Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 08, 1915, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. READ FOR PROFIT GEORGIAN WANT ADS USE FOR RESULTS SEPTEMBER 1915. 11 WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS- CASH PAID FOR SCHOOL BOOKS. Bring your old books and get the cash for them. We are ready with every thing in stock you need. Buy your Bchool books now and avoid the rush and jam of September 13th. SOUTHERN BOOK CONCERN J1 WHITEHALL ST. (GAVAN'S). PIANOS^ FOR SALE. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN' USED PIANOS. 60 GOOD pianos taken in exchange for Virtuola player-pianos, many like new, all overhauled In our shop, at one-third to one-half regular prices. Included are Hallett & Davis. Vose & Son, Conover, Knabe, Kimball, Fischer, Carlisle. Haines Bros., etc. Uprights and grands. Prices $95, $115, $135 and up. Shipped on approval. Cash or easy payments. Write for illustrated catalogue and prices. HALLET & DAVIS PIANO CO., Opposite Lowry Bank. 50 North Pryor street, Atlanta. WANTED—We pay highest cas^ prices for household goods, pianos and office furniture'. Cash advanced on consign ment. Central Auction Co., 12 East Mitchell street. Bell phone Main 2424. ( ; Kli’STX DELICIOUS near-beer, v* nnui ^ 80c dozen net, in cases of two dozen; free delivery to families. Bell Main 3080. Atlanta 524 or 2896. WANTED—Will pay cash for good base- burner. Must be cheap. Medium size, j Also chiffonier or chest of drawers. M. i J. G., P, O, Box 1453, Atlanta. l Furniture, etc., Bought for Cash | Gibson's Furniture Ex., 173 South Pryor. Main 4647. WE BUY and sell second-hand furnl- j turf.. Dixie Furniture Company, 108 j South Forsyth street. Main 5170-J. SPOT CASH Fbi; otd gow. springs oOc to adver tise. McDuffie, 150 Peachtree street. BIG CHIEF FUR NOIL brings back the original newness of polish on floors, furniture, autos, office fixtures. FOR EXCHANGE—MI SC ELL AN E- OUS. WANTED—Some one to take care of my flowers for the winter, for which I will give a handsome hand-painted plaque. (Pick the plaque you like.) Apply 2 St. Paul avenue. TYPEWR'TERS FOh RENT. TYPEWRITERS rented four months for $5 and up; initial payment in event of purchase. Ask for August ‘‘Marked Down” price list No. 75. American Writing Machine Company, 48 North Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—Bicycle; state price, condi tion and where can be seen. Address Bicycle, Box 208, care Georgian. WANTED—Drop a card. We'll bring cash for old clothes and shoes. "The Vestaire.” 166 Decatur street. WANTED — Mahogany Victrola or graphophone. State price and kind. Box B, 900. care;Georgian. WANTED—Upright piano or player for cash. Address Teacher, 7 E. Third Btreet. Ivy 6870. (' XSH We buy kinds second-hand clothes. Drop a card. 154 De catur street. Wanted—For cash, bargains in used housefurnishings. Call Ivy 6213. MISCELLANEOUS. B^your machine needs re^airirTg^or cleaning, call Main 4767. We have experts in this line. Machines sent for tnd delivered promptly. §1G CHIEF FUR NOIL contains suffi cient oil of cedar to make It a splen did germicide. Give your order to-day. ’ FURNITURE FOR SALE. WiTSELL second - hand furniture for cash. S. M. Snider, 112 ftonth Forsyth street FOR SALE/—M ICC ELLA NEOUS. ^7OU0^BA > RGATxl? < "TN'^fl*7 W ELRY A KD PRECIOUS, STONES. UNREDEEM ED COLLATERAL. JEFFERSON LOAN SOCIETY, 59 N. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. For SALE—One very tine jew eler’s cut glass wall case at a sacrifice. Apply at r>6 South Prvor street. “THE .STORY OF' MY LIFE." written by Miss Willie Elizabeth Robin. This is an Interesting story written by a .young lady v lio is deaf, dumb and blind. Address ■ H orders to Miss Willie Elizabeth Robin, Throckmorton. Texas. Be sure to send rour order early. Price 50c, MUST sell my beautiful Soh- nier piano; cost $650 new; will take $90 cash. Call 567 Central avenue. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. WANTED—Will /pay $75 cash and $40 monthly for touring car; Overland preferred. State year, price and equip ment. No rattle-trap wanted. Address G. E. P., 1219 Piedmont avenue. WANTED—Cadillac, 1913 model; state condition and equipment; must be cheap for cash. VV., Box 3, care Geor gian. WILL exchange equity in good lot for light auto. Address R., Box 146, care Georgian. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES PIERCE MOTORCYCLE, four cylinders; fair condition; good tires; need mon ey; $50 cash. Address Gordon Pece, Col lege Park, Ga., B. F. D. 1, Box 95. USED motorcycles, all makes, $35 and up. Retail department. Harley-Da- vidson Motor Company, 224 Peachtree street, Atlanta. Ga. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. WILL sell good roadster In fine condition at a sacrifice, or trade for vacant lot, diamonds or piano. Answer quick. Ad dress Roadster, Box 303, care Georgian. LISTEN—Can you sell gasoline at one cent per gallon? If so, sell Gaso- Tonic. Gives 40 per cent more gasoline mileage; eliminates carbon. Auto own ers grabbing for it. $10 a day easy. Heisey made $25 first day. Act quick, man. Details free. White Mfg. Co., Dept. 70. Cincinnati. Ohio. WE HAVE THE LARGEST AUTOMO BILE EXCHANGE IN THE SOUTH IF YOU WANT TO BUY OB SELL AN AUTOMOBILE IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. INDEPENDENCE MOTOR COMPANY, ATLANTA AUTO EXCHANGE, 380 PEACHTREE STREET, PHONE IVY 2772. WEST AND BAKER. FORD SPECIALISTS, FORMERLY with S. A. Middlebrook, now located at 380 Peachtree street. Ivy 2772. AUTOGENOUS WELDING. WORN PARTS built up: broken ma chinery; all metals accurately welded; guaranteed. THE METAL WELDING CO., 179 South Forsyth street. Main 3013. MEN -Guaranteed safety razor and one • blade. 25c, prepaid. Special introduc tory offer. Extra blades, three for 10c. Money back if not satisfied. Address Allen H. Young, factory distributor. Bo- thea Building. Tampa, Fla FOR SALE—One home electric player piano; plays by hand or by foot ped als; gives same expression as Welte Mlgnon: never has been used before. Wiil sell at practically cost. Ivy 5871. “I AM not superstitious, but I do believe In signs.” KENT SIGNS. 