Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, March 14, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ATLANTA. GA.- - e ADVERTISEMENT., = 5 - 1 pfi- G. Geiger Says His Wife - Suffered With Rheuma -3 - ~ tism for years—Tanlac ~ Overcomes Trouble. & "Panlac has not only relieved my ‘wife of a very severe attack of rhen #nAtism, but she has actually gained Twenty-five (25) pounds since she be w taking the medicine,” said Mr. G 8. Geiger, residing at 133 East Linden &tmet and for a number of vears.em %l:yed as engineer by the Georgia Railroad. & "I don't believe 1 ever saw anyone suffer with rheumatism as much as #he did.” continued Mr. Geiger in his statement tg the Tanlac representa fhve. ‘“Sometimes her feet would wll g 0 she couldn’'t get her shoes on The pains in her arms were so great &t times she would remark that they felt like they were about to drop off She had severe headaches, too, and | dizzy and nervous all the time, WNnd unable to sleep well at night. Her tite failed her and she lost a great #&l in weight and strength. She : etimes got so bad off she would have to g 0 to bed and stay for weeks Bl & time. When she wasn't inp bed ‘#he felt so tired and played out she Was never able to look after har Thiousework. % "“Bhe tried all kinds of medicine, but Wothing seemed to do her much good, and when I began .0 hear so much 2alk about Tanlac 1 just made up my ‘mind to lay all the other medicines aside and put her on Tanlac, " *“She has now finished her fourth Bbottle and she is like a different wome- An. The rheumatism has been entire ¥ relieved, she doesn’t have the head- Ache any more, is no longer nervous dike she used to be and she sleeps like A baby. She has a splendid appetite ‘and has been gaining strength and welght right along, and, as [ have al &ndy told you, she has gained twen qAy-five pounds. She is full of life and y now and is looking after the sework like she hadn't ever bheaen ik, | & [ tell you, it's just wonderful .the WAy this medicine has helped her, for Bhe was almost a nervous wreck when ] started taking it., I'll never he X to tell you how thankful Tam for ‘ t it has done for her, and I'm rec ommending it to all my friends. Many of them have already begun taking it : my recommendation.” % Manlac is sold in Atlanta exclusive- | ¥ by Jacobs’ Pharmacy.—Advertise &t. | .8 1 l Yes, Donehoo caml Furnish Funerals . At Other Prices ~“Beventy-five Pollars Is My Spe ~ cialty,’’ Says Donehoo. ‘‘But I - 4 - Can Supply One That Is Either ¥ ' - More orLessElaborate.”” What ~ ever the Price—lt Is Agreed in . Advance. You Know Exactly . What It Will Cost. You Are . Not Charged for Unexpected . ~ Extras. ? Peaple have been caming to Donehoo and saying ESIS know that your $75 funersl is a good one, % Sppose one wants o pay LESS than 875, or (88 other other hand, desires 8 MORE ELABORATE % than you advertise at $759" & Demehoo says: My $75 funersl is a wpeclalty, "t I can give you a proportionstely more elabo e e or a less expensive one If you desire | ’ Ml s to give the people justice In funeral ;‘ Whatever they pay, they alwags know it what the cost will be " 25 ITEMS—2 ’. Donehoo's $75 funera! includes handsome "as B, White, gray or Dlack cioth, with siiver or hlack b and namepiate (large siiver and gold crucifiy - desired) outside box: transferring remains 7 hospital or home: embalming by lcensed o {»n i shaving or halr dremsing; bathing, dresing, T . hose, «viam burisl robe, professional funeral notice In newspapers, burial or B phrmit, hal or arm crepe, palibearers ;F Also use of deor orepe. Woor rugs, slumber ! . handsome hedrse, lady sttendants when desired Telephones Just One Main 1847 " Block From Atlanta 4100 City Hall — T —— ____‘ - Payers of Fulton County: y . s 1 hereby announce