Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 24, 1913, Image 8

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( s THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS. READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS —USE FOR RESULTS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. PERSONAL. DR. sT F. WEST SPECIALIST. OEN1TO-URINARY SKIN and CHRON IC DISEASES WHITEHALL VAIN 4216 YOC CAN BE BEAUTIFUL! Our thre®- eoure® beautv treatment tells you hov No drugs u«®d Plain Instruc tions Will send thro® full course® for a dime Send formulae* to your frien Money bark if not satisfied t tonal Company. SI 9 Bldg. Atlanta SWITCHES made from combings. $1 Eureka Hairdressing Parlors. 73 Mi WlUtehail REMEMBER Queen’* Delight, ladles. for removing hair from face "Fend for free sample National Remedy Co.. Postoffice * r »8. Atlanta. Ga $I50~ REWARD Ladles our monthly compound never disappoints relieves longest, most obs mai case of suppressed jn three days Price $2 AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. SPECIAL KNIGHT A FlhK TIRES 50 per cent • S«x4V4 MSK SLIGHTLY KNIGHT A FIHK TIRE KE KNIGHT’S LIST. $20.90 fJSEJD CARING. Intert Temple Court FOR Sall cr: adjusts NITRATE SODA saD- pr 1 - • ' : M urlat® Coal In Atlanta Nat f25A Perfect first • class. »K ‘ 10x3 V4. 36x4H, $12 50 34x4Mi, X«H, $11.73. IU8T now Branch Sto mention. Ah tires KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US ALWAYS Have bargains. osing for two Atlanta c Tires, names we ran not jt 50 per cent off Clean BUSINESS PERSONALS. Mllllnarg a.MAS BATTtSXWr $6 trimmed hats a specialty. Full line of children’s trimmed hats I*adieB' arid mlase*’ vel vet shapes, 98c to $2 58. Fur skins and gold lace trimmings. Old hats remod eled. $1.30. Charge accounts solicited. Open evenings. Mrs. C. II Smith, 115 Peachtree. FOR SALE. FARMS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. care < FOR ! prin steam roller: MISCELLANEOUS rubber tire 'all Ivy 6593 At im port - ers’ whole- Acld, Kalnlt, Meal. Hulls and ar loth. W E. McCALLA. 416 | Vat. Bank Bldg. ■ a I re diamond, I .... — - - ———— •■■■ ■ i i Box nl OXYGEN REMOVES CARBON, j S^YaURer is SGh i>. th«>tr| for $17 M’PHERSON AUTO TIRE CO. Atlanta Ga New Rubber Tires. Y ip\v fiTntfiefiTtffSS put " on your I . V> baby’s carriage: repaired, rs- painted arid re-covered. Ivy 3076 Rob ert Mitchell. 229 Edge wood. Picture Framing. eorglan >Al*E <>ne Chandler & Price job Irg press, sir.*- 12 by 18; side fixtures long fountain; riding six form rollers, regular chases safely inate. abnor •nstruation in ithern Reme dy Company. Memphis. Term MORE than 5,000 hair switches to h* sold at th® Robins Hairdressing Par lors Every on® reduced Com h mgs made Into braids and switches dyed 40N Whitehall street, second floor il . n '3625 _ SKRiOUSTrESI LTS m« fr m trusses 'mnroperly fitted John B Daniel, st 34 Wall street, has an exoert fitter and !t will cost yoti no more to ha's him fit you, and rues - • refined, homelike Limited number of patients cared for. Homs provided foe nfants Mrs. M T Mitchell. 2« Wind sor street. and spider chases This Dross Is com paratively new and will he sold at a rifle® to Mti Immediate purchaser. Address Soip Speer. McDonough. Ga. j ip s \I.K Chestnut telephone. te!c- grapi and electrle light poles Prompt j tVpment Good freight rates. Satis- ; faction jpjaranteed W® want your busi ness J C. Dougherty. Johnson City. Tern •• ‘ • fout nlc< lots In Greenwood Cemetery See or phone .! H. Davis, Warner street. West 1316. We clean your auto cylinders wiill you wait Good job, small price. ATJTOGKNOUS WELDING jf all metals Gear cutting and general i machine repairs. Satisfaction guaran- i teed SHEARER MAOHTXK CO. i»7 WHITEHALL*. MAIN 1670 ture frame business at 91 j Pryor street. Phone Ivy 6331. North Safes. _^ r ATLANTA SAFE V’O. CRIMO. State Fooflr.g. ! invpu SCaTE iRxyWtfS 6^7 ! -O Repairs and New Roofing. Main 1616. Atlanta 966. | F< »R" SAL E- -Two m iKfiificen | 1 ! go ar col itilal mirrors, 5 feet 3 Inches by 3 feet 2 Inches; In perfect c onditlon: b®av v gilt frames; a bargain Address Mr® Bake r. 539 B< It on St.. E i v a • I nah. <. or phone Tv \ 3301 -L. A t lanfa. