Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 13, 1915, Image 158

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♦ « b H TTEAHST’S STTNDAT AMERICAN. ATLANTA, fiA„ L — /TP-' Savannah A VANN AH, .Tune 12.—The marriage of Miss Mary Battey Nichola to Edward Descomb Wells took place ai St. John’s Church late Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. 8. B McGlohan performed the ceremony. Mariano Papy was best man, and Mr*. Alfred Cooper Nichola matron of honor. Miss Madge Hicks gave a shower Wednesday afternoon for Miss Julia THghton. whose marriage to Joseph Weeks will take place the latter part of this month. Bridge was played, prizes being awarded. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. A. J Sherouse to the marriage of their daughter, Cora Rebecca, to James Hollan. on Wednesday evening, June 23. at Epworth Methodist Church. Miss Sarah Hull and Mias Cecilia Gar rard have left the city to Join a camp ing party near Abingdon, Va. The operetta. "A Fairy Conspiracy.’' was presented at the Uberty Theater on Tuesday evening by Children of the Mlokvc Israel. Mrs. Edwin Epstein di rected the production. The Junior Music Club held Its an nual meeting Friday afternoon at the l^awton Memorial when the following of ficers were elected: Wilton Puder, president; Harriet Stewart, vice presi dent Marcella Harty, secretary; Ralph Derst, treasurer. Lester Lllienthal, chairman artists' concerts; Esther Dtm- mond, chairman programs; Grier Man ning, chairman publicity; Cushman Branch, chairman membership; Ruth Shackelford, chairman chorus. Miss Henrietta Schroeder was mar ried to Russell H. Osborne, of Atlanta, on Tuesday evening at the Lutheran Church of the Ascension. Miss Marie Maguire was maid of honor, and W. A. Howell, of Atlanta, best man. The commencement exercises of the Benedictine College were held In the col lege auditorium Monday afternoon. Nine young men received diplomas. A home wedding was that of Miss Helen Ruwe to George Walter ITrqu- hart, which took place Monday after noon at the home of the bride. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W W. Hoppe, of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension. The Ladies' Aid Society of the First Presbyterian Church met at the church Tuesday afternoon and elected the fol lowing officers: Mrs. W. O. Sterly, president; Mrs. Frank Arden, vice pres ident; Mrs Isaac Ferguson, treasurer; Mrs Fred Shafer, secretary rett was assisted by her slater, Mra. Rod well; Mrs. L. A. Parker, Miss Lu cia Rod well, Miss Evelyn Hill, Mlsa Marguerite Durrett. Mias Luclle Dlffee and Miss Mary Parker. An affair of Friday evening was the lawn party at which Miss Charlya Ertz- berger entertained a number of friends. Misses Louise and Dallas Ertzberger served. The Thalian Club mat at the public library Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. Espy, the retiring president, was honor guent at a reception given by Mrs. Hugh Jaisaeter, the newly-elected pres ident. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bowen en tertained at rook Monday evening In j compliment to Miss Annas Coate. of Fitzgerald, the guest of Miss Mattie Bolton Nine couples were invited. Mrs. M Wakefield wafe hostess Wednesday evening to the Young Matrons' Rook Club. Mra. Cedi Wil liams served punch. The member of the club making the most high scores during the following six months will he tendered an elaborate party by the club. Miss Lillie J>unlap entertained the Young Matrons’ Bridge Club Tuesday morning at a bridge luncheon. Top score prize was won by Mrs. George White. Miss Mildred Ward entertained Tues day evening with an al fresco party complimentary to her house guest. Miss Wilma Ridgdill, of Tifton more, at Shenandoah, the North Au gusta home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cary Umar. The marriage of Miss Christine Mohr- man and Foster Hego will take nlace next Wednesday afternoon at Bt. Mat thews Church. There will he no at tendants and no reception. Miss Mohr- mann has been complimented with a number of showers and other parties celebrating this event. M ADISON, June 12.—Mrs. Thomas Holland entertained on Friday afternoon for a number of friends Mrs. Henry Fitzpatrick. Mrs. Berry Stovall and Mrs. Amanda Daniel were Joint hostesses on Tuesday afternoon, entertaining the U D. C. members at Mrs. Fitzpatrick’s home. Miss Carolyn Crawley gave a reading and Mrs. K. H. Anderson, who had Just returned from Richmond, talked of the Confederate re union. s. Mrs. Billups Atkinson entertained Tuesday evening at rook in honor of her niece, Miss Gertrude Maline. T HOMA8VTLLE, June 1fc-The mar riage of Mis# Grace Beverly to Joseph E. Croigmlles, both of this city, took place Thursday afternoon at tiie residence of the bride’s father. J. L. Beverly. There wwe no attendants. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Osgood F. Cook, of the Methodist Church, assisted by the Rev. W. M. Harris, of the Baptist Church. A num ber of entertainments were flven for Miss Beverly before heir marriage On Monday afternoon Miss Marianne Watt entertained the Owls, a social organiza tion of which Miss Beverly was & mem ber Ttw* guest of honor was presented with an embroidered towel from each Owl. On Tuesday morning Miss Units* Pittman gave a "kitchen shower” for Miss Beverly and on Wednesday aft ernoon the Thomasvllle Study Class entertained for her at the residence of Miss Bessie Steyerman. The Class, of which Miss Beverly also is a member, presented her with silver button spread, ers. the present being made by Mrs. Z. I. Fit spatrick. Miss Louise Grantham wns hostess Wednesday afternoon in compliment to Miss Helen Baker, whose marriage to Stern D. Little, of Cleveland. Ohio, will take place Wednesday, June 28. The marriage of Miss Florrle Mae Heeth. of this city, to William Calhoun Massey, of Atlanta, which will take place on Wednesday evening, June 23, will be a home wedding. A quiet marriage of Tuesday morning whs that of Mrs. Della Pittman Taylor, of this city, to John W Taylor, of hos- * ton. The marriage was performed at th«- bride's residence, the Rev. W. M. Harris officiating C ARROLLTON. June 13.- Mrs. John Lowery was hostess to the Wed nesday Afternoon Bridge Club at her home on Rome street, only the club members being present. Miss Katie Lou Thomasaon was hos teas to a few friends at dinner at her . home on Maple street. The Misses Dean Sanders, of Rome, and Lula Harris, of Piedmont, Ala., guests of Mrs. J. L. Thoniasson and Mrs. R. J. Gailbreth were guests of honor. • Miss Cecil Cramer was hostess to the Frmielope Club Friday afternoon at her home on College street. % S. C. Boykin was hostess for the Jokers' Club Tuesday at her home on Dixie street. .The Lit Mu Club met on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. J. Fielder. A .