myse!f for positior e County Commissioner, subjee! to the E mocratic prima to ‘ P Apr N, next, for one of the two piaces to filled E 8 have resided in Atlanta and Pultes CSunty 31 yvears and have had the op tUnity to serve the Iblic mAn ; S, both as acitizen and as a pub al If elected | w work for the Righest and best terest of the citizgens o this County and will stand for mod PP, progressive methods and econon BB] administration of the County as falre and the permaner mproveme of the mais ighways streels ar bridges Your vote and influence are respe fully solicited J.Lee Bar nes Ry You and every one else worth reaching reads The Dally Georglan and Sunday Amerlcan. That s one of the rea sons why they are The South’s Greatest Newspapers Husband Files General and Spe cial Demurrers to Plaintiff’s Petition in Suit, MILILEN, March 14 Attorney Ar chibald Blackshear, of Augusta, lead ing counsel for Mrs. Winifred Wadley Raoul, arrived in Millen this morning to be ready for the trial Wednhesday morning of Mrs., Raoul's divorce and alimony suit against her husband, William Green Raoul. Counsel for the plaintiff have amended the original petition in eight instances, and counsel for the defend ant have filed both general and spe cial demurrers to the plaintiff’s peti tion. In the original petition of the plaintiff it is alleged that the defend ant is a man of immense wealth, con sigting principally of stocks and bonde. The rlnl'nwisg' denies, in his answer, that he is worth more than $25,000, Raoul seems to be optimistic as to the outcome of the suit when tried Wednesday, while Mrs, Raoul and her attorneys are confident she will re celve a divorce and permanent ali mony. Mrs. Raoul last summer was granted temporary alimony of S6O per month, BShe 18 asking for a much iarger allowance as permanent ali mony, Mrs. Raoul is a sister of Mrs, Flor ence Wadley Coleman, of Macon, and it is probable Mrs. Coleman will ar rive in Millen late to-day or tn-mnr row. She was here while the suit was in progress lasgt summer. The Wadley family hag been one of the leading ones, soclally and financially, in this section of the State, Several of the Wadley boys, brothers of Mrs. Raoul, reside in this county now, near Herndon, Raoul keeps bachelor's hall on the second story of the Lane Buillding here, He appears to be a very busy man, and Is very fond of football, baseball and other sports. While In the East recently he purchased a fine boat, which will be brought to Sa vannah at an early date, Raoul, who is an ardent Socialist, attegded manv socialistic functions while in the East. Raoul and Mrs Raoul lived together about five months after their romantic elopement and marriage. At the time of the mar riage Mrs. Raoul was 18 years old and Raoul was 43. | Publisher’s Slayer In Federal Prison George B, Perking, of Boston, Mass,, slayer of F. W, R. Hinman, business manager of The Jacksonville Times- Union, Tuesday was in the Federal prison, having been brought here fol lowing his conviction at Florence, S, ', where his second trial resulted in u three-year sentence for man slaughter, Mr. Hinman was killed in Novem ber, 1914, aboard the Clyde Line steamship Mohawk, the shooting oc curring at sea. Captain Ingram, of the ship, and C. Wright, a passenger, also were wounded by bullets. Perk ing' defense was that use of drugs had deranged his brain. In addition to “lenty of fresh air and gropor diet, those -ufloflng.from or who are predisposed to Tuberou losis are recommended to use Fek man's C-msnllvo to stop night sweats, banish fever and hasten re. covery. This medicine, by reason of its successful use during the past, warrants the fullest investigation possible by every sufferer. Eckman's Altor‘tm is _most eff). clent in bronchlal catarrh and se vere throat