Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 27, 1914, Image 1

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\ ) This Edition of The American! Consists of »ha Following Seotlonei 1—Lata Newt. ♦—City Ufs and Sports, j 2—Editorial. 9—Magazine. \ S—Society. 1—Comics. Be Sure You Get Them All SUN I CAN NOTICE If you have any difficulty in buying Hearses ; Sunday American auywhere In the South notify j Circulation Manager Hearst'i Sunday Amerl- < can, Atlanta, Ca. VOL. II. £T0. 38. (Copyright, 1912, by The Georgian Company.) ★ ★ ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, ft 14. Germany Had Virtual Trade Mo nopoly in Czar’s Domain—War Upsets Arrangements and Deal ers Turn to America for Needs. Military Officers Commandeered Nearly All Automobiles at Start of Hostilities, and Demand for Trucks Is Becoming Enormous. By JONATHAN WINFIELD. WASHINGTON, Dec. It.—'The shattering of the great German trade ivlth Russia haa opened up a large and growing field for the manufactur ers and merchants of other nations, and American consular agents in that country are calling attention to the possibilities for developing a market for American goods in the Otar's do main. As a result of the war, Russian not only is ..obliged to seek new sources from which to draw Its imports, but aJso is called upon to readjust Its centers of distribution and its chan nels of trade. A large share of its Import trade will remain permanent ly in the hands of those who can in troduce immediately articles hitherto furnished by the nations of Central Europe. The large number of Ger man and Austrian business houses and banks established in Russia prac- tloally have ceased operations. Germans Well Intrenched. The German commercial organi sations in Russia were so firmly es tablished and so closely connected with branches scattered over the en tire country that they were In a posi tion to substltue goods furnished by other countries by German products of a similar type. The great bulk of the trade in the Caucasus district was held by German concerns until the outbreak of the war, and is now in a state of complete disorganization. Russian merchants, therefore, are left in a position where they are obliged to buy their goods in other markets and to establish direct con nections with manufacturers or in duce them to establish agencies in the principal distributing centers, like Petrograd. Moscdw, Odessa and Riga. Dealers at these places have applied to American consuls for the names and addresses of the manufacturers of American goods, such as motors, pumps, automobiles, motorcycles, hardware, electrical goods and me chanical appliances of all kinds. Demand for Autos. Consular agents point out that the rime is particularly favorable for the 'introduction of automobiles, motor trucks and other vehicles, as practi cally all those In the country have Been requisitioned for military pur poses. As soon as the danger of fur ther requisitions has passed the de mand for all classes of motor vehicles will be large. Kotor trucks were commonly used in the oil fields, mines, on farms, by factories, for passenger traffic and for general traffic on the roads to Persia. The large American manufacturers of agricultural machinery already have agencies, and their business will be considerably Increased by the elim ination of German competition. There is a good demand for hy draulic motors, traction engines, pow er transmitting machinery and marine motors to replace the German ma chines. Sawmill machinery also is needed. The necessity for sending out com mercial travelers with samples has been repeatedly pointed out by local dealers, and is strongly recommended m view of the enormous market In Russia for many lines of present con ditions, which have created unprece dented opportunities for enterprising American manufacturers. thief takes love letters. .fort WORTH, Dec. 26—A robber, whose Identity thirty stbdents of the Texas Women’s College would like to know, stole thirty to forty love letters from the polytechnic branch office. He read them too, as evidenced by their scattered contents. No valuables or stamps were taken. Julius Kruttschnitt Predicts Prosperity Southern Pacific Executive Chairman Believes Bottom Reached and Upturn at Hand. LOS ANGELES, Dee. 2*.—Julius Kruttschnitt, chairman of the execu tive committee of the Southern Pacific Company, and one time E. H. Harrl- man's right-hand man In matters per taining to practical railroading, believes that better times are at hand, and that prosperity for the whole country Is not far distant. He said so upon his arrival In Los Angeles, heading a party of high South ern Pacific officials on his annual tour over the system. “It may be simply a stats of mind,** said Mr. Kruttschnitt, •'but I can't help but believe that we have ‘touched bottom’ and that conditions are Im proving. I am confident that we have seen the worst and that better times are ahead of us. “The European war was directly re sponsible for only a small part of conditions, but business Interests are so Intertwined that, like a bouse of cards, when one card is hit the whole house falls.” Pitchforks, Shovel, Used fn Lawmaking WASHINGTON, De. W.