Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 19, 1918, Image 102

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g H | AESEN e ) ’ 2 ALY i E RS eA b 3 E S % CALS AL Macon OCIAL interest to a large extent last week was centered on the Chau tauqua of the South, and the re ceguon tendered to the artists at the ex hibit of American art every evening after the programs were concluded at the new city auditorium. Among the ‘artists honored at receptions were Miss Case, the Metropolitan ogera Company ;soprano; Clarence Whitehill a well known baritone; Florence Hinkle, a so {rnno: Merle Alcock, a contralto; lLam ert Murphy, a tenor; Maurice Case nave, of the French high commission; Dr. Stockton Axson, brothem-in-law of President Wilson and secretary of the “American Red Cross; Miss Elsie Hern don Kearns, a. Shakespearean player, and others of her company; Emifio de JGogorza, « well-known baritone, and ‘others. Plans arc under way for a large mili tary bell to be fiiven by the Misses Baber-Blackshear June 1 for the benefit s Of the destroyed Hugenot churches in “France, the destitute families of minis ters at the front and the French or phans. Walter D. Lamar was host at break fast at his home in honor of Monsieur Maurice Casenave, of the French high commission,. and Ma?or Laughl!n Me- Lean Watt, of the Britisn high commis gion, and Dr. Stockton Axson, secretary of the American Red Cross. In addition to those named Judge William H. Fe]- ton, Ellsworth Hall, Roland Ellis, DK A. P. Bourland, W. P. Coleman, Rev. Robert Gibson, Major Bellot, Mr. Calla way, C. B. Lewis and General R. E. ‘Steiner were present. i Mrs. L. O, Stevens and Mrs. 8. 8. ‘Dunlap entertained the Salon Francaise. .The g:st of honor was Monsieur Mau rice enave, of the French high com ‘mission. A program of songs, recitations _and short lectures was flven. Monsieur Casnave spoke. Major Laughlin McLean ‘Watt, of the British mission, and Major “Beliot. of the French misslon at Camp "Wheeler, also ‘were guests, . _A party, chaperoned by Mrs. Church Berryman and Mrs. Rl Elkins, made a ‘trip to Camp Wheeler and left flowers ‘with e sick soldiers. In the party ‘were Misses Minnie Goodwyn Artope, gu(elle Sloan, Hattie Tracy King and ‘Stanley Elkins. ¢ The 151st Machine Gun ~ Battalion "Atlxl!uv gave a dance Saturday even ‘ing at Volunteers’ Armory. The monay ~derived will be used in the purchase of _a hospital bed, with a doctor, nurses jmn hospital supplies for a year In ce for the bofl: of the 1618 t Machine ' Battalion of the Rainbow division. W Mre. 8. C. Mm‘re was hostess to the In.;flmeenng of the City Federation of Women’'s Clubs. At the meeting of the Sixth District ~of Women's Clubs, which convenes in . Griffin, May 22, Macon will have the following representatives: Mrs. 8. C. . Moore, Mrs. R. L. McKenng. Miss Car. _rie Patterson, Mrs. D, C. Horgan, Mrs. H. C. Barnes, Mrs, Neel W. Chaplin, . Mrs Bruce Jones. Mr. Orren Massty and Mrs. James E. er&ht. " Miss Henrletta Witman and David Goodman were united In marringe st ) gc home of the bride's {urents. Mr. u?d ‘Mrs. D. Witman. The bride wore a gown ~of white georgette crafie and a hat of “white organdie. Her flowers were or l'%w and lilies of the valley. Frank 2 man, of Atlanta, acted as best man. _After a trip to Louisville Mr. and Mrs. _Goodman will return to Macon to live. Mrs. Jack Witman entertained at an ~informal rece%'lon in honor of the bridal ~ party of the Witman-Goodman weddlex:’g _after the rehearsal. Fifty guests called. . Mrs. L. D, Stallings, of Atlanta, is the _guest of Mrs. W. E. Dunwoody. ~ Mre. T. C. Burke and Misses Mae and __NO ADVANCE IN PRICE NEURALGIA & For results ; l&r?onbud b 1 m ondTempleswith ’7/ ICK'S VAPORUBY ' 250—800—51.00. TETTER AND ITCHINC THE CAUSE. 