Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 26, 1913, Image 8

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- TTTF ATLANTA GEORGIAN A NT* NEWS. TEAD FOR PROFIT GEORGIAN WANT ADS USE FOR RESULTS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. LOST AND FOUND. Ai'Sunday American The Atlanta Georgian L< *S1 Published by The G tO East A labenift St, orglan Co Atlanta wmy ► Georgia Wt f "Bti l'l ii« L- m ill Ivy HELP WANTED—FEMALE MAILING circular* Is light. pleasa work for spare time, no expenen or eanvasfdng Send name. Begin ma mg money at one*. Raymond, 1*9 Ro 1 ,i('ro sing Boat on, Mail* Entered at Atlanta •erond-ela**'* post office natter SUBSCRIPTION RATFS Ry Carrier or Ag^nt Usily and Sunday * Dally only * RY MAIL thp Unltprl Statoa, Canada or Mexico. North aventi' PARTY who Inst night lilt the B II wu spot* on Answer to I. 776 Ea*t i*xchantfpd with Edgt S. <laiHu Auditorium-Arniory wi same ami snve further overcoat ,r Fuller ■ at the I return trouble. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE DAILY AND SUNDAY I Year $7 na fi Month a * KO 3 Montha 1-75 1 Month «0 DAILY ONLY: 1 Tear It. 2n s Montna 2 <n 3 Montha Lid 1 Month <5 SUNDAY ONLY J Year $2 Sd « Montha I 2& 3 Montha 70 1 Month -JS THK WEEKLY GEORGIAN NEWS BRIEFS: I Year Mr SPECIAL NOTICES. RAILWAY J5CHET>ULE 9. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South. Arrival and Departure PassrngeT Train*. Atlanta The following schedule fig-e* are published only an information, and are not guaranteed small T idirg f es a nn Return idry. Reward. T—Gray leaf hr ram I. E M Sunday of mon if y Mr n (’oilier, 68 Ken- dew Flora! <’orn- >re hn.l corner cf • dreela, black Liberal reward ivab«M containlr •r.< to .1 A. 'VI Tflrtdg*. Georg WANTED In< Material furr Kt.Mdy work, nt tlculars C’alu i • ;j ■ , i . beginner -ali pense inont \ merit. Me Brad LADIK8 also mall circulars Spare or wbolt I 3c stamps C 1 Pontiac Rldg LADIES make 190. Work i women. Parti* dressed envele J07-C, Kalama: $1 PER doze: embroidering sewing at home J. No canvassing lamped envelope for pgr met Supply Co. Dept ef\ WIs ! y traveler, fur I'd 4 ary, commission and ex Liberal offer and agree iy A Co., Chicago, men. address envelope!- i at home. $10-$10 weekly t* time. Full particular ommerelaj Co. 808 H Ch Cbl(-ago at home. $10 j.» Merit prepaid to reliabl culars for stamped ad pe Eureka Co . I **d»t sou. Mich. - can be earned at horn 1 fner ladles’ ban AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. TAILOR AMENTS-Get our spring and summer line 160 wonderful pal terns t.. oil at Ilf. 00 Suits to measure Agents wanted everywhere Leeds Woolen Mills, Chicago. WI; HAVE openings for len lot sales men to sell improved lots in Druid Hill- and Peachtree section, on ea»y tari/.H K Lustier can »arr. from |25C per it.or ib upward. Address ''Lot Sales- i man.” Box 13. care Georgian. WANTED .1-ileHmen; $7*5 per month ;>nd ait * vpense* to begin, experience n ah olutely necessary, take orders frym dealers for cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobaccos Penn Station O, New York, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. i‘K ny quantity. Plain, spare ■ rial lot stamped handker- any Co., < Jreensfer LOST i venue hftttdhag with mon- .ri Walker - West - afternoon containing v and papers Finder L. E Melley, 82 17 Hodges HU WA N T Im * sit ing at * operators i‘g WO Je nd I’A R Arrlsf From • 1J 01 «m P Art MT< 5:2!* *m fl 1A »m No ffi II hint . IT, Nbw Tort 41 Wvti'fnn I itcVvlMc J2 f»h’*rf>urt J.i .T«Hr'f1Uc J 7 TwerAt If. Heflin 1 CtititAgn 7 Mtcon 17 Ft Vt’lry 21 CAlmn*>'it 0 Clncln tl 2» Nrw York 40 B’hrn 1 . 2<» Columbus SO B'ham 50 Churtettr f Jark*Yllle i«» 3; v>* York 4 M pm »,1 77 Ns. York f> 0? pm yi Bnuurwtck 51 V*. Valley JS Jack’till a 11 m.'hm-nd 1 r. Chatta'ga 2 Chtearo J* Kan city is Columbus 14 Ctnrta'tl 0 * * :f.O am a io nm *10 «m 10 -.S', am 10-4N am !A 4*. am 10 so am 11 00 am 11 10 am 17 40 pit, 1 40 pru 2 SO pm S BS lim S 00 pm Vo Depart To— .00 Now York 12 15 am ?o Columbua 36 B'ham 1 Chlra»o ,. 12 Richmond 27 Kan City 7 Chatfa'f? 12 Ft Valley IS Mae on lot SP New t. JacVMi 2* B'ham i.1 .is N. s 20 am ft SO am 0 20 am 8:53 am 7 00 am 7:10 am 7:15 am 7 45 am York 11 on am ie 11 10am 40 charlotte SO Columbua ^0 N«w York 15 Chatta'aa SO B’ham .. 14 lYwepa . . . 22 Columbu* « v i<>«> i 5 (Incin’tl T-3* rm :* F» Valle* » 0f< pm ! 10 Vaeon * 10 pm 25 If.'fllr. * 15 rm I IS Cfnrin'tl S-t* ma I M fVaafften . Ds-VOlle 10 tt r*. T JaOk'FlIla IA *•» *,!r ' 11 Fh'rrfxirt 11*8mfc 14 taek'Tllle 11 :S0 am York. 12-05 r m 12:18 r 12 so pm 2 45 pm . s :00 pm 4 10 pm 4 45 pm 5:|0 pm . 5:10 pm * 20 pm . 5 ao pm 5:45 in * 90 pm * 45 Dm 1 o Of. pm I o so pm II 10 pm 11 40 t>m All trains run dally. City Ticket office. No Central time. Peachtroe fit. TAX^T.A BS. BELLE ISLE WISHES YOC A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. RKLLE ISLE AUTO RENT SERVICE, A. L. BELLE ISLE, Manager. ti Luckie Street. , Bui lie (till OF A WATCH ( MAIN WITH I.OCKKT AND PENCIL ATTACHED. PHONE IN V 17■> AND (IET LIBERAL REWARD. TA’iST LUm thI reward for the return of Sport, male white and lari collie one eye blue; to 13*4 Last Tenth etreei Ivv 6 164. LOST Between Lowry National Bank and Forsyth and Marietta streets, h package about 16 Inches long, wrapped with heavy paper; blank book with name written therein, checked with blue pen cil marks; a list of names also on pack age of ledger, balanue paper Finder please leave at deorglu Cotton Oil Office, till 4 Umpire Bldg, and receive reward I/iST A box of picture* shipped from Spartanburg to .! W Sims, 431 Green wood avenue. Atlanta; three portraits, four landscapes, one an old man sitting by table. Miss Sims. lAkowood Heights, Atlanta. U. F. I* No. 2. Reward. L< >ST One-karat diamond ring In lav fttorv tenth floor Atlanta National Bank Building. Return same fn Thonn- 11 Goodwin and receive reward. 