Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 21, 1918, Page 12H, Image 138

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12H OvT OF JowN NEWS ‘Eastman e —— \ RB. C W. ATWELL was the M guest of friends in Macon Jast - week. fi. and Mrs, M. 8 Griffin and two ehifldren, of Nashville, Ga., are vigit- Ilillr. and Mrs. J. M. Sapp. rs. E. B. Harris and daughter, Miss &heflne Harris, spent last week in on. »Miss Fannie Hirschman, of Baxley, is wisiting her brother, Mose Hirschman. #=Miss Alma Clark, who has been vis gl'l{ friends at Cox College, College , has returned to her home “.Mrs. Annie Brooks Dozler and chil dren, of Nor\h Carolina, are spending some time as the guests of Mrs., A. P, Petway. . Mrs. Silverburg and little daughter, Blalne, of New York, are the guests of Mrs. J. D, Herrman . Mrs. Adam Jones and little daugh ter, Marion, have returned to their home in Statesboro. _ Miss Edith Sterling, who has been visiting In Millodxvvflie, Augusta and Atlanta for several weks, has return ed to her home, Misses Clara and Sadie Britt, of Fitz gnld. are the guests of Mrs. L. A. ilson. Miss Martha Sheldon spent last week in Atlante. Misses louise and Bonnle Merritt, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mrs. C. G. Brown. Misse Hortense FPrince, of Waycross, is visiting Mrs. J. 8. Heartsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Edwards and little daughter, Lucy; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jackson and two children, Walker and Guy, Jr., and Mrs_ Toombs Jackson »c’ little son, Toombs, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. . Edwards Sun : esdames Homer O'Callaghan and A. 1. Wilkins have returned from Athens, ‘where they attended the D. A, R. con vention. ~ Mrs. 1. 8. Peacock and little daugh ‘ter, Edna, have returned from Fast Point, where they visited relatives . Miss Cheney spent the week-nd in Lumber City with relatives. ¥ coao Albany HE Albany Woman's Club held fits literary meeting in the clubrooms Thursday afternoon. Mrs. D, H Redfearn read a paper on “American Jdeals,”” Mrs. J. ¥ Cheney on ‘““Web ,.,,fier, Bxpounder of the Constitution” Mrs. George Hachet gave a plano solo, Miss Elizabeth Shackelford read a pa _per on the “Mammoth Cave,” Miss Stel. ;i Kalmon read Joaquin Miller's “Co : bus,”” and Mrs. 8. K. Simon sang “'oOld Kentucky Home." - Albany friends of Miss ¥Kate Battle, formerly of this city, were interested In the announcement of rl‘x'?r marriage in Moultrie Sunday to Marvin Monk. They rpcnt several hourg here Sunday even nf‘en route to Florida. re. A. B, Corrin entertained on Sat urday afternoon in honor of the twelfth birthday or nttle Miss Delora Leggett, ‘at her home'on the Smut-Eye Planta tion, near Albany. The honoree re “glm a number of desirable gifts from e eight little friends who attended. Mre. J. W. Walters was hostess on ‘Wednesday afternoon to the regular : ting of the Daughters of the Amer- Jean Revolution, Reports showed that , chapter has been active in war / . In addition to the knitting done, ness college scholarship has been a young lady: a cont;‘lbutlon sent the Martha Berry School, S3O subscribed help rebuild a French village and a French orphan adopted for one year. As the business session a literary prog; wag rendered which included reading bLMr-. ‘}V E. Rowsey and musical number by Misses Angeline Da_ vis and louise Plerce. Refreshments served after the program, .At her home on North Jackson Btreet Mrs. C. W. Rawson entertained at bridge on Wednesday afternoon in ‘honor of Mrs. E. 8, /McFadgen, who ‘has recently come to Albany to live, and Mrs, George T. Largent, who leaves #hortly for Jacksonville to make her hom Prize for top score was won by Mrs. P, H. Jones, while the honor guests were presented with soyyemirs of the occasion. A luncheon course was served at the end of the game. _ Mesdames F. F, Putne¥, Herbert White and T. L. McCaskill have re I Tl IR o o w— Free Trial Treatment on Request. Ask also for my “pay-when-reduced" of - fer., My treatment has of ten reduced at the rate of 2 pound a day. No diet ing, no