2 CAKES CUTICURA " SOAP AND 2 BOXES . OINTMENT MEAL. “Tetter first began on my head in an itchy spot. The eruption was in the form of a rash, and when | scratched scales would spread. My hair came out in handfuls, and became very thin and dry, and was harsh and lifeless. My head was disfigured very badly. “1 bad used most all the remedies 1 knew of but without success, and the trouble lasted seven years. Then I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and I only used two cakes Soap and two boxes Ointment when I was entirely healed.” (Signed) Mrs. Jessie M. Amos, Franklin, Ga,, fluly 4, 1917, Clear the pores of impurities by daily use of Cuticura Soap and occa sional touches of Cuticura Ointment, e e g e Mol Addcom ot everywhere. Soap 25¢. Ointment 25 and 50c, . ) | @ e uray 1 = Hairs Away F y - ] “Give the Natural Beauty of Your - Face a Chance. Don’t Spoil It - by Permitting Unbecoming : Gray or Streaked Hair s to Show. : Gray hairs are never welcomed by A& wWoman. Many women are so em- Poyed that gray hairs would lose them their positions and incomes. And to practically all women, gray "hair means the loss of attractiveness. One simple application of “Browna ‘tone” will instantly tint the hair and 'surely bring back a youthful appear ‘ance. ; ',;uYou need not hesitate to use “MBrownateme"—for no previous expe | wience is mecessary and no harmful re ,;mlu can possibly follow from its use. . "Brownatone” is the one prepara fin of its kind and is guaranteed to entirely free from sulphur, lead, sil ‘iver, mereury, zinc, aniline, coal tar _Pproducts or their derivatives. & _“"Brownatone” will give any shade, from light golden brown to the deep- Jest_brown—or black. It is sold by all Sieading drug stores and toilet coun e b i Two sizes, 35 cents MW e and s bttmklet wfl% »'!)n sent yoR _ (from manufactyrers on upon Slot e conie onon ol Prepared m‘!‘be L'gemmx Pharn.acal 0., Suite 406 Coppin Bldg., Covington, kS -'.;," guaranteed ta_ by lyfi:;ktlm. Burke have returned from New Miss Alvah Green, of Los Angeles, is the guest of Mrs, J. E. Walker. Mrs. John M. Cutler, Sr., leaves Mon day for Atlanta to visit Dr. and Mrs. Elkin. . Lieutenant and Mrs. 8. C. Green have been on a visit to Macon friends. Lieu tenant Green recently was transferpéd from Springfield, Mass,, to the ordnance machlno“gun school at Camfi Hancock, Mrs. .R. Greer and Miss Minnie Rankin are at White Sprlnfs, Fla. Mr., and Mrs. T. J. Simmons arc spending a few days in Baltimore and New York. Mrs. N. A. Neal, of Atlanta, is the g:est of her daughter, Mrs. Frank unn. Mrs. John Watts, of Thomasville, has arrived to be the guest of her mother, Mrg. Charles Damour, SCoLo Brunswick DANCE was given Tuesday evening A at the Oglethorpe, which was en joyed by the society young folk, Those dancing were Mises Mary Dis mukes, Helen Baumgartner, Nell Borchardt, Mildred Levy, Elvera Torrs, Helen Branham, Buford Aiken, Julian Church, Anne Maxey, Ethel Nightengale, Florence Maxey, Louis Elliott; Messrs, Frank Scarlett, H. 8. McCary, Mike Brown, George Allen, Walter and Frank Merzy xl‘aylor Long, Trevor Bowles, Har rv Parker, Willlam McKinnon, Eilbert Aiken, Dean Dunwoody, Ralph McCary, Vietor Abrams, Thomas Hopkins, Down ing Aiken, Courtland Aiken, Gus Brit tenstein, f 2. Armstead, M. Watkins, J. Smith, Mr., and Mrs, 8. 8. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Irwin, Mrs. Warren Summerall, Captain and Mrs. Foreman Stevens. The wedding Sunday evening at the First Baptist Church of Miss Lillie Schoepel and Sergeant Frank Petérson was witnessed by scores of friends of this opular young couple. Sergeant and };Vlra. Petersen are making their home in Savannah for the present. Miss Dorothy Krauss entertained on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Winnie McKinnon, a bride-elect of June, The home was decorated for the occa sion in spring flowers, The honored guest was lé)mnanted with silk lin gerie. Miss Krauss was assisted in en tertaining by Miss Elvira Torras. A delicious salad course was served. In the receiving line were Misses Winnon