and lung affections, and ‘n upbuilding the system. It con tains no narcoties, nor harmful or hahihlormm‘ddrun. Accept no suh. stitutes. Sold by all Jacobs' drug stores and other ludlnunufl-u Write to the Eckman boratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for booklet telling of recoveries BT e T OFFICIAL CALL OF THE REGULAR GEORGIA | ] REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE , FOR CONVENTION IN MACON APRIL 12, 1916 i " Macon, Ga.,, March 10, 1916, | To the Electors of the State of Georgia: In accordance with long established custom, and in obedience to instructions contained in the call of the Republican National Committee, issued from the city of Washington, December 14, 1915, a Republican State Convention is hereby called to meet in the city of Macon, Georgia, in the Auditorium, on Wednesday, 12 noon, of the 12th day of April, 1918, for the purpose of electing four delegates and four alternate delegates at large to the Republican National Convention, to be held In the city of Chicago, Hi, June 7, 1916, and for the reorganization of the Republican party in sald State, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention hareby called. All electors of the State of Georgla, “without regard to past political affiliations, and who believe in the principles of the Republican party, and Indorse ite policies,” are cordially invited to unite under the call in the election of delegates and alternate delegates to the convention hereby called. Each county shall be entitied to twice the number of delegates that It has representatives In the lower house of the General Assembly. | County conventions for the selection of delegates to the District and State Convention shall be held at the county seat under calis issued by ‘luthorlty of the Republican county committee of the several respective counties, and only after Mfteen days’ written or printed notice. posted at the Courthouse door or other public place, or places, or by advertisement In any newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in the several respective counties. In a county where there Is no Republican county committee, the chairman of the Republican State Central Committee shail appoint a man to make the call, and to make said publication or give the notice. | All delegates and alternate delegates to the State Convention to be held under this call, shall be elected at mass meetings, primaries or conventions. The district committees shall give thirty days' notice of the time and place of holding the several district conventions for the purpose of elect ing & delegate and an alternate to said National Convention, except in the Seventh District, where the District Convention will elect two delegates and two alternates to said National Convention. All notices of contests should any occur, must be submitted In writing to the chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, on or before noon of April 10, 1918, In a Congressional District where there is no Republican Congres sional Committee, the chairman of the State Central Committee shall appoint a man to issue the call for the Republican Congressional Districe Convention, and make publication thereof, as aforesaid, or give notice. All credentials of delegates and alternate delegates elected to the State Convention under this call, must be forwarded to the chairman of the Republican State Central Committee at Atlanta. Georgia, on or before noon, April 10, 1918 Done by order of the Republican State Central Committee in regular Session assembied, March 10, 1916, in the Auditorium at Macen. Georgia. W. H. JOHNSON, Chairman. 