Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 14, 1918, Page 6D, Image 126

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6D QuT oF TOWN ~ Albany. N event of the week was an organ recital at the First Methodist Church Wednesday evening for the benefit of the local Red Cross Chapter, flven b{ Professor James Robert Gil ette, of Wesleyan College, Macon, in What was characterized as an all- Ameri can pmgnm. Mrs. W. C. Waters entertained the Young Matrons' Bridge Club at her home on Broad street Tuesday after noon. Mrs. George Largent won the prige for top score. A salad course was The first e meeting of the Kinchafoonee Bridge Club since the Lent season was held Monday e\'enln‘g at the Country Club, with Mre. C. W. hawson as hos tess. T&noorea were made by Mrs. Ei’te?‘the mon mld Jh P. Champion. games a luncheon course was served. l‘l‘ltr J‘:n “;‘ Wl.lftar; enEF}r"mlnod the regu ee of the ronateeska Chapter of themu(mera of the Ameri can Revolution at her home on Tift street Thursday afternoon. The report of Miss Cena Whitehead, delegate to the State convention in Athens 'fur week, t'ha..t md.’ and fm;l};:h enthusiasm greeted portion o o report stating that Albany’s invitation to hold thesS(alm convention here next year had been ac- ‘ fiaflr 100 Albany children partici pated in the ‘‘Mother Goose Pageant’' gm here Friday afternoon, commemo- | tl:’ the first anniversary of the open ing of the public playgrounds In this city, The flmm was under the direction ot Miss rgaret Dougan, and the children | were dressed to represent different char acters rowlnr in Mother Goose jingles. :edpublc parade through the city pre- | ed the pageant, %Ml have been received here an nouneing the engagement of Miss Ethel MAnniston, Ala., to Morgan m Bunch, formerly of Albany and now relldlnf in Houston, Texas. The marriage will take place at the bride’s home on April 17, at 11 a. m. Mrs. C. M. Qlark has returned from Il:{‘iena and Atlanta, where she was with her sons, Captains C. M. and E. R. Clark, of Camp Gordon, for several days. Bhe was present when the ladles of Ma rietta presented colors to the battalion of which Captain E. R. Clark’s company is a member. Mrs. R. M. Smith and Mlss Juanita Smith have returned from Macon and Atlanta, where they visited relatives. Mr, and Mrs. King Hnrdf', Miss Eileen Hardy and Miss Hattle Hardy motored to Macon Sunday and remained for the | mflfion of colors to the 121st In the Dixie Divigion Monday and th n parade on Tuesday. &- wina Davis has returned to her studies 3( ‘Washington Seminary after whort sit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs, . L Davis, " Mrs. Ben Cohn, Mrs. J. Rosenberg and in Cohn are -pendinfi a few Macon, the guests of Mrs. Al x W. D. Dent and children, who b.flvhmn‘ Mr. and Mrs. T. M. ~have returned to their home in hart, 8. C. e 'vfln?e J. Callaway has gone to and Carlton to spend severa® | ‘with rol;tlvu. ‘ 3 . D. Jones has returned from a latives in Atlanta. - Mr. Mrs. EW, Lee have re ‘.;h Thfluvme, after visiting r several days. - 1. 8. Billingslea is visiting in At for a few days, Mrs. W. D. Davis and Miss Stella t several days in Atlanta this ?fl ests of friends. fi' Rosenberg and children, of ] all.. are spending a few days 3 ves in the city. . 1. Fryer, Sr., of Bl:kelg, is E for some time of her daughter, s . Underwood. 2 I{ctoria Collier has returned from 3 ded visit to Atlanta. | ! na Lanier, of Shellman, is vis. tim J. M. Stewart. _ Miss Marion Legg has returned from Montgomery, Ala., where sne was tne est of her aunt, Mrs. Fred 8. Ball. Mrs. H. g Quallhn and children are Misse wm|o alters, Angeline Davis an ernice Rosenberg have returned from Macon, where they acted a 8 spon sors for the Albany oompan{ at the flag wfluflm to the 121st Infantry Tues . . ‘ cHon Wast Point —— =TT - ¥ fde Athietic Club and U, ] 8. Wilkinson were hosts at dinner Y ol m‘ evening at the clubhouse in ho of the three basketball teams, » ve closed the season with good » - After-dinner talks were made : B Kuvf'j. secretary of the club, ‘ B . W. T. Bmith, A Harris entertained the . ge Club Tuesday afternoon. Club met with Mrs. Griggs ] odnuda{_ - fil.lz Eunice Horsley, duufihtor of Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Morsley, and How. i ] , who is stationed at Camp ‘Wh Q'o.g m;rrld Bundl.;;h ul!{:r at aptist nage, the Rev. , A ith omohtmg g {s Mallory and Mr. Fincher, of ‘ rdon, were married at the K parsonage Sunday afternoon 4 the Rev. W. G, Crawley, 5 M W, W. Fuller entertained her Sunday school class and a few of their end Gt an indoor glcnic Saturday. ~ The West Point ‘ha‘:ter, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, met Tues, day afternoon, the ru\dent, Mrs. Os- I p ing. Talks were made by 3 4. A, Avny, Norman Poer, San h, Jamie Hudmon and J. C. A high school meet In Newnan Apr! ‘rl‘. ]:.d.‘;d 3“0 '“l'leat, Pnint‘wlll represen y the following contest. ants:- Literary and_spelling, Christine ¥ 4 and Nat Davidson; penman #h Ldllle Anderson and Charles Jo on; essay, Lilllan Wright and Joe Jennings; reclutiofi. Vivian Carpenter; Qeclamation, Roy Harrell; music, Mar tha Hpgrt: athletics, 100-yard dash, Guy Tayton: 220-yand dash, Guy Layton: 440-yard dash, Joe Jennings; pole vault, Byr & mon; high jump, Frank Cum. e, broad jumfi an%v(‘umbee; 120- hurdle yron nflon; relay Tace, ByFo Wagnon, Guy Layton, Earl Johnson d Bartow Trammell; shot put, Herold Prichard. The contestants, nem b of the senior class, the girls’ sasketball team and the high school teachers 1l be Newnan's guests dur e A mbet. s ;ok v ¢\° oo . reliminary contest was held i y night at the school audi et . %0 for the purpose of selectin Sahied N for the Distriet H g chool meet at Dawson April 19 and l!o, M Annie Harvard was awarded first place in music and Miss Carolyn Mobley sec + Miss Dora Trippe first in ex- B n, Jack Tll,trt in declamation. oo Banders, of Montgomery, was the guet of Mre. B. M. Wood recently. B s - s r has returned home after spending several months in Ma iy _ Privates Roycs Power and Edwin Por. ter, of Camp Wheeler, spent the week % ‘with kinfolks. . Misses Martha Taylor and Ola Lee Peavy spent the week-end with rs. J. A. Peavy. 