Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 25, 1919, Page 4E, Image 180

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4E CHATTER OF SOCIETY LBY POLLY PEACHIREE L‘:“.' fi New York, nor is it as graceful B it might be. ! t it's lots of fun. everybody certainly likes the i music—that is everybody who %{.‘ to the jazz set! A cooa Glory— s ¥ course all of you remember M a popular little visitor here . three years ago-—-or something & that—who came up from Miami o gave us the original and defl ni of the name of her native el 5. % you remember 7-—and g ced so effectively with Gene "zi?fltn——bofmn he had married and settled down " Surely you remember £ “fer name?'-—oh yes, her name S w Bess Burdine—a sufficiently é‘i'\ln.‘aual name in itself to leave an - impression. ¥ gell, now that you recall pretty Begs Burdine, Atlanta visitor fresh frog an Eastern school and stand ing with un-reluctant feet, where ' the brook and river meet-—etc ete. It will tell you that she is a mar : woman and has long since de se Miami except for the gay season. She lives in Washington, 'D..C., and has been married for quite a while. r name ?—well now, vou're get ting at the story—her name is Mrs. A. C. Read. Does that sound fa miliar? “Seems like I've heard the name '?e where before.” lou sflly little goose, of course have: Bess Burdine's hus md has been figuring on the front | of the big newspapers for a | —and you didn't know it! i® no lese a personage, my dear, than the famous Commander | A .C. Read, of the NC-4, that | dauntless air-boat which is making | hl%ry and big news, : e NC-4 has not been wrecked | at he time of this writing and probably will do more before “she” ‘ is through. Now all of you who were not specially interested in history-mak ing achievements can get some in terést out of the ocean-crossing gea-plane NC-4, commanded by “Bass Burdine's husband!” : ‘oooo | The Harriet Calhoun Rose— THE other day when Mr. and Mre. Stuart Witham celebrat - @4 their Aifth wedding anniver gary, the floral centerplece for the ‘h% was a great basket of ex quisite pink Rambler roses. Nothing unusual in thig, at the il of the year—but behind the ! ent & a charming little st which 1 was fortunate enough 1o hear. the nieht of the brilliant wedding of Harriet Calhoun and j"}hl'z!'t Witham, the Calhoun resi iy was a bower of pink Ramb- Jer roses. When leaving the recep tion, a guest of the occagion took Y 11 branch of the flowers as a | _ souvenir. Being one of the kind 4 can plant an umbrella and have it come ;a‘p and blogsom—as a ~friend of Mrs. Slsson so describes . her talent for “ralsing” flowors— ~ she gtuck this spray of blossoms in water. Soon tiny roots like white threads wers seen, and today the “Harriet Calhoun rose” is a tall vine with thopsands of pink flowers In Mre ;-;mon'u flower garden and the bas- | _ket. on the anniversary table of | . coutrse came from the “Harriet Cal- | ,;M rose-tree, ( 3 soee ! Garden of lontimomT | ! ' this beautiful garden, which 4 &in the rear of the Sisson home ‘ ?“‘:n Eleventh street, thére are ~ many plants with a personal his x eoa Mrs. Sissgn has used her gift of growing flowers, to make " her garden a place for sentiment @y Wwell as beauty. She will point E,ont«a wonderful Red Rambler rose \ which is “Alline, No. One” and @;nm: from a spray of flowers in & bagket sent to Mrs. Sisson, some teen vears Aago by the honor g:t of a lunchedon she gave that It was the day of “the big fire" in Jacksonvilie, and Mrs. Edward i . the guest of honor, lost her _ home in the fire which probably . was Atlanta’'s gain, for the Barnes | E‘;l-.gnfily returned here after that and F_,‘{, ve lived here =ince, ¢ _Apother red rose is the “Alline No. | :"5“"3." for Mrs. Barnes, and was a S‘ gent to the chatelaine of the | nth street resident on the day ?;Ma‘moved into her new home. | ere i& a lovely pale pink rose 2 the “Nell” rose for one of | | Mrg, Sisson’s dearest friends, whose daiy coloring and graceful charm t one of this pink rose. g Elkin, for whom the “Nell” S was named, brought the flow -er her old Kentucky home, 74 she was also responsible, by . the way. for one of the most ex -4 e flowers in the Sisson gar < This is a flag lily of such 2 al and artistic colors that it i more like an orchid. The lady bank of the lily explains that .mh » had a purple lily-bed and Mrs. - Elkin brought hglf a yellow lilly | from Kentucky. The two kinds of - blossom in the friendly way that | some plants have, decided to com . biné their efforts and so produced . the wonderful blossom which at . 3 i g 0 much interest wherever it 18 seen. B b, DBOG A French Fad— D {H, my dears, let me tell you of 'B/ ¢ the Eighty-second officer who ‘has come home with a silver dangle R let on his arm. No, I refuse to divulge his name to those of you who do not know it, ‘7':’, e wants you to learn his name, - let him tell it! 1 shall stand by the . Eighty-second to the last ditch, R may be down, but hé is nevel offf, and while that silver _ dangle bracelet has a lock and the key. is in the possession of a French 3 Tfi ‘ p may be some way to get " 1§ not Harry Moudini_somewhere n the hall this evening? ' On the dangle bracelet worn by the'. nta officer |am told there re various emblematic trinkets, a silver fob with A. E. F. on it—you now what that means: a fleur de lis+=you know what that means and % thite elephant—l know. what THAT meant! N ‘&‘@ young officer, I am ' told, ralked down Peachtree wearing the angle bracelet on his wrist, and _Of courge mA.A. on his sleeve protected him. And then, too, in this day of strange symbols and honors, one would not be sure the silver bracelet was not the Order of the Garter or something sig nifying success in war Instead of in love, Weii, et It pass—on to some At lanta girl who will treasure it as & souvenir of her victory over La= belle Parislenne! apgeo Peachtree’'s History— I AM very glad to have a real ex planation of why our famous street was so named, offered by one of Atlanta’'s prominent business men, an adopted Atluntan of many years' standing who shows in his letter to “Polly” that he is very fond of our beautiful Peachtree street. I feel flattered not only that my little “story” on the subject was read by a prominent business man of the city—who says only the de butantes enjoy *“Polly?”-—~but that he should take the trouble to send the information we all want and which 1 will present in his own words: “1 noticed from your column in Sunday's paper that you were at a little loss for the history of PEACH TREE STREET. “I vigited here about twenty years ago, a long time before 1 moved here, and 1 asked the same ques tion, p "I was told that the flhtlanu came dbwn the Chattahoochee River in their-canoes and paddled up a creek - to a road at which point was a | large pine tree that exuded turpen tine, and that with this they | ‘pitched’ the seams of their canoes ‘ to make them water tight, and shat they named the creek PITCHTREE CREEK, and that they also named the road where the pine tree stood PITCHTREE ROAD. “1 was advised that for a number of vears both Peachtree Creek and Peachtree Road was known as ‘Pitchiree,’ the name the Indians had given it, and that the street | here in town was also known as | PITCHTREE for the same reason; but was later changed by the At lanta people. “It seems too bad that we could | not have kept the old name which really does have a history. “Very truly yours.” 