1 Attest: SOL C. JOHNSON, Becretary Up Lamet: DO Wit - DupLey- GLAS OME people rave that gaso- S line Is going higher. Not me! Some cuss John D. for being mean And threaten dire 4 Revenge. Not me! Some people say that ruin stares Them in the face. Not me! One makes a howl, another swears » It's a disgrace. Not me! I care no whit where gas may go, Up or down, Not me! I use the trolley when 1 go F'rom home to town. s That's me! 3 I never owned a speed machine, I haven't any gloves to clean, I don’t care a hang for gasoline, Let 'er climb! Macon divine complains that city doesn’t observe Lent. But citizens thereof gay the closing of the beer saloons has made sack cloth, ashes and vegetarian diet Jook like a Sardanapulan saturna lia beside the reality. 5 Pitisburg man drank four quarts of whisky in seven hours. If he tries to put on the stunt in Atlanta after May 1 he will haye to do it in two installments u{d in different months. One reason to hope the vetun tears won't be called to Mexico is the new crop of generals and colonels which would follow. We have still a plenty of the Spanish ADVERTISEMENT. . About nine years ago 1 had Rheu matism so bad that [ was in bed for siX weeks. 1 was not able to raise my head to take a drink of water, 1 was unable to move my hands or feet, and my back would hurt me so that words could not téll what I suffered. 1 saw Dr. Kilmer & Company's advertiso 'ment of Swamp-Root and | decided to try it, and commenced to Improve with the first bottle, [ continued on with the use of SBwamp-Root until 1 was restored to good health. 1 am now 67 years of age, and I do my own housework for four in the family; also I do my own washing. [ have not been troubled with the Rheumatism for the last eight years, | cheerfully recommend Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root to others, as 1 believe it saved myv life, ' Very truly yours, Mrs. EMMA A BOGGS, ‘ 1000 N, 9th SBt. Independence, Kans, State of Kansas, } . County of Montgomery. [ ¥ Before me, C. L. Jukes, a Notary Public in and for sald County and State, personally appeared Emma A, Boggs, to me known to be the iden tical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument of writing, and acknowledged to me that she ex. ecuted the same as her free and vol untary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. In testimony whereof | have here unto set my hand and . fixed my No tarial Seal the ‘ay and year above mentioned. C. L. JUKES, Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kiimer & Co., Binghamton, N, Y. Prove WhatSwamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & o, Binghamton, N. Y, for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable Information, telling about the kidnoys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention The Atlanta Georgian. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. — Advertisement. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. ~ War vintage, Bishops of. the Episcopal Church congidering revision of the Ten Commandments, Thought most of them were hopelessly past revision, repair or resuscitation. If there's any doubt in the pub lic mind that the majority of Fulton folks own an automobile read the candidates’ ™ announce ments, Everyone rests his fu ture on a pledge for more good roads. As for me, I'm reserving my vote for the man who promises a paved boulevard for pedestrians only, Friends’ Club Being Formed by Rector For the purpose of organizing a “F'riends’ Club,” the men of St. Phil ip's Cathedral will meet at § o'clock Tuesday night. The gathering will be in the parish house. All maie parishioners are in vited. SIMPLE WAY T 0 GET RID OF BLACKHEADS There is one simple. safe and sure way that never falls 1o get wid of blackheads and that is to dissoire them . To do this get about iwo ounces of plain powder ed neroxin from any drugstore—sprinkle a little on a hot, wet sponge—rub over the blackheads