Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, January 27, 1918, Page 7H, Image 32

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I N OF THE QVTHLAN Waycross ‘ Pe—— ISS MAGDALENA TZLAR is thol guest of Mrs. Frank Owens in Atlanta. | Mrs. C. F. Jeffers and little grandson, rthur Hack, Jr., are spending a few ays with Mrs. E. L. Stepgens in unswick. Mrs. W. M. Swindle is visiting rel atives in Jesup. | Mrs. Edmund Beaulac, of Washing ton, D. C., is visiting Mrs. L. L. Sin lair. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Berry, of Har risburg, 11, are spending some time RQN with relatives, havinf been called eére on account of the illness of their slaughter, Mrs. John Sharpe. Mrs. J. N. Jackson, of Milltown, was the guest o Mr. and Mrs. C. W. An ferson Wednesday. Miss Virginia Patterson, of Bruns glck. is sflendlng a few days with Miss essie Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lang have re turned from a visit to friends in Sa vannah. The Georgians met with Mrs. T. S, Blr]wleton Friday afternoon. ise Ellen Goodrich has returned from Newington, where she has been gpending some time with relatives. Mrs. 8. J. Stanton and daughter, Miss fiut&. are spending a few days in At nta. Miss Lila Callaway spent the week end with relatives in Washington, Mrs, John T. Watt is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Scarborough, at Tifton. Mrs. Martha Smith, who has been Ffi"l:,f her niece, Mrs. C. J. Paine, left ursday for Jacksonville, where she gfll spend some time before returning her home in South Carolina. The regular meeting of the Knlttirlll! Class was held at the home of Mrs. F. A. Bates Saturday afternoon. Miss Ellen Goodrich was the hostess {gr the Etre Gal Club Satruday morn § at her home. Miss Jl.ouise Henry will leave In a Lc:w days for Richmond, Va., where she i 1 spend several months with rela- Hves. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Garland ;mve re turned from a short visit to Jackson ville. Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. J. Pierca Fntertained the art pupils of Piedmont nstitute at her studio. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. G. E. McPheren, Nllris. E. J. Beaulac and Mrs. L. L. Sin clair. The regular meeting of the Lyman Hall Chapter, D. A. R., was held at the home of Mrs, C. A. Jackson Sat urday afternoon. \ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stubbs, of At lanta, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bunn. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gramling and Miss Irene Gramling have returned from a visit to friends in Jacksonville. Miss Agnes Neva McKinnon, of Fitz gerald, is the week-end guest of M. and Mrs. W. L. Hinson. Mrs, D. C. Fryer, of Galnesville, Fla., &n the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. U. ohnson. Mrs, Ernest Cason, of Perry Fla., is gpending some time here \ with rela tives. Friday evening Mrs. Essie Hoffman entertained a few friends informally at her home. Those present were Misses Gladys Sharpe, Susie Gooding, Aline rpophrs. Sallie Sharpe, Phoebe Gooding. anie Handley, Lillie Gooding, Kra Hil ton, Laura Sweet, Ida Hart, Sadie Bteele and Alma Hart, Mrs. Ada Hil ton, Mr. and Mrs. Chester, Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Finn, Ralph Brinson, Will Crosby, Clem Hardy, John Barnard John O'Stein, Howard Finn, Tom Craw. ley, Will Kirkland, Daily Thornton, Ben Thornton, Mr. Edenfield, J. E. Taylor and Will Swindle. Miss Minnie Lee Wood has returned g{‘lum a visit to relatives at Hartisville enn. f Mrs. Ao (. ¥ranks, of Folkston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore. After a short visit to friends here, hh's J. N. Strickland has, returned to er home in Mershon. Miss Marion Willlams has returned to her home in Blackshga}r, after a visit to M»s. Warren Lott. Li. tenant and Mrs, Paul McGee have returned to Macom; after a visit G- @ 3 ) P ~/‘0 \\m fl & f 7R B A > £ b 4 ¢ . ] IR, From Piles no matter how long or how bad—go to your druggist today and get a 60 cent box of .Pyramid Pile Treatment. It will give quick relief, and a single box often cures, A trial package mailed free in plain wrapper if you send us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 64 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, 'Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Treatment, in plain wrapper, BRRIR. s e N Blreet . ...... .00 0t SUUERRE IRy . i iuieseseena SOREE LS SRR It is strictly harmless and non-poison ous It does not contain one atom of coal tar products, lead, culPhur. “1" henns, nitrate of silver or:aclds. It dif fers from all others and marks a new, safe ern in hair color restorers. A mild, inert powder, which, when dis golved in water and applied to the halr,- makes a perfectly harmliess and efficient hair color restorer. It is as ou.-(g' to use, gléutnt and re treshing as a shampoo. The Qvelo Powder solution is applied to the bafr; then while the hair is damp with the solution, the color is evenly distributed and set with alum water and salt water rinses. It restores true, natural color that is Impossible to tell from youthful hair. It acts like magic. The alum water and satt water not only rvenly distribute and set -the color, but they are germicides that destroy all dan droff germs, sterilize, cleanse and stimu late the scalp. The Ovelo Powder gives the hair the desired shade of color, while the incidental treatment wiih alum water and salt water rinses makes the scalp free from dandruff and scurf, free from discoloration, clean and healthy. The hlgr stops fz .'ng out, takes on new growth. gels thich, stays fluffy, glosdy, clean . and (lel ']"“" y The Ovelo Powder treatment for gray or faded, lifeless hair is a wonderful dis covery. And, best of all, it is utterly barmless and gives the same good results for all-time. It's a joy forever. Anyone can have their hair a beautiful, natural color for the balance of life Full directions come with ead®™ Dbottle of Owelo Powder. It is put up in one strength only, which makes sgndon of hair from blonde to dark brown—no black shsde. Any druggist can easily get Ovelo Pow cer for yon if he happens to not have it in stock.-—Advertisement. of a few days to relatives and friend” here. Mrs. Charlotte Parker is visiting rel atives in Palatka, Fla. Mrs. G. 8, Mayme and Miss Hariet Mayme have returned to their home in gthens, after a visit to Mrs. D. Salis ury. 