0000 After July 1— VISITOR here the othar day enlarging on the attractive ness of her flance to a group of debutantes, including heér hostess. She told of his good-looking eyes and his handsome mouth and his charming “expression” and his grand “form" and size and his won derful disposition, and then ‘she mentioned his uniform. “Oh, he's in the service, is he?” one deb asgked to know. ~ “Indeed, he is—and his uniform ~ is the best-looking one 1 aver saw-— g 0 becoming and go-—— “What is he—an aviator?' broke in a girl who knows™a good-look ing uniform when she sees it, and was pretty sure the man under dis cussion was n? in the marines, | “No,” replied the visitor, “he's not an aviator-he's a tank.” | enaieatas it Eatonton aEsmmTny s NK of the affairs of the week waa that Eaturday afternoon h; Mra. Charlie Johns and Mra B. F. Tull in honor of Misses Hilda Johnson, of New York and Medora Field, of Rome. ¥ive hundred was played, prizes being won by Mise Douschka ganford and Mrs George Scheer. After the game an ice course and a salad course were gorved, Punch was served throughout the after noon hy l%u. Dennis Paschal and Miss Eanford. hoke prosent were: Mndzmu Nighet. Hzell, Tallaferro, Bpivey, Hudeon, Paechal, Powell, Guerry, Atkinson, Watter son. Middlebrooks, Walker, Hearn, Misaes Banford, Leverette avn&m. Johnson and Field and Mrs. P. W. Walton, Mrs. 8 J Steinbach, Mra. Gearge Scheer. Missea Hilda Johnson, of New York, and Medora Field, of Reme, wore honorees at a Aance Priday evening, given in their henor hy Mr. and Mra John Turner. Musiec for the ocoasion was furnighed by the Eaton ton String Band Miss Georgia House, df Knoxville, 18 in Eatonton, Miss Martha Gardner has returned from Athens, whers she was the guest of Prof. and Mre. Reed. Mrs. Thad Green was a visitor to Ath ens. Mr. and Mre John Turnar and Miss (korgu House attended the dance in Ath ens Saturday m‘m Mies Minnie Bradbury is at heme from Carnesville, Migs Bessie Ballard has returned from CeAartoen 2 Mrs Y H. Barher has returned from a visit te Mrs. Bozeman, in Atlanta AMyes Thamas Martin is the guest of Mr and Mrs. Henry Jones Mr. and Mps. Johnny Johnas are guecets of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie ‘nhns __Miss Bophia Proephet has returned to | Elberten Mre. Harold Rainey spent the week-end ‘ in Atlanta Mrs. Thomas Spivey has returned from Atlanta. _ Miss Eleanor Adams attended the musie festival in Macon Saturday. Mrs. Frank Dennls hag returned from Miledgaville. : Major J. B Duke, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Mrs. M. L. Turner. Mrs. ¥Fred Hodges and babyv, of South Georgia, are guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Williams, | Miss Carruth Weaver is the | mother, Mra, J. D. Weaver, - h"} Mrs. John Howell and children are guests of Mr. and Mra. C. N. Horne. ; ~Miss Myrtle Tharpe is the guest of her sister, Miss Viola Tharpe, | Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Gardner have re tut\'?'od from Athens. § i Misses Louise and Virginia Ril Saturday in Athens. . mn(; Miss Addie Preston spent the week-end with her parents in Newhorn. | o 0 0Q | ' Social Circle. | e x HE annua! commencement exercises of the Secial Cirele High Sehool : came to a 2 close on last Friday even ing at the high school auditorium. Rev. J T Robins, pastor of the Methodist Church here, began the evening's exer cises with a prayer. _Then followed a piano solo by the mu sic teacher, Miss Gussie Cooper, of At lanta. Eight members of the graduating class then delivered the orations and th; fnno:m\x v‘\‘mxram: "‘" ks nvoeation, ev, J. T. Roblus: pi salo, Miss Coopner; “America in Q‘}?‘« ‘{’-:p"‘g War,”” J. B. Robins; class history, Min ngl!- Rogere: class diagnosis, Helen Qihhs; niane soln, Martha Stanton; grumbler, Hilda Haralson: class poem, Mary Kate Malcom: class will, Georgia Mayo: class prophecy, Lilla Mae Btanton: valedictory Nellie Harper: class song, class: hacea laureate addrese, Dr. R V. Sanfoerd: des livery of diplomas, Prof. James A. Xeeley. The feature of the evening was the baccalaureate address hy Dr. 8 V. San ford, professor of English literature at the Tniversity of Georgia. accompanied by Mrs. Sanford and his son. There was but ene boy in the graduat. ing class The voung ladies weére dressed in white, «nd each carried a large hou quet of pink carnations Prizes were delivered to Sherril Rowe, Walter Herndon amd Ogreta Weaver for an unhroken nrttendance record since last September. Gladden Knight won a geld medal given by the D. A, R's for ex cellence in history, The diplomas and prizeg were delivered 3 Prof. J. A. Kelley, the superintendent the school. HEARST'S SUNDAY AMERICAN —. A Newspaper for People Who Think — SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1919, OUT OF TOWN SOCIETY NEWS Wasnngton, RN, T. J. Wills has returned from & It short stay in Atlanta | Harry Smith and Jack Ware re turned Bunday from a short stay in Sharon. l Miss Crow returned the last of the week from Atlanta, where she spent a few days Mary Willis and Eunice Mpounds are spehding some time with their sister, Mrs. Conner Barnett An announcement of much interest is that of the approaching marriage of the Rev. Gordan Gunter and Miss Callie Rog orn, of Bandersyille, which will ogeur some time in June, ‘l'he Hev, Gunter until the Elll few years, wus o resident of our city, ut now makes his horme in Loulsville. Lieutenant Kugene Hill expects to go to Augusta the latter part of the week to attend a dance given at the Country Club there Mrs. Sara Dillard and Miss Mary Dillard, after spending & mon:ch in New Lork, ex pect to return home in several days R. D Callawsy and several frioends from Thomson are enjoying a fishing trip In Florida this week Mrs., Belle King entertained at three tables of bridge on Tuesday in honor of Captain Montgomery Hill and Lisutenant Kugene Hill, who sre spending a couple of weeks in Washington., HRefreshments were served the following guests: Misses KEliza beth, Alleen and Gene Barlesddie, Susie Hill, Marie Jordan, Frances and Bmmet Ficklen, Nan and Emogene Hill, Messrs Kugene and Montgomery Hill and James Beuson. Mrs., Beyce Ficklin, Br., complimented Dr. and .{lu Bdward Bounds, of Mis sourl, who have been recent visitors here, with a dinner Thursday evening. Mrs., Lily Barksdale 1s visiting friends and relatives in Athens Mr, and Mrs. ¥. H. Ficklen expect to go to SBavannah next week for a few fays. Mrs. Mattie Newberger, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. J. C. Fanuing. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Brooks gave f‘n informal dinner on_ Tuesday compli« menting Sergeant and Mrs. John Gibson. Mrs. Gabriel Toombe, Mrs. Willingham Wood and Mrs. Lawrence Fortson spent Tuesday in Augusta. " Mr. and Mrs. Ben Irvin, Jr., have bought the home on Alexander avenue lwhtrh was formerly owned by Henry Col ey. - "Mre. Paul Harvard entertained one even ing last week in honor of the graduating class. Mr. and Mrs. John ¥Fanning, who have been at Hot Springs for a month, expect to return heme tomerrow. Mrs, Fanning's friends will be glad to learn that she 18 greatly improved in health. Mrs Cecil Gabbot is expected the early part of next month from, Sanford, ¥Fla., to visit relatives here. Miss Will Watt Sinis entertained the mémbers of her\club and several other friends at bridge one afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Arrington and Aaughter, of Augusta, motored to Wash ington Sunday for the day. They were accompanied home by Miss Ballie Green, who will spent some time as their guest, Mr. and Mra. Ben Cade, Misses Julia and Mary Cade and Mrs. John Gibson mot ored to Athens Friday to attend the ball game. Mrs. HMarold White and children, who :{wm several weeks with relatives in '»uhl"mn returned to her home in At lanta Friday. Miss Emily Fluker has returned from Lundberry, where she has been uu‘.hm‘f for the summer, her school having closed. Lisutenant Colonel Archie Colley has re turned from overseas and is in Pennsyl vania at Camp Dix, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Zirkes, Miss Elizabeth Barksdale and Willlam Sims attended the Georgia-Tech game in Athens, Baturday. Mrs. Minnie Boline, who has been visit ing her sister in KFlorida, expects to re turn home the first part of Juné. Lieutenant Kugene Hill and Captain Momnmor: Hill returned Thursday from Columbia, 8. ~ having recelved their dis charges. They will spend a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mra. W. M. Hill. A number of young people enjoyed a pienic at Barnett's Park, among whom were Misses Margaret I(u; O'Conner, Mary Ficklen, Betty Lowe, Florence Sus low, Kleanor and Josephine O’Connor. Mrs. Arnold Wells leaves during the week for Atlanta to epend some time with her sister. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Zirkes and L. D Lumpkin spent the first of the week in Atlanta. Miss Eliaabeth Weotten {8 spending this week in Columbus with Mrs. William Love. Miss Mary Lou Staluaker has returned from @ visit to her parents at Point Peter. Mrs. Gabriel Amhont Misses Lucy Co fer, Julla Toombs and Lucy Willis Dußose attended the Ooortla-'l‘och‘slmo Friday. Mrs. 8. E. Wilson, of Madison, who has been spending soimme time with her dau“h ter.kurl. L. M. Ellis, returned home last week. In honor of Misses Carrie and Kate Crawley, who have been guests of Mrs Boykin Cade, Mrs. Thomas Burke gave a rirture show party on Friday afternoon. jer guests were Misses Crawley, Ailene Barksdale, Mrs. Thomas Walton, Mrs. Carl Zirkes and Mrs. Boykin Cade.. | Mrs. William Bridwell and Mre. Tom | Hill are visiting relatives in Macon this week. ‘ On Monday cv'nln‘ supper was given by | Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Sims complimenting the Rev. Dr. Allen 'l‘&pnr. of Virginia. The invited g‘xun were Megsrs. Boyce Ficklen, Br., R. Walter Bmith, Henry Colley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colle{l. Mise Virgina Butier, of Lexington, spent Friday with Mrs. Addié Latimer, coming over from Athens with Mrs. Latimer, Lo« ren Willlamson and Garnett Greene, who attended the Georgia-Tech game Mrs. Percy Woodall and daughter re turned to Blackshear after a visit to Mrs P. J. Bmith The Bilver Tea meets Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock with Mrs. Gray Harvard. Coemmencement sermeon will be grenched on Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock at the Methodist Church b{ the Rev. Jonozh (Girosa, of Texas, a former pastor of the Bufi;\lt Church, . and Mrs Willie Poole, of Montgom "gl are visiting Mr. and Mrs, I. W. Jones. r. and Mrs. Harvard Orr are spending several days this week in the Gate City. Miss Kathryn Hand, of Pelham, is the guest of Miss Louise Pope this weik, The Rev. Dr. Allen Tupper, of Richmond, Va., spent Monday with friends in Wash ington. Mrs. James Reynoids spent several days this week with friends and relatives in Atlanta. Mra. 8 R Paimer went to Atlanta Sun day with Mrs. R. . Callaway In her au tomobile, to spend several days with her son, Gabriel Palmer, who is in the hospital in that clg. Missos Mary Willls and Emmie Barnes are at home for the summer vacation, lfrom Guyton, where they have been teach ng. strnmt John Gibson, who has returned from overseas and rocolrd his discharge, arrived Sunday in Washington to spend two woeks. | Miss Fannie Andrews, of Rome, arrive od this week to be the guest of Mrs. Wil llam Toombs fer seme time. Mre. Joseph Dyson and Mrs. E. O. Will ingham spent the last of the week in Ath ens, in guce of the silver tea next week Mrs. Belle Xing will give a musical enter tainment at her studio on Wednesday, the 28th of May at § o'clock. Miss Sara Armstrong, of Wiimington, N. (~ 18 visiting Mrs. George Armstrong on Main street, Mrs. James Kendrick and Miss Cleo Kendrick, of Sharon, spent Tuesday with friends In the city. 000 s Thomasville. —_——— MARRIAGE of interest here, which took place in Albany Sunday, Was that of Miss Rose Nason, of Uincin nati, Ohio, and Henry Steyerman, of this city. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Landauer. Only the immediate relatives were present. The bride wore a handsome tailored gown of dark blue trie otine, with embroidered georgette blouse and hat to match, After the céremony the couple left for Thomasville, where they spent the afternoon with the parents of the bridegroom, Mr, and Mrs. Louls Steyer man, and left in the evening for Jackson ville, ¥la. Upon their turn they will make their home in Thmfi-vlno. A marriage of interest throughout the county was that of Miss Jewell Barrow and 1. ¥. Baker, of Coolidge, Sunday after noon at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas C. Barrow. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Har vey Wages in the presence of a number of the relatives and friends. A pleasant entertainment of last even ing was the dance given at the country ‘(*lub by the young men of the club. Sev eral guests from other towns were pres ent. } Mre. W. W. Jarrell, who spent several woeeks in New York after Major Jarrell's ‘r.-xurn from overseas with the Seventy i seventh Division: has returned home. Major Jarrell isat present stationed at Camp Gorden with the medical corps. I Miss Nettie Winn, of this city, Mwa Ava Lee Edwards, of Ocala, Fla, and Miss Margeret Way, of Jacksonville, who are students at the Women's College in Tallahassee, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love of Tallahassee, were visitors to Thomasville this week, ‘ Captain and Mra. J. 5. Fortner arrived this week from Washington, D. €', and are visiting relativés here. Captain r‘orlnor‘ has just received his discharge from serye ”;Tl and will prnlmbly' remain in Thomas ¥ ~ Mrs. Fraser Maclintyre left this week for Washington, . ¢ ~ where she will visit the Misses Mitchell for seversl weoks, Miss Ruby Ball has returned to Whsh ington, D, C., after a visit of several | weeks to relatives here. | Miss Carclyn Fiddler has returned from Atlanta, where she has been the guest of friends at Washington Beminary \ Mr. and Mrs. John Watt have raturned‘ from a short visit to fiuunnu and Macon, Miss Mamie Merrill] and Miss' Louise Hayes have returned from Macon, where lh'ay attended the music festival in that| city Mrs. W, L. Logan and Miss Ruth Logan have returned to their home In Gaines ville, after a visit of several weeks to Mr, and Mrs. Joha F. Parker. Mrs. D. €. Pickett and Miss Eloise Picke ett, of Daweon, are the guests of Mrs. A. M. Willlams. | Miss May Steyerman is spending -omo‘ time at Atlantic City. Dr. and Mrs. T. K. Jones have returned home after a visit of two weeks to rela tives at Graymont, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Speight have moved from Moultrie to Thomasville. Migs Annie Laing, of Savannah, |s l{”’ll(hlll some time with Miss May Belle Way. Mr., and Mrs. Thomas J. Crawford have been the guests this week of relatives In Atianta, Qoo Forsyth. RY T. C. GAMBLE spent Friday and Saturday in Macon Miss Josephene Hollls, of Macon, 'ru the weck-end guest of Miss Rolline Jewß. Mrs. Thomas R. Talmadge and Nra Thomas R, Gaines have returned from Atlanta, where they were the guests of Mrs. Horace E. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs, J. B, Kendrick and daugh ters, Josephene and Louise, of Macon, were the week-end guests.of Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Ensign, Mre. D. A. Watkins and children, Broughton and Rebecea, of Eatonton, are the guests of Mias Kate Flynt. Miss Louise Bloodworth spent the week end in Atlanta as the guest of her father, Judge O, H. B. Bloodworth. Mrs. Wallace Kay and little daughter, Carolyn, have returned to their home in Wnlhlnrton, Ga., after a visit to Mrs. W, A. McClain. Mrs. Kate Wilkinson has returned to her heme in Lavonia, after a visit to Mrs. R. W. Wilkinson. Miss Kathrine Myrtie Wil kinson accompanied her home, Mrs. 1. A. Gibson, of Bavannah, 18 the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. C. Gibson. Mrs. J. 8, Turner, of Eatonton, was the week-end guest of her daughter, Miss Lucyc Turner. W. T, Tyler has returned from a busi ness trip to New York and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Whatley, of Helena, are the guests of their parents, Dr. and Mra. T. . Gibson. Mr., and Mrs. J. L. Gross, of Thomson, and Dr. J. ¥ Gross, of Dallas, 'l'exas, were the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Gibson. W. A, McClain spent Monday in Atlanta, Brad Brown, of Milledgeville, spent the wo}a#flnd in Forsyth. . W. (. Hill and Mrs. Lem Stephens spent Tuesday in Macon. ' Mr. and Mre. H. E. Maddox, of Atlanta, and Mr, and Mrs. John Hooks, of Gordon, weroe the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vlr,n B. Hooks. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brantley and little gon, Joe, of Macon, were tho week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardin. Rev. R. L. Bivins, Thomas R. Talmadge and Samuel Rutherford spent Monday in Atlanta, Mrs. Lois Peeples, of Atlanta, was the ,ueat of her mother, Mra. T. B, Cabaniss or the week-end. Mrs, Lem Alexander, LAHA Jennie Amos, Mrs. T. Olin Smith and Mrs. Zollle L. Maynard spent Frld:{ in Maceon. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Waugh, of York, 8. (~ are the guests of Mrs, Henry Searcy. Mre. Powell and Misses Hazel and Ethel Powell, of Macon, weré the guests of Mra. V. B. Hooks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kelly, of Tennille, ‘were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mre. W. H. Grant. | ‘ Roy Gilbert, of Tennille, was the guest ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chapman for the week-end. Mrs. Luther Farmer and little son, Lu ther, Jr., have returned to their home in Grittin, after a visit to Mrs. 2. M. Patter son. Mr. and Mrs. €& D. Smith spent Friday in (unntn as the guests of their son, Rock well Bmith, Colonel and Mrs. R. L. Willlams, Misses Louige and May Anderson and Florence Phinazee spent Friday in Macon. Mrs. 8. A. Kingman, of Macon, is the nufst of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Ben nett. Mrs. Minnie Farley, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mre. B. N. Goodwynne. . A. Goode and ¥. A, Jr.,, spent Thurs day in Macon. Mrs. A. W. Bealer has returned to her home in Valdosta, after a visit to Mrs. E. D, Rudisill. 3 Mrs. A. A. Rainwater and little daugh ter, Mary, of Robinson, and Mrs. J. H. Williame, of Jonesboro, were the week-énd guests of Mrs. A. W. Bramblett coaQo Albany, 1 L N the assembly room of the bazement of the Preshyter:an Church Meonday even ing members of that congregation én tertained at an informal reception for Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Craig and family, who left the next day ofr Hickory, N. C, where Dr. Carig has accepted the pastor ?u of the DPresbyterian Church. Music or the occasion was furnished by Mrs. A. D. Galt and Prof. M. M. Dunwoody. Re freshments weré served by the ladies of the church. Dr. Craig speke foelingly of his work in Albany, his regret at leaving and his continued interest in this fisld. Rnl;_a‘nm for the congregation was made by T Mellntosh. The departing winis ter and his family were presented with & gift of table silver, appropriately engraved, by the lecal church Mrs. Lula Nixon and Miss Agnes Shef ficld, of Arlington, spent several days here last week, guests of Mrs. L. K, Newlin Dr. and Mrs. W. 8 Cook and little son, Shelley, left Wednesday for Savannah to take a steamer for New York, where they will spend several weoks. Mr. and Mrs. John Langford, who re “B:IY left Alba#ly to niake their home at {, "e and, Fla., have returned to Albany o live. MQ- Jean MeGregor, of Savannah, and mu .Salatha Norris, of Newton, spent esday in Albany, guests of Mrs. Jean le\Bnton. They were en route to Fargo, N. Dak., where they will spend the sum mer. . Miss Ethel Guerry, of Americus, and Nance Nall, of New Orleans, are guests of their cousin, Miss Nina Bell Cannon. Mrs. Clara M. Pickron left Sunday to spend two weeks it Asheville, N. C. Mr. and Mre. R. E, Beall, Jr, of Wil mington, N. C., are visiting Mr. Beall's mother, Mrs, T. E. Beall, Sr. Mra. W. B. Neal and children, of St Augustine, ¥la.,, arrived Tuesday to visit Mra. Neal's sister, Mrs. Edward J. Davis, and other relatives. Miss Sarah Weldon returned home Mon day night from Atlanta. Mrs. P. Feingold is spending two weeks with her parents in Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hasty, of Panama City, Fla., spent Monday in Albany. A Mother Gotre pageant was held at the high school athletic field Friday afternoon ‘under the auspices of the Camp Fire Girls, The children who took part in thes pro gram were drilled by Mrs. E. O, Newell and Miss Dorothy Tarver, Adgoa interest was given by the parade of “Humpty Dumpty” and “King’'s Morses” through the downtown streets. ~ Mr. and MrshW. T. Dozler entertained ‘about a dozen children Saturday afternoon in honoer of the fourth birthday of their daughter, Annie Sue. Miss Sadle Richardson, of Macon, ar \Eve{! Monday to visit Miss Edwina Rose ittle. " Misses Tda and Ola Newsom and Miss Il“ram‘u Ward, of Camilla, spent Sunday in Albany, gueats of Mre. W. 8 Newton. Mrs. E. J. MeDanie!l and !\ga. J. A, Mil ler are at Panacea Springs, Fla. Miss Sarah Warren hag returned from Virginia. She was Aoco%nnml ag far as Atlanta by Miss Julia herry, of Rich mond, who will spend a few days thetd and proceed to Albany to be Miss War. ren’s guest. Miss Miriam Rogers has returned from Macon. where she spent a few days with Miss Minnie Goodwin Artope. Mrs. Frank Ingram entertained a num ber of children snurd‘v afternoon at a motion picture party in Wonor of her-niece, Mary Katherine Tate, who celebrated her firth birthday. Miss Billie Butrke, of Montgomery, Ala,, hag returneod after o visit to Mrs. Ueorge K. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weldon and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geoding spent Sunday in ‘homn\‘xllo. Of interest to a wide circle of friends was the marriage of Miss Gladys Vieln Mathw to Jullan W. Reynolds, both of Albany, whieh took place in the parior of the Presbyterian Church, with Rev, E. M. Craig, D. D, officiating Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds left for a two weeky automobile trip to points in Florida, The bride is the daughter of Mra. J, B Mathis Miss Annle Bingleton, of Albany, and W, K. Ott, of Bainbridge, were married at the Methodist parsonage Saturday night. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W, O, Ringleton. They left Sunday for Bain bridge to make thelr home. Mre. E. ¥ Clarke, of Okiahoma City, “Who has been spending the winter here, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. D, L. Beatie, left Monday m.lm for Atlanta, Miss Mae Meorritt, of Pelham, spent sev ernl days vith Miss Nathalee Ramsey. Miss Thelma Reynolds, who has been attending Martha Washington Seminary at Washington, . (!, returned home Monday to spend the summer holidays. Mrs. W. . Dunham entertained at bridge Friday n...r‘nn; in honor of her guest, Mrs. Guy Mofgun, of Atlanta. Mis H. &. Mclutosh was awarded the prize for top scére and Mre. W. O, Pearson was given the consolation prize. The honoree was given a souvenir of the occasion, As was Mrs. L. M. Jones, Jr, of Milledgeville, the guest of Mrs, W. O. Pearson. Mrs. W, D. Bullard has returned from Macon. The Junior class of the Alblnx High Bchoo! entertained the seniors and mem bers of the faculty at a farewell banquet Friday night, Mre. L. L. Connor and children, accom panied by Miss Ellie Connor, have returned from Eufaula, Ala, Mrs, Sam Blattner entertained the Jew ish Hencvolence Soclety Thursday after noen Miss Vera Inman left for Edison, where she wil, Ispend several days with Mrs. Rubye [»"o-ulc- Sheppard. Lieutenant N. McKay Heath, of Camilia, ‘and Mrs, Harrlet Ar'nlph-r Parker, of At lanta, were married Tuesday afternoon at ‘thr- home of Mrs. A, B, Kellos.. where the bride was visiting. The bridegroom is a {otng attorney from Camilla, who has een in the service for two years, having recently returned from overseas and is now stationed at Camp Gordon, A bridge-luncheon was given by Mrs. G. 