Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 21, 1918, Page 4H, Image 154

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4H British Submarine Fired on by Ship It Warns of Mine Field IR 5 sen o+ Getta Ouly 'One Daager of Brave Undersea Fighters. By JOEN 8, MAGERIEON It would be wrong to suggbst that thoee British sailormen who go down to the sea In submarines are any braver than those who work in sur face ships, but to say that these men get their full whack—and something more—of thrills is strictly true. Take, for instance, the submarine which rose at the very edge of a mine fleld with the obvious intention of warning a homeward-bound tramp steamer of the proximity of danger, only to be fired upon immediately by the tramp's gun—the first shell from which plunged into the sea alongside her and smothered her lieutenant in spray. A second shell just whistled past and took off the lieutenant’s cap, while a third wrenched the hastily waved white ensign flat from his hand—the skipper of the tramp had seen just as his gunlayer pressed his trigger. The experience was hardly caleu- Jated to arouse human kindliness in the submarine commander's breast, yet in plain view of the surface he crulsed over to the now-stopped tramp, told her of her danger, and afterwards indulged in a furious dla tribe, wherein he cuttingly summed up the tramp's ancestry, described her personal attributes, and finally prophesied an indescent end for, her and all aboard her, after which she gank to the sea bed and allowed the speechless crew to take the careless cargo ship on its proper way. 'l‘he’ realization of the thrill came when the submarine's crew understood that ‘ if their skipper had not been exceed ingly smart with that ensign the stramp’s gun would have made a col lander of her plates, and sent those who were bept on defending her to the bottom without hope of escape. Close Escapes Common. A thrill of quite a different kind was experlenced in a certain boat working in the shallow waters off the Belgian CohAst—among the mine fields and other defences set up byi the enemy. At*times she found her self in deep water, at others in shal- l low, and at all times and seasons there were passing German craft, only too eager to end her venture some eéxistence. On one occasion sghe wag compelled to rise swiftly to avoid running her nose into a mudbahk, and as her conning tower was ahbove the surface, her commander thought he would fill his lungs and boat with fresh air, as well as have a look around, % As he emerged he glanced aft, and the blood froze in his veins when he saw, lying on the flat deck of the submarine’s after part, a huge round object with things jutting out at va rious angles. The object was a mine. The submarine had risen exactly un derneath it and brought it to the top with her. The position was fraught with the gravest danger, for a lurch would have ‘brought one of those prejecting horng into sharp contuct‘ with the hull plating and-—pouff! | boat, crew and mine would have gone to glory in a shower of splinters. I And the boat could not submerge Just then, although the Hun seaplane haa already spotted her and was working over at full speed to bomb her, because there wasn't enough ‘water under keel to hide her, So, with his breath held and his finger tips pressed together, that commander stood on his conning tower top and sent his boat ahead softly, keeping one eye on the mine and the other on the approaching ai*plane. The latter drew overhead - and immediately dropred a bomb, whose explosion sent up a great wave which lapped thun derously over the 13-beat's whaleback ~—and washed that dreadful mine clean off into deep water and safety. . Thereafter that submarine per formed a hasty dive into the first deep water, and sat on the bottom *while her soul-thrilled commander co!)back his breath, 5 f a different order was the adven ture of the crew of another subma rine which, working in the North Sea in a fog, audden!g ran into something hard and unyielding, and a