exercise, ahsolute lv safe and sure method, Mrs. E. Bateman writes: “Mave taken your treatment and It |y wnndlr{ul how It reduces. It doss just as you say. | have reduced a B pound a day and feel fine.” Mrs. Anna Schmidt writes: *‘l wolghed 178 pounds beters | started your treatment and | now welgh 138 pounds. You may print this If you like," These ara just examples of what my treatment can accomplish, Let me send "you more proof at my expense DR. R. NEWMAN, Licensed Physiclan, 286 Fifth Avenue, New York, Desk K.179| Our Stock of Platinum JEWELRY and WATCHES s at present very large. We bought these goods before the United States entered the war. Mr. Haynes recently returned from New York and found the following conditions exist: The Government has commandeered all bulk platinum,and when this stock is exhausted there will be no more until the war 1s over. We urge you to buy now! Old Gold and Platinum accepted in exchange for new goods. Fugene V. Haynes Co. DIAMOND MERCHANTS, 73 PEACHTREE STREET. turned from Thomasville v?l!re they at. tended the annual meeting of the Sec ond District Federation of Women's Clubs, as delegates from the Albany ‘ Women's Club. { Miss Sallle Weldon has returned from l:n visit of several weeks to her nln.- ter, Mrs, . M. Hanan, of Charlotte, N. | C. " En route home Miss Weldon stopped over for a few days’ visit to friends in Atlanta. Mrs. Max Oberdorfer iz with friends and relatives in Texas Mr. and Mre. H. B. Ehrlich and Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Ehrlich, accompanied by thelr gucst, M. J. Breitenback, of WNew York, spent Wednesday here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, 8. Reich, | "Mrs” C. W. Clarkson, of Chieago, is spending several days here. the guest of her brother, E. M. Woods. Mr. and Mrs., Wight Cruger ?d baby accompanied by Mrs. R. Adams, of Brooklyn, N. Y., left Saturday for Bal timore, Md., where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. E. C, Thoma have re turned from Augusta, wherp thor vis ited Mrs. Thoma's son, who is in the army at Camp Hancock. Mr. and Mrg. John T. Gibson, of Ma con, have returned home after a short lvlnil to Mr, Gibson's sister, Mrs. K. H.\ Dickson : ' Mr. and Mrs G. C. Warren. Mag ' H. W. Warren and Mise Hattle Warren, ' of Tampa, Fla., arrived in the city Sat | urday to spend some time with Mr. and | Mrs. W_ 8, Tarver, onp Tifß street. | Mrs. Jullan Clark and Miss Williedee I(‘)nrk are visiting in New York. | Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Frank, og At 'lanta, have retruned home after a visit | of several days to Dr. and Mrs. C., E | Newell, | Miss Angeline Davis left Sunday for | Bristol, Tenn.,, where she will be a - bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Pau line Messengill. \ . Mrs. Z. 1. Fitapatrick, of Thomasville, l’wlm has been visiting Mrs. C, E, ey« er, of this city, left Monday -evening for | - Madison. w | Miss Virginia Blocker, of Branau (ol- | | lege Conservatory, at Galnesville, was the guest for several days this week of | Mr. and Mrs. B 8. Killebrew, | e 0000 ‘ ;F|tzgerald | | \ ‘ AYMOND BUTLER, of Brunswick, ; spent the week-end here. ‘ ‘ Miss Annie Laurie Jolly, of Bainbridge, spent the week-end in the City with her parents. Mrs. John C. Knight and little daugh ter, Ellen, left Friday for their home in IMmml. Fla., after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Ida McKay. ~ Miss Maude Seymour spent the week end in Waycross with relatives and ’ friends ( | Miss Hazel Dean Jolly is spending a few days in Bainhrldie with her sister, I Miss Annie Laurie Jolly ‘ i Mr. and Mrs, SBam Parker announce the birth of a daughter April 12, who ' has been named Martha Sue. | . Mr. and Mrs. hwlght L. Rogers, of Ocilla, were visitors here last week. ‘ Mrs. James A, Mclnnes and son, James A., Jr., have returned to their home in Ocilla after a short visit to th” parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Dor miney. | Mr. and Mrs. E. Forbes and baby have "returned from a visit to relatives in Ma- ‘ con, . \ i Miss Emily Griffin left thls week for