wearing unattractive shoes or shoes whose quality will not preserve their style shape ? When foot comfort is so essential to your general welfare why risk a mislit when you can depend upon us for your exact size accurately fitted ! Let us tit you in a pair of Queeu Quality Shoes before Christmas, and your shoe needs will he completely satisfied. i»i»i»DpiqilUi»»im M. RICH & BROS. CO. M. RICH & BROS. CO.