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT typewriters hunted 4 MuNTHS FOK *6 AND UT Rebuilt typewriters. *23 to IT*. AMERICAN WRITING. MACHINE CO. 48 North ITvor St 1 'none Mai.. 26** WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. iMXJioRb. l\i ToTTafaTrTfiwt' quSITtj . will pay cash for l>;ir«ain. Atl.lress P .1-, Box 14, care Georgian. CASH paid for old feather beds Amerioan Mattress Company. Main 3»54, Atlanta 3833 . CITY SAVINGS RANK DEPOSITS. Warned to buy City Savings Rank De posits Apply to CHARLES E. THOMPSON, Room 201 Equitable Bldg . Atlanta Ga WANTED Good, second-hand pool table. State make condition and price Address P O Box 320, Atlanta WANTED Vlctrola and record®, must be in good condition and a bargain Address S. C. W ., 1217 Third National Bank. WANTED -Small steam engine, holler, water pump and electric lighting plant College View Farm, College Park, Ga. ] H; \ MEN’S old clothes and Shoes Drop a yard I Bock. 177 Gilmer stre®t W ANTED Orders for crochet vests for Christmas Call Main 2718 l 1 Deo AHMV TENTS. 18-ounce dllCk slightly used, all r'zcs. Call or write IDS Fouth Pryor str* Main 2543-1*. FOR SALE Million or a million and a half feet of pine timber 4 miles from railroad. For particulars address Box 302, West Point. Ga. FOR SALE Job lot furniture, stoves and ruga going cheap for cash. Must be sold. 270 Decatur street. FOR SALE—Job lot furniture stoves and rugs going cheap for rash; must be sold. Atlanta phone 6892-F. National Cash Registers. $35, $50. and up Monthly NORTH $50, $75. $100 Terms easy, payments. 60 BROAD RT. DROP A CAR!' ’ We’ll 'bring cash for old cloths* and shoes. "The Vest- r ' • e ’' i 6 a I iern t or St TTTTTi no.iiE.Vl cash prices for household goods, pianos and off lee fur niture Cash advanced on consignment.-* Central Auction Company. *2 East Mitc K #ll street Bell phone Main 2424. OLD COINS WANTED. eagle cents dated 1K56 We pay a cash premium on hundreds of old coins Send 10 cents at once for new Illustrated coin value book 4x7 It may mean your fortune. Clarke & Co., Coin Dealers. Box 29, Le Roy, N Y. FURNITURE FOR SALE grade mahogany, quartered oak and upholstered furniture; also complete furnishings, rugs, etc All new. Re cently installed Inquire Bell phone Ivy 5043. FOR SALE -Cheap, two good roll-top office desks. Write Box 925, Atlanta. Ga ’ MOVING Must sell; mahogany dressing table, chiffonier, buffet, chairs, etc ; good as new. will sell cheap if taken at once Apply 118 West Pine St., be tween 8 a m and 2 p. m. good condl- Good as new. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. sXlE- Tricycle In lion; rubber tires; $4. Call West 1129 L. DI NtLET vacuum cleaners remove diet and germs from rugs, floors, walls, etc Vacuum cleaners from $25 up Vacuum sweepers $9.75. Free demon stration 416 Fourth National Bank ling FOR SALE. CHEAP Six-cap range with water back. Phone Ivy 6254-J. n\ aivui'N’t of my health l will tell 556 scholarship to Southern Shorthand and Business College for $40 Address Miss Vivian Autrey, Bolton. Gs FOR SAT*K~Med 1 cal books, practically new Keen’s Surgery, etc with in struments Call mornings. Main 8127 L entire furnishings of an sight-room house for sale, best location In city; purchaser can assume lease if desired. This is a bargain. Phone Ivy 6645 KNEED NURSERIES will mall you catalogues of first-class fruit trees, plants and vines, shade trees, privet riedgo. pecan trees, etc Morrow; Ga HAVE YOUR CARPETS CLEANED In your own homes by the HOOVER Process Brush and suction combined Contracts taken by the hour or day. Demonstration* free on request OZIAS NAT’L SELLING CORPORATION. 605-7 Empire Life-Building Phone Ivy 8239. EMPIRE FISH MARKET Fresh oys ters and dressed poultry, fish dally 112 Whitehall FOR sale 100,000 i jjreai old g|$pli trees, grown from whole French seed lings Retail and wholesale. Write Appa lachian Nurseries. Tallulah halls. Ga SA1 pis FTLK8 cabtneta, new- and sec ond hand. Gookln Bank »nd office Equipment Company. 118-116 North Pryor Street FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—MIS CELLANEOUS. FOR SALE or exchange for anything 1 can use. sausage factory, complete. 96 Garnett street. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE. SI TEN DID CHRISTMAS PRESENT. SECOND-HAND typewriters, all makes. excellent condition, cheap for cash. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 64 Auburn avenue THE only carbon remover In th r world Worth its weight In gold. Will re move the carbon in your car in 10 minutes. Absolutely harmless Sold under a positive guarantee Get a can. Ask your dealer for It If he Is out, cal! Ivy 4595 and we will supply hint, or ask The Georgia Motor Supplies Co., 216 Peachtree St TDK CRIMO CARBON RE MOVER CO., 39 Luekie Si COI.CMBIA AifTbMOBn.K KX- OHANOE. 387 ETCEWOOD AVENUE LARGEST oealera * of used cars In the South. Watch our list of used cars In this paper. BIG BARGAIN IN USED CARS. WE ARE OFFERING USED LOCOMO BILES. PIERCE ARROWS, F i. A. T., STEARNS KNIGHT. COLUMBIA AND STODDARD'-DAYTON AT VERY REA SONABLE PRICKS. CALI* OR WRITE FOR USED CAR BULLETIN NO. 3, LISTING PRICES AND GIVING DE TAILED INFORMATION. USED CAR DEPARTMENT THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY OF AMERICA. PHONE: IVY 5017. 469 PEACHTREE STREET. SOU. RADIATOR (TV EXPERT repairing on radiators, lamps. fenders and windshields. 112 Pied mont tvenua AUTOMOBILE PAINTING IS ONE of . ur specialties. High grade work Reasonable prices. JOHN M. SMITH 120- 122-124 AUBURN AVENUE. ESTABLISHED 1869 Autob for ExchanM. ^ 1M2 MoBk?: Thomi Flyer. eosT'NTBOO, to trade for purclfse money notes. Car in best of condition. P O. Box 166. Atlanta. Automobiles Wanted. gear-case ^?or Maxwell model F, 1910, fivc-i»as«enger automobile Box 401, Fort Val’ev. Ga : BUSINESS PERSONALS. Abstract and Title Insurance. A TLA N tX' tITL E GUAHA N TKK CO., GROUND FLOOR Equitable Bldg Main S420 All Kinds of 8tov# Repairing. E. CALL i 4 rii Shoe Repairer. SHOES I(ALF SOLED SEWED 50 CENTS AT GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 6 Lucid® street, opposite Piedmont Hotel. Both phones T n a hurry. Call Taxicab Com- pa.ny for auto rent service^. You Want to Know _____ A BOUT Farm Lands in Georgia? Consult The Farm Land Expert Information Given by Letter—-FREE Send Communication* to The Farm Land Information Bureau JU -euWOA'f I CAN 'WiWTS'tRT,i;bi IE STOVE DOCTOR.” ft£o 1N 61 SOUTH I’RYOR Altering, Cleaning and Pressing. ATL 1410 Stoves and Ranges. A TLA XT A - M A DE stoves and ranges sold by -I. K. 1 Polk, 2H8 Decatur street, Pie<iii*>, M. 49(i, All. 1077. Stove and Range Repairing. KTUVKK AND kANl.Kh KEl'AIBKl* DAN, THE FIXER. 121 Whitehall. M. 2699 Trunks, Bags and Suit canes. ^TYuTEltA^BrKEpATRlib. ROUNTRKE’S, 77 WHITEHAI.L ST. P4.or.oa Hell Main 1876. Atlanta 1654 Umbrella*—Wholesale ?no Retail UMBRELLAS ble hardies. All prices No charge for repair* Phone Main 3748 Taylor Urn- broil a Company. Whitehall. FARMS FOR SALE. F( >RSAL&~SouthFtorld&^ Best grape fruit and vegetable country In the United States. Money Invested conserv atively pays 60 per cent in two years J. B. McLendon. Miami. Fla FOR SALE—686 acres on Tennessee River. Price $10,000. Write Box a, Kingston, Tenn. WANTED—To sell 60 acres land, sandy !<>am soil, living water, young orchard, ’■4 acre ginseng, and just outside city limits of Big Rapids, nearly all cleared, new land; will sell at a bargain if can sell at once. G. A. Fitch. Big Rapids. Mich. ajj^P age r.^ WE WISH OUR MANY PATRONS A MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. PIEDMONT . WALL PAPER 00. E. H. ELROD, Manager. YOU HAD BETTER HAVE THAT WALL PA PERING DONE BY THE BEST WALL PAPER DEALERS IN THE CITY. AUBURN AYE. BOTH PHONES. VOLUSIA, FLORIDA, WELCOMES THE HOME- SEEKER. • FIVE to twenty acre farms, rich soil. adjoining new town of Volusia, mod ern hotel, school stores, lumber mill, etc. Perfect drainage, 30-foot fall to beautiful Tomoka River. Three crops a year and big returns. Fine for vege tables, fruits, poultry and cattle. Good hunting and fishing. On main line of Florida East Coast Railroad, four miles from famous Ormond-Daytona Beach. Farms $40 per acre, town lots $60. Very easy terms Free advice to set tlers by expert farmer as to crops, time of planting, etc. Write to-day for illus trated folder. Volusia Development Co., Heard National Bank Building. Jack- sonvlllla, Fia. 60 ACRES good farming and trucking land; 25 miles to Tampa, 2 miles to railroad station, and hard-surfaced road, partly improved; land constantly increasing In value. E. W. Berghofer, Route 2, Plant City, Fla. SEE ME for South Georgia Farms. Will exchange for city property. J. T. Kimbrough. 