§■ W AYCROSS. June II. — Wednes day afternoon at the home of the brlde’g parents, Mr. and bira. P. I. Mize, at Dupont, Miss Irma Mize and Ernest Reginald Bennett, of Way cross, were married, the Rev H. R. Holcomb, pastor of Central Baptist Thbernaole, performing the ceremony ’Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hhy entertained a number of friends with an informal dance, the first of a series they will give. The invited guests included the Misses Fay McGee. Mag dalena Izlar, Claudia Lucas, Susie Mc Kee, Margaret Ellington, Viola Mell and Annie Laurie Walker Mrs. W. W. Sharpe. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Mayo, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phelan. Mr. Lawton, ike Sugg. Alex Walker. Alex Lowther, Jock Watt, Marcus Meade. Walter Rose. Dr Will Folks and Dr. B. H Mlnchew Mrs. Benjamin G. Parks entertained Tuesday morning with a campaigno party in honor of her guests. Miss Mar tha Sargent, of Amadeus. and Mrs. T. J. Gurr, of Waycross. Mrs Reginald Porter assisted in entertaining members Americus | MERICU8, June 12.—The marriage of Miss Rebecca Hodges and Penn Scott, of Greensboro, N. C., oc curred Tuesday night at the bride’s home on the Andersonvllle road. The ceremony was read by the Rev. Robert L. Bivins. Before the ceremony, Mrs. J. W. Harris, Jr., and Mrs. H. O. Jones rendered a musical program. The bride’s sister. Miss Ruth Hodges, was maldtof honor. The bride also was attended by Mrs. T. B. Hooks, Jr., ma tron of honor, and her bridesmaids were Miss Mildred Hollis, Miss Ruth Brown, Miss Louise Williford. Miss Alllne Fielder, of Atlanta; and Miss Margaret Murphey, of Newnan. Dr. Brock Lyons, of New York, was best man. The groomsmen were Ernest Carrlgan, of So ciety Hill, S. C.; William Page, of Sa vannah; Riley, of New Orleans; Charles Burke, Edwin Murray and Furlow Gate- wood. The ceremony was followed by a re ception, at which several hundred guests were entertained. Punch was served by Miss Mary Ella Davenport. Mrs. T. B. Hooks, Jr., entertained last Saturday at Woodfln, complimenting Miss Rebecca Hodges and her visitors. The honor guest was given silk hose and Mrs. J D. Hooks won the top score prize, a box of handkerchiefs. Those R resent were Miss Margaret Murphy, of ewnan; Miss Alllne Fielder, of Atlan ta; Miss Bara Tower, Miss Corlnne Sills, Miss Mary Ella Davenport, Miss Louise Williford, Miss Fannie Mae Williford, Miss Ruth Brown, Mias Ruth Hodges, Miss Rebecca Hodges, Mrs. J. D. Hooks and Mrs. C. O. Niles. Charles Burke, Edwin Murray and Furlow Gatewood were hosts Monday night at a dinner, honoring Miss Rebec ca Hodges and Penn Scott and their bridal purty. Those invited were Miss Rebecca Hodges, Miss Mildred Hollis, Miss Ruth Hodges, Miss Alllne Fielder, Miss Margaret Murphy, Miss Louise Williford, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hooks, Jr.. Mr. Charles Burke. Edwin Murray, Fur low Gatewood, Pann Scott, Dr. Brock Lyons, Carr Glover, John Hodges, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Kerrigan. Miss Ruth Brown entertained for Mlsa Rebecca Hodges Monday afternoon at her home on Harrold avenue. Those en joying Miss Brown’s hospitality were the Misses Alllne Fielder, Margaret Murphy, Rebecca Hodges, Mildred Hol lis, Mary Ella Davenport. Ruth Hodges, and Ijoulse Williford; Mrs. T. B. Hooks, Mrs. James Ferguson, Mrs. H. O. Jones, and Mrs. W. D. Bacot. Miss Hodges was presented with six handmade hand kerchiefs and the prize for high score was a hand-embroidered handkerchief. A subscription dance was given at the Country Club Wednesday night, at which 30 guests were entertained. Those r resent were the Misses Mattie Lewis >odson, Louise Rodgers. Georgia Bena Dodson. Elizabeth McLeod. Sara Shef field, Sara Britton, Mildred Hollis, Re becca Hodges, Ruth Hodges, Edith Joa- sey, Margaret Murphy, of Newnan; Al llne Fielder, of Atlanta, and Annie Wil lingham. of Macon, Mrs. Frank Shef field, Mrs. Charles M. Council, Walter Page. Charles Burke, Furlow Gatewood, Edwin Murray, John Wheatley, Penn Scott, Dr. Brock Lyons. Furlow Rod- *gers. Arthur Rylander, Fred Bills, Dr. M. H Wheeler. Oltn Pace and Cart- Glover. Mrs. H. O. Jones entertained Thurs day afternoon, honoring her guest, Mrs. Emma Mays, of Madison. Fla. Mrs. James Ferguson entertained Fri day afternoon for Miss Gertrude Jos- sev’s guest, Miss Daisy Avera. of Quit- man, and for Mrs. Hays, of Madison. Fla., who is visiting Mrs. H. O. Jones. A company of Campfire Girls ti camp ing this week at Myrtle Springs. The girL are chaperoned by Miss Lemelux and Miss Ellle Breeden. Those enjoy ing this outing are the Misses Mary, Eugenia Parker. Mary Hudson. Luclle Allen. Ruth McArthur, Cordelia Gatewood, Elizabeth Davis. Margaret Jones. Mary Hawkins, Genevieve Pra ther, Evelyn Bell, Sara Britton and Lola McMath. Augusta Z2, LBERTON. June 12.—The Diners’ Club was entertained by Mrs. A. F. Smith at a six-course luncheon last Wednesday. The guests were Mrs. W. O. Jones, Mrs. Howard Payne, Mrs. C. J. Almand, Mrs. T. M. Maxwell and Mrs. H. P. Hunter. Miss Eugenia Carlthers entertained for the graduating class at the home of Miss Erma Carlthers in the country Misses Salette and l»uise Carlthers as sisted In entertaining. Little Edna May Copeland entertained about twenty guests at a peanut hunt Thursday afternoon. Miss Nora Carter served punch. Robert Brown and Kath leen Cauthen were the prize winners. Miss Hilda Meadow entertained at luncheon Thursday for Miss Zelma Al len. Covers were laid for twelve, the K uests being Mrs. Fred Herndon, Mrs. cvn'Iuii I nuke. Mrs 11. P. Hunter, Miss Jo Johnson. Miss Ruth doer, Miss Nor ma Conwell, Miss Julia Haslett, Miss Nell Almand and Miss Allen. Mrs. Fred Herndon also entertained for Miss Allen at luncheon Friday, and Mrs. Bryan at a miscellaneous shower Saturday. Misses Nell Almand and Norma Con- well gave Miss Allen a ‘.'good luck” surprise party at the home of Mrs. F. W. Brock on Tuesday morning Mrs. Brock and Misses Bara Frances Asbury, Annella Higginbotham and Martha Jones assisted in entertaining the guests, there being about sixteen. Among others Who will entertain for this popular bride-to-be are Mrs. H. P. Hunter, Mrs. R. E. Oglesby. Miss Jo Johnson, Miss Gladys Sheppard and Miss Vera Bond. Miss Rebecca Auld entertained Fri day evening for Miss Sarah Moacham, of Grantvllle, and Eesle Russell, of Eas ley, 8. C. Mrs. David Meadow entertained the Mystic Circle on Friday. Those pres ent were Mesdames L. M. Heard, John Mattox. Joseph Worley, T. O. Tabor, M. L. Stevens, Allen Miles, Dudley Shep pard and E. A. Cason, and Miss Nora Jones and Miss Mary Jim Cason. Miss Sara Heard entertained for the graduating class at Ingleside Friday evening. . „ _ _ The monthly meeting of the U. D. C. was held with Mrs. John Mattox Tues day afternoon. The Presbyterian readies’ Aid Society met with Mrs. W. H. Irvin Monday aft ernoon. i Dublin D' UBLJN. June 12.