MeKinnon, Gladyes McKinnon, Fi Me- Gee, Dorothy Krauss. The guest were Misses Julia Church, Alice and Leila Parker, Ann Maxey, Mattie Neyson, Bu ford Aiken, Miriam Whitfleld, Alice Har rison, Helen Branham, Marion Woods Mesdames Walter Oats, 8. S. Watkins, J. L, Andrews, Paul Morton, Arthur Mitehelson, Clyde Walker, Jessia Gibson, James Gould, Warren Summerville, Robert Hlyhtower, J. MecGregor, Dan Goerenflo, J. P, Harrell, Fred Allen, Wil liam Irwin. Mrs. C. C. Parson has returned from Alma. 1 Mrs. J. Horning and Mrs, J. W. Du ?r who have been the guests of Mrs. osh Bennett, have returned to Bloom lnfi!ale. \ r. and Mrs. W, 8, Lovell are guests of Mrs, R. L. Mercer in Savannah, Mrs. J. C. Adams, of Donaldson, is the guest of Mrs. KEmmett Calnan, Mrs, W, H. Wood has returned from a visit to Chattanooru. Mr. and Mrs. Jullus Levy have re turned from Savanah. Mrs, M. Kaiser, who has been the guest of Mrs. M. Rotholz for several weeks, returned to New York Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L, W. Cheatham age vis- Itlg{ in Atlanta. rs. Stewart Mcßride, of Darien, is the fuelt of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strain Miss Aurie Kenno, of Darien, who hag been the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Strain, has returned home. Mrs. Clyde Brown and children are guests of relatives at Midriver, Mrs. Jennings Butts is visiting rela tl\x;n nn: faieri;ls in Jacklo{;‘:llle. rs. A, G. B. Doge, of ederica, 1s the guest of relatives in the city. ah#las Augusta Townsend is in Savan n s . Mrs. Frank Breen, who has been the guest of friends, has returned to Jesup. _ Mrs. Nat Nightengale is visiting in Miami, Fla. ~ Mrs. V. Jeffers, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E, L. Stephens, has returned to ng:hrou, Mrs. C. H. inehart and daughter have returned from Fitzgerald, where they visited Mrs. Rhinehardt's mother, Mrs, C, L. Channing, who has been the guest of Mrs. R. R. Hopkins, for the last three weeks, has returned to Nor ‘folg’(:, Val.r & rs. F. Beaton, who has heen the ‘meat of her sister, Mrs. H. E. Berrie, has returned tofiWaycroaa‘ 000 Monticello RS. D. L. McELHENNEY and younF daughter, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Dora Wilburn., Mrs. Charles Benton, of Macon, is vis. iting her father, G, W, Benton. Mr. and Mrs. James Hardy, of Collod en, are gueste of relatives here. ‘ Mrs, I. C. Wilson, of Macon, is the guest of Mrs. A. H. Jordan. ‘ Dr. J. M. Hollis and Hugh Benton were visitors to Indian Springs and For syth Sunday. Miss | Mattie May Maynard and Joe Evans, of Forsyth, spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. Fitzhugh Penn. Mrs. J. E. Hecht and children are vis. iting in Atlanta. Mrs. G. 8, James, who has been visit. Ing Miss Allie Mahone has returned to Locust Grove, Miss A‘:ma Jordan has returned from Macon, where she visited Mrs. Joe Neil. Misg Martha Penn has returned from Atlanta, Miss Lois Middlebrooks, of Macon, !s visiting Mrs. B. T, Malone, The Monticello High School closed Thursday. In the evening a\fieughtml musical recital was given by Miss Wil burn’s musie class and Miss Eberhardt’s class of expression. Friday evening the genlor class pre sented their play, “Galleger.” The com mencement sermon will be delivered Sunday by Rev, James Bradley at the First Presbyterian Church. The juniors will compliment the senlors with a re ception Monday evening at the home ot‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. Lovic Benton. w ‘ : BB ‘ iMoultne ‘ HE JOHN BENNING CHAPTER, D. A. R., was entertained Wednes.. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R Hair, who was assisted in enter taining by Mrs. J, T. Killen. Famous battles of the RevolutlonarY War were given as responses to the roll call. Mrs. W. F. Way fiave a gaper on Historie old Midway; Mrs. Grady Adams told the story of the organization of Franklin College, the oldest state university in America, and Mrs, M. H. Stuart gave a musical selection. Mr, and Mrs. W, A. Webb entertained with a family reunion, having as their guests, D. L. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Morrison, Misses Susie, Gussie, Myrtle and Mattie Julia Morrison, Mrs. J. J. Connoly, Miss Corinne Connoly, Mrs. J. g Scarborough, Miss Sallie Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ruckworth, Misses Nannie and Lou Morrison, all of Barney, Ga. Members of the BaYliat Philathea Class of the First Bart st Church were entertained at a picnic at the Country Club Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. A, Jones and Miss Perry, of Dublin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Coleman. Miss Texas Henderson spent the week end in Macon. Mrs. R. ‘A. Battle is spending sev eral weeks at Panacea Springs, fi'la. mM“' D. A. Falkenburg is at Tampa, a. Mr. and Mrs, C, L. Brooks have re turned after .spending a few days in Macon, J Mr. and Mrs. m Scarbaro, of Tifton, nre-km:a of tives here for the week-en ~Mrs. J. Rooney has returned from Lake Charles, La., where she was the ViR Binton achoo e= 1 Mrs. Rhedo Bowls and her little son, HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN . A NewsEaper for People Who Think — SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1918. Royée, Jr., have returned to thelr home at Savannah, after a visit here with Mrs. Bowls’ mother, Mrs, W. L. Jerkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pidcock, Miss Belle Pidcock and their guest, Mrs, 8. P, Bawden, left Thursday for White House, N. J., where they will spend the summer at the Pidcock summer home, Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Lee have returned to Thomaston after spending several t[i:ys here with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. e, Miss Lula Mae Morgan is spending the week-end in Tifton, Miss Kemper, of Hawkinsville, is the guest of Mrs, érady Adams. Coon Cumming. 188 WINNIE SEABOLT AND J. V. MERRITT were married in Nor cross Sunday, at home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Settle. The Rev. ¥, T. Wills performed the ceremony in the presence of a few close friends, after which the couple left for an extended trip through middle and south Georgia. Thquroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Merritt, of Cumming, while the bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, T. J. Seabolt, also of this place. They will make tiéir future home in Hawk insville. Miss Ruth Pirkle, who has been the :uest of Miss Annie Smith, has returned ome, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Mashburn werg the guests of Hiram Kelly, in Gaines ville, recently. =~ . Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Paul Tuggle and daughter, Hazel, of Atlanta, spent neve':al ays with relatives here, last week, Mr. and Mrs, T. P. Tribble, of Gray son, have returned home after spend- In%va few days with friends here. .. B. Hughes and family and Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. Edwards, of Atlanta, sp’?’zfit‘ the week-end with relatives. e closing exercises of Cumming public school will be held at the school auditorium, heglnnlng May 2 and con tinuing three days. Several firom!nent speakers are expected to be here, t 0000 Winder RS. G. H. FORTSON entertalned » few friends Tuesday afternoon at a matinee party in honor of Mrs. Ralph Harris, who leaves soon to maxe her home in Warrenton, The guests in cluded Mesdames Harris, W. R. Smith, 8. H. Ware, C. O. Maddox, R. H, Kim ball, Robert Camp and J. P. Williams. Miss Valliee Mae Woodruff has re turned from Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Millsaps, Misses Francis Brooks, Ruenette Woodruff and Mary Louise Jones spent the last week end with Miss Sybil Millsaps at Georgia Normal and Industrial College. ‘ Mrs. W. A. Brooks has returned from a visit to Mrs. J. D. Robinson in At lanta. Little Miss Barton Jackson celebrated her third birthday last Thursday wlgh 0 lovely little party at the home of “her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Jackson. Miss Ellen Mattox has returned to Ei berton after a visit to Mrs. Lee Fort son. Miss KEvelyn Moore entertained a number of her little friends at a party last Tuesday. ‘W. H. Jennings has returned to Mor rison, Va., after a week’s visit in Win der. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. De LaPerriere, Mr. Cliff De lLaPerriere and Walter Stanton are making an automobile trip to several places in South Georgia. oooe Cedartown | R. AND MRS. WADSWORTH HOLMES have returned from Cartersville, where they visited their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Neel. ' Mrs. Alice Bedinger has returned to Atlanta after a short visit to Mrs, Her man Vandevender. Mr. and Mrs, Willlam G. England have moved to Atlanta. Mrs. W. A. Robinson, of Gadsden, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Willian Parker. Mr. and Mrs. D.,, W, Maret have re turned to Akron, Ohio, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dodds. Mrs. Augustine Henderson has re turned from Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs, B. F. Sims, of Spartan burg, 8. C., are visiting Mrs. W. C. Knight. | Mrs. William Allen Chapman has' gone to Atlanta to spend some time with er husband, Major Chapman, who is in charge of one of the hospitals at Fort McPherson., Miss Carrie Black, of Aragon a{mnt last week-end with Mrs. T. J. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wright have re turned from Louisville, Ky. Miss Agnes Houseall left Wednesday for a visit to relatives in Newberry and Columbia, 8. €. Dr. and Mrs. Willlam Bradford and Miss Leonora Bradford spent -last Sun day at Berryton, Miss Louise McCutcheon has returned to Atlanta after a visit to Miss Beckie Beveridge. Judge Thomas Bradford, of Center, Ala,, spent the first of the week with };lsdbrothers. Dr, William and Ned Brad ord. Mrs. Flora Peck Darlington is visit ing her son, Richard, who is a student at the State Technological School in Atlanta. Miss Pauline Bailey spent last week in Atlanta, where she attended a meet ing of the county home demonstration agents. Mrs. I, I, Bassett has returned to her cLEAN RUGI ) a*CAPITAL CITY Made just like New 1 p;)fm};;}}fi?; | CAPITAL 77 % R TN HORTe] A TAL ' home in New Haven, Conn, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bassett. . Mrs. J. T. Bright, of Atlanta, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. M. J, Whiteley. Mrs. W. W. Boulineau and daugh ter, Miss Carolyn, are visiting friends in Macon. Mrs. J. H. Dodds, Miss Myrta Dodds aty Mrs, R H, Marchman spent Thurs day in Rome. Professor J, Phil Campbell, of the Ag. ricultural College, Athens, spoke to the farmers of Polk dounty Thursday at the courthouse. Miss Inez Peck is visiting relatives in South Carolina. Mrs. A. B. Marchman, of Dallas, spent last Tuesday with her niece, Mrs. Em mett Whitfield. Miss Thelma Sheffield, of Birming ham, is visiting Miss Mabel Brooks. Miss Annie Walker, of Atlanta, spent last Sunday with her mother, Mrs. M. C. Walker. 0000 Eatonton RS. PERCY EZELL was hostess to M the Bohemians Thursday after noon. Dorothy Perkins roses were used in profusion throughout living room and parlor, wher the game of rook was played, The pirze was won by Mrs, Frank Stubbs, who was presented with a thrift stamp book. After the game the hostess, asisted by Miss Nona )Leverette and Mary Collins, served an ice course and cake. Those present }were Mesdames F. P. Stubbs, V. H. Taliaferro, John Turner, Ed Myers, John Watterson, Flournoy Middle brooks, Clarence Alford, W. K. Lewis, Misses Nona Leverette, Douschka San ford, Agnes Leverette, Martha Gardner, Mollie Farley, Mrs, Paul Spivey, Mrs. B. F. Tull, ~ Friday afternoon Mrs. Percy Ezell en tertained her Five Hundred Club. The house was