Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, February 17, 1918, Page 8H, Image 114

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8H Towmmu jEws Athens ey ""?AY afternoon Misa Katherine r rk was hostess to the Philhar monie Club, A _valentine party was given by lit fle Mlildred Morton on Saturday after noon, assembling a number of the young aot, Miss Otey Vincent was hostess at a gr"t sewing Irllrtr.' in honor of Mrs. Tate right, a bride of the season. The members of the high school fac tity were entertained by Mrs. Ora Aver) 8t a knitting party on Baturday after noon. Monday night at Costas an Informal dante was enjoyed by a number of the college set. In memory of the Georgia poet, Sid mey Lanler, a plan is being perfected t 0 bulld a hall of music and art at Lacy Cobb Institute and s meeting with an enthusiastic response from the State at Jarge. In honor of his second birthday, John Walker Welr was host at a birthday par ty Wednesaday afternoon. Saturday evening Miss Frances Hin ton entertained at a dinner party in pg:nllon of her birthday. e Gamma Alpha Chis gave one of a gol of dances Saturday night at the e of Miss Lorine Hood Mrs. J. B. Thornton was hostess to the Lumpkin Street SBewing Club Frl May afternoon. A contest was featured ‘gfid% afternoon at the home of Mrs v-' s elch a business session of the D. C. was held. It was decided to ask the city schools to enter the prize essay contest, the lupr}oct being “’T‘Vn Confed #rate Navy.' he services of the chap for Red Cross work weres offered every Tuesday afternoon, this offer accepted by Mrs. Sexton. Other ers of importance came before the ting, ‘A soclal event of State-wide Interest A 8 the marriage of Miss leanor Lus to Lleutenant Owen Coleman, of United Btates Reserves, of Augusta marriage havinf occurred Tuesday, ;3. at 3 o'clock, at the home of J e's mister, Mrs. H. T. McHatton Joseph Lustirat acted as matron o and Miss Martha Coleman ase of honor. Dr. T. D. Coleman was j son’'s best man. Father Clark offl , Following the ceremony, an In ) reception was hsld, Home School Club met Thursday & with Mrs. Hugh Rowe. ¥ ry 21 the 8. A. F. Fraternity entertain the college Aancing set a ll,rre danc eat the auditorium visiting guests will add to the in of the occasion. . honor of the Mercer basketball an informal dance was given Bat night after the game between and Mercer. « 0000 Cumming. RS, MAMIIE FOSTER Is visiting o \R_sfidguthter. Mrs. A. G. Hocken ¥ ull, 4 ) and Pirkle, of Atlanta, was the of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Pirkle re y. . ~ R, P. Otwell has been visiting ‘and Mrs. Bartow Bennett in Gaines e Baptist Sunbeam Band has been nized, with Mrs. C. M. Brown as er, Plckett, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with his family. ‘Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bacon are the nests of Mrs. M. M. Lipscomb. ise Vivian Shirly has acoepted a po in Cumming public school. . Otwell spent several days in At reeentlp‘h Mrs, J. L. lllig;. who has been vis her saister rs. W. B. Hughes y &mu for the past month, has re t home. Winnle Seabolt gpent the week end with her parents. oo s Macon g|mgyme—— D'fiNCE was given last night at A e Hotel Dempsey by the K. K. . Klub. e officers of the Bighth Wield Ar of Camp Wheeler gave a dance rday night at the Hotel Dempsey. nlonana tea-dance was given Sat ay afternoon by Red Cross Unit No. the benefit of the military rellet a lnp Wheeler. : e young Yeoyla'l auxiliary of the Tew aoc.h Club gave a valentine nee, wihch several of the Jewish sol s at Camp Wheeler attended. * Mrs. Jack Lamar was hostess to the bers of the Ceorgia Assoclation sed to Woman Suffrage at her res. ce on College street. eral Troup- of Macon society wom. ntertained during the week in the rent Y. M. C. A. bulldings at Camp eler. “The Mary Hammond Washington pter, D. A, R., met at the res!