—The annual report of the Secretary of the Senate carries some items of expenditures that seem odd for such an august body. On the list of disbursements are these Items: Two pithforks, one scoop shovel and 48 horseshoes. Under “medicines and lotions” are: One bottle of gargling oil. one bot tle of liniment, one bottle of balsam, one pound of powdered rosin, five pounds of salts, five pounds of hoarhound drops, two bottles of headache cure, two dozen seidllts powders, one pound soda- mint tablets and nine packages of Cop enhagen snuff. One exhaust-beater stuffing nut cost 70 cents. The sum of 1122.ISO was paid for meals served to Senate pages detained at the Capitol for night sessions. A local hard ware- concern was paid $7.65 for cleaning and adjusting revolv ers. No Farms Wanted For Belgians inU.S. WASHINGTON, Dec. 26.—The Bel gian Government resents the activities of certain phllanthropically disposed per sons in the United States who have started a movement to induce. Belgian farmers to immigrate to the United States after the close of hostilities. It was believed the United States would offer a haven and & refuge for numerous Belgians, particularly the farmers, and the attention of the In terior Department was directed to the matter. The Department took the mat ter up promptly with representatives of Belgium here, and It then developed that the Belgian Government did not think It a good thing, and resented the movement. It was explained that after the close of hostilities Belgium will need its farmers. Harvard May Teach General Information CAMBRIDGE, Dec. 26.—“General in formation” may be soon an established course at Harvard. Professor Charles T. Copeland, of the department of Eng lish, is heartily in favor of the uni versity establishing such a course, which, he says, would deal with noth ing in particular, but everything in gen eral. Professor Copeland believes that men, especially young men, know far too lit tle of the events of dally life. Tests made in his course In English have served to confirm his suspicion. The Harvard Illustrated ^dltorially indorsed the project, saying tne course would pertainly not be out of place, al though Its claim to a part In the curric ulum was doubtful. ‘Save-a-Baby’ Cry Throughout Florida JACKSONVILLE, FLA., Dec. 26* — Save a baby Is the cry throughout Flori da. Under the auspices of the Chil dren’s Home Society, a campaign to bring Christmas cheer and hope to the "kiddies” Is sweeping over the State. A “save a baby club” is In full swing here, and the idea has spread rapidly elsewhere. Social and religious workers are aiding to spread the movement by collecting clothing, money and food. The articles will be shipped to the “Save a Baby” headquarters for distribution Christmas week. Spanish Dreadnought For Opening of Canal 0 MADRID (via Parts), Dec. 26.—Ad miral Miranda, Minister of Marine, an nounces that the Spanish Government will be represented at the opening cere monies for the Panama Canal by a delegation headed by Vice Admiral Es trada on board the dreadnought Es- pana. “She Did Not Save My .Life; I Knew I Would Go Free,” Says Father of Girl Who Told Story of Her Shame at Murder Trial. “Anna Will Be Happier With Us Than as the Wife of Eugene Newman, and She Wanted to Atone,” Declares Freed Parent. • NEW YORE, Dec. Jo.—While little Mrs. Anna Cleary Newman lay in her room prostrated by the ordeal she had undergone when In court she swore away her reputation to save her father’s life, William V. Cleary, the acquitted man, was Jubilantly telling a reporter that he would have beaten the case without her aid. “Do I think she saved my life?” he asked. “Why, no. I know I would be acquitted the second day I woke up In Jail. It was very fine of her to take the stand for me. Please say she offered to do it herself, and was not forced to by either my counesi or myself. However, I am sure that even without her help I would have been acquitted. You see, I did not know what I was doing; so how could I have been guilty? “She Wished to Atone." "Anna knew she had disgraced us and so she wished to do all that lay in her power to atone: We did not know she would testify until the Monday before the trial. She insist ed upon doing her share. That scene in the courtroom was pitiful, wasn’t it? You see, I hadn’t seen Anna since my arrest. I told my wife not to bring my boy or girl up while I was in Jail, and that ^as the first time I had seen