Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 14, 1915, Image 8

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I 1 M irti« * i! THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN READ FOR PROFIT GEORGIAN WANT ADS—USE FOR RESULTS MONDAY. JUNE 14. 1915. If? lawified Advertising Rate* lc A WORD DANCING. Tate^prTnos, Hk? i DANCPftO SCHOOL— nsnrtng afternoon and even j ing from 4 »« ft a*d 4 *8 to 11 Kt Must* b : r«M orefcfrrs Team if by Fret and Mr* E R 1 Hure* Sine t^taon jl. _____ | LEARN TO DAHCF/ Privaie I#**""* tMflhf h • m* Wifa for oi» fra* offer Prof h»Aiart* I '§•> Jwnii atawt AJiron Otile ota 'tia m r.rwn*ra MATX 1H ATLANTA »••• Clsiwified Advertiser* Mar UM~-Horw Owefr W#m Ada T*s Aenrilu will b4 waaouOla fa* *har onu Inrorrer* Inert* on af an* OSMaent lyrAmr—1 *or mar* than •• TV Oeorflar e»—nw ffca i reel’* classify afl Wawt Ada t>>* Oeoeflar. ean O'* ru*rs> •r aana* rwamilHIIty for « rtrl armrttni tr •rtenhon- a.**eMiareuw»- O«or^ian wITl rvol aroep« (MM • vert-al nrdsea tr dl*rew*tln»*e oe diary* T r CTlTi roftAd"! a ftvertleerow** AlnrlW ffiredd retain receipt* giro** by TN# Of*; ftae la artr***! edging r«y»mta »« WtM Ada u m mistake re« *»• roritfled «ltba«» Cham Read for Profit Uae for Revolt* HEARCT’S SUNDAY AMERICAN and DATJ.Y OROROTAN ••WANT ADS” AMUSEMENTS. Central Amnaement Park COLLECT LARK SPRIMrS. onm opar *kattng bathing and darxdna a marry go round for the tlrtt# >mn Picnic and bsrbe*-u» grreinds 'rmu '* Chr public * Tak# College Park r*r and g at off it end y Tine. LOST AND FOUND. | lyWf^ilalirfToU^Vrvf^orkrr t>ook. on AdaaaevlUe and P—glagtille road. eootilnlng about ISA In Ml la. |Nri latlts fkaffcl mad* out moartly tr. V B ! DVkaor era reward for rstUfTi to L A j Sou’er. jfft Walker mart. Atlanta. .0* 1 LOST Re* 'trim rimai ring, black backgro< j aKb whit* hagd I>»» from Wa/np'" Jones a**msr, «om»whrt» on Ma/1*tt« street. «d aid# Rewerd M**r» 4*4 ft J I HELP WANTED—FEMALE j wiffiTw'-uw^ trarSCc; <tp«r?snri unnereeaarr _r rommlMl«' and expenre allowance to i tljhi lady McBraly 4k Co., Chicago j WANTED A art’lad '-olorad woman to rook and j I do general hnua#worfc, amall family, bee' refer j er.ea tall l*T 7TftA» j WANTED -A whit* girl for aenera; bauatotort and I <r«nk; good home. w.’h mnottitr salary Addrre* I I W ' 11 ntltirnllls, La _____ I . WANTED Motion pleura ptaya. ar atw> team j you how i» writ* tiiam. scenario Dwpt, SOI 2 ! Walton Building AGENTS WANTED. or*'rant pattrara wit: pn m $80 a *eek proooe*f4>o IL and aperta’ries dlrart t< Dot KEEP ATLANTA SPOTLESS CROftoTA 7^: A NER: QUARTS 30e GALLONS 75* GEORGIA PAINT k GLASS COMPANY. TYY 831 ip. IP TOR DECOR ATTNC. |J)J. W. TOMLINSON lm*n« Main l H Formariy with Tomllnaao A DldahwnaM I lntwrlor PeinMi** and DaooraDng Eatlmst#* fflw Main IfW-J ShA Twnr’r Cmart Rutldlag r uvt R’rln rtpaTr woil v SPECIALTY EHTIMATTS C'ULRFUL I LY C1VTN ON NEW WORE 1*7 WHITE BAU. MAIN fill. ATI .A NT A 111. ) D0M GARAGE. R#pair» a SpwrlaJt* 41 In *tr*et Main IMS Atlanta W HELP WANTED MALE. ^A^fiflT^t'artnn'.^who la all rotlrt-l rour’Tr prlt #r. aohar and mmw al, to buy haif Intwr**' ion# of rh# twat w«wtrltea In Rmirh <i#**r*ia ■fllrlal ( twgan nf oounty Muat t»a*a a» l#aa* all httndrad ; do’lars, baJan## or tantwt Bar# a'amya unlaaa ton m*an huatiMraa Addrtwa CHBrlal Organ, rar* Watt ■ i #m Nrwapapar I nlon, Atlanta. Oa \NTKI' M*n dm of or with out R tra/1# to Insrn harhorlns aorl h« i Indppeixfaill clean. Inaul# work that naya wall Can learn In f«w week* ‘'all or write MOLEII BARBKK <*OL- IjFJiK. II I^uckle a treat. . _r WANTED YOTNC MEN ft) KNOW THAT THK COOLEST PLACE YOU MAY FIN'D ON HOT DAYS IB THE MONTGOMERY BILLIARD PARLOR THE HUNT EQUIPPED PLACE IN THE BOt TWF.RV FTATK* Cl EM 2%r EA( H_ WtVTET) M#n. and ladle*, ton, to addfrwa *alopa* and rrntt adr#ni*Utg raao#r t no# large mail ordwr flrma. sr'ire nr whal# t.)m* Can mak# |H* to 135 *##k:y No eapl'al Of'mm •nr# raquired. Book. #ip1aln‘r.g #y«rydhitig. mailed for I*r to #mrt poata*#, wtr Ward Ptjhtlahlng Co llrnt 4I». Chlfaeo , WAXTED B# a rlfftectlve Co-oper ate with us from your locality, expe rience iinnfrt enaary earn *n<*1 pay. Ad- tlredB American fietective Ase’n. AtMJu- bon Bldg New YirleaiMi WaTJtbT) r «n use one man In each county. Abl!lt> will rotint more than experience Good proposition to right men. Southern Ha'eyt Agency, Box 105. CartsrsvIUe. Oa WANTED Kxperlen^wd colored laun- dryman for position In email laun dry <ilve experience age and refer ences H C. V.. B'»x W care Ameri- ca n ‘ M VV rET. * ■ e • • . > ' ni#n and rnnduetor* Interurhan road* io fJeor fia. S7A to IkO monthly. Eju-wrten#* ijnnw #w*ary •ta'w a##, detail* fr## Writ# Manager Electrl# Railway* Bureau 4A4 Byralira’# Truat. Bt l*ui». lio. R'AMT.D Got#rnm#r»t poadflmi* *n poatofflrr. rail way mall and r>*h#r branrhaa ar* «o«kI Prana re for »xam* under former V a Clfll Rarrloe B#r r**ary Liamlner Br»<*fciet fl-SJi fr## Wflt# *o day Patteraon dell Rerrlra School, Rochester. N ▼ WANT^I) American textile mills dlap!a<fng foT •Ign haa plar* for aaieaman lo rial! dry good* and general etera# IJl»erai rompenaatloat, prmta nem huahteae. eirlngle# territory to light party Btata experlwi'-e and refer#ti<*» Handtira/1, 3l5 Fourh arenue. New York. HELP WANTED—MALE, FEMALE. ; KREK DENTISTRY. - . TO tntrwfuee our new paioieaa metboda. for tli# r nagt ter, daya we will do ali dental wars at actual 1 eoat of material. Skilled operator* of year*' expe- , “THE OLD RELIABLE” Atlanta Dental Parlors, j (or Patch tree and Deratur Rta |(02, American Aluminum M»g t o Umtmt, 111 WANTED Arctic ice blanket Saves naif the k*e hill Big seller Semple .>* Profit* 200 per cent. Partlclars free Specialty Mfg Co.. 0 lewli Block, r let roll ._M»ch_ WANTED Agett’a Introduce new SV hnuwhold itlllty. YYte K.rerhandy ’ Our London and Berio agen'a *old mfUloos European war your opportunity Big profit* Write for territory her <wea^ M.'*_Co. I Si* Brnadway. Ve» York SELL PALM BEACH SUlfS. 1 SITUATIONS i W 4 Vrft> By fiprtl pher. work by hoo’ i •' #ept permanent poa1 j wanted Plain *#wng experienced [ Fort at real wanted p I erem-e. I *A45 P olored w> uld. wits beet ref «•* Atlanta Phone WANTED- If you dmlre at experienced and 'ana Me ytwmg lady atrr. e-aph#r. rail Mi 1 * AMI WANTED A good cook wiehea a portion aa cob* MADE tm aweewe. 0*r atke ecabie you to meet loweet •uaapoU'.ton Gotd profita Write for free tamplew lAed* Woolen Mill*. Chicago WANTED—BIOGEBT MONEYMAKER OTT RELLH ON SIGHT ALL OR RPARK TIME HI RENT REPEATER SAMPLE AND Kl LI. PAR TIC I LARM, m rENTR. TU f >R RPWTALTT CO.. »*< kgo.vra.uc. rut WANTED -Agent*. Get o**r wonderful *el»er Hand painted Charl’a Chaplin metal caadng nernlr S in h*« h'.gh $10 daily #a*iiy made Bamplea iOr. Welt# to-day. Haul Noraltiaa. N Dearbona arenue. t hk agtx WANTED Agent*, men. women wanted to call on pianieu with an article every piano own ar nteda A dandy aeller and money maker for you Tma- aeli Import.t.g to, Box *4 A, la>w«U, Maaa ____ A DOLLAR A MINUTE CAN'T 1>e made with our gnoda. or anybody * But you ran make good money with our quirk aeller*. not »old hi atarm Write and aaj. "Show !M* *' 8 Mfg Co.. 41 Warreti niwt, New York. Dtp!. MI W 4 NTED—Agenta. both »exaa We manufacture and control faateat aelUng houaahold article erer in*cuted. exrlualve territory Connolly, 1S3 IJberty B’rret New York. M r LTI GRAPH IN G. FOR the I we' multlgraphlng aerelee In the Sorjth. rail by |M7 , HEALEY BUILDING RTENO KKRV1CI. 1102 Healey ButIdlng. WANTED ff you vim to mak* money at home Arldresslng envelopes, po*- tals. writing. Inclosing and mailing ad vertlslng letters, send etampwd ad- dresaeed envelope. Royal Haies Com- r>ept n, Macon, Ga WANTED -lOA.iiaa own and women to Join the Prosperity Club of America Only tbnae n#e<i ap piv who want to grsa-ly better themaeirea and hare *** corfldenv# enough to axrhange -me dollar for a bright fulurr Particular* free Earnth PubJiahitif ' B Pas SMITH will furnish help suitable for any pMltfbn; EMPLOTMEKT secured for ♦’ompetent fiartles anywhere Phone Ivy 222t‘J. Address 158 Auburn avenue. Atlanta _ ^ W ANTED Boye and girls to «eli chew ing gum on <-ommlH*i<AP Bend for a box to-day. Taylor's Specialty Co.. Birmingham, Ala P. O. Box 186 WANTED- Write storie* for mor ng pictures: oro ducat* pay from $25 to $100 each for phdisplay* htteraating and faarlnatlc*. no eiperlence oa*«e •ary. work In aparr time Kuil particular* free Addrwaa Phm«jplaj'. Box 2$g Troy Ala WANTED IIS week;? ra **7 one pemon ea--h daily mm RAILWAY SCHEDULES aOUTMERR RAILWAY Transit Carrier ef Ikt .laatg fke Arr1«a. asd Dagramm af Patwogwr Train* Attaata The following arhedule Sgur*w are poMtahaS esly w. iWwiuaR— and are im< nurtntiei go ARRrrg PROM U JarkaeaeltW * « am IS Hew Tort «<*•"' 1 JaekaonOHa. « It am It Sbrrrepon. $■•* •» It Taceoa « tt •» St Heflin * Jt am I Rome $ 48 sni T Memo It 4S •* r tel Vane It 48 am II Columbus . It ft" am 48 Memphis 11 14 am • dne'noatl list me D New Ynrk 11 18 pm M Birmi-gkam t l«re I Macon 4 15 xm It ffcgrusia ... 