1022 Atinnta National Bnnk Bldg. LOST Keys on steel ring Please phone Ivy 1714 or M. 4739-J. DANCING. DANCING SCHOOL Lafest Steps pri vate instructions. Ivy 6067 J. 43 West Peachtree street. MAT RIMQ NIAL KtpnEtTRrsK.'irr rn. ans, wmlld rnar- iy. S 4 .\., Box 40^ care Georgian. BAcilKLOR, 46, American, Florida homesteader, seeks acquaintance of American lady with view to matrimony. Must he of suitable age Native of Georgia or Florida preferred Honorable Intentions, can* * Georgian add res; League PS* . Ti Plan oledo. MARRY—Get sealed, 16c. H. Cleveland, STOCK MAN. marry. J., Ohio. MA HR V Many rich. congenial and anxious for companions; Interesting Particulars and photos free. The Mes senger, Jacksonville. Fia. your ideal’: B, Social 1 mto 42 w<»rtli $30,000, would 1 >11x la-agiu , Toledo, kerchief time work chief* and instructions. 20c, Sent distance, (/repaid Arabian Suppl I/ept 44 Cleveland, Ohio. IC1TIIFR earn splendid neon home during paare time send 10 flames of 10 reliable firms supp horm work. Dee Pub Co., Desk g Detroit, Mien omen ano girl* positions Welfare of ks closely supervised by th4f company. their conduct >n the premise! carefully guarded by matrory women supervisors an/1 chief operator, who have complete control over tl « re tiring and operating rooms Short tra'n ing course for those inexpert* need. sal ary paid while learning Salary in- ereased upon being transferr'Ml to np«r • ting force, and for those becoming ef ficient, Increased as they become worthy, with opportunities f. ultimate advancement to $76 per month Ref<*r- ences pr/ivlng th« standing of the appli cant essential Those having educa tional advantages preferred Lunch ro on. and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Garnegie Librarv book* f<»r the convenience <»f the operators. Matron and trained nurse in attendance. Apply 8.30 to 5, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 25 Auburn avenue. OoVKRN MENT positions open to worn en $75 month Write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept 402 H. Rochester, N. Y TI 1K SANI-MASSEUR. C'lMPKTKNT lady agents wanted; good pr-dlt to good salesmen 68H Whltt- hali sireer 100 M. V AGFNTh Gold watches frea; sell Dr Doran’s Queen Root Cordial. • wing machine samples free n l)rug <To . Paducah, Ky TEACHERS WANTED. . i. \TbTi,i.mTun’ 1 ManjTopen- oster’a T**a i( nal Bank ■hers' Agency, 616 Building. Atlanta, CIR< ULA R-LE r J TERfi,,., PROCE»S. Miss HaTTIL FLEXNER, 419 Empire Bldg. Ivy 8178 SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE. MH>nLi;-AGFD couple, competent *mi experienced, would like to manage small hotel or work as clerk and house keeper Couple, 81 South Pryor street, Atlanta. ARK YOU I/OCKINO for a good poll tlon *A little ’’Want Ad will find it for you ROOMS AND BOARD. BOAR I *i:RS Beautifully furnished f"'all modern conveniences; good home cooking Ivy 8086. 16 Currier. PEACHTREE ST. NICF.LV furnished front room, excel lent table board, furnace heat Mr* Sullivan Call Ivy 6790-J TWO jm . front rooms, privet* bath! stea l, heat, best table board. In re- flned West Pearhtree home. Ivy 1959-L. B.t : ’i BOARD and nice rooms at rea- 'liable rate® 29 K. Harris. Ivy UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. cGrNr MONEY TO LOAN. FARM TIoAINS place^l TrT^aTiV^arnmint ) ( T^Tr. on improved farm lands in Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould Building f w. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE. ^■^CN*TTTD w lTer^)rH W TT write and copy letters $10 to $25 a week readily made by following our practical direc tions. Send self-addressed envelope for particulars Brooks Copying Company, 924 Pennsylvania avenue. Washington, i). r. WILL PAY reliable woman $12.7*0 to distribute 100 FRFK pack ages Pcrfuirued Borax Soap Powder among friends. No mom v required. D D. Ward Company, 216 Institute Place. Chicago. WANTED, EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED HELP IN BAG FACTORY. Good Wages. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. HELP WANTED—MALE. \VA\TRD Men wTtfT rig to Introduce And sell 96 extracts, spices, medicine-*, etc.; big money. Wilson made $00 weekly. We mean business Box 616, Dept 63, <Vdar Rapids, Iowa WANTED Agents to sell health and ac cident Insurance In every county in Ftaie. Foittract to yield $24 to $48 a week. Box 750, Atlanta. FPLCIAL RATES for situa tion W anted ads. 3 line* 1 time. • 29e . times 40c WaSsTEI* Good merchan<iise clerk want- i MtIon at once; now employed; can furnish best of reference Address B <*. Box 126, Thornaston, Ga WANTED Position for January 1, by single mat, 23. experienced book keeper ttnd clerk in general store. Ad- drsss Box 62, Kingston. Ga WANTED Position by young man as salesman In a dry good* store or as bookkeeper; six years' experience and best of references. Address A. L. Wln- ga rd. Box 2 < lliion, < .a WANTFJ) A personal Interview with some nfie who would employ a man to look after and