'Myra. W. M. Swindle and little Miss Vivian Cone have returned from Savan. nah, where they have been visiting rel atives. ‘ Mrs. Calvin W. Parker has returned from Kinderlou, where she was the guest of Mrs. J. K. Bibb. ‘ The Philharmonic Club met Wednes dia)‘; afternoon with Miss Ellen Good rich. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Thomas have re turned from a visit to relatives at Manchester. Mrs. T. L. Dupree has returned from a visit to friends in Brunswick. The pupils of the Hebardville School gave a concert at the school audito rium Friday evening. Mrs. “Lemuel Purdom has returned from a visit tc her sister, Mrs. M. J. Hopps, at Brunswick. Mrs. Harold Hardy gave a miscel laneous shower at her home Friday aft ernoon for Miss Kate Fesperman, a bride-elect. Mrs. C. H. Summerall is visiting rel atives at Ashburn. Before returning she will visit her husband at Camp Wheeler. Miss Hattie Hilton, who has been visiting friends In Mlfledgeville. has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry James have re turned from a visit to relatives at Pearson. Mrs. J. Franklin Ross, of Creensboro, N. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. A. ‘Brown. | o 0 os iAlbany. ‘ RS. JACOB VENTULETT enter : tained the Young Matrons' Bridge ‘ Club Tuesday afterncon. Prize for top score was awarded to Mra J. P. Champion. Thursday afternoon the regular meeting of the Dougherty County Chap ‘ter, U. D. C., was held. The roll call was answered with events concerning iGeneml Robert E. Lee. The program ‘included a vocal solo by Miss Marion legg. reading by Mrs. Byrd Odum, de 'seription of Arlington by Mrs. W. M. Legg, talk on General Lee by Dr. B, M. 1 Craig. | Tuesday evening Mrs. J. P. Cham pion was hostess to the Kinchafoonee ‘Brldfe Club at the Country Club. The ‘¥ent emen’'s prize was awarded to uudg: J. R. Pottle and the ladies’ prize I[o rs. J. R. Pottle. ‘ The Albany Chapter of W. C. T 1 observed a day of prayer and praise at ‘lhe Methodist Church Philathea room ' Thursday from 9:30 to 12. The service was in honor of mothers who have given sons to the different branches of the service. An attractive program was rendered. ~ The meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association of the Broad Street gram ‘mar school scheduled for Wednesday afternoon was postponed. ~ Mrs. John D. Pope, chairman of the ' wool committee of the local Red Cross, entertained several tables of bridge Saturday afternoon at her home on Pine atreet, the members of the wool committee constituting the guests. This I 8 the first of perhaps several affairs to be given by individual members of ‘the committee for the benefit of the cauge. Mrs. J. P. Champion was ‘awarded first prize for top score and Mrs. O, F. Tarver the consolation for low score. Mrs. C. R. Gleaton entertained a few tables of bridge at her home on Pine street in honor of Mrs. E. W. Pad. dison, a bride of the month. Prize for top score was awarded to Mrs. R. L. Jones and the honor guest was given a complimentary prize. The executive board of the Albany Woman's Club held a business meeting in the clubrooms at the Auditorium Tuesday forenoon. Friends in Albany have received cards announcing the marriage of Miss Ath- Jema Wooten to Corporal Jerome Wil liams, of the United States army, at Fayetteville, N. C., where the bride now resides. Mrs. Williams formerly resided here and is the daughter of Mrs. Julia Wooten. The bridegroom is stationed at Raleigh, N. C., as a re crultlngwgrflcer. Mrs. illlam Hale has returned from a visit of several weeks to friends and relatives in Cincinnati. Mrs. P. C. Townsend, of Atlanta, is spending some time in Albany, the guest of frlends. Mrs. Townsend once re sided here. ’ Mrs. W. C. Frippe has returned from Columbia, 8. C., where she visited for several weeks. Mrs. W. L. Davis has returned from Jacksonville,. Fla., where she went to enter her son, Willlam, in the Snyder Out-of-Doors School for Boys. Mrs. J. C. Kircher, of Santa Fe, N. Mex., is spending some time in the city, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Julia Ba con Osborn. Mrs. John MeCloud Heflin, of Ros well, N. Mex., is the guest for several weeks of her sister, Mrs. W. B, Haley. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Shackelford and Miss Elizabeth Shackelford have re turned from New York, where they spent (wo weeks visiting relatives. Mrs. F. K. Freeman and baby are vis. iting relatives at Monroe, Ga. Miss Myra Palin left Monday for Valdosta, where she will spend a few days the guest of Miss L.eonel Jones. Miss Eugenia Hardeman has returned from Blakely, where she spent a few dayvs. Miss Pearl McClung left Monday for Washington, . C., where she will make her future home. Mrs. Edwin Sterne has returned from ;}"l extended. visit to Hampton Springs a. - 3 Mrs. 8. D, Cocke, of Dawson, is spending several days here, the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. C. Barbre. y 3 3 iy ! RS. LEE CRITTENDEN,MANLEY s . was hostess at dinner Tuesday P “T.fl‘l‘gx in' honor of her father, John' H. Ste en& of Stevens Pottery. Invited to me¢et the guest of honor were Judge Lloyd gifleland. Judge W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., l’tun Seaton Grantland, Bdward C. ath, "J. P. Niehols, Benjamin B. Brown, J. C. Brooks, Charles H. Cone, of Atlanta; Robert F. Strickland, Hendley V. Kell and lee C. Manley. Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Manley enter tained Sunddy at dinner complimentary to thelr guests, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stevens, of Stevens Pottery, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles. H. Cone, of Atlanta. _ The Woman’s Club met 'fhunday aft ernoon at %Mme of the president, Mrs. Robert P. Shepard. Mrs. Benja min Brown read a paper on ‘‘Serbian Buccess Agdinst Austria,”” and the sub ject of Mrs, Lewis Beck’s paper was ““Teuton Drive and Destruction in Serbia.”” Current events were discussed by the club. ° . Mrs. Clay Faircloth entertained her bridge club “Tuesday afternoon, the guests of honor bel;\\: Migs Rossie Bell | Newton, Mrs. Alexander Campbell Long, Jr., of Shelbyville, Ky., the guest of her mother,,,%t's. Fred L. Durkee, and Mrs. Willard Irvine, of Fort Hancock, N.