moment later was asked very impolitely in German where the hades she was running to, and if she had bought the oean. The British lleutenant in command gasped, and then in precise German poured forth a full and fitting reply, threatening the trawler—for such was the ship—with all sorts of fearful penalties for having dared to speak thus to a submarine. Furthermore, he commanded the enemy vessel to {ling overside a hawser to make fast his baat and a ladder whereby he might ‘ascerd to her decks. Ten minutes later the commander led a cutlass-armed and very angry score of British seamen up the lad der to ask very. nicely for the Teu ten's surrender. That thrill ended by the armad trawler, which was also a mine layer, voyaging to Britain under her own stean, manned by a dozen elated Britons, and shepherded by the “submarine with the bent nose. It was also in a fog that E-ump teen found herself high and dry on a shoal off the Schleswig-Holstein eoast. SBhe could dut wait for the tide ~ to refloat n:r, and meanwhile her ~ crew took the opportunity to secure a .much needed rest. Came along an enemy destroyem, who asked her her tusiness, and unfortunately this sub - marine commander spoke no German. But he had a ready wit, and an swered that he had no busines sthere, You apply a Ilttla Poslam on some affected part at night. In the morning when you look, your own eyes give evi dence of this healing remedy's work. If it was a slight trouble—an adoles cent pimple or ilnflamed spot—the chances are that it has disappeared, #f a virulent eruptional trouble, it should be subdued, so much =o that you will /want Poslam to keep right on. Sold everyvwhere. For free sample, write to Emergency J.aboratories, 243 West Forty-seventh street, New York City, Be carefu! of the soaps you use on your skin. Poslam Soap is safe, bene-~ ficial, delightful, medicated with Poslam. ~—dadvertisement. ‘but if the destroyer would accommo date his crew he would willingly sur render. Anl surrender he did, though neither he nor his men gave up thnlr} stout Webley pistols, which they had | concealed about their persons, to use later with such good effect that when they were transshipped in the de stroyer's hoats to the bigger ship the German was fain to perform the “kamerad” stant in his turn. | Then the destroyer's new com mander kept his captured craftthang ing around till the tide rose, hitched a hawser to his own submarine and tawed her off, finally bitnging that inquisitive hostile bird home with his own craft in attendance. A Marvellous Escape. But a thrill which even the sub marine service refers to with bated breath was that experienced by a ‘certain officer whose boat, rammed in the bows, suddenly lost all her uta-‘ bility and fell headlong to the sea bed with all her crew. Though only damaged across the torpedo tubes, and though the water was pourlngJ into her but slowly, she refused to rise, and her crew knew that unless they moved exceedingly smartly they must shortly die from suffocation or drowning. The commander mads his men put on their life-saving helmets then, flooding the boat with compressed air, he shot them one by one in a gi gantic bubble to the surface. At last all had gone and only he remained— remained without any means of get ting to the surface. He was in de spair, but he had strong objections to dying in such a tame fashion when there was so much thrilling work t be done in the world—when the first real war of centurieg was being wag ed. So he made a great fight for life. He emptied every compressed alr flask in the boat, but failed to get pressure enough to work the conning tower door. When he tried the hand gear a defect in the lever manifested itzelf, and it snapped off like a rot ten carrot in his hands. Then he took the great resnlve——to.stnke all on a last cast of the dice” He would let the sea water into the boat more rap idly, knowing that 'as the water got higher and higher in the hull the air above it would become sufficiently compressed to enable him to open the