409 Atl. Nat, Pk, B1 dg FARMS FOR SALE. FOR SALE—6^ acres, one mile to good manufacturing town; 18 acres 2 miles, and 26 acres, all at a bargain if sold at once. This town has 22 fac tories and mills. Just the place for triM-klng and poultry raising. Address FT!. Reagie, 369 McKees Lane. Niles, Ohio HIGH-CLASS SOUTHERN FARM. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. tStock and Implements Included.) SEVENTY-FIVE MILES south of At- .anta, on Central of Georgia. Railroad station on the farm; 600 acres now In splendid operation, paying well. Owner has good reason for selling at a bargain. Information to a real purchaser fur nished by EDWIN P. ANSLEY. LAND DEPT. REALTY TRUST BUILDING ATLANTA. GA. MAY THE LITTLE SEEDS of kindness and af fection, planted lonp ago in the heart of friends and loved ones, to-day blossom into flowers of beauty. IN THE RUSH of shopping and the flush of hap piness we wish you to accept our gracious thanks for your valuable patronage. WE heartily wish you a MERRY XMAS and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. j. c. McMillan, jr„ SEED COMPANY 23 S. BROAD STREET. Altering. Cleaning and Pressing. LADIES and gentlemen, I have Jus opened a first-class repair shop; plac to rmv FOR SALE Secondhand safe*. all sires Hall's bank, fire and burglar f roof safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. >aniel. 416 Fourth National Bank Bulld- lrg FOR SALE A second-hand wheel, in good shape, with new tires and pedlee. for boy 10 to 12 years of age Apply 32 Inman Building HOLLYWCM ID CEMETERY LOTS. FIVE Hollywood Cemetery lots for sale. or will trade These lot* are very well situated, well worth $50 apiece. Sire. 18 by 20 feet "Hollywood,'' Box 100. care American. SOMETHING new in plumbing I will stop any sink, lavatory or bathtub for >1 cash Phone Main 2673 FOB SAFE Oak aldeboard, at 237 North Jackson street THE SPANISH LANGUAGE can easll> be learned at home without a teacher by the use of a language phone and 1 have one that will sell at a bargain Nddress ”I*Hnguage Phone/' Box 12. • are Georgian blAMOND RING, coat $100; for a quick sale will take $60 l*adbs brooch pin diamond, cost $26; will take $15. Ad dress M , Box 1, care American FOR SALE Extra high-grade quar tered oak rolilop desk and leather >e-at office chair Bell phone Ivy 6043 VOR SALK Beautiful diamond ring will take $10 A bargain. L. Box 4, ( are American. HAMILTON WATCH, 16 sice, good as new . or will exchange for good graph- ophone or an>4hing of equal value. L., B"X 8. care American LADIES solid gold Elgin watch, beau tiful design, nearly new; $18; sacrifice L.. Box IT. care American AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. AUTOGENOUS OXYGEN CUTTING, WELD ING AND CARBON CLEAN ING MACHINES, complete all In o $e. State depository for oxygen and acetylene tanks abso lutely harmless. We are carbon cleaners Wellborn Oxygen Carbon Cleaning Co.. N (iilnier St. Phone Main 54. AUTOMOBILE AND REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 116 Auburn Avenue. Ivy 3545. 19M Overland Roadster to ex- ehanpe for purchase money notes on real pstate, good se curity. 1912 Ford Touring < ’ar. driven 4,500 miles. 1911 Ford Roadster. 1912 Overland Touring Car. 1911 Everett Touring Car. These ears cheap for cash 11181 lace ve your old suits made new; guar antee perfect satisfactory work. MIhs E Dillingham, 77' . Whitehall Koom__6. Altering, Dyeing and Cleaning. cfcero fTtzpatiuck PRESSING CLUB. 62 Peters St. Phone Main 1187. Artistic Upholstering. F. L. VOLBERG, JR. UPHOLSTERING and furniture repair ing. 226U Peachtree street Phone Ivy 8224 "The Shop With a Reputation/' Artistic Wall Paper. WTwitt Do~Tour Papering PIEDMONT WALLPAPER CO , II u p! RN v \ F. BOTH PHONBB Altering. Tailoring and Cleaning. fni u 6 ri!' 'PoYStan “ritKssiNo CLUB Pressing $1 per month. 289 Edgewood. Atlanta 2194 ■sanas. ,\\ikii'.