'W. Owens in honor of Mrs. M. L. Jones, of Milledgeville, the guest cf Mre. W. O. ‘Pearfimn, “uesday. Mrs. Jones, the hon oree. was awarded the prize for top score, ‘while the consolation prize was awarded I Mrs. W. E. Smith, ~ Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hall Tift, of Sumter, }fl. (~ are spending several days of their " honeymoon here with Mr. Tift's father, N. F. Tift. sooe Temple. R. AND MRS. HOYT KINNEY, of B#ikmart, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kinney. Cliffera Wells, of Athens, spent a few days in Temple last week as the guest of his father, J. C. Wella. Mrs. Frank Reid, of Heflin, was the guest of Miss Janie Mnnler Monday. Lieutenary RByron Sewell has returned from France and is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. SBewell. § Miss Ruby Entrekin left Friday for Dub lin, where ghe J’l“ be the guest of her sister, Mrs. lLeon Matthews. James Sewell spent the week-end in Heflin as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Char lie Griffin. i Miss Janie Manley spent Tuesday in At anta. ¥is¢ Opal Aderholt has returned from Ball Ground, where she has been teach ing, and will ?end some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Aderholt. Bethel Manley spent Monday in Atlanta, E. D). Dorsett, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in_Temple. TH. H. Bewell is spending some time in exas. Miss Maude Sewell has returned from Carroliton, where ghe has been teaching in the A. and M. School and will spend her vacation with her parents. ‘ Miss Pearl Price, of Carroliion, spent the week-end as the guest of her aunt, Mrs, W. A. Entrekin, _The Ladies' Missionary Society -of the ‘Methodist Church met Monday afternoon for its regular business meeting. ~ Hoyt Kinney spent Monday in Atlanta. M. M. Hooper made a business trip to Atlanta Monday. oo Royston. ¥ HE Allen Turner Chapter, [J P. C's met Tuesday afternoon as the home of Mrs. G. T. Ridgway. Miss Pearl Clark spent the past week end in Cornelia. Miss Kate Harrison, who is teachlnl!'l at iDullnl, visited her mother, Mrs.' 8. A. Har 'rison, last week. ~ Mrs. Q. H. Hixon and two children, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visiting here. - Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cunningham and ¢hil dren, spent the weck-end in Lexington. Miss Ruby Little has returned to Cor nelia. George Wilder, who ig now in Comer, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mildred Wilder. % Clarence Bryant, who is stationed at Granite Hill, spent the past week-end here, ‘ Harris Little has returned from over @eas, and is at home with his sisters, Misses Pearl and Nettie Little, Mrs. Georga Ray and daughters, Rebecca and Clara Sue, visited Mrs. Fred Burch “more, in Athens, last weék. \ Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Owens, of Ath ens, visited the latter's parente, Mr. and AMrs. D. A. Baker, last week. Mr. and Mrse. Jim Watson and daughter, Nan, of Jacksonville, Fla, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCrary ~ Several persons from Royston attended ' the danece given by the L'Rnrd Coemmer cial Travelers of Georgia and Florida, in Athens Friday evening. Thursday afternoon on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs, L. J. McConnell's home, Misg Vera McConnell and Miss Ruby Wilkerson were joint hostesses at a rook party, com filimemary to S\Misses Myra' l‘guner and üby Loyd, brides elect. Hand-embroid ered towels were given as guest prizes and handkerchiefs were d(l\'an for top score. Misses McConnell and Wilkereon were as sisted in entertaining by Miss Chrystine Woodburn and Miss Hilda MeConnell. Little Mise Sarah Parks en’prnlnod a numher of her little friends as” a birthday party Manday afternoon « The B. Y. P. 1. had a social niecting at 'lhfl heme of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Moss }{on day evening. : oo \ Americus Stemeseareail 188 KATHLEEN DENHAM was hostess to the members of the Red Cross Bridge Club last week. A box of handkerchiefs was given for top score. > Mrs. Thad Youmans has returned to her home in Vidalla after a visit with Mrs. P. L. Holt. Mrs. J. A. Kitchens, of Macon, is the guest of Mrs. W. A, Lester. Mrs. W. D. Ivey entertained the mém bers of the Thursday Bridge Club. The Sumter Clud dance last week was one of the mest enjoyable affairs of the sapring season. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Dodson, Ma#:r and Mrs, Scho field, Mr. and Mrs ank Harrold, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen, Captain and Mrs. Jrank Bridgman, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Cunningham, )‘\{r. anql_MrsA Ificon‘n;dley. l({:rr angl Mrs. V. G, Turpin, r. and Mrs. Carr over Mr. and Mrs. Franc Manlkum, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs, Har r{ Hawkins, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Allen, Mrs. Howell Simmons, Mrs, C. O. ' Niles, Miss Georgia Bena Dodson, Miss Annie Ivey, Miss Willidee Clark, of Albany; Miss Mary Parker, Miss Alice MeNeill, Miss Bess McLeod, Miss Mary Walker, Miss Katherine Hamilton, Miss Serena Armstrong, of Albany. ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams announce nxw birth of a daughter on Sunday, May 18, Miss Ima Hudson has gone to Mem phis, Tenn., to visit relatives, and will go from there to spend the remainder of the summer with relatives In Arkans sas. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Easterlin announce the birth of a son on Monday, May 19. Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings Culler, of Fort Valloy, announce the engngement of their daughter, Corinne, to Louis Xel- Jette Heys, the wedding to take place in_ June. Mrs. James Hixon was hostess to the members of the Tuesday Cluh, Miss Kathleen Denham entertained the members of the Saturday Bridge Club last week at her home on Felder street. Those plaving were Mrs. J. G, Holst, Miss Maude Sherioek, Miss Annie Ivey, Mrs E. ). Eldredge, Mrs Furlow Gatewood, ¥Mrs. M. H. Wheeler, Mrs. D. R. Brin gon, Mrs. W. E. Taylor and Miss Sara Kendrick. Miss Kate Willilams and Miss Evelvn Bragg entertained the members of the Ppworth lLeague last week at the home of Mr. .ndnslr.- George Bragx. Those invited besides the members of the leaguo were Miss Mary Alice lingo, Miss Neomi Wright, Mixg Flizabeth Rrown Miss Pau tare Bell, Miss Fay Willls, Miss Edna Hilsman. Miss Isabelle Wheatley, Aliss Mamie Bragg, Miss Lella Williams, Miss Eunice Royal. Miss Marguerite Everett, Miss Louise Bn‘g and Miss Alice Salter. Mrs. and Mrs. J. E. Logan and Master J. . Logan, of Atlanta, but formerly of Americus, are in the city, the guests of friends and relatives, Mrs. Thomas Harrold is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. N. W. Long, at their home in Hurtsboro, Ala. Miss Mabel Bawyer has returned from a visit with friends and relatives in Washington, New -York, Buffalo and Ni ugara Falls An enjoyahle -wu‘nntnl party was give en at Prospect Park last week by girls from the grammar school. This was the first swimming party of the season, and will be followed by many more. Among the number invited were Miss Dora Ri ey, Miss Klizabeth Smith, Miss Etta Ruth Brooks, Miss Marjorie Cargill, and Miss Lucy Snider Mra. Austin Bmith, who has heen In Florida for the winter, 's the guest of Mrs. John T. Taylor for a short while Mrs. D. R, Brinson was hostess last week to the members of her club. Those playing were Mrs. Furlow Gatewood, Miss Claire Everett, Mrs. J. D. Hooks, Miss Louise Marshall, Mrs. Carr Glover, Mrs. Frank Molt, Miss Kathleen Denham and Miss Mary Parker. At the conclusion of the game a salad course was served. Mrs (‘,lu&ncc Niles, Mrs. Barlow Coun ¢il, Mrs. Emimett McNulty and Mrs. Hen ry T Allen have returned from a visit with friends in Sanderasville. Mr. and Mrs. R, L. Maynard are visit ing friends In Eatontop for a few days. Miss Iva Dormlner. of Fitzgerald, was the guest of her sister, Miss Ora Dor miney, at the A. & M. College. Mrs. C. P. Davis entertained the senior clase of the A. & M. College last week. Those present were: Miss Alice Stevens, Miss Sam Adkins, Mise Leila Doster, Miss Grace Barnes, Misa Irene Gettys, Miss Jewel Bridges, Miss Ori Dorminey and