Milledgeville to resume her studies at G. N. L. College, Miss Maude Crane has returned from a visit to her relatives in Highland, N. C, Mrs. R. L. Hillard is in Atlanta where she will spend a month or twe with relatives lh% friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. I, Griffin had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Connell and daughter and Mrs Robert Connell, of Nl.ahflflo. Ga. Miss Ksther Osborne spent the week end in Cordele with friends. Mrs. Ted Myers entertained a num ber of her frlends Monday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at her apartments in ‘the Empire Hotel. The rooms where !tho guests were entertained wera dec orated with cut flowers and potted Iplunm. Sewlng and knitting were the pastimes for the afternoon and at @ 'o‘cloek Mris. Myers, assisted by Miss Rhea Wise and Mrs. Ricker, served a salad course. The guests were Mes dames Lon Mckey, J. 1. Pitman, T. J. Dickey. J. H. T)nd%eln. B 8 Scrnlgl. G. E. Ricker, G. 8, ournt:'y. J. L r miney, Drew W. Paulk and Misses Lil llan Howell and Rhea Wise. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Adams have re turned from Macon, where they spent several davs in the interest of their bahy's health, Mr. and Mrs. John Buckalew announce the birth of a little daughter April 16. Miss Ireno Jones, of Ocilla, spent Sun day in Fitzgefald with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W, F. Jones. Miss Louise Bailey has E?flo to Daw gon to visit Miss Mamie Callawoy. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Mann had as their guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Via, of Wadeshoro, N. C. Mrs. R. E. Gassett and little son, Lynnwood, are visiting relatives in Moultrie, J. H. Mayes left Thursday for Barnes ville, where he will visit his sister for a few days. | Misses Sarah McDonald, Rosalie Plb‘ terson, Marjorie Baker and Hattie Lee Walker left last week for Dawson to attend the distriet contest. | Mr. and Mrs, Ulric J. Bennett have As their guests Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bennett and son, Willlam, of Griffin, Miss Hester Brewer has returned from HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN — A NewsEaEr for People Who Think — SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1918 "'mdvl:-. where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Price Heard. Mrs. Wright McKay was hostess to the Susie Dahms and a few friends Sat urday afternoon. The rooms where the guests were entertained were decorated in red Illlies, roses and potted plants, Knitting and sewing was the pastime for the afternoon and at 6 o'clock Mrs. McKay, assisted by Misses Lillian How ell and Hazel Jolly, servgd sandwiches and iced tea. Present were Misses Lil “Jian Howell, Hazel Jolly, Emily Griffin, Gertrude Hill, Margaret Spiller, Hazei Mays, Mavis Paulk, Lucy Whitley and Mre. T. M. Walden Mrs., Ted Myers entertained informally Fridey afternoon at her apartrments in the Empire Hotel in honor of Mrs. D. V. Thompson, of Camilla, The after noon was spent knitting and sewing, after which Mre. Myaors, assisted by Miss Rhea Wise, served a salad course and tea Among those preent were Mes dames DV, Thompson, Felix W. Webb, 0. 1. Bradshaw, T. M. Walden, Ever ett Rhorer, R, M. Pryor, D. L. Perry, 8. d. Pryor, Jv.,'J. G. Willlams, L. C. Glover, C. C. Persons, C. 8. Isler and Misses Rhea Wise and Bobra Reynolds. Miss Lilllan Dorminey entertained the members of the Review Club and a few friends Saturday afternoon. The par lors wera decorated in red lilies and pot ted plants. After the usual hours of reviewing the magazines and sewing a salad course and tea were served. The guests were Misses Madge Paulk, of Nashville, Tenn.; Bobra Reynolds, Rhea Wise, Ida McKay, Nelle Averette Sadie Reese, Hattie Clark, Lillian Thurmond, Martha Turner and Mesdames 8. G. Pryor, Jr., I. C. Glover, C. C. Persons and R. M. Pryor. Mr. and Mrs. George Pulas, of Dublin, and Miss Augrelle Pulas, of Savannah, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pope last week. Mrs. C. F. Preston and daughter, Miss May, will