Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 26, 1913, Image 9

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TTTF ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. S-FAD FOE PROFIT-—GEORGIAN WANT AE S USE FOR RESULTS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS for sale-miscellaneous. ]-. - rr"SALE—Tricycle hT^good condP; rubber tires; $4. Good as new. • ■all West 1129-L. I,! n i LEV vacuum cleaners remove diet and germs from rugs, floors, walls, f Vacuum cleaners from $25 up. Ya-uum sweepers $9.75. Free demon stration. 416 Fourth National Bank L . ding. SALE, CHEAP Six-cap 1 with water back. Phone Ivy 5254-J. CC( i Wr of my health i will sell v * holarshlp to Southern Shorthand Business College for $40. Address YtvUm Autrey, Bolton, Ga. >AI.E- Medical books, practically \ Keen’s. Surgery, etc., with in- cuts. Call mornings. Main ' !. ft i i U gs of an eight-room for sale; best location in city; user can assume lease if desired. .. bargain. Phone Ivy 6645. N l RSERIES Will mall you , goes of tlrst-class fruit trees, and vinos, shade trees, privet i pan trees, etc. Morrow, Oa. SALE -Second-hand safes, all as Hall’s batik, fire and burglar safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. aniel. 416 Fourth National Bank Build- 11 g . SALE A second-hand wheel. In good shape, with new tires and pedles; :or boy 10 to 12 years of age. Apply :2 Inman Building. AUCTION SALE3 If YOU WISH to dispose of your fur nlture. household goods, pianos or of- 2306 fiXtUreS * ® ee H Ber: ard * or t ;l11 M BUSINESS PERSONALS. Altering Tailoring and Cleaning. "Ill METRO Potd TAN PRESSING CLUB- Pressing $1 rer month. 28# Edge wood. Atlanta 2194 AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY LOTS. FIVE Hollywood Cemetery lots for sale, or will trade. These lots are very veil situated, well worth $50 apiece, size, 18 by 20 feet. “Hollywood,’’ Box 00, care American. '.\1 ETHING new in plumbing. I will stop any sink, lavatory or bathtub for VI cash Phone Main 2573. at 237 FOR SALE—Oak sideboard, North Jackson street. 1'HE SPANISH LANGUAGE can-oAplly be learned at home without a teacher by the use of a language phone and I ave one that will sell at a bargain. Address “Language Phone,’' Box 12, care Georgian. ' DIAMOND RING, cost $100; for a quick sale will take $60. I>adies brooch pin, diamond, cost $25; will take $15. Ad- oross M., Box 1, care American. FOR SALE—Extra high-grade quar tered oak rolltop desk and leather air. Bell phone Ivy ."043. FOR SALE—•Beautiful diamond ring; will take $10. A bargain. L., Box 4, care American. HAMILTON WATCH, 16 size, good "as new. or will exchange for good graph- ophone or anything of equal valu^. L., Box 8, care American. 7 LADIES' solid gold Elgin watch, beau- tifui design, nearly new; $18; sacrifice. L. Box 17. care American. SOLITAIRE DIAMOND, perfect white. '•2-carat; cost $105: quick sale $80; private party. Box 929, Georgian. FOR SALE Brand-new 3-burner Per fection oil stove, with oven, has never been uncrated. $15.00 value; $10.00 gets it. Goldsmith sewing machine, perfect order, £10.00. Mrs. A. M. Knight. Pu laski, Ga. ! < »R S ' I. I 1 ’• ring tiv diamonds; cost $60 Will sell for $40. 35 East ■Mitchell street. ' mR <\| i; office furniture. In good condition Consisting of typewriter ■sks. flat-top desks, office chairs, sjip- • !y cabinet, counter, file cases, etc. r» Empire Building, phone Ivy 8122. 'OR SALE- Extra-good second-hand well-drilling machinery at unusually low prices. Address Box 433, Tiffin, Ohio. a FOR SALE—Gas stove. In first-class iffione i w 1443-j. FOR SALE Cheap, girl’s rubber tire adjustable tricyc e. Call Ivy 6593 At import ers’ whole sale prices. Also hulk Acid. Kainlt, Muriate Potash. C. S. Meal. Hulls and Coal in car lots W. E. McC.ALLA, 415 Atlanta Nat. Bank Bldg. $250—Perfect blue solitaire diamond, first-class, for $175 cash. Box 711 care Georgian. FOR SAT.E—One Chandler & Price job printing press, size 12 by 18; side steam fixtures; long fountain: riding roller: six form rollers, regular chases and spider chases. This press is com- aratively new' and will be sold at a sacrifice to an immediate purchaser. \ddress Scip Speer, McDonough, Ga. FOR SALE Chestnut telephone, tele graph and eleetric light poles. Prompt pment. Good freight rates. Satis faction guaranteed We want your busi ness. J. C Dougherty. Johnson City, Term. _ HAVE four nice lots In Greenwood Cemetery. See or phone .T. H. Davis, 2 9 Warner_street. West 1315. FOR SALE—Two magnificent rectan gular colonial mirrors. 5 feet 3 inches by 3 feet 2 inches; in perfect condition: heavy gilt frames: a bargain. Address Mrs Baker, 539 Bolton St.. E, Savan nah. Ga>. or phone Ivy 3301 -L. Atlanta. WANTED—Orders for crochet vests for Christmas. Call Main 2748-L. 1,000 ARMY TENTS. 18-ounce duck. slightly used, all r’zes. Call or write 295 South Pryor str< Main 2543-L. FOR SALE Million or a million and half feet of pine timber 4 miles from railroad. For particulars address Box 302, West Point, Ga. , FOR SALE—Job lot furniture, stoves and rugs going cheap for cash. Must be sold 270 Decatur street. F< »R SALE—Job lot furniture, stoves and rugs going cheap for cash; must be sold. Atlanta phone 5892-F, National $35, 550, 550, $75, 5100 p i and up. Terms easy, as 1 Monthly payments. 60 Register#, north broad st. AUTOGENOUS OXYGEN CUTTING. WELD- i ING AND CARBON CLEAX ING MACHINES, complete all in o ie. State depository for oxygen and acetylene tanks abso lutely harmless. We are carbon cleaners. Wellborn Oxygen Carl isanics. aSOoSFcan .national BajJIC Corner Alabama ana Broad streets CAPI1 RPIU8 $1.000.030 Bool; ir.fl Jod Printing. AI > V A N OK PRI NT IN G (X). CUT PRICES next 30 days. 164 Au-. burn avenue. % Cakes and Sandwiches sY\mviryrK?rsr^Trki?<is; made and delivered for banquets, parties, etc., on ■' notice A<1<!r -I' i > Box 229. Caroet Cleaning. )()n ATLANTA ORIENTAL RUG AND j CLEANING CO. « , , ! * bv 12 riiRx c'eamd; $1.60 and up. i leaning Oo., 14 Gilmer St. Ren phono ivy 3471. Main 5027 POULTRY. PF.T AND LIVE CTO : Eyqs -All' Varieties. THGROUQl UBUbfl * "" Buff < i t'ggs, $1.00 per setting. Main 1 126 Windsor St FOR SALE. FARMS FOR SALE. Ground Bones. UKF.EN ground bones for «*n « « r ground every day 89 Decatur S* In abator;.. WApPffiB good condition, and brooder Nan • and price. Prefer Cyphers B. • Miss Howard Route 3, Adair.s- make quick, ville, Ga. dirt _ Leghorn*. WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, from young range-raised stock type Very vigorous. Old Hickory harm. Cornelia. Ga. Phone Main 54. AUTOMOBILE”\ XD REA L~ ESTATE EXCHANGE. 116 Auburn Avenue. Ivy 3545. 1911 Overland Roadster to ex change for purchase money notes on real estate, good se curity. 1912 Ford Touring Car, driven 4.500 miles. 1911 Ford Roadster. 1912 Overland Tonring Car. 1911 Everett Touring Car. These cars cheap for cash. Orpingtons. KELLERSTT$A8S White Orpingtons, seven females and splendid cockerel. ORIENTAL ruffs cleaned like new; alto j JO" "! ak e » nice Christmas pr. ;.i repalrlhK amt upholstering. W. M , JIT- w L ’ ,^'1 1 > ' " ‘ •Cox, 145 Auburn nv.-mie Ivy 313S-J. | 1 elliam Wunl. 1J» Gordon sir..; Plymouth Rocks. ^ ” _1 A." ... ROCKS*—T have a few cocks and cockerels left, no females that 1 wish to sell at Carpet and Rug Cleaning. i c.\ t:pet and rug cleaning— | “barITed ‘pLYStofur\i Oriental a specialty, also furniture repairing. Zack Harris, 298 Piedmont avenue. Ivy 2060-L. Christmas Umbrellas. UMBRELLAS made to order; large se lection; tint *.‘»ndles; also repairing. Harry Briggs, * 'ftduct p'ace. Phone Main 5100. Expert Plumbers. ALK VAN DIM{ & JONES PLUMBERS. 3112 Peachtree. Ivy 426 Atlanta 585. reasonable prices Eggs from prize winning birds at liff^rent prir. s "Ringlets of course,” “nothing eise." C. A. Shelton, Mount Airy. X. C. Do You Want to Know - . ABOUT—— - At Farm Lands in Georgia? Consult 1 he h arm Land Expert Information Given by Letter— Send Communication t*> The Farm Land Information Bureau oaily C EGRGIAN ■ cjl "BzOs SUNDAY EflICAN All Around The Town Little Facts and Fancies About Well-Known Atlantans. .a was r IC f- BARGAINS IN ELEC TRIC CARS. 1913 SHAFT DRIVE COLUMBUS ELECTRIC COUPE, HI N LESS THAN TWO THOUSAND MILES; BATTERY JUST BEEN CLEANED AND CAR NOW BEING REVARNISHED BY JOHN M. SMITH. WILL GUARAN TEE SAME AS NEW CAR PRICE $1,450. Flowers two'dollar azalEaj- $ at FLOWER SHOP. 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Furnace Repair*. FT 1 iNArfFTTtEI»AIRS—The only people to repair Moncrief furnaces is the Moncrief Furnace Company, 139 South Pryor street. Main 285, Atlanta 2877a Furniture Bought and Sold. WE SELL for cash and save you half. Southern Wreckage Company, 114 Forsyth street # Shoeing ard Wagon Repairing. CUMMINGS SHOEING Co., building. repairing painting, rubber-tiring: rea sonable prices 1 :5 Gilmer. House Mover. RAUCH & LANG COUPPE, IN PER FECT CONDITION; HAS ENTIRE NEW EXIDE BATTERY AND JUST BEEN PAINTED. PRICE $1,150. RAUCH & LANG COU PPE, IN PER FECT CONDITION MECHANICALLY; BATTERY' JUST BEEN CLEANED AND CAR NOW BEING PAINTED; A BIG .BARGAIN AT $1,000; CAN AR RANGE TERMS TO SUIT RESPONSI BLE PARTIES ON THESE CARS. K. T. M’KTNSTRY. IVY 4177. 469 PEACHTREE ST. FOR SALE—1914 BuiC Model 24-B. This car has never been run and if you contemplate purchasing, can save you one or two hundred dollars , on this machine. Owner leaving city. \ Address P. O. Box 40, Atlanta. FOR SALE—One five-passenger 1912 j model Hudson, in perfect condition; 1 also one Buick fioadster; looks good and runs better; for sale cheap or will exchange for real estate or purchase money notes. For a real bargain ad dress W. T. Carley, LaGrange, Ga. 50 NITRATE SODA AV P A Moves *" • * • 1 * jT\ O Fj frame houses. 417 II ’ B Bldg Ytl 965, Main 1611. I nventions. INVENTIONS M A N T 1* ACT! RE and mar ket meritorious inventions. Acme Spe- cialty Co.. 209o. Lee St. West 1381. Jewelers andjOptlctan*. DUNAWAY BROS., 6 Walton St. EXPERT engraving, diamond setting and jewefry repairing. _ Job Printing. ROSS B. MOORE, Job^Printer. Always reasonable Call me M 3864-J. ^ Lock and Gunsmith. KEYS MAdownes, 2944 Marietta. Both phones Main 2146. Atlanta 4922. Machinery and Mechanical De s*9TC''* lltEI'RICK NhR'DORFF, designer in special machinery and mechanical de vices. Developing ideas and models for patents. Patents secured. Call and see work done or write 53y 2 East Alabama St., Room 2. SPECIAL KNIGHT & FisK TIRES per cent OFF KNIGHT’S LIST. 36x4 1 / 2 FISK, $20.90. i 0Den evenings SLIGHTLY-USED CASING, 30x3%, I Peachtree * 34x3%, $8.75. 36x4%, $12.50. 34x4%, $11.75. JUST now closing for two Atlanta Branch Stock Tires, names we can not mention. About 50 per cent off. Clean tires. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US ALWAYS. Have bargains. MM 11 XMAS HA RGA JNS- $5 Yrinimed^hats^a specialty. Full line of children’s trimmed hat* I^adi^s’ and misses' vel vet shapes. 98c to $2.98. Fur skins and gold iace trimmings. Old hats remod eled. SI.50. ‘Charge accounts solicited. Mrs. C. H. Smith, 115 New Rubber Tire*. VFW RUBBER tires put on your baby’s carriage: repaired, re- fiainted and re-covered Ivy 3076 Rob ert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood. Painting and Tinting. PAINT-PAINT' ! THE TRIPOD PAINT COMPANY, j 37-9 Pryor Street. Awnrv Drum’Lv (BEST goods, prompt service Phone us UAl(jbi\ nhMUV Jio < AKdON. your orders. Phones Bell Main 4711. We clean your auto cylinders while ? Main 4710, Atlanta 406 7-1-12 M’PHERSON AUTO TIRE CO., Atlanta Ga. you wait. Good job. small price. j Picture Framing. AUTOGENOUS WELDING sam g. walker is' .stiii in~the^pTei jf all metals. Gear cutting and genera: • ture frame business at 91 North machine repairs. Satisfaction guaran- j Prvor street Phone Ivy 5331. teed. SHEARER MACHINE CO PATTERSON FARM. WHITE Plymouth Rocks; winners for I years at the best shews offering’ special mated pens and trios at vvr\ reasonable prices. Cocks, coek.n ; . hens and pullets at prices to suit all. Write us We have the birds and. guar antee satisfaction. M FARMS FOfl SALE. fiSSOl R: ! \1T\iS PATTERSON FARM. FITZGERALD. GA. BARRED and Wnite Plymouth lire Some choice young an.l old bir«!> . sale. H. A. Kuhns. Route Atlal Poultry—All Varieties. EXTTTIRtToK i5^d~SThiry~ \ViTTte '< pirigtons and Partridge Wvamlot; at reduced prices. Show record aid reasons for sale upon request. Box t , Landrum, S. C. | Ft Ml S.\ LE- fniit an,! I United State: 1 atfveiy pays : i j i! - - FOR SALK v; ! Liv,.,, r. ngston, 1 1 WANTED loam soil U acre gi reni O N E I >oliar • or Florida farm, : \ « ars’ time, no in- iv>‘ this ad, it’s |l COMPANY. Ui. Louis, Mn. 1 Elorida. Best grape- i- country in tlie m y invested conserv- cent in two years. Miami, Fla. ; " on Tennessee 10,000. Write Box 8, White Cornish. TO enter my hcav> weigh: Whl*. nish is to win. Birds y ■ ’ to $5. M. K. Keuut ly Temple. Ga Dogs. cst pair bird dogs in _America. S. R. Owen. Gordon, 1 FOR SALE—Trained and untrained set ters and pointers. S. R. Owen, G, r- don, Ga. _ Ad- ; r.O acres land: sandy c water, young orchard, ud just outside city . nearly all cleared, ■ ’ 1 v at a bargain if can at ( ' G. A. Fitch, Big Rapids, Mich. VO!.! SI A, FLORIDA. WELCOilES THE HOME- SEEKER. FIVE to twenty aere farms, rich soil, adjoining i. w town of Volusia, mod- , rn keti ; seiieni stores, lumber mill, ^1% 1 : Srsx 1 \\ (> fine pointer i t, rv and cattle Good Can’t develop them mjnelf; will Oi mum line of one-ha.f value, $20 per pair, if t ■ r i., ......ud four miles $12.oO each: good stock and good !.<ui; , u f. c ,1 oinl-i nivtona Beach, great bargain. Lowen Kidd. Da'tou, inirnis pr ao» town lots $&0 Ga. A'ery ea FOR SALE—One pair male hound.-, on. L ' , ; half July, one-half bloodhounds; n i 1 111 I ; ; i FARMS FOR SALE. fcTR sTO i : -6‘to acres, one mile to good manufacturing town; 18 acres 3 miles, ami 26 acres, all at ;i bargain if sold at once. This town Has 22 fac tories an<l mills. Just the plac for trucking and poultry raising Address F H. llcagic. 369 McKees Litne, Niles, Ohio. SEE ME t"- South Georgia Farm* Will exchange |or city property. J. T Kimbrough, ’ • \ 11 Nat Bk Bldg. iirnn-cLASS SOUTHERN FARM. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. (Stock and implements Included.) SEVENTY-FIVE MILES south of At lanta. on Central of Georgia Railroad station on the farm; *<00 acres now in splendid operation, paying well. Owner has good reason for selling at a bargain Information to a real purchaser fur nished by ' EDWIN P. ANSLEY. LAND DEPT. REALTY TRUST BUILDING. ATLANTA. GA. A. Har- run negroes, tree opossums, and rabbits; two years old. It. well, Newborn. Ga. FOR SALE—Beautiful full-blooded Dachshund: price, $25. Lyerly IT Pt Co.. Summerville. Ga. FOR s a LE Ti.. ned and pointers and setters guar.-i utc-d.. John L Miller lorn City, Ga. FOR SALE—Opossum, coon hounds. trated folde Heart! Nat so ivilllc, i- 60 ACRES' land; 25 railroad s rrad. part! increasing .... aaiTACREf fa la Free advice to set- farmer as to crops, time e 'A'rite to-day for illus- elopmept «Jo., B Uding, Jack- rabbit hounds, bloodhounds p , bird dogs pointers and setters P u - ' , n cu *t , J r; Box 202. Villa Rica. Ga. I , n excellent combli Horses. Mules. Vehicle*. Etc. WANTED— 1 To sell mare weigh . • suitable for transfer, cab or ?::iu\erv; very quiet. Any reasonable trial given. Can be seen after 4 p. m. at 158 White hall street. $125. took farm j Robert L •' "i.p and trucking to T • iipa. 2 miles to n. end hard-surfaced 1 i constantly in value. ]•;. W. Berghofer, < : ^' iy. Fla. • ’ 4 ton. wheat, corn, alfaU ' iil< s county seat; two sets vation; combination cd terms; $20 per acre. / Cordell. Okla. Pigs^ you a small herd of iTuroc f r —— Jerseys for small cash paynu-nt. 1 !-j ance to suit. The best swine for the : South. Jefferson Farms. Albany. Ga. > ^Poultry, Plants and Seeds. H. G. HASTINGS & ( . CAN i't !!. Sii retired business men, 1 ■ era and other* dne an<| up to 1.000. near rai'way s . r s and g<$od markets. enta Write pa r ‘T-uiars '• Stephenson T-and and Lmu’.rr Company, Oconto, Wls. MISSOURI FARMS- one dollar cash buys a Missouri or Florida farm, bal ance five to eight years’ time; no inter est; free trip. Save this ad; it’s worth $10. Call or wmlte Missouri Farms Company. Bremen Station, St. I^ouis. Mo. FARMS FOR RENT. WiLL RENT' for standing rent very cheap, two-horse farm, two miles from Felton, Haralson County, including 3.'» acres bottom land that will make 70 bushels of corn per acre; also three- horse farm two miles from Brooklyn. Stewart County; good houses, barns running water, etc. L. Grossman. 96 Whitehall St. FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR^aYe"or trade* for stock merchan dise, a 154-acre farm Address Lev inson’s Department Store, Petoskey, Mich. R r 'AL ESTATE V/ANTED. n Have cash to I ■ foi !'• ' ace. must he a bargain. ‘ Wr ■ dais. J. Campbell, 27 East Harris street. 197 WHITEHALL MATN 1570 CRIMO. ATLANTA SAFE CO. Slate Roofln I () v i;c ^SLAfFToOFING /»\ l -O Repairs and New Roofing. Atlanta 955. SEEDS, BULBS, PLANTS AND POUL- ! , ' TRY SUPPLIES | ATLANTA lli.Al BELL PHONES: MAIN 2S68, M.UN 3962: ATLANTA 2566. WE have some beautifully marked f<-x terrier puppies about three months oh! They make an ideal gift for boys. We also have two toy black and tan terri* ? fnur months old, and weigh less than two pounds each These are extra and great bargains at $20 each. Male j — ■■■■ — and female French poodles, little h ■ - ties, at $10 and $12.50 each. Come in REAL ESTATE FGR SALE, and see them. Hit*TATE Ts increai*. • bargaina are itate column* of the “Want \d’’ H'liun /.f The Georgian. ' W A NT, It w 1 ve v time and money if you u ■ '!• . ' Sunday American and At lanta Georgian. MEDICAL. I)R KhMONDSUN'S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a .safe and Te llable treatment for painful’ and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities arc’ similar obstruct ions Trial box by mail. 10c Frank Edmondson M Bra., manu facturing chemists. 11 North Broad St. Atlanta COMP* I'NI) OXYGEN made daily for catarrh, deafness, diseases of nose ard throat and ears. This is the sea son to he cured Special reduced rates Dr. George Brown, 312-314 Austell Build ing While the street car people were helping to start off a gloomy Christ mas Day as joyfully as possible by Mi the power for fifteen or twenty minutes early in the morn ing. Conductor No. 206 regaled and rejoiced a packed car out Piedmont avenue way by telling them how he was “up against it” good and proper for the day. “It’s like this.” said he. "Me and my folks have all been invited out to dinner to-day, and so we made no sort of preparations for a Christmas feed at home. There isn’t a thing in the house that could be fashioned into a Christmas dinner, even by the most • xpcrt housekeeper. And now it is i raining so hard, and the day is so sloppy, we can’t get where we have been invited—and there we are! It’s j tough luck, I call it. You folks who i think you are in tough luck because i this old car is stalled for a little bit i lon’t know what tough luck is. You ; should worry! Suppose you were fac- | :nu a dinr.criess Christmas, like I am? 1 What?” And about that time the power was switched on again, and the car ram bled along toward town. Officers Give Xmas To Hungry Traveler i Jimmie Shannon. raRgnd and lumftrv. ! Wednesday moved the hearts of several policemen and Christmas Day he Is : well-fed and well-clothed. Be walked Into police headquarters Wednesday night and tohl the officers he was hungry and sleepy, lie looked ■f: so i tff eer llazelett handed him a Si j Mil and others followed suit until Shan non hud $25. "I came to Atlanta from Coppcrhlll. Tenn.,” explained Shannon. "I had I heard so much of a man’s chances In Atlanta 1 though: i could yet along better I would have made good If they hadn't expected too much of a fellow. As It Is I am almost starving." FOB E IS! a Special Dinners, ’ ,. : Deco rations for Comfort of Those Away From Homo. and II f IIS :mex*, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, HOUSED FOR RENT. Stoves and Ranges. ATLANTA-MADE stoves and ranges sold by J. K. Polk, 288 Decatur street. PhonPs, M. 496, Atl. 1977. HAVE YOUR CARPETS CLEANED in your own homes by the HOOVER Process. Brush and suction combined. Contracts taken by the hour or day. Demonstrations free on request. OZIAS NAT’L SELLING CORPORATION. 605-7 Empire Life Building. Phone Ivy 8239. THE onlj r carbon remover In the world, j Worth its weight in gold. Will re- I ,. move the carbon in your car in 10 i e P a,rer -^ minutes. Absolutely harmless. Sold, SHOES HALF-SOLED SEWED un/ier a positive guarantee. Get a can. . rn ci?MTQ Ask your dealer for it. If he is out, .' nj ' 1 ^ call Ivy 4595 and we will supply him. ' AT GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 6 Luckie or ask | street, opposite Piedmant Hotel. Both I phones. In a hurry. Call Taxicab Com- The Georgia Motor Supplies Co., [ ‘' any for a,,t0 rent aervice - 216 Peachtree St. THE CRIMO CARBON RE MOVER CO., 39 Luckie St. COLUMBIA AUTOMOBILE " 12X- OHANGE, 287 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. LARGEST dealers of used cars in the South. Watch our list of used cars In this paper. _ BIG BARGAIN 1N"USED CARS. WE ARE OFFERING USED LOCOMO BILES, PIERCE ARROWS, F. 1. A. T., STEARNS KNIGHT. COLUMBIA AND STODDARD-DAYTON AT VERY REA SON A BLE PRICES. CA LL (>It \VRITE FOR USED CAR BULLETIN NO. 3. LISTING PRICES AND GIVING DE TAILED INFORMATION USED CAR DEPARTMENT THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY OF AMERICA. PHONE: IVY 5017. 469 PEACHTREE STREET. SOU. RADIATOR CO. EXPERT repairing on radiators, lamps. fenders and windshields. 112 Pied mont avpnue. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING IS ONE of our specialties. High grade work. Reasonable prices. :ove and Ran .STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED DAN, TILE FIXER. 121 Whitehall. M. 2699 ., I GENUINE Hartz Mountain and I M Canaries, fine singers and beautil u.;y ; marked, at $2.75 and $5.00 each. GET a globe and some fish for the chil- 1 dren. Fish. 10, 15, 25 cent^ each. Globes from 25 cents up to $3 00. GUINEA PIGS, $1.50 per pair. OUR STOCK of blooming nareis - . Roman hyacinths and cyclaments . : . fine as any shown in the city, and <> r prices are ubout one-half what y< i usually pay for them. Be sure and ee our stock before you buy. WE have a beautiful lot of bird eau and will make unusually low pri« * s during the holidays. If your bird nc .Is a new cage, now is the time to go; :t. DON’T let your hens loaf too lout:. Eggs are too high to keep a hunt h of hens that are not laying. Feed tin n on Red Comb Mash Feed, the great ( ug- producing food. Guaranteed to them lay. $2.35 per 100 pound-. iO pounds, 25 cents. Phone us a trial oi i der. Trunks, Bags and Suit case*. R ET A1L EI) AN D REi A l R ED. ROI NT REE’S. 77 WHITEHALL ST. Pfoores. Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654 L'rr.bre!i;is--WhoIesal© ana Retail. ffVTRR hit A ft Try -Taylor 1 .’.1 Made" Detach*- ble handles All prices. No charge for repairs. Phone Main 3748 Taylor Urn- brella Company H6% Whitehall. Wall Paper. 120-122-124 AUBURN AVENUE. ESTABLISHED 1869. Automobiles Wanted. WANTT^D^Crank and gear case for Maxwell model E, 1910. five-passenger automobile Box 401, Fort Valiev. Ga. EMPIRE FISH MARKET—Fresh oys ters and dressed poultry, fish daily 112 Whitehall FOR SALE—lOO.OOO 1-year-old apple trees, grown from whole French seed lings. Retail and wholesale. Write Appa- tD Nurseries,. Tallulah Falls, Gft. SAFES. FTLES, cabinets, new and sec ond-hand. Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Company, 113-116 North 1 ’ryor Street. FOR sale or exchange—mis- CELLANEOUS. i'OR SALE or exchange for anything I can use. sausage factory, complete. f5_Garnett street. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE. SPLENDID CHRISTMAS PRESENT. ■-"ECOND-IIAND typewriters, all makes; ■ xcellent condition; cheap for cash. :v er Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn j 1 venue. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Abstract and Title Insurance. ATLANTA TITLE OCXKANTEE CO.. GROUND FLOOR Equitable Bldg. Main 5420. All Kinds of Stove WHEN l# TROUBLE. CALB “THE STOVE DOCTOR.” ATL 1410. ' READING OF WANT ADS in Hearst’s Sunday American and At- ^nta Georgian means money to you. »5& N 61 SOUTH PRYOR. Alter Injj .jCJe an in g^a nd^Pre a s I 'CADIES and gentlemen, i have just opened a first-class repair shop; place to have your old suits made new; guar antee perfect satisfactory work. Miss E. Dillingham, 77% Whitehall. Room 5. Altering, Dyeing and Cleanjrjg^^ CICERO FITZPATRICK PRESSING CLUB, 52 Peters St. Phone Main 1187. Artistic Upholstering. F. L. VOLBERG, JR. UPHOL.STF.RINC anrt furniture repair ing. 22614 Prachtrro Phon. Ivy 822. "TI r Sbnji will I :■ ; .Iatton Artistic Wall Paper. WE WISH OUR MANY PATRONS A MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. PIEDMONT WALL PAPER • CO. E. H. ELROD, Manager. YOU HAD BETTER HAVE THAT WALL PA PERING DONI-; BY THE BEST WALL PAPER DEALERS LN THE CITY. 33 AUBURN AVE. BOTH PHONES. W.A.F0STER & RAYMOND ROBSON REAL ESTATE Ft ENTINQ AND LOANS. II EDGE WOO D AVENUE FOR SALE. NORTH SIDE BUNGALOWS—We have some of the prettiest homes of this kind on the North Side to be found anywhere. Well built and beautifully designed. Will he pleased to show them to you. Mr Bradshaw. WEST END LOT. 48x149. on a street that ha:- tile sidewalks, sewer, gas; lot is (-lev ifed, 3 feet above the street. See Mr. Cohen for particulars. ! STREET- Nine-room lie :,.