Miss Iva Dorminey. Mre. Willls Hawkins entertained the members of the Thursday Bridge Club. Besides the club m&mbeu, those invited were: Mrs. E. B. Everott, Mrs. John Coun ¢il, Mrs. John Hudson, Mrs. John Allen Fort, Mrs. Dualey Gatewood, Mrs. Edgar Shipp and Mrs. John Wagnon. Mrs. Earl 8. Echofield entertained at a formal tea last week, complimenting Mrs. ira A. Rader, who has regcently come to Americus to reride. In the receh-lndl line were Mrs, Rader, Mrs. Bridgman and Mrs, Schofield, and those asked to meet Mre. Rader were Miss Sara Schoficld, Miss Mary Hawkes, Mrs. H. B. Allen, Miss Annie Bailey, Miss Elizabeth Eldridge, Mrs. Giles, Mrs. Alfred Vance, Mrs. F. L. Cate, Mrs. Robert L. Maynard, Miss Sara Tower, Miss Mary Ella Davenport, Mrs. Howell Simmons, Mrs. David Suttle, Mrs. Floyd _Wilson, Mrs. Elton Parker, Miss Mary Parker, Mrs. James Hixon, Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Miss Georgia Bena Dod son, Mrs. W. T. Lane, Mrs. W. A, Dod son. Miss Mary Walker, Mrs. James Walker, Mrs. W. D Moreland, Mrs. Eu %en- Hill, Miss Loeuise Marshall, Mrs E. . Bverett, Mrs. Tracy Cunningham, Mrs. H ©O. Jones Miss Quenelle Harrold, Mrs. Thomas Harrold, Mrs. Frank Harrold, Mrs. Frank Lanier. soQo Statesbore RS. W. T. GRANADE left Sunday afternoon for Atlanta. Mrs. R. Lee Moore and Mrs. H. 8. Blitech returned Monday from the Southern Baptist Convention held in At lanta. Miss Corf Lott, of Hendersonville, N. C., is the guest of Miss Bess Misses Jane Maxwell and Camilla Yar borough, who have been teaching at the ¥. D. A. 8 for the past year, left Tues day for txair respective homes, DBarnes ville and Rutherfordton, N. C. Mr. ‘and Mra. Charles McAllister have returned to Statesboro tv make their home. Mr. McAllister only recently returned from France. ' Mrs. Eugene DeLoach, of Columbia, is the guest of Mrs. J. E. Donehoo. Mrs. Millard Rogers, of Dublin, is the guest of Mra Inman Foy. Mrs. J. H. Whiteside was hostess at a party Tuudai afternoon, in honor of her sister, Mies Ruth Dabney, of Conyers. Those present were Miss Elma Wimberly, Miss Anna Hu{hel. Miss Louige Hughes, Miss Pearl Holland, Miss Nelle Jones, Miss Mary Lee Jones, Miss Ruth Parrish. Miss Lucy Bliteh, Miss Sallie Zetterower, Miss Annie Lane, Miss Ulma Ollliff, Miss Inez Brown, Miss Jessie Olliff, Miss Kate McDougald, Miss Gussie Lee, Miss Julia Carmichael, Miss Irene Arden, Miss Nancy Perry, Miss Mattie Palmer, Miss Alma Os borne, Mre. Inman Foy, Mrs. Nita Keown, Mrs. Sydney Smith, Miss Cora Lott, of Hendersonville, N. C., and Miss Mildred Lovvorn, of Bowden, Ga. Mrs. lLeroy Cowart was hostess to the members of the Young Matrons’ Club Wed nesday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Fugene Wallace, Mrs. Hubert Jones, Mrs. nghert Kenhnedy, Mrs. Grover Brannen, Mrs. John Goff, Mrs. J. L. Dacis, Mrs. Frank Bu{,{nur and Mrs. J. E. Oxendine. Miss Mildred Lovvorn, of Bowden, was the guest several days last week of Miss Alma Osborne. Mrs. Nita Keown entertained informally Wednesday afternoon. Those invited were Miss Ruth Lester, Miss Anna Hughes, Miss Louise Hughes, Miss Gussie Lee, Miss Bess Lee, Migs Pearl Holland, Miss Nelle Jones Miss Mary Lee Jones, Miss Kate MeDou gald and Miss Trene Arden, and Miss Cora Lott, the {ueat of Miss Bess Lee. Mre. J. W. Johnston was hostess to the members of the While-Away Club Friday afternoon. After several games of rook refreshments were served. Those invited were Mrs. W. E. McDougald, Mrs. C. P. Olliff, Mre. A. F. Mikell, Mrs. J. H. Whiteside, Mra. SBydney Smith, Mre. J. W. Johnston, Mrs. Rufus Brown, Mrs. J. M. Norris, Mrs. Frank Williams, Mrs. Leffier DeLoach, Mrs. P. G. Franklin, Mrs. Maxey Grimes, Mis. G. J. Mays, Mrs Charles Pigue, Mrs. Nattie Allen, Mrs Gorden Donaldsen, Mrs. Don Brannen and Mrs. J. D. Lee, \ goag Stockbridge. c————— R. and Mrs. C. F. Roddey, of At. lanta, were ‘fiz“tl Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ward. Floyd Mawvs, of Atlanta, was the week. end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A W. Mays Migses Carrie and Mattie Riley, of Flip ren. were gueets of Miss Sarah Mr“‘ul-l lams Sunday Mrs, Dan Brewn and little daughter, of Arkansag. anl Mrs. Pinson, of Alabama, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pin son. Miss Josephine McWilliams was the re cent guest of Miss Allene Crusell, of At lanta, Branan Ward, of Atlanta, was the week end guest of his’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ward. Mrs. B. W. Mays has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Adam son, of Rex. Gnon Newnan, e = 188 MATTIE REID ROBINBON was hostess At a brid{o party on Thursday, given for ,Miss Annie Drake and Miss Johnnie Caldwell. The guests included Miss Mud{:d Arnall, Miss May Arnold, Miss Sallie irby, Miss Sa rah Farmer, Miss Olive Berry Pgn.lo. Miss ?:brlene Johnson, Miss Nina Tomp kins, Miss Mildred Darden, Miss Johnnie Camp, Miss Jeannette Miller and Mrs. E. R. Cook, Jr. | Mr. and Mrs. Shack Powers entertained | at a dinner party on Sunday. The guests include’s Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stallings, Mr. and Mrs. Wwade Stallings, Mrs. Inez Kirby, Miss Dorothy Kirby, Miss Mary Powers and) Miss Lucy Christian. | Mra. O. D. Gorman, of Atlanta, has been the guest of Mrs, T. M. Goodrum for sev- | eral days this week. | Mre. T. 8. Parrott was hostéss for the Young Matrons’ Sewing €lub on Wednes day afternoon at her home. The gueees\ were: Mrs. W. A. Turner, Jr., Mrs. G. M. Jones, Mrs. B. H. Pinson, Mrs. Walker Arnaurs. Joe Parks, Mrs. T. 8. Bai ey, . Edwin Platt and Mrs. George ‘Mnrtln. Mrs. James W. Merritt, of Gainesville, ‘and Miss Mary Parks, of Chattanooga, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Luke Johnson. - Mrs. J. M. Ellis, of Union Spriugs, Ala., is ‘\-!sitint her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Ar nall ~ Miss Sallie Arnall, of Birmingham, A, ‘is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Z. Greene. Mrs, Lovd Bradfield, of LaGrange, will | be the guest of her mnther, Mrs. W. Y, | Atkinson, for two weeks, when she Ifln-rn.‘ for New York to meet Lieutenant Rrad field, who is expected to return rrom| overseas at that time. Mrse. . W. Loftin was hostess for the ‘\'ednes*\v Afternoon Reading Club this weok. hose g;enm were: Mrs. Herbert Sage, Mrs. J. . Word, Mrs. J. R. King, Mrs. Walter Hopkins, Miss Marion Bry ant, Miss Nannie Louise Hill, Miss Fram ces Xrnold, Miss Mary Powell and Miss Ethel Arnold. | Mise Mary Katherine Parks, who is studving at Agnes Scatt, is at home for 8 few days | Misses Blizaheth North and Mary Moon ;n wha _have been at the Flora McDon | ald School at Red Bprings, N, . C., are at home for their summer vacation. ) Miss Bessie Arnold was hostess Thurs day for her Reading Club. Mrs. B. B [Mnhun read ‘“The Retrothal,” and iss . = v :;orl‘:uu Simril gave a sketch of Maeter nek. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Atkinson and Mrs, Will Woodruff are ate tending the golf tournament in Marietta this week, M. 1, Cole and Miss May Cole left for New York on Thursday and will spend two weeks there On Monday afternoon Andrew Balley entertained a Fll‘(y of young people at a fish fry st his country home. The list included Miss Tommie Broadwater, Miss Mary Willie Estes, Miss Mazelle Cruse, Misses I'rances and Aline Chandler, Miss *-m Johnson, Monroe Bryant and Kirw lilson. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coley Qoo Vienna. E——— RS. A. J. SHELL has returned from Macon, \ Miss Thelmh Walton has returned from Montezuma. Dr. M. M. Ellis spent Sunday in Ash burn. T. G. Woodruff has returned from Florida, Miss Stella Brown spent Sunday In Pinehurst, Mre. C. C. Shipp has returned to Co lumbia, 8. C. f Mrs. 1. 8. Hanell, Miss Cappie Bnltby. of Hawkinsville; Mr. and Mrs. Holland Shorter, of Augusta, were the guests of Mrs, Busbee ¥Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. flp?rl and son, Jack, spent the week-end in Sylvester, Oswald Swearingen, recently dischn”ed from the army, is visiting his sister,” Mrs, J. B. Ryner. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walton and Miss Thelma Walton attended the Shriners’ convention in Atlanta. Mrs. M. BE. McDonald is visiting in At lanta. Miss Lols Shell is the guest of relatives in Jacksonville. Mr, and Mrs. A C. Crockett, of Amers fcus, spent Tuesday in the city. Mrs. W. R. Graves and Mrs. Ed Dykes, of Byromville, were in the city Tuesday. g Ml':’ lAmaia Lou Thompson is home from 7 ) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown spent Mon day in Macon. Mrs. E. C. Taylor entertained the 1919 graduating class ~f the V. I 8. with a theater party Wednesday evening. cooQ West Point ‘ HE last regular meeting of the Wom- | an's Club was one of importance. The full amount of fiva hundred dollars pledged to buy books for the Hawkes Children’s Library was reported secured. Gratifying reports from all the retiring officers were read. Mrs. W. Trox Bankston, the retiring president, present od the following new officers: President, Mrs. Mark Culloh; vice president, Mrs. B. H. Hill; second vice president, Mrs. Clar ence Hudmon; recording secretary, Mrs. 8. M. Fuller; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Mary DeLamar; treasurer, Mrs. B. J. Mayer; auditor, Miss Daisy Zachry. At the close of the business meeting a social hour was enjoved. Mrs. C. E. Hill had charge of this feature of the meeting. ! business meeting of tr( (hattahoochee ChApter, D. A. R., was held Thursday aft ernoon. Officers were elected. | " The commencement exercises of the ‘West Point High School will be held in the City Auditorium. On Sunday, June 15, Rev. R. E. Moss, of the Christian Church. of Winder, will preach the commencement germon, and on Monday evening Dr. 0. O Jarrell, commissioner of education for ‘Emory University, will deliver the literary ‘addréss. Miss Bernice Cohen will read the salutation, and Miss Lily Anderson ‘will deliver the valedictory. Diplomas will be delivered to the nineteen graduates by L. D. Askew, president of the Board of Education. The members of the class are Leonard Barrow, Frank Cumbee, Joe Jen-| nings, Earl Johnson, Hui_h McCulloh, Har old Parker, and Booker Tatum, and Misses Clarice Adams, Lily Anderson, -Genevieva éarrow, Helen Clem, Bernice Cohen, Le- Faye Hunt, Evelyn Lovelace, Marie Miller, Marion Potts, Aima McMichael and Ruby Ridgeway. W. P. Thomas, superintendent of the eity sehools of West Point, has been ap pointed chairman of the board of visitors to the State University of Georgia in June by Governor Dorsey. w The marriage of Miss Nelle Williams and Clifton Horsley on Sunday afternoon came 4§ 4 surprise to their many friends. With Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scott and Mr. Stephens Schaefer they motored to La- Grange, and were married by Rev, R. C. Cleckler, presiding elder of the LaGrange district. They left immediately for At lanta. Miss Williams is the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Williams, ol" this city. Miss Maggie Wade entertained her Sun day school class at a picture show party Tuesday afternoon. A picnic supper on the river bank Tues day wus enjoyed by Mrs. Rhetta Potts, Mrs. Clarence Nolan, Misses Marie and Caroline Cumbee, Alice and Mary Zachry,‘ Frances and Sarah Nolan, Mary Ruth and Katie Sue Schaefer, Elizabeth Nolan, and‘ M%szie Wade. r. . O. Williams has returned trom‘ New York, where he spent a month. Miss Kathleen Cumbes will arrive soon from Buhl, Idaho, where she has taught in the high school the past year. ghe will resyme her work there in the fall. William Maddox, of A, P. I, Auburn, spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. W. E. Booker. ‘ Miss Isabella Poed was hostess at a party~at her home Tuesday evening. { Mrs. W. F. Stewart entertained the Junter Bridge Club at the home of Mr&‘ Grady Webb Friday afternoon. Miss Marie Collingsworth, of Atlanta, spent the week-end with Miss Clyde Griffin, The sophomore clags of the high schoel | was chugeroned on a picnic to Warm %prmls aturday by Mrs. L. D. Askew, Mrs. W. H. Huguiey, Mrs. W. W, Fuller, Mrs. W. E. Booker, Mrs. T. G. Gauntt, and Misses Marie Cumbes and Maggis Wade. S oog Buford Ry / RS. DALLAS MARTIN entertained the Bill Arp Chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy Tues day afternoon at her home. Mrs. Martin was assisted in entertaining her guests hyl Mrs. Walter Aldredge The following of ficers were elected: Mrs. Laura Garner, president; Mrs~J. T. Rowe, first vice presi dent; Mrs. Dallas Martin, second vice president; Mrs. Paul Cates, recording sec retary; Mrs. Will Lewis, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. Walter Aldredge, treasurer; Mrs. Louis Sudderth, historian: Mrs. Em ma Wilson, registrar. After the business a reading by Miss Morgan and a flag con test was enjoyed. Those present were Mesdames Laura Garner, Prince Royul,‘ Plummer, Will Lewis, Emma Wilson, Mose‘ Greer, Clyde Power, Lewis Sudderth, Joe Shadburn, BE. O. Dobbs, Clive Hansard, Walter Aldredge, John L. Campbell, Fred Sears ,Bob Hannah, Paul Cates, J. Brown, Misses Elizabeth Morgan, Maggie Bu!anxu ton and Kathleen Royal. ‘ Miss Helen Brown entertained her Sun day school class Thursday afternoon at her home. After the business a program was rendered. The guests were served an ice course. 'Those present were Mrs. W. B, Mcßride, Misses Betty Shadburn, Emmette Garner, Annie Nunn, Belvie Garner, Edith 'Lowe and Jessie Brown. . The young men complimented the facul ‘ty of the public school with a pienic Fri day at Woodward's Mill. Those going ‘were Misses Parnell Coker, May Laird, Rhoda Scott, Ruby McConnell, Parilu Dea ton, Carfax Baxter, Irene Bowdon, Kate Culpepper, Amy Doster, Christa SBhadburn and Frank Shadburn, Lee Strickland, Ev erette ~Cireer, Minor Shadburn, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Carl Perry and Mrs. J. T. Rowe chaperoned. Miss Jessie Dean Wood, of Lawrenceville, was the guest of her mother, Mrfs. L. D. Wood for the week-end. Miss Daisy Shadburn, who has been teaching at Winfield, arrived Thursday to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Shadburn. Little Miss Alma May Bowman has re turned from a visit to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kirby, in Cumming. The Tenth Grade enjoyed a picnic at woodward’s Mill Friday. Those present were Prof.. W. N, Nunn, Misses Helen ' Brown., Emmette Garner, Betty Shad purn, Evelyn White, Anniec Nunn and Wil liam Nunn, Paul Power, Aurillius Tid well, Scott Grogan, Isadore Levinson, Bon ‘nie Buice. Miss Ethel Vance spent Wednesday in ‘/Aflnntm ‘ Misses Culpepper, Doster and Bowden had as their guests for dinner Monday ‘e\'e‘v’nnc Miss Mabel Nunn and Lee Blrick-i land. The Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Couch and. children, of Locust Grove, were with Mr. | ‘and Mrs. J. B. Payne for the week-end. | Mr. and Mrs. Eli Joseph and daughter, | Mr. and Mrs. Stein and son, of Atlanta, gpent Sunday with Mrs. Joe Levinson. ‘ Mrs. W. J. Hutchens has returned from Clermont, whera she went to attehd the graduation exercises. Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shadburn motored to Cumining, Sunday. Miss Olney Thornton, of Bowman, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. A, Wilbanks. DP T n L LT . . rs. Dallas Martin, Mre. Carl . Pirkle |':? Miss Liszle Blankinship visited Ate l‘f&u G-Ztm‘o and Elizabeth Drogan spent tho. vnk‘-voad in Atlanta, the guests ot rm toke son, ias Ballie Green, of Lawrenceville, was the guest of Mrs. W. L. Shadburn tor the week-end, | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aldredge Mr. and Mrs Dallas Martin, Mrs. John L. Onmps bell motored to Logansville luldn'g. Misses Belle Canning, of lowery Branch, and Lema Stephens, of Atlanta, were the week-end guests of Miss Winule Shadburn. 