~J.; the gul 0! her mother, Mrs. William T. oft. Mrs. Joseph M. Thomas was hostess Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon at .?H bridge &&tles in compliment to - father, " J. Kincaid, at thelr ome on Eighth and Poplar streets. xn. Clarke Edwards enter tained &;;xflerncnn at a beautiful Yridge party, complimentary to Mrs. Thomas M. Mitchell, of Albany, the guest of Mrs. Jesse Turnipseed, and Mrs. Lake Banks Edwards. of Anniston, Ala., who is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Z. E. Jay. Mrs. James C. Fdwards was hostess Sundav at 4inner in honor of Mrs. Lake B. Edwards Judge and Mrs. Lloyd Cleveland and Allen Clevalard left Wednesday night for a two weeks’ stay in Roseland. Fla Miss Maude Smith, former domestic science teacher in the Griffin High Schnol, left last week for Cornell Uni versity. Ithaca. N. Y., where she will take a several weeks' course of study. HEARST'S SUNDAY AMERICAN . A Newspaper for People Who Think -— SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1918 She will go to Athens the first of July, where she will have charge of the poul ;r_v department of the Agricultural Col ege. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Balley enter tained Sunday at dinner in honor of their guest, Rev. Daniel F. Hoke, of An niston, Ala., former rector of St George's Episcopal Church and Mrs. Al fred H. Voorhees, of San Francisco, who is the guest of her brother, Seaton Grantland. Rev. Daniel F. Hoke was the honor guest at a dinner parlti' Monday, given by Mr. and Mrs. Osca® W, Sibley. Mrs, Charles H. Cone returned Wed nesday to'her home in Atlanfa, after a vigit of a few days to her sister, Mrs. Lee C. Manley. Mrs. Franklin Slb}e.\' has returned from Athens, where /she took a course of three weeks on the conservation of foods. Mrs, E. . McCoy, of Macon, is the gueat of her mother, Mrs. M. H, Bar am., Mrs. Claude H. Jones returned Thurs. day from a visit of several weeks to her mother, in Micanopy, Fla. Mrs. Whiteley Kincaid was hostess Tuesday at a spend-the-day party with Mrs. Seneca Sawtell as the honoree. Miss Martha Kendfick, librarian of Hawkes' Free Children's Library, re turned last week from a visit to friends in_ Atlanta. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Seneca Burr Sawtell had as their dinner guests Wednesday Mrs. Robert Redding, Mrs. Walter T. Ross of Thomasville; Fletcher A. Quillian and Augustus Redding, of Atianta, and Robert R. Sawtell. Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Garland were hosts at dinner Sunday, in compliment to their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nolan Baker, of Atlanta.. Miss Clara Edwards and Willlam M. Edwards entertained Division A, Mis sionary Society of the First Methodist Church‘ Friday evening, at the home of Mrs., W. P. leing. A musical and lit erary program was given. Miss Florrie Yarbrough " and Miss Lena Yarbrough were hostesses Thurs day evening at the home of Mrs, W, P. King, on South Hill street, for the Young Women’s Missionary Society of the First Methodigt Church. The sub %(e('t of the study class is Africa. Mrs. ing assisted the Misses Yarbrough in entertaining. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Scott entertained at dinner ,in honor of their daughter, Mrs. Willard Irvine, of Fort Hancock, N. J., who is their guest. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Murray entertained Sunday at dinner compM mentary to theil' guest for the week end. Lieutenant Richard A. Drake, Jr., ordance department, stationed at Spar tanburg, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteley Kincald were hosts at dinner Sunday in honor of W. J. Kincaid, Jr., a tutor in the navy department at Norfolk, Va. Charles Wolcott is the guest of Mr and Mrs. Powell C. Grover in Chicago. SOO Brunswick HE Brunswick Chapter of the D). A. l R. met Thursday at the residence of Mrs. H. M. Brandon, on Lon don street. The chapter decided to use the reserve fund in the treasury to purchase s4o¢ worth of Liberty bonds. Ten dollars was subscribed to the am bulance fund for the Red Cross. The nrp‘hnns of clotihng for the.French war ~i,h~ns was not shipped, as all the con trivutions were not in, but it was an nounced that the box would be ready for shipment by February 1, { Lieutenant Devoe Coney. of the avia tion corps, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. F. E. Coney for several days be fore embarking for service in France. _Miss Ruby Burns is the guest of rela tives in Tifton for several days. While there she is being pleasantly enter tained. Miss Guery Green, who has been spending some time in Columbia, 8. C., has returned home, Miss Katnerine O'Conner, who has been visiting friends and relatives at Palatka, Fla., has returned. Mrs. W. H. Boyd has returned to Americus, after spending some time with her mother. Mrs. W. A. Schoeppel, on_ Norwich street. The Kirmess to be given by Mrs. R. E. Moegling under the auspices of the “For Our Boys Club.” at the Grand Opera House Tuesday, February: 3. promises to be one of the biggest social events of the season. More than 200 children and grownups will take part in the dances. The Clement A. Evans Chapter of the 1. D. C., held their January meeting Monday afternoon with Mrs., A. L. Sterns. After the business session a program on ‘“The Life of Lee"” was car ried out. Miss Maria Blain read a pa per, after which refreshments were served. ) Mre. Albert Noyels and chrildren a;-a the guests of friends and relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. Henry Hirsch and children have returned from a visit to relatives in Chattanooga. Mrs. C. Bangs, of Atlanta, has arrived in the city o be with her husband, who {s connected with the Government work. Mrs. Boling Whitfield and Miss Maria Whitfield are spending several days in Jacksonvilla. = ~_Mrs. C. H. Shel Mon was hostess to the Neighbcrhood Club Thursday afierncon at her home on Union street. Mrs. L. A. Miller, of Bellepoint, is the guest of friends In the city. Miss Jannie Dart is spending several weeks with friends and relatives In Douglas. . ‘ Miss Julia Gould, who has heen the guests of friends In the city for several ’days. has returned to her home on St. Simon Tlsland. ‘ Mr. and Mre. W. H. Dyer, of Doug las, are visiting relatives In the city. | Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Brown, who had been