brisk ly—-wash the parts and you will be surprised how the blackheads have disappeared. Big blackheads, little biackbeads, no matter where they are, simply dis solve and disappear, leaving the parts without any }murk whatever. Blackheads are ®mply & mix zvuro of dust and didrt and secretions from the body that form in the pores of the skin. Pinching and squeesing only cause irritation, make large pores ilnd do not get them out after they become hard. The powdered neroxin and the water simply dis )noln the blackheads so they wiish right out leavs }lnl the pores free and clean and in their natural condition Anyone troubled with these unsightly blemishies should certainly 'ry this simple method. l . Adr. e ———————————————————————————————— e SPECIAL FOR TEN DAYS 2o\ SETOETEETH @ 300 '] BRIDGE WORK T K 7 at e rene, NEW YORK DENTAL OFFICES o 28'/, Peachtree Bt., Cor. Marietta, Over Elkin’s, | HOUSEFURNISHING HARDWARE e — SPECIAL PRICE CURTAIN STRETCHERS Do your curtains at home. No trouble at all if you use a King Curtain Stretcher They dry curtains without a kink or wrinkle. Look at lh‘l‘sv values - ‘ Nl s g ] 1h TH l i i. i i B . '; i ] i | : 1 ] it e éri'-'f-'m...h’flflll‘:{-- '."'i ’:'l' No. 66 CURTAIN STRETCHER. | Has 13-4. inch wide frame. Sta. tionary brass '{)ins 112 inches| apart. Size 6 feet by 12 feet. Regular Price ....... . ‘ This Sale ............... 98¢!| - s .o= . . B e s . L DISH DRAINER oYo ;,zfi_‘jv Kok gik ‘Qxfixfll"fil ‘;'f (R )1R O\ U "é | w%. TR ! A great time-saver and ronvcnivnool i washing dishes. | Size 12 by 18 inches. Made of galvan. | ized ivon with wire frame, Pgico 3100! MM Mop Wringer i ' ‘ o SL7S Jaaitor i, ........ 3088 KING HARD vg‘KfiE CO. l PEANUT CULTURE J | GROWS IN GEORGIA ] Bulletins Sent Out to Farmers Interested Through Building of Oil Mills. Believing that the erection of three new mills in South Georgia for the crushing out of peanut oil as a sub stitute for olive oil betokens a rapid and enriching extension of the peanut industry, CUff C. Clay, Assistant Com misisoner of Agriculture, was busy Tuesday getting out a bulletin on peanut culture and its by-products. The new mills are at Blakely, Edi son and Dawson, while a former structure now is in operation at Ar lington. All of these are located in what is generaly Kknown as the “Wire (irass” section Mr. Clay's interest in the matter w* « / warTTe -\z\.% - voice 7% Trofieys Husky throats—dry, tickling throats —hoarse throats —all quickly re lieved by medicated Zymole Trokeys. Sweeten the breath—pleasant to the taste. Anydruggist—triple package containing three little pocket-sized boxes. Ask for Zymole Trokeys made by Frederick Stearns & Co., \5"2/ Detroit, U, 8. A. ‘.‘d I.‘ o — i;‘:;; e ;%fl“ .l 1 Y R YRR | P 418 I)ISHRE Pva. 2 ;a%m:sm%f& : F3B T IR CHT A B W ) No. 1 CURTAIN STRETCHER . Has 2 1-4-ineh wide frame, adjustable brass pins, and easel back. Regular Price . ... | i'l'his Sale ........ . $1.98 e ——————— " B g ———moomasee 'Special Sale of - LADD Ed '‘Mayon - . Naise . Mixers The best X'. | MAYOY aise | maker on vll '»-‘1:,7,’ ':”" i '(Q;\ ” for whipping T e price ree Ltsviarg] 19 I Quart » ;-‘_ reg ~Fgl - Lon $1.89 Lihis sale . . OLBS |Clothes Wringers A necessary X T - (5 for the '[_ l ! wion oSI home TE o a‘sl laundry | Plain Bearing $3.50, $4, $4.50 Ball Bearing. . .