leave in a few days for Pem broke, where they will visit Mrs. Pres ton's daughter, Mrs, John Morrison. Miss Madge PPaulk, of Nashville, Tenn., who has been the guest of Mrs. A. J McDonald for the past week, has gone to Birmingham to visit her sister. Rev. J. W, Bleeker and eGorge Brown attended the convention of the Diocese of Georgia In Savannah last week. Mrs. James I, Dorminey entertained Thursday afternoon at her apartments in the Aldine Hotel at rook for the benefit of the Red Cross. Ferns and roses were used to decorate the rooms where the game was played. There were four ta bles, each with its tray to receive the free will offering for this worthy cause, which amounted to $10.76. Mrs. D, 1. Perry made highest score and wis awarded a bhand-painted cake plate. Late in the afternoon Mrs. Dorminey, assisted by Mrs. George Flournoy, serv ed a salad course. Among those pres ent were Mesdames D. L. Perry. Jessle Grantham, Lon Dickey, J. L. Pitman, (}eorfe Flournoy, W, G. Broadhurst, T. J. Dickey, Goor%o E. Ricker, Joseph C. Brewer, Drew . Paulk, R. M. Mann, Fred Bpliler, J. F. Sheahan, C. A. Ren ard, J. R. Fain, ILouis Keim and D. P. Adams. aßon Carrollton 188 NELLE MEADOWS was host ess to the Lit Mu Club Thursday afternoon, ‘‘Bohemian Folk Music” was the sueject. The program was participated in by Mrs. C. K. Hen derson, Mrs, H. M. Lyon, Mrs. J. 8. Lowry, Jr., Miss Olive Bradley, Miss Emma Lee Kytle, Miss Mary Loou New, Mrs. Joe Aycock and Mrs. J. A. Hume. The United Daughters of the Con federacy held an important business meetl;l{' Wednesday afternoon at the City Hall. The program for Memorial ‘Day was planned, when the county serv ice flag will be presented to the city, together with the Confederate flag. The Jokers' Club was entertained by Mrs. Will Webb Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lovvorn, of Grays Mill, Ala., was in vited to meet the regular members. The Civic Club met Thursday after noon at the City Hall. ‘ Carson Kennedy, of Iron City, Ala., lchnt the week-end with relatives in Carrollton. ~ Mrs, H. M. Tyns has re!urned from & vislt to her sister, Mrs. Clark, in At anta, Mrs. T. H. Colling, of Atlanta, is vis mm her father, W. H. Turner. | ss Natalie Jones and Hubert Grif fin spent Sunday in Griffin. Dr, Claud Griffin oient several days in Atlanta last week attending the ‘State Medical Association meeting. A, K. Snead -rnt Monday in New nan attending the Bankers' Associa tion meeting. ~ Mrs. Frank Wearns, of Cedartown, is visiting Mrs. Angie Simonton. ~ Miss Lovvorn, of Newell, Ala., is vis iting Mrs. John Steward. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Walker Beck spent Wed nesday in Atlanta. - Misses Cnn@oand Taylor spent the week-end in uglasville as guests of ‘Miss Durham, Lieutenant W. B. Horton, of SBan Antonio, Texas, is visiting his mother, Mrs. N. A. Horton. Misses Will Cobb and Lamar Jennings, of Camp Wheeler, speN\! the week-end with home folks. Miss Irene New and Nevin Smith spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Miss Naney Dyer has returned from a brief visit to erlatives in Opelika. The Chrysanthemum Club met with Mrs. C. H. Stewart Tuesaday afternoon. The Study Circle of the ¥lrst Meth odist Church met with Mrs. J. M. Car lvsle Monday afternocn. Mrs. G. R. Adamson, of Bremen: Nathan Adamson, of Fort Miles, Va.; Mrg. George Brown, of High Point, N. .. and Mrs, George Brown, Jr., of Chat tanooga, Tenn., spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Jackson. Hoyt Grier, of Anniston, Ala., spent Sunday and Monday here. g John Tanner was hers Sunday from College Park Herschel Harris, who is attending Tech, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Lillian Gordon Watson, of Rome, is the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Hamby. Lieutenant Charles Fitts, M. R. C, has received orders to report at Fort Oglethorpe in three weeks. Lieutenant Sam Stephens, of Camp Gordon, spent several days here last w s Miss F’:. Tanner, of Wesleyvan, spent Sundav ot ik use A. K. Smead left Wednesday for a two weeks' visit to Washington, .D. C. Miss