4 *8 pm I? New York II Brenswi'-k •1 fnC Valley 11 Iktiswis __ It Ckartanoota • t* m* ft Kanaaa city • 8* pm II h»!««ba 18-ft pm • Chiear 4 It It p* . • -8t r«a f»8 r» INKS 8 18 pm NO DEPART YYV- M New York it ai aM M Columbus t il am tt Kansas City t It aa 1 mieasa t 70 it Richmond • |g «m T Chattanonga T It am tt Pan Valley T 18 an It Br.oawlck T 44 am ** New York It 80 ms 48 Oiart.*fta It 1* on t Macon It K pm ?• Birmingham It 3-4 pta t8 New Tort IS Bom* ft OinetanaM IS ‘ t t4 _ I 15 pm « 18 MS 4 44 ps i I# PM I 15 pip ft >8 pis ft *8 PS 8 44 AJI train* run daily, CUT DcSet tithes. 11 c ntsmhus *• Memphis it Tart Valley tt Macon tft HaftRs ... x 14 Jackaewrltle tt 8* pn « Jaekaoprltle »• >8 PM 11 ghrerapnfl .11 tft i« '•nfral Nsae is 1 Pasrtotrw# a rousts: copying dally aummary *4 instrument# and suit* fliei for record Hr. postage for appllca tlno blanks Western Bating Bureau, Miarxb Ok'a WANTED u B Gflwrrnmem #•«■’• rierHa. ir.*:: aomen. 1» or over, 175 month List of rtoal tiona now obtalnabla free Write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. ftt-E, Rochaatar, Jl. T- WANTED When good, reitabh • <>'<»red help la want •d. cither In or out city, call on. phone <■tt write Johm' Employment Agency. tlVft Hnuth Broad atrrwt Twenty year* experience WANTED Make $108 monthly writing mewing p'r ture plays in ai-are time Experience and capital iiniiec*:seary Particulars free Crown Supply Ho., ( etlar Rapids, lows. WANTED E*m 118 $15 wertly addrea#1ng, trail Ing rircuiar*. spare time, rirrutai*. instructions Jftc stlrer J W Jaokeor.. 242 Hilliard at red. At lanta. Ga WANTED Wa will reel*e and sell your DhotenSay* on conunlaaiori or tell you how tt* write. Bend stamp <1 a ran to! Co., Grayson. Nebr. plea AmbltVoua persona may **rn substantial jn- ' oma during spare time. Previous experlieu-e un- neceaaary itamped Belt addreeeed enrelope bring* f articular* American Advertising Agency. Erlsnd luHdlng. T92 708 Twelfth, Chicago. WANTED Money 125 lo t*8 per month ex*ra money to employed Deraon* without tn'erfertng with regular work V«* selling No r»n*a**lng No investment. People not employed ahould not ap ply Rherman Bupply Co,. Il»*« 818, Detroit. Mien WANTED Men In town* nf Ntirth Georgia to rep resent health and arrlden’ Insurance -ompant. industrial branch, company Juat antsrlng Btate; goo*l oontract to buaMera Address Inquire. 80ft A.*- Vll Building. YLn. if you hare two liaxtoe. Prwaast* M *i Bratmit.g will teach you the barber trade foe |X8 and glee paying position In our chain of shop* It a eaa* Atlanta Bsrber Colloge. It V ast Mitchell trust WANTFTi -Secret oerrlc# Paclftc coast. Amenr»n Ineal points, traveling and foreign •ervlca Bella hie persons intaregtad 'n IwcomLts ext»ert InvtaM gators Bend conOdential i*eraonai particulars to Asiatic^Padkc Agency, PocUand Grog, tt ANTED Mar to r«»praeer ! u* tn fgQT tSI - 111 tary. $8.4 per month traveling expenses and com miamon iTxpsrtariea unnaceaaary Write quick R D Martel. 2909 Indiana avenue. Dept 518. Ctilcago. WANTED--Man. Out of a position f flail my new sporting poet#!*, quirk aeller*. ‘Better than Bop ternher Morn ” Beautiful sample*, wi’h a|*ecfal trices. 10c Miaa A Banner. Bta R , N Y City WANTED Young man to ntfnag# local branch Northern mall order house. must be steady. amhlU'iua. tempera'e gl»« age and former exyert ence Mgr Klein. 220 Banter TAXICABS. JUNE WEDUINOS GIVE l« YOUR ORDER for autosBooliO* and rv lleve yourself of the detail work, a* our force u ram pleas BELLE ISLE 4 Lurkic Street VITTITR’S A CTO SERVICE OO. DAY A.vr> NIGHT One Paaeer.*er ft« rerda Two nr more. ?5c each Piew- Paaaengrr car*. $1 ftft and $2 08 pae hour Phore Main 4317 J. Atlanta 458T 180 MarletU •»«- EDUCATIONAL. summer sntofiL RICHARDSON'S »W urillNr. STKKtT 3,1 h i»rui. 11,1 Jun, !» Slat Augua’ Hpeiiai hours, both ar-aea: thi*r**ugh paws guaranteed admitted at auy lime Report* a a v M PARKER R BUMMER Rf'HOOL ('allege Park Special coaching for pupils deflrietit or for thoM ambltloua to lump” a grade Individual, per month. $10. two or more In Has*. $4 M I . Parker. A fcl Phone Bast Point 258-J fius N N NORRIR will open her Ktintmer school Monday. June 21. dflft. at Ml Highland avenu#. PRone Ivy 7857 L ftlACIH Vli or private tnat net Ion t*y experienced temrher Ivy Tllt-L MATRIMONIAL. FPsTRHN tady. m ddlv age. worth $.40,000. wm,d marry must t>« honorable and trustworthy Send postage A Bos 484. Uluh. L>« Angeles. Cal WlitliJ you marry tf auttvdf Beat ma'nmoniaT paper publlahert Mailed free TYi* Correspond gp, Towts, Ohio MT Rr HA NT, ”48. a or h 148>08 would r*»rrv D Boi 35. I^ag»tf, Tuirdo, Ohio. PIANO TUNING. y^~^BCIE^fT?IC^Tr4NTr^r^!N^ Baldwin Plano no . Main 4147 PERSONAL. $4.00 SPECIAL SALE- $5.00 THiMJir.n MfDsrjim*:r hath MRS. C. H. SMITH. We fjyn your old style straw hats Into new style*, new shape* good colors and perfect ftntah Men * PANAMAS AND LEGHORNS CLEANED AND REBLOCKED. m'TN rVEMNC.H Charge Aecorrtta Solicited lift Peachtrm HUwci l.f .’*14 1 Ne*>^ Candler Building Mali Order* Given Hpwctal Anantion. OLD HATS MADE NEW I* 50# Special rkadinob ooc CONBUtT TtfF WOSLD B WONDER THK GREAT FOSTER, MEDIUM-LIFE READER-BEER ORDAINED SPIRITUALIST ADVlcr ON ALI. AFLAICH OK IITI Rnst, Present, Euture •ATIBFACTION GIVEN OR NO CHARGE MW- MV SPECIAL READINGS 48c 58c Maid In attendance Hour* li ft Sunday 10-T 29 1-2 WHITEHALL ST. 291-2 OVER BYt K B SHOE STORE 50c. ffikO REWARD— Lad’ ea. our monthly conpo-iiid never disappoints Safely relieve* longvwT, i»».Ht obatinate. abnormal case of suppressed men*ma- tion tn three day# .Prlrv $2 Southern Remedy ' Turn. ___ tiff V'ir TEETH TROT BLEB? I CAN RE LIEVE YOU WITHOUT PAIN IF TOUR TESTO DON'T KIT I WILL MAKE THEM OR NO CHARGE DR BARRETT. 402 PEACHTREE ITT 7114-1 EARLY or late you will find the Want Ad Man on the job If he can be of service to you call him Main 1<K>. At- lanta 0006. THREE Wonderful hear* - winning aecreta of a dor- ♦or** daughter Further Infonnattnn. price imr ouarer Address Madam Eases. Btut 487. Cowan da. S Y Ear. Nose. Throat and l.unga Dr George Brown. 312 Austell Building Buintntr Rates After June 1st WHERE la Mra Allot V Sorrow* Important that *be communicate with Mr. Drake P O Bog 1477, Atlanta Telephone East Point 4 MEN readily become *rr»«g and rlgorou* using 'Eureka Balm '* No medicine to swallow Ear muia 58c Box 85. Delhi. La MARRIED and unmarried lad e*, rend $1 for book of »aluab!e Information ge poated «now f>.. Brut 514 Kansas City. M« 6CITIBT pr»e< rtplion* given * pedal aitrlnttoo' Columbian OoiicAt Co. ftl WhltenaH stract. TEACHERS WANTED. WANTKT) Immediately, seventh and eighth grade teacher aa.ary $68. Must be rxporTenred and have high school certifies:# Bherldan’a Teacbet*' Agency ffcACIIKKH -Do you want a flrmt- grnde lice ns* ? I#et rn« tell you how to get it. B H Holden, KIlljAy. Gw. moat liberal 1323 Healer Bids . Atlanta, Oa Ivy 7(195 ence. Mat t .iv. N 3 Harden Building. Alliidk WANTBJT5— I^et me tell you free 24 new way* to make money It may he the beginning of financial Independence. Ilomepeclalty Co., Akron, Ohio WANTED Become a hypftotlat (with - out) hypnotic aleep; simple, practical, reaultful. 16 leaaorn 25r Duhllaher. 