torpedo hatch, which would keep the pressure of the sea at bay till he could get out. 1 Minute after minute he stood there, with the water rising, slowly rising, to his ankles, hls knees, his waist, his chest, his chin. He decided that he had got sufficient pressure, and made his first attempt to open the hatch., It gave three inches only, and almost all his precious alr escap ed in useles bubbles. ’ It was enough to make anyone give up—but not our commander. Again he waited—waited with the compressed alr scorching his lungs— ‘with ten thousand little red deviis ‘hammering at his head and his heart ‘beating like a great steam pump. ‘Now he had to climb on the top of his control stool to keep his head above water-—there were only six inches of space between HR surface of the water and the roof of the boat. At last he could stand the torture no longer, and made another attempt to lift the hatch. It gave, it lifted; then it fell back suddenly and crush ed his fingers between {tself and its sill. The sudden pain added to the torment he was already undergoing drove him momentarily insane, With a swift upward maddened heave he thrust upward-—and the hatch gave! | And ten seconds later, in the center . ’ . o . Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Formerly Known As . . ® . . Has the Distinction of Being the Largest Selling Pain Medicine Ever Put on the Market Same Length of Time. Two Words Sold Two Million Bottles—Two Years—Merit Advertising Has Relieved More Sufferers Than Any Other Known Oil Remedy. Millions of Bottles Sold Under Absolute Guarantee to Give Sat isfaction or Money Refunded, and Less Than a Dozen Bot tles Have Been Returned. A record surpassed probably L 10 other remedy on the market. Many have testified that “they had suffered with Rheumatisiu until they had been forced to give up their work because they could not use their limbs; some who could not even raise their arms above their heads have been relieved and are now praising this wonderful oil, that other sufferers may be bene fited. No wonder this great oil treatment has sprung into such tremendous popularity in so brief a time, and so much praise today by the thousands throughout the country. Owing to the great demand for this new oil preparation, many cheap substitutes and imitations are being offered the public by druggists and dealers who desire to benefit themselves instead of their custemers. The reason he tries to sell you a substitute is he makes more money on it, and you are the sucker and he is benefited, not you. MILLER'S ANTISEPTIC OIL (formerly known as Snake Oil) has benefited many thousands. See that you get it. For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sore, Stiff and Aching Joints or any kind of an ache or pain it is said to be with out an equal. For Sere Throat, Diphtheria, Tonsillitis and for Cuts and Burns it has been found most effective. This great oil manufactured only by the Herb Juice Medicine Co. See that the ‘‘copyright’’ appears on front of the carton. Don’t be an e mark; get what you read about in the newspapers. Xvery bottle guaranteed; 26¢, 50c an;?l.OO, or money refund ed by leading druggists. Over 100,000 bottles sold in St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Pitts burg, Philadelphia, Richmond, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, Houston, Dgi.llas, Fort Worth, Kansas City and Memphis in the past three months. Get it at your druggisis. JACOBS PHARMACY CoO. HEARST'S SUNDAY AMERICAN _—_ A Newspa,Eer for People Who Think — SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1918 of a big bubble,: there floated up Into God’s own sunsthine a man, After a spell in the hospital that commander and] crew went back in another E-boat' to work with “the navy trade” and} to gain thrilling in cidents in the ordinary everyday course of their lives. . . . \ Socialist Candidates . A Are in. Workhouse (By International News Service.) COLUMBUS, (HIO, April 20.