$6 and $5.50 was arouse.d by hundreds of letters of inquiry that came into the State De partment of Agriculture, all of them expressing a desire for information on the growing of peanuts, or ground nuts or goobers. As the department had no available literature on the subjecy he set abodt to collect accu rate and scientific information and all that he has gleaned will be incorpo rated in the bulletin now under prep aration. Experts state that South Georgia containg large areas especially adapt ible to peanuts, which enrich the ground, supply it with nitrogen and furnish a food for cattle and horses that is but little behind clover hay in its nourishing qualities. The best soil for their growth is a gray surfaqe stratum on an rangeburg subsoil, this land not being as suitable for cotton as is what is commonly known as “Norfolk land.” | R G S S it e t—————————— —— F REE koo Wonderful opportunities in South for energetic farmers. Cheap lands awaiting development. Two and three crops a yvear No long, cold winters, Excellent climate WRITE TO-DAY:: i i tation, water, health. Great cotton, eorn, oats, hay. cattle, dairy, orange, grapefruit, market garden country. Free information furnished by The Southern Lanc Bureay of THE GEORGIAN-AMERICAN, ATLANTA. @A, e ———— e | Thousands of men and women suffer feom | headaches every day, other thousands have | bheadaches every week or every month and | #tiß others have headaches occasionally, but | not at regular intervals, The best Doctor is | often unable to find the cause of many of | these headaches, and in most other cases, | knowing the cause, he does not know what | will remove it, 80 as to give a permanent | cure. Allhe can do is to prescribe the usual i pain relievers, which give temporary rekef, | but the headache seturns as usual, and | treatment is again necenlrz. 1f you sufter ' from headaches,nomatter what their nature, | take anti-kamnia tablets. and the results will | be satistactory in the highest degree. You | can obtain them at all druggists in any | quantity, 10c worth, 25¢c worth or more. Ask | sor A-K Tablets. | ®ick-headache, the most miserable of ali | smicknebses, loses its terrors when A-K Bab { lets are taken. When you feel an attack | coming on take two tablets, and in meny | cases, the attack will be warded off. During | an attack take one A-K Tablet every two | hours. The rest and comfort which follow, | can be obtained in no other way. | Genuwine A-K Tablets bear the A mon | ogram. At all druggists. { s [ e —————————————————————————————————————— | { 1 Qils Soothe | Skin Disease | Oil of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine dnd other healing ingredients compounded In proper proportion into the D. D. D. | Prescription has now become the universal favorite of skin sufferers in relieving skin disease. It is a mild wash that penetrates the pores and gives instant rellef from all y burming and Mrhlng. It kills and washes off the gnawing diseaie germs and its :mo(hin‘ oils quickly heal the inflamed ISBues, Druggists are glad to recommend this soothing, cooling lquid, 25e¢, 50c and SI.OO, Come to us and we will tell you more abont this remarkable remedy. Your money bhack unless the first bottls relieves you. D. D. D). Boap keeps your skin healthy, Ask about it. | , For 15 Years i @ ® ¢ the Stanuard | erassescas s ammarass SKlin Remedy l Jacobs’ Pharmacy. —————————————————————————— Don' t'} i,f 4 w 2oL 'Jke ] — e o e ooy eRL = | u 3 ‘3! ’,’%Q o fer- A i milk? 5 You can mk it good as mother used to and with far less trouble, if vou but use a Dazey Glass Churn. POINE MDD ..c.cvohios. D2OO A ... i R TOINt 0000 . ........... 830 PRI srinii..os OO e AT s Va ) / \ Y Paaast I ;{j "‘ e ,--‘,,gr Ay . Y P — o _.-‘.“s‘ - | W + In.!mvl\ ‘.\ very fine hand-power machine Runs with almost no effort. Cuts the ‘time necessary for washing in two and takes only one-fourth of the labor Price .. it -E L T N S Police Searching For Missing Dentist The police T;:‘;_l-]:.—l_\—\\f‘l"(' searching for Dr. Sam White, formerly a dentist (LT L T I i i|H T il Ll ik il I‘!l! il '”mfffifi ili I‘W i ‘“n. I !lil e ' |‘|' i \ LR e - |lH';l]i;‘]!,m;i oot el I"i”' ‘,;1!?{ ! ;.‘!]lf:;;wli!;zuif,sf;,;n.: 3-.#321%?