spending some time with Mrs. S. H. Brow.a on Dartmouth street, return ed to their Feme in Valdosta Priday. A party spending the week-end as Mt. Pleasant as the guests of Represen - tative and Mrs. L. R. Akin were Misses Nell Akin, Mildred ILeavy. Leila and Alice Parker, Mrs. Ralph MeCrary, Towning Akir. M. Gilfilland, J. Huffham and Sidney Fleming. Fitzgeraid. RS. J. P. MANNING and little son have returned from Jacksonville, where they attended the wedding of her sister, Miss May Griffin, to Noah Edward McGinness. Miss Ella_ Killingsworth, of Fort Gaines. has been the guest of her sis ters, Mrs. Arthur Day and Mrs, Wil liam MecClendon. / Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Dorminey have en joyed a visit from their daughter, Mrs. James A. McGinness, and little son dur ln% the past week. he Frolickome Few Club gave a large party last Tuesday night, to which the young men were also Invited. The house decorations, the two-course luncheon, and the costumes of the handsome young ladies were more elab orate than usual. The hostess was Miss Lula Newman. The honor guest was Miss Pearl (George, and assisting the hostess were Misses Ola Mae Mar tin and Mary Eva Martin. Invited were Misses Madeline Davenport, Lacy Whit ley, Mavis Paulk, Hazel Jolley, Esther Osbhorne, Lula Smith, Dorothy Jones and Mrs. R. L. Hilliard; Messrs. Elmer Martin, Charles Coo Fer Roy Bragg. Willlam Hodge, Loufs Branch, James Mathis, Frank Smith, E. J. Clark, Theo ‘dore Justice, Frank Pryor, Ra;ipfv Ken nedy, Chester Strickland and Frank H. Hilllard. ‘ The brilliant weddln;aof Miss Mildred MeDonald to Clifton ulk in Douglas last Wednesday night was attended by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDonald, Mes dames Robert Fletcher and John Mur ray and William Bryan, also the little girls, Willie Mae, Fletcher and Eugenia McDonald, who were the flower girls. Msr. G. A. Helde spent the week-end with Mre. (. B. Gwynn, of Moultrie. Mr. and Mrs. H. Garber were week end guests of their parenfs, Mr. and Mrs. Willilam Feinberg, in Thomasvilie. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown enter tained on Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 7 p. m. in honor of the archdeaconry of- Albany. Invited were the members of the Episcopal Church and a few friends. ? g Miss Madge Paulk, 7of Nashville, Tenn.,, was the recent guest of Mrs, A. J. McDonald. Miss Kdna Willilams and Miss Louise Lyle, the recent guests of Mrs. Charles Isler, have returned to their homes 1n Florida. Mr. and Mrs. (. E. Brower gave an elaborate lurke{ dinner for their pas tor and a few friends on Wednesday. ' Mrs. A. H. Thurmond entertalned on Thursday afternoon, serving a three course luncheon. The guests were Mesdames John H. Mayes, Clayton .ay, L. L. Griner, R, J. Prentiss, J. M. Mc- Donald and Miss Funderburke. Mrs. G. W. Cole, of Atlanta, is vigit &ng relatives in the ecity. Tiss Lillan May Murray and Chester Burkhart were married in Ocilla on Sat urday evening. After a honeymoon trip in Florida they will return to Fitzgerald and be at home with Mr, and Mrs. N. A, Burkhart, Misses Bessie and Manola Bryant en tertained the senior section of the Ju ‘nior Epworth League with an elaborate party and mock wedding at thelr home on Friday evening. ‘ Miss Lucy Whitley entertained the Lucie Dahms, assisted by Mrs. Wright Mcßay. Three new members were Misses Sarah Farmer, Sarah McDonald and Gladys Holzendorf. \ o 0 { ‘ Columbus ' | RS. RHODES BROWNE and Mrs. (‘harlton Battle sponsored a benefit bridge ;iarty Tuesday afternoon at the Waverly Hotel. The affalr consisted of thirty-two tables, at which sat almost every woman of prominence in Columbus soclety.« The grillroom was decirated by Miss Susie Golden, her theme being a gnow-laden forest of pine and cedar. Many prizes were donated. The playing continued throughout the afternoon. Many con gratulations were poured upon the hostesses. In honor of Mrs. Roscoe Lummus, of Atlanta, who was the guest of Mrs. Frank Lummus at the party, a special table was arranged. Others at the table were Mrs, George Golden, ‘\l3( Cliff Tarver and Mrs. Drane Bul- OCK. Invitations to the wedding of Miss Edith Earle to Alden, an onsiqn in the naval reserve, to take place In Bryn Mawr, Pa., February 2, have been received by friends of the couple In Columbus. The bride-to-be and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Howard Earle, are frequent visitors here. The Ladies’ Memorial Assoclation 'of Columbus held a meeting Thursday in Lhe bivouac adjoining t’n courthouse ere. ~ Mrs. W. L. Riner, of Atlanta, who has been vlamnf her sister, Mrs. W. W, Riner, at Columbus, left Wednesday for West Point, where she will visit a few days before returning home, Mrs. Arthur Chenoweth, of Birming “ham, formerly Miss Fannie Iliges, of Columbus, arrived Tuesday for a short visit to her mother, Mrs, A. Illgea. Mrs. Frank Bridges and children left Wednesday for their home in Fort Bliss, Texas, after a visit of several weeks ‘with her mother, Mrs. Frank Billings. ~ Mrs. O. D. Hooper, who spent sev eral weeks in Charlotte, N. C., with her husband, a lieutenant at Fort Greene, 3retu|'ne;i here Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Porter Golden have ‘as their guest their ' daughter, Mrs. ‘Henry Smith, of Manchester, Ga., for a visit of several weeks. A musical event of the week was a recital by Miss Aubrey Amos in the Chase linnservatorif of Music here - Wednesday night. fes Amos was as sisted by Miss Mabel Morgan, soprano, and Miss Minnie Hatcher, reader. Among the visitors of the week here are Mrs. Robert Crawford and her daughter, Winnifred Moore Crawford. They are guests of Mrs. Crawford's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Easter Min. ter. Mrs. Crawford was the guest of honor at a bridge party at the Orpheus Club Tuesday. Prominent pastors of Columbus were the guests at supper Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dimon. Dr. and Mrs. Bo lon B. Cousins were guests of honor, as the dinner was given to welcome them to the eity. Dr. Cousins has come to take the pastorate of the First Baptist Church. Other guests weare Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnstone, Dr. and Mrs. L 8 McElroy, Rev. and Mrs. Alston Wragg and Dr. Carter. ' Auxiliary No. 1, of the Columbus League for War Service, recelved a let ter of