\\.\ n i noN uCHaWR. Corner Alabama anu Broad streets. CAPITA! AND SURPI US $1,000,000 Window and House Cleaning. fjATiSrJXlTWlndow tSieanfng Co Office 47 K Hunter Main 1175. Atlanta 1051 POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK. Bantams. feANTAlifs^Gaine bantams. Sebrlghts, Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb. Athens, fia DucKs. Kurt "SALK "Pen Piahef White" Kunner ducks, drake and four ducks; beauti ful birds For quick sale. $10 Will make nice Christmas present. John F. Stoudenmire, Flint. Ga. Euqs—All Varieties. > f , TC5tof5 5: eggs. $1.00 per setting Main 3581. 126 Windsor Ft. Ground Bones. TrEEN ground bones for cnlokens; ground every day. 89 Decatur St. 320 ACRES—Cotton, wheat, corn, alfal fa land; 5 miles county seat; two sets improvements; 140 acres in cultivation; living water; an excellent combination stock farm; good terms; $20 per acre. Robert I* Knle, Cordell, Okla. CAN FURNISH retired business men, clerks, bookkeepers ami others fine farms. 5 acres and up to 1,000, near railway stations and good markets, cheaply and on easy payments. Write particulars to Stfphenson l*and and Lumber Company, Oconto, Wis. MISSOURI FARMS—One dollar cash buys a Missouri or Florida farm, bal ance five to eight years’ time; no inter est; free trip. Save this ad; It’s worth $10. Call or write Missouri Farms Company, Bremen Station, St. Louis, Mo. FARMS FOR RENT. WLLLn^uSfT^or^taiiding rent very cheap, two-horse farm, two miles from Felton. Haralson County, including 35 acres bottom land that will make 70 bushels of corn per acre; also three- horse farm two miles from Brooklyn. Stewart County; good houses, barns running water, etc. L. Grossman. 96 Whitehall St. . FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. i^Ofr^XfTrc^oTTradV for stoc¥'merchan dise. a 154-acre farm. Address Lev inson’s Department Store, Petoskey, Mich. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK [ Poultry, Plants and Seeds. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, BULBS, PLANTS AND POUL TRY SUPPLIES BELL PHONES; MAIN 2568, MAIN 3962; ATLANTA 2568. WE have some beautifully marked fox terrier puppies about three months old. They make an ideal gift for boys. We also have two toy black and tan terriers, four months old, and w'eigh less than two pounds each. These are extra fine and great bargains at $20 each. Male and female French poodles, little beau-- ties, at $10 and $12.50 each. Come in and see them. GENUINE Har^z Mountain and F^ngllsh Canaries, fine 3ingers and beautifully marked, Ht $1.75 and $5.00 each. GET a globe and ioine fish for the chil dren Fish 10, 15, 25 cents each. Globes from 25 cents up to $3.00 : Cl INHA PIGS. $1 50 per pair. Boob ana Jod Printing. \i>\ iNcfi tki vn\<; oo. CUT PRICES next 30 days. 164 Au-. burn avenue. Cakes ai d Sandwiches SA Ni >\Vl< ’1 \ KS oT uir kinds~made and delivered for banquets, parties, etc., on short notice Address T\ O. Box 229. Carpet Cleaning. ATLANTA ' ORl ENT A L Rl JG '~ANT> CLEANING CO. 9 by 12 rugs cleaned; $1.50 and up Bell phone Ivy 3171 . Main 5027 ORIENTAL* rugs clcuned like new; also repairing and upholstering. W. M Cox. 145 Auburn avenue Ivy 3136-J SOLITAIRE DIAMOND, perfect white. H-carat; cost $105; quick sale $80; private party. Box 929, Georgian._ FOR SALE—Brand-new 3-burner Per fection oil stove, with oven, has never been uncrated $15 00 value; $10.00 gets It Goldsmith sewing machine perfect order, $10.00. Mrs A. M Knight. Pu- laskl, Ga. FOR SALE One ring, five diamonds; cost $60 Will sell for $40 35 East Mitchell street. FOR SALE—Office furniture In good condition Consisting of typewriter desks, flat-top desks, office chairs, sup- p ! y cabinet, counter, file cases, etc. ■’319 Empire Building phone Ivy $122 BARGAIN'S IN ELEC TRIC CARS. 1913 SHAFT DRIVE COLUMB1 « ELECTRIC COUPE, RUN LESS THAN TWO THOUSAND MILES; BATTERY Jl'ST BEEN CLEANED AND CAR Now BEING REVARNISHED BY JOHN M SMITH. WILL GUARAN TKF SAME AS NEW CAR PRICE $1,460. RAUCH A l*ANG COUPPE.‘lN PER FECT CONDITION; HAS ENTIRE NEW EX IDE BATTERY AND JUST BEEN PAINTED. PRICE $1,160 RAUCH & 1*A*NG COIT’PE, IN PER FECT CONDITION MECHANIC A 1>I* Y; BATTERY JUST BEEN CLEANED AND CAR NOW BEING PAINTED; A BIG BARGAIN AT $1,000. CAN AR RANGE TERMS TO SUIT RESPONSI BLE PARTIES ON THESE CARS. K. T. M’KIXSTRY. IVY 4177. 