—Miss Rose An drews entertained at rook Tues day afternoon for her guest, Miss Lottie Parker, of Adrian. Mrs. Rich ard Hamlet assisted. The guests in cluded the Misses Helen Rogers, Maxa Baker, Georgia May Ogburn, Loulle Walker, Rose Andrews, Wilhelmina Ste vens and Lizzie May Howard. A surprise affair for Mrs. William Randall, who has been the guest of Mrs. Thomas Gibson for several months, was given Tuesday evening, when a number of her friends called to bid her good bye on the eve of her departure for her home in Huntington, L. I. Among those who called were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pittman, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holoomb, Mrs. Har vey Mathis, Mrs. F. F. Starr and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Garrett. The Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Chumbley entertained a few friends at tea Tues day evening for their guest. Miss Eva Vaughn, of Pensacola. Those invited were Miss Leonora Starr. T. R. Ramsay and C. C. Crockett. A morning bridge party was given Tuesday by Miss Edith Roberson for Miss Willie Walters, of Albany, the guest of Mra. J. L. Roberson. Three tables were arranged on the veranda. . About 20 young people enjoyed an au tomobile picnic Wednesday afternoon to Dudley Hill, given by Mrs. J. L. Rob erson for her guest, Miss Willie Wal ters, of Albany. A number of social affairs in honor of Miss Walters have been given this week, including a bridge party Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Roberson. Invited to meet Miss walker were Mesdames A. W. Baum, Hiram Baum, M. A. Shew- make, J. 8. Adams. D. S. Brandon, John Guyton, F. H. Roberson. A. J. Toole, E. Dreyer. E. S. Street, W. T. Simmons, A. P. Hilton, Junius Schiff, M. V. Ma honey, J. M. Finn, Izzle Bashinskl, F. N. Watkins. Joseph Guyton and E. H. Langston, and Misses Blanche Pew, Dorothy Hooks, Lll Hightower and Louise McPherson. A two-table bridge party was given by Mrs. T. W. Evans Tuesday afternoon at her home on Euclid avenue for Mrs. J. H. Bunker, of Charleston, S. C., and Miss Louise Willis, of Walden. The guests were Mesdames J. H. Bunker. J. S. Simons. W. H. Bone and -Charles Watkins, and the Misses Anna Carrere, Leonora Starr, lx>uise Willis and Annie Simons. Tuesday morning Mrs. J. 8. Simons and Miss Annie Simons gave a sewing party for their house guests. Mrs. J. H. Bunker and Miss Louise Willis. Those attending were Mesdames Bunker, Henry Blinn, T. W. Evans, G. P. Rob erson, B A. Hooks, Frank Lawson, Lu cian Stubbs and E. Dreyer and the Misses Willis, Anna Carrere, Sallie Car rere. Kathleen Johns. Leonora Starr, and Gussie Belle Rawls and Miss Salley, of Orangeburg, S. C. tie Jane Cooler, of Savannah. Among those present were Eugenia Harrel, Mary Salina, Dorothy Cohn, Dorothy Harrel, Martha Salina. Manle Krause, Herbert Nussbaum. Benton Nussbaum, Julian Ghar&m and Bertram Ehrlich. Mrs. Joseph Wheeler entertained the Matrons’ Nullo Club Wednesday morn ing. Mrs. 11 H. Coombs and Mrs. Theodore Tiller, or Washington, made top score. Present were Mesdames Ed. Parry, Boen Belcher. Will Krause, Wright Jackson, M. T. Solar, Walter Perry, George Fields, Eugene Bruton, Jack Bower, Roland Bower, W. A. Wheeler and Sam Hawes. Miss Nell Hollomon entertained the Junior Aid on Wednesday afternoon. Those present were Mesdames Mercer Baggs, Charles Parker. Douglas Har rell, E. A. Varner. W. W. Wardell, Ja|k Bower, Kennith McOasklll, Roland Bow er arid W. D. Martin, and Misses Vera Smith, Florence Hawes, Lamar Cole man, Emma Sutherland and Clara Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Nussbaum gave a dinner for \fr. and Mrs. Louis Korn- man, of Nashville. Tenn. Those invit ed were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kornman, Miss Blanche and Myrtle Kornman and Horace Lusky. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Friedman and Mr and Mrs. Max Nussbaum gave a picnic at Rhodes Ferry for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kornman, of Nashville. Those going were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kornman, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cans, Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Nussbaum, Mrs. L. Nussbaum. Mrs. S. Ehrlich, of Savannah; Mrs. I. N. Kornman, of New York; Misses Stella and Edna Nussbaum, and Blanche and Myrtle Kornman, and Horace Lusky, of Huntington. Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Wheeler entertained the Bridge Club on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mercer Baggs made top score. Those present were Mesdames Max Nussbaum, Tl H. Coombs, Charles Harrell, Attlcus Parker, ]>aurel Tonge, Julian Ehrlich, William Krause, and Eugene Bruton, and Misses Stella and Edna Nussbaum. Mrs. Dave Kohn entertained the Tem ple Guild. Those present were Mes dames Gus Kornman, I. Kwllecki, L. Nussbaum, I. Kahn, S. Seigle, H. B. Eh rich, Max Nussbaum, L. A. Friedman, Julian Ehrlich, F. Krause. H. L. Gans, Zacharias, of Columbus; S. Ehrlich, of Savannah, and Louis Kornman, of Nash ville, and Misses Hortense Zacharias, of Columbuss Stella Nussbauhi, Blanche Kornman and Edna Nussbaum. Mrs. Andrew Callahan entertained her Sunday school class with an ice cream festival on Thursday evening. Misses Olna Belcher, Dorothy McArthur, Owen McClellan, Agnes Moore, Margaret Moore, Louise Reed, Madge Reed, Eliz abeth Gaines, Gladys Hooten and Min nie Scott, C. L. Walker, Howard Griffin, Giles Toole. Jeff Holder, Norton Hug- gens, Young Warrick and Mr. and Mrs. Young were present. The Girl Scouts gave a play at the Callahan Hotel on Wednesday evening. Those taking part were Misses Noise Glover, Cecil Harrell, Katherine Ches- nut, Marie O’Donnell, Nell Maxwell, Flora Holder, Louise Tucker, Mattie Ball, America Ball, Cora Clark, Euzera McCarthy. Estell Dorsey. Pearl Floyd, Elsie Crum, Blanche Kornman, and Florence Hawes; Hubert Slickman, Rob ert Wimberly, Karl Sentei\ Ralph Kwi- lecki. Charles Chesnutt, I>. R. Bryan, Morgan Smith, Mrs. S. J. Chesnutt and Mrs. Mercer Baggs. The one-step danced by Miss Elsie Crum with Robert Wimberly, Miss Blanche Kornman with Karl Senter, Miss Florence Hawes with Robert Slickman, was the feature of the evening. Marguerite Atkinson Tuesday evening at her home on Liberty street, In honor of Miss Annie Cubbege, of Macon. About 60 guests were present. Mrs. Leo Joseph chaperoned a num ber of the younger set Wednesday aft ernoon when Miss Cubbege was honor guest at an informal swimming party ami picnic lunch at Cox Pond. The al fresco party, given by Miss Aurelia Laurence in honor of Miss An na Tennet, of Atlanta, and Miss Kath erine Bush, of Gray, was an event of Wednesday evening. The guests includ ed the Misses Hattie Allen, Ruth Park**, Cornelia Bethune, Katie Myrick, Neta Kenan, Margaret Hail. Katherine Bush, Louise Green, Anna Tennent, Katie Jor dan. Marguerite Atkinson and Annie Cubbege, Louis Barnes, James Day, Harold Day, Robert Baisden, Gothart Banks. Wingfield Nesblt, John Atkinson, Lindel Nelson, Joslah Sibley, Emmett Hines. William Sibley, Robert Kenan, Emmett Barnes, Joseph Pottle and Harry Bass. Miss Eva Turner entertained a num ber of her friends at a prom party on Thursday evening. On Friday evening Miss Harriett Al len was hostess at an al fresco recep