4f* (Minton atreet, Albany, N Y. ’ WANTED Coloree mri prepare •« sleaptni '•ar and train iKirtvr*: experience not neceaegry nouth u railroads Uniform* fimtiahad. Write Inte* Railway. Det» 387 Indianapolis, Ind WaNTUI) Vdmig men wh<* are intereatad and tal ented for motion plc'ur* work to see or write ua onoe Good position* n:en Midland MoUon ' tmpi Vi 1 Rlldlng WANTED Re a detective p*rr $48 Il()0 week ly: travel all over the world Wr t« Dep» 28. United Mtalee Detective and Adjusting Agency. Ral.eay Exchange, flt Loul*. Mu WANTED U salary of $188 per mot>th and ex penae* Intereala. write for pewit.on lo take eftarxe bualnea* in ’hie loealify Eapanola Co.. Ya3e Building, Wes' 83d. Chicago w 4 NTED R a legmen District for Atlanta terrl :ory RparlaRy "It take* ' Good men aver » e $100 week Km!l security required B h • nufa.-turing Co.. I’aasalc. N J WANTED We will atart you In the cleaning and •being buvineM. little capital needed; big t>r<*fU# Write for Ixvoklet Ben Vonde Hystem. Dept. 185. Chariotta, N I WANTED Anybody can Increase the'r Income $4 to $46 weekly raising mushrooms In cellars, shed*, hoiea Free illustrated hofgilet Market* waiting Hiram Barton. 833 West 48'h straet. New York _ WANTED- Be your own bna* Formula* for menu fact urine flv* big aeller*. 188 Imglneea opportunl tiaa •«>' for I fir. A DeHoth. 81 West Ohio atreet. 2(*. lt.dlanapolD. Ind tt ANTI I* Be our agent Big money sailing soot destroyer tn boiler ueera in manufacturing plants or residence* Good side line spare time seller No investme^f M 8 Products Co.. Detroit. Mich. WANTED Railway mall clerk*. $7.4 month. At lanta eiaodnaitnns cutniug. sample question* tre*- Wrlla lmmedla^lv Franklin Inatuuta. Dept «• K. Rechggfter. M. T__ WANTEl* MAHHERA te snow w» tarry ermntete line barber *upplla*. Write for catalog and whole- •aia price* Matthew* A !!»•'» Co Allan'* (is WANTED —Fifty men for thirty day* Hotel Rand. 42 Vk Decatur *trvwt. one block from Five Point* Rates Ike and up Bath free. WANTED Mo Ion ptiiurs piav> we aw« (eaiti you how to write them. Rcenarlo Dept . 881-2 Wc '■>»> BulMhiv |HMpp . eight hour plant v Elmer E. Covert. §8.4 E Street. N W . Washington. D C W A NTED- Able boAM men. good eyesight. for firemen and brakemen. $120 m<wi»hly. experience unneceqaarv Railway, rare Georgian HELP WANTED—FEMALE. \V A Nfftfr 'tvV want women and men . to work for ua. Congenial home work. No canvaaatng. Good pay. Stamped envelope for (tartlculars DeRk C., At las Agency, Station "A.” Cincinnati, Ohio. _ WANTED- <'<*>y letter* *' home from our aamplea Ambitious pertMuia may earn sulwtantlal income during spare >lme Previous experience unueceaaarv. stamped self addressed envelope brings pgrtlcu lar» Amcrtvs' Advertising Agency, Friend Build ing. T0t-7!fi JTWj'hh. Chleaga. WA NT ED— G irlf learn millinery. Beat trade for women. Pays $60 to $100 a month. Prepare now for fall season, Ideal Millinery School. i»44 Whitehall atreet, Atlanta. Ga WANTED—We want to make every Kiri in OeorRia a present of a nice bracelet, if you want one. write ua at once. The Advertiaing Company. Box 370. Macon. Ga WANTED -Earn $100 monthly writing for newspaper* and magaxines De tails free to beginner* Reporting Syn* dlcate. $01 Victoria Bui Id ing. Bt. Louis. WANTED -Ladles A fascinating horn* business: untlng poairarda, pictures. »»c , *pare t‘me: make 1)2 weekly; on canvaaelng. samples 18c; particular* me Ariln'. 374 E, i38 Manhattan 8L. New York WANTED Young ladles «M are lntereeted ana talant#»1 for motion picture work to see or write us at onew Good poal'ton* oi>en. Midland Mo non Ploure Co.. 281-2 Wallop Building WANTED—Earn $50 to $158 monthly ■> how spare time, writing photoplay*. Experience ,»r ■ orreapondeuce course unncceaaary Detail* free. Elyod Pub Co.. 404. Washington. D. C. WANTED—Ladies, make shields at home. $18 per 188: no eanvsMlng required Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. Eureka Co . Dept 10T-C. Kalamaaoo. Mich. WA NTED - Address envelope*, spare time, lc each Eliher rei Material fumlaheil Send 4c poa •age Wllltam Braun, Dept. 28. .!60g Coulee. Dubuque. Ion. . WANTED- -Iiadlee. make apron* at hnme all nr spare lime; self-addressed, stamped envelope for particular*. Lawn Apron Supplies. 2,3ft Beileru* avenue, Drtgntt. Mich mteat Rorh. ionth. Atlenta examlnationa coming Sample don* free FrenkMn Institute. Dm. 882 E, *1#*' N Y WANTED-Write motion picture playa; $58 each experience unnece*«ary r>eta!Ia sent free t» be mter* Producer* League. Ill Wala "Tight. St. gtmiei Louis WANTED—AT ON <~e. YOUND LADY DEMON STRATriR ATTNACITVE APPEARANCE gr PLY TO MANAGERS MONTGOMERY THEATER AGENTS WANTED. gent# New. marvelous money maker Startling scientific discovery. Great household problem solved A Messing' to women. Stupendous sales Astounding results Women amaaeil World startled. $50 weekly and expenses KaMmlte marvelous clothes washing product. No rubbing No waahboarda. No washing machines. Magic water arflaorr Softens hardest water $1,080 guarantee. No wax No Injurious chemical*. Credit granted Exclusive territory No experience necessary Kas- e nottuyc rapiat antag tmalaam hrtM big weekly profit* Nature's mighty aletnents do the work. Hurry, write to-day Overwhelming proof, all tree. Addres* Kalomite Unrporatiun. 431 8 Dearlxiro S'... Dspt. 12. Chicago. HI. WANTED -$! .8(1" per man per county. Blrange invention siartlea world; agent* amaaed Ten Inexperienced men divide 140.800, Korstad. a 'artner, did $2,280 In 14 days Schleicher a min leltr. $195 first 12 hours $1,200 cold cash made paid, banked by Stoneman Ip 30 day*; $15,800 to date. A tun nr cold running water bath equipment, for any home at only $6 56. flelf heating. No plumbing or waterworks required Investigate Ex clusive «k!e. Credit give® Send no money Write letter or postal to-day. Allen Mfg. Co.. 4164 Allen Build tng. Toledo. Ohio. _ WANTED New household invention. Juat ready A sale at every house. One dollar, perfect shear and kitchen knifa sharpener Needed in every horns Every day Nothing else like It 108 per cent profit Grinds perfect edge in 10 eecond* Works like magic, child can uae it; women buy cm sight. No talking $480 a month Territory now open Coup y free Business euppllea capital Biggest opportunity ever offered to agents, genera! agern * and manager*. Write to-day. Send tfnatai with name and address for complete tnf <*rma' ion. Qulckedge Sharpener Co . Dept. 533. at 215 West Schll lar S . Chicago. 111. 1 WANTED Agents, cantaaawr*. men and women We have a new money maker f«»r you Build up a permanent trade and serve the same people over and over again every wee*. Good leaders and inar- veious repeaters, coupled with profitable aide lines You can actually start tn burines* on leas ban a dollar. All descriptive matter and our libera! offer free on reuueet. Consolidated dales Co.. Desk 10. Roanoke, Vk WANTED- Agent* Sell our new summer apeolai pure aluminum triplicate saucepan. Cooks three foods on one burner Saves ga* Guaranteed for 20 year* of aarvire. Sella on tight. Not sold in cores $10 to $20 a day easy. 408 other aperta!* Write quick for territory Iliv. 3004. American Aluminum Mfg Co-« Leroont. -PI WANTED— Now summer necessity, saves labor and reduces oat nf living, over 780.00C soid lately tn Chicago; creates aetxaatton whenever shoo®, ae'lt to every household, greatest 25c seller in years. 200 per cent profit 34 rite quick for territory Tri tinxpfi Mfg. Co., Mon on Building ■ Chicago. W A NTED—N*w patented self heating Iron and portable stove combination. Every woman want* tt. Ironing done outdoors, in the shade, any where Saves its coat tn fuel saved Big profit and easy sales Write for particulars. Wilson Mfg Co..B-4t. Lancaster Ohio WANTED—$10 a day. easy, selling Gaao-Tonic to auto owner* 48 per cent more gasoline mileage, carbon eliminated. other quick-selling features Ahaolutaly guaranteed Helsey made $24 first day. easy. Rig m >n/r Details free White Mfg Co.. Dept U. Cincinnati. Ohio. WANTEl) Agents, grab the heat selling article quick. aptember Mum - watch fob*, sell like wildfire. Roy* go after them Tike hungry wolves Good money for spare or all time Send 3fic for sample and ge» territory quick Mutual Go-opera t've Company. JDeiray. Fla. WANTED -We start you tn hnsleeas furnTshtng •s-erythlna men and wevnen. gjo to $208 «e*kly opera'ing our "New System Specially Candy Fac torise.' home, anywhere, ne < amassing. runlty liferime booklet free Ragsdale Co.. Boa 5, Last Orauge. N J. WA.VTEIJ Ralls like hot cakoa New Ironing wax holder and asbestos rest Perfumes clothe* Noth ing 1-ke It. Working outfit 5c. M B R. Mfn* . 