33*4 Auburn Avenue. _ Ivy 1938. PIANO BARGAINS for high-grade pianos and player-pianos; lowest prices. See Walter Hughes. 91 North V Pryor street Tuning and repairing a specialty. Phone Ivy 3863. FOR SALE -One large gas range $4.50, one "Cadet” coil heater good as new $7.50, including attachments. Both in good shape. Apply 168 Whitefoord ave- nue, Park. Radiators, Fenders, Tanks, Lamps. Windshields. Made and Repaired Warliek Sheet M. Mfg. Co. 248 Edgewood Avenue. FOR SALE—Five-passenger Apperson (Jack Rabbit). 1913 model, fully equipped, all new tires and one extra; in excellent condition. Call or write H? W. S., 17 Broyles street. City. _ ATLANTA RADIATOR CO.' MANUFACTURERS and repairmen; automobile radiator specialists. 288 Edgewood avenue. WANTED—A three-speed Flanders 20 motor (Studebaker). Must be in good condition and cheap. State price. E. L. P , Box 26, R. F. D., Rome, Ga. FOR SALE—A baby Maxwell, elec trically equipped; in good condition; very cheap. J. W Hill, 186 N. Jack- son street. Phone Ivy 679. MONEY TO LOAN CTSUra£~l5Xns made on t '~dia- MONDS AND OTHER JEWKL.HO LOW INTEREST RATES. JEFFERSON LOAN SOCIETY, 59 North Forsyth St. Opposite Postoffice. F-URNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FoTTreNT—Onenlce, large front room; one smaller; well furnished; hot bath; new management; sanitary conditions; close In. Atlanta phone 1351. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for two men; Individual beds; steam heat, electric lights: all modern conveniences. Georgian Apartments No. 4 LOAN AGENTS TRAVELERS INS. CO.—Real estate loans. Funds on hand for Immediate disposal; purchase money notes beught. See Rex B Moon ey, Cliff C. Hatcher Insurance Agency, 221 Grant Building. Both phones, THE ATLANTA DISCOUNT CO. Responsible Concern Making Loans Without Real Estate Security. 817-818 Century Building. _ 6% AND 7 PER CENT MONEY, first mortgages, prompt and courteous at tention; applications solicited. L. H. Zurline & Co.. 501-2 Silvey Building Main 624. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS upon their own name; cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden- tial. Scott & Co , 820 A us tell Bldg. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 8 per cent. Write or call. S. VV. Carton, 413-414 Empire Building. Broad and Marietta streets. WANTED—First or second mortgage purchase money notes on good proper ty. Miss O. L.. Box 65. care Georgian. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend on automobiles. Independence MotorCar Co . 380 Peachtree street. MONEY TO LOAN on improved Atlan ta Real Estate. Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler Building. ' tate. Otis & Holliday. 309 Peters Building. MONEY WANTED. WANTED—To borrow $200 for one year. Will give $50 interest and com mission. Good security. J., Box 111, care Georgian. PUR C HASE MONEY NO TE5. WANTED—Some good purchase money notes: prefer notes payable annually. The Merchants and Mechanics Banking and Loan Company, 209 Grant Building. Ivy 5341. WILL buy first mortgage purchase money notes In any amounts. Ad dress M. G., Box 60, care Georgian. ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED—Do you appreciate good. wholesome food? And plenty of it? Cooked in an appetizing manner? I can accommodate a few such people. Refined surroundings; a few choice rooms, with all conveniences: reasonable rates; an ideal home; investigate. Ivy 1622. WANTED—TWO YOUNG MEN OR BUSINESS COUPLE TO BOARD IN PRIVATE HOME (WHERE THEY GET SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT), NORTH SIDE WALKING DISTANCE. m 5935-J. 19 FORREST AVENUE. FOR RENT—One or two furnished rooms to gentlemen. All conven iences. Druid Hills section. Address 21 Bonaventure avenue. FOR RENT—On North Side, in first- class neighborhood, in private family, nice large room, with connecting pri- vate bath. Ivy 4907-J. THE ADOLF east Harris i st Bachelor rooms de luxe; every modern convenience. Ivy 3071. FOR RENT—One nicely furnished room; everything modern; steam heat, bath, private family; walking distance. Ivy 4198. FOR RENT—North Side; w&lMng dis tance; three car lines; newly furnished rooms. 119 East Pine street. Ivy 8612-J. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT- 64'Pfi dollars gets two good eonnectlngV,housekeeping rooms, unfurnished; kitchenette also; sink. Or furnished rooms rt&sonable. Block of Grant park and carUplnes. 392 Oakland avenue. y.|_ FOR RENT—UpperV-yt, living room. dining room and la chen. two living rooms, gentleman’s dv . 10-foct front porch, 8-foot back porV.. bath, hot and cold water. $20. Apply 278 S. Ashby street. FOR RENT—Two or three connecting first-floor rooms; private entrance, porch, electric lights, hot water; one- naif block of car line and Grant Park. 426 South Boulevard. Main 4832-L. FOR RENT—Three large upstairs rooms. suitably arranged; private bath, wash basin, hot and cold water, gas: price reasonable. 286 E. Fair St., three blocks from Capitol. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished, large room. Private bath. Sleeping porch. Address Between Peachtrees, Georgian. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished bed rooms; good looation, North Side; rent reasonable. H. E. Baker. Ivv 3266-J. W A R RENTON Center clty - 22 Car " VV AIVIifiiMUA negie way. Apart ment C, large, steam-heated room, ad joining bath; heavy mahogany furnieh- ings; also small front room reasonable. FOR "RENT —Couple will rent nicely fur nished room reasonable; hot bath; wa king distance. 118 E, Fair St. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room; good location; every modern convenience. Phone Ivy 6673-L. FOR RENT—Steam-heated front room, connecting bath, to gentleman. 45 East Cain street. Apartment 6. FOR RENT—Apartment, three or four rooms; North Side; good locality; electric lights, gas and range furnished; telephone. 221 Williams Mill road, near Cleburne. Ivy 3244-J. * FOR RENT- Entire second floor; four rooms and trunk room; private bath and porches; electricity; all conven iences. By owner. 