9 s L Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shell and Misses 4ols and Mildred Bheil spent Sunday in AMlrs, Ed Howell, Misses Annie Nea! well, Gladys Davis and Ned Howell, irton” Fort and Glover Carnes spent Teesday in Macon, Miss lee Smith, of Rochelle, has ac- CRATTER OF SOCIETY RY POLLY PEACHTREE with her gold-colored costume. A visitor with a fan was Mrs. Ross Harper, of Philadelphia, who wore an unusual gown of yellow chiffon shaiing from gold to palest cream and adorned with amber beads, her fan a black one of heavy plumes, Mrs. Marion Harper carried a striking fan of crimgon, wearing a black evening gown, Mrs. Grantland Rice, of New York, was a guest at the dance, gowned in blue chiffon. And all the women present wore halr nets. Sure—l have this on the autherity of a major who was dancing around with only one gold leaf on his shoulder. An inquiring partner asked him what he had be come of his other “babypin,” and ho replied that he had torn up so many hair nets during the course of the evening the leaf had to be taken off as a safety first measure. coue Knitting for Yankee— AND while some were dancing others were busy at home, bent on finlshing up that dozen pairs of nice, warm “woolly” socks for the officer 1n the family to take away with him on the Great Adventurc. In many families, as in this one family of which 1 have personal knowledge, every member was en guged for a time until the neces sary dozen was ready for instant departure with the young officer, It so happened, in this family of which I have personal knowledge, that the officer for whose benefit the knitting whirlwind campaign was on, was one of the young lleu tenants from “way up North” who had married an Atlanta girl, there by furnishing the family, which otherwise had no relative in the army, with some one to knit for. In the family knitting circle the cther night sat a sister-in-law or two, a mothar-in-law and a grand mother-in-law, They were each finishing up “a pair,” and presently Grandmother, who is really very proud of her U. 8. officer, spoke softly, as she knit, of the days, some fifty years ago, when she had hurried over the knitting of socks for her young husband in gray. y A tear or two fell on the soft wool she held in slim white fin gers that were still more skillful and quicker than her granddaugh ters—then, raising her head and dashing the tears from her eyes, this grandmother, with a sense of humor, flashed a smile around the fiapted a position in the high school ere. Misses Lucile Watts and Louise Br-idn ley, of Atlanta, were guests of Miss Leland Trlpfe snnndfi. Lieutenant James Howell, of Camp r’lrln‘alor, spent the week-end with home 'olks. Mr, and Mrs. T. G. Woodruff spent a few d;:y- in Macon this Week. Dr. E. D, Richardson, of Atlanta, was in the cltg' Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. A. K. Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Morgan spent Tuesday in Macon Professor and Mrs, Bams left Friday for their home in Dalton. Judge W. H. Lasseter delivered an ad. dress at the Courthouse Baturday in the intereast of the Liberty Loan. Mrs. Gordon Burns and bab{, of Dou glas, are guuu of ¥u. JO“,L Burns. 8, P. Adams and T. P. Busbee, of Lil. ly, were in the city Tuesday. Colonel T. Hoyt Daves spoke in Ldlly gslurdny in the Interest or the Liberty Toan, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Butler and Mrs R.'G. Lumsden -g(om Tuesday in Macon, Misses Jessie Kirkland, Lillle Trippe and Robert Nefiby attended the Shri. ‘ners' dance in Macon Monday night, | sScrvce Waycross ISSES LOUISE WITHINGTON, Sara Singleton and Lo‘f““ Coo})or | have returned to Wesleyan after a visit to relatives here, Miss Lucile Bates, who is teaching at Boston, Ga., spent the woek-ong‘ here jmtth her parents, Mr. and Mrs, F, A. | es, . ~ Miss Ruth Gn} has returned to Ma con after a short visit to Miss Gladys Porter. . Miss Willie Mae Agathen. of Athfitl. is spending some time with her father, ‘chry Agathen. - Miss Nan Smith has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Colum ‘bia, 8. C. Mrs. Donald K. Jelks and Itttie duvh— ter, Betty, of Quitman, are vlamn’! Is. Jeolks’ parents, Mr. and Mrs, A }Morrhon. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas and Miss Albert Genis, of Douglas, spent Wed nesday here, the Kuent of Paul Tripolas, Mrs. Tallulah Atwell and Miss lLella Summerall sfnnt the week-end with friends in Millen. Mrs. E. E Mise, C. E. Mize, Mrs. J. T. Hall and daughter, Miss Lucile Hall, have returned to their home in Macon ‘after a visit of several days with rel }ullvn here. . Mrs. J. D. B:st- returned from Rich mond, Va.,, Wednesday. where she has ;:vleon the guest of relatives for some me. ~ Mrs. Olin A. Smith, who has been visiting relatives In Sanford, Ala., re turned to the city Thursday. Mrs. E. P. Peabody has returned from Knoxville, Tenn., where she attended the missionary council meennfl.‘ . Mr. and Mra, R. F. Smith have re turned to their home in Jacksonvile, ‘after spending several days here with relatives, | ‘ Miss Juno Smith and Miss Bernice Sweat left Saturday for Washington, D. C., where they have accepted posi tlons with the Government. ~ Mrs. H. U. Johnson is spending some time with her son, Walter Johnson, at Norfolk, Va. Misses Irene and Helen Holder, of Crystal River, Fla., are the guests of Mrs. J. L. Woodard. ! Miss Bessie Bunn has returned to her home in Fairfax, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. T. Gillis. Misses Ruth and Hazel Miller have returned from Atkinson, where they were the guests of Mrs. W. G, King. Miss Juanita Bennett, who has been apending some time with Dr. and Mrs. 'lrafrl.on in Riverside, Jacksonville, has ’r--lnmed home. | Mrs. Alex Timmerman, of AKkron, ' Ohio. is the guest of Mrs. D, W, Tim ‘ merman. . Mrs, J. M. Buxton, of Macon, is vis iting Mrs. W. O. Lumpkin. | Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith left Monday for Ninety-Six, 8 ~ to attend the golden wedding anniversary of M» Smith's parents, Mr. and Mre. S. J. HEARST'S SUNDAY AMERICAN Continued From Page 5. assembled circle as she added, with emvhisis: “Never did I think, then, that [ would be knitting socks for a Yan kee!” Soo Seems Cold-hearted, But— O.\'Ft captain who salls away soon to the war will take a souvenir from his sweetheart that is more valuable even than a dozen pairs of white “woolly” socks—that is, it is more valuable to him now, because of gentiment, though, it is possible, when the cold reality comes, the white woolly socks may ~-oh, pshaw, the sentiment - will make it valuable everywhere il goes, to the young captain, You see, while lots of the girls were ‘game” to marry their sweet hearts before they left—taking the chances for better or for worse— there were others, more cautious. Among the members of the latter clasg was a beauteous maiden who has been one of Atlanta’s most popular young women for several years and who plighted her troth to a young officer, but was unw!lling to go the whole way with him “un til the war is over.” So, in lleu of a wife to leave be hind him, the young captain has been presented with a lovely minia ture of the girl he leaves behind him. And while this young woman does seem to show signs of a cold heart, in view of her delaying a war wedding, she is not all “icicles,” as I have reason to know, hecause of a queer little incident that happened a day or so ago. I was standing on a Whitehall corner as this pretty girl went by, and beside me stood two women of middle age, one of whom polnted excitedly to the girl as she passed. “See that girl—yes, that tall, pretty one on this side. Well, she saved me from being put off the car the other day. 1 didn't have the fare as I found after getting on, and the conductor would not give me a credit sllp. He said I'd have to get off—and that young girl said, ‘Il pay your fare'—and she did. Isn't she pretty?” , And the woman gazed after the lovely, laughing face almost as with a proprietary pride—and I sald to myself: “Perhaps it is not because she is cold-hearted that she will not marry until after the war—perhaps ~but I do like to see them all take the chance, don't you?