Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, January 11, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ATLANTA, GA - ey v L. 1 by - s B e P B Mra Annle M. Karwisch, who was igned by her hushand, J. M. Kar *:f R, president of the Karwisch d,g.con Works and prominent ciub EEAN, In & dramatic statement Wed ' day In Judge W. D. Ellis' division FEE Superior Court in the hearing of ‘.,; I#F Buit for allmony, was expected to I gake the witness stand Thursday to site the charges of the husband £ Attorney Jerome Simmons, who, BANith Attorney Ronald Ransom, rep i'..ems Mrs. Karwisch, said he also puld introduce - George B. Powell, ;wlhy Buckhead landowner, who, & she husband declared, had an “affair’ “&1» Mrs. Karwisch. The husband pught the name of Powell into the felmaes when he told his remarkable ERory of how he had peered through gßthe kevhole in a door in his hand {'i jame Roswell road home and saw Bmis wife and Powell in an embrace, ‘_;!Vh«n Judge FEllis convened court F the day’'s session, Karwisch an gbunced that he had several more matnesses bearing on his story, § Wil Be Revealed Next Week. ' § Anaemle, Bloodless, Thin Peo. ple Watch for it, e w EN . Yo h I - U who ‘ - Bire casty L i £ Mre pale, hag- e ! Bacrd ana 2 - - WOrn. nervous g e ' .8 ;. irritable, : | are sub- A 3 : . gect to Ats of L ' Emelancholy or . 4 | i Bhe ‘olues” R oty | ’ . §et your vlood i | - ®xaminea for ¥ o Bfon aenci- ¥\ ‘ on W b WUXATED > ' SRON taken h times a 7. ‘ugl“ e ' e Will increase your streng ‘ RORrAnce 200 per cent in (we u?;’ ! N many cases —Ferdinudt King, | ’ffi UXKATED imow ‘ \ be obtained from e i % fi.u"am ot or money to- | L Usuaily pres \ five . “ hiee 4 m.."“-:.1'.:. | L JACOBS' PHARMACY. | 35 R R ReP S S R sLR i S Held as Thiet Who Raided The police Thursday were fairly certain they held the meanest man in town. Not only had he robbed three At lanta churches, alleged Detective Starnes, but while robbing a Catho lic ehurch In Athens he had taken the robe of a priest who was kneeling in prayer, and had threatened his lifu with a razor. ’ The alleged robber is a negro, and gave the name of Corrie Davis. De tective Starnes says he recovered the priest’'s robe from the negro. He is accused here of breaking Into the Park Street Methodist Church, in West End; a Catholic chureh in West Ind, and the Immaculate Conception ("hurch, at the corner of Central ave nue and Hunter street, The police say he also stole communion sets and other such articles of value. A further investigation s being made of Corrie, | oty Would Break Out With Pimples. Itching and Burning Awful. Could not Rest Either Day or Night. Cuticura Heals. Cost sl. ‘For five years | suffered with ecze ma on my face. It would first break out with pimples which festered and dis -2= charged, then formed a “/q}." crust all over my face and f7z scaled off, 31)J1my face ¢e @ wasdisfigured. The itch im' ,0 ing and burning sensation )\ ~+/ was awfui. | could not ) rest day or night. /v) ““Nothing gave per- Rk, manent relief until I used “~ Y/ 7 Cuticura Soap and Oint. ment. lused one box of Ointment and two bars of Soap when | was healed.* (Signed) Miss Alma Brown, R.F.D. 3, Kennesaw, Ga., July 10, 1916, Not only are these super creamy em- Hients wonderfully effec tivein eczemas, rashes, pimples, dandruff, and baby skin troubles, but once the skin is clear, the scalp clean, they keep them so if used for m?\cr purposes For Free Sample Each bé Return Mail address post-card: *4 uticura, Dept. H, Boston.” Sold everywhere. “ CHENEY'’S N aid M EXPECTORANT Cures ughs, ds, relleves irritation ihe throst froma coughing, loosens the membrane, Cures Croup, Rromehitls ‘nA’H rn'hh--’, Hacking « ongh Allays the sirangling In Whooping Cough e . drug . oren A dvertise ment A AARARRRRRRRRRRINDRIRNNNN I~ ’ s e G forial - : R N e ~f:’ ™ : e“"-}'"; - ="‘? } ‘&@\ ,‘" L& g d ¥ "1 HWE 1 A L \}“ E & ’ | g By Lovis JosEr pre™ B ¥ h o 5 x,\ > AT % o LSRN . wnWoman in America s o\ 5 ed. Best Kno sy T\ he 7e. ssed., r‘ e e 2 T ’*'t?:'w’v‘ SSh- *n ‘\k » “p. tj - u‘b ,;”’ c& e b .i‘; : 25 '»'&Q" N . . l httninfi. Up,hfnngi ’‘ o .