426 South Boule vard. Main 4822-L. FOR RENT — Nicely-furnished front room, second floor, all conveniences; reasonable. Ivy 5454-J STEAM-HEATED Front r ° ° m , • OitiAiVi niidiLU North Side pri vate home: continuous hot bath; every home comfort; meals near. Ivy 1294-J. FOR RENT—One steam-heated bed room; reasonable. No. 9 Wellington Apartment. Ivy 4273-L FOR RENT—Two newly furnished rooms: steam heated; best location; close in; rates reasonable. Ivy 3520. -,() K FT)UTS S T REE T—N I C E JJ Vj. fbLlfio ROOMS; CONVEN IENCES; CLOSE IN. FOR RENT—Large, nicely furnished rooms; next to Y. M. C. A ; steam heat. 69 Luckie street. Main 4065. FOR RENT—Two bright front rooms: good location, every modern oonven- lence; gentlemen only. Main 1283. FOR RENT—Large front room; private family; close in; gentlemen only. Ivy 8413. between 9 a. m. and 5 p m. FOR RENT—Furnished front room; modern conveniences, including steam heat; uptown. Ivy 3623-J. FDR RENT—32 Carnegie way: nice. steam-heated rooms; all conveniences. Ivy 1947-L. Aprrtmerit 5. THE WILLIAMS. NEW ROOMS, electric lights, hot water; single and double rooms; with meals. $4.50 and $5: fine table meals. $3.25 week. 197 S. Pryor. Mayi 5048. A REFINED couple or one or two gen tlemen will find excellent board with large, nicely furnished room, homelike surroundings, in strictly private Gordon street family. West 747. WATCH CLEANING, $1. mainspring, 50c: clock repairing called for and de livered; jewelry repaired like new. John A. Humphries, 19Vi Peachtree street; upstairs. •OK KORSE—CAN'T - QUIT?” BACK AGAIN, at old home, 4 1 ,* South Broad. ED L. GRANT SIGN WORKS. Mam 83. TRUNKS. BAGS AND SUIT CASES. TRUNKS and cases made to order. Repairing. FOOTE’S TRUNK AND BAG FACTORY, 19 East Alabama St. Main 230. I A Gerst s famous near-beer. 80c pei 1 dozen net, in cases of two dozen. a. phone 524, 2896. Boll Main 3080. FOR SALE—National cash register, good as new Keys 5c to $1. Will ac cept small cash payment, balance easy. Atlanta phone 2388 or Main 4475-J. Typewriter and repair man will clean and repair your typewriter after working hours; half price. Expert, care Georgian. Atlanta phone 3141-B. FOR SALE- A stylish black silk velvet dress. Only worn twice. Worth $40. Will sell for $15. Size 42. Address R. L,, Box 972, care Georgian fcORSALE—Second-hand safes. aTl sizes. Hall's fire and burglar proof safes, vault doors. C. J. Daniel, 408 Fourth National Bank Building. ORDFPfA CASE of Gerst’s famous A/l i J-A-LJ-IA near-beer, only 8(>(f per doz , In cases of two dozen. Atlanta phone 624, 2896. Bell Ma in 3080. - ALE—One burglar-proof safe, 30 inches wide, 60 Inches high, 18 Inches deep. Price $125 as it stands. Apply P. O. Box 1745, Atlanta. Of) \T JELLICO lump, $4; block, VyV/Ixl-i $4.25; Jellico block red ash, $4.50. Burnwell Jellico Coal Co. Phones Main 2961, Atlanta 1996. PARTS and repairs for an make ma chines. Needles and oi's. White Sew ing Machine Agency, 133 Whitehall St. Phone M. 4767. FDR SALE—Buick model 10 roadster In good mechanical condition, cheap for cash. Apply at Central Garage, 38 Auburn avenue. • CHALMERS LIGHT SIX, 1915 Model 26. In perfect condition and good tires, for sale cheap, if sold at once. R. P. Cotter, Barnesville. Ga FORD ROADSTER, 1915. guaranteed perfect condition, fully equipped, shock absorbers, etc. D., Box 909, care Georgian. FDR SALE—$30 cash, for two-speed Flanders. No magneto and no tires. Bargain for speedster. 1219 Piedmont avenue. FOR SALE—One Buick five-passenger 1913 model 31; in good condition. Will sell cheap. Address Box 1441, Atlanta. WILL EXCHANGE good lots for auto; no professional traders need apply. P. O. Box 637, Atlanta. FOR SALE—Hupmobile, 20-horsepower; perfect running order. Will sell cheap. 88 North Broad street. OVERLAND 1914 touring car, with elec tric lights and self-starter. Price $525. Call Ivy 7988-L. MACHINE WORK. SHEARER MACHINE CO. $3.600—Five-passenger auto cheap for cash or real estate. Bob, 27 S. Broad. ^PAJ^JING^ JOHN M. SMITH CO CARS REPAINTED. Tops re-covered and repaired; wheels, springs and axles repaired. Bodies built to order, or repaired. 120-122-124 Auburn Avenue. TAT) I V' IA - GERST’S famous n^ar-beer, Iv $<)<* dozen in cases of two dozen. Atlanta phones 524, 2896; Bell Main 3080. FOR ONE DIME in silver we will send you twelve very useful household ar ticles. Western Supply Co., Sterling, Colo. . DON’T forget to see crur new store at 133 Whitehall St., while out shopping. Something entirely new. Phone M. 4767. §DR SALE—Exceptional bargain in el egant. sanitary, rolltop desk. 1124 At lanta National Bank Building. feDR SALE—Bird’s-eye maple bedroom suit, good as new. reasonable; also other furniture Iv\ 8360-L. Von SALE—Ginseng root* and seeds for sale. For particulars Inquire of Ed vard Miller. Kinde. Mich. VoR SALE—A female fox terrier and one pup. Also boy’s bicycle. Apply U' 9 Ea s t ‘ North avenue, city £DR SALE-Remington Typewriter. No. 6. perfect order, guaranteed one year, $11 50. Atlanta phone 6141-B. 3 -G CHTEF FUR NOIL. the ideal clean er. renovatne and polisher all In one. Easy to apply. MONEY TO LOAN LOW COST LOANS AT LAWFUL INTEREST. $25 OR. MORE ON Furniture, Pianos, etc. WITHOUT REMOVAL. NEW RATES, NEW' PLANS, NEW METHODS. $25, PAY PER MONTH $2.00 $50, PAY PER MONTH, $4.00 $100, PAY PER MONTH, $8.00 WITH LAWFUL INTEREST. If you need money, do not hesitate to borrow from us Our plan of repay ment. our prompt, efficient service is not excelled by any other firm in the city. CITIZENS’ LOAN CO., 413-14 PETERS BLDG. PHONE MAIN 8771; ATL. PHONE 677. 7 Peachtree, Corner Viaduct. REST AND COMFORT- COOL rooms; splendid meals; just across street from Capitol. 121 Capi- tol square. TABLE BOARD ROOMS. 23 EAST CAIN. Mrs. L. A. Wilson. Atlanta 1783. BYRON CAFE 210 W. PEACHTREE ST., open Septem ber 1; strictly first class. Phone Ivy 4562. WANTED—Several young men to room onboard In best section of West Find; hot and cold water: excellent car serv ice; references. Rhone West 1154-J. EXCELLENT board arid rooms, with g->od home cooking, or.e block from Postoffice. Under new management. 