--for better or for worse! ‘ Smith. Four sons and five daughters were present. Mrs. J. H. Pettibone has returned to her home in Dn&ton, Ohlo, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,C. King Miss khttle Thl[ron has returned frl-fim a short visit to friends in Jackson ville. k\zra. S. H. Lee, after an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. l. Stanton, left a few days n.go for Wash lnfiton and Baltimore, where she will Viglt relatives beta;-e returning to her home in Aurora, W. Va. ~ Mrs. ILeon Vann spent the week-end in Jacksonville, Fla., with her sister, ‘Mrs, D. F. Harley. | Mr‘i Orin Lawthorne and Kenneth ‘l.Awt orne arrived Saturday for a visit ‘;x Mrs. Lawthorne's parents, Mr. and Mra. W. M. Keaton. ' Mrs. James K. Butler and children, Elizabeth and J. K., Jr., have returned to their home in Atlanta, after a visit to Mrs. Butler's mother, Mrs. W. G, Mrs. M. M. Crawley has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. T. 8. Da vig, at Hurtsboro, Ala. Mrs. J. W. Quarterman, of Beach, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Whit man. Mrs. H. C. Chambless and children have returned from Pelham, where they visiied relatives, Mrs. J. D. R!dlor is Vlll!ln‘ relatives in Kastman and will also visit in Atlanta before returning to w-{crou. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Willlams are visit. ing relatives in Kansas City and St Louis, Mrs. W. T. Lee is lpendly some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, at Troy, Ala. Mrs. Jerome Crawley is visiting her rents, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Norman, at G:Non sDrtnfi. Ala, Mr. and rs. J. W. Bedton, Miss Stella Beaton, Mrs. Fred Youmans and Fred Youmans, Jr., have returned from a motor trip to Saint Marys. Miss Rose Fixel has returned to her home in Greenville, Mich., after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Volney Willlams. Mrs, R. J. Hart, of Statesboro, is lu)endlnfl some time with her sister, rs. A. 1. Dukes. Mrs. W. 2 Strickland left Thursday for Jacks flle, where she attended a meeting of the grand chapter of the Eastern Star, Mrs. J. N. Hampten_ has returned from an extended visit to points in Florida and the Bahama Tslands. While in Miami she was the guest of Mrs. Ii L. Graves. Mrs. H. T. Cox returned to her home in Atlanta Wednesday after a short visit to friends here. Mrs. T. J. D. Llamar and Miss Birdle Scott are visiting in Atlanta. Qoo Sycamore. ARREN PAULK and Wayland Hardy, of the navy, spent last week at home. Miss Lucy Fields Smith is the guest of her‘arandmms. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fields, of Marietta. C. P. Kemp, of Sylvester, lgant the week-end with Sycamore friends. W. D. Fountain and A. J. Biles are in Macon. ? George Day has returned from Idano. Mrs. Essie Pike, of Atlanta, 1a the guest of Mrs. J. B. Bellamy. | Misses Lily Paulk and Addie Smith ":als“”“ of Walter Bmeth, of Fitx )ge " Mrs. H. W. Harrig, of Ashburn, was ‘lhe recent guest of Mrs, Annie Lawton Bussey, | Mrs. Luther Green is visiting Mrs. Richard Hines in Macon. Mrs. Mary Goddard has returned to Griffin after spending the winter witn her daug\‘or. Mrs. J. C. Means. l a 4 B rce, of Camp Gordon, is the ‘guest of his brother, R. J. Pearce. Rev. E. C. Cowan has returned to ISparku. : | . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith have re turned from Marietta. ‘ Charlie Baugh, of Athens. is the guest of his brother, Dr. H. O. Baugh. . Mrs. M. A. Freeman anG daughter, Miss Aanieleu, have returned from a visit te Mre, ). C. Mathis at .\'ash\‘me.l Little Emory Luke continues quite ill at the home of his parents. — A Newspaper for People Who Think — 2 TARawEmT CAAIE &) iWW\ ]5 . - H&Y\ /7 IR\ A alll ) NVY & Gé S 4 fi %;“ i\ A NB‘vt XM L / . ‘ &]O ki b 4e % & e : | LJ¥N - | _ &% Americus RS. J. D. HOUKS was hostess to the Young Matrons' Club. Those . pregent were Mesdames Dudley Gatewood, Barlow Counell, Edgar Shipp, H. O. Jones, G. C. Webb, Ralstonn Carglll, T. O, Marshall and Carr Giover, Little Miss Marion Tillman gave a birthday party Thursday to about forty llt"rl’# friends. The Woman's Liter Club met Thursday with Miss %rr{xma Borum. Those r"“clnnllng were Mesdames C. M. Willlams, H. E. Allen, W. A. Rem -2:::{ Ralph Stewart and George Rod- Mrs. C. O. Niles complimented Mrs. G. C. Webb and Mrs, M. H. Wheeler, two recent brides, with a bridge and knitting party Thursday morning. Those present were Mesdames G. R. EJlllu. A, C. Crockett, Neon Buchanan, H. B. Mashburn, C. M. Willlams, Fugene Hill, Walter Rylander, Edgar Shipp, Taylor Lewls, T, O. Marshall, H, O. gones. Lu clus Mw(:lesk&', H. M, Wheeler, G. C. Webb, Cliff Willlams, Frank Cato, E. J. Eldredge. Furlow Gatewood, Carr Glover and Hollis Fort, Miss Sara Britton left Wednesday for Atlanta, where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Etta Bryan, of Troy, Ala., is the g:tmat of her sister, Mrs. George R. 8. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Mason, of Platts bur‘g. N. Y., are guests of friends here, Mr., and Mrs. 8. K. Walburn, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., are the guests of friends here, Mrs. A. M. Williams. of Parrott, 11, 1s visiting Mrs. F. M. Wheeler. Mrs, Clara E. Taylor is in Buena lvi'"a' the guest of her son, Jeff Tay or. 7 Mrs, T. C. Jeffords, of Sylvester, has returned home after a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. T. H. McGillis, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Powell, of Lees hur{t. were guests of friends here last weel, Mrs. W. A, Jones, of Smithville, is the g'uest of friends in Americus for a few ays. Miss Mary Reese, of Albany, has re turned to Albany after & visit to her parents, Mr. armd Mrs, O. D. Reese, The Girl’ Scout Club met Saturday with Miss Paullne Broadhurst and spent two hours knitting and sewing for the sq’qieru. he Sumter Club entertained with a dance at the armory Friday night, * The Hortense Tinsley Mlulonnry So clety met in the First Methodist Church Monday afternoon. Miss Nan Britton entertained about forty of her little friends at a birthday party Saturday afternoon. Miss Mary Alice Lingo was the hos tess at a