—0h10 Soclalists have nominated Miss Lottie Burke, of Cincinnati, as their candidate for Secretary of State, although she wouldn’t be eligible to hold office it elected. Charles Baker, of Hamilton, nominated for Lii:utenant Governor, and A. Wagenknecht, of Cleveland, also nominated for Secretary of State, are both in the Camton workhouse. It Is sald their sentemce will not be up by election day. ’ NAVY ESTIAN“TE ANNOUNCED. LONDON, Apnril 20.—The navy es timates for 1918-19, issued in “token” form, provide for 450,000 men. There are twelve effective and three non effective services, and the sub-heads under which’the votes will be ac counted for will'be as nearly as prac ticable identical with those shown in the navy estimates for 1914-15. Scl entific services are included. LA PREFERENCIA CIGARS Genuine Old-Fashioned Broad-Leaf Wrapper, Honest Havana Filler i = N.:?i‘:nul 2 Smoke.” -~ e~ C:i-i: -“E “30 Minutes in Havana” Club House Shape : Bk 00, AOC e ——————a el Little Preferencias and 5 New Operas, Each . C THE THIRD LIBERTY LOAN isyour cprérte nity to show that patriotism you have been talking about. Buy these bonds to the full extent of your ability. This is a duty and should be a pleasure. Capital City Tobacco Co. DISTRIBUTORS Importers Atlanta, Ga. Jobbers MOTHER GIVES SIX SONS. BT. LOUS, April 20.—Another out standing inktance of the sacrifice moth ers are making In the war is shown in the announcement that Mrs. Adele Wightman, of this city, has given her six sons to Uncle SBam. Three of the boys, Thomas J., William R. and Charles M., are serving in the flying service, while the other three, Richard .M., Joseph 8. and Paul V. have enlisted in the infantry. / ¢ Trlal Treatment on fi’(’ muefl. Ask also for my L] ‘'pay-when-reduced” of fer. My treatment has of- I ten reduced at the rate of a pound a day. No dlet- N ing, no exercise, absolute ly safe and sure method. ‘ B Mrs. E. Bateman writes: “Have ) taken your treatment and Mt s wonderful how It reduces. It does Just as you say. | have reduced a pound a day and feel fine.” Mrs. Anna Schmidt writes: *‘| weighed 178 pounds hefore | started your treatment and | now welgh 138 pounds. You may print this If you like.” These are just examples of what my treatment can accomplish. Let me send you more proof at my expense. DR. R. NEWMAN, Llicensed Physiclan, 286 Fifth Avenue, New York, Desk K-179 \ ° o orsevincs (3 Sale of Fine Fiber Rugs Y Suines 3 Sale of I'tnel'l for Sale { > v"§'_~,_ . . Her - A \a ¢ Delivers Your Choice \//) IB\ fl A 9&&\(\ SI.OO a Week Pays for It 7. N7~ B e e | & v Full Room Size 4 ',- - ,//’ | f _.",il. L 1 V"v o F { Y?kf > / ,‘(l}' |l & ,'f\".?;; AN L 9x 12 Feet -,]\ :Ag, /’,fi{i\i}( ;'¢ ; "%L\' DN ] RAR L 1 I $16.75 LA Y. e SOO XY -31‘?'.‘ "fi ? \‘(’ s 6 {,‘\ i;&?\‘ “A : For your choice of a Y 5 'Qf:‘.’%" 33 o 3 = \‘/*&‘-"‘ P H dozen beautiful pat “}? AoO YR Y \ 2 VSR N l} terns. NN R YA AN o EOR S RN ~§§\ . 4% ALY SR NS BDR G~ AR Q E X RS -S, ’& o 9 \b\i\- 3 X AS¥ L\ 3 .I'A’W‘ :;_g, ’-’EJ" !&3\‘ :’?‘7‘.—)-“s;«;\._‘“ Fiber S ondFda s St AR e S oer N -\,3\\;’(‘ : ,k;xp e ‘ & o\l ADy Ti"»”""" T SRR G QR SRS\ L Q : A /w':;y‘f&v/g/ N¢P R N e Rugs RS S R s )5~ &«&\‘%‘\g\ ‘\3&; BRI B sweeping, attractive, inex- K&y = A‘.:?‘g T Now and then stich val pensive rug you can buy. An "\;{—k‘::@‘ SA 5 ues can be pffered. Better ideal rug for summer or winter ‘?}’{:’. C‘;: take advantage of it and get one. for any room in the house. g i Limit, one to a customer. Only a Few More Days of the April Refrigerator Sale Delivers Your Choice 32.00 a Month 32.00 Up Pays for Your Choice Prepare for the hot days that are sure to come shortly. Take advantage of the April terms. Remember, 50c delivers any re frigerator during April—and the April terms are lower than they will be any other time during the year. With an “Eagle’’ They operate on little ice—dead air space de tween the walls is the secret. There is no bet ter method of construction. We have sold “Eagles” for 12 years—we know them — you take no chances. Monday $4.98 Come Sale Early Quantity Is Limited St £ L) e afifil‘m SUREVET AN ( b L L i 114 ol sMo o R = ] ¥ S “l\. ! "A\.