tion given in honor of the members of the younger set. The Lyric Glee Club gave a concert Saturday afternoon under the auspices of the Chautauqua Association. On Fri day the Bessie Leigh Concert Company entertained a large audience at two per formances. and Marguerite Solomon, of Macon, the guest of Mrs. R. J. Huff. Mrs. James Wadsworth entertained at a sewing party Wednesday after noon. Among the guests were Mrs, Jack Powell, Mrs. Walker Arnall. Mrs. Guy Cole, Mrs. Dan Manget. Mrs. Ed win Platt, Mrs. Sande-s Gibson, Mrs. Vic Manget. Mrs. Jo. Arnall, Mrs. Henry Arnall and Mr., Ellison Rich ards, of Decatur. On Monday evening Miss Martha As- tin entertained the “Young People's Forward Movement.” She was assisted by her sister. Miss Frances Astin. Mrs. DeWitt Poole was hostess for a bridge party Tuesday afternoon. The prizes were won by Mrs. Sanders Gib son, Mrs. Harry Baxter and Mrs. eBn Hill Pinson. Mrs Will WoodrufT was hostess at a bridge party Monday afternoon for her guest, Mrs. Ware, of Savannah. First prize was won by Mrs. Thomas Farmer. Misses Ella Adams and Frances Wal lace, of West Point, are spending this week with Miss Anna Cuttino. honor of Miss Julia Brand, who a bride-elect of next week. Colonel and Mrs. C. M. Snelling have returned from Annapolis, where they attended the graduation of Willi*™ Snelllng from the United States Naval Academy. . . Robert McWhorter has returned from the University of Virginia. L UMPKIN, June 12.—A wedding of interest was that of Miss Clara Lude Solomon, of Lumpkin, to Dr. Janies Hugh Kyzar, of Goshen, Ala., which was solemnized Wednesday morning on the veranda of the bride’s home, the Rev. E. H. McGee officiat ing. The bride was given in marriage by her father. R. F. Hobbs. The rib bon bearers were Virginia Pugh and Fred Taylor Hobbs. John Irvin, Jr., [~ Columbus C M‘ C ORNELIA, June 12.—The Ladies’ Missionary Society of the Meth odist Church met at the church Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Veeder led the meeting. A solo was sung by Mrs. Cyrus Chase. The Presbyterian Sunday School en joyed a picnio at Porter Mills on Wed- nesdav. The Mission Study Class of the Meth odist Church met at the home of Mrs. W. B. Passe on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Passe led the meeting. At the home of Mrs. William Sav age on Thursday afternoon Mrs. Sel by M. Benton gave a party to the chil dren’s brigade. A- * » liar UGU8TA. June 12.—The marriage Miss Alberta Gehrken and Wil- _ 11am A. Templeton was celebrated O." M Williams entertained the j Tuesday evening at St. Matthews 's of the Women s Missionary Church, followed by a reception at the Union of the Central Baptist Church home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Friday afternoon. j Mrs. Fred Gehrken, Jr. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Bame. Bainbridge B I.-.- F L - u-u-u-r-,- i The marriage of Miss Lena Bradshaw pHp l/\ and Louis Omar Linson was solemnised V Vjl VJvTIC Wednesday morning at Grace Church, ; North Augusta. The bridesmaids were Mias Ethel Betty and Miss Willie Mae C ORDELE. June 12.—The marriage | Boxx. The ushers were James Crcfuch, o, Mlsa Willie Mineran* Aldr«i Allen Dorman, of Cordele, on ter Q f the bridegroom, rendered the wed ding music. The marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mars- den Morris, to Edward J. Doyle, was an event of Wednesday morning, taking place at the parsonage of Sacred Heart Church, Father Salter officiating. A number of Augustans motored to Waynesboro to attend the Kirmess Tuesday night. Cards on invitation have been issued by Mrs James Henry Thayer, of Charleston, for the marriage of her daughter. Sallie Axson, to Ernest Lu cian Symms, of Augusta, the event to take place Tuesday evenng June 22 at Citadel Square Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs Tracy Hickman and Miss Ellen Hickman entertained the Tubman and Academy graduates with a lawn party Monday evening at their home on the Hill. ORDELE. June 12 —The marriage of Miss Willie Miller and Aldred I "Allen Dorman, of Cordele, on Thursday evening, was a surprise to their many friends. The ceremony wan hy the Rev Walter Anthony s»i his study at the Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Dorman went to Chatta nooga and other points for a trip of several days. The bride came from Charleston about a year ago to make her home with her sister. Mrs. L. L. Davis On Monday afternoon Estelle Mc Kenzie entertained a number of friends in honor of her guests. Hazel and Re becca Heard, of Moultrie. Hrs T. E. Jennings entertained a house party for her little daughter. Elizabeth. from Tuesday to Friday of the week The inyited guests were Louise and lone McKenzie, of Monte- Marguerite Myers and Rose Jor dan. of Tifton. and Louise Phillips, of Marshallville. Mrs. T. J. Durrett entertained the AINBRIDGE. June 12.—Mrs. Wil liam H. Krause entertained at bridge for Mrs. Theodore Tiller, of Washington. Mrs. H. H. Coombs made top score, and Mrs. Tiller was presented with the guest prize. Those presenft were Mesdames Ed Perry, Boen Belcher, D. T. Sutherland, Eugene Bruton, Hen ry Coombs, L. Ramsey, Walter Perry, Julian B. Ehrlich. Max Nussbaum, L. A. Friedman, Melvin Nussbaum and F. Krause, and Misses Frances Kwi- lecki, Mae Ramsey and Edna Nussbaum Mrs. D. C. Gurley entertained at bridge for Miss Weldon, of Valdosta. Linsey Pappy and Miss Weldon made top score. Others present were Mrs. L. Ramsey. Mrs. L. Rainey, Mrs. R. L. Tonge, Miss Mae Ramsey. Oliver Flem ing and W. W. Wright, Sr. Mrs. Max Nussbaum entertained with a porch party Monday afternoon in com pliment to the Sewing Club. Those pres ent were Mesdames Charles Harrell. Melvin Nussbaum, L. A. Friedman. At- tacus Parker, Julian Ehrlich, M. T. So lar, William Dyer, of Valdosta; Theo dore Tiller, of Washington, and S. Ehr lich, of Savannah; Miss Hortense Zach arias. of Columbus; Miss Helen Ghering. of Missouri; Miss Harriet Heath, of Ca milla; Miss Kuna Dyer, of Valdosta; Miss Edna Nussbaum. Miss Frances Kwllecki. Miss Myrtle Kornman and Miss Stella Nussbaum. Mrs. Melvin Nussbaum entertained at bridge for Mrs. Theodore Tiller, of Washington, and Mrs. S. Ehrlich, of Sa vannah. on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ham Richardson. Mrs. Tiller, Mrs. Ehr lich and Miss Myrtle Kornman won the prizes. Others present were Mesdames Julian R. Ehrlich, M. T. Solar. Ed. Perry, Charles Harrell, Boen Belcher, H. H. Coombs, Gus Kornman, D. C. Gurley, Wright Jackson, Harry Colwell, of New York; Laurel Tonge, Atticus I'arker, Joseph Wheeler, Will Krause, L. A. Friedman and Max Nussbaum, Miss Stella Nussbaum and Miss Edna N 4.CON, June 12.—An affair in con nection with the commencement exercises at Mercer University was the reception to President and Mrs. YV L Pickard on Tuesday afternoon. At the punch bowl were Mrs.W. H. Felton, Jr., and the Misses Bell Ross, Mamie Adams- Martha Lewis, Grey Goodwin, Charlie Hall Juhan. Helen Wimberly and Julia Riley. Among those receiving were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Tift, of Tifton; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Taylor, Mrs. Clem Steed. Mr. and Mrs. I, P Hillyer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steed, Judge and Mrs. Felton, the Rev. and Mrs. W. N. Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Willingham and others. The wedding of Miss Alice Burden and I. L. Domingos was an event of Wednesday night, taking place at the residence of the bride’s parents in Vlnevllle. . Miss Mary Roughton and AYlllIam Watson wire married Wednesday morning at the home of the brides parents on Georgia avenue. Complimenting Mrs. ^Y . P Hammett, of Birmingham. Mrs. Peyton Anderson entertained at bridge and luncheon Thursday. 4 . Miss Carolyn Ross entertained for Miss Gladys Gentry on Wednesday evening and for the latter s guests. Miss Ida Branan, of Talbotton. and Miss Marion Powell, of Atlanta. Miss Gentry leaves soon for Atlanta to make her home. . . Mrs. Fritz Jones was guest of honor at a party given by Miss Lila Griffith on Wednesday. . Mr. Jones has been selected for executive secretary by Gov ernor-elect Harris and he and his fam ily will leave shortly for Atlanta. Mrs A. F. Holt entertained at tea Thursday afternoon for Miss Martha Shorter ‘Hamilton, of Rome, the guest of Miss Edith Humphreys, and for Miss Alberta Thomas. . Miss Julia Riley was the recipient of many attentions this week on the eve of her marriage. Miss Elizabeth Baker entertained for her Wednesday morn ing. Miss Ruth Oberry entertained Thurs day afternoon (or Miss Mamie Adams, who will be married on June 17 to Professor Murray'. Miss Marguerite Smith, of Tennille. Miss Verna Malone, of Ruckhead. and Miss Lillian Patterson, of Barnesville. were the guests of Miss Adel Johnson at a party at Lakeside Park Thursday afternoon. _ , Complimenting Miss Lagrange Coth ran, of Rome, who is the guest of Miss Julia Hoge. Miss Juliette Boardman en tertained at bridge this morning ONROE, June 12.—The last meet ing of the United Daughters of the Confederacy was held at the home of Mrs. W. E. Dendy, Mrs. A. C. Kelly, Mrs. E. A. Caldwell, Mrs. G. A. Lewis, Mrs. Dendy' and Miss Eunice Walker took part in the program. The chapter will have a vacation during the months of July and August and the pro gram will be resumed in September. A meeting of the Young Ladles' Mis sionary Society of the First Methodist Church was held at the home of Miss Mary Edwards, 32 young women being present. A program on "The YVorklng Girl” was rendered. Miss Annie Busn Summerour sang. Fourteen new mem bers were added to this society during the quarter. The July meeting will be held with Mrs. U. T. Almond. The last meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Aycock with Mrs. Aycock and Mrs. W. P. Bell joint hostesses. Mrs. W. P. King, Miss Mabel Branch. Miss Florence Day and Miss Annie Bush Summerour took part in the program. The Athenaeum Club held a meeting at the home of the president, Miss Lula Selman, and Mrs. A. C. Kelly led the program. C AT N nr . „ #v Social interest for Wednesday, June Symphony Club and a number of 16. centers in the marriage of Miss Sada Nussbaum. friend* Saturday afternoon Mrs tyur- Lamar and Charles Dudley, of Balti- Mrs. H. B. Ehrlich entertained for lit- ATONTON, June 12.—Miss Ruby Nelson and Legare Perryman sur prised their friends Tuesday even ing when they were married at the Bap tist Pastorium by the Rev. A. F. McMa hon. Mrs. Perryman is a dough ter of Ilersehel Nelson, of Eatonton. Miss Mildred Green is entertaining an attractive beyy of girls at a house par ty this week at her home, “Hillcrest.” Those in the party are the Misses Louise and Margaret Barkaloo, of Colo rado; Miss Norma Dyal. of McRae; Miss Rosa Wooten, of Senoia; Gilmore Austen and Professor Matthews, of Em ory. Colonel Roy Stubbs entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner Thursday evening at the Oconee Hotel. Those present were the Misses Barkaloo, Cecil Ingram and Miss Shepherd, of Chicago. Mrs. J. L. Williams entertained the Samuel Reid Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Tuesday morning at her home. After the program a course luncheon was served. Those present were Mesdames J. R. Tweedy, W. H. Hearn, Charlie Cox, Martha Burke, Jesse Champion, Clarence Little and John Dennis and the Misses Mat- tie Edmondson, Fannie Lee Leverette- and Petrona and Ceres Humber. Miss Emmie Williams gave a terrace tea Friday afternoon in nonor of Mrs. Oscar Britt McRae, of Winder. Those present were the Misses Georgia and Luda Hutchinson and Sarah and Janie Hearn and Mrs. Charles Cox. Mrs. Howell Hearn gave a picnic Sat urday at Jenkins Spring to the mem bers of her Sunday school class. Those present were the Misses Mary Lucy Vaughn, Sarah Green. Elise and Sarah deJarnette. Mary Collins, Emily Spivey. Francis Hearn, Frances Watterson and Frances Adams, Reid Cox and Lyman and William Hearn. Mrs. Hulon Howard entertained the Young Women’s Missionary Society on Monday afternoon at her home on Mag nolia Hill. Those present wer& Mes dames J. R. Tweedy, James Nisbet, P. VV Walton, Jr., Will Kimbrough, J. M. Robertson, Bartow Griffin and Joseph Turner, Jr., and the Misses Belle Lewis, Agnes Leverette, Mamie Lynn Hutchin son and Georgia and Luda. Hutchinson. Mrs. N. M. Jordan entertained the Maids and Matrons Club Wednesday morning at her home. The prize in a "workbag” contest was won by Miss Janie Hearn. Those present were the Misses Janie Hearn Roberta Sparks, l^eonora Wright, Emmie Williams, Lucy Stubbs and Sarah Hearn, Mrs. Percy Rossee and Mrs'.'Paul Spivey. A compliment to the Misses Barkaloo was the 6 o’clock tea given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Percy Ezell. Those present were the Misses Annie Louise and Margaret Barkaloo, Agnes Lever ette, Cecil Ingram and Mollie Farley, Richmond Holt, CMin Wheler, Willis Da vis, Roy Stubbs and Paul Atkinson. Miss Lucy Turner entertained the Owlets at progressive rook on Friday evening at oer home, “Sleepy Hollow.” Those present were the Misses Dorothy Collins. Lina Hearn, Martha Spivey, Florence Jarmulowsky, Frances Dennis and Sarah Freeman, Russell and Bob Spivey. Porter Ballard, Wheeler Free man. Henry Lawrence, George Brown and Andrew' "Walker. Miss Rosa May Green entertained Thursday evening in honor of Miss Nita Hardy, of Willard. Miss Frances Turner and Professor Joseph Duke were married Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nolan. Miss Marjorie Thomas, Miss Nina Julia Wingfield and Mrs. Robert White furnished the nuptial mu sic. Mrs. George Smith, of Swains- boro. was matron of honor, and Miss Marion Wallace was maid of honor. The Rev. S. R. England performed the cere mony. After the w’edding Mr. and Mrs. Nolan entertained at a reception. OLUMBUS, June 12.