apenddho-nl&l,\t part‘- Friday night, honorlni Miss ulse Blackwell. of Columbia, Ala., who is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. E. Bolton. Those pres ent were Misses Mnr&grfle Brown, Hu nice Ro{;l. Naomi rlqht, Blizabeth Harris, Mary Sue Cl)amb {ss and Mary Rose Brown. Miss Hilda Johnson, a student at the State Normal School at Athens, is spending the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Johnson. Mrs. 1. B. Jenkins, of Jacksonville, Fla., {8 the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Raiford. Mrs, Frank Harrold motored to Ma con Monday, having in her partg Miss Ruth Counell and Miss Mary Parker, who attended the Dixie Division review there. Miss Parker was sponsor for the Americus company and Miss Coun cil was one of her malids. The Council of Bafet{ Chapter, D. A, ‘}}.. met Tuesday at the Carnegie Li rary. Mrs. W. J. Josey has left for New zork and other points, to be away some me. Miss Louise Williford is in Fort Val- Jey, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ralph 'Newton, ~ Mrs. J. L. Irwin and sons, Logan, Jr., ‘and Hawkins, are the guests of Mrs, 'S. H. Hawkins. ‘ Mrs. Lena Speer and Miss Elva Speer, of K:nsas. are visiting Mrs. J. M, Ham. mond. ~ Miss Inez McDermott and Frank R. Cnm;;'bell were married at the home of the bride in Kennesaw, April 4, and immediately after the ceremony left for a wedding trip to North Carolina points. On thelr return they will be at home to their friends at the Windsor Hotel. Mrs. 8. H. McKee was hostess to the Red Cross Bridge Club Fridey after noon. | Mve; };:trr,v Huwl‘t’lnu imdAdhtl'o son are spending a few days In anta, | Mrs, C. O. Niles and Mra. Tracy Cun ‘nlnlham are in Bainbridge for a stay of several ds%. Mrs. C“)zd uchanan and Miss Emmie Morgan have returned from Columbus, where théy were the guests of Mrs. J. A. Thomas. Miss Toledo Pickens, of Panama City, Fla., is the guest of Miss Jimmie Jos sey. Mrs. Lucius McClesky was hostess at two parties when she entertained the T\us(fsy Morning YBrldgs Club l.n the morning and the Young Matrons' Club in the afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Cobb had as her guests last week Miss Pearl Seller and Miss Sallte R. Wilson, of Macon. They re turned to their home in Macon Friday morning. oo n Eatonton cm——— R. AND MRS. J. R. TWEEDY en tertained at a 6 o'clock dinner Saturday evening In honor of Miss Ruth Jones. A course dinner was served. Those frenent were Misses Ruth Jones, Eunice Lott, Alice Ward well; Messrs. J. R. J. Shepherd and Harold Young.‘ Mrs. B. F, Tull entertained at a linen shower Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Ruth Johns, a bride-elect, at the bungalow of Mrs. Clarence Alford. The house was springlike with Its decora tions of flowers. The hostess wore blue georgette crepe, the bride-elect wore wistaria satin, and Miss Eunice Lott, who is to be maid of honor, wore tan georgette crepe. Serving punch were Misses Railney, Sanford and Dennis. Ices and cake also were served. Those invited were Misses Ingn.m. Wardwell, Lawrence, Leverette, Sanford, Dennis, Rainey, Ballentine, Gardner. White, Jenkins, Ballard Wice; Mesdames Horne, H:lsl:s. Dance, Atkinson, Jen kins, Williford, Stubbs, Turner, New lander, Tweof'y. Cln‘l#. Walker, Ezell, Hudson, Taliaferro, Watterson, Middle brooks, leve%. Dennis, Walton, Spivey, Wh\fl\eld. ossee, Reese, Ballard, )Ketc ersid. Beck, Rainey, Young, Ams den, Sanford, Alford. Strivling, " Shurl ingi O'Farrell, Kimbrough a others. r. and Mrs. Henry !onen. Mrs. M. R. Hudson and Miss Woodliffe Scott nt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. %‘:vem Martin in Wrightsville. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Riley spent Tues- H{ny in Macon with Mr. and Mrs. Mec ay. | Mrs. Burke Floyd is the guest of friends in Macon. Mrs. Hiram Gardner has returned home from a visit to Macon. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tull spent the week-end in Atlanta ~ Miss Frances Collins spent the f:lt week-end with Mlss Fannie Lee V erette in Social Circle, Misses Sara and Bessie Lawrence have returned home from Ashburn, where ‘they attended the fumeral of Mr. Ketchum. . Mr. and Mrs. Earle Your‘? are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. . Rainey. ;glrsA Rainey has returned home from - Ashburn. ‘ Mrs. W. H. Shurling has returned tc her home in Wrightsville, after a visit to Mrs. Stribling. Mrs. Rosalie Booth, of Athens, is the grest of Mrs. Frank Spivey. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Marion O'Farrell, ot Athens, are the guests of Eatonton rel atives. Miss leonora Wright is spending some time in Atlanta. Mrs. Frank Spivey has returned homa Arom Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hearn and family are expected at an early date o make their home in Eatonton. Miss Ruth Johns was hanoree on Friday evening at a theatorium party at the Adele Theater, given bv Miss Kathieen Johns. After the movies the guesis weore served refreshments m' Rossee's parlor. Those present wore Misses Johns, Lott, Ballentine, Gardner, Sanford, Rainey, Dennis and Kimbrough; Messrs. J. R. J. Shepherd, Russell and Spivey, E. W. Ingram, H. A. Young, J. A. Stubbs, U. D. Paschal, Harvey Dennis and W. F. Leverette. Captein John 8. Peid entertained in formally Tuesday evening in honor of Migses Ruth Johng and FEunice Lott. Dancing was enjoyed. Those present were Mrs. Charlie Johns, Misses Eunice Lott, Ruth Johns, Kathleen Jokns, Lil lie Wice, Dosuehka Sanford; Messrs, Louis S(plvcy. Jim Stubbs, Frank Lev eratte, Olin Wheeler and Leon Wice. Miss Douschaka Sanford entertained the Five Hundred Club Saturday after noon in honeor of Miss Ruth Johns and Miss Lott at the home of Mrs. Clarence Alford. There were six tables of guests. oo Thomasville HE luncheon served by the mem bers of the Study Class and tha Garden Club to the visitors to the moetlnf of the Second District Feder atlon last week was the only soclal event connected with the coming of the federation here, as, in compliance with the request of Mrs. Black, State federation president, nothing more elab orate was attempted. The hall where the luncheon was served was beauti fully decorated with smilax and quan tities of flowers, the federation colors being prominently used. The occasion was very much enjoyed and proved a dali?