72 Walton street. Ivy 5606-J. NO. 10 SNOW DRIFT 54c 7 CANS PET MTLK 25c 7 BARS OCTAGON SOAP 25c Matthews & Co., 372 Whitehall St. 15 CURRIER STREET LARGE, nicely fur. room*, yilh excellent table board, home-like place; walking distance; all con veniences. Ify 6443-L. WANTED -Two gentlemen for nicely furnished, room, all conveniences; or would take congenial couple; good table board. Ivy 5783-1.. WANTED—Boarders for nice, large, up stairs front room; every convenience; splendid meals. Ivy 6576-J. 4 West Peachtree. FOB RENT—Furnished room, with or without meals; in private home. 165 Vorrest Ave. FDR RENT—Furnished rooms: meals next door. 223 North Jackson. Ivy 2840- J. v L’lU |)AV 22 Plast Ellis. Good .> CiVV riv7 I rooms. Near Wine- coff. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR^RENT—Furnished oT^unfurnished . five minutes’ walk of town, and cheap for permanent tenant for the winter; ref erences exchanged. 54 Brotherton street. FOR RENT—One large, furnished or unfurnished room for young man or couple without children. Main 2812-L. Box 22, care Georgian. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RI?NT~ % n7ree~~fmnn^ furnished rooms for house keeping; hot and cold water, sink, bath, electricity; good car service; price rea sonable; private home. Bell phone F,ast Ifl-L. ’• Point 63- Coliege Park. FOR RENT—Three connecting, com pletely furnished rooms for housekeep ing; hot and cold water, sink, bath, elec tricity. good' 4 car service; prices reasona ble; private home. Call Bell phono East Point 63-L. College Park. BEAUTIFUL colonial home, in the suburbs. 25 acres; all conveniences; city water, electricity, garage. West 1244-J. FOR RENT- Nicely furnished room, with board; in strictly private home; West End; rates reasonable. West 1035-J. INMAN PARK—Beautiful furnished rooms, excellent board; private home; every convenience; reasonable. Ivy 5444. EXCELLENT board and rooms can be had at 32<1 Washington street, the home of Mrs. C. J. Weinmeister, for merly of 286 Peachtree street. FOR RENT Attractive rooms for refined couple. ladies or gentlemen; best meals sirred in At lanta; chicken served dally: two blocks from Capi tol: special rates to students. 250-252 Eaai Fair street. TO ONE or two gentlemen, delightful front room, private home. Myrtle, near Ponce 'Deleon. Also garage. Ivy 1495. FOR RENT Nice cool rooms, good ta ble, $4.00-$4.5G per tveek. Two blocks from courthouse.* 131 S. Pryor street. WANTED—Couple to board in private family; all conveniences; steam heat; private tennis court. West t&O-L. LOVELY bright room with hoard, beautiful private home. Fine locality. M odern conveniences, ivy 7491 - J. NORTH SIDE—Bet ween Peachtrees, ex cellent meals, rooms with private hath Phone Ivy 152. FOR RENT—Two elegantly furnished, large rooms, with board. in private home, Peachtree street: steam heat. Ivy 8666 J. WANTED—Couple to board in private family; all convenienoes: steam heat; private tennis court. West 190-1*. FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, com pletely furnished for light housekeep ing; w'alls newly tinted; telephone, bath, front and back porch; private home; nice, quiet street; close in. 17 Pulliam street. FOR RENT—Two large, bright, con necting front rooms, furnished for housekeeping; hot bath. Rent reduced. References. Main 2840-J. 277 South Pryor street. FOR ft ENT—Northern lady has large furnished room and kitchenette, com plete for housekeeping; North avenue and West Peachtree. Adults. Ivy 7828. Foft RENT—Two or three rooms, fur nished for housekeeping; gas stove; hot water; new management. Premises cleaned up. Atlanta phone 1351. FOR RENT-Two rooms and private bath; furnished complete for house keeping: beautiful surroundings; every convenience. West 302-J. * FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms; also one room and kitchenette for light housekeeping: close in; rates Baker St. FOR RENT Two or three well fur nished rooms and kitchenette; modern conveniences; Gordon street; home of owner. West 552-L FOR RENT -66 Crew street. Two con necting rooms, with every home con venience, for housekeeping, # two blocks of Capitol. Reasonable FOR RENT—One largp front room fur nished or unfurnished; close In, North Side, housekeeping privileges; reason able. Ivy 5520-J. FOR RENT-Two or three rooms and kitchenette for light housekeeping: hot water; walking distance. 31 East Harris street FOR RENT Two rooms with kitch enette and dressing room suitable for housekeeping. $4. Ivy 7973-J. 41 West BaJ^er 37 CARNEGIE WAY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1.50 to $4; bedrooms, $1.25 to $3. 734 PEACHTREE, beautiful downstairs rooms; private bath: private entrance; table board a specialty. Ivy 4095-L. 82 W. FIFTH STREET—Choice room and board; steam heat. Ivy 7454-L. ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with . or without board; close in. Washing ton St Main 1099-J. _ ROOMS and board In private ‘home for four business women, Ansley Park. Call Ivy 8123-J. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED on property In and near the city of Atlanta, from 6 to 8 per cent Interes.. depending upon size, loca tlon and improvements. Let us submit you proposition before borrowing We also handle purchase money notes. TURMAN & CALHOUN, 203 Empire Bnildtng. Plenty of Money to Lend ON Atlanta and nearby improved prop erty, 5U to 8 per cent straight; also monthly plan at 6 per cent on 5 years- time, payable $21.66 per month on the thousand, which Includes interest. 'Will also lend smaller amouat. Purchase money notes wanted. FOSTER & ROBSON 11 Edgewood Ave. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT- THE PICKWICK. New, ten-story and fireproof. Well furnished rooms, connecting bath. Convenient shower baths on each floor. 