arrange groVe In Florida Box 66. Chlpley. VVANTEft- White (fi^auffeur wants sition running Bulck. Ernest Whitl Bell phc/rie M. 2164. WANTED Position as stenographer; experienced In general office work A If. Freeman, 352 Waldo avenue, city. Bell phone Ivy 4787. ,f£ WANTED By graduate position as de tective. Address A. B. C.. Box 'JO, care Georgian. real local WANTED—-Men and women to copy and write letters, postals and addre*** envelopes All or spare time. $15 to $64) weekly Send stamped* addressed en velope for particulars to Box 662. Ma con, Ga WANTED rtusUers: boys and girls to sell twelve packs of Ghristttias card* 10c each Splendid premiums or ca*h commission. Write to-day. H. A. Puckett. Box 437, Atlafifa ARE VOU A 11T’STLEH? If So, you can make from live to ten dollars a day during 1914. We need twenty good men to begin work December 26 in Atlanta. If you mean business, call at 27Vi Mouth Pryor »>t. and let us explain Fisk Salt s Company. WANTED $t0i> weekly profit In spa.* time at home; mail order business, j Don’t worry about capital. Boyd H. j Brown, Omaha. Nebr. j WANTED Mon with ri«;s to Introduce and sell 96 extracts, spices, medicine*, etc..’ big money. Wilson made $9(1 I weekly. We mean business. Box 616. j Dept. 52, Cedar Rapid*. Iowa j WANTED Men ti» learn barber trade. Barbers afcwuy* in demand Big wages Easy work. Pew weeks Completes by our method. Earn while learning. Tool* furnished. Illustrated catalogue free Mold Barber College, 38 LucUb street WAITED B* detectives. i»lg pay. easy work; travel; wonderful opportunities; rxt»erlenc** unnerea*ar> Write Fidelity Secret Service. Dept. 1$, Wheeling, W. V a G« »Yi ;r *v M ENT railway mall clerk. customs- internal revenue ’ exam*” everywhere soon. Get prepared by I A AGENTS AND SALESMEN WANTED. SCHOOL cilTLDREft. call or woTte and K<-t 24 ink powders free, sell for 10c each, return money and get valuable premium or canh commission; watch, ring, bracelet or cuff button set, guar anteed to give satisfaction. Interna tional Company, 319 Temple Court. At lanta T AX1CABS ! MAGAZINE SOLICITOUS -Strongest 49c club out by strongest company; I only 19c; send references for supplies. P. O. Box 410. Atlanta. Ga. j CIGAR SALESMEN wanted to carry line of cigars on the road. Salary $100 i per month and expenses. Experience ! not necessary. Continental Ci* r ur Com- pat y, Wichita, Kuns 1 IF WE HAD your address we'd sen<l free ^••mple and show you bow to 1 make * 27. not one week, but weekly. (». Mfg. Co.. Warren street. New York. Bui to 257. w'\n'ii.d Agents make 5(hi per cent profit selling 'Novelty Sign Cards.” Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 800 varieties Catalog free. Sullivan Com* j*ituy, 1224 YanBuren street, Chioag**, YOUNG man, with collegiate and commercial education, would like to change position. Prefer estate or insurance, in either or general office. Unless a reliable and well rated firm, do not waste your time. Best of references required and given. Box 904, care Georgian. w \ .Vi ki y Position by licensed drug gist Prefer to g<> to work January ■ i <3., i 814, cafi • liorgtea. WANTED By young man, 26, well known and acqualnte<l In Southern States, position as traveling representa tive January 1; position must be perma nent and offer future to one worthy and who can furnish reliable references as to ability, etc.; now employed, but leav ing account of a future; a talk will con vince. J. C. \V._, Box 50, care Georgian. WANTED A position by H young man of good habits, (’an furnish the beet of references. Not afraid of work or long hours. Fair education. Would start very cheap where there is a chance for advancement. Can invest some money where necessary. Address R. g. Carlisle, Union Springs, Ala. WANTED- Young man, 20. desires steno-clerical position; have had ex perience bookkeeping; good character; references X Y. Z . Box 34. care Gev>r- gian. rnent on dress W. la hi a, Ga COMPETENT detective, well recom mended, want* position In store or hotel for holidays. J. V. P., Atlanta phone 5701 -M. WANTED Young man, A 1 experienced sign painter and show card writer, wants position as assistant window trimmer and show- card writer or help er. Apply S. S. Friedman, 139 Peters : NEWLY furnished room and good board a• f '$-■ • lain street | LOOK FOR ROOMS. BOARD. FLATS AND APARTMENTS WHERE Y01 FIND THE BEST. COME lei us find that boarding place, furnished or unfurnished rooms, fiats, apartments and houses, as we have list ed the best places on all streets of city Information and service free The Hoarding and Rooming House Bu reau of Information, 259 Candler Annex. IVY 8424. ATLANTA 293 A LAIFf of refinement, agreeable and Intelligent, would like to get room and board for companionship; would assist with light housework Address 531 TI >mi St Athens, (in WANTED Boarders for nice rooms, hot and cold water. 102 Capitol avenue •ELECT hoarding at 12i S. Pryor, steam heat; under new management; close in. ■2<I PONCE 1'E UKON AVET couple or young men: select Ivy 719-J. NICELY furnished rooms, best table board: all modern conveniences; easy walking distance. 