‘hllul break to the business routine of the meetings. Mrs. Nellie Peters Black, of Atlanta, State federation president, was the guest while in Thomasville this week of Mrs. 1. H. Jerger, president of the Thomasville Study Class, Mrs. Z. 1. Fitzpatrick is spendlnf a short time in Thomasville, the guest of Mrs. W, M. Harris. Dr. Mary Bradley, of New York, who attended the convention of the Second District Federation here this week, was the rfuest while here of Mrs, W. M. Harris. Miss louise Hopkins left this week for Tampa, Fla.,, where she will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. J. R. Dekle, \ Mrs. W. L. Logan and Miss Ruth Lo gan have returned to their home in Gainesville, after a visit of some weeks to Mrs. Logan's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John F. Parker. Mrs. W. A. Brittlan, Miss Elizabeth Brittian and Billy Brittian, of Tallahas nae.kwere visitors to Thomasville this week. Mrs. Osgood F. Cook has returned to gavannnh after spending some weeks ere. Mrs, M. Ross has returnad from a visit to Griffin and is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Ross, Mrs. Edwin Royall has returned to Savannah after a visit to relatives here. Mrs. L. D. Finn, who has been spend ing the winter here, left this week te visit relatives in Marietta. Mrs. Fowler and Miss Emily Fowler, of De Rldder, La., are visiting Mrs. Heeth Varnedoe, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner have re turned from Savannah, where they vis {ted their son, Francis Turner, who i 3 a member of the Coest Artillery at Fort Seriven. Lieutenant and Mrs. Camxiabell w. Ansley are pleasantly located in an at tractive burgalow on the reservation at Fort Screven, where Lieutenant Ansley is stationed with the Coast Artillery. Mrs. J. H. Robinson and Miss Betty Robingon, of Hamilton, who have been vumnf Mrs. C. S. Parker, left this week for Columbus. Mrs. J. M. Collins, Miss Jennie Col ling and Miss Lutrelle McLennan, of Tallahassee, a?enl a short time in Thomasville this week. Mr. and Mrs, R. P. Lapham, of Chi cago, are spending some time in Thom asville, Miss Hankhorn has returned to Brunswick, after a short visit to Mrs. Jaseph W. Turner. Mrpl. Frank Smith and Frank Smith, Jr., left last week to visit relatives in Montgomery, Ala. ¢ . o Statesboro. RS. J. A. McDOUGALD and Miss M Ruth McDougald spent the week end in Savannah, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Williams. Miss Bessie Louise Chandler, of Waynesboro, spent the week-end with Miss Wilie Lee Oliff. J. W. Johnsion, who has been at Whita Bprings, Fla., for two weksfl has re turned home. Miss Irene Arden joined Mrs. . B. Arden, of Savannah, lolnlr:m to Macon for the week-end with ank Arden, who {8 at Camp Wheeler. H. B. Strange, Secretary of State, spent several days with his family here last week. . Mrs. E. P. Coleman and daughter, Mrs. Herbert Kennedy, spent several da}’s in Macon last week. esse Shaw, of Camp Jackson, Colum bia, 8. C., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Shaw. Miss Ruth Parirsh expects to leave Monday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. H. Blitch, at Valdosta. Jesse Johntson. of Camp Wheeler, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blitch and chil dren, of Valdosta, were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Parrish. Mre. D. C. McDougald, Misses Kate and Ethel McDougald, Miss Ruth Shaw, Miss Maggie Mae Maull and Jesse Mc gounld motored to Savannah Thurs ay. Mrs. M. M. Holland and Miss Annabel Holland spent Tuesday In Savannah. Farnest Summerall spent several days in southwest Georgia. Mrs. Hooks was hostess to the young matrons of the While-Away Club at her home in Andersonville Friday after noon. Those invited were Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Mrs. Charlie Ollff, Mrs. W, ¥. McDougald. Mrs. Dowse Tiee, Mrs. A. F. Mikell, Mrs. Montsalvatage, Mrs. Don Brannen, Mrs. Gordon Donaldson, Mrs. J. H. Whiteside, Mrs. Charles Pigue, Mrs. H. D. Anderson, Mrs. W, E. Dekla, Mrs Q. J. Mays, Mrs. Paul Franklin, Mrs Charlle Matthews, Mrs. Grady Smith, Mrs. Leffler DeLoach, Mrs. Jim Moore. Mrs. Ray Cartar, Mrs. J. M. Morris, Mrs. Rufus Brown and Mrs. Frankiin Williams. Mrs. J. D. McDougald has returned from a visit to her mother at Rocky Ford. onas Clavton 'SB MAUD DIXON has returned ]after visiting friends in Wathal n-B. C Miages Irene Powell and Ora Kitchens of Clarkesville, spent last week-end with Mrs, V. A, Green. Miss Irene Cathev. of Mountain City, was ’ recent guest of Miss PBlanche Hamby. Mrs, Tasper and Miss lena Justus visited Misses Fannie and Carrie York in Tiger lat week, Misses Grace and Clare Hamhy and Vngale Powell, students of the Georwia Naorma! and Industrial Colleee, at Mil ladgeville, spent last week with parents neva, Mrs. Henry Bnrrell. of Cornelin. visit ed Vlrs. Marior Whitmire last week. ‘ Miss Ruth Kitchens of Altn, was a recent gnest of Mrs. Thomas F. Smith. y : oo 0o | Bainbridge bty ISB RUTH HINES was hostess to 1 the Junjor Aid Society at her home Wednesday aftersiioon. Fif teen members were present. * j Mrs. Frank S. Jones and Mrs. Roland | Bower entertained at bridge Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. J. K, F‘erre“.l of Thomasville, the guest of Mrs. George H. Fields. Mrs, Charles Parker entertained In-' formally Monday morning for Mrs. Rus._ | sell Snow, of Quitman, the guest of! Judge and Mrs. W. M. Harrell . Mrs. Gus Kornman was hostess Ao | the regular, meeting of the Temple. Guild at her home Wednesday after- . t'w?n. Seventeen members were pres nt. } Mrs. Otis Bell entertained: Saturday | SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1918 morning with a bridge luncheon in hon or of Mrs. Russell Snow, of Quitman. A party composed of Mrs, E, T. Hines, Mrs. C. L. Senter, Miss Margaret Wil liams, Miss Pearl Floyd and Trevor Bat. tle motored to Macon Monday for three days, to take in the review of the Camp Wheeler soldiers. Mrs. A. H, Mills lsft Tuesday sow Atlanta, where she will spend several d.fl-' r. and Mrs. J. B, Brown have re turned to their home in Charlotte, N. C., after u?endlns3 some time here as the guest of Mrs. Ben Ehrlich. M. J. Breitenbach, of New York, is the guest \of his sister, Mrs. H. B, Ehr lich, on East Shotwell street. Mesdames Charles Parker, Mercer Baggs, E. 8. Varner, J, D. Gray, and Owen Fields and Jack McGaskill mo~ tored te Macon Monday. Mre. A. B. Brooks has returned from Savannah, where she has been spend ing the past week as the guest of her sin, who s stationed at Fort Screven. : 000 Fltzgerald ISB LOUISE CLEMENTS, of Ir winville, was the week-end guest of Miss Effie Cleo Brewer. Mrs. Lon Dickey, Mrs. Rowland Grif fen and Misses Athleen Dickey and Alene Dickinson and Rowland Griffen, ‘J{..h?uended a concert in Ocilla Friday n 3 | g(rs. John McLean and daughters, [Mrs, J. N. McDonald and Miss An {nette McLean, of Douglas, visited friends | in_ Fitagerald Friday. ) Mr. and Mrs, D. E. Jackson and lit ‘tle daughter, of Tifton, were recent vis | itors in the clt{i : Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Maffett, Mrs. Hen_ ry F. Stillwell and Miss Allie Mages were visitors in Macon last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. H, Dorminey and children motored to Moultrie Sunday, where they met Captain and Mrs. J. RR. Robinson, of Bainbridge, who