—Among the early June weddings was that on Tuesday night of Miss Cornelia Dudley and Neil Stokes. The wedding music was provided by Miss Rose Mur phey, Miss Alice Beard and Lewis Chase. The ribbon bearers were Ann Dudley and Pauline Marcus, while How ard Bickerstaff was ring nearer. Miss Bessie Mary Dudley was maid of honor. The bridesmaids wer« the Misses Eliz abeth Turner and Bell. Helen and Eve lyn Dudley. The bridegroom’s best man was Robert Stokes, or Buena Vista. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Helen Dudley. The Rev. C. B. Chester performed the ceremony, after which there was an informal re ception. The wedding of Miss Effie Lee Talia ferro to E. C. Hadley, of Hamilton, was solemnized Tuesday afternoon at the Rose Hill Methodist Church, the Rev. B. S. Sentell officiating. Miss Georgia Taliaferro was maid of honor and Lucy Lee Taliaferro was ring bearer. The bride’s brother, Charles F. Taliaferro, of Atlanta, gave her in marriage. Miss Wyoline Page and Miss Alma Taliaferro played the nuptial music. The wedding of Miss Martha Schley to Henry Whitaker, of El Paso, was solemnized at the St. Luke Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon. C. P. Bush and Mrs. J. B. Key rendered the wed ding music. The bride’s brother, M. J. Gatewood, gave her in marriage. The groom w r as attended by Wilson Whita ker as best man. The weddings of Miss Fannie Whita ker to YVilliam Joy was solemnized at the First Baptist Church. Miss McEl. B. Scott, Miss Woodbridge and Profes sor H. E. Parsons provided the bridal music. The bridesmaids were Miss Martha Moore, of Opelika; Miss Ella B. Rowe, of Birmingham; Miss Aurelia Green, of West Point, and Miss Estelle Butler, of Opelika, and Miss Lillian Glenn and Miss Fedora Hill, of Colum bus. Mrs. A. P. Tatum, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Eva Tay lor was flower girl and Joseph Taylor ring bearer. The bride's brother, Frank Whitaker, gave her in marriage. Wal ter Smith was best man and the groomsmen were Bille Harvin, Dana Kilcrease, A. C. Chancellor, Jr., For rest Wood, Fred Whitaker and Mr. Reaves. Mrs. William Morton was the hostess of the Monday Auction Club. Those present were Mesdames P. B. Patter son, William Pease, Schley Gordy, W. Strother, Lane and West and Misses Aylmer Pearce, Nan Howard, Isabelle Battle, Marie Wood, Mary Hannah Flournoy and Morton. Miss Clyde O’Neal entertained in hon or of her house guests, M-iss Elizabeth Dunson and Miss Elizabeth Hood. In vited to meet Misses Dunson and Hood were Misses Ophelia Davis, Louise Mc Math, Gladys Huff, Minnie Hall, Loretta Chappell, Leonora Golden. Vera Golden, Marguerite Walker, Eloise Henderson, Marguerite Minter, Louise Scarbrough, Eleanor Struppa. Marguerite Struppa, Alice Cody. Kathleen Ball, Susie Hatch er, Mary Murphy, Aylmer and Mabel Pearce, Ruth Battle and Marion Pon der and Mesdames Schley Gordy. John Clark. James Gordy, George Golden and Frank Bradford. Miss Evelyn Roberts entertained six tables of setback Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mises Gerthude Ross. Susie Ingram, Fannie Merritt Jones and Eliza beth Sand ford, of Opelika, the guests of Miss Allen. Those present were Misses Gertrude Ross, Susie Ingram, Fannie Merritt Jones and Elizabeth Bradford, of Opelika; Jessie Weathers, guest of Miss Ida Brannon: Mary Neal Allen, Ila Brannon. Mary Booth, Lila Mae Key, Wetell Harvey, Ellen Mitch ell Lillian Chester, Martha Alexander, Lois Pekor, Mary Billings, Josephine Andrews, Isabell McKee, Nell Scar brough, Frances Daniel, Claire Collier, Jessie Wheat. Lois Scarbrough. Mar garet Laney and Ruby Wray Dowdell. Mrs. Banks Yonge honored her sis ter. Mrs. Jordan Garrison, with a bridge party Wednesday afternoon. Those present were Mesdames E. P. Dismukes, Dudley Chipley, Samuel Slate, George Young, Donald Jones. Rhodes Browne, Albert Shepherd, Turner Berry, Richard Slad*. Nell Frederick, C. Hartpence. Mitchell Brvan, R. B. Small. Walton and McFadden and Miss McKay. Mrs. T. F. Lockwood entertained a few friends In honor of her son. Firth Ix>ckwood. on Tuesday evening. Those present were Mrs. Morton. Misses Lo retta and Lucy Kent Chappell, Sarah Redd, Lillian Holt, Kate Woolfolk, Eu genia Flonrnoy and Harding, and Al lan and LeRoy Clapp, Homer Allen, Stuart McEtroy, Julian and Bartow Eberhardt. Mr. and Mrs Henry ^Vool- folk, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shepherd. Mr and Mrs. Francis Cuttle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Teague and Mr. and Mrs. Graves. was her sister’s maid of honor and A. L. Kyzar, of Troy, Ala., was best man. The bridesmaids were Miss Florence Walker, Bayford, Va.; Miss Ruth Rich ards, Birmingham; Miss Mildred Lide, Richland, and Miss Eula Bradford, Par is, Tenn. The wedding music was played by Miss Louise Mardre and Mrs. Fred Singer and Professor Coleman. The wedding party, relatives and close friends were entertained at a recep tion at the bride’s home on Tuesday evening_after the rehearsal. The out- of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Everett and Miss Carrie Belle Math is. of Americus; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bradley and Miss Marga ret Bradley, of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenn, Clayton, Ala.; Miss Myrtle Kyzar, Goshen, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Randolph. Jacksonville, Fla.; Ben Everett. Johnston City, Tenn.; Miss Ruth Richards, Birmingham; Miss Flor ence Walker, Bayford. Va.; Miss Eula Bradford. Paris, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Solomon, Montgomery, and Miss Mildred Lide, Richland, Ga. week. She was assisted by her moth er Mrs. Fleeth, and sister, Mrs. Paul Fleeth Mesdames Robert Christopher, Robert Burks, Claude Weaver and Rioh- ard Willis, Jr., Miss Gussie Bruce aivd Miss Louise Dallis were present. Miss Katherine Dallis was hostess to the Junior Mission Study Club on Wed nesday afternoon. The class, under the leadership of Mrs. Harvey Reid, is studying “Ann of Abel.” The follow ing young ladies were present: Misses Charlotte Y'aughan, Sarah Herring, Iberta Horn, Miriam fisher, Emily Childs Sarah Lee Carlton, Jean Clark, Myra ’Clark, Lillian Clark and Eva Kd- W On S Thursday, June 24, Miss Ehila Bradford, assisted by the Women’s Club of LaGrange, will give a production of “The American Indian in Lore, Legend and History.” Miss Bradford Is at the head of the expression department of LaGrange College. About S00 per- sons will take part *n the pageant. The LaG range Woman’s _Club gave a dance at the Elks' Home PYiday even ing. Miss Georgia Atkinson, of New- was ring bearer. Miss Pauline Solomon nan> a nd George Crossley were the win ners of the cake offered by Mrs. R. P. Forsyth r ORSYTH. June 12.