121 Capitol Square Main 4835-J TWO ROOMS, suitable for four gentle- naen, with board; private Peachtree home. Ivy 1779-J. $T WEEK; 197 SOUTH FOR RENT—One unfurnished room per month: more furnished. Ivy after 3 p. rn. WA.NTi;: nninwi women or rouplr: WE HAVE plPIltV of monev to two bright rooms, bath, kitchenette, r ' * III. IVl 7491 -ft FOR RENT-Three nice, sunny unfur nished housekeeping rooms; reasonable r**nt. 62 Whitehall terrace. FOR RENT Two connecting, unfur nished rooms, convenient for light housekeeping; bright and airy; on sec ond floor; hath adjoining Phone Ivy 6984-J. 225 Forrest avenue TWO nice. large rooms for light house- keeping, no children West 160-L. FOR RENT—-Three unfurnished rooms in Grant T’ark section. All conven iences, Maln_5354. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms; private entrance. 448 Glenn street. lend at lowest rates on Atlan ta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Avenue. Classified Adver tising Rates: l insertion.. ioc 8 Insertions 6c 7 Insertions 5 C 80 insertions 4i/, c 90 insertions 4c 11ns lln% line lint lint No advertisements taken ford*** lad the cost of two line*. $\x than the cost words makes of two line. FURNISHED APARTS. FOR RENT. Foil fi i:vT'1^irP~flrsriT^'‘T ( rr7U' somely furnished; use of piano; nice hall, private home; references e: change*!: also rooms. Ivy 8506-J. (tail her ween 5 and 10 a. m. or 5 and 9 p. m UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. SIX-ROOM apartments, close in, modern ill every respect: heat, janitor service, gas range. Phone [vy 3655 after 8 p. m. 47 LAST CAIN ST FIVE ROOMS; first-class repair: sepa rate entrance: $25 per month. Apply room 509, Atlanta National Bank Build ing. IN THE COLONIAL Delightfully com fortable apartment for rent; strictly first class; best North Fide section; large porches, handsome grounds, auto mobile accommodations, etc. Phone Ivy 657-J or call 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue. MONEY WANTED. Vf? MiXN'othTr people’s money on Tirsf mortgage Atlanta real estate Why not let us lend yours at 6, 7 and 8 per cent? See us. G R. Moore. 116 Lobby, Candler Bldg Bell phone Ivy 4978; At lanta 248Y STOCKS AND BONDS. STOCKS AND BONDS. 100 .Shares Georgia Realty Trust Com pany Common Stock. i .Share Empire Slate Rank. Few shares Exposition Cotton Mills 50 shares American Investment and Loan Company, 50 shares Georgia Railway and Power Company Common. Atlantic Ice and Coal Corporation Bonds. 10 Shares Fairburn and Atlanta Elec tric Railway Company -Destined to be a part of the street railway system of Atlanta 25 shares Griffin Manufacturing Com pany. 50 shares Carolina Public Service Cor poration. 100 shares American Bakerle.s Corpo ration 70 Preferred—30 common. $5,000 stock in the Royal Mining and Milling Company—guaranteed by the bullion Itself . 10 shares Citizens Bank of East Point, Ga CHARLES E. THOMPSON. STOCK AND BOND BROKER, Room 210 Equitable Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. telephone Main too ATLANTA MOO Classified Adver tisers Mav telephone their Ads.’ The Georgian will not b* responsible for more than one in correct Insertion of any advertise ment ordered for more than time. ••Want one BEST JVfEA L8 IN toWN ROOM AND MEALS, $4. PRYOR. CALL MAIN 5048. GARAGE FOR SALE. ROOM, with or without board. In North Side private home; desirable. Ivy 4574-J. PRIVATE Si RJ5 sf• »>iif. heat; all conveniences; old-fashioned Southern cooking. 354 Euclid avenue, Inman Park. Phone Ivy 6421-J. M. 1680. LOOK ATL. 272 -Colored man wishes employ farm, work of chores. Ad P It#, 2 McGruder St., At- IF you need furnished or unfurnished rooms, flats or apartments, call THE ROOM RENTING AND BOARD- . ING HOUSE AGENCY. Information free. 4 North Pryor St., MR. D’HOLLOflY. Mgr. Free automo- bile trip to see roome. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms with select board at $4.60 a week. 123 Cap- ltol Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, best table board, all modern conveniences, easy walking distance. 121 Capitol Square, j Main 4839-L. : BOARD AND ROOM for on*e or two young men In North Side private home; steam heal; also room with sleep ing porch attached for two young la- dles L Ivy 7848-J. PEACHTREE IM N TRANSIENT and family hotel; home cooking; 150 rooms, with or without private baths. Public baths on all floors. Both phonal. SIMPLIFY IB)ME, house and room seeking by saving time, temper and tramping by consulting Ths Georgian's Rent Bulletin THE LAWRENCE 52 WEST PEACHTREE PLACE. Five Blocks of the Candler Bldg ONE thr**e-room apartment with built- in bed, one four-room furnished (If seen at once) and one four-room un furnished; all apartments have electric lights, gas stove*, shades. refrigera tors, hot and cold water, steam heat, janitor service, etc. See J. T. TURNER, Resident Manager, Apartment 8. X FOR RENT—Unfurnished four-room apartment; reception hall: butler’s pantry. Ivy 4109. £ FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT WILL renTmyXome, furnished or part ly furnished, or will rent rooms. Rate* reasonable. Call at once. Main 3689-J. WILL RENT my home furnished at 421 N. Boulevard, eight-room house: mod ern; furnace heated, and give posse*sion January 1. M L. Petty, 125 North Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. .^V.VN.*V^o^AAA^/..A/V^WW\A^/WAArfVVWV, FOR SALE—Liberty Ten-Cent Store. Investigate. Liberty Ten-Cent Store, Liberty, S. C. FLORIDA—Marine repair shop, well lo cated. sacrifice for Immediate sale; $400 will handle; small balance on pay- menis. S. A, Wlnsor, Carrabelle, Fla, UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RUNT. NIC^r^s]x>roorXhouse^X^ water, sew'erage and electric lights; rent reasonable. Phone Decatur 687. 