13 Water atrewt. New T oek. WANTEl) Agents New meritorious article; good re peater; 25<- for aa tuple refunded oo first order. Territory reserved C H. Ellis. P. O. Box 741, AUants. Ga. WANTED Agents, handle tn>ewrRcr copyholder attachmen' Big profits. Send 10c for particu lars Gotham. 1790 Broadway. Room 010. New York _ WANTED—-Our complexion beautlfler proposition is a winner for young ladle*. Fast aeller, large f rqfita guar at. teed. Writs for information W A ■anron Mfg. Co.. Xenia. Ohb>. W A NTED - Agert* Biggest aeller of the season A ride line article that can’t be beat Sa;nple luv Particular* free HJarb Manufat luring Co., HamMton. Ohio. ____________ _ WANTED- Send J0o for 6* formulas, remove spots and stains from ali kinds of clothing. P art leu- iais free Bhelby Dry Cleanm. Shaiby. M1m WANTED- Aganu Salary or commission. Great eat aeller ye-'. Every user pen and Ink buys >n *!ght. 200 to 508 per cent nrofir. One agent * sales 1620 tr. six daya; another $82 in 'wo hours. Mon roe Mfg. Co., X-142, La Croaae. Wla. PORTRAIT AGENTS If quality and efficiant un tie* mean anything to you. send your work to the oldest and moat reliable bouse in the south: 20 years in business fiend for catalogue. The At iants Portrait Co . Atlanta. Ga. Fluffy whits, no nibbing. ' — - * tan). SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED We need a brainy, energetic nigh on this territc/y to handle our business with banka, manufacturers and merchan'*. Permanent Income of 9)00 weekly assured right party. Previous exper 1 anew unnecessary Must have $200 - ash to secure and handle order* Writ* nr wire to-day, giving refer twees. American Commercial Film Co . 5S8 Boyce Buihllng Chicago WANTED Clothing aalftimftD, lo han dip sidft line of work ahlrtn, Eatah iiBhe<1 branda. Few sample* Liberal rommlfialona Must be actively trav eling Textile Manufacturing Co., Chi- ‘••F4— WANTED- Salesmen to tell our line of adver tising specialties, wtgon umbrella, horse cm an arpantar aprons, towtla, swings, hygienic and hath brushes and ••wing basket* cat commission Can sail wary merchant Give references Per- fenlon Mf| Co . Desk 112. Ht l<mns. W A NTED—Capable salesman or vale* manager by manufacturing corporation, reta l knowledge d*- sired. Mu»t prove sale* ability. hen organise sale* force Worth from $300 lo $508 monthly to the right man. K H Ingle, Daytoc. Ohio \\ANTETSalesman of good appear ance and ability Guaranteed pro po ult ion. Must have small capital for stock. None others need apply. Coyl, Piedmont. WANTED Hale-men txperleXesd In any line to i sell general trade In Routhern flutes. Unexcelled specially proposition. Commission contract $34 weekly for expensea Uontlneu’al Jewelry Co.. 11-24 Continental Building. Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED Two nigh-grade mdlHy *alwmrn ■* capable ex merchants for 1915 Yacascy now fitapie line. Liberal weekly advances IToterted territory Old established house fi E. KJlne, 211 24 Crafts Building. Cleveland. Ohio WANTED filde line salesmen for high grade sale* board and collar button display assortment* Pocket samples Large > <«nmi*slon Dealer has ’rtvllegr of selecting each article from wide variety hco Supply Co.. 209 111 East 29tli Ht . tii cage WANTED H«**l money quick New *r#e: »n easel Changeable sign 300 per cent profit. Bells ->n sight because it s right; 94 letter sample mailed 12c Convex 8ign*. Ifi2 N. Deahorn. Chicago WANTED Mill want* traveling salesman to sell flour aJt ride line Libera) commissions. flute erritory «v»veretl. tinea carried References Confl dential. Crown. Box 55, care American WANTED flaleemei. Beat known house in this country deal re* a representative to sell pin*, ring* and invitations to high schools as a profitable ride line. KlltoU. North Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—Bale* manager, new- specialty mer chants newt it; retail* $15; your profit $10.25, no Competition. Exclusive territory Free samples flayer* Co.. 433 Walnwrlght. flt. Louis. WANTED Salesmen aoMrltora. mar and women; to Introduce new meritorious article. Rig money to hustlers. H V. Murphy, 14 A AuiAint aveuue. Atlsnta. Ga WANTEl) A few youna men between 28 and 38. to art aa talesmen and learn the real esta'e bust ess flee Mr Stewart at 2^a Walton street WANTED Free samples . $ washings, 10 ironings. He. Excluslva t<«ry. .Samples and circular* free* to agents $1,090 guarantee. M2 per gent profit. Market Corporation, CMcafo. WANTED Agents for device Indispensable to buri- ne*s mm \ww» invention; low price; great seller. 8-0d tl for a^renu' outfit. IJxcluslve territory Konter Klip Q>., 397 Smith Building, Detroit. Mich. WANTED Agents make big money and become sales manager* for our goods.' Fast office seller; fine profits. Particulars and sample free One Dip Pea Co., 700 Daily Record, Baltimore, Md. WANTED Agents, here L your chtnce. Best, fast est seller yet. Matchless gas lighter. Send 25c for sample and be convinced. Addreee Alabama Hale* Agency. Box 238. Troy. Ala. WANTED- Agents, to sell our line of practical household specialties: large profits, flend for new catalogue and Illustrated premium circular. Mid- dlewex Balsa Co . Essex. Ct. WANTED -Baleai r«i; _ . . Wn v for details to-day. Address Ford Running Board Co., flt. I^oula, Mo. ' WANTED Agents; 508 per cent profit. Free samples Gold sign letter* for store* an.; office windows. Anyone cm put on. Metallic Letter Co.. ark. Chicago esmen for Pord car accessory -new. idg proflta on rorom'-Mlon bast*. WANTED Every lady buys our beautiful Navajo aprons, with cap free E*<iiistve dealga* Not •old to stores. Big profits. Cundlff Co , 4428 Cot- tage Grove. Chicago WANTED- -Agents. You have been looking for something u> sell colored people. We hare it! "Negro Angela Entering Heaven " Hume Supply Co., J ackaan. _Mtaa. WANTED Agent* Sell g«>o<i« on the premium plan; make rat.-iey. not *agev valuable outfit and particulars. 15c. Tayl-Orr Company. West t luster. Pa. WANTED Agents. Coin money with our fast sell Ing specialltee. new catalog and Interesting lit erature free Edmund Sales Co., Springfield. B. D. WANTED Agents New game for cigar store*; easy aeiier, big repeater; particulars free United fit a tee Co.. 201 Walnot place, Philadelphia. Pa WANTED Agent* Cleans)? does weekly washing without robbing. Free sample proves It. Write N-I Mflg. (o, TOPS Qravoia. Bt. Louis. Mo. MIX ferns sent postpaid for 30c; 4 doa. Califor nia Beerweed 20*’. Book valuable formulas 25c. Willard. Mansfield. Tenn WANTED New Ford accelerator jus' out. agen'* wanted at once; good for $10 per day. Geo. M Feroe Co , Milan. Minn. WANTMD- Agent* If you have a hard sailer, try this one. It goes like a flash. Grantham Supply Co.. Grantham, Pa. WANTED Advertise. 28 words In 188 monthlies. $1 sample magazine free Cope Agency, flt. Leu! a. SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE. SPECIAL RATES for ritoatlons wanted •de 3 line* 1 time. 10c. 3 '-ime*. 30c: 7 timee. 4©(* WANTED — Timekeeper, payroll clerk, thoroughly experienced, desires change front present position; A-l references and reasons for change. Address “Work er," Box 699, care Geor gian WANTED- Voting man with experience wants po sition a* assistant Ln office, can handle cor respondence. use ahorthand and operate typewriter with speed and accuracy. Res' of reference* fur nished as to character and ability. Addre-s L. J G . P O Bo* 117. Atlanta. Ga. WTVTED I can save yovi time and money keep ing your books or auditing them: years of bank ing, commercial and accounting experience enable nse to render valuable assistance. Wm. J. Steven*. 