Mildred Camp entertained a ewing party Saturday afternoon. Those invited were Misses Arnold, of Call fornia, and Vivian Brodnax, Mesdames George Brown, of Chattanooga; B. W. Smith, of Atlanta, and Hewling Hor ton oo n Statesboro. HE marriage of Miss Annabel Hol land to M. E. Grimes Tuesday morning was an interesting event, The marriage was planned to be a very quiet one, but a number of young peo ple surprised the couple by appearing just in time for the ceremony and ac companying the happy couple to Do ver, where they took the train for Sa vannah, from where they will go to Flor. ida for a stay of several days. - Mrs. Frank Kltuzm spent several days in Savannah and Tybee this week. : Q; - : 77 " }":’s | , \a At | AT W Made from the White Meat of the Cocoanut Churned With Fresh Milk HESE are the ingredients used in the churning of this new, delicious spread for bread. This we are glad to publish. There are no secrets about Troco.” We must label Troco as Oleomargarine, because no new laws have yet been made since Troco was discovered. ‘ . _ ' > We use no oleo oil, no hog fats, no cotton-seed oil-——common ingredients used in Oleomargarine. Simply the wholesome white meat of the cocoanut and pure milk. Troco 1s a aut-fat butter—therefore purely vegetable. It ils highly nutritious. Like ordinary butter, Troco is an energy or fuel food, but far cheaper. A Nut-Made Butter at the Price of Fat-Made Oleomargarine Please do not confuse Troco with common oleo margarine made from hog and cattle oils or cotton - seed oil. ; The use of the white meat of the cocoanut in but tcr—makmg is a recent European discovery. : Like Creamery butter, it comes to the table a rich golden color. : Capsules, containing exactly the same vegetable coloring used 10 creamery butter, are included in each pacleage. The coloring process is simple. ¥ ® A Great Delicacy Fresh, crisp Troco is a most natural food—pure, appetiz ing, easier to digest—not distinguish- 0.0 ’ able from good creamery butter. And Jihte =Sy o far more Inviting than fatty oleomar. Cocosaut Ay garine. - . S (A Troco fats—pure nut fats—possess AT ) high fuel value, needed for bodily %‘g E. energy. And Troco helps to build and /= “Q repair bone and tissue. Pt righ %our whole family will enjoy Tro- : coed Bread It is good for them. And it saves you much, Try This Test Just to prove to yourself the pleasing flavor of Troco— : ETy serve it to your family for a week Chummed with ~\ (gt .z before telling them. ; SO Y : Y ,' b It is the same golden color, be -2o SRR S NS ly th lor- R R Wy 5, Cause we supply the same color R I e g m%used in creamery butter. W \,QJ ote their comments. (S xé\“fi e - Then tell them all about Troco RN e-~ and ask them if they want to give TROCO NUT BUTTER CO., Milwaukee, Wis. Distributors, J. J. BARNES-FAIN CO., 5 Produce Row. Mrs. W_ T. Smith and little son, Al bert, have joined Mr. Smith at White Springs, Fia.,, Mr. Smith having gone down several days ago for his health. Herbert Kingery, Brooks Denmark and Jim Donaldson, of the United States] navy, spent several days at home this | week, I Carl Holland, of Camp Wheeler, gpent a few days at home this week, having come gown to be present at the marriage of his sister to M. E. Grimes Tuesday morning. Mrs. D. D, Arden is in Savannah with Dan Arden, Jr., who has been quite ill. Miss Annie Rawls, of Guyton, is thel‘ guest of her sisters, Mrs. ID. R. Groover and Mrs. D. D. Arden. i Morgan Arden, who is employed in Savannah, spent the week here. | Miss Mary Beth was Nostess to the North Side Club on Tuesday afternoon. On account of the ideal spring weather, Miss Smith entertaingd the girls pienle fashion, carrying them out into the country. Those present were Miss An nie Olliff, Miss Lucy Blitch, Miss Geor gia Blitch, Miss Kathleen McCroan, %jra. Frank Balfour and Mrs. Inman oy. Miss Ruth Parrish i= the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blitch in Valdosta. Mr, and Mrs, J. D. McDougald and Mrs. D. C. McDougald spent Tuesday in Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvie, of Callahan, Fla., are visitors