thanks \Vednesdny from Adju tant Sellen at (‘um‘? Wheeler for a large package of knitted slumber socks the n}nmbers had sent 'to the camp hos pital. filghteen society women of Columbus —six from the l'{ed Cross Assoclation, six from the Federation of Women's Clubs and six from the Ec“xal Fran chise League-—volunteered their serv fces to the county fuel board to as sist In operating the card system of goal diatrlg(:xtion put in use here Thurs ay. The Theresa Griffin W. C, T. U, con ducted an all-day meeting of prayer for the national prohibition amendment in the First Bapt{st Church here Thurs day. A program, beginning at 10:30 o'clock and lasflnf‘ through the day wag observed. The women sup%lled their own fuel and lunch, bringing both with them. ; Miss Lella Slade, daughter of a prom inent Columbus attorney, returned Wednesday from Atlanta, where she had been in training for service as a Red Cross nurse for several months. The Columbus Chapter of the Red Cross entertained at a dance at the Country Club Friday night—the first since Christmas—and socle;'y people of Columbus motored out to the club in a continuous line. Miss Edwina Wood and Mrs. Rhodes Browne have been appolinted a commit tee from the Federation of Women's Clubs of Columbus to co-operate with the Romr{ Club in its drive for sale of the Smileage Books, which is to be gin Monday. A meeting of the Tadies’ Memorial Society was held Thursday morning. Americus ] ——— HIE Woman's Liigrary Club met with Mrs. Neon Buchanan Thurs day and resumed the study of Dickens. Mrs. C. l. Ansley discussed “Gad’'s HIill,” Mrs. C. M. }iale read a paper on *Cobham Park, ‘Rochester” was the subject of Mrs. Will Jones' pa per. “A Pilgrimage to Canterbury’ was delightfully rendered by Miss Ada F‘ln-‘ ley, Mrs. Paul Ellis related the story of “Once More at Gad's HIill” and “Dickens at Gad’s Hill’’ was the subject of an interesting talk by Mrs. W, H. C. Dudley. The g‘raduauon exercises of the train ing school of Americus Hospital were held this week at Carnegie Library. Dr.| H. B. Allen was master of ceremonies, and the chief speaker of the evening was Dr. D. B. Mayes. The graduates were Mrs. 3ethel McEachern, Miss Km ma Allen and Miss Lavada Plttman. Vocal seiections rendered during the ex ercises by Misses Elizabeth Ansley and Blanche Snider were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Hattie Warlick, of Atlanta, has returned home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Andrews at their home on Church street. . Mre. John Ogden is visiting her slgter, Mrs. T. S. Bush. Miss Anna Murray has returned from a visit to relatives and friends at Monte zZuma. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hoffman, who re side near Americus, announce the birth of a daughter. Mr. and M»s. L. D. Law have return ed from a visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. Charles D. Little has returned to her jome in Chattanooga, after a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sum merford, at their home near Americus. Mrs. J. A Hixon entertained the members of the Red Cross Bridge Club ‘at her homs on Lee street. Attractive ‘decorations were used and the game was played at four tables. The guests were Mrs. J. E. Mathis, Mrs. ). R. Andrews, ‘Mrs. J. 1. Buarks, Mrs. Tracy Cunning bam, Mrs. L. F: Grubbs, Mrs Ralston | Carglll, Mrs Stephen Pace, Mrs, W. R. lipscomb. Mrs. 8, H. McKee, Mrs, Klton ll"arkfir. Mrs. W. D. Moreland, Mrs. I K. Kalmon. Rirn. H. B. Alton and Miss Martha Wheatley Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Buchanan enter- tained at dinner this week in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Reese Horton, who have Just returned from their wedding trip The guests were Mr, and Mrs. Horton, Miss FEmmie Morgan, Homer Daniel, Miss Mitch Payne and W. L. Taylor. Mrs. E. C. Little, of Macon, is visit ing Mrs. G. H. Walker at her home on Church street. .. Cards have been received in Ameri cus announcing the marriage of Miss Callie Bell and Grover l‘lovefund Webb, at Forsyth. The ceremony was pers formed by Rev. R. L. Bivins, and Mr. and Mrs. Webb are now on their honey moon in Florida. The marriage was a surprise to hundreds of Americus friends, whaere both bride and groom en joyv a wide popularity, Mrs. Webb was visiting friends in Forsyth when it was decided to hasten the marriage, origi nally intended to occur at a later date On thelr return to Americus they will be at home to their friends with mr. and Mrs. Clff Williams at their College strect residence. Miss Melva Clark has returned from Culloden, Ga., where she was an ai tendant at the IHolmes-Woodall wed-l ding, a soclal event of last week in that place. [ Miss Margaret Wheatley entertained the members of her club this week nt’ her home on Lee street. Delicious sand wiches and chocolate constituted the re freshments served. Those present wore Misses Orlean Ansley, Mary Rose Brown, Mar ySue Chambliss [Elizabeth Harris, Pauline Broadhurst, Nellie worthy, Geraldire Page and Mary Alice Lingo. Mrs. . G. Young has returned to her home in Philadelphia after a visit to Miss Melva Clarke at her home on Jack son street. . Mrs. Lynn Fort has returned to her ‘home in Atlanta, after a visit to Mrs. ('larence Q. Niles. . Mrs. 8 R. Graves. of San Antonio, ‘Texas, is the guest of Mrs. Frank Cato. | Mr, and Mrs. Will €. Carter are now' at home in the Johnson apartments on Lea street. | | Miss Sara Tower has returned from a | visit to friends in Jacksonville, where' ‘shn was delightfully entertained. Mr.and Mrs. B, J. Willingham. of Mn-‘ con, wero guests of Mrs. C. M. Counail during a hrief visit to weflr-us this week. They are now 8 ding some time at resorts along the Fiorida East Coast, where they will spend the re mainder of the winter, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ferguson, of De Soto, visited friends in Americus this week. | Mr. and Mrs. Simon Cohen, of Jack sonville, Fla, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Guice nt their home here. < Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hooks, of Cobb, Ga.. visited friends In Americus this week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. D. 1. Howe have return ed to their home in Albany after a visit to Americus friends and relatives. ‘ Miss %thel ioward and Fred Graham were marrisd here Sunday evening at the pastorium of First Baptist Church. The vows were received by the Rev,‘ Alexis D, Kendricks in the presence of a few friends of the contracting parties. Miss Rugenia Colling was hostess to the members of the N. N. Club at her home on Furlow street. Light refresh ments were seived, and the decorations used were attractive ones, The guests were Misses Annie Ellie, Ruth Couneil, Mabel KEllis, Agnes Gatewcod, Mary Dudley and Mary Sheffield. | Mrs. Tracy Cunningham has returned from a visit to relatives at Oglethorne. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allen, of Ash burn, have returned home after a visit to friends In Americus, Mr. and Mrs. Franc Mangum have re turned after a visit to friends in Cordele. Mr. and Mrs. Luther H. Hawkins, of Columbia. 8. ~ are visiting the for mer's mothar, \{re. § H, Hawkins, at her home on Co!'vg2 street. Mrs. Jack Massev, of Macon, is the guest of Mrs. Shelton flarris during a visit of some time in Americus. Mra.Shelton Harefs entertained at auc tion Tuesday eveming in compliment to Mrs. Carr 8. Glover, a recent bride. The home was attractively decorated for the occasion, and the party, one of the larg est of the soclal season, was delightful. The game was played at twenty tables, and about 100 guests wero presented to the honoree. Mrs. H. W. Van Riper and Miss Jose phine Van Ruier are visiting rejatives in Savannah. Mrs. W. H. Hilton, «f Durant, Okla., after a visit of come tima in Americus, has gone to Savannah, where the will speng the remaialer of the winter with her son, W. I’. Hilton. The members ot‘ the Matrons' Club met Wednesdiy with Mrs. Lucius Mc- Clesky at her home on Harrold avenue. Attractive lacorations were used, and those present were Mrs. H. O. Joncs, Mrs. BEdgar shipp, Mrs. J. E. Hightow er, Mrs. T. O.,Marshall, Mrs. J. D Hooks, Mrs Chff Wiilllams, Mrs, Furlow Gatewood, Mrs. W. A. Dodson. Mrs. John R. Hugson, Mrs. R. C. Christlan, Mrs. H. B. Allen, Miss Sara Tower and Miss Louise Williford. Miss Amzle Daniel, who is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. Marvin Everett, was the honor guest at a pretty party given by har hostess this week. Forty two was the game played, and light re freshments were served. Miss Daniel will return to her home in Friendship next week . Mrs. Glover McGehee, of Rome, {s the guest of Mrs. Thomas Harrold at her home on College street, | Mrs. Robert B. dwards, of Knasas City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Barnett, at their home on Jackson ave nue. ) Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Harrold, Dr. and Mrs. C. €, Harrold and Misses Anna and Elizabeth Harrold have returned to Macon, aftes a visit to Mr. and Mrs, F, P. Harrold. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Council have re ,tnrned from a ten-day motor trip to » points in Florida. Mr. and IMs. Frane Mangum have re turned from a short visit to friends In Cordele, A LW Cochran RSB. MARY JARRELI, has re turned from an extended visit to relatives in Atlanta. Miss Martha Clark entertained the girls of the ninth and tenth grades at a sewing party Monday afternoon. Miss Drucilla Ferguson has returned home from Columbia University, where she has heen a student. The Rev. R. D. Hawkins and slster, Mrs. R. B, Ramsey, will leave in a few daye for a motor tr!{) to Miami, Fla, where they will be joined by Mr, Ram sev. The Young Women's Auxiliary of the Baptist Church met with Mrs, Lee Da vis Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Calloway, of Lexington, is spending several weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Clarke. J. H. Disheroon left this week to make his home in Atlanta. Miss Clyde Ellard, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Ellard. Mrs. B. J. Kimsey Is visiting rela tives in Dublin, Miss Lorena Adderholt was with her parents in Gainesville while school was suflwnded. Misses Ola Brown and Velza Tatum, who are teaching at Fair Play, spent the week-end with homefolks. J. M. Gillesple was in Atlanta for the week-end. W. L. Belcher has returned from Whigham, where he attended the funer. al of his mother and gister. Miss Cora Grant, of Alto, and Clar ence Wilbanks were married at the home of the bride's father, J. A. Grant, Thursday afternoon. | B ol Newnan ISB LUTA POWERS entertained informally 'Tuesday afternoon. Among the guests were Miss Willie Herring, Miss Ethel Arnold, Miss Marian Bryant, Miss l"rar‘l'en Arnold, Miss Luta Powers, Miss Olive Willlams, Miss May Cole, Miss Grace Davis, Mrs. W. N. Banks, Mrs. Stuart Colley, Mrs Wyvis Powers and Mrs. A. L. Jerni gan Mrs. Jack Powel!ll and Wyatt Powell are spending several months in Dahlon ega. where w;:.u Powell is in school. Mrs. A. L. Jernigan was hostess Fri !dly st a small bridge party given in honor of Mrs, Hanson Ford, of Norfolk, Va., and Miss Hssie Roperts, of Fair burn, Guests for two tables were in vited. Mrs. Z. Green left last week to spend the remainder of the winter in Florida. Miss Florence Chapman entertained several friends with a matinee party at the Alamo Wednesday afternoon, In the party were Mrs, DeWitt, Mrs, Liz zie Pringle, Mrs, T. B, Davis, Mrs, Pat. tie Drake, Mrs. W. T. Murphy, Mrs Tom Potts, Miss Williamette Green, Miss Anne England and Miss KEdna Harris Mrs, Lizzie Prlnsle was hostess at a bridge party Tuesday afternoon. First prize was won by Mrs. T, P. Zellars and consolation was cut by Mrs. Mike Powell, Mrs. Kugenia Stone Love, of Eliz abeth City, N. (~ is the guest of Mr and Mrs. Stone at their home on Brown street. ” Mrs. Irving Walker and Mrs. Roget Bryant spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Mrs. P. W, Jones, with her daughter, Miss Margaret Jones, of New York, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Jones at their home on Washington street. Mrs. T. P. Zellars was hostess at a bridge party Tuesday afternoon, enter taining elghteen guests. She was as sisted In recelving by Mrs. Myra Jack son and Miss Martha Wynn, First prize was won by Mrs, lr\'h\f Walker ana Mrs. Lizzie Pringle cut the consolation. 