82 North Pryor street. WANTED Oil mill superintendent, twelve years’ experience. Best ref erence. open for contract. Address Box 71, Flowery Branch, G». WANTED H\ experienced bookkeepar and stenog rapher. willing to do any honest work; can fur nish Al reference*; salary no object; must na*» work at once. Box 181. care Georgian WANTED Position for summer months by high school student, 19, willing to go anywhere; can clerk and drive any kind of motor car. Adkirww 8. B.. Box 408, rare Georgian WANTED Position, by id experienced man. with general con’ractor; 12 years' experience at drafting, superintending and estimating. Address O E. T . Hot 38. care Georgian. WANTED -Pnsttloa. by mnji'etent young man. age 19. high school graduate; permanent Job pre ferred; not afraid or work; good references Ad dress B . Box 347, care Georgian WANTED Pharmacist, registered in Geofgta, warn* position Married. 5 year*’ experience, and best of references Address O. B.. Box 28. care Geor gian . oung merrlal high school willing to start salary, where here i« chance for promotion Ad drapa Busin eaa 257 Glenn wood avenue WANTED—Boy. .$r 15. experiencetl In fountain wlahea r'ace at once. Brel refrreocea. Address flark. Box 9. care Georgian. WANTED—Experienced office mar. and bookkeeicr want* work; highest -class references. Address A No. I, care Georgian WANTED- Energetic high school graduate desire* position with some reliable Arm Must have work ai <>nce Addresa_ Hard Worker, care Georgian. w ANTED > urg man. 20 year* old. from New Y’ork. must haTe work. willing to go anywhere. D. . Box 911, rare Georgian. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE r A NTED A good cook wlal or maid Tall Ivy 12*8 J DRESSMAKER? — DRESSMAKING .MUUlNID My wf)rk gp ^ ak| , for UMif Will make plain or fxncv drenfiff? For further Information, call We»t 143$-J. WA!4TE6- Buttonhole* to aew. by firstnaaa but tonhole maker $11 Central avenue. BUSINE8S OPPORTUNITIES. AMKRK A.V MANUFA4TURKBB deal ring to be represented by an active and reliable concern with first-claa* connection* and references for the handling of their products for lorai and the Eastern rade may apply to AD01J»H GOLDENBERf; roMPAVY, M Pine fitreet. New York. HAVE you a few hundred dollar* to lnveat in a high-rlasa Georgia company that has compiled with all the Georgia corporation law* and la now doing bueineaa and making money, that will make you targe profits and will secure your money by hlfh-elase Atlanta property’ If so. write at once Addreaa In varment. Bo* 53*. rare Georgian WANTED—A hustler, who la tri'ling to buy one-half Interest in the beet paying bualnea* In Atlanta; one-half cash, balance to be paid out ri bualfcee* monthly. Address Opportunity, Box 508. care Georgian RELIABLE manufacturing company want* business man, open office and manage sales force, ex elusive territory. You handle own money Should net $7,880 annually; $408 to $898 1nre*troent In goods required Hale* Msnager. 501 Plymouth Ct.. Chicago. WANTED—A good man to run a very large garage and repair shop; must have some money and ability. See Mr. Willlaroa, M0 Peachtree atreet. A SMALL Investment and some spare time with our proposition will net you 5 per rent a month and upward. F., Box_B05, _care_ American^ WILL you buy a practical guaranteed moving picture camera for $35? No larger than a kodak, enadly operated. Daylight loading maga tine. Standard film Addreaa Slocum. 408 Main atreet, Peoria, Ill. FOR PALE—Millinery store, good # bu*1- neas: reason for Belling, leaving city. Reasonable. Apply 264 Dficatur atreet. PROSPEROUS NEVADA—Opportunities for In vest ora, miners, housekeepers, fanner* flouvenfr containing detailed information absolutely free. Write to-dsy. Address Journal, Reno, Ne» $10 INTEOTTnIENT Id land and co operative <dl well may make $1,080: paymenta $1 monthly For particular* address Ttxaa-Gulf Co.. 729 Union Bank, Houston, Teas. ADVERTISE- -28 Vorda in 100 monthllea, $1; sample roagaalna free. Cope Agency, St. Louls WANTED—Agents, both sexes. Big money made aelllng our up-to-date vac-*weeper Address Ray Mfg Co.. 1837 Columbia, Philanelphia.__ WANTED -Coast agency, manufacturer*' specialties Muat have merit; want a seller: beat of refer- encaa. Addreaa F. E. Allen. Marshfield, Oreg $58 MONTH apare time; small working capita) re quired. handle own money. No mall order scheme Box 437 Eaat Liverpool, Ohio. YOUR 25 word advertisement placed in 180 good monthly magazines, once only. $1.25. three months, $2.50. Write for details. F L. Miller. I »epL _ 80. flyracuse, N. Y . $588 YEARLY raising ran arise New Industry. Atari at home. Spare time. Small capital neces sary. We show you how. Particulars free. C. Basel. 838_Dal»y avenue. Long Beach, CaL FOR SALE—Barber shop, with two chairs. pool table# tn rear, and cigar stand, now Darin* well. Other business need* my attention. I)en- mark Barber Shop, Denmark. B. C. IF CAPABLE of managing first class proprietary medicine plant and can render financial agmatance. am in position to offer a very flattering proposition Add re** J D. R., 1082 Broad «tree» Selma. Ala WANTED- Partner, with $288, to take half In- 'ereat in'good paying tailoring bualneaa; good po*- sltlon assured hustler Address C. W. C., Box 170, PaJatka. Fla WANTED—Equal partner tn inventions to render ail financial aid to procure patents. William L. MotTi*. tolhert Ga. BALL BEARING awing hanger, guaranteed not to squeak. Acme Specialty Co . Atlanta West 1381. Agent* wanted. CAPITAL to lnveat In a business 'hat will give me a good position. Address C. 8 S.. Box ft, care American. PATENT ATTORNEYS promptly obtained. Consult aGon free. Twenty yean* experience. Term* liberal Thornes R Harney. 919 Austell Building Call or write. phrenologists ~aM?i ** , NS! IT Tint '•"SU 1 * WSWg THE GREAT POSTER, UF.DHK uri ORDAINED SPIRIT! AI.IST invint os au attaim or ur«. Past, Present. Future • iTIHfAlTIOS OITBt •" go me sfu ial KArw*. >*- » Yli 1 1" llmtt, I B-«ls * * - * 291-2 WHITEHALL 29 1 OVXB BTI k A T»Ot KTOM ROOMS AND BOARD 1 ft»V KENT roMkaod * N*ar^ vawart*. reeakwea v* 1 akvt-la kMxftshf | sdsfeed —LrigroMfeed, rw ' L «r wliMt I Fvrit SUNT Lanre. m*v " kxama ealtag Smume* | hj atreet ' rt*K KENT—Tqgy ftorndh* J MniM Narotflwu reaaorah> “ Ivy 5715-L. m* *r.t£ *'»*ert>. i yevcea naaWilM* nxws twee board. ri Wee: fifteenth MADAME MERLI.LA. WORLD RENOWNED fiifmillglrt your pa»». preaen' *-1 * rrcrw T.*v lova affair* who and 'Uv'BTkU flTREST. twW PlXAflANT KvXftMA. KIVTCLLJENT KU’> ^EAflONABlf Ft N'T C ALL PUT RB ^ I :♦ Miuv? avtmSB-faRty ^‘2- a*d { YaIlT TWO KaX*?* 1 WTTH RAYR DCXI UG*T VTaLA ITT UK TJ*"ah-rti.ri?’ r -■ srsT-v*wtrrvvsn««c b* if fifft Cl. and aev tw a T mcicrt RD VT DN'flTl * !i HTRLfi » fih* will oenrtnre ’he waaegT.ra ia». Me % Hur.;*r. «c~er C«K». oc PgOV* CT —r—-r- reading* Waxhlngtac street MADAME PAULINT. THE SOITH'8 greateet clairvoyant, focus me Whitehall atree* Hours. II i a u daily, except flunday i r-.i* - <atM. Madia lidh *V BUSINESS^E^SONALS. "FLY screens. VENE'J'IAN BLINDS. Made to Order. THE tdeai blind and screen for aun parlors Ee- timates furnished free Your credit good. Don't delay. Bori vrick - Goodell Co.. W R. Callaway. Bale* Manager Phone Main 5318. nr writ# 1403 Fourh National Bank Building, Atlanta. Os. Ivy 310 ATLANTA DRY CLEANING COMPANY SUITS DRY CLEANED .$180 SUITS 8PONGED AND PRESSED 35 PALM BEACH SUITS 50 Call Main 1522. 5 Fraaer fit. FLY SCREENS -PRICE * THOMAS. FLY SCREENS PRICE A THOMAS. FLY SCREEN.* PRICE A THOMAS- FLY SCREENS—PRICE A THOMAg. FI Y SCREENS PRICE A THOMAS CUV# and Salesroom. C2 North Pryor Ivy 4282 SPECIAL RATES for situations wanted ada 3 Knee 1 time. 10c; 3 times. 20c: 7 timea. 48c. _ woman, position aa housekeeper, com panion or mother's helper, best of ref erences. Address Housekeeper. 712 W. First street. Homo, Ga. WANTED—Young lady a enographer of some ex perience will acregt position for |4 a week with privilege of future advancement. Can atart work Immediately. Address Energy. Box 8. care Georgian WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. WEILL EXPERIENCED: RAPID AND ACCU RATE. Al REFERENCES: MUST HAVE WORK AT ONCE. PHONE MAIN 1740-11 WANTED—High-Class music ternher would like po aitioo In private home to teach children in pari payment for board Reference* exchanged. Ad dreaa M T ■ ca^e Georgian. WANTED Refined young buatneaa lady wlahee po- aitlno aa wenographer: willing to vtari at to# beginning, salary no object Addreaa H. S L.. Box 10, cars Gsorglaa- \V.