77 Fairlie St., near Carnegie Library. FOR RENT—Will rent two connecting front rooms, with porch and private bath, separately or en suite; private North Side home; all modern conven iences: delightful section. Address P. O. Box898. , GATE CITY HOTEL. FOR RENT—Central location, clean, airy rooms, 50c das". $2.50 per week and up hot and cold baths free. lOSVj South Fore3 FOR RENT—Beautiful steam- heated room in apartment, til W. Baker street. WANTED—Congenial coupe to share half of 7-room house, ali conveniences, Peachtree road; rent reasonable. Ad- dress B. R., Box 304, care Georgian. W A >fT ED—M ar r i e<k coupfe or small family to occupy furnished parsonage . with unmarried pastor; good proposition to right parties. Main 4491-J. FOR RENT—One large front room, com plete for housekeeping, $2.50 per week. 18 Woodward Ave. Call Main 1059. FOR RENT—TWO LARGE ROOMS; ALL CONVENIENCES; HOT AND COLD WATER PHONE IVY 8463. FOR RENT—Furnished room for house keeping; all conveniences. Price rear- sonable. 166 8 Pryor street. FOR RENT—Two furnished housekeep Ing rooms, with owner; separate en trance; hot bath. West 856-J. FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished for housekeeping; private family. 179 E. Pine St Phone Ivy 6671-J. #DR RENT—Two connecting rooms, with sink; one block of Grant Park. 424 East Georgia avenue. Bell phone. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. $2.50 to $5 per week. 388 Peachtree street. WANTED—-Congenial couple to share half of 7-room house; all conveniences; Peachtree road: rent reasonable. Ad- drtM B R.. Box 304, care Georgian. FOR RENT Three desirabel m rooms. suitable for housekeeping; conveniences: pride reasonable. 225 North Boulevard. Ivy 6616-J. FOR RENT—Two or three rooms and kitchenette, with small, refined fam ily. North Side. Reasonable to deslr- able parties. Ivy 4406. FOR RENT—THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; UPPER APARTMENT. PK1 VATE BATH; HOT WATER. 318 WASH INGTON STREET. UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT^Ten-room boarding house. $25 per month. Bath and toilet up and down. Suitable for two families. At No. 169 Central avenue. Address N. D., Box 28. care Georgian. FOR RENT—Nice four-room cottage, barn and 2 acres good level land. Good for poultry, small dairy, etc. One mile out. $12 per month. H. A. Kuhns, Route %, Atlanta. 373 NORTH JACKSON STREET never been occupied; eight nice rooms and sleeping porch; two baths; furnace heat. This is a beauty. See us for par ticulars Charles P. Glover Realty Co. # 2*4 Walton street. FOR RENT—144 Richardson, near Pry or; walking distance; 6 rooms and bath, $16.60. L. Grossman, 96 White hall 8t. g furnace, electricity and gas. hardwood floors. Apply 322 West Peachtree. FOR RENT—-Eight-room house, new. furnace, electricity and gas. hardwood floors. Apply 322 West Peachtree. FOR RUNT—NTlne-room house. 442 West Peachtree: steam heat; garage and servant house. Phone Main 883. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SAlE. _ KOR SAL§PPfn Hollywood^ Cemetery, lot 18 by 24 feet; will take $126 for quick sale. Call G. B. Hulme, or Post master. Tucker, Ga. FOR RENT—Entire lower floor; four nice, large rooms and reception hall; all conveniences; private home; bargain. M 2876-L. FOR RENT—Entire second floor; four rooms and private bath; or will sub lease; private family. 455 Courtland street TWO OR THREE first-floor rooms for housekeeping: three upstairs rooms; in private family. Main 4476-L. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT. ! OWNER LEAVING THE CITY WILL SELL OR RENT TO DESIRABLE PARTY HANDSOME HOME, E L E G A N TLY FURNISHED. IN MOST DESIRABLE RESI DENCE SECTION. AP PLY TO CARETAKER, 1359 PEACHTREE ROAD. FOR RENT—Entire upstairs. 3 rooms, hall and bath; conveniences. Main 2248-J. 150 Crumley. FOR RENT—Two large, airy rooms; all conveniences; close in. Main 4540-L. FURNISHED APARTS. FOP RENT. ?DR ^WKNT^Three-room apartment. with bath, furnished complete for housekeping; private entrance: screened throughout: steam heat. Will furnish gas for cooking; also electricity; $35 per month. Couple preferred. Druid Hills section. Bonaventure Apartments. Ivy 5340-.T. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR PENT^ FOR RENT—Apartments at 15 and 32 East avenue. Three, four, five and six-room apart ments, all conveniences. 5-ROOM house at 17 W. Alexan der street. A. W. FARLI.NGER, 304 North Boulevard. THE LAWRENCE 52-54 W. Peachtree Place. (Five Blocks From Candler Building.) Two-room apartments $20 to $25 Three-room apartment 26 to 40 Four-room apartments 40 to 45 Every convenience. Reference required. jyx 8080. J. T. Turner, Res. Mgr. THE FRANCES" APTS. Junction Peachtree and Ivy Sts. APARTMENTS, single 'or en suite; light, heat, water, phone included; elevator service; easy walking distance to business center. FuR RENT North Side apartment, in two-family house, three rooms, sleep ing porch and bath; separate entrance; walls and ceilings newly tinted; heat, water and electricity furnished; separate gas, highest references required. Box 578, care Georgian. FOR RENT—ONE THREE-ROOM, ONE FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT; PRIVATE BATHS, PRIVATE PORCH ES, PRIVATE ENTRANCES, MOD ERN CONVENIENCES; STEA M HEAT. CALL IVY 674-L. FOR RENT-Six-room and sleeping porch apartment. No. 344 Moreland avenue, facing Druid Hills; two car lines; large front and back porches, heat and all modern conveniences. Ivy 2440-J. FOR RENT Six-room and sleeping porch apartment, No. 344 Moreland avenue, facing Druid Hills; two car lines; large front and back porches, heat and all modem conveniences. Ivy 2440-J. FOR RENT—19 WEST TENTH ST., BETWEEN WEST PEACHTREE AND SPRING STREETS, BRICK APARTMENT, SIX ROOMS. WHITE TILE BATH. HARDWOOD FLOORS, SCREENED. SHADES FURNISHED; LARGE PORCHES; FURNACE. OWN ER. IVY 6832-J. FOR RENT Two large apartments; best location on North Side, every modern convenience, large front and rear porches, shady back yard, room for garage Upper apartment five rooms, lower, six rooms. Ivy 7448-J. FOR RENT—Elegant four-room apart ment, steam heat, hot and cold water; Jahitor service. $35 per month. Can be seen at 324 Forrest avenue. L. B. Sanders, Owner. 407 Peters Building. FOR RENT—North Side, three or four room apartment: rent cheap: 10 min utes’ walk from Five Points; every mod era convenience garage on lot: nice lo cation. 