- ee of Mrs. 8. C. Cooper. The pro continued the early study of I}:il-h n(i history. Papers were read hy A. Magraw on “First and Suc ing Fraternal Orders, Their Lead # eto.,'”” and Mrs. Arthur Codington, bR _*“"The Bench and Bar of Bibb." +The second of a series of teas was at the Hotel Lanier by Red Crose No. 4 Miss Evelyn Juhan had ! and was assisted by Mesdames Chestney, Kingman Moore, Wil Boln}n. Roy Moore, Henry Valen and Joe Moore, and Misses Lillian ittle, Leéonora Neel, Margret Ferrill, T Gould and Martina Burke. ~Mrs, Rabe,lz W, Jemison, Mrs. J. A jden and Miss Ida Holt ?em several jays last week at the division Red Cro; hud%unrterl in Atlanta, where they secured new ideas for a workroom be established here. /Mrs. Grant Fuller has returned from Dublin, where she acted as Instructor & class in standard dressings of the Red Cross. rs. Alexander Proudfit entertained $ [acon Hlnoqn‘cmb. Mrs. Edwin Ds presided. ere were musical 3 my Mrs. Clarence Dennicke and ¥ia ne Burdick. Others who took it were Mrs. R. J. Taylor, Miss Mar. ¢ Burke and Mrs. Person Heath, £ ary Everett Lockett, of Win n-Balem, N. C., I& the guest of her e c“uln Lockett, who is assistant B at the base hospital at Camp _Mra. M. J. Johnston is home from At -8 where she visited her daughter, rs. D ey Kountz. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson motored Jown from Atlanta to be the guests o ‘wv days of their sister, Mre. 3 fin‘ ’rl:cf' Willingham § 1 u ngham is spending a days in_Atlanta. . < ra..t Kingman Moore Is visiting nta. i Willam Dunwody and Miss Mar- McNair were In Atlanta the lat part of the week. rs. Allen Cox, of the Soldlers’ Wel- League, left Saturday for Missis £ Pitt Brown and Mrs. MeDougal t are visiting reiatives in Atlanta * . Miss Catherine Swift, of New Bed. , Conn., As visiting Mrs. James Shor. i . . and Mrs. Eugene Anderson havc‘ TR TTR — T % " . B ¥ MYRON E FREEMAN 8.8 FREEMAN 3 8 T HILSMAN 3 Myron E Freeman&Bro. % JEWELERS 9 PEACHTREE STREET ATLA.NTA\ GEORGIA\ PLATINUM DIAMOND ®JEWELRY I#K GOLD JEWELRY \ STERLING * SILVERWARE D DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WATCHES __’fsxmm OF MODERN SBT‘HNGSL"-‘OR FTAMILY JEWELS {gturnefi from their wedding trip to Flor, a. Mrs. Harvie Jordan and Miss Emms Jordan, of Monticello, were guests of Mrs, Church Berryman, | Mrs, Dana Blackmar, of Columbus, is the guest of Mra. Archie Drake. Mrs. Mary Munnerlyn Stu;ler and Mrs Sanders Walker left yesterday for Mem. ;‘,his, where they will visit Lieutenant NValter Stapler. Mrs. W. C, Myers and daughter Frances, have returned to Savannah after vigiting Mrs, Plercey Chestney. I'r. and Mrs. Herring Winship have moved back to their home on Cfierokeo Helghts, after spending the winter at the home of Mrs. Emory Winshlp, Sr., on College gtreet. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Dunn have re turned to Brunswick, after spending a l!r‘w{ days with Mr. and Mrs, Harry C tobert, Mrs. Nell Leßoy Sellers, after a visit to Mra, Richard Bruce, In Deland, Fla. has gone to New York for several wesks Mrs. B. A, Barnes, of Fort Valley is the guest of Mrs. A. E. Barnes on Hardeman avenue. Dooo Acworth, ISS NOLLA BARRETT was a re cent visitor to her sister, Mrs. John A. Burton, in Athens. Plerce Winningham of Jackson, Tenn., was the wea! {ast week of his sister, Mrs. E. W. Ray. Miss Bessle Lovingood has been vis mv friends at Agnes Scott (iollo‘e. Mrs. T. I. Perry and ltle son, of Gadsden, Ala., are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Lunsford, About thirty teachers and puffll of the Acworth Hirh Behool weres In At lanta last Satur u{ to see Robert Man tell in the ‘““Merchant of Venice.” The senlor class of the Acworth High School elected officers Monday as fol lows: Miss Karleen D;venrort. presi dent; Mlss Dorothy Mitchell, prophet; Miss Bunnle Abbott, historian; Miss Mary Carter will write the last will and testament, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lovingood and Mrs. Rufus Percell, of Atlanta, were vuests of friends in Acworth the past week-end. Mrs. M. D. Costephens, of Resaca, vis ited Mrs. C. Cribble recently. 