\NTFD—Position by first-class cook or maid with a good family. Phone ivy 2333-.L WANTED—Pcwltion Young lady wlahea to aariat in general office work; ran giro beat •* references wiU atari on small salary A . Box 918. care Georgian WANTED—Posit iso hg romper ant white lady aa child nurye. or nurse and companion for rick ; city references. Phone peertur 5tft WANTED Work; a white nurse, very competent and ttaefui young child or children; late from New York. Address Nurse, Boa 410. care Georgian. MEDICAL. \f L'V Disease* cutea; result* guaranteed. Al- 1*1 rji* o m, pUes. cancer* aiid dropsy. fireclaJ- lst ahronlc dfiveaasa o' men and women. Dr Hul- brook. 285-8 7 M Krorie Building. Ivy >422-T. DH. EDMONDSON'8 Tansy and Co'ten Root Pilla, a safe and rvUabte treatment for Irregularitlea. Trial brtx by mall 50c Edmordaon Drug Coaa- pany H North Broad street- Atlanta Ga nrer VOUC Of mat -ured. Dr Bowen, aue DiOAACDO rialist. 305 McKenxie Building. Ball phone Ivy M23-J. Atlaou phone 6181 PIANOS FOR SALE. 8IJGHTT.Y used piano barter $158. easy 'wm* Che* E Boggs 151ft Fourth National Bank Building MISCELLANEOUS. tf* mill* STANDARD PAINT AND LEAD WORKS. ITT «SM P. O BOX !«d WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS^ WANTED^W*^p«j^righesr^ashprirovfer ammr- hold goods, pianos and office furniture Cash advanced on consignment. Central Auction Cm 11 Fast Mitchell at real Bell Pbont Main 242ft WANTED--Double-drawer raah register, would Hke to exchange fine ladles' watch with diamond In back for same Bqac 539, care American. WF RT r V Household and office furniture " *-* DU 1 Atlanta 1223 Boorstein Furniture Co , 30 Decatur street WaSJteD—Drop a card. We'Ll bring casn for old elothea and above "The Vestal re." 188 Decatur atreet WANTED Twin baby carriage, almost r.ew Write H. B W., Boa 3, care Georgian FOR 3ALE—MISCELLANEOUS BUY NOW” While Lumber I* Cheap SPECIAL PRICES ON LUMBER For the Next Thirty Days. Prompt Attention. Quick Deliveries. S. A. WILLIAMS LUMBER COMPANY 244 Elliott flt Both Phone* 318. warn >eai wag Tvwe.-o.ACv Y7 BCR tiff BUY NOW $10,000 OF BANKRUPT FURNITURE WHILE we are selling at your own price, nearly everything that you, can call in Furniture and Household Goods, to complete Housekeeping frem Front Porch to Back Yard. BOORSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 30 Decatur 8t., Near Pryor St. FOR SALE--Reataurant, In small town near Atlanta; no competition; hun dreds of visitors every week; 111 health reason for selling; good chance for hustler. Address Lunch, Box 352, care Georgian THE GLUTEN BAKERY SETJifl everything good to eat in gluten a'eo gluten flour 28 South Broad street, near Amerl can NaUonal Bank. Mr ,T * 1725-L FOR RALE—Buy diamond* direct from wholesaler*. 7-8-carat, beautiful blue-white solitaire diamond ring or earrings. $78: worth $125 Special tec-day offer C. O. D. on approval. Beck Jewelry Co., 110 Equitable Building, Ba IItimore. Md. FOR SALE — Herrrng-Hall-Marvln steel-lined safe; Inside dimensions 17V*x264x44 Inches. Perfect condition, and a bargain. Address Safe. Box 355 care Georgian ONE DOZEN CARNATION plants given free to each visitor to the Altcrixta Flor* 1 Co.’a place, 801 Sells ave pue. Have over 1.000 to give. I AM no* superstitious, but I do believe In signs. “ KENT SIGNS S*Mi Auburn Ave Ivy !*M- FOR SALE -Large "Buck” range, prac tically new. verv cheap. Atlanta phone 1789. 237-A Fulton street. FOR SALE—On# McCray meat market refrigerator. one pair butcher's scalve. two meat blocks, one electric fan. Evreything practically new. J. H. Crouch A Son. Eatontoo. Ga. PIANO BARGAINS for high-grade pianos and player-pianos; lowest price*. See Walter Hughes. 91 North Pryor atreet Tuning and repairing a spa Haltv Phone lv> 2858. FOR QUICK 8ALF.—Drophead, 7-drawer Singer machine, used only two years; perfect condition. $20. Also, one drophead rotary Standard at $15. Call Ivy 8928 FOR RALE—The beat general repair work In the city; work called for and delivered. Money back guarantee. Call Ivy 2544-J. 117 Edgewood avenue R. C Blair. FOR PALE—First-claaa upright piano, and al*o United State* computing scale*, a# good as new. at a bargain. M Miller, 139 Peter* atreet. FOR SALE--Ancient Indian reflca—17.808 «pear*. 3.888 baskets, buckskin suits. Illustrated llat 2c. M. Ollham, Highland Springs. Cal. FOR SALE—Two bookrack*. one large table, three multiplex fixtures; two postcards racks; one show- aae; one iron safe. Phone Iry_84T. | RETD BROS', Bothwell. Ontario. Canada, breeder* of and dealers in high-grawie silver black foxes for breeding purposes, Dlsrrlptlve circular. \rORPfITVr '‘P-uin. lacdanum. neroin and ‘ ‘ ^ * * * * • • Fj whisky ad.ilr tlons cured at your home or my prirate sanitarium, i guarantee to cure you without suffering ra-rvousneas or naln. fl* i '-"Baafally curing my pa»tent» for fourteen years. F O Bo< ft«9 Atlanta. Ga SERIOUS RESULTS TOME FROM TRUSSES IM TROPERLY FITTED. JOHN B. DANIEL, AT 34 WALL STREET. HAS AN EXPERT FITTER. AND IT Wit L COST TOT VO MORE TO HAVE HIM FIT YOU AND TT MEAN'S INSURANCE. “OF KORSE—CAN'T QUIT” Baca again, a* old home. 94 S Broad St RD I# GRANT SIGN WORKS MAIN M MATERNITY flANITA fflUM Privale. rcfln'jd, pocnellke Limited number of patient? cared for Home provided for Infanta. Mrs M T Mitchell. 26 Wlndsqr atreet. 8‘) r.G We will tint your room NOW for $2.58; ' ivhite labor. Main 4807-J BU8INES8 GUIDE. BAKtSY GEO. MAC BAKERY Both Phones 884. Ali Kt"<v* ** German Coffee Cake* Saturday BAND INSTRUMENTS. BRASS BEDS. BAND inatrumentv braw beds repaired and refln 1«hed; gold silver and nickel plating. Atlanta Plating and Rrpalr Works. 66 1 * Ivy street. Phone Ivy 4l;i «»*>* CtO PLATING RRaSS t»#-ia plated and repaired b> experts, prices reasonable Simmons Plating Works. 125 South Pryor Bell phone Main 1147. vlARPtT CLCAMINS. cTRPCT^cTcanrT^y^^dwrir^anium'^rieaner^SelT phone Main 5441-J J W Lightfom DENTISTRY. THE Infirmary of tht Southern Dental Collage, 100 North Butler atreet. will be open to the public during tt> summer months from 9 a. m. to 5 P m dally JEWELRY AND GENERAL REPAIRING. R A DAVjb repairs clocks, watches and Jewelry 782 Marietta «tyeef NEW RUBBER TIRES. PIT oo yt-uir Naoy'a carriaae. rei<alr«o. repainted and re-covered Roljert MltrheU 227-228 Edge- vrxwl avenue Ivy S8|ft OLl)HATSmaurnrwTaatl!?acUon guaranteed Mall orders given prompt attention. APME HATTERS. 20 E. Hunter St KOOk REPAIRING MOrtYKY repair* all nou> mu?* wuoiai' .utM/.vji i r* 4 *onable rates fter ftftft SCALE EXPERT i | E-a BOUGHT A\li MU D: ?,pnr«i OLALtOOThomas M Tailor. 262 Decatur St UFH0L5T E B tN b NATIONAL UPHOLSTERING CO. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED 141 S. PRYOR ST. MAIN 11S. MATTRESSES renovated. Telephone Bell Mala 484b: Atlanta 1476 Meadows A Roger* WINDOW CLEANING. v AT I ctvT AAl IUAAL 4T F HUNTER STREET MAIN 1175- ATLANTA IftSl FOR SALE TWO DICTATING PHONOGRAPHS PERFECT CONDITION: LEW THAN HALF PRICE. PHONE IVY 40,0 MUST be sold at your price, three-burner oil stove* gas stove, two refrigerators, coa! range, buggy and harness. 147 Pulliam street FOR SALE- Handsome brown wicker, leather-lined baby carriage; good as new. Cost $35. Sell for “ 58. Ivy 3508 L. $17 fi FOR RALE—Flue Jersey butter. 3 pounds deliv ered Atlanta, parrel post, $1.05. Swift & Gil- llwple, Middleton. Ga. FOR RALE—Ladles’ gold watch: perfect condition: worth >35; sell $15. H.. Box 108. care American. A DA fCV Fly killer. 28c by mall W. J. Gar JY DAIO I mt m Marietta St., AUanU. Ga. FOR RENT—MI8CELLAN EOUS. ^OR^^S^f^cSd^torage^^kbout^ftOO square feet cold storage in connection with storeroom 30 by 88 feet. Apply Chief Engineer. The New Kimball. Phone Main 491.4. FURNITURE FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Furniture, at bargain prices: every hing for housekeeping; come and get \’aaat you ^ r,J fling need, from 2 till 6 o'clock. June 25. TYPEWRITERS FON RENT. TYPEWRITERS RENTED FOUR MONTHS FOR $5 AND UP FACTORY rebuilt typewriters from $18 to $80. American Writing Machine Company, 4ft North Pryor street. Atlanta. Ga. Phone Ivy 8447. TYPEWRITERS FOR^ SALE. FOR^ALE^New" Bllckeniaderfer typewriter. E. W. Klein. 