attractive with Dorothy Per kins roses carrying out the'.color scheme of pink, which also prevailed in the re freshments, There were flve tables of guests, The club prize, thrift stamps, was won by Miss Martha Gardner and the vistor’s prize by Mrs. Steinbach, An ice course was served after the game by Misses Margery Kimbrough and Mary Collins. Those present were Mesdames V. H. Taliaferro, Cape Walker, Gale Riley, Terrell Wingfleld, M. R. Hudson, Percy Rossee, Frank Spivey, John Tur ner, F. F. Middlebrooks, John Watter son, Misses Martha-Gardnern, Lillle Wice, Agnes Leverette, Anqge White, Kathleen Ballentine and Mrs. S. J. Steinbach. Mrs. Ctarles Hohns entertained at three tables of auction Saturday after noon in honor of Mrs. W. K. Lewls, of Columbia. The game was played In the living room, which was decorated with pink roses. The prize of the afternoon was won by Mrs. Earle Young and the honoree was presented a pretty plece of Dresden china, After the game a salad course and tea was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, B. F. Tull. Those present were Mesdames 'iEarle Young, V. H. Taliaferro, F. F. Middle brooks, W. K. Lewis, Clarence Alford, Misses Douschka Sanford, Agnes Lever ette, Leil Rainey, Mrs. B. F. Tull and ] | L ol - f 131 Peachtree Arcade, | Phone Main. & | 3 » - Specials for Monday & ‘ Twenty-five Negligee Gar- Bq'i" ments of crepe de chine, in pink, S old rose and other beautiful, light A l shades at the following low prices: , A $15.00 Values ...........$12.75 (( \ $18.50 Values ...........$13.75 | $20.00 Values ...........$15.00 : $32.50 to $25.00 Values ..$18.75 3 Women’s Bloomers in Kayser’s Italian Silk, Crepe de Chine N . and Jersey Silk and a complete line of Negligee, of best quality, at the lowest prices in the city. { l\ I Mrs. Paul Spivey. Mrs, Clarke Davis gave a recital for ‘music pupils Saturday afternoon. The ‘whole lower floor was decorated with Dorothy Perkins roses. A selected pro gram was rendered by the pupils, each number reflecting credit on the pupils and their teacher, Mrs. Davis, After the program the guest were served ices and cake. Assisti‘f‘g- the hostess were Mrs, Terrell Wingfield, Mrs. Paul At kinson, Mrs. Robert Jenkins and Mrs. W. B. Wingfleld. ~ Mrs. Cape Walker spent Friday in At lanta as the guest of Miss Susie Walker. ~ Miss Carolyn Hooten, of Barnesville, is the guest of Mrs. J. R. Tweedy. Mrs, Evan Ezell and Miss Sallie Prud den are spending several days in At lanta. - Mrs. Irby Adams has returned home from a visit to Dr, and Mrs. Irby Adamsg in Macon. Miss M&m Kilpatrick is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Griffith. Mrs. Fred Reese and Mrs. Vaughn have returned after a visit to Mrs. Lida Reid Morse. Miss Martha Gardner was the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Burwell in Spart§’ Mrs. Will Matthews has returned to Macon, after spending some time with Mrs. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Riley and Misses Louise Riley and Myrtle Holt spent Sat urday in Macon. A Gift . . With a Thought Behind It When we gathered our store of gifts for this season of Wed dings and Graduations it was with the real gift giver in mind— the thoughtful one—the one who gives what he'd like to receive. Our Are just for that class. They speak not only of beauty—and intrinsic value—but of the thought that prompted the giv ing. The Bride or the Graduate who receives one will hold you always in grateful remembrance. The designs and the prices— To suit your taste and means. E.A.Morgan Jeweler and Optometrist, 10 East Hunter St. “There’'s economy in a few steps around the corner.” fM@Y\/;’FNCEq J A sale! A real sale of fine furniture that you simply MUST attend tomorrow! Better tear out this entire advertisement and tuck it in your handbag as a shopping reminder. Be sure that you come to the right place. Mr. Ed and Mr. Al Matthews have but one store. They will give your