32 West Pmc tree place, GORDON APARTMENTS Five rooms and sleeping porch, well ventilated, steam heat, oak floors, hot and cold vrat»r, choice location. 87 Gordon street. West 40-J THE WICKLIFFE. Peachtree street. The Elizabeth, Eighth street, near Peachtree: largest, most elegant, com- plete. J. W, Goldsmith, Ivy 2739-J. FOR RENT—Five-room apartment. 218 Ashbv street. No children wanted. West 306-J. FOR RENT—Six-room apartment, all conveniences, no heat. 334 N. Jack- son street. BEST five-room apartment; can be had October 1, at $40. Ivy 3568-J. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apartment, every convenience, $25 per month. Apply 64 West Tenth street. FOR RENT—Two rooms for housekeep ing. $11. with sink and phone. 346 Washington streeL FOR RENT—Lovely room and kitchen ette, in private home; reasonable rate. 264 North Boulevard. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room and kitchenette for light housekeeping. 158 Washington. FOR RENT—Two large rooms, furnish ed for light housekeeping. 339 Court- land. Ivy 6964. FOR RENT'—One or two rooms snd kitch enette; all conveniences. 256 Lee West 1069 L. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms. • complete for housekeeping, $12. Main 4231-J. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. 'or three connecting rooms, with lights and water, $9 or $12, with small family; South Decatur car, Clifton street. . $0 Clifton street. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. ¥Y)R~Ri£NT—125.60 peV^month. Septem ber to June, or longer, six rooms. In quire owner. Near school, car line. 50 Mllledge avenue, corner Hill. BEAUTIFULLY furnished home; very reasonable rent. References required. Address West Peachtree, car® Georgian UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT ; TECH NIGHTTsC?fO<5L WILL soon be opened to tnen and boys. Rent you a home near by, where they can attend either day or night classes; 206 and 210 Plum street, newly paint ed. six rooms each. 215 Plum street, cottage, five rooms and hall. Prices on application. Call at 610-11 Peters Building^ For Rent—67 Atwood Street FIVE ROOMS, EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE.* BEST SECTION WEST END; RENT REASONABLE. THIS IS AN IDEAL HOME. COME and see for yourself phone MAIN 242 ASK FOR MR. MORRIS. SUMMER RESORTS. NEW YORK. MAPLE GROVE FARM. Narrowsburg. N. Y.—Ideal resort; good table; bunga low; cottages attached, $7-9. P. Bran- ning, NORTH CAROLINA. JUNALUSKA INN. Franklin, N. C. Twenty-five hundred feet above the sea Homelike, home table, sleeping porches. Write Mrs. R. A. Jacobs, spe cial fall rates. AUCTION SALES B. BERNARD will pay cash for second hand housefurnishings, office furniture or pianos. Phone Main 2306. PLANTS. TREES AND SEEDS. D ixTe~SISEmBST" DR. HESS POULTRY AND STOCK POWDER. 25c KIND. 15c; 60c KIND. 35c. 113 W HI TEH ALL ST. POULTRY. PET AND LIVE STOCK ™ _ ORPINGTONS._ _ _ ^ TWO pens of 8 C. White Orpingtons for sale at $1 each. Kellerstrass straJn. Mr®. C. A. Black, Meansville, Ga. POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK FoTHALETrRiaTsfF^S BERKSHIRE PIGS, CAN furnish any age. Priced to sell. Sandy Carter, Jr., Box 113, Galnea- vllle, Ga. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. EAST LAKE LOTS. FAIR STREET—A beautifully wood ed tract, near the Gentry residence, 100 by 300; reasonable terms. Price $1,500. LAKE VIEW BOULEVARD—Facing club grounds, near Morgan street; has water and sewer accessible; 100 by 260. Price $1,100. EAST LAKE ROAD—Corner Boule vard DeKalb, one of tho choice building sites on East Lake road ; has fine shade; 100 by 285. Price $3,000. BOULEVARD DE KALB—An 8-acre tract, just beyond East Lake road, 500 by 700; corner Boulevard DeKalb and Daniel street.; lies opposite J. II. Porter's place. Price $5,000. ON THE CAR LINE—A small acre age tract, fronting 400 feet on the car line; runs back to Fair street; has good building site; a place suitable for chicken farm or garden. Price $2,250. WEST LAKE AVENUE—A fine wooded tract, near Skiff avenue; fronts 250 feet, runs back 200 feet; opposite the corner of club grounds. Price $1,500. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. Cotton Gossip _ [’ NEW YORK, Sept. 7.—Liverpool cables were better than due to-day and this market should have opened 3 to 6 points higher. * * • United States cotton glnnera’ report to be Issued to-morrow. ♦ * * The report Is expected to be rather bullish, owing to the lateness of the crop. • • • The storm from the Gulf of Mexico A during Sunday traveled slow’ly north eastward from the South Atlantic States, where heavy rains and high winds have been reported. It was di minishing in intensity, but rains con tinued in the East Gu.f and South At lantic States and Tennessee. West of the river fair weather prevailed. Light, scattered showers were had in the South Atlantic States yesterday: else where the weather was generally fair. Fair weather is predicted over the en tire belt to-day and to-morrow. • • Alabama mill men are said to esti mate Alabama's final yield as not more than 1,200,000 bales. Ninety per cent of the crop will not make a boll from now on. they declare. Black rust has killed the plant. * * * Forecasting the probable movement of prices J. S. Baehe & Co. say; "The course of the market for the next 60 days Is dependent upon the disposition and ability of the producers to market i slowly while the demand is slack and the supply Increasingly burdensome. We | do not think it will be possible to main- H tain the present level of value during this period as there Is. as usual, a large amount of ditsress cotton that must b®‘ sold while 8c and above will be ac cepted by many others who do not have to sell.'