5 Miss Eva Hope, of Gainesville, was the f{uen of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, ope, for the week-end, Mrs. Clef Brogdon and daughters, of Miami Beach, Fla., are the guests of Mrs, Brogdon's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Jo By Neese. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hamlef, of Atlanta, were the Bunday guests of Mr, and Nrs. Waiter Simmas. Mrs., L. V. Wilbanks attended the wom an's Baptist Missionary Union in Atlanta last week, Mrs. Claude Martin, Mrs. Barl Varnell and Miss Ludie Bird, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mrs. 8. J. Bird for the week-end, C. 1. White and daughter, Miss Evelyn, spent Sunday in Atlanta. Joe Levinson and son, Isadore, spent Sunday and Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. Mary Stringer is spending some time in Norcross with Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Roblnngu Mrs. Sam Mabry will entertain at a mis cellaneous shower for Miss Winnie Shad burn, a bride-elect, on Thursday afternoon at her home. A .T. Green and Cleveland Green, of Lawrencevilie, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Shadburn, The Rev. George Light, a chaplain at Fort McPherson, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mattie; Light, during the week. lu\uu Ruby McConnell and Rhoda Scott aftended the all-star concert in Atlanta Monday. Miss Claudia Thomas, of Atlanta, and Booker Pattillo, of Georgia Tech, were week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs, L. P. Pattillo. The many friends of Frank Bowden Aare welcoming him home after spending twelve months overseas with the Eighty second Division. i Qoo Poeatheiile T 188 OLIVER, of South Carelina, and Miss Fossett, of Calhoun, are the guests as the Misses Phillips. P. 8. Talbot and family have returned from an automobile trip to Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Nipper spent Bundlx‘ in Fayetteville, the guest of their aunt, Miss M. A. Redwine. Mrs. Sarah Reid has returned from At lanta. Miss Lurlene Parker, of Fairburn, spent Friday, with Miss Mabel Bulloch. Mrs. E. A. Willlams and children spent last week in L.aGrange, with her mother, Mrs. M. L. Bruee. Miss Sailio Jacksen, of Columbus, is with Mrs. Neal Kitchens. Lieutenant McNeil and wife, of Fort Benning, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Eugenia Glover. Mrs. William A. Reid and Mrs. James D. Nipper, spént Wednesday in Coelumbus. An affait of the week was a moonlight picnic at White Sulphur Springs, in honor of Miss Christopher, of Montezuma, and Miss McCullough, 6f Tennessee, two of the teachers who are leaving for home. Mrs. Cora Hill was hostess of the Ladies’ Civic Club Thursday. Miss Lilllan Hutchinson, 6f Duran, is with her sister, Mrs. Sam Killian. Miss Nannie Bell, Miss Elizabeth and Miss Lucile Phillips, are at ty\o for the summer. { GooG Miilen . RS. LAURA HERRINGTON has re turned to her home in Sardis, after a two weeks' visit wigh Mrs. J. M. Rockley. Charlton MeCoy, of Chaflotte, 3 S the guest of ,hi- parents, Mr. Mrs. R. L. McCoy. Mrs. C. JB. Owens and little son, Wil liam Bruckner Owens, of Augusta, are tha ‘guests of Mrs. T. R. Addison. Judge John L. Tyson, of Cedartown, spent Tuesday with his sistéer, Mrs. J. R. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rockley, Mrs. Sara Beard, Mrs. Cleve McCarthy and Perry ‘Rockley sxent Sunday at Sardis. ~ Mrs. J. R. Hunter and daughter, Frances, are visiting relatives in Allendale, 8. C. } Dr. McElmore, of Mt. Vernon, spent the ‘week-end here with friends. ‘ J. W. Bowman, of Savannah, spent the week-end here with friends. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cowart, of States boro, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rockley. ’ Captain Farmer Brinson, of Camp Gor don, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Donie Brinson. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Skinner spent Sunday with relatives at Woodciiff. " Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, of Commerce, ‘are the guests of their daugfhter, Mrs. Newt Burke. _ Mrs. Edward Coleman and children, of Midville, are the guests of relatives here. Misses Alexander Atkinsen and Ruth Strickland spent Saturday in Augusta. ~J, L. Burt, of Macon, spent the week end here with friends. Mrs. R. W. Mathews spent several days in Atlanta last week. Mrs, W. M. Alwood is the guest of her ‘daughter, Martha, at Brenau. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parker left Thursday for Atlanta to attend the graduation of their daughter, Namoi, at Cox College. | o 0o ‘Monroe HE Matthew Talbot Chapter D. A. R., will meet with Mrs. A. C. Kelily Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. L. McGarity was hostess at a party Tuosday afternoon in honor of her mother, Mrs. Caldwell, of California. A birthday dinner was given J. L. Pres ton Sunday by his daughter, Mrs. W. D. Warren. Besides the children and grand-children of Mr. Preston, several other guests were present, Mrs. Fred Randolph, of Jefferson, was the guest of Mrs. P. T. Reynolds several dag’is last week. rs. George P. Hammond was hostess at a meeting of the Brenau Club on Sat urday afternoon. The Woman's Club held its May meeét ing at the court house Saturday after noon. Mr, and Mrs. E. 8. Tichenor spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mrs., Eva Arnold and Mrs. Nelle Ricker spent last week with Mrs. Gray Quin ney-at Wayneshoro, Mrs. Clifford Walker visited Atlanta last week, Mrs. H. F. Scott, of Atlanta, was the guest of Monroe relatives several days last week. Misses Lillian Cox and Sadie Robinson visited Covington last week Misses Louise Felker, Elizabeth Pruden and Gertrude Manley, of Agnes Scott Col lege, visited Monroe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Radford, of At lanta. spent the weck-end in Monroe. Miss Jim Claude Farmer, of Atlanta, visited Mrs. George P. Hammond Sunday. Mrs. A. C. Kelly and Mrs. Lena Felker Lewis attended the district convention of ‘the Woman's Club in Athens Tuesday. " AMiss Mattie Medlin spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Medlin. > o oo Norcross ——— HE graduating exercises of the Nor cross High School were held at the auditoriuin Tuesday evening. The graduating class follows: Misses Linnie Brooks, Asljie Mauldin, Isabel Walker, Lora Doby, Annie Lively, Effie Kate Gary, Myrt Ray, Viola Johnson, Susie Nash, and Joseph Rainey, Carroll Medlock, Seldon Cochran, Noah Adams, Glenn Burns, Olin Burns, Howard Magness and Louie Mew born. The address was delivered by Pro fessor Duggan. The address was delivered by Professor Duggan. 4 5 ’ Misses Ruth and Grace Mauldin, of De catur, visited friends here several days last week . - Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. McElroy left Monday for a trip by automobile to South Georgia, visiting at the home of Dr. Lovie McEl roy at Ocilla: Dr. Wade Born, at Mcßae; Mr. Parks Tilley, at Sycamore, and other relatives at Omega and Swaynesboro, Dr. Simpson, Frank Simpson, John Me- Clure, Jr., Hugh Johnson, Fred Mitchell and John Bishop spent the week at Ever lctt City fishing. . Rev. Oscar Key, of Texas, preached to a large congregation at the auditorium Sun day the commencement sermon of the clos ing exercises of the Norcross public schoos, The various grades of the Norcross High School gave their entertainment Monday evening at the auditorium. E. C. Settle, of Unadilla, visited at the home of his son, O, W. Settle, several days last week. ¥ Rev. T. T. Twitty reccived a message Wednesday morning that his son, Hugh Twitty, who has been in France for several months, had arrived in New York, and will be home in a few days. Mrs. Deora Kiser Webster, of Atlanta, | visited friends during the past week. Miss Mary Russell, of Atlanta, who for several years was oune of the faculty eof the Norcross Hizh School, was the guest of friends several days last week. Miss Annie Verner left Wednesday for a vigit te her cousin, Mrs, Ferguson Orme, ot-New York. mre was a family reunion at the homa o . T. T. Key and Miss Lola Key lagt Sunday. /