Anna. “It w&9 this way: Anna loved her husband, or thought she did, and When this terrible thing happened—I mean when I killed the boy—she was just prostrated and for some time al most incapable of thinking. But. aft er a while the calamity that had be set me became paramount in her mind and she determined to help save me, though I knew all along that I would be acquitted. Sure She Will Be Happier. “While I would certainly undo my act if it lay in my power, I feel sure Anna will be happier with us than if she were the wife of Eugene New man. Marriages of that kind always end in misery; whereas now she will just take up the threads of her for mer life and be happy. She intends to resume her*-music. She is a splen did pianist. When she recovers her health all will be as before. “My wife and I will sail for a long visit with friends in the South. We expect to spend some time in Florida. No, I do not tfiink Anna will go along, though we may change our minds and take her. Upon my return I will go back to Haverstraw and take up my old work and style of livrng. I am not afraid of anyone up there, in spite of the threats that have been made against me. “Free From Shadow.” “I am merry because I feel no shadow resting upori me. When I killed young Newman I was drunk and the whole thing seems like a dream. I remember nothing of the happening, and so know that my work and life will not be affected by remembrance of the crime. The worst thing of it all was those months in Jail.” Cleary laughed when informed that the papers had stated he was to sign a pledge. “I never said I was going to sign a pledge never to drink again,” he said. “I always have drunk like a gentle man. If I was a drunkard and ‘bar room politician,’ as 1 have been called, I would not have been so affected by the liquor I consumed the night be fore this crime. That proves I never drank much.” When Cleary was talking several friends dropped In to make merry over his acquittal. He greeted them all in a jovial manner and spent several minutes on the telephone, ar ranging for other men friends to call in the evening for a celebration. “You can see for yourself how my friends have stuck to me.” he said. “We have not lost a single friend through this trouble, but have gained some. We owe it to these friends to Clark Sees Peril of U. S. ‘Empire’ +•» < +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ +•+ +*+ +•+ +•+ Speaker Analyzes State /Sigr/rfsPOLAND BY Continued on Page 4, Column 2. Modern Inventions Which Wipe Out Boundaries and Indifference of Com monwealths, He Gives as Causes. WASHINGTON, Dec. 26.—Statesmen are giving much thought to the growing tendency of the American people to centralize im portant governmental functions in Washington. This political dis position of the people is generally regarded as momentous in its possibilities. The doetorine of State’s rights unquestionably is giving way gradually before the pressure of a new Nationalism. Imnportant instances of this tendency are to be found in the Hobson nation-wide prohibition resolution, the woman suffrage amendment to bft debated in the House when Congress reassembles after the holidays, Postmaster General Burleson’s suggestion for Government ownership and control of telegraph and telephone lines, President Wilson’s proposal for Government ships, and many others. Whatever opinion one may hold in regard to these proposals, either individually or collectively, all Americans must he inter ested in the change in American thought of which these proposals are such striking manifestations. Second in authority only to the President, and second to no man in American political life in breadth of legislative experience and knowledge of American political history, no one is better able to discuss this important si pi of the times than Speaker Champ Clark. The Speaker has written his views on this subject for the Hearst newspapers, and they are here presented with confidence that they will be of widespread interest. By CHAMP CLARK. Speaker of the House of Representatives. * To those who, having eyes, see and, having ears, hear, it is clear as a crystal that the tendency in this country for several years has been to concentrate all governmental functions in Wash ington, and this tendency is growing at an amazing rate. The Ham iltonians are glad of it. All others, who think on the subject, re gret it, but they can not shut their eyes to the fact that such a ten dency not only exists, but is increasing. Our dual system of government—State and national—is an involved system; in many respects a system in conflict with itself. The makers of the Constitution were, perhaps, the wisest set of men ever assembled under one roof. They thought that the general government should be clothed with powers sufficient for dealing with foreign nations and for