«::,&* .fi' % ‘ o _:‘*3?;(‘ u»‘,!,. Q%\ ¥ "\\Q %\ ‘ g D TII'S r'(-mark:lhlf sc?a‘ l:, c(;:lc ghcarts of everyone, X ‘6‘},,; b Rou i KT g ,\g teaching a|lr:.~"sm(li CAO;:cntllff daring and danges L LI %Sl St 1B Wit Vi Tl ? : : zard, ac y- U . pEEY *.Xv”’ o}‘ i FTHRURNR { :{"i rTE :\, and \tlnll “ld;:k(“?t,: series of continual thrills and as -4 T A ARN e R A\ LT N enough to m . '- ) }’fi I 0 e 1 ‘;? B 5 ishing events : b S Pt ifi’ v " j“",;i;‘f«;‘ el il oy ,DRe S e tonis lung eS. ‘ : ideal the Amcncan “- . ‘Mfl’* e" ¥ \xi;{ a.»?:& N y“*“ihh .53 %{ \ ‘;?':"5 % &’"‘ A 3\l!’s. \'crnnn ( astlc fulfilq C\C-rzv I:]:hc has, dan(‘cd.— M- ‘ . Aty P& ¢ i ?&5 : VAR ‘ B üblic has formed of hg-_r, She acts Il ! E additi(m --“t v ““x". $* - t{‘."‘ Bik i L "v' ’}‘ s = e S PSB Cr] 'lna'ltv a"d (‘h;‘r‘lctcr_ ! —i 4 1 X e .14 :i \ Sixh Ble, grace, o kti latmosphere of true and staunch Py - ¢Lg % $ kot “'«ijv .;S 2 . ntia spl 3 e, " . PR Bfe Rl ‘. %‘. :i o she imparts an esse hich she is 2s well silted s any T S s #Q“‘v ,f:” PR Wi oSR B T :‘\‘ 2 Americanism for w luch § L a "‘:,13 i dRPNe ii 3 "I: mi woman in the country. »ws another, you o o has o 7 o ;W i Lol Ly A S ; Snggtg Ry v !@i As one gripping event closely fnllt)}\l an ’ = :IR AR fLas -»b . 2 oo g|¢ ™ . Ise, engrossing in the extre N CAs- LTSS odIBTS&TRg NS URO PN find a continual surprise, := i R§. VERNO : oe . . g’j RPN e b Taat -AR ';“‘\\" a 6 4 ml beyond the conception of imagination. ME, dainty and fragile L. o T * ,z »& Q A ‘;:1 1"‘;;; X, v._ vg‘ btw by |.3 ,* anc e s Amcri(‘an (hrnugh _and thrryugh-‘ o lfe, e’” ach .% i 3 o 2 ¢ i Bse ST W&~ _ s - atna “astle excels herself in this pmductm_n 0 situation in *‘Patria” person -5 j B G :oFof, (N \ 5 Mrs. Vernon sg | the wondertul American ally. In every thrilling es e ki;* g Rfi . "{*“’“; Y & i ykg rich settings, lay l;‘lmf.T; :r'::; at your favorite theatre. capade of the heroine, Mrs. .= B AAY gy M ' s{’ highting spirit. 'sc'c'lllvasl'\'l'»,\\' AMERICAN. Castle is always seen, never ; ¥ "Ba &) "% i _il :'%: 4 é Read the story in THE SUND. relying upon a** double. -iPY\gfb2 Ng™- '{ Released by Produced by k. 3.Ly« RN ' g Ay )24 . : 4 g wk‘ 23 & v 7\ WRV RS WHARTON, Inec. VAT o b o P PATHE - ‘: ' v - 4AT by }. i - eRN ’ \ . | — iw NN ot ’ - l 0 N L G INTERNAT A \V‘y sty | (By International News Service.) WASHIRGTON, Jan. 11.—~Whether there will be further Investigation of the now famous peace note “leak” will GREY-HAIRED AT 27 I Ari One of Many Living Examples Thet Grey Hair Can De Restored to Naural Colour and Beauty. | SEND YOU THE PROOF FREE, Jet me send you full information that will enable you to restore your Grey Hair to the natural colour and beauty of youth, no matter what your T M 0 o 1 the cause of your greyness ot N 1L is not & dye nor & staln. Its PR A effects commence after four (s B\ daya’ use ¥ 1 am & woman who be v \ €Ame prematurely grey \ and old-looking at 27, Bl bLut through a sclentifie N P friend I found an easy 3 method which actually ’ % ’d restored my halr to the sAP ARNE| natural colour of girlhood ,i{ In « surprisingly short r’ tme. And so I have ar ? e / ranged to give full in T3@ Atructions abmolutely free ¥, e of charge to any reader of 0 “‘w' this paper who wishes to re “ b ;’/’ wtore the natural shade of youth -« to any grey, bleached or faded hair without the use of any grewsy, sticky or in jurious dyes orxulnl, and without detection I rlfll" succeas matter how many things have alled, Perfect success with both sexes and all Ages. Bo cut out the coupon below and send me your Dame and address (stating whether Mr., Mrs. or Miss) and enclose two-cent stamp for return post age and | will send {uu full particulars that will make it unnecessary for you to ever have a Qrey halr again. Address Mrs. Mary K. Chapman, Apt. 471 N. Grosvenor Bidg., Providence, R. I T"ls nEE cou'o' entities any reader of The Atlanta Georglan - American to receive free of charge Mrs. Chapman’s complete instructions to restore grey hair to natural colour and beauty of youth. Cut tis off and pin W your letter, Good for imme diste use only: :‘cem -um[- for postage re ulred, Address Mrs. Mary E. Chapman, Apt. ’7l, N. Grosvenor Bldg., Providence, R. 1. BPECIAL NOTICE: Every reader of this paper, man of woman, who wishes to be without grey halr for the rest of thelr life i e%'hed o accept ahove liberal offer at once. Mr. Chapman’s high stand- Ing proves the sincerity of her offer. e N T 0 A‘M- ' .