88 Edgewood avenue. Phone Ivy 3853. ROON\S AND BOARD. FOR^NT^ONE^ORl i WO^ICELY'*F URVLSHED ROOMS. WITH PRIVATE BATH. FOR TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN WITH OR WITHOUT MEALS CALL IVY 57$-J. 477 Peachtree Street. ELEGANT rooms: meals if desired; e-ummer rat« Ivy 7010. 139 SPRING ST. ROOMS, with or without board; all conveniences; reasonable price. 386 WHITEHALL ST. 1 LARGE, airy room*, with or without board, good location. EXCELLENT b«tard. tub and ahower baths, elec tric lights, large rooms, well ventilated, all con veniences; rales reasonable; Juat Uke home. 242 fl. Boulevard Main 1270-j. EXCELLENT MEALS, ROOMS WTTH OR WITH OUT CONNECTING BATH; ALSO ROOMMATE FOR YOUNG LADY IVY 8786 101 FORREST AVENUE. FOR refined people, private home, individual ser vice. best meaJa «erred In Atlanta* $3.50 a week; special. 250 Eaat Fair, taro blocks from capitol. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms to gen tlemen or couples, with or without meals: very beet section Inman Park. Phone Ivy flif-Xfi. FOR RENT—NICE, COOL ROOMS. GOOD TABLE. $4 88. $4.56. J5 00 PER WEEK; TWO FLOCKS FROM COURTHOUSE 181 S PRYOR ST FOR REN AND M BEAUTIFUL LOCATION. IVY 5444 1^r*R REN+- Two large room*, connected or single: two couples or four gsntlemen: all conveniences. North Side. _ Phone Ivy 5571-J. FOR RENT-ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. WALKING DISTANCE; REASONABLE; PR1 VATE FAMILY. IVY 5859 1, e.v^—Large, cool, pleasant rooms SlfBICTLY PRIVATE HOME: ATION. FOfl kKVT—Twe etu ■Mk I 188 fts.x£r REST $5 jwe ■118 Ilk ftl FOR BXfl-W WST.rta flrore aarfjwm $4 and KB mm Mftt: Mfi-J »» LEGISLATORS ACCOMODATION "XpAtfe" 0^ j, MRS K Ti U'WC. PROP. Horn. C«c*.‘rg » X> JltLl »T #»* OnlT R.A-.W? P» The Sunday American The Atlanta Georgian Published by Tha Georgian Company. *® EA8T ATLANTA, ALABAMA ST GEORGIA. Entered at Atlanta Poet office aa second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By City Carrier; Daily and Sunday Dally only By Country Agent: Daily and Sunday , Dally only lie laa 15e 10e BY MAIX.I The United States. Canada or Mexico. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ALVANCE DAILY AND SUNDAY. 1 Year ft Month* I Montha 1 Mouth 1 Tear 6 Months 2 Months 1 Month 1 Tvar f Months I M — tt * 1 Month $T 8« 2 58 *1.7$ DAILY ONLY. it $4 58 ... 288 1.3$ 4» SUNDAY ONLY. $2- 5ft 111 7$ 21 REST AND COMFORT. COOL room* gpin»ai5 from Capital Lil Ca FOR RENT—Choice room, good board! strictly private family. Capitol avenue; delightful nlace In summer Main 4849- K ________ 193“WASHINGTON KT Board and noma: all Main 1*79-1. 220 Peachtree. Tfee Wilteis I COOLEflT -noma, hw lama Table hoard L*bw fir Xhe nunur a As- 847 PEACHTREE STREET X*y. ¥paO& HOME EXCELLENT 7AR1X. Wm JfXb -CSL* WATER. AH4DT LAWN RET . -TET PHONE IVY 8834 FOR RENT—Large foor. fng Laglaiat atm nr _ U5'n 1 m. 1. m fc — tor. 93 Capitol aquarv. 4488-J FIN E accommodation? io strictly pri- j vate home on North Side ek** in- ; Forrett avenue. Ivy ZTi - ill WASHINGTON - ' Capitol Have fine accommodation for two or more Leglslatera. entry convenience for comfort. rea»traMe- or wire for them 94 Fnrrost avenuvL » 1 Wr. - ., FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. F'^R RLVD - Two large, lovely connecting^ frori? ro.wrsa. 'urnlshed for housekeeping; electric Jlahti, h*8 water, nice place, convenient to car, walking fiataaro: mo-ierate rates, with all convenience* P• <ma Iu 8554-XI TOR RENT—Two or throe bright rooms, every con- re. including electric light.*, partly fur- College Park, good car service East Patna 222 L. F'^R RE\T- Three beautiful fumlahed rooms P* light housekeeping, corner Court land and Pine greets; aom block from Peachtree atreet. I?y 1488-J FOR RENT—Between Peachtree*, private bemf. walking distance; reasonable: modern conven ience*; connecting rooms; kltchenet te. _ Ivy 8707 J FOR RENT—Two nice, newly-furnished rooms fof housekeeping; cloee In; elrt’tric lights; hot bath; ~~ ftf Bell nhotte Ivy 7111. FOR RENT- Large, airy rooms. <me block fro® Cipkol; rate* reasonable: every modern «m- veoienro. 102 Capatol avenue. WANTED—Legialetor*, to get well-kept, up-to-date room*, excellent meals, right nea- Waahingtor street. LEGISLATORS ean find good room and beard at 36 Capitol avenue, across atreet from Capitol Rooms Inspected. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE PICKWICK. New. ten-story and fireproof. Wei! furnished room*, connecting bath. Convenient shower bathe on each floor COR RENT—Coel corner room. bath connecting, close in apartment. Ivy 3805. 746 W. PEACHTREE ST. FOR RENT—Large, cool front room, fumlahed in modern home; all convenience*; excellent table. Garage accommodations. Phone Ivy 5972. THE MARTINIQUE FURNISHED room*, with bath: cooleet house In Atlanta. Corner Elil* and Ivy itreets FOR RENT—Splendi 1 cool room in modem apart raent: private family, short walking distance, connecting bath and all conveniences; cheap to de sirable party. Phone Ivy 8748-J. OPPOSITE LYRIC THEATER. NICELY furnished bedrooms to msn. single bed room. $1.50, large room. $2.50. 37 Carnegie way FOR RENT—Will rent furnished room in my home North Side. New house. New furniture. Every convenience Meals If desired Should be seen to he appreciated. Phone Ivy 89r-6. FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM. SEPARATE BFDP. ADJOINING BATH. IN MARLBOROUGH APARTMENTS. FOR ONE OR TWO GENTLE MEN IVY 3720. APT 1 FOR RENT—One nice. cool, comforta ble, furnished front room. 37 North Moreland. Ivy 5725-J. FOR RENT—Two rooms and private bath, com pletely furnished for light housekeeping; very de alrable. Vacant July first; every co- nlence. Call West 302-J. HFT TflPTFT T T, Front ro «“- n<kui side. LlriLluIl 1“ L II private home, electricity; every home comfort, meals near, reasonable. Ivy 1294-J. THE ADOLF E & T h .,„ BA ££!f, de luxe; every modem convenience. Ivy $071. FOR RENT—Beat, cleanest, coolest room* in city; also housekeeping, $2.50, S3 week. Block from post office. 58 Walton and 11 Cope streets. FOR RENT—Large, cool front room; reasonable price; for gentleman or business iadv. 28 West Harris Ptreet, opposite Capital City Club. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, count*. - ing baths, electric light* and telephone. One block of Candler Building. Phone Ivy 8514-J. FOR RENT—Two large rooms, connected or single. Two couples or four gentlemen. All conveniences. Meals If you wish. 665 Pearmtree streeL WANTED—Several gentlemen to occupy cool, pleas ant rooms; every hnme comfort; specal summer rates. 94 Forrest avenue Ivy 3639-L. 28 CARNEGIE WAY. V™. .11? ing distance: summer rate*; best location. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, private home. North Hide, walking distance; conveniences; rea sonable; with or without board. 106 Forrest avenue. FOR RENT—One or two furnished room*, with bath, for gentlemen. In large modem North Side home, near In Call Ivy 1833. FOR RENT—Furnished room, private conveniences, running hot and cold water. Mrs Prim, 305 West Peachtree. Ivy 3957-J. FOR RENT—Nicely fumlahed room, housekeeping privileges if desired; cheap; on Merrltla averue, rear Peachtree. Itj 7512-L. FOR RENT Nicely'fumlahed rooma; walking di* tance; modern conveniences. 76 Walton street. Entrance, corner of Spring. FOR RENT—Well furnished room, connecting bath; gentlemen preferred. South Pryor, two blocks of court house Main 1145. FOR RENT—One large front room; best location; walking distance; modem conveniences. 52 Williams street FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, walking dis tance. Summer rate*. Modem conveniences. 16 Williams street. FOR RENT—Delightful rooma in beautiful College °ark, with refined family; reasonable. Call East Point 275 .T. FOR RENT- Nicely fumlahed room, every con venience. close In. private family. 