0000 Waycross NNOUNCEMENT {s made of the A marriage of Miss Flia Marguerite sodwlck to Oscar Edward Mec- Donald, eanesdny afternoon at 4 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. Booth at his home In He bardville, Miss Sedgwick is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sedgwick, of Hebardville. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will make their home here. 4 Mr. and Mrs. David BSinclalr, who have been making their home In brunn wick for several months, have returned to Wayeross, and are at home with Mrs. Victoria Jeffers. ‘ The Georgians celebrated their four teenth anniversary Tuesday with a theater party. Mrs. Annie Cornelius has returned to her home in Dougias after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cornelius, Mrs. W. J. Hodgson has returned from Brunswick, where she was the guest of Mre. K. L. Stephens. Mrs. R. F. Bingham and Miss Mar garet Bingham, of Pittasburg, Pa., are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs, A, H. Collins. Miss Vivian Cone has ro’tum:f to her home in Tifton, after a visit to relatives here. Mre. J. B. Peniston has rotttrnod to her home in Macon, after a vist to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. 1. Btanton. Mrs, Frank P. Howell QI\Q:. ned on Thursday afternoon with a t r er‘&r ty, In honor of Mrs. J. Franklin 8, of Greenshoro, N. C., who I 8 visiting her sister, Mrs. R. A. Brown. Professor snd Mrs. E. B. Mandeville, of Jesup, have returned to‘}holr home after a vistl to Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Parker. Mrs. . B, Younglove, of Boulder, (010., 18 here on a vist to her daughter, Mrs. J. H. McClyre. Mrs. M. (. Wynne has returned from Kathleen Burke have returned to their home in Montgomery, Ala, Miss Mattisue Ham left Friday for HAIR CUTTING For BOYS AND GIRLS CHAS. R. FOSTER, Mgr. Geo. Muse Clothing Co. 3.5.7 Whitehall. 2d Floor. THE New Edison Ry Out-of-town NS> wwtt Purchasers | ;mw | Write Us J '-—'—'fi: ! for Our Easy; l.’” ; . | Payment lit A Plan | bt‘{ \'x : The !niamon%deiac Shop e @ NEW EDISON LICENSED DEALERS 9W. Alabama St. M. 1926 HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN Athens, where she has accepted a posl tion with the Government, Campfire Girls, No. 1, met Baturday afternoon with thelr guardian, Mrs. J. G, Steinheimer. Mrs. Olin Smith is visiting relatives in Sampson, Ala. 4 visgit to relatives in Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Price and Miss Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ratliff are spend anlx some time with relatives In Jasper, a, Mrs. N. Peterson, of Tifton, -Pcnt Thursday here with Mrs. J. 1. Walker. ~ Mrs. 3. F. Dixon, of Douglas; Miss < Sp = el IES . NG P aomamer . 6% et METHO RthioW H, ER. , % oot W ANERG, | EHERON oA me e\ Y hAERE s Y il Qg 8 N ) TRorgH poQ o\ R ShuTos, fmmie Mcqon A Aro, \ e B==Y &N TR i < 04 S A TR SNy (= is e = _ i \\3\&%\' Eom parsivas QQ\‘% g e\ T ] & SIS = SSaa A Te S ]NN eiy &h\% ON IS¢ sSIA dryp TUR | D¢ W T RCLIo v RU ER UL O¢ TH LughHE syl WHY Siprs %R 2g R OUR o gsv,ggkq 9:‘ch _ i Q\\ANIA us-___- W . ‘AT ? SCHOM - e F ERRI "Og’. AE 7 N A=V = |==_ e SSISNO B = SIS Te|SN TR = e SIS | = S SUSNESS i aaaa | SSSSSYS Z 3 2 _ma Y = | SSOSESS e S wat. Sin TN AL L o e = g, 3 g | SUNE , ‘ Better Order Today. 