will visit Mrs. Robinson’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dorminey. Mesdames J. Marshal Ashley and George Tanner, of Douglas, were vis | itors in Fitzgerald Saturday, guests of Mrs. J. C, Brewer. Mrs. Brockington, who has been ;}mfldlng some time with her daughter, rs. H. M. Warren, left Saturday for l Brunswick, to be at the bedside of her | sister, who is serlously ill. J. H. Davis and W. K. Davis and Miss Lora Davis have returned to their home in Macon, after a visit to Mrs. James H, Dodgen. A group of little folks were enter tained Friday afternoon by Mrs, S. E. Sschols, at her home on South Grant | street, in honor of the sixth birthday of her little son, Samuel. Many games were played. One which especially pletsed the little ones most was meet | ing Becky, who answered all their ques f tiovs with quaint charm. Ice cream and ]cake were served in the dining room, where the table was decoirated with roses and a birthday cake with six lighted candles. Mrs. Eschols was as sisted in entertainlns by Misses Beu lah,” Katle and Sue Kschols, Mrs. E. P. Searcey and Mrs, J, T. Pittman. Mrs. E. N. stx;’s entertained the members of the Embroidery Club Fri day afternoon from 4 to 8 o'clock. The parlors were decorated In ferns and cut flowers. Mrs. Davis, assisted by her dau%hters Mrs. Brayton Davis and Mes. |C. B. White, served a sweet course. | Thoee present were Mesdames Brayton Davis, C, B. White, H. L. Beauchamp, Floyd Eads, Burr Stokes, Frank Clarke, Art Cripe, Frank Justice, Smith and I\ N. Davis. A dance was given at the Elks’ club room Friday evening in h?m)r of visit ors in the city. Amongß hose present were Misses Hester rewer, Lillian Howell, Allle Mayes, Kathleen Ether idge, Isla Green, Corinne Womble, Ethe} Lewls, Glenn Heide, of Waycross; Marie Griffen, of Douglas, and Amos Tift, of | Tifton; Herbert McLean, of Dou%u; | Oscar Koegel, Waldo Hen&erson, of Val dosta; Harry Wilcox, of Jacksonville; Dell Pettye, of Columbia, 8. C.; Frank James, Frank Smith, James Grantham, Elbert Howell, of Ocilla; Roy Thrasher, HEd Hollingsworth, Lafayette Plckard, Bud Hall, of Tifton; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brewer, Mr, and Mrs. T, M. Walden Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brewer, of Douglas, and Mrs. Reason Henderson and Mrs. Albert Hen. derson, of Valdosta. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Johnstone en a?rtalned a few friends at a 6 o'clock nner Saturday evening at their heme on West Magnolia, in honor of Mrs. Johnstone's mother, Mrs. H. A. Walsh, of Montgomery, Ala. The rooms were decorated with roses and honeysuckles. Covers were laid for eight and a three course dinner was served. The guests were Superintendent and Mrs. J. E, Ricketson, J. H. Bullard, Professor and, Mrs. T, J. Henderson, Mrs. H. A. Walsh and Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Johnstone and John 8. Johnstone, Jr. Miss Marthd Strange was hostess on her tenth birthday Saturday afternoon. A dozen or more of her li'tue friends enjoyed it with her. The home was decorated in roses and honeysuckles, Mrs. 8. C. Azlin and Mrs, Henry Brun ner chaperoned and served the children. Present were Misses Virginia Halle, Vera Mae Brunner, Dorothy Jay, Doro thy McPhail, Clara Belle Brunner, Lau rette MecGhee, Bransie Minter, Elise Bragg, Wylene Jol}l{, Mildren Hinson and gfasters John Henry Minter and Paul Strange. The souvenirs were bassy kets filled with candy hearts. Ice cream, cake and cherry candy was served late in the afternoon. L C. Murphey Candler, of Atlanta, chair. man of &e Georgia Railroad Commis sion, and who made the honor address in )’i‘ltzgerald Saturday afternon on*the occasion of the opening of- the Third Liberty Loan drive, was the guest of Postmaster W. A. Adams, who i{s chair man of the Third leerg Loan eexcu tive committee in Ben Hill County, at an 8 o'clock dinner Saturday night. The auesu besides the honor guest were W. . Bowen, J. F. Sheahan and Mayor Clayton Jay. | L. A. Zirkle, of Zirkle, was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Dormi-‘ ney. | Mrs. W. J. Morris and Miss Leila Johnson Morris and Charles Parker, of B:xlei', were the week-end guests of Mrs. L, N. Hall Mrs. Felix Webb entertained a num ber of her friends on Wednesday after noon in honor of her house guest, Mrs. 1. V. Thompson, of Camilla. The last meeting for this year of Na thaniel Abney Chaf)ter, Daughters of the American Revolution, was held at the lhome of Mrs. Harold Beall Thursday afternoon, eight members being present, Mrs. E. J. Dorminey, vice president, presided. An elaborate party of the week was ' that at which Miss Ruby Waters and Mary Boothe entertained Tuesday even. ing at the home of Mrs, C. C. Parker. on West Palm street, in honor of Miss Margaret Cooper, who left Thursday for her new home in Millen. Old-fashionea games were played until a late hour, when a salad course was served by the | hostess, assisted by Mrs. C. C. Parkes | and Miss Gertrude Hill. The guests included {Mnes Margaret Cooper;, Zes ‘nle Morris, Annabelle Harden, Alma Lee, Martha Morris, Marjorie Baker Nora Ennis, Hattie Lee Walker, Clarg - Britt, Gertrude Hill, Mary Booth, Ruby Waters, and J. J. Clyatt, O. F. Brad shaw, f..enoy Powell, Louls Stovall, El bert Murray, \ Needham Harper, W. B. Lisenby, Abe Kruger, Roy Bragg, Rob ert Frazer, Mr. and Mrs Felix Webb ' and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Parker. : . o oo - Thomson | HE flower bazar whicn was given | under the direction of the Civies ‘. Department of the Woman's Club iFriday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. T. West was a complete success. A 'social entertainment was also given. . The Woman's Club held their regular meeting at the Rest Room Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock. The Girls’ Auxiliary and the Junior Philathea Class, both of the Baptist Church, were entertained by Mrs. C. F. Hunt Saturday afternoon. The auxiliary program was rendered, followed by the Junior Philathea business meeting, after which a social hour was spent. The Chamber of Commerce held a) meeting in the City Bank Building Tuesday evening with E. D. Borders as chairman. A committee was_upPointed, consisting of W. W. Clark, N. E. Ware and Miss A. MecDonald to arrange for entertainment of guests present during the Chautauqua, which is to be held lhero in May. : QoL Macon O cocial event of the week attracted IN more atiention than the buffet i supper given by Mrs., and Mrs, Walter D, Lamar in honor of Mr. and [Mrs. John K. Ottley, of Atlanta, and .Mr. and Mrs. James M. Swift, of Il berton. These guests were here for the 1218 t Infantry frag-raising and the Dixie Division review. Among the guest were Governor and Mrs. Hugh Dorsey, the governor's staff, Brigadier General Francis H. French, commander of the Thirty-first