1*0n RENT—136 East Eighth street: seven rooms; price $50. No. 8 Augus ta avenue: six rooms; price $25. Call Ivy 3839 or Main 4256. 76 f:\ST TENTH STREET Just com pleted, seven-room house, steam beat, hardwood floods; every modern conve nience. Ivy 7700-L. » FOR RENT—Nice six-room cottage, 15 Queen street, right at Gordon street, West End. All conveniences. Apply A. M Langford, 99 Whitehall. > FOR RENT—No. 5 West Ontario ave nue, * nine room*. $20.60. Water, gas and electric lights. Take Walker to j West view car. I WILL RENT -284 East Georgia avenue; five rooms, bath; to reasonable tenant for $15 per month. Worth $20. L. Grossman, 96 Whitehall street. MUST t)e sold bv owner, two stores, corner Ilood and Ira. I M 3864-J. 1101/2 Whitehall. DRUG STORE—Money-making snap, best town in central Indiana, County seat; 12.000 population; invoice $4,000; will sell all, part interest or reduce stock to $2,000. Bedford Drug Company, Bedford, lad. THE HELPER! A LONG-FELT WANT—One to tell you what you want to know; one to find for you what you want to buy; one to help you to dispose of what you have to sell, in the city or out. Address The Helper. I’. O. 766, Atlanta. ESTABLISH ED manufacturer wants State manager. High-class article. Should pay $10,000 annually. $500 to $1,000 capital. Will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want. Ref erences Richardson, Old Colony Build ing. (Chicago. ! FOR SALE—Well equipped drug store In thriving town of 2,000 people; lib era! terms. J. M. B., 559 S. Pryor. At- lanta. i MAIL DEALERS—Get our new 1914 | propositions. Just off the press, i Greatest money-makers on earth. You j make 95c profit on $1 orders. Your j choice of dozens of original mail order propositions. No competition. Complete . plans sent prepaid for 10c Mail Deal- J ers Wholesale House, 415 Franklin I Ruilding, Chicago. j WELL ESTABLISHED dairy for sal- ! (’all Ivy 5141. PERSONAL. mXTUrUiTY sXNIT r ARn' r M--PrTv : 'at.' refined, homelike. Limited number of patients cared for. Home provided for infants Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. 26 Wind sor street. II. A. MARTIN FURNI TURE CO. NEW LOCATION. BOARD WANTED. WANTED-- Board tyv^couple wUh**Tfttie girl 6 years; North Side; locking for I Hall, homelike place; must be reasonable Box 315, care Georgian. THE READING OF WANT aDS In Hearst’s Sunday American and At- lfrnta Georgian means money to you. few flrst-clae* salesmen for a tlrst- formicr \ S Civil Service secretary- j class real estate specialty. Apply examiner Free booklet. \ Write 10 to 12 forenoon. 531 Candler Bldg, now. today. Patterson Civil Service j AGENTS Salary or commission. Great- School, Rochester, N. V | est seller yet.. Every user pen and -y JOOli. vy 40511 HOTELS. BELLEVUE INN NICELY furnished single or double rooms, steam heat; with or without St eals 57 East TJ -d St I\\\ 1598-L eal Hotel CENTER of city, rates reasonable; con venient to Union Ftstlon. 42 to 52 Decatur Atlanta phone 2616. RESTAURANTS JOE .U NO CHOP KI EV CAFE WISHES ALL OF HIS PATRONS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. :u; 1-2 Liu-kio Street. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SPH (HIM! fs DYEING VU'ENINcy BLACK IN ONE DAY'S NOTICE 1 \ PRESS paid ore of-town order** am» ATLANTA STEAM I v -«; 9 RKS 3 \ 2340, Atlanta 9&4. r>< ‘ for; NEED HELP f any kind? t * /U. Ac. a *. . for you. GOVERNMENT examination* thorough preparation, $Y Returned If not ap pointed Particulars free American Civil Service School, Washington. 1>. O AMBITIOUS It:US<‘.N’ max earn $15 to $25 weekly during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. Send for particular* Bros* Bureau. M 24. Wash ington. D ' WE W \ N i a few bright young men fiv ; a very profitable sale* preposition, who desire the b< nefit of scientific training j in salesmanship: unlimited opportunity 1 ‘Call between 1u and 12 a m. 531 “Can- j die- Bldg. iva M 51 “Fi ‘PP Hiiti Hair WANTED do Give Men. 18 to railway mail clerks ply for information 1 rare Georgian YES \V\ tea give posltlor go»<l wages, for <30 Alkit lege. 10 1*1 Mitchell stree MEN. 18 t«i »6. become ^ Barber Co - Luckie St good work, ‘trial " 35. wishing to be $7i month. Ap- M N Box 10. lit. Nit other M/.rs r. o D. on 20 purveyor ano per cent deposit. Shipment prepaid if EJ'/o" the w full amount accompanies «'rder. Tire ! il. Ji Factories Sale* Comt»ary. Da\ton. Ohio. T h \ IOU tf 1 barber trade and bain of shops at Barber Col- \tianta. Ga ernment rail way n ail clerks Sample examination quests its free f-rankhn Institute. Dept 4$-H R- obestet. N Y FARM Hit WANTED Young man or small family to cultivate crop on shares Everything furnished. Fine ! lend <5 W Hutchison, Ebony, Texas. HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED An experienced clerk famil iar with mall order trade must La familiar with dry goods; iirsfer .» tom. an * or 37. year- of ag» Apply In writing of applicant. Address Jackson, I SETTLED woman cook for small hotel in country town. Box 146. Wadley, Ala -House girl Apply 71 Sells i \l n.i Pay * to $100 a month. Free scholarship now Ideal School of Mil- 1 tilery, 100 1-2 Whitehall St . cor Mitchell. WANTED G< ton HONEST GIRLS: MAKE $15 PER WEEK. SPARE ! TIME ADDRESSING ENVELOPES AT HOME; SAMPLE 1NSTIU ( TloNS. 1 ETt'.; 10c (COIN «>R STAMPS). MI L- | LEN S MAGAZINE AGENCY. DEPT. BUFFALO. N. Y \V A N TED Cook a n<T“ ‘ apartment; reference? Ink buy* on sight. 