15c¢ a week, 65¢ a month, $7.50 a year. — A Newspaper tor People Who Think — Ulr Dixon, of North Clroll::}llnd Miss Dalsy B. Glbson, of Savan , are the guests of Mrs, E. C. Mliiler, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gray, of Bain bridge, and Miss Olive Morgan, of l;ino ver, C 01.,, are visltl?fi Mr. and rs. Richard Scruggs at verhaven. Mr. and Mrs. J. N, Lilly, of Canton, N. C., are visiting Judge and Mrs. O. J. Allen, Mrs. J. C, McMullen is mnfllng some time in Atlanta, where s {s visiting J. €. McMullen, who is stationed at Camp Gordon. Msis Evelyn Howell, who has been i | @ _ More Great Articles by e Ambassador Gerard JUST finished, they carry the Ambassador’s story up to the pres ent moment and cover many points that could not be touched at the time “My Four Years in Germany”’ was written. The far flung tentacles of Prussian propaganda—the secret steps by which the Kaiser and his counselors are still at tempting to realize their dream of world dominion—the gigantic web of the spy system, which has its center in the Wil helmstrasse and extends its threads to the furthermost corners of the world— all are exposed by the man whose four years in Berlin made him familiar with things seldom breathed vutside the inner circles of diplomacy. Startling chapters tell of insidious German propaganda now going on in America— propaganda that is often cleverly concealed in a guise of apparent innocence. They tell how you can help discover and suppress this “poison gas” attack. Ambassador Gerard’s New Series will be published exclusively in daily installments in [he Atlanta Georgi d Sunday Americ “THE SOUTH’S GREATEST NEWSPAPERS” For about 7 weeks, commencing Sunday, February 24. visiting her sister, Mrs, Donnie Young, returned to Homerville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Whitman and Mr, and Mrs. Ennis Waters, of Glenville, -lrle guests of Mr, and Mrs. 8. M, Pow ell. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Brinson and children have returned from a motor trip to Grangerville, where they visited relatives. ~_Mrs. Isabella Burton left Monday for Charleston, 8. C., where she will spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Tee. | Miss Eleanor Allen, of Jacksonville, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1918 Fla., 1s visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. H. Morgan. M:“"'Jw'lp'm \di - Doufln.." 88 Jensle Flelding, of ere sl:o guests of Mre. ? V“ Aduul.'l':od- Y. Miss Ireno Gramling. left Wed for Brunswiclk, who:o‘ she will m guest of her aunt, Mrs, E. L. lurnoul. Mrs. B. A. Carroll, of A s vie nmf Mr. and Mrs. E. T Csrgr ‘thM s E;ina‘ %ow;rt, of W, is e guest o ss Mary s Ml:‘.l H. I.‘,B4:l.rbomg, 0"']1&0!\. 1 spending some time with her daughter, The inside story of the Lusitania dis aster and the entire history of Germany’s submarine activities—intimate first-hand pictures of the Kaiser, Alfonso of Spain, Gustavus of Sweden, Briand and Poin care of France—the “unknown, unseen, relentless power of the German General Staff,”” which dares defy even the Em peror—are dealt with in this new series of articles by the one man best qualified to write of them. SlasHasoer ‘ploc, ot Jeoup, s m‘:‘ el Y ooy Mre. B. M. Ausmus, who has been Bt eo R Her Horne o Rogern, Arx: Mrs, 'u‘nh. Wfib‘, of Lake Gz. I o e .. oPITy BT Ba T oo » Mr,.and M. M A Canty and Mr. and Mra J. L. Shingler, en reute frem Miami, ,to Ashdurmn, were ’ guests “fi’l.‘". H. P. Myers 'Nudut.u ey ey e e——, dance ev Saturday, 3 to ¢ p. Monday, .;‘odn-;:‘y and sutz?ra:' nights, §to 13. vate lessons u’ and n% Phone Ivy 0786, Lane's ll'fl{ htree etreet.—Advertise. men