needs their personal attention when you call. The store is located just three blocks from ‘‘Five Points’’—lsß Edge vood Avenue. Snecial Sale of Bedroom Furiture High quality plus low price is the formul: for a real BARGAIN. Come down and in spect these very attractive and desirable bedroom suites and then note the strong appeal of the price tag. Be SURE to attend this sale. A i , LI l | ’{‘ ”flh «ls ' = | M@ A 48 : A i ’,SI Ik =0 Hren] 00 AL] - " At 'L. y |8 B U - ervmeetiy e P ~ I W= | S it I]ll]- HZ]] ” e“{ % ¢ ‘,,_,,F_J! b ="\ A e L A beautiful Adams Suite in Old Ivory, including bed, vanity dresser, chiffonier, one chair and a bench, five pieces in all. (Chiffonier is not shown in illustration on account of lack of ybace.) Specil Price Tor Whig SUINO. ..-.. ..o o eei Ve DI = Very moderate terms if desired. y S "i” “ii (”h'r '\ A i “\‘ii\ ~ AL - R an il | TN i it P N =N i il | /9”[# g U e =S| '] v‘ | ‘}; .!:?!# o= 1:Et:-::! 1% ‘: ! @ \(%,‘)7\ R| |' ‘;‘i’ “::* (fi ';r_;:;g".\,“ N =) \"_‘ o & ;ul Xt g (‘\‘fi“ = | r@i 'i"!’ii‘!‘l --wfi. = ——— A== —— ))& V= = .‘-‘-—-——‘-_—_—_— hPg b = AT i Ask to see this charming Queen Anne suite in brown mahogany if you are interested in bedroom furniture. At the price——this is a real bargain. Four pieces—bed, dresser, chiffonette and vanity dressing table. Easy payments. 3 & __“,H,?r? ar_e“f._few oth«_:rs"which we havg not space to ill_ust‘rate. Come down and see them Monday: Four-piece William and Mary bedroom suite in black walnut, consisting of bed, dresser, chif fonette and dressing table ........ $175 Four-piece Queen Anne bedroom suite in black walnut, consisting of bed, dresser, chiffonette and yanity dressing $ BWOIE v caviliihain 180 Special Sale of Dining Room Furniture| Ten-plece Jacobean dining room suite In oak, consisting of 60- inch buffet, 54-inch extension table, serving table, china closet and six chlis 2 BAGS ' y/‘ oA D ©J Y I ”-. ’é Ao 22 ) S ;= i % : i = AL bR () ;;x%? \» ! LelF st o By RIS 3] 'f % ?fi‘*?t. i L 5 '%g:. ’DO-W&DJ-JA/CK L 5 // RS 7 S O\IXT\LFHEATIN@'/ "‘m.,,}_,.\mw“’ : Ask for one of the [Mlustrated 56-page booklets tolling about the varlous styles of the wonderful ROUND OAK RANGES. These ranges burn all fuels—coal, gas, wood—all with the same oven. $75 SBS $95 Refrigerators $11.50t0 §55 _ gwr’ | },f -MI I Lfii-§ ‘ ,«‘l' ‘lmt I \,,“”f"?l O You can find here the exact re frigerator for your needs. We carry the famous Belling Hall and Qdor less lines. Prices range from $11.50 to $55.00. 1B SdEoA ;138 a”fihewd Four-piece Queen Anne bedroom suite in brown mahogany, con sisting of bed, dresser, chif fonette and dressing table ....... $lB5 ~ Four-piece bedroom suite in ma hogany, consisting of four-poster bed, dresser, chiffonier and dressing e Sl $155 Ten-piece Queen Anne dining room suite in black walnut, con sisting of 66-inch buffet, 54-inch extension table, serving table, china closet, five straight chairs and one RPMCABIE /oo i $306 N L it NS OOLMOR._ = SN B TRADE MARK RIS 'EF!== P WIND - SAFE =i b= SN e >ORCH SHADES === [iH= e, B\ BEEER Beautiful, Effective, .Jl T T —+—r+ll#H i—— Durable. ‘555555—"‘5;5;[52 i e | | EEEE Don’t Flap in the Wind. gigggggggg:é!gg E Green and Brown. !E%ég%%é?% e ISES=S R B 4 Ft. to 12 Ft. Wide. §=§=s=s§=§E= i I P | P e s — ‘2B N ] ° = 4&.&\ o X]o : L 7 U - o 7 M/ N to F ’\ i - SIO.OO [ i //’/} | > {l' 17 i x : Just Three Blocks ,From \ Five Points 158 Edgewood Avenue Four-piece Colonial bedroom suite in mahogany, consisting of four-poster bed, dresser, dress ing table and $ chiffehler ... ..i. 152.50 Four-piece Adams bedroom suite in brown mahogany, consisting of bed, dresser, chiffonette and dressing $ Rable. . siidi o 125 Ten-piece Colonial dining room suite in mahogany, consisting of 60-inch buffet, 54-inch extension table; serving table, china closet, six straight SRS auiatia $216.50 e Brumby Porch Rockers Just the thing for summer comfort s $3.50 to $6.50