* 4-rfftdMl ! REAL ESTATE WANTED. VV'ANTED—Seven or elghUTOom^hotJ In any growing section of Atlanta must be bargain; give full description, terms and location. Address Black, 44, care American. FARMS FOR SALE. FAjR^^dUICKSALbL ONE HUNDRED and sixty-six acres of land (165); 25 acres in cultivation; 15 acres good bottom land; has good cron on It; 200 bearing apple trees; will havi from 500 to 600 bustiels of apples thijs year, all good varieties; has plenty pasture land, with plenty of water; foui room house, with good spring in yar< , barn and good storehouse, and gooji INVEST a few dollars and win big! Seahurst. coming Atlantic City of Fa- , wiiu ciflc Northwest. Just starting Great j place to do*business; has telephone an i ocean playground of .Seattle, Tacoma, interest in line; has over one mile pul an vc’a^5 C ^ lie road frontage; one-half mile froi nn "' a “ v ^~ " church and schoolhouse; six miles from Ellijay, Ga. Will take $1,500 if sold noW. C. C. Poindexter, Ellijay. Ga. now. Easy terms. Fortunes made at all big seaside resorts. This is your op portunity. Write to-day for illustrated literature. Agents wanted. Oregon- Washlngton Development Co., Green Bldg.. Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE—Here is your chance if you Si FOR SALE—Forty acre farm; fifteen acres ready for plow, balance in good timber Six room house, cellar, cistern, barn a . , - „ , ---.all necessary outbuildingfe; fruit, grap< have the cash. 176 Westminster half-mile from Claremont, a live, elertri drive, Ansley Hark, seven-rootn, fur- j lighted and water works city. TimbF nace-heated bungalow, servant’s room enough to pay for land. Price $1,100. in basement, hardwood floors, tile floor ; Half cash, balance time. Reason for sell- in bath, large porches; close to car line, i ing, more farm than I can attend to. Other Worth $6,000. Will sell for $4,100. Terms, and larger farms for sale, cheap. Come $2,100 cash. $2,(KK) mortgage, 7 per cent j and see thvm. Address Dr. Warner, Clare- ” r " ‘ mont, Va. PIGEONS. SQUAB RAISING. Correspondence Course Free. This correspondence course fella yon how to build your house and fly, how to build a take-down house and fly, how to prepare the nests, what feed and treat ment to give pigeons, remedies for dis ease. and descriptions of the principal squab breeders. There are twelve lessons and one les son each week Is sent, absolutely free, by sending *5 cents for postage Any one interested in pigeons will find this course a paving Investment. If you want any Information about any partlc- u ar variety of pigeons, fill out the cou pon below, being particular to say wnat breed you are interested in. THE GEORGIAN COMPANY. Atlanta. Ga. Gentlemen; ?uud me without coat or obligation informa-tion about pigeons. Nam® Street City State I MUST dispose of my flock of high- grade pigeons by October 1, as I in tend to change my location. Splashed Red Cameaux at $t.75 per pair. Solid Red Carneaux at $2 per pair. Blue Swiss Mondaines (Samson strain) at $3.56 per pair. Pure White Swiss Mon- (Samson strain) at $4.76 per pair. Silvers and Light-Colored Swiss Mondaines (good squabbera) at $2.76 per pair. Order quick for they will go fast at these low prices. William F. H. I^epper, 1386 Jefferson street, Quincy, 111. 30-DAY OFFER. For the next 30 days 1 will sell Burden’s Extra Select Carneaux, $2 60 pair Burden’s Extra Select Cameaux, $2.50 pair. Burden’s Utility Pigeon Plant, Box 114, Hogansville, Ga. FOR SALE- Pigeons. Twenty pairs thoroughbred Plyunouth Rock Homers, purchased direct; paid $2 pair for them; haven’t time to attend to them on ac count of other business; all healthy and in good condition. Make me good offer. Lakewood Sales Agency, 783Vfc Borney avenue. East I*ake, Ala. MONEY IN SQUABS. SQUABS from our Cameaux weigh a pound at four weeks old. Largest squabs, easy to raise, big profits, best pigeons known. Write for particulars. Riverside 8quab Yards, Courtland, Va. FANCY PIGEONS at reasonable prices. any number of White Kings. White Homers. Carneaux, Maltese, Checkered Homers. Crosses for squab raising; Mon daines, Duchess, etc. Write for prices. A Baton Squab Farm Co.. 28 N. Beacon street, Ailston, Mass. A BARGAIN IN HOMER&—I am crowd- ed for room and will dispose of two J ens of our largest squab-breeding lomers at $1.00 a pair. Young from 3 to 6 months, not mated, at $5 a dozen. William A. Rogers, 38 River street, West Newbury. Mass. EXTRA quality Red and Yellow Car neaux. White Kings and Homers. A fine bunch of 1914 birds; mated and tested breeders; at very moderate prices If you want good, blocky, heavy breed ers, write Reed Pigeon Lofts, Puxico, Mo. MILES RIVER SQUAB CO., largest breeding lofts in the South. White Swiss Moridaines, Cameaux, White Maltese, Hbmers; large or small quan tities. Write for prices. 31 S. Howard street, Baltimore, Md. FnR SALE—Giant Runts, Cameaux, Mondaines. Homers and my special Giant Market Breeders. Correspondence a pleasure. Chas B. Neff. Smlthsburg. Md. RED CROSS Health Grit. Price, per cwt . $2. Sold to dealer? from Maine to California. J. W. Williamson Co., Mfrs., 431 Broad St., Glassboro, N. J. MAKE money raising squabs; save money buying C. V. Pigeon Feed. Profit both ways. Carter, Venable & Co., Inc., Richmond. Va. RED CARNEAUX of the better kind. Visit our lofts and see our birds, or write McCreight Lofts, 325 Lawton street, Atlanta, Ga. FOR RALE—Six pairs Carneaux pigeons, $2 pair. E. L. Winn, 1210 Peachtree. Ivy 2*74 Phone Ivy 6856-J FOR SALE—Seven-room two-story house on Grant street. East front. Large front porch. Every modern con venience. On car line. Can sell for cash or on terms. Must have some cash at once. Make me an offer. Owner, Box 793, care American. FOR SALE—Five-room house; all con* veniences; lot 40 by 180. located at No. 113 Connally street; rented for $20 per month; 10 minutes’ car service; owner leaving town If you are looking for a bargain, here is one. Box 706, care Georgian. MOST remarkable property in South west; excellent cattle range; inde scribable scenery; archaeological treas ure house; 33.000 acres. 