{," AL : 1Y 0. . . - & : $4.98 A Regular $7.50 Value 18 by 24 inches. White enam eled, rubber-tired wheels, woven wire spring bottom. Don’t wait another day. Get one Monday. Wheel baby anywhere while sleeping. ’ $ 1.50 Places This 9-Piece Suite in Your Dining Room $ 1.50 .‘i m e "\\/ ’ Il 9-Pieces As Shown SBISO $1.50 a Week Pays for It '% Hl I\‘ i I“\‘j h 7_‘ / A Limited Number, Specially Priced on Special Terms s LI N/ 4 / Every piece solid oak throughout—finished Fumed and Golden— _] \/ 7 Buffet, China Cabinet, Table and six Cushion Seat Chairs, exactly as . e . shown. An ideal suite for apartment or bungalow. A value not to = v W be had every day—on terms most unusual. Place your order Mon i B day. We will deliver any time you say. -~ T == LS ee | R R A & : &7 N ‘ | L “BR Lom “5 | §) ez | R R PRV o o Bl R R M — e R T AL AN son ] | v A\ || 7zoe A ] g ‘. it s ’\\"[/Y'# TRN = W/ AVE] Ty pT— ¢ 5 &2 ‘\\;\" J= OWY AN\ <=l W G NS, e ‘ N f‘* ANKNG ’ Mylr\‘a'zlg "\‘s TRI |/ / il’éfiu \ AL )e PR il LN DT Ne \ 7Y A - .\\' 4ih" R T e N | 522 ) D | N | S s | = L Ly AN » AN e S S = ~ X Vo STI RS @ Cial N—<t RME Yo g R AP (NS : AR R \ Buy Liberty Bonds For the Sake of the boys ‘‘over there;’’ for the Pro tection of your loved ones ‘‘over here,”’ show your Red Blood Today. ‘Economical Great Food on ice ”- 1‘ STeßreserver ‘ Q) FPamess: (:1“ (- | =2 “Eagles” ’\‘ R 0\ v , S e W B e T = \.,!ug_",':., 7 N | - S B . RE>rl 1 | B EST Sy f 8 ' fdß i I =". A o~ ¥ i} TV, f "* z gl | A E ] s ’ e Rl B . et 0 0 4N L ; i s : b | o B R 4 (L » paes L o§l '.-.7 EA,‘.V,//A : - eID 4, 1 B L;,!__‘# ey LY e et (5252 T LR PR || B S Al = i LS </ g 34 [\l ‘\‘,- e |l N o Baby Cabs for Every Baby s A g R . c"f.‘}’ e Choice Week | <Hiua = ) ! : SR O, — flfb%%, | N : The Kind He WIII Be C o I ?:;‘\o % QLa” Proud to Ride in—the |', *~ '?ij;’f’“%‘%’% ;,2 R/ s \ J Kind You Will Be Proud : /s XL TN P to Ride Him In ii‘ e T 07 TR “’%z‘fi /] : L TN RRReRB. et T |\ T Carriages, Carts LA T 0 Weainapnenad i e EigaTie j i aay % et & SIEEL fl I W = % Al3B HE sER i s LR “u' oS and Sulkies i.g%-'! i,, BRI, = \| i / ARI SSEURSARANE SiY . asd From the Best Factorles In P~ " Leiie é i gsty - the Country — a Wonderful -— SIE 7 ) You Collection, Specially Priced (T TR “" : on Special Terms This Week. @"’f.‘!—;’,—%"’) / ! u./'" _Fresh air and sunshine will make Vl/'\“v:f, AN Enjoy baby healthy and happy. You, too, '.l :',:-.-ri"i'\)'l _-"10< Wheeling will enjoy it ‘with him and one of these (1 P/ ‘ / ) e fine cabs. There’s a style and size o v “‘ ¥ Himin One for everybody. You will be pleased (‘\/ _/ & of These with the wonderful collection, the- o . & prices and the terms. Beautiful Cabs. Pa 2y e =VY AT . _ : Rhodes—YVooc RN e COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS WHITEHALL AND MITCHELL STREETS ] - 48c =k 48¢ Hangs This Swing on Your Porch $2.00 a Pays Month, &' for it e 4 i A alems. W e I s7P o . T '," £ &\ T ~ ‘ » b 2 roade s “ \‘“‘\ ~. A S oLI ANER N 48 I Ny Hune 54' ‘ b Free N Get Your Porch Ready for the summer. Let us hang this swing now before the big rush. Get the full season’s use of it. Take advantage of this splendid value. 42 inches long, curved seat, solid oak throughout, finished in rich fumed. Take advantage of the special terms, Get one 3 Monday. g NOW Is the Time to Buy . The April Sale Means Much to You It means easler terms on any refrigerator. It means the low est possible prices. It means that there will be no lower prices— and the chances ate they will go higher. We can only control the prices on our present stock in hand. With an ““Eagle’’ They are scientifically constructed. Every corner is a cold corner. One-way circulation prevents mixing of food odors. Over a train load of “Hagles” have made good in Atlanta homes. You take no chances with an “Eagle.” We make them make good. Buy War Savings Stamps " It’s your Patriotic Duty to buy Liberty Bonds. If you can not buy a bond, Buy War Savings Stamps. For Sale Here.