469 PEACHTREE ST FOR SATB—1914 Bulck roadster Mode* | ~ 24-B This car has never been run and If you contemplate Durchasmg. can save you one or two hundred dollars on this machine. Owner leaving city. Address P O. Box 40, Atlanta FOR SALE—One five passenger 19lil model Hudson, in perfect condition; also one Bulck roadster; looks good Carpet and Rug Cleaning. CARPET AND RUG CLEANING- Oriental h specialty, also furniture repairing Zack Harris, 298 Piedmont avenue. Ivy 2060-1*. Christmas Umbrellas, naw vEt*l.,\S made to* order; Fargc se lection; fink *jndles: also repairing Harry Briggs, % r, aduct place. Phone Main 5100. Expert Plumbers. \l ! \ \ \ I >KI\ y .1 (>N I ;s. IT,l MB FIRS 392 Peachtree. Ivy 426, Atlanta 58$ _______________________ Flowe» s twi>"fm »f.Car a/alea> $i.50 at FLOWER SHOP. 121 WHITEHALL STRE! T Furnace Repairs. iTnaoTk UKUYTRs The only people to repair Moncrief furnaces is the Moncrief Furnace Company. 139 South Pryor street. Main 285. Atlanta 2877 Furniture D^i , • Sold, wu SEtX for caan and savt you KSXf Southern Wreckage Company. 114 South Forsyth street. Horse Shoeing and Wagon cCMmTK' repairing painting, rubher-tlrLng; rsa sons ble prices. 115 Gilmer. Hj)use Mover. W. < \ V K ASK ” b ‘ Mck and Incubators^ WA?en?D- Second-hand lncu8ator\” i [n Rood condition, and brooder. Nam« make and price Prefer Cyphers. Be quick. Miss Howard Route 3. Adairs- ville. Ga. Leghorni, WT?|te HegThhTn cookefeis. direct from young range-raised stock. Fine type. Very vigorous. Old Hickory Farm, Cornelia. Ga : Orpingtons Krcift/EnsTRAKS \VtHte 'Orpingtons, seven females and splendid cockerel. Will make a nice Christmas present. First cheek for $25 gets them. Charles Pelham Warri^ 120 Gordon street. Plymouth Rocks. have a few cocks and cockerels left, no females that I wish to sell at reasonable prices. Eggs from prize- winning birds at lifferent prices. "Ringlets of course." "nothing else.” C. A Shelton. Mount Airy. N. C. PATTERSON FARM. WHITE Plymouth Rocks; winners for years gt the best Shows; are offering special mated pens and trios at very reasonable prices. ^Cocks, cockerels, hens and pullets at prices to suit all. Write us We have the birds and guar antee satisfaction. PATTERSON FARM. FITZGERALD. GA OUR STOCK of blooming narcissus, Roman hyacinths and cyclaments are as fine as any shown in the city, and our prices are about one-half what you usually nay for them. Be sure and see our stock before you buy WE have a beautiful lot Of bird rages. and will make unusually low prices during the holidays. If your bird needs ,i new cage now is the time to get it DON’T let your hens loaf too long. Eggs are too high to keep a bunch of hens that are not laying. Feed them on Red Comb Mash Feed, the great egg- produdng food Guaranteed to make them lay $2.35 per 100 pounds; 10 pounds, 25 cents. Phone us a trial or der. BARRED and White Plymouth Rocks. Some choice young and old birds for sale. H v Kuhns, Route 8. a t lam a. White Cornish. TO'’enter mj Imcuvn weight While Cor nish is to win. Birds guaranteed, $3 to $5. M E. Kennedy. Temple, Ga, Doga. bYm"- P aTr'wa~?i5is~Tii America. S. R. Owen. Gordon, Ga. FOR SALE Trained and untrained set ters and pointers. S. R. Owen, Gor- «t»m. Ga. HOUNDS and bird dogs for sale. Ad- >g and Wagon Rej^afcln^ , dress Robert Smith. Helen, Ga sHoTffXTi CrT. buTlcfing. j TWO fine pointer nine-months-old dogs. Can’t develop f hem myself, will take on» half value, $20 per pair, if single $12 50 each; good stock and good health; great bargain. 4,7 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. WANTED—To sell a gory! four-room house in Chipley, Ga.; price $1,400. Apply J. C. \V.. Box 66. Chipley, Ga. FOR SALE BY OWNER Atlantic Beach, 17 miles from Jacksonville; ocean lots 7 and 8 block 52. north of Paul cottage. Platted to sell at $900 leach. Selling price $1,500. This gives 50x100 on ocean and 50x100 on road and includes bulkheading. Lots 4 and 6 on Seventh street, which leads direct to ocean. Platted to sell at $1,000 and $900 Sale price $1,600. This includes sewer age and water. Electric light available. Only one of these pieces to be sold at this price. T*ots will double in two years Mrs. R. C. Cooley. 