Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 15, 1919, Page 7H, Image 149

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OUT OF TOWN SOCIETY NEWS Athens " ’o 188 MAXINE DOBBS was hostegs uI a dancing party at the home of Mrs George Armstrong, on Woodlawn avenue, Miss Marguerite Atkinson, of ew York; Miss Lucy Cole, ‘of Marietta; iss Eleanor Bmith, of Valdosta, and Mis: | lyn Jandon, of Marietta, were guest ‘ of honor. 18s Alice Chandier entertained at home on bb street in compliment to Miss Mar- E"‘ t Gngllm. of Oklahoma, the guest of rs. W, Weleh. The Athens Canteen ladies met and en rtained 2,100 soldiers of the 143 d In of the Thirty-sixth Division, re g from Irance, in one day. The sol diers were served with cold drinks, cakes, cigarettes and other delicacies. These soi diers are on their way to Texas, and will ve a parade In Louisiana and one in uston, " The teachers and gupfln of the sixth and seventh fndu of Baxter Btreet School wu%dulllht ully entertained by Mrs. W. R. Porter, at her home on Cobb street. &hou present were: Miss Burns, Mrs, Mc ure_and son, of Atlanta; Miss Ander son, Mrs. Louig Johnsen, Mrs. Porter, gbonud Thompson, Gus Witeher, Jack olu}, Broughton HWroome, REdwin Do gier, Johun Greexk Jim MeCorkle, Charles Dellred Beusse, L{;nnn Hilliard, t s, Max Parr, Eugene Epting, il ughtry, Flerenee Bishop, Orene r, Virginia Venatta, Louisc Sheehee Knowles, Mildred Dearing, Maud ;dge. Annie Maud Allgood, Kutherine iller, eheoga Fowler, Bernice Smith and u“‘u crg. M \mln arelton entertained Tues “J merning for the ‘Not a Chance” Club. im White was host Wednesday even l:; ‘h l;flll. J‘n P;mca avenue at a Miss Agnes Marshall, of u‘.‘fi’. ?J:ll-“goufleen Buests were pres t. Mr. ite was assisted by his moth ,“ldrl;l J:Vrvnes W)sllte. rs. J. Warren Smith entertained Tues day evening a&a five-course dinner. Those W“‘ were Miss Julia Rogers, Miss Ma Doo.l.eyqu.ll\oe(:kfl f’-M}; }mlkim. Weyman s cCord, im Goodwi g St S e teachers of the elementar: of Lucy Cobb entertained or, *,::,l;f‘n(; children at an annual picnic :‘o?ng out in & car to the Agriculturel (ollege, where they enjoyed a deli. Yrs picnie "supper Eh. chaperons Wfiss Carrie Wal en, Miss Julia ‘¢fajden, Miss Mary Anne Rucker, Misz qucy Barrow Taylor, Miss geiile Tz,«u'»'r and Miss Fairy .Elliott, e~ . ra Hart Avery and Miss Leila b Hull are receiving the congratula '#ons of their friends upon the splendid exhibit made by the domestic science de nflment of the Athens High School. nch was served by Misses Joan Morris, Helen Capps, Mildred Burson, Susie Poin ter, Agnes Watson, Pecarl Wells, Clara Hanna. The Uncle Remus Clud, a local fish ing club, is now enjoyimg its annual fish ing frolic at Cape Logkout, N. C., 18 miles from Moorehead City. This is the eleventh consecutive year that the club, with John J. Wilkins at its head, has en g"d an annual outing. Messrs. John J. flkins, C. N. Hodgson, M. G. Nichol son, B¢, M. G. Nicholson, Jr., W. T. Bry ®¢., W. T. Bryan, Jr.,, T. H. Hinton, Hunnicutt, Abbit Nix, Dr. 8. P. Wiggins, Dr. N. G. Slaughter and a few &:r prominent citizens of Athens and ke County are members. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hodgson, Mrs. Bdgