Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 28, 1913, Image 48

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Oavfrtgm. 1*13, fty the Newspaper Pel Cure Service G»t*i Britain Right* R^wrroi HOW Do You LIKE IT? 5 (what ARE WE '(jOiniC -To D«>y i Tr© - Day ? /“ will be a peach Buster, You're A <j E NI Kisjy' T/<jE,ThIS »S 1 ThE Trick I’m Fondest of. 4 )T LISTENS' , G00DT0 ME C RE AT I FEAR FOR. The worst 1 Wonder, what thcv A HE UNHITCHING ME FoR-Jl YJlVETHIS 1 — HORSE A PAIL OF ICE CREAM / SODA T S\ [STQ P CYRIL; RE MEMBER) / STOP \ SRANKlNCi\ AlY N CUSTOMER. HOLD Listen, Sweetheart) You must n't Burst ) INTo MV^ToRE IN s a That PEEVISH WAY; / 1 You Get \)S all p \ _ , come here) EE-Solved < /(that as a member or the Js.p. c.A. ! think it is my Duty ' NOTONLYToPROTECTANIMALS, But To occasionally^ive"Them A aooV Time . Horses ALWAYS LIKE ICE CREAM SODA. DOGS LIKE candy. Why would ntTheylike To <joTo A f^fl^SHOW P I'N ^ 0IN M|||lf7b (J (V f A B OXW^JIIpV'A CTY FOR. M| cuL Cov/ 3om£ “T/ajcL-*' (JNER.VOUJ