—The Forsyth Chapter of the Bessie Tift Alum nae Association gave a reception in the college parlors on Friday afternoon in honor of Dr. J. H. Foster, the new president, and Mrs. Foster. An event of the week was the party given on the lawn at Mrs. J. O. Elrod’s residence by some of the young men of Forsyth to their young women jj”' George and Augusta Pike, El Ire friends. Those present were Misses - - ~ • --- Pearl Stephens, Nettie Thweatt, Bes- sye Heard. Bessie McCowen, Frances Nixon, Margaret Bloodworth, Undine Cater, Mary Fanny Floyd, Lucia Smith, Louise Phlnazee, Annie Maynard, Car rie Belle Reid, Lucille Talmadge, Nita Persons, Dixie Ponder, Annie Lewis Patterson, Jane Patterson^ Juliette Al exander, Bessie Edwards,\Ruth Green and Frances Rumble, Culleh. Goolsby, Jossey, Jeptha Guy Tribble, Clifton P Castleberry, D. J. Tribble, John Thweatt, Lyle Hollis, Lawrence Chap man, James Tribble. Robert Mott, Philip Patterson. Charles Maynard, Warren aBnks. George Green, Julian Fleming, John Floyd, Vernon Thomson, Sterling Gibson, Karl Sujtton and Frank Lancaster. T HE ROCK, June 12.—The wedding of Miss Dove Marchman and George Houston Gibbs, of Deca tur, was solmenized at Rosecrest, the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Marchman, at noon to day, in the presence of the immediate families of the contracting parties and a few relatives and friends. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Harry L. Flynt, of Atlanta, as matron of honor. Josephine Marchman and An nie Meredith were the ribbon-bearers and Frances Marchman Uhe ring-bearer. John Gibbs was his brother’s best man. The oeremony was performed by Dr. Fletcher Walton, and the wedding march rendered by Miss Ruby Stafford, of Barnesville. A wedding breakfast was served at 1 o’clock, after which the bride and bride groom left for a trip to points in North Carolina. After July 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs will be at home at No. 17 Clalre- mont avenue, Decatur. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Marchman. and the Misses Sarah and Louise Marchman, of Yatesville; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collier, Miss Sallie Stephens, and Miss Alma Murphy, of Barnesville; Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Flynt, of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs, John Gibbs and Miss Agnes Gibbs, of Decatur; Mrs. Sa rah Hancock Lane, of Washington, I*. C., and Mrs. Newman Hungerford, of Connecticut, at rook. LaGrange Abraham for the best dancers. Among those who took part were Misses Rhet- ta Reid and Katie Sue Shafer, of West Point: Lucy Ray. of Stockton, Cal.; Georgia Atkinson, of Newnan; Nell Mal lory, of Athens; Vivian Holmes, Corlnne Jarrell. Louise Young. Ruth Tuggle, Emily and Dorothy Atkinson and Eliz abeth Mitchell. J. D. Hudson. Ernest Stovall, Neal Clark, Ed Mosley, Frank Tatum, Edd Dozier, George Crossley, Jarrell Dunson, Freeman Awtrey, Wal ter Atkinson, James Atkinson, Billie Key, Hugh McKay and William Todd. The chaperons were Mrs. R. O. Pharr, Mrs. R P. Abraham. Mrs. C. M. Aw trey and Mrs. T. A. Atkinson The last meeting for the season by the Woman’s Club was held Thursdav afternoon when officers for the next year were elected and reports of re tiring officers were heard The aiumnae of LaGrange College met last Saturday. Miss Estelle Jones presiding. The following ladies took part in a musical program: Misses Nell Hammond. Hallie Smith, Daisy Bo- ney, Dolly Jones and Theresa Thrower and Mrs. Harvey Reid. The alumnae address was delivered by Miss Daisy Davies, the new president of the col lege. Mrs. H S. Woding was elected president of the alumnae. Other offi cers were installed. In the receiving ling were Misses Daisy Davies, Dolly Jortes, Maidee Smith. Eula Bradford. Hallie Smith and Jewell Jones and Mes- / * dames T. R. Thompson. Hal Childs, Clif ford Smith and Eula B. Smith. James Lewis Longley celebrated his fourth birthday Wednesday afternoon with a partv. The children present were Winsted Langley, Mary Floyd, Inez Woodall, Ruth Boyles. Luclle Market, beth Cook, Alma Mooty, Ralph and Roy Cook, Market, Loeb Ketzky, Sam Cook, Claud Daniels. Arnold Mooty and Frank Herty Klarpp. Mrs. Robert Segrest was hostess last Wednesday night for the Senior Bridge Club. The high score prize was a pair of silk hose. Thole present were Mes dames I. C. Doe, C. M. Awtrv, S. W. Thornton, T. H. Nimmons, C. L. Smith, T. J. Thornton W. A. Holmes. C. V. Truitt, Harvey Mobley. R. P. Abraham, Frank Ridley. Mary Tuggle. Joe Dun son. Jr., Enocn Callaway. Arthur Porch- er and C. H. Knox. Mrs. Albert Lehmann, Jr., was hostess to the Sewing Circle on Tuesday aft ernoon Tn honor of her guests. Misses Lillian Russell and Grace Murphy Those present were Mesdames John Artley, A. Culberson. M. P. Williams, Frank Hutchinson. Harvey Reid, J. C. Brady. J. J. Milam and Henry Milam. Miss Ruth Slack. Miss Kate Bruce and Miss Nell Mallory, of Athens. On Saturday afternoon Miss Kate Wilkinson entertained her music class with a picnic at McClendon’s Park. L Milledgeville M 1EEEDQEVILUE. June 12.—\frs. Wister Ritchie was hostess at a progressive rook party Tuesday afternoon, given in honor of her guests. Mrs. Horace Ritchie, of Fitzgerald, and Mrs. Clark Case, of Augusta. Miss Ag nes Scott served frappe. Those invited were Mesdames Loderick Jones, James Ingram, O. YY r . Stembridge, Leo Joseph, T. S. Jeanes. Charles Barrett, Harold Major, John Sibley, Lovick Longino. W. S Myrick. Dixon Y\ r illia«is, John Cline. Arch McKinley, Frank Bone, Russell Bone, F. A. Robbe. Julius Barnes and Sam Evans and the Misses Jennie Jew-- ell. Mary Barrett, b&therine Scott. Ab ner Strozier, Marion Hollinshed, Kath erine Turner. Clara Jewell, Sarah Moore and May PeSaussure. | Toccoa T ■CCOA. June 12.—Mrs. R. L. Chris- enberry entertained her Sunday school class with a picnic at Toc coa Falls on Monday. The Daughters of the Confederacy met with Mrs. W. C. Edwards Wednesday afternoon. Miss Carter Schaefer entertained a number of friends at rook Thursday morning in honor of Mrs. James Jack- son, of McDonough. Newnan N' EWNAN. June 12.—On Saturday afternoon Miss Gabrielle Johnson was hostess at an afternoon bridge party, given in compliment to her guest. Miss Frances Good, of Cedartown. The list included the Miss es Mary Atkinson, Sarah Farmer, Mary Katherine Parks, Dorothy Jones, Mar- Athens A’ THENS, June 12.—An interesting wedding of next week will be that of Miss Julia Brand and Bolling Sassnet, of Atlanta, which will take place at the home of tqe bride on Thursday, June 17. Miss Brand has been the recipient of many social func tions the past ten days. They will make Athens their home. Another wedding of next w*eek will be that of Miss Eunice Reed, daughter of Registrar and Mrs. T. YY T . Reed, to Hal Hulsey, of Atlanta. Miss Reed has just graduated from Lucy Cobb Insti tute and Mr. Hulsey will recefve his degree from the University of Georgia on his wedding day. They will make Athens their home. The annual Sphinx banquet will be a University of Georgia commencement event Monday evening when the reg ular members will compliment the alumni and their lady friends at one of the enjoyable functions of the week. Miss Marguerite Rowe is entertaining a house party during Georgia com mencement. The young ladies being entertained are Miss McCloud, of New Orleans; Miss Mary McCiesky, of Lit tle Rock: Miss Meadow O’Farrell, ot Athens: Miss Gertrude Hood, of Cuth- bert; Miss