Division; Colonel Orville Hall, General Walter xgn-m and General R. E. Steiner and [t. elr respective staffs. A feature of i the refreshments was that no war bread ,was placed before the guests. Mrs. Wil liam Felton, Jr., presided at the coffee lurn, Mrs. ¥. L. Shorter served punch and Mrs. Lamar was assisted in enter taining by Mrs. J. A. Seldon, Misses Lil i lian gattle. Jane Mcßriar and Marie ' Harris, Many informal entertainments were given in the Dempsey dugout and par lors for the visiting sponsors and Shrin ers. Here the groups chatted and danc ed for several hours. Mrs. M. M. Stapler entertained at a duncheon at her home for Mrs. Miller Bell, wife of the mayor, the sponsor and | her maids, of Milledgeville. Theg guests were Mrs. Miller Bell, Miss Alma Wall, the sponsor, and her maids, Miss Lou ise Walker, - Miss Cornelia Bethune, Miss Laura Shurley, Miss Olive Bell and Miss Cornelia Wall. An informal luncheon, arranged by a committee of ladies headed by Mrs. H. M. Stapler, was tendered Governor Hugh Dorsey, of Georgia, and Governor Henderson, of Alabama, during their visit to Macon for the Dixie Division re view. Beveral beautiful flowers were contributed by the women of Macon. Governor Dorsey and his staff and Mrs. Dorsey were entertained at break fast by Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lewis. Mr. Lewis is a member of the governor’s staff. Macon society Is looking forward with great interest to the spectacular pro duction, “Flu-Flu,” which will be given at the .Grand April 24 under the aus pices of the Mary Hammond Washing ton Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolutign. Among the patronesses announced are Mrs. W. D. Lamar, Mrs. J. M. Johnson, Mrs. Frank Howard, Mrs. Culler Battle, Mrs. 8. T Coleman, Jr, Mrs. W. E. Dunwody, Mrs. C. H. Hall, Mrs. Walter Harris, Mrs. Jordan Massee, Mrs. Giles Hardeman, Mrs, W. H: Felton, Sr., Mrs. W. H. F‘eltor’. Jr, Mrs Reeves H. Brown, Mrs. Pluny Hall, Mrs Pringle Willingham, Mrs. Richard Hayes, Mrs. Hubert Duckworth, Mrs. William Miller, Mrs. Ben Jones, Mrs. Tracy Baxter, Mrs. C. O. Stone, Mrs. Theo Finsley, Mrs. Charles Akerman, Mrs. Henl‘x;y wortham, Mrs. W. E. Mark walter, “Mrs. Caroline Patterson, Mrs. John Sheldon, Mrs. Flewellyn Holt, Mrs. Charles Hall, Mrs. Ellsorth Hall, Mrs. L. O. Stevens, Mrs. Hassell Hevward, Mrs. Jack Lamar, Mrs. Arthur Rankin, Mrs. R .J. Taylor, Mrs. Owen Grady, Mrs. J. B. Riley, Mrs. Ross Bowdre, Mrs. Malcolm Everett, Mrs, LaFayette Davis, Mrs. Randolph Jacques, Jr., Mrs, fielton Hateher, Mrs. Bob Flournoy, rs. J. L. jessup, Mrs. H. D. Adams, Mrs. 'C. C. Harrold, Mrs. J. D. Crump, Mrs. Charles Holt, Mrs B. E. Willing ham and Mrs. O. P. Willingham. Several Macon couples motored to Cordele, where they attended a dance. Miss Emily Massee, after spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Massee. has returned to St. Timothy School in Baltimore. She wa_accompanied by Mrs. Massee, who will spend several days with her. ¥ Miss Louise Johntson has returne& from Anniston, Ala. o Mrs. James R. oVorhees, of Morris town, N. J., is the guest of Miss Louise Campbell. ¥ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Roush, of At lanta, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roush. Mrs. William Lee Ellis is attending the national D. A. R. conference in. Washington, D. C. \rFe 1 Mrs. A. Emmett Barnes, Jr., left for Washington, D. C., where she will spend several days. Miss Louise Royal, of Fort Valley, is the guest of Miss Anna Comer. Mrs. C. N. Buchanon and C. H, Thornton, of Jackson, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Buchanon. Mrs. Roland Aldrich Thayer, of Bos ton, is visiting Mrs. Hall Rahn. Mrs. M. J. Redmond entertained the Daughters of Isabelle Thursday after noon. 5 Lieutenant Walter Stapler was in the city last week visiting his _Fa:ents. Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Stapler. he lieuten ant 18 a graduate of the aviation train ing camp at Memphis. Miss Eleanor Ferrill has returned from New York, where she spent the winter studying volte under Madame Molka. Miss Drusilla Douglas is expected home from New York soon, where she is studying voice. She will be accom panied by Miss Dorothy Crawford, of San Francisco, and Miss Jane Dixen her guest. Vardell, of North Carolina, who will be Mr. and Mrs. W. H. tSembridge com plimented their guests. H. W. Stem bridge and George M. Peck, with an in formal dance ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Park and chil dren have gone to Atlantic City to spend the summer. They will be joined later by Mrs. Thomas S. Lowery, Jr., and children. ‘ Mrs. Eli Flkan attended the funeral of Mrs. Charles Morris in Athens. oo oo Savannah ISS 'TYLER WILBY, of Selma, Ala., who is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Frank Wilby, was guest at a 500 party Thursday after noon, given by her aunt. A number of Savannah's younger set with additoinal friends were invited to meet Miss Wilby. Miss Esther Johnston. of Philadelphia, who is the guest of Miss Helen Hey ward, has been the recipient of many parties during her visit here. Miss Eulalie McLeod entertained in her honor with an informal knitting party Tues da{ afternoon, Tuesday night Miss Johnston was honor guest at a dance at the Yacht Club, given by Miss Eliz abeth Kehoe. Miss Marie Strong com plimented Miss Johnston with an infor mal knitting party Wednesday after noon and Miss Katharine Tew enter tained her Thursday afternoon with a knitting party. Invitations have been received in Sa vannah to the marriage of Miss Annie Oliff, of Statesboro, and John Groover Kennedy, of this city. The wedding will be 4 home event April 24, at the home of the bride’s parents in States boro. Mr. Kennedy is a member of the law firm of Seabrook & Kennedy. Complimentlng the ladies who aec companied the delegates to the twenty fourth annual convention of the Geor gia Division of the Travelers' Protec tive Association, which convened here Thurgday, Mrs. John Ash Pearson, with the sistance of her committees, en tertafned the visitors with a varied pro. gram. The reception committee met them at the Savannah Hotel and ac companied them to the municipal audi torium, where the convention was held. After the morning session a luncheon was tendered the visitors at the hotel; in the afternoon they were taken to the ’thenter and in the e\"ening were hon ored with a dance at the hotel; Friday morning a card party was given the ladies at the hotel, with Thrift Stamps as prizes, ‘After this entertainmentl they were taken on an automobile Tide through the city and surrounding pointsl of interest. Heonoring a number of visiting girls and their hostesses, Mrs. Henrik Wal lin entertained Tuesday afternoon with an informal knitting party. Those in vited were Miss Elizabeth Dußois, Washington, D. C., and