control in those matters in which we are interested as a nation; but they believed that the State govern ments the most competent instrumentalities for the exercise of local functions. INVENTIONS WIPE OUT STATE LINES. Little by little, however, the Federal Government is taking over many of the functions formerly regarded as belonging to the States. Some of the reasons for this tendency to have the Federal Government do all things are not far to seek. They are as plain as the nose on Lord Napier’s face. Among the reasons or causes, I would name first and foremost modem inventions—such as telegraphs, railroads, steamboats, etc. These have brought the various parts of our wide extended do main into closer juxtaposition, have made neighbors of Maine and California, Oregon and Florida. They in a large N sense have oblit erated State lines and have been the direct means of multiplying business in the Federal Courts many fold, thereby diminishing the power of the individual States and increasing enormously the power of the Federal Government. This, taken in connection with the growth in numbers and wealth of corporations, has taken to the Federal Courts most of the more important and profiatble litigation. COURTS' MOST SWEEPING RULE. In a business way the most far-reaching court decision ever rendered in America was the one declaring a corporation to be a citizen of the State in which it has its headquarters within the meaning of the Constitution conferring jurisdiction on Federal courts where a citizen of one State sues a citizen of another State. The most important clause in the Constitution, the one which has wrought the most prodigious changes, is the one conferring control of interstate commerce on the Federal Government. It is an interesting fact that that clause was inserted as a compromise and as a result of a log-rolling performance. New England and New York wanted it. The extreme Southern States wanted the African slave trade to continue until 1808. So these two extreme and widely separated sections entered into an arrangement, where by, voting together, they overrode the Central States. The Federal Government was endowed with control over interstate commerce and the African slave trade was continued until 1808. A COMMITTEE’S RISE. Of course, interstate commerce at that time amounted to little, but it has grown with our growth and strengthened with our strength until it is staggering in the figures of its volume. When I first came to Congress, in 1893, the Committee on In terstate arid Foreign Commerce did not stand in importance higher than seventh or eighth among the committees of the House. Now it i$ redlly the leading committee in the House, next to the Com mittee on Ways and Means. An .examination of the Congressional Record for the last five years will show that barring tariff hill making sessions, more time is consumed in discussing bills from the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce than bills from any other committee except Appropriations. It superintended the building of the Panama Canal; with its pure food hills and bills of kindred character, it has been instru mental in creating an army of Federal officeholders so numerous that it would make the fathers turn over in their graves could they contemplate it. To show how rapidly the business of Federal Government has grown, take the Committee on Postoffices and Postroads. When ; HAMP CLARK, Speaker of the House of Representatives, \ v -' who sets his face sternly against the constant aggrandize- \ ment of the powers of the central government. \ ♦ 1 -• .-. x ,;kk _ • • -k • ■■■• /■ V- . ii'V'\ t | , V If-* :1$•:-* V ■ 7 I • * * ■l -•: / ...... .—-r*- : \ k, .‘ 1 entered Congress in 1893 the appropriation for the Postofflee De partment was about $50,000,000; now it is about $300,000,000. A HALF-BIILION SERVICE. I heard Judge Moon, of Tennessee, the able chairman of that committee, say on the floor of the House not long since that in a very few years the annual appropriations of_that committee would amount to $500,000,000. Why this enormous growth? 1. Because a multitude of towns have grown into the situa tion required for free city delivery. 2. Because the establishment of Rural Free Delivery, which, beginning experimentally in 1893-4, now costs the Government $43,000,000 per annum. 