200 to 500 per cent profit One agent s sale* $620 In six days: another $32 in two hours. Monroe Manufacturing Company, X-142 LaCrosse, WIs A1 ro.MOBILKS Elm* guaranteed tire* at cut price* Fully guaranteed high quality, brand new, standard styles of tires at bargain prices t«* clear out manufacturers’ overstock 28 bv 3, $7.50; W* by 3. $8 20; 30 by Sb,. $10.50: 32 bv $1126. 33 by 4, $14.50 34 by 4 $lt. All other si/,es. (’. O. D. on 20 pe Factories Sales Company. Dayton, Ohi VVANTED Salesmen; commission prop osition especially strong in dull pe riod following holidays; appeals grocery other retail trade, no samples Send references ami 4c postage VY E. Beard Co.. _ St a. A, Chattanooga. Tenn. \. vNTKD A« nts. great monej mak ing opportunity, men and women; get subscriptions for latest popular music; new plan; no work. Write for wonder fill offer Standard Popular Music Pub lisher*. 105 W. Madison Ht . Chicago. NEVA’ specialty; big thing for retailer* and salesmen; exp«rfence not neces sary; give age and present business. Big Hpectalty. lots a City. Iowa. WANTED Salesmen; something new for advertising novelty and calendar men. side line or exclusive; twenty new novelties for 1914 E H Downs, Sale* Mgr . Box 13, Lyons. Iowa. W ANTED Salesman for general mer cantile trade. Vacancy January 1. Unexcelled specialty proposition Com mission contract $86 00 weekly for ex penses. Continental Jewelry Co . 347-51 Continental Building. Clevt land. Ohio. AGENTS Big profits Exclusive terri tory Wonderful new automatic gaso line iahle lamp. 300 candle power; one- third of a cent per hour. Absolutely the I - c best seller on the market. Send for free sample proposition. National Stamping Works. iliO Clinton, Chicago St. WANTED Young man wants position, preferably as salesman; some expert ence; will accept any honorable posi tion with future: guaranteed reference. Address Box 62, Lilburn, Ga. \V A NT El > Position us hotel clerk by young man. 30 years obi; four years’ experience with first-class hotel. Ad- dress l» J , P. O. Box 32, McDonough. Ga. \V A XTED-Position a* superintendent of fertilizer plant; fully conversant with f very branch of the business; best references Address M. I. M.. Box 7, care Georgian. WANTED Position by experienced of- tice uian with two years’ experience in law office handling collections. A-l ref erences. Address R., Box B . Colquitt, Ga. W ANTED Position a* draughtsman or foreman with up-to-date mill manu factory: all kinds of mill work; 38 years old : unsurpassed »> stem for handling larg! and complicated jobs; 11 years with lust employer. A-l references Ad- dress B. C., Box 110, care Georgian. SITUATION W A TsTED by engineer; competent to take full charge of ho tel or office building, best of refer ences. Address W. S., Box 414, care Georgian. 3 , CIVIL ENGINEER, good draughtsman, urveyor an<1 mathematician, desires architect’* or engineer's of- inter Highest references ining. Married. Address J. L. B . Box 60s. care Georgian. W ANTED Position as hardware sales man; have had 14 years' experience both In the house and on the road. J. E. <' 15 1 >unn St \\ \ \ t !•: 1» Position salesman, married, nty by first-class of finest ability; v ears' r«*a<i experience, with several >ears behind the counter; de- sir. to make chatige by January 10 and locate in wlanta What have you to offer? Address McPherson, No. 5711 T w e n t v -1, in t h r.v f >in a ha. Nebr. 1 M an cxperlet.oed salesman and will be open for position January' 1. What run \ 011 offer? Claud R Holloway. Clem, Ga .SITUATIONS WANTED— FEMALE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT Three elegantly furnished rooms for light housekeeping: rent reasonable; no objection to children. 407 Eraser St. Main 259-J. FOR RENT -Light housekeeping rooms and rooms for gentlemen, all conve niences: private home; 5 minutes from Ftw Points. IIP Luckie street. WITH ■ ou pic only, two connecting fur nished housekeeping rooms; $4 weekly. Opposite Lyric Theater. Apply 37 Car negie way. K<)R RENT Two 1 e>d rooms tor housekeeping; clean and very desira ble in every way. No objection to child. Vacant January 4. 280 Grant street. P*6r lent Three furnished rooms for housekeeping. 92 West North ave- nuo ivy 898. ELEGANT furnished front room, steam- STORE8 FOR RENT. THREET^aTtractive stores^rT^Can cl 1 e r Bldg . Candler Annex and Commerce Heat and water included in lease. Prices very reasonable. Asa G. Candler, Jr.. 222 Candler Bldg. See Mr. Wilkin son. Phone Ivy 5274. FOR SALE--Strictly up-to-date motion picture theater, practically brand new. | with all accessories, the bonton place of ! amusement in a hustling young city of ! over 5,000 people; enjoying excellent I patronage. Splendid opportunity for right man. offered at attractive discount to make early sale; other interests pressing Special advantage explained by mail Careless inquiries not solicit- ed. Address “007." care Georgian. A GOOD CHANCE to fnake bi on a small Investment Churnman. corner Peters and Sts. BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT. FOR RENT Whole or part of seventli floor Walton Building: 3.700 square feet, mostly open space and can be ar ranged to suit any tenant now before a typical floor is made of it. See tne at once. G W. McCarty. Manager. UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. WANTED—>ffce room and small kitch enette connecting for light housekeep ing; give price ami location. Address E.. Box 1 f»2. rare Georgian heated apartment, private gentlemen. Ivy 3486 L. NICELY furnished room in heated apartment for gentlemen. 