79-A West Harris street WANTED—One, two or three gentlemen for large, cool, from room, just off Peachtree on Currier. Ivy 7894-L. FOR RENT -Near Georgian Terrace, large, steam- heated room; every convenience; moderate price Ivy 8817. FOR RENT—Large room, private bath, sleeping porch. $3 week Address Peachtree, care The Georgian. FOR RENT—20 East Ellis, nicely furnished room. opposite Aragon Hotel; also garage In rear. Ivy 4P58-J. FOR RENT- Nicely fumlahed room in new North Hde apartment; all conveniences Phone Ivy *232-L. FOR RENT- Small room for gentlemen, adjoining shower bath: back of postofflee. 34 Cone street. Ivy 6162. TALLULAH APTS., 87 WASHINGTON RT. NICELY fumlahed room, adjoining bath; every con venience; gentlemen only. Apt. 10. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished connecting rooms, eecond floor, convenient to bath. 140 West Peachtree street. Iw 8689 J. FOR RENT—If you want a large, cool room, pri vale cloeet. connecting bath, call Ivy 4399-J. FOR RENT Excellent, nrivly furnished room, cloa# In; all convenience*. 28-A Carnegie way. FOR RENT—Delightful room, all conveniences, near car. with owner. >10. Ivy 8389-J. FOR RENT—In private North Side home, room: also room with sleeping porch. Ivy 6281 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Three nice rooms, with owner, for de sirable persona; all conveniences: nice location; half block off Capitol avenue. 248 Baas street. Main 2377. FOR RENT—Entire upstairs (4 room*I, close tn sink in kitchen; use of telephone, etc. 267 Can- tral avenue, comer Rawaon .street. Main 1592-J FOR RENT-Single and connecting room*; best In city; private entrance; block from postofflee. 11 Cone street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. Bt , sTNESS^W r 5MA?UwAl?Ta''6NF^R TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN CONVENIENCES, NORTH SIDE; CHOSE IN. PRIVATE FAM ILY RENT REASONABLE HIVE PHONE NUMBER. ADDRESS BUSI NESS. BOX S<W. CARE AMERICAN. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR~RE LaTSg ROOMlf CLOSE IN; PRIVATE FAMILY: HOUSEKEEP ING PRIVILEGES. 60 E. CAIN. IVY 5792. FOR RENT—One fumlahed room to gentlemen - three unfurniahad 1 rooms U> couple, electric lights 1 use of phone. 22? North Jackson street FOR RENT—One or two front rooms, housekeep ing or T^ OOI S2_.. D f lTal *' **nr desirable close In. Main 2823-J. FOR RENT—Fi ret - floor room*. *lde~ porch stove * U “ MWd B " ,r roam - FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished flret-floor front rooms for housekeeping; all conveniences; reason able 168 Richardson street Main 1256-J : FOR RENT—Entire floor, three rooms, bath, alt convenience*:’ private home: rent $18; references ^ranged- Ivy 3960-J. FOR RENT—Two light housekeeping rooms, com pletely furnished: private porch; walking dis tance^ reasonable. 300 South Pryor street FOR RENT—-Three connecting housekeeping room*, adjoining ba:h; conveniences. 31 East Harris street. Phone Ivy 8T41-J FOR RENT—Two flr*t-floor front rooms; complete ly furnished for light housekeeping; shady and cooL 173 Pulliam street FOR RENT -Very large i>eauttfuliy furnished houfte- keeping room, kitchenette, .with ruunlng water, at 534 Peachtree street. / FOR RENT- Two or three nicely furnished room* for light housekeeping; clone In; reasonable. 119 Fast Fair street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms for light, housekeeping, with kitchen and sink 158 Wash ington street. FOR RENT—Two rooms and kltchen- ette, furnished. Call Ivy 4344-J. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, for house- _kroping $3 and >4 per waaA SS8 Peachtree St. FOR RENT—Light housekeeping. *»• lAf*«i cool front room, furnished. 85 East Fair street. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. i^^^^^^Y^fwo^rooms^anH kitchen^ ette. close in; references require*! 8 Cooper street. Main 4630-L#. FOR RENT—Three second-floor rooms, every cor - venlencc. for housekeeping, near in; adults only. Main 4347-J. 164 Courtland street. FOR RENT—Three conveniently arranged rooms, with gas. hot and cold water. Only $10. 118 Richardson street FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms, sink In kitchen, large back and front porch. Price $13. 184 Grant atreet. FOR RENT —Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms, private bath, hot water. 318 Washington street. For couple only. FOR BENT—Three nice connecting rooms; china closet, gink, etc., $9 month. 105 Conns!ly street. FOR RENT—Two large, connecUng room* on South Side: prirate entrance. Price $8. 63 Baas streeu FOR RENT—Four good rooms: all conveniences. 358 Capitol avenue. Owner qdll allow yon FOR RENT—Three or four flret-floor rooms; hot water, telephone. 220 Capitol avenue. tOR RENT—Four or five housekeeping rooms; mod-* wn conveniences. Main 4890-L. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. <3 week. Owner. 323 Houston St. i'hone lr, 3983. FURNISHED APARTS. FOR RENT. dining room, large kitchen ette HALL, PRIVATE BATH, NORTH SIDE. REASONABLE. OWNER. IVY 2814. FOR RENT—High-class furnished front apartment? dose in; use of furniture. Including piano, free. to acceptable parties. Ivy 8377, evenings. FOR RENT—Beautifully furnished 3-room ar>*rt- ment; men or couple: for summer. Call Ivy 2J8L UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. specialTTnduceSieSJts?^ ONE six-room apartment in Colonial. Firat floor, sleeping porch, large grounds; one block Geor* f ian Terrace Ivy 657-J. George M Traylor. 29 ’once DeLeon avenue. Best part Ivy 2750. TIIE WAVERLY Every modern c< 172 Waverly way. city. Phonft FOR RENT—-Robert Apartment, 87 P'achtree place. High-class, six-room, strictly modern: sun parlor: will rent at sacrifice to September 1. Phone Ivy 4264 or call at 722 Healey Building. ^ FOR RENT—Cosy 4-room Terrace apartment, with bath, $25. Hot water, steam he#' ind electric lights free. Also delightful upstairs apartment. $30. I'll! Ivy 7877. Verv second floor; electricity, private porch and en trance; newly renovated. 5-B Angler avenue Photia Ivy 6965-J. FOR RENT—Three to six-rodm steam-hasted apartments Greatly reduced rate*. Apply Mr« Kelly. Ivy 3390. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. FiST^RENT -FTTridsheTToma'^ir'^Mynle'^re«C'~ l fnr the summer; well furnished; fine shade, garage and all modem conveniences. Call Ivy 3717 or Ivy 1225 L. FOR RENT—-Completely furnished house, three bed” rooms, till September 15; rent. $28. Including phone and piano. 82 8t. Charles. Ivy 6625-J. K( ! R . KEN?* \\'BTKOZ GA., FURNISHED COT- TAGE; LARGE GARDEN; PLENTY OF FRUIT 1 FINE WATER. OWNER. H V_2814 FOR RENT—Furnished house to desirable pariVft for summer- everythuia complete; in beat section South Pryor; cheap. Main 5115-1. Putt KENT flev.-n rnoin b NW ihadj yard. w4ffi flowere; reasonable rent for summer North Side. Decatur 643. FOR RENT—Newly furnished, steam-heated. 1ft rooma; best rooming house in city 11 Con# 9t. =r: ~ 1 -• ■ .. -Jt MONEY TO LOAN ~ when you want to BO-RR-O-W M-O-N-E-Y, $25 OR MORE. WILL LOAN YOU WHAT YOU NEED On Furniture, Pianos, Etc., -JJl ’■ft 1 *" allowed by the laws of the State. T »I« company has set out tn render a practical service to borrowers, loaning money at legal rates, and on a repayment plan that is both practical and reasonable, guaranteeing you fair treatment, quick service and a courtesy often lacking In traces action* of this kind. CITIZENS’ LOAN CO.. PIT ON* MAIN 3771. ATLANTA PHONE 677s 413-414 PETERS BLDG. j Poahctree, Corner Viaduct. Plenty of Money to Lend ON Atlanta and nearby improved property, 5*4 to 8 per cant, straight: also monthly plan at 6 per cant on 5 year*’ time, payahle $21 66 pet «Sn!i , l>n ,**** thousand, which includes interest. ’Vi 11 alao land smaller amounts Purchase monejl note* wanted FOSTER & ROBSON, 11 Edgewood Ave. TT MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED on property »n and near -the- --itf or Atlanta. fr;#ai « to H per cent Interest, da* pending upon alee, location and improvement*. I. u yrn) proposition before borrowing W« •lao handle purchase money note*. TURMAN & CALHOUN, 28$ Empire BnlMing fi PER CENT MONEY f«8l estate; easy repayment# ty monthly plan, alao straight five year loan* firm “*“ L " A CO.. Mi