3. Because the Government has established the Postal Savings Bank and the Parcel Post. 4. Because every mail car running into a great city is a post- office on wheels, not only segregating the mail for that city, hut subdividing it into parcels for the various sub-postofficcs, thereby making it ready for the carriers’ hands the moment the train reaches the depot, thereby expediting the delivery by a few min utes. And in this day one minute is more important than a month when the world was young and Methuselah was tabernacling in the flesh. All these things cost money and create officeholders, and these officeholders look to Congress for everything, thereby increasing the power of the Federal Government. It is only fair to state that the Postoffice Department is now self-sustaining—in fact, produces a surplus. STATES ABDICATE FUNCTIONS. But of all the causes which tend to centralize all functions of government in Washington, the fact that the State governments have practically abdicated many of their functions heads the list. Numerous things that the States ought to do are not done by them, but are passed on to the Federal Govenprnent. Macaulay says*that Sir Robert Walpole was “avaricious or power.’’ The great histo rian might well and truly have'extended his remark to include all mankind. Consequently Congress has gone on legislating on subjects over which its jurisdiction is shadowy and doubtful, until the en tire fabric of the Government is rapidly becoming a consolidated empire. The things ought to he done. The States ought to do them, hut neglect and refuse to do them. The people want them, and Congress, being in a con plaisant frame of mind, does them, thereby exalting the Federal Go vemment at the expense of the State gov ernments. Kaiser’s Army of Invasion Beating Fruitlessly Against Russ Line of Defense and Fierce Engage ments Rage Night and Day. Quantities of Finest Troops Lost Merely in Effort to Keep Czar's Men From Offensive Campaign, Analysis of the News Shows. Special Cable to The American. LONDON, Dec. 28—Late news from Berlin and PetrogTad clears, to a great extent, the situation In the eastern theater of war and enables military experts to form a reasonable estimate of the location and development of six great battles that are going on simultaneously night and day. It Is obvious, first of all, that the German army of Invasion In Poland has been stopped in full stride and is beating fruitlessly against the Hus sion defenses 30 mile* west of War saw. The Russians are holding the right bank of the Bzura River and have thrown back every German force which attempted to gain a foot hold on the right bank. A regiment of the Prussian Guard was annihilat ed by the Russian artillery, which commands the right bnnk of the river for 18 miles south of its junction with the Vistula. Strong Defense Line. After evactuating Lodz on Decem ber 6 the Russians withdrew to a line of trenches which together with ar tillery positions and natural c| facies form a strong defense line fr^ 6 west of Novo Georgievsk, 25 miles north west of Warsaw, to Opoczno, 25 miles east of Petrokow. For two weeks the Germans have battered at the Rus sian line, but have made no appreci able progress and are compelled to sacrifice great numbers of men, in cluding detachments of the Prussian Guard, their finest troops, in order to hold the Russians on the defensive. The Petrograd correspondents of The Daily News and The Daily Mail assert that Russia is entraining and sending westward heavy reinforce ments, who will be employed for an offensive campaign when the plans of the Grand Duke Nicholas are com pleted. Celebration If! Timed. It Is realized by Berlin military writers that the enthusiastic celebra tion over decisive victories won in Poland by Von Hindenburg was pre mature, and that the German armies have accomplished nothing more Im portant than the maintenance of the offensive. The German War Office avoids mention of the situation in East Prussia, says that the situation In W”est Prussia remains unchanged, and confines Its report on operations In Poland to the bare statement that the Germans are continuing their at tacks against the Russian position*. Prom every standpoint it appears that the German Jollification waa as little In accordance with the facts as 1 was the recent celebration In Petro grad over rumors that several Ger man corps had been trapped and cut to pieces. The newest development of the situ ation in the east bodes ill for Ger many. It is an offensive njoveme^t by a large Russian force which has fought Its way along the Lower Vis tula from a base at Plock to and over the southern frontier of West Prussia. Russians Over Frontier. The German official statement ad mits that there are operations in West Prussia, and it is reported from Pet- rogrod that the Germans will have to face a determined attack made by the Russians toward Thorn. Russian forces are gathering in strength on the north bank of the Vistula and are heading for the great Here is real humor for you! “Mr. Dooley” only in Get this all star magazine Hearsts JL JL news-stands everywhere 15c Buy it NOW! "Vs a disgrace to th‘ artistic sinse iv this nation that our mos’ cilly- brated yodeler shud be condimed to th’ sordid task iv buyin’ goold bricks fr'm South America”—MR. DOOLEY