8285. LIGHT housekeeping apartment; aingle room; hot bath; close in. Spring. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms foi housekeeping. 92 West North avenue. 1 vy 887. LAftGE, nicely UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS WANTED. ON ACCOUNT of so many calls for fur nished and unfurnished apartments and fiats we will be glad to have anyone having same for rent to notify us. Bell phone Ivy 8424. Atlanta 293. Room 259 Candler Annex. The Boarding and Rooming House Bureau of Information. ADVERTISE—20 words in 20 big Sun day papers. Including Hearst’s Sun day American, only $5. Bank refer- ences. Cope Agency. 3740 Olive street. St Mo. FOR SALE-First-class boarding house. 23 rooms, nicely furnished; two- baths; four toilets: has 30 to 40 regu lar boarders the year round; convenient to business section. Rent reasonable; a bargain for the right party Address Mrs. Eberhardt. 722 West Monroe St.. Jacksonville, Fla. PERSONAL. When the grading of Whitehall street began the Martin & Knott Furniture Company were forced to discontinue business on ac count of the condition of the street, and the Company dis solved. II. A. Martin was former ly located at 139 W. Mitchell St., and recently of the Martin & Knott Furniture Company, 13-i Whitehall Street. I am now open under the old name of H. A. Mat- tin Furniture Company, 73 S. Pryor St., opposite Bell Tele phone Exchange, where I will be glad to see and serve all my old friends and patrons. I have a minimum of expense and will give you the benefit of this by making you prices much lower than furniture houses in the high l geU°the rent district ean quote. Trusting that you will call and inspect my stock before buying any article carried in an up-to-date furni ture store, I beg to remain, Very respectfully, H. A. MARTIN. family; - j UNFURNISHED HOUSES WANTED WANTED—Six to eight room, modern, unfurnished house within radius bounded by Piedmont avenue. Twelfth. Pine and Spring streets. Answer with full particulars. Box 875, care Georgian. Ivy also 161 PURCHASE MONEY NOTES. WTCtT^BU Y flrsT^and seconiT^mortgago furnished front roorrTfor I Purchase money notes. E., IJox 3U, couple or youjig men either. Private \ care Georgian bath. Nice boafiUni homes nearby. 1 For all information call Ivy 2998. ' MGNFV TO I GAN i.t'YULY furn lofted room, steam heat,! * • . jrc electricity, bath adjoining, lady, gen- L... A c tleman or couple. Bell Apartment 3 I U '^, J ' 1^"*T MOR TGAGL at 6 per cent. Iw 6345- I Require life insurance policy as secur- —r~n:—/ ' 4 K >4 r. * **>'• Apply to G. L. Crandall, 712 Cand- rwo nicely furnished connecting front her Building rooms, with gas range, for housekeep- I Ui r PTnT ■; -jr—r— ! ing. $10 per month 41 Whitehall Ter ** on hand for gilt-edge rac e real estate loan*. Apply at once. Pul- 'ton Investment Co.. 1701 Hurt Building : WE WISH. OUR MANY PA TRONS A MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR PIEDMONT WALL PAPER CO. E. H. ELROD, MGR. YOU HAD BETTER HAVE THAT WALL PAPERING DONE BY THE BEST WALL PAPER DEALERS IN THE CITY. 33 AUBURN AVENUE BOTH PHONES. LAPIES! Ask your Druggist for Chichesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For .year, known as Best. Safest, Al ways Keiiable. Buy of your Druggi*' Take no other. Chiohesters Dlamonl Brand Pills are sold by Druggists every where TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. TYPEWKITERS KENTED. 4 MONTHS FOK $6 AND UP Rebuilt typewriters, $23 to $T3. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.. ♦ 2 North Pryor St. Phone Main WANTED DIAMON & ISCELLANEOU8. Will P. J.. o 2 carat y cash for bargain, ox 14, care Georgian. Address CASH paid for old feather beds American Mattress Company, Main 3554, Atlanta 3833. BRAUT1FU1 gentlemen front room, private bath; , preferred. Reasonable. . Between Peachtree*.” care Georgian. i 270 One light >r two rooms, housekeeping. FOR RENT nlahed for Court land. BRDROOM. dining room, kitchen, fur nished B*r light housekeeping; $15. 357 Capirol qvefiue. BEAUTIFUL steam-heated housekeep ing apartment. Also lovely furnished room* Oglethorpe Apartment*. Ivy 8335-L. SPKCIAL RATES for Situa tion Wanted ad*: 3 lines 1 tlma. 10c: 3 times. 20c: 7 flmea, 49c. \v\NTi:f™n experienced young lady NICELY furnished, large room, eon- stenographer desire.* position. Am neeting with bath; electric lights: pn rp' at present, but want to make vate entrance: walking distance: young a hang • Can give good references, men or business women 345 Peachtree Address Box 318. Anderson. K. C. * St. operatoi FUR NIB H E1D rooms for light house ic -■ pi’sition at once Con do of keeping 31 East Fair St. Atlanta MONEY TO LOAN on pianos, sewing machines and diamonds: low rate of interest._Atlanta phone 5970-F. MONEY loaned on diamonds at 8 per I cent. Must be 2-carat or more. Ad- dreaa A. W., Box 3. rare Georgian MONEY to loan on valuables; low rate , of Interest. 62 Decatur St. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confl *erftal Scott &- Co ~~ 820 Austell Bldg WANT TO MONEY, WANTED Agents. You have been looking for something to sell to col ored peopl< We have it! "Negro An* g- Is Entering Heaven ” Home Supply Company. Jackson, Miss v-ssary. Iv\ 2782 L OPERATOR of three years' experience desires private switchboard in busi ness house or hotel For Information call Ivy 6705 WANTED Position by experienced stenographer;' best of references. Call \! 