% whortentn .:;|| M i]l (il o — ; el ' H I i.’l“i'gli( Foods prepared with Cottolene have their natural §l | 'l ‘ !i!{ flavor and goodness. Whether you use it for short- || i‘;g {lllll} ening or for frying, Cottolene will always produce f| ivy ) the most pleasing results. It is unequaled for H . "'_4'3. “§ making biscuits, pies, pastries and.other foods that il VM f require shortening. Fish and vegetables fried in i '“H' Cottolene are wholesome and delicious. ; | tHH lt m‘,]l,? Make your cooking more tempting by using Cottolene every §| ;“‘ {i I,\' day. Get regular supplies of your grocer. It is packed in §! | @REIEE, § pails of convenient sizes. | ’ {‘J* R FAIR BAN K ZBRFART) Ao e | Szt ''Cottolene makes good cooking better'! M. RICH & BROS. CO This Is Dress-Up Week! What could be more in keeping with the Dress- Up Spirit— more welcome than this important - Sale of New Siik Dresses at $19.75! Just Onie Hundred of Them— to SSO FROCKS. See Tonight’s Journal or Tomorrow’s Constitution For Full Details , Tomorrow! Wash Goods Sale HOUSANDS of Atlanta women look forward to T this sale, and plan their spring sewing according ly. They know that this once-a-year event 18 their opportunity to secure the kinds of white and col ored wash goods they want for spring and summer at the LOWEST PRICES /JOF THE YEAR. Our Eighteenth Annual Sale n( Wash Goods brings these I9c to $1 Fabrics at 14c Yard —lQc Whate Flaxon; 38-inch. ..........14¢ —2s¢ Figured Flaxon; 34-inch .........Idc —2s¢c White Voile; 40-nch.............1dc —2s¢ Bourette Striped Crepe; 40-mnch .. ..14¢ —l9c White Sheerline: 40-inch . .. . .. ... .14¢ —l9c Checked Dimity; 38-mch .. ......Idec —2oc Wihite Pajama Checks; 36-inch. .. .14¢ pig .3:55’13’2;7@?7(77&7;"?8-/”(/: L% gotaN's OO —2s¢ Shadow Voile; 40-inck ........:...Id¢ —2s¢ and 35¢ Novelty White Vaile . .. Ide —l9c and 25¢ Plisse Crepe; 30-inch .. ... . Idec —2s¢ Mercerized Pongee; 28-nch .. ... . Ide¢ —l9c Wide-wale White Pique: 28-inch. . . Idc —2s¢ Ottoman Cord: 28-inch . ... .......Idc —2o¢ Rich’s Middy Twill: 36-mch. . ... Ide —2s¢ Dotted Swiss; 40-inch . .......... Idc 25¢c White Devonshire Cloth; 32-inch. .. Ide 20c White Shirting Madras; 32-inch. .. Ide " —2s¢ Seaside Suiting: 36-mch ... ... ... Idc ~l9c to 25¢ Striped Madras .. .. ... ... Idc —l9c to 25¢ Faney Ginghams ... . ... . ... Idc 25¢ Renfrew Devonshire Cloth. ... .. .. Ade —l9c Kimono Crepes; 30-inch ... .. ... .. Id¢ ~l9c Plain Colored Plisse Crepe. . .. . ... Ide —l9c and 25¢ Figured Plisse Crepe ... .. . Ide -—;_'{»r‘ Mercerized Foulard: 28-inch. . iy s —2s¢ Mercerized Shantung . . . .. ... ... Ide - :,’(/}‘— Rambow Striped Stlk .. ... . ... el —2s¢ Brocaded Silk Mull .. .. .. .........14¢ —3s¢ Satin Striped Vorle .-« o Tde —2s¢ Fancy French Varle. . .. .......... Idc —so¢ Plamn Silk and Cotton Grepe . . voot 280 —3s¢ Brocaded STk Suiting .- Tde —so¢c Woven Striped Crepe . ... ........I4c —soc to $1 Plain French Crepe. ... .. .ide —2s¢ Soisette (brown or tan). ... ..... .. Idc — 31 French Susting; 45-inch.. ... .......Ide —~2s¢ Striped Gabardine; 36-inch. ... ... Ide — 35¢ Floral Crepe: 28-inch. .. ok . Ide —soc English Woven Striped Voile.. . ... .14 MORE THAN TWENTY.FIVE THOUSAND YARDS of material are offered in this sale. The quantity involved is larger than ever before. In view of existing conditions, we look upon this as the GREATEST 14c SALE OF WASH GOODS THAT WE HAVE EVER HELD! NOTE--Twenly-five extra salespeople have been employed for the day. —lO GOOH SOCHOn <M AN PSO/ em———— FUkSDAY, MARCH 14, IYiv. of Port Arthur, Texas, whose father in Greensboro, N. (~ is dying and wants to see his son. A letter from K. Waheed, a cousin of White, asked that anyone learning the whereabouts of the dentist com municate with him at Greensboro, No. 204 East McCollough street.