-, . it;i i w . baths. Modern In ev--f p-.i.rtic:dar. Nice large lot. Price .], •«. i.;i ; ims. See Mr. Martin. ^ JACrvLow^a^nd^ use^Clea n tnjj. NATloXAL Window Cleaning Co. OflfTee 4V K Hunter Main 1175. Atlanta 1061 POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK Bantams. BANTAMS--Gam Buff Cochins Ga. ban tarns. Sebright s, Carlisle Cobb. Athens, " L WsWill Do Your Papering. PIEDMONT WALLPAPER CO., $3 AUBURN AVE. BOTH PHONESJ s judenmire, Flint, Ga- Ducks. FOR SALE —Pen Flshel White Runner ducks, drake and four ducks; beauti ful birds. For quick sale, $10. Will make nice Christmas present. John F. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. WANTED—To sell a good four-re u house in Chipley, Ga.; price $1,400. Apply J. C. W., Box 66. Chipley,-Ga. FOR SALE BY OWNER Atlantic Beach, 17 miles from Jacksonville; ocean lots 7 and 8 block 52. north of Paul cottage. Platted to sell at ' 0 each. Selling price $1,500. This give-; 50x100 .on ocean and 50x100 on road and includes bulkheading Lots 4 and i Seventh street, which leads direct to ocean. Platted to sell at $1,000 and .''990. Sale price $1,500. This includes s«-vv.-r- age and water. Electric light avail;,ble. Only one of these pieces to be sold at this price. Ix>ts will double in two years Mrs. R. C. Cooley, 101 Gilmore street, . I; i • k--Givi::- i la. FOR SALE—Five-room house on 'ot 100 by 200 feet in Decatur; price $2,099 ; $200 cash, $20 monthly; a genuine L - gain. E. F. Huflfines, Germania Saving ; ; Bank, 2 Whitehall St. MODERN up-to-date six-room hung - low, built of best material, hard w<«>■ I floors, hot and cold water, large bath room, gas and electric lights. < >n level corner lot In West End. one block "f car line good home, well w'ortii $1,590, | but will sell for $4,200. $2,000 cask. Owner, care Georgian. WILL sell 6-roora home, at bargain if can sell by January 1. All conven- i iences. Terms. West 411-J after 6. ;o p. m. Owner FOR sale By owner, m ts ■ bungalow; all conveniences. 101 Brookline street. Price $3,750; terms Phone Main 3409-J. SI \ -R' >• • M (■' iTTAGK, on good street in Wet; End. All improvements. T.'-f'c ini, -9:0 70 feet; $2,750; $750 c ii La lane- 30 per month with 6 , r c(-n f No loan to assume. See Mr. White. CL.-URMONT AVENUE LOTS, In De- ' oi 8 to 10 j acre s Price $300 to $500 per acre. See Mr. Eve ■ ' Y' ■ HAVE MONET to lend we can place it safely. FOR RENT. 6-r. h.. 93 McDonough street De - catur. furnished $32.50 6-r. h.. 180 Cameron 20.60 6-r. h.. 138 Hill 25.00 6-r. h.. 46 East Thirteenth 19.10 6-r. h., 367 Fraser 15.60 6-r. h., 299 Cooper 15.60 6-r h., h., 15.00 5-r. 90 Glenn wood 15.60 5-r. h.. 498 Bass 20.00 5-r, h. 63 Loomis 21.00 5-r. h., 175 Iverson 18.10 5-r h., 250 East Georgia 22.60 5-r. h., 19 Olympic Place. Dec... 12.50 5-r. h.. 259 Jones 15.75 5-r. h., 35 \V. Boulevard DeKalb 25.00 5-r. h., Vaughn street - 15.00 5-r. h. Cornelia 20.60 5-r. h. 120 South Mayson 12.50 5-r. h., 184 Stewart 18.60 5-r. h. 10 Mayson avenue 22.50 5-r h., 8 Grady 12.60 4-r. h., 299-A Rawson 25.00 4-r flat 150 West Baker 23 10 4-r. flat. 153% Highland 27.00 4-r. h., 169 Spring 18.60 4-r. h.. 40 Mills 18.10 4-r. h., 406 Oakland 15.75 4-r. h., 9 Racine 17.50 4-r. h.. 16 Leonard 13.10 4-r. flat, 147 McDonough 17.50 WE NOT ONLY EXTEND TO YOU THE SEASON’S GREETINGS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEA R, But. we particularly wish to thank both buyers and renters for their valuable patronage. We keenly appreciate the cor diality ever evidenced in your business dealings with us. SHARP & BOYLSTON S. Broad St. The man for ketpt from hD Christmas c in lanta hotels principal dow made elaborat for the v, nth Christman t. ,.i special Chrlsi most of them. The lobbies have been s!rt decorations, ; pi flag on the r c houses i:i th.- At ‘.ic \Y: II a i in titij •- of tinsel. r I mezzanine 11.- with Savannah from the wiiu serve a specia with Christ:r; i: An elaborate the good thing home tabM at ci served at HoJ« ! h’clock through tli day. Manager Le ly decorated tht rathskeller. Tn rooms and • . ‘ : prepared for Chri One of the must dinners the Pi serv* d wil be r.n M. Dutton’s he?:eb dislinctive and art ported ffrTm Tb rn the occasion. Th ing room of the P decora:ca with other d« co: ation be played by the ! Christmas Snowfall In North ^issi ippi qoLijm r.rrs, ai;: • s.. r >', ■ 2 5. —a heavy snowstorm is sv -■ .ing, this section of ttm State to-day. The snow began falling shortly aL-r midnight, following several hour.