3632-L. l*»hone 2388 i tr i t'i 71 P dmont housework In required. Ap- . .. RELIABLE i*olored girl want* work J VACUUM CLEANER AGENTS 5 Here as maid or will cook for small family. | it is; absolutely new dealgn in wheel- , 1 am trusty and hone*t. Call from 4 operated powerful bellows vacuum j p rn io 7 a. m. Phone Ivy 2883-L. vi*ib> f.oMle: lus-v. km-KHIKNCKD .1, k. non..; m«t*rni»v *PPe«r»n.-». »*«■ Quick at »,_50. Writ, j a spr ,. la i ty . Highly Indorsed by lead- ing Atlanta physicians. Dates booked earan for particulars about money back guar now. Doty Company. Dayton. Ohio. ing to $1 00 AND CLEAN u. avanue. Ivy < LATfiEfci $20 00 i ) Can mak 1 nished stamped , I lar c r t | a' en make shi V nsas City, Mo Id* at home AGENTS Snappiest household lire on y plain sewing. earth, red hot sellers, stead}' ropest- Material f r- ers More than 150 different article*, jiepald. Send Goods guaranteed. 190 per cent profit. >pe f..r nartlcti- Write quick Hum E. M Feltman. . Z, 334 Myrtle sa.♦•* manager. 8081 sycamore street, j Cincinnati, Ohio. West 1054 or Ivy 7304-J. NICE, teat intelligent colored girl wants i -sition as office maid. Write Maiti. care Georgian. ARE YOl LOOKING r^r results? The Want \d pag> * of ibavs' s Sunday An t noan and Atlanta Georgian fill the ; I bill. * j THREE furnished rooms, including , kitchen, furnished complete: North as ina bh '* O Bog 342 PRIVATE HOSTS Excellent roo walking modern convenien ces: meals next door. Ivy 3707-J THE PICKWICK NEW 10-STORY AND FIREPROOF Steam-heated rooms, connecting baths Convenient shower baths on each floor. 77 Foiriie S' near Oornagle Library. FOR furnithM room ar.d light house keeping apartments everj’tblng neat ly f.iirni*he<i— see 36 Garnett street WHEN YOl BORROW $25 OR MORE, We will loan you what you need ON FURNITURE PIANOS, ETC. At Legal Rate* This company has sat out to render a practical service to borrowers, loaning money a? legal rates and on a repay ment par. that is both practica and reasonable, guaranteeing you fair treat ment. quick service and a courtesy often .acking In transactions of thi* kind. CITIZENS LOAN CO., 413 PETERS BLDG. 7 Peachtree Street PHONE MAIN 3771 IS YOUR NAME in the Business Gukie columns of the “Want Ad * section? j Little art* bring big results YOUR "Loat and Found” a«i* will be SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND taken over phone Advertise for your eny amount: 6 rer cent. Write or articles in The Georgian and have them cad S. W. Carson. -4 South Broad returned to you. i street. ^ S. F. WEST SPECIALIST. GENITO URINARY. SKIN and CHRON IC DISEASES. 106H WHITEHALL MAIN 4216. *OU CAN BE BE DUTIFUL! Our three- cours*’- beauty treatment tells you how. No drugs used. Plain instruc tions. Will send three full courses for a dime. Send forraulaes to your friend* Money »back if not satisfied. Interna tional Company 319 Temple Court Hldg.. Atlanta. CHBS mode from combings. 21. Eureka Hairdressing Parlors. 73 K Whitehall. 71 REM EMBER Queen’s Delight, ladles. for removing hair from face. “Send for fre» sample.” National Remedy Co I’ofltofTlce 808. Atlanta. Ga. $1 Jo REWARD Ladies, our monthly compound never disappoints, safelv relieves longest, most obstinate, abnor mal case cf suppressed menstruation in three days Price $2. Southern Reme- dy Company, Memphis. Tenn. 1 hair switches to ba sold at the Robins Hairdressing Par lor* Every one reduced Combings made Into braids and switches dyed. 4n - Whitehall street, second floor. Main 3622. M-.RlOl S RESULTS come from trusses ] _ improperly fitted John R Daniel, at *. Wall street. ba« exrert fitter #ind • will -os you no more to have him fit j you, and ii means insurance. CITY SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS. Wanted to buy City Savings Bank De posits Apply to CHARLES E. THOMPSON. Room 201 Equitable Bldg.. Atlanta, Ot. WANTED — Good, second-hand poo! table. Plate make, condition a™ price Addreaa I’ <» Box J20, Atlanta. WANTED—Victrola and records; must be in good condition and a bargain Address S. C. W , 1217 Third Nations Book. waNTEr>—snmii steam engine, Soflei water pump and electric lighting plant. College View Farm, College Park, Ga. - I BUS MEN’S old clothes and *loe* Drop a card, f, Bock. 177 Gilmer stre* _ DROP A CARD. We ll bring cash Dr old clothes and shoes. “The '« 9t * sire ” 166 Decatur St, WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices fnr household goods, pianos and eff ' « r niture. Cash advanced on consigning Central Auction Company. 12 M l, H eI1 street. Bell pht» c M tin OLD COINS WANTED n ' dated 1856. We pay a cash premniip; on hundrt*ds of old coins. Send 10 ret at once for new illustrated coin ya. book, 4x7. It may mean your fortune Clarke & Co., Coin Dealers, Box 29, Roy. N. Y. FURNITURE FOR SALE. f^lf^XlTlT^X^ery^desTraljie extra higlu grade mahogany, quartered > b • « • upholstered furniture; also com pie ^ furnishing*, nigs, etc. All new Jy cently installed. Inquire Bell phone ivj 5043, ' FOR SALE—Cheap, two good ro>M«P office desks. Write Box 925, Atlar- • Ga. taken „ b«- MOVING— Must sell; mahogany dressing table, chiffonier, buffet chairs, gootl as new: will sell cheap ' at once. Apply 158 West Pine r> tween 8 n m and 2 T' jn have vou goi.n HIM vi' little "For Sale ' ad In the "M ant • section will find a purchaser.