20 miles fromg Santa Fe; heart of prehistoric cave-| dwelling region; wonderful climate. Ad-I dress Ashley Pond, Buckman, Santa Ke| County. New Mexico. I FOR SALE—Farm of 240 acres, near! station, highly productive, Bermuda I pasture, peach orchard, three good | dwellings, five tenant houses, sawmill, cotton gin. Price. $6,000.00. Terms. | A. 8. Kytle, Charing, Ga. (Taylor Co.). FOR SALE—SUBURBAN PLACE ON j FOR SALE—Three farms^ water gow- CAR LINE, 7 ROOMS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, WATER. BATH AND 6\4 I mette, N. C. ACRES; DELIGHTFUL HOME YEAR ROUND. TERMS. BOX 709, CARE GEORGIAN. er, store; easy terms. Farmer, to* FOR SALE—Good renting negro prop erty Two four-room houses. Room for three more. Railroad frontage. Strictly negro settlement. Owner. Ivy 248-L. FARMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two good plantations in I South Georgia. Apply 84 East North avenue. Apt^ I^o. 4. FARMS WANTED. FOR SALE Bargain; beautiful 6-room bungalow, 16 King highway, near Ag- | ’SEND 'description of nee Scott. Decatur; large lot. O. L. Rudlaall, 56 Gilmer street. Ivy 716. FOR SALE—See 94 Highland av< nne modern eight-room reeidence; $500 cash, balance easy. Ivy 3205-J. FOR SALE- Lot 138x60fl. sidewalk and water; war-time price. Address G., Box 410. care Georgian. FOR RENT—One furnished room, fur nace heat, private home, attractive prlc». Ivy 3249-J. JHBL, life your farm of ranch! We "have cash buyers. Don’t nay' commission. Write National Real Estate Exchange Association, Dept. 42, Peru. III. WANTED—To buy or lease farm near Atlanta J Farmer, g7 S. Broad street. LEGAL NOTICES. GKORuTX^T’uItoli County. To the Sui *rior Court <»f g&hl County: The petition of J. H. Goldstein and Abe Giimberg, both of said Stat* and County, renpeotfully shows (1) That they deaire for them- , wives, their associate* a .d aaidans to be incorpo rated and made a body corporate under the nama and style of "Royal Theater Company," for a pe riod of twenty (20) year®, with the privilege of re newal at expiration of that time. (2) The object of said Incorporation is pecuniary gain to those who .may be atookholders therein (3) The princi pal office and place of doing business of aaid cor poration shall be Atlanta, Georgia; but petitioner* desire the rigid to establish branch office* and the- WILL sell 40 to 1,000 acres best fruit aters at auch other places an they deem proper. and farming lands in South Florida on #4> The particular burdne** to be carried on by ,., v nr will picch« riirn nil nr nurt ' said corporation la to operate * motion picture and easy terms, or wm ex< nange an. or parr . deTin# theate r. (5) The capita) <tock of said for income city property. Address Dade corporation is to be *lx thousand <$6.noo) dollars. City Highland Company, Tampa, Fla. | divided into share* of one hundred f$ino) dollars . each, with the privilege of Increasing said capital ! stork to an amount, not exceeding twenty-five triou- • - *and ($25,000) dollars, by a majority vote of the rMomr-TNl RATT ROAD FRONT RRTf*K Stockholders. Petitioners desire the right to pav CLUbKi-LN j 1 ; for stock in money or in p-operty to be taken at WAREHOUSE. j a f^r valuation (6) Petiuoners desire the right FOR SALE—Exchange or rent. 15.000 to to sue and tie sued, plead and be impleaded, to REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FLORIDA ACREAGE 20,000 feet floor space; suitable for cot ton warehouse or storage of any char acter. For information, address Owner, P. O. Box 1484, Atlanta. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED—To buy well-built eix or sev en-room bungalow; North Side only; must be well located on good street and a. real bargain. I am not an agent, but want home If I can buy what I want ” _ __ * r x..iiA wm nav under the law, or ine maie w i^orgia. riugugmi cheaper than I can buuo Will pay 5oW \j\ssf.LL. Pet 1 doners' Attorney*. Filed in of have and use a common seal, to make aJ] neces sary by-laws and regulation* and to do all other things that may be necewary for the auecMgful carrying on of said business, including the right to buy. hold and sell real estate and personal prop erty suitable, necessary or useful to the conduct of the business, or Incident thereto. They desire foe said corporation all rights, powers, privileges and immunities aa are incident to like corporation* of i«*rmfsslble under the laws of the State of Georgta. Wherefore, Petitioners pray that they be made • body corporate under the name ana stvle afore said. with the powers and privileges ana* immuni ties herein asked, and a* are now, or may here after be. allowed corporations of similar character under the laws of the State of Georgia. FRIED SON to $800 down. Please give full descrip- fl< V this 13th day August, 1915. ARNOLD tion and location, lowest price anti terms HROYLES. Clerk. I, Arnold Broylet, Clerk of ?he '» r «P'y- Njj.Otter, consider*!. Vddres, C. Q-, Box 450, care Amer ran. C1 ^ y 0 f application for charter in the raa'ter I WANT an up-to-date modern home ] »r Kny.1 Th«»tjr tomn.n, u ih, •, rf k-__*v. v< 11qt hft Picentlnnu I fl,e 1,1 tb,,, Witness, my official signature on North Nine Must ne exception^ j ^ fh# s ^ a | of (xmr t, this lsth day of An bargain and well located. Box 488, care • fU „. i{ ,j 5 ARNOLD BROVLES, Clerk Superior Georgian. I Court. Fultoo County. Georgia. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. THE CAMBRIDGE, 52 E. Cain St.—Five minutes from Five Points; best class of tern ants; three rooms, $30 to $32.50; four rooms, $40. THE CORINTHIAN, 136 W. Peachtree St.—'Walking distance; clean morally and physically; four rooms $32.50 to $37.50; five rooms, $45 to $47.50. SCOTT APARTMENTS, 14 W. Baker St.—Most convenient lo cation for the purpose of subletting a room or two. Six rooms, $50; one apartment partly furnished. CHAS. P. GLOYER REALTY CO., Real Estate, Renting, Insurance. 2V; Walton Street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. SEVEN ACRES—INSIDE CITY LIMITS, $1,000 PER ACRE. This property is being offered at this price in or der to facilitate a quick division of interest. It lie* within a mile and a half of the center of town, faces 700 feet on cherted road, and adjoins one of our largest and most beautiful parks. Touches A.. B. & A. railroad, hag city water and will qmke a good subdivision. t WiH surely double in value within five years. BOX 412, CA# -E OR GIAN.