to Statesboro, hav ing come up to attend the Holland- Grimes wedding. The friends of Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Cobb will be glad to learn that their son, Wallace, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, has suf ficiently recovered to be able to be carried home. Miss Roberta Hunter, of Register, spent the week-end here. G. J. Mays, 8. E. Groover and J. H. Brett are in Detroit, having gone up to purchase cars, They will make the return trip through the country. Paul Wright, of the United States navy, spent several days at home. ‘ Miss Ruth McDougald is in Black shear, having gone to represent the Ready Workers of the Presbyterian Church at the Presbyterial. | Mrs. Robeson and Mrs. B. W. An derson are attending the Presbyterial in Blackshear. Mrs. Robeson will visit in Jagksonville, Fla., before returning home, ‘ cogn Royston HE Meihodist Ladies’ Missionary Society held its regular meeting Monday afternoon at the Methodist Church. The Allen Turner Chapter, U. D. C., met at the home of Mrs. H. 8. Mec- Crary Tuesday afternoon. An inter esting program was planned r'- Me morial Day. Among the boys and girls taking part in the Eighth District High School contest held at Covington last week were Miss Rebecca Ray, music and spell._ ing; Miss Hilda McConnell, ready wri ter; Henry Ridsgway, spelhng; Oscar Mann and William Brock, debaters; Hugh Poore, Arthur Lee Bowers, Roy Payne, D. W. Brooks and Willlam Br\(igk, athletics. Professor R. H. Moss, Miss Annie Flynt and Ruby Wilkerson, of the faculty, accompanied the contestants. Miss Miriam Bond, after spending sev eral days with her mother, Mrs. R. J. Johnson, has returned to Wesleyan Col lege, at Macon. - Miss Kate Bryant, who is teaching school at Evans, {s spending the week ‘end with homefolks. She was accom panied home by Miss Florence Anderson it up. In these days of high costs, tell them how:much is saved, too. . . . ® Cook With Troco Troco is fine for cooking.™ It is excellent for shortening. The results are the same as if butter were used. T?’ Troco in baking bread. On griddle cakes. Fortoast. Whenever you @ use butter. And use all you want—re- ~uad I member its comparative cheapness. < .. i j 3 N\& R o, A All who eat _at your table will be delighted. e, Much Cheaper Troco is cheaper than butter—it costs no more than oleo margarine. As for purity—you know how nature protects the white meat of the cocoanut with a thick, hard shell. No need for a tuburculin test. ' : ~ - In a spotless creamery, which is approved by Govérnment officials, Troco is churned under ideal conditions. No product could be made un der greater care. Use plenty of appetizing Troco—fresh and crisp—and note how much you save. 4 . . i , e e N ¢ Begin Now T Order a B L R pound or two B e BT ki of Trocotoday — Sl N Your deale; ; LER »)‘!L has it—or can ‘N C i ¥ gi‘et it efsily. Put 2 TR . \ \ roco to a com- P cpco."" i petitivetat.Box?h s§§ .fmfl' -LUsiy ‘ > your palate and ? 0 mad TA 9 } Aow R!‘ : your pocket book 2 OR gs M will decide in fa- RS F NI vor of Troco. If "'fijfix-)}"’ fl““ you are not pleas- % 2 ST 0;i gd. kyour money s @ o - S and Mr. Adams, who are her guests while here. . M:s. J. A. Dyar is visiting friends in Cornelia and Atlanta. Mrs. W. L. Ives, of Greenville, 8. C,, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs L., J. McConnell. Mrs. G. T. Ridgway left Tuesday for Augusta, where she will visit for several weeks, Miss Gladys Nelms, who is a mem ber of the Toccoa school faculty, is spending the week-end with relatives. The young men of Royston entertained at a dance Friday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. B, L. Bond. Musiqg was furnished by Haughey's orchestra. e R gi——— ( l J ’ T .WW TS — MYRON E FREEMAN E.B FREEMAN \ ) & T.HILSMAN Myron E.Freeman&Bro r\é JEWELERS ©9 PEACHTREE STREET ATLANTA GEORGIA PLATINUM DIAMOND JEWELRY 14K GOLD JEWELRY STERLING SILVERWARE DOMESTIC AND IMPORTEDR WATCHES G SIGNERS OF MODERN SETTINGS FOR FAMILY JEWELS W NO ADVANCE IN PRICE NEURALGIA 2 For quick results » mo;tbo me o ICKS VAPORUB L 26c—500—51.00, 1