‘ r ‘ \":'{'Efii!i'fi??‘:"’{\m?fiqu T At » [m{/’[%fi%lépjg 54;5: «'Wmit“l]‘iwl:?xm !U‘ '-. it gi’ ifl fi‘ e OB[WAHO/V//MIA)}/CM if L A i"’ A, ls. m% ViETO :i‘ Q{fili{xfi!u@] : !ln.m!lhmmg[}yfzr I ~ ALIE?JE’S’E-LmHY(o & Avceou } Tlp't WMILHJ;"‘ PO Bty '%:flL ‘ ArJcksONVILE (7 3321 S | i s e ;;lm S The Right Way - —THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. be decided today. The Riles commit tee will vote on a rdeolution by Representative Campbe§, of Kan sas, Republican, which alithorizes the Speaker of the House appoint a committee of five to ascé4rtain wheth er anyone connected withh Congress or the executive end of th 4 Government profited by the “leak” in ‘)Vau Street’'s g v N Atlanta Conservatory of Music The Foremost Bchool of Fine Arts in the South. l Advantages Equal to Those Found Anywhere. Students May Enter at Any Time. GEORG FR. LINDNER . . . . . Director. Peachtree and Broad Streets. Atlanta, Georgia. kgt b i et S ey Fiomeotinisdttee vl it s eot LD R 5 q‘fi;‘ = N A = N— == WSS ‘@ S ‘) MAKES Q e : Vi)icE BTN AV Er IRERF A 4 A W o 7 ’/'%," 7et i ! R RLE orth o Whiie | e | fl Breakfast is more than | ‘i; j}l;St a matter of habit in homes where Maxwell || | House Coffee is served. For this splendid beverage ’ ‘ il lends a pleasant, bracing zest to the morning meal, ( i | MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE | ,;! It is a better coffee in every respect. It is a perfect { ll blendof the choicest varieties—pure and uniformin | 'i!' quality. Just &y Maxwell House. In sealed tins—whole, [ !‘j ground (steel cut) or pulverized —at all good grocers, | ’g CHEEK-NEAL COFFEE COMPANY ? it Nashville—Houston—Jacksonville—Richmond ,‘ l" You'll find distinctive goodness in Maxwell House Tea, too I bear raid, A compromise may be agreed "upon, It was said by some members, if this resolution is not adopted. Republican members of the committee declared today they believe the resolution broad enough to force Thomas W. Lawson to give the names of the members of Congress, Cabinet officer and other high official whom he de clared flgure(f in the “leak” transac tions, or to “show him up” if he has not competent evidence of official| participation in the “Jeak” and its profits. Although there is no likelihood utl i Lot Lo o s Ty DR o ---m—»-;‘\‘*;/_‘:— ] o M i-AN R e !I, | . e BT @l Lgl 3R Te B R S R oy |B| ST TYIG ] oy || ill— . ‘u-! ‘ &0 ET—‘H/MJ!:!—_"—‘-!'— HI iy Z 1 M \.‘l./ %g S e B ‘" : "W AL R e |IL e R NS M N A R~ / i;r;"‘ \“‘ 2 ‘i T ', i,zfi 7 ey r-‘n“\\\ B 5 Lo N S 77, 7/ R AR . /,/’/// ! % e \ . - Ky "4 HEN you transact business in this ‘x 7 lobby, you have the feeling of com fort and freedom which only ample @@® | Sbaciousness ean give. S Roominess, light, ventilation, _ and convenient arrangement, all contribute to make these surroundings ideal. An ample corps of tellers and employees is prepared to handle your business not only effi ciently, but with the least possiblé tax on your time, ' This element of CONVENTENCE is one of the many reasons why our deposits have in creased $3,000,000 during the past twelve months. : Marietta at Broad Total Resources $11.500.000 'immedi&te consideration of contempt proceedings against Lawson, the sub ;commixtee. consisting of Representa tives Henry. Garrett and Campbell, today began consideration of the case. |(?omompt proceedings would be all THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917 the more complicated from the fact that the present Congress is drawing to a close and any contempt pro ceedings would have to be speedy, as 9 the intoming Congress would not have jurisdiction.