0000 Moultrie et . RS. J. C. Hunt and Mrs. D. A. M Finley, of Valdosta,who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holmes, ‘shared honors at a bridge party Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. W. H. M. Woods entertained. Carnations were given as guest prizes and Mlssag Lucile Autrey and Rebekan Clark gavé a musical pro gram. \ The Worth While Club was entertain ed Friday afternoon by Mrs. 8. P. Turn bull. The program included ‘‘Responses from Italian Artists,” A Discussion of the Itallan Ccurt,” by Mrs. O. A, Thax ton; 'Tha Story of a Royal Mother,"” by ;Mrs. . (3. Watson; a musical selection from “Tostl,” by Mrs. F. J. Bivins, and “Current Events,’’ by Mrs. W. H. M. Woods. Mrs. J. N. Pidcock entertained at a bridge party Thursday afternoon. The honor guesis were Mrs. 1. A. Finley and Mrs. J. C. Hunt, of Valdosta. Miss Inez Jones is spending some time in_Dublin, Miss Alice Way has returned, after epending several weeks with friends at‘ Lake (‘rly. Fla. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Horkan and Horace Stokes spent the week-end at St. Marks, Fla. Miss Texas Henderson has returned, after spending soveral weeks at Athens and Macon. Mrs. (irady Adams and little daugh ter, Marie, have returned after a month's visit at Nashville, Tenn. Miss Estella Morgan, of Tifton, is the guest of friends here. Mrs. G. A. Helde, of Fitzgerald, was the weak-end guest of Mrs, C. B. Gywnn Mrs. J. N. Pldcock and Miss Belle Pedcock will leave next week for a month's tour of Cuba. . Mrs. J. R. Hall and little daughter, Margarat, spent several davs last week at Thomasville. \ Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Columbus, Ohio, are spending the menth here. The ladies of the Molutrie Country Club will hold a golf tournament this week when the Pidcock loving cup will be played for. : S West Point. HE Daughters of the Confederacv of West Point very appropriately observed Robert T.'s birth day Saturday afternoon. Miss Magae \ Wade arranged the program. Rev. W. T. Smith, pastor of the Baptist Church, was the orator of the occaslon. Lieutenant Idmund Cook, of Fort Oglethorpe. is here for a few days. Walter P. Thomas, superintendent of the West Point public- schools, enter tained the Methodist stewards at his home at the Charles Hotel Tuesday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirby gave a din ner at their elegant home on the Chat tahoochee to a number of their friends Tuesday evening. 5 George Shealey. teacher of the Barac ca class of the Baptist Church, gave a banquet for his class of 8¢ members at the Charles Hotel Monday evenlr‘:fi. Mr. and Mrs, Ab Barker, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Huguley and Misses Cornelia and Mary Booker are just back from a fishing IriJ') to Hampton Springs, Fla. George Harrls, superintendent of the Lanett Cotton Mill. was host to a doz en or more of his business associates at the Charles Hotel Wednesday evening. The Protestant churches of this city have decided to have only one service lon Sunday “"‘;‘“’"‘t and that a union one. Waest Pointers are patriotically Hooverizing on all lines. 0008, Talbotton / —_— RS, JOMN M. HEATH was hostess M Wednesday afternoon to the Rook Club at her home on College street. Mrs. A. P. Persons and Mrs. M. B. Bishop were the honorees. Refregh ments were served, Mrs. Crawferd Malone entertained the members of her Bridge Club Thursday afternoon. Mrs W. B. Freeman gave a party on ¥riday afternoon in honor of Walter Heath's seventh birthday. Dinner was gserved. Covers were laid for twelve, the cetnerpiece being a cake holding seven candles. The house was decorated with patms ond ferns. Miss Bmily Heath left Wednesday for Perry to attend the marriage of Miss Carolyn Cates and Baxter Jones, of Macon. - Miss Janie Lilly, of Quitman, is vis fting her grandmother, Mrs. J, B. Me- Gehee, Pergons Heath and wlife. of Maeon, gpent tha week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Heath. Miss Hattie Simpson left Tuesday for Greenville, 3. ', to accept a position in a bank Miss Baird, .of Atlanta, spent the week with Miss Maud Thomas. oo Savannah EMBERS of the Methodist Unifi cation Commission were enter tained by Judge Samuel B. Ad ams at his home Friday afternoon. Migs Jane MeGlohon and Robert Y. Marlow were married Fridgay morning in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Rev. 8. B. McGlohon, rector of St. Paul's, and father of the bride, performed the cere mony. R, C. Thompson acted as best man. M. M. Nichols gave away the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe will re side In Savannah upon returning from a brief honeymoon in Florida. l Members of Red Cross Auxillary, No. 0, will give a recital Tuesday for the llu-m-m of the work. This is one of the first musical effor’s of the kind for this purpose, Mrs. Annie I, Cordray, of Savannah, and Joseph D, Cooper, of New Smyrna, la., were married in the latter place eurly last” week. ‘They will reside in New Symrna. Under the auspices of the Savannah HAIR CUTTING For BOYS AND GIRLS CHAS. R. FOSTER, Mgr. Geo. Muse Clothing Co. 3.5-7 Whitehall. 2d Floor. Federation of Women's Clubs’ the Uni ted States Marine Band, from Paris Is land, gave a concert at the Municipal Auditorium Saturday evening, followed by a dance in which several hundred couples participated, Mrs. A. A, Lawrence entertained the Wednesday Morning Club last week. Only members were present. A card tournament was qxwon by the Alumnae Association of St. Vincent's Academy. More than 40 tables weer reserved in the Hotel Savannah, where the players met. ” Mrs. Frank B. Screven was hostess Tuesday morning, complimentary to Mrs. W. M. Craighill, of Wytheville, Tenn, A number of well-known women of Savannah were invited to meet the guest of honor. Cards have been issued for the wed ding of Miss Alma Lucille, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Henderson, who is to become the bride of David F. Griffin, February 2, at the home of the bride-elect’s parents, The engagement is announced of Miss Margaret Neal, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Neal 1.. Anderson, to Rev. Leigh R. Scott, of Montgomery. Dr. Scott is the pastor of the Independent Presby terian Church. No date has been set for the wedding. Complimentary te Miss Maude Blak wood a number of her friends tendered her a surprise party Friday evening at the home of her eister, Mre. C. E. Faust, Celebrating the twenty-fifth anniver sary of their wedding, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Seay entertained Informally a num ‘ber of their friends at their home Wed resday evening. ~ Honoring Miss Evely Kenan, whose ‘marriage to Lovell L. Oliveros will be an event in the near future, Mrs. J. I Oliveros entertalned a number of friends at her home Saturday after noon. The affair was in the character ‘or a bridge party and shower. Miss Oliva Gould entertained the 'members of the Savannah Opera Study Club Wednesday evening, when they studfed ‘“‘Hamlet." } Members of the First Preshyterian Brotherhood held their monthly meet - ||ng Friday evening, when the Ladies’' Auxiliary served a flsh supper. Miss Jane Judge, suffragist speaker, news paper woman and soclal worker, ad dressd th gathring, | Savanah Review No. 8, of the Maceca hees, 18 expecting a visit soon fmnhflrs.