Mrs, J. Vaughn, whom she is visiting; Mrs. Al bert Woolfolk and Miss Kate Woollolx; of Columbus, with their hostesses, t Misses Candler; Miss Dorothy H of Brookline, Mass.,, and her hon&e Miss Ellen Johnson; Miss Helen of Beaufort, 8. C., and Mrs. B. B, Ni | whom she is vislting; Mrs, Carl Vre man, Miss Pauline Corson, Miss cig Floyd, Mrs. Leo Muzller and Mrygy Arthur Comer. Miss Susie Clark and Harry Euge Neal, of Atlanta, were married at thi home of the bride’s parents in this cit Monday. Miss Annie Clark was hep | sister's maid of honor, and Judson :\r’ Chapman acted as best man. Mr. an Mrs. Neal will make their home in Sae vannah for the present. Mrs. W. B. Crawford entertained Tuesday afternoon with a brldfe parta complimenting her visitor, Miss Ma garet Thomson, of New York. Tho:z invited to meet Miss Thomson Wwe Misses Ermine Munford, Sara Bacony Julia LeHardy, Helen Strohbar, Eliz« abeth Perkins, Gladys Cassels, Leste# Randolph, Emma Walthour, Delia Linda say, kliza Schley, Lenora Candler, Eliza abeth Candler, Ellen Johnson, Harris, Lois Carter and Mae Screven and Mrsy, H. B. Sayler. S 8 Cedartown RS. ALLIE AULL has returned to M Chattanooga a,lgter a visit to Mrs, Tistelle Jones HaIL Mrs. S. P, Holloway entertained at a theater party Friday afternoon in honoe of Mrs. M. L. Stringellow. of Los An geles; Mrs. W. R. Owen, of Anniston, and Mrs. C. R. Brown, of Acto. Mrs, M. R. Vann has returned after spending the winter with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. T. Holmes, of Wall, Miss. Mrs. D. T. Myers and son, Talmage, spent Tuesday in Rome. Miss Eleanor Houseal returned Mon day to Montevallo, Ala., where she is attending the State school. g Mrs. C. W, Ault, of Mcßae, is vigit ing her son, Eugene S. Ault. Mrs. Homer Watkins has returned to Atlanta after a few days’ visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mundy. Miss Mary Bradford spent last week end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wil. liam Bradford‘,) and returned Suwday to Marietta, where she teaches in the high school, Mrs. Posey Hunt and young son are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hunt, in Rome. Mrs. Mary Sue KEdwards has gqpe to Opelika for a few days’ visit. Mrs. L. S. Brewer left Thursday for a visit to her brother in Montrose. Mesdames W. R. Owen and William Parker spent Thursday in Rome. Lieutenant Dethrich has returned to Camp Hancock, Augusta, after a visit to Thox'nlei\; J. West. Mrs. Rogs Marchman has returned from a visit to Mrs. Calvin Dodds m Atlanta. Miss Pauline Bailey, home demonstra tion agent, went to Cave Spring Satur day and was the guest of Miss Mary Harris and Miss Alice Allcorn. Mrs. Robert Smith, of Louisville, Ky., came Friday to visit her mother, M 1 & H. M. Hall. Mre, J. 8. Stubbs and daughter, Miss Madge, have returned from Atlanta, Allede]l Davis is home from Marion, a. Professor J. C. Harris, of Cave Spring, spent Saturday with his sister, Mrx. Charles J. Janes. Lieutenant Cooper Sanders, of Fort Screven, Savannah, spent the first of the week with his mother, Mrs. Ora Sanders. . 0000 Newnan RS. D. A. HANEY, Mrs. Tom M Goodrum, Mrs. T, M. Bryant, Mrs. H. H. North, Mrs. R. J. Barnett, Mra. Russell Wilkinson, Mrs. C. B. Glover, Mrs. Garland Jones, Mrs. L. H. Hill, Mrs. R. (). jones and Mrs. Mike Powell were among those attend ing the meeting of the Fourth Distriet Federation of Women's Clubs in West Point Thursday last. Mrs. T. J. Fisher entertained her sew ing club Wednesday afterpoon. The list included’ Mrs. Walker Arnall,, Mrs. Glenn Hopson, Mrs. George J. Martin, Mrs. Joe Parks, Mrs. Jim Wadsworth, Mrs. Thomas 8. Parrott, Mrs. Garland Jones, Mrs. W. A. Tarner, Jr.,, and Mrs. J. H. Powell. Mrs. B 3. Mabson spent the week end with Sanford Mabson, who is in training at Camp Gordon. Mrs. W. B. Pringle and Miss Olive Pringle have returned fromr Charles}’lon. S. C., where they were guests of Miss Fannie Hume, Miss Jessie Manget was hostess at an informal party Thursday morning. She was assited by Mr. Harriet Marnget. Mr. T. M. Goodrum entertained at a rarty Friday safternoon in honor of Mrs. Joe Nevilla, of Norfolk, the guest of Mrs. Garland Jones. Mrs. Goodrum was alsaisted in receiving by Mrs. A. M. Nor ris. Mrs. Frank L. Stevens was hostess for the card club Tuesday. Guests for five tables were entertained. o o 0 Athens 2 “SCRIPT” dance was given Tues " day evening at the New Era Club in honor of the Trinity baseball club, who were here for a series of games with the Georgia team. The Georgia cadets and several visiting offic ers from Camp Gordon were among those honored. The young ladies pres ent were Misses Dot Hazleton, Hazel Hodgson, Marion Hodgson, Nina and Susan Scudder, Jennie Arnold, Natalie Bocock, Manon Bailey, Margaret Rowe. Sara Cook, of Minneapolis, and Christell Lidden and Janet Smith, of Brenau. The chaperons were Mrs. C. A. Scudder and Mrs, D. P. Haseltcn. The marriage of Miss Bernice In gram to Henry Grady Moore, of At lanta, took place Monday afternoon at the bride's home a few miles from Ath ens. Dr. S. R. Belk performed the cere mony. ) ‘ A bridge party was given Monday aft ternoon in compliment to Miss Gene vieve Morris, of Atlanta, by Miss Kath erine Tripnre. There were. pre%o:,nt be sides the honor_ guest Misses orence Hooper, Loaise Dorsey, Natalie Bocock, Martha Nicholson and Harriet Benedict. Miss Rosa Warner, of this city, was married to Semuel Cohen, of Savannah, at the home of the bride's parents Tuesday at noon. The ceremony was pe-formed hy Rabbi F. K. Hirsch. Mrs. H. C. Erwin entertained a num ber of friends Wednesday afternoon at her home cn Dearing street. Bridge was played. The Red Cross hat show at the Liuey Cobhb Institute, given by the art de partment. was a great success and was largely attendéd. Many D. A. R's. were present. oo Rome : I HE CLUB OF THE NIBELUNG | was entertained Tuesday by Miss | Cordelia Veal. Miss Mary MecClain entertained six tables of bridge Tuesday in honor of her guest, Miss Olive Wright, of Hunt ington, Tenn. g fM!ss “LaG{aglr;‘z; C’?‘E‘hr;i:xd en%lertl.lnod nformally a ge ursday, honorin her sister, Mrs. J. R. Cotilran. W with her husband, Lieutenant Cothran, of Atlanta, is spending a week in Rome with Colonel and Mrs. R. A. Denny. The largest affair of the week was the big Red. Cross entertainment Tues day night at the Auditorium, when the Manless Minstrel. fetauring a cast of 85 representative Rome ladies. present ed an unusually clever performance. Mrs. W. J. Shaw was personal director and .several thundred dollars were cleared. Some of the star performers included Miss Lillle Mitchell, Miss Ruth Colegate, Miss Martha Dean, as the white politician: Mrs. Ben C. Yancev, in an extremely good burlesque solo and quartet; Miss Bessie Moore, in a clog dance and monologue specialty: gfitnnugh Miller, Miss yane Galt ana