101 Gilmore street, Jacksonville, Fia. FOR SALE -Five-room bouse on lot 100 by 200 feet In Decatur; price $2,000, $200 cash, $20 monthly; a genuine bar gain. E F. Hufflnes, Germania Savings Rank. 2 Whitehall St REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. MODERN up-to-date six-room bunga low, built of best material, hardwood floors, hot and cold water, large bath room, gas and electric lights. On level corner lot in West End, one block of car line good home, well worth $4,500, but will sell for $4,200. $2,000 cash, owner, care Georgian. WILL Sell 6-room home at bargain If can sell by January 1. All conven iences. Terms. West 411-J after 6:30 p. m. Owner. FOR SALE By owner, new five-room bungalow; all conveniences. 101 Brookjhae street. Price $3,750; terms. Phone/Main 34U9-J. RE\L ESTATE FOR SALE OR EX- CHANGE. FoITTBEAUTIFrL, HOMES'lmf'YuM- ing lots in College Park, the most desirable suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. M cC ro ry. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE. snTHr eight houses and lots, on good street, paying from 8 to 12%. On ac count of change in business, owner will sell cheap or exchange for farm land In good localities. J. C. Collier, Rarnes- vllle, Ga. WILL exchange for farm near Atlanta good house, five rooms and bath; no loan; on Georgia avenue. L. Grossman. 96 Whitehall Street. Atlanta. FOR EXCHANGE—Will exchange unin cumbered five-room house In Decatur on half-acre lot for city property and assume a mortgage. Give full particu lars to Decatur, Box 409. care Georgian FOR EXCHANGE North Side apart ment ; rents for about $2,000 year; will take property of about $3,000 as cash payment. Ivy 8228. REAL ESTATE WANTED WA^^l^TV^UeaT^Estate. Have cash to pay for residence, must be a bargain. Write particulars. J. Campbell, 27 East Harris street. MEDICAL. DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy. Pannyroyai and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, Irregularities an£ similar obstructions Trial box by mail, 60c. Frank Edmondson & Pro., manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., Atlanta. COMPOUND OXYGEN made daily for catarrh, deafness, diseases of nose and throat and ears. This is the sea son to be cured Special reduced rates. Dr. George Brown, 312-314 Austell Build ing. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Lowen Kidd, Dalton, houses. 4th Bldg Kt\ 956, Main 1611 I nventions. TV\T:\T!M\S WK « il l. man: 1- ACT l RE and mar ket meritorious Inventions Acme Spe cialty Co . 2094 1 *ee St West 1381. Jewelers and OpUcfana. f)U\A\V AY BROS , 1 6 Walton St. EXPERT engra\;ng. diamond setting and jewelry repairing FOK SALE—One pair male bounds, one- half July, one-half bloodhounds; will run nogives, tree opossums, squirrels and rabbits, two years old. It. A. Har well Newborn. Ga. FOR sale Beautiful full-blooded Dachshund price. $25. Lyerly Fruit Co.. Summerville, <la FOR SALE--Trained and untrained pointers and setters guaranteed. John L Miller lorn City. Ga. ^ ^ Job Printing. ROS8 B. MuOftE. Job Printer. ^Xlways reasonable Call me M 3864-J. Lock and Gunimlth. ‘ . Ho r*«u M . ul “ Vohkioa. eto grru v \ hr u WANTEn To >11 mare weighing T.2&0. l\r*l N .MAlJbr; . I, .L" ^ I anitahl® fnr tr«n«fer cah or ffnvarv Marietta. Both phones FOR SALE—Opossum, coon hounds. rabbit hounds, bloodhounds puppies, bird dogs pointers and setters. P. O. • 16$, Yin* Rica, Ga Horses. Mules Main 2146. Atlanta 4923 Machinery and Mechanical Designer. suitable for transfer, cab or very quiet. Any reasonable tria Can be seen after 4 p. m. at 15S hall street $125. ocery Ivan. hite- WE wiTT sell you a small herd of Duroc Jerseys for small cash payment, bal ance to suit. The best swine for the bouth. Jefferson Farms, Albany. Ga* Little folks have been trooping through our store look ing at the many beautiful things Dear Old Santa Claus brought from Toyland. Many an eager hand has been lifted to stroke “dolly dear." Many a longing glance has been east in the direc tion of playthings dear to the child’s heart. Each little gladsome smile reflected in the child's coun tenance has been the one exquisite pleasure we’ve had dur ing this hard week. Grown-Ups! We’ve enjoyed being purveyors to you. We thank you for your patronage. Little Folks! Your coming has given us many thrills of pleasure. Come again and again! Grown-Ups and Little Folks, we sincerely wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happv Incoming Year. HIGHTOWER HARDWARE CO. YOU ARE wished a Merry Christmas and a Hap py and Prosperous New Year. BARNES BROS. & FORD Furniture, Rugs and Draperies 23 EAST HUNTER STREET. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR RENT. W.A.F0STER & RAYMOND ROBSON REAL ESTATE RENTING AND LOANS. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUK. FOR PALE. NORTH SIDE BUNGALOWS-We have some of the prettiest homes of this kind on the North Side to b« found anywhere. Well built and beautifully designed. Will be pleased to show them to you. Mr. Bradshaw. WEST END LOT, 48x149. on a street that has tile sidewalks, sewer, gas; lot is elevated, 3 feet above the street See Mr. Cohen for particulars. FOURTEENTH STREET—Nine-room home, with two baths. Modern In every particular. Nice large lot. Price $11,500, on terms. See Mr. Martin. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, on good street in West End. All Improvements Large lot. 60x170 feet; $2,750: $750 cash, balance $20 per month, with 6 per cent. No loan to assume. See Mr. White. CLAIRMONT AVENUE LOTS, in De catur; also small tracts of 3 to 10 acres. Price $300 to $500 per acre. See Mr. Eve. FOR RENT. 6-r. h . 93 McDonough street. De catur, furnished $32 6-r. h., 180 Cameron 6-r. h., 138 Hill 6-r. h.. 46 East Thirteenth 6-r. h., 367 Fraser 6-r. h., 299 Cooper 6-r. h., Hardee 6-r. h., 90 Glenn wood 6-r. h.. 498 Bass 6-r. h.. 63 Loomis 5- r. h., 175 Iverson 6- r -h. 250 East Georgia... 5- r! h., 1 Q Olympic Place. Dec 6- r. h., 25P Jones 5-r. h., 36 W. Boulevard DeKalb 26. 5-.. n. Vaughn street 5-r. h.. Cornelia 5- r. h.. 120 South Mayson... 6- r. h., 384 Stewart 5-r. h.. 30 Mayson avenue. 5-r. h., 8 Grady 4-r. h.. 299-A Rawson 4-r flat. 150 West Baker.... 4-r. flat. 1534 Highland 4-r. h., 169 Spring 4-r. h., 40 Mills 4-r. h., 406 Oakland 4-r. h., 9 Racine 4-r. h.. 16 Leonard 4-r flat. 147 McDonough.... IF YOU HAVE MONEY to lend we can place it safely. .... 20 .... 25 3.9 .... 15 .... 15. .... 15 .... 15 .... 20 .... 21 .... 18 .... 22 12. ... 15 16 .... 20 .... 12 .... 18 .... 22 .... 12. .... 25. .... 23. .... 2’ .... 18. .... 18 .... 15 .... 1" .... 13 .... 17 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. IN THE ADRIATIC. Nos. 312-314 Rawson street, between Cooper and Wind sor streets, we have for rent three very nice apartments, consisting of five rooms each; janitor service, steam heat, water, gas range and storage roon furnished free with each apartment. Good neighborhood and about fifteen minutes' walk to business center of city. If rented at*once, a liberal con cession will be made to good tenants. Apply at once to JOHN J. W.OODSIDE. REAL ESTATE, RENTING, STORAGE Phonos. Boll Ivy 671, Atlanta 618. 12 "Real Estate Row.” REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ANSLEY PARK LOT IN the prettiest part of Ansley Park, situated on a beautiful hill, we offer aft unusually desirable lot, 75x250 feet, 20-foot alley on side and in rear. This lot is especially desiraole. owing to the fart that it ha? a $35,000 home on one side, faces one of Atlanta's prettiest homes, and the surrounding homes being of the type that always guaran tee enhancement In value of properties in their neighborhood. This lot faces south, is already graded and sodded and is rear! to be built upon at once. Price $5,000; terms. Forrest & George Adair ATTRACTIVE BARGAIN $4,500 WILL BUY 94 Ponce DeLeon Place. This is a beauti ful little bungalow of 6 rooms, very cozy and attractive. The lot is 50x150, and is on the corner of Greenwood avenue. Terms, 10 per cent cash and $45 per month, with 7 per cent interest. No loan to assume. ONE OF THE BEST BAIT GAINS ON THE MARKET. J. R. J. H. SMITH & EWING ATX. rvr 1618 180 PEACHTREE. Use American Want, Ads