‘ Allce B. Locke, of Port Huron, Mich., who is assistant sunreme commander of the order in the United States. Speclal work in the order and entertainment are heing nlanned now by the members of the review for the hf;h officer. Judge Samuel B. Adams and Colone] Robert J. Travis were visitors in At lanta this weelk, oo s Thomasville HOMASVILLE continues to ha the mecca for couples from the nearby towns who desire to get the matri monial knot tied and an interesting marriage lnklmg place here a few even ings ago was that of Miss Cecil Harrell and R. L. Rich, of Bainbridge. The couple motored over to Bainbridge, ac companied by two friends and the mar rlage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Robert B. Sanders, at the Preshy terian manse. Later in the evenlns‘ Mr. and Mrs. Rich left for a short trip to points ‘n Florida. Both are well known young reople of Bainbridge. The ontortrlnment committee of the Thomasville /Chapter of the Red Cross have arranged to glve a vaudeville per formance at the Grand Theater on next Monday evening, which will include a number of prominent society people of the city on the pregram. Among the members of the committee are Mrs Robert Pardee, Mrs. J. 1. Phillps, Mrs, Robert Thomns, Mrs. Tavior Miteheli, Mrs. Loulss Steyerman, Mre. W, §, Hoyt Mrs. CGeorge Forbes, Miss Mary Merrill and others The Thomasville Studv Class held a very pleasant meeting Thursdayv after noon. The subject for the afternoon was ‘‘Art,"” and the leader was Mrs. Robert 8, Sanders. Mr., and Mrs. John R. Gaudry, who have bheen spending several days with Mr., and Mrsa. Cleero Young. are visiting friends In Jnckgonville hefore golng to Savannah, where they will reside, The Musle Festival com:alttee are ar ranging to give a dell:rh"xl musical en tertainmant at an early date, Mrs. M. H. Randall is vigiting rela tives In Atlanta. & Mre. Jay Love Hearin has returned from Macon, where she visited Mr. Hea {rin, who is at Camp Wheeler, and is MARRIAGE INVITATIONS Reception and Visiting Cards Monogram Stationery Greeting Cards ENGRAVED IN CORRECT STYLES SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES : J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., 47 Whitehall St. 99 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Georgia A Handsome i # Investment . ’ (. g N, NN P \‘/}‘4‘\ - e ,“w‘.\,- e AL Buy 7, ~‘\\Q\ Wear Now / | Now OUR PERFECTED CREDIT SYSTEM Affords You TERMS If Desired. Come in and select what you want—Dia monds, Watches, Jewelry or Silverware—we give immediate possession upon the first pay ment. ' Ladies’ 5 Cash | Ladies’ $ $5 Cash | ¢ n' $1.50 © Ring WEEK! Y e A A PP Business men know the benefits derived from presenting a-* good appearance. Their wives i and daughters particularly require gem set jewelry to adorn and heighten the impression which their appearance makes. In selecting Anniversary gifts, why not cem memorate this important event by giving a diamond? Even a small one, on this occasion, carries with it a great deal of sentiment and will be cherished a lifetime. Single stone, twin-set, cluster and five-stone Diamond Rings, Lavallieres, Vanities, Bracelet Watches, Bar Pins, Brooches, Toilet Sets. Many Novelties for women and young men. L N s N N JEWELRY W 20 Edgewood Ave. spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grantham. . Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus M. Heeth and Miss Lucy Heeth left this week to visit relatives in Sanford and Orlando, Fla. Mrs. T. J). Winn, Miss Sarah Winn and Miss Frances Mitchell left this week for Rockledge, Fla., where they will join Mr. Winn and spend some tine. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Pearson, of Phil adelphia, will occupy the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hammond for the re mainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond will he at Walcott Hall ’ Mrs. McGregor® Adams, of Chicago, is occupying her winter home frere and will be here for the remainder of thae * season. Mrs. Jay O, Morse, of Cleveland, Ohlo, tas arrived and will spend the season at her winter heme, Tnwood. Mrs. Ben H. Ingram has returnad from a visit in Brunswick and Tampa, ' Mr, and Mrs. Earl Rolling, of Atlanta, spenkt several days in Thomasville this week. Miss Elizabeth McCarty, of Augusta, {s here visiting friends. o 0 8o Cumming. | IBSKS GRACT AND LEONA | LATTNER, who have been visit | ing relatives here, have returned to Chattanooga, where they are In school. i Mra. J. F. Pchols and son, Randolph, who have been visiting relatives, have returned to Atlanta., . ‘ The Methodist Misslonary Soclety met ‘with Mrs. W. N. Pool Friday. - Dr. J. A Otwell and R. P. Otweli spent part of the week in Atlanta. 3 Mrs. J. A. l’-‘h‘lllyi\s ie ill at the homa of her sister in Aflanta. Miss Head s spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Sigman. 3 Mr. and Mra. R. P. Otwell wara guesia of Mr. and Mrs. Bartow Bennett, in Galinesville, recently. A marriage of interast here was that of ¥. C. Groover, formerly of Cumming, to Miss Marie Freemen, which oceur red at the home of the bride's ;t‘ll& Mr. and Mrs. B. ¥. Freeman, on Wi Tenth street, in Atlanta. A.'?fi’{ i ..»:a;—:‘a';' i == Il e .4‘.»%' ; L A b ’((‘c i ./SKINBALM‘\. f i iy | FOR f \NOERRERRS) o ’. Tofimdmdyulu(., 'l‘] J WMo Teniniee ol Y 0 § | ((mexaercn. } i SN ATLANTAL Gay IR A e Ny This wonderful new van ishing cream is guaranteed to whiten the skin with out causing pimples or blisters.—ls not greasy and can be used at any time. Ask vour druggist for weetMarie 3 SKIN BALM 1f he won't sunply you, s~nd us 25¢ in stamps or coin for a box. LAXARET CO., Dept. GA. Atlanta, Ga. AGENTS WANTED 7H