Eleanor Thornton, of Kansas City, and Miss Frances Broyles, of At lanta. The Pan-Hellenic dance Friday even ing was one of the largest and most brilliant of commencement dances ever given by the University German Club. Among the visiting girls dancing were the Misses Y’irginia Lipscomb, Atlanta; Martha Coleman, Augusta; Frances Broyles. Atlanta; Mary McCiesky. Lit tle Rock: Gertrude Hood, Cuthbert; Eleanor Thornton. Kansas City: Louise Mays. Augusta; Annie Winship Bates, Atlanta; Nina Hansel. Atlanta; Mary Stewart, Atlanta; Edith and Louise Gunnells, Montgomery; Louise Walker. Monroe: Nell Choate. Atlanta; Gloria Lamb, Summerville: Essie Jordan, At lanta: McPhadden. Virginia; Small. Ma. con; Goodall, Birmingham, and Taylor, garet Atkinson. Johnnie Caldwell, An- A series of parties were given this nie Drake. Elizabeth Gibson. Y’irginia Summerville, week by the younger set in honor of Glover, Sarah Hall, Anna Cuttino. Ella Miss Ruth Wells entertained Thurs- visitorf. One was that given by Miss Adams, Frances Wallace, of West Point, day afternoon at a bridge party in A GRANGE, June 12l—An event of Interest was the Gold berg- La fko- witz wedding, which took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldberg, of this city, Sunday afternoon. The nuptial music was furnished by Miss Viola Burks. Dr. F. M. Ridley, Jr., and Joe Frosolona. Dr. F. L. Rosenthal, of Columbus, offi ciated. The groom’s brother, Solomon Lafkowltz, was best man. Fannie Laf- kowltz was flower girl. Miss Sarah Winer was maid of honor. The bride was given in marriage by her father, M. Goldberg. Among the out-of-town guests were Dr. F. L. Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lafkowltz, Solomon Lafko- witz, Mrs. C. Ijafkowitz, Misses Fannie and Rebecca Lafkowltz, Mrs. I. Winer, Miss Saxah Winer, Louis Winer, of Co lumbus; A. J. and Solomon Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Burton, of At lanta; Isadora Shafer, of Macon, and Joseph and Abe Cohen, of West Point. Announcement of the marriage' of Mrs. Pauline Feinburg Ketzky to Mor ris Nathan Goldstein, both of LaGrange. have been received by friends here. The marriage took place at Columbus on Sunday. Sunday evening Albert J. Harris and Miss Mattie Lou Wilkerson were quietly married in this city at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J. D. Gay. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. B. Vaughan. Beginning next Wednesday, Mrs. Hal Childs will entertain a house party In honor of her niece. Miss Margaret Childs, of this city. The out-of-town guests will be Misses Hallie Cooper, of Mobile; Kittle Newton, of Madison; Florence Gresham, of Griffin, and* Te resa Thrower, of Atlanta. Friday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. P. Abrahams, Mrs. Claude Weaver entertained the mem bers of the Young Matrons’ Club. The guests were Mesdames Austin Cook, Robert Burke, Richard Willis. Jr., Paul Fleeth, Heyward Booker. Frank Hutch inson, Robert Hutchinson. Henry Mi lam, D. E. Morgan, L. Artley, G. C. Hunter. Forrest Truitt, G. Traylor and J. C. Brady. A dance will be given by the young men of LaGrange to the young women on YV r ednesday. June 23. About thirty ■couples will take part. The Campfire Girls of LaGrange are enjoying a camp this week and have as their chaperon Miss Ruth Slack. Miss Eunice McGee left Thursday for Chipley to be present at a series of par ties given for Miss Louise Dunlap, a bride-elect. Miss McGee will be maid of honor at the Dunlap-Millen wedding on June 16. Friday afternoon Mrs. Chisholm Fer rell entertained in honor of Miss Blos- dell. of New York City, the guest of Miss Carrie Fall Benson. About fifty guests enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Ferrell. Mrs. Austin Cook entertained the E ASTMAN, June 12.—With the busi ness meeting on last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. A. Paxson. the Woman’s Club adjourned for the summer vacation to meet again in Oc tober. The program committee during the summer will arrange the program of the club for the year 1916-16. The subject will be “Music and Art.” The president, Mrs. Will Wooten, an nounced the following committees for 1915-16: Program, Mrs. Scott Edwards. Mrs. A. P. Petway, Mrs. W. P. Cobb, Miss Mary Edwards, Miss Fannie Kate Per sons; legislation, Mrs. M. H. Edwards. Mrs. Slg Harris, Mrs. W. L. Jessup; civics and health, Mrs. J. D. Williams, Mrs. H. M. O’Callaghan, Mrs. W. M. Morrison, Mrs. E. YV. Bullock, Mrs. J. L. Wooten, Mrs. J. H. RobertB, Mrs. C. G. Horne, Mrs. W. E. Davison, Miss Iai- olle Baker; home economics, Mrs. J. D. Herrman, Mrs. J. M. Bohannon, Mr*. Bob Wynne, Mrs Hal Johnson, Mrs. Mark Woodard, Mrs. C. W. Griffin, Mrs. T. D. Hoskins. Mrs. Walter Phillips; membership, Mrs. J. D. Williams, Mrs. J. C. Wall, Mrs. J. D. Herrman, Mrs. C. F. Coleman. Mrs. M H. Eklwards. Mrs. D. D. Smith, Mrs. Scott Edwards; educational and rural schools, Mrs. C. F. Coleman, Mrs C. H. Otterberg. Mrs. J. A. Paxson, Mrs. Henry McRae, Mrs. C. M. Methvin, Mrs. E. E. Persons, Mrs. Harry Hirsch, Miss Mayme Tow- son. Miss Pearl Cameron; nominating, Mrs. D. D. Smith, Mrs. S. J. Hargrove. Mrs. W. M. Clements, Miss Hortens* Herrman, and Miss Georgia May Baker C OVTNGTON, June 12.—Mrs. W. A. Muse entertained the members of the Book Lovers’ Club on Thurs day afternoon at her home on Floyd street. Mrs. J. O. Cooper and Miss Eloise Cooper entertained a number of friends at their home Wednesday afternoon in compliment to their guest, Mrs. Alva Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Adams entertained at their home Tuesday afternoon in hon or of the Sigma Nu Fraternity, Talbotton i T ALROTTON, June IS.—Mrs. Wll- mer Scarbrough Is hostess this week at a house party in honor of the Misses Louise McGehee and Em ily Pou Heath, who have just returned, from Wesleyan Female College, Maoon. Miss Y 7 irglnla McGehee entertained on Tuesday at a spend-the-day party in honor of her guests, the Misses Pv>u. of Columbus. Miss Mary Graham entertained for the Misses Pou on Wednesday after noon. A compliment to Miss Kathleen Ool- lier was the afternoon party at which Mrs. T. M. Mahone was hostess on Fri day. Honoring Mrs. Talley of Atlanta, ths gueat of Mrs. Bishop, Miss Mary Doug las entertained about eighty-five guests at a prom party, at her home on Col lege street, Monday night. C •*“* EDARTOWN. June 12.—A tea was given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Hilliard R. Mountcastle. honoring her sister. Mrs. Will Mountcastle, of At lanta, and Mrs. Amos Huguley, of West Point, at her home on College strest. Assiting in receiving and entertaining were Mesdames E. L. Henderson. W. g. Good, W. W. Turner, E. B. Russell. J. W. Good, J. Wray Pickett. S. N. Clary', Jr., C. W. Bolton, J. E. Mundy and H. N. Y f anDevander and the Misses Clara Whitaker. Belle Van Devander and Lou- lie Ledbetter. About a hundred guests called. A dance was given by the young men members of the Eighty-four Club this at the Cedartown Club Friday evening.