-- - of continuous rain. The thermometer r< . : :ers 32 here to-day. From all reports t.he snow seems to be falling over all northeast Mississij d. The snowfall is the heaviest in years and indications are that-it will continue ,<r hout the dav. Electric Car Kills Virginia Vaughan NEW YORK, Dee. Vir ginia ^Vaughn, writer of lyrics and po< res. translator - •! f iei • f Na thaniel H a vv t h o r i and other authors <>f half a <enturv past, was killed by a street car in Eighth avenue. She was 81 years old. Harvard Students as Professional Escorts CAMBRIDGE. MASS., Dec. 25.-— John Jeffers >n Rlc) tator to Boston circles, deploring th«- d'-urth of male dancers At fashioi i evolved the chi ic of ujploying needy Harvard men i<> c t i profes sional escorts and partners. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. IN THE ADIGATIG, Nos. 312-314 Rawson street, between Cooper and Wind- - i m < ; . we have for rent three very nice apartments, consisting of five roo; i-.. janitor service, steam heat, water, gas range and storage room f with each apartment. Good neighborhood and about fifteen rrib i; to business center of city If rented at once, a liberal coa ce ■ win be made to good tenants. Apply at once to .TOriN J. WOODSTDE. REAL ESTATE, RENTING, STORAGE. Phones, Bell Ivy 671, Atlanta 618, 12 “Real Estate Row.” GREETINGS WISHING you a Merry Christmas and the joys of the Holiday season. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE. f'cuUTwXrTlsri, Hwira'a'S: ing lots in College Park, the must I desirable suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. McCrory. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHAI SlisT’or eight houses and lots, on v< o<i street, paying from 8 to 12%. On count of change In business, owner will sell cheap or exchange for farm land in good localities. J. C. Collier, Barne. - ville, Ga. WILL exchange for farm near Atlanta good house, five rooms and hath; r; , loan; on Georgia avenue. L. Gro. sinnn, 1 96 Whitehall street. Atlanta. FOR EXCHANGE -Will exchang** unin cumbered five-room house in Deca r on half-acre lot for city property d assume a mortgage. Give full part . : lars to Decatur. Box 409. care Georgian i FOR EXCHANGE- North Side apara- j ment; rents for about $2,010 yean, will 1 take property of about $3,000 a* cash payment. Ivy 8228. I ANSLEY PARK LOT IX tho prettiest part of Ansley Park, situated on a beautiful hill, we offer an unusually desirable lot, 75x250 feet, 20-foot alley on side and In rear. This lot is especially desirable, owing to the fact that It has a $35,000 home on one side, faces one of Atlanta’s prettiest homes, and the surrounding homes being of the type that always guaran tee enhancement In value of properties in their neighborhood. this lot faces south, is already gTaded and sodded and is ready to b< built upon at once. Price $5,000; terms. Forrest & George Adair ATTRACTIVE BARGAIN $4,500 WILL BUY 94 Ponce DeLeon Place. This is a beanti- ful little bungalow of 6 rooms, very cozy and attractive. The lot is 50x150, and is on the corner of Greenwood avenue. Terms, 10 per cent cash and $45 per month, with 7 per cent interest. No loan to assume. ONE OF THE BLST BAR GAINS ON THE MARKET. J. R. J. H. SMITH & EWING IVY 1513. 130 PEACHTREE ATL. 2SG5. GRAHAM & MERK REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING. 301-302 Empire Bldg. Ivy 8355. FOR $20,000 we have a beautiful apartment house on the North Side that rents for $240 per month. Expenses, including taxes, in--; ?■r< rv-c, electric lights, coal and janitor, amount to only $591 per year. For t! v , v. r > w;H make a sacrifice of this beautiful apartment. Place a si-1 ;,.an on this at 6 per cent, which will make the investment net y. u 1 ••or < nt. HILLS PARK—Splendid five-room, with large hall, on large, ;>r- y lot; first stop on Marietta, Ga., car line. Price $2,250, on terms. 26 ACRES on Marietta car line for $7,500, on terms. This' i<? one of the best truck farms around Atlanta. It is worth much more than we ask. FOR SALE BY Q R K K N R In A B T COM RAN 314 Empire Bldg. Real E&^ata, KPTaT-n'okth GH.fc )UY.VIE E JUST OFF PONCE DELEON AVE NUE, on Jackson street, in prettiest block on the street, we have that -w r Y Attractive front. Extre-.;o!y -, 0 li built. * Owner needs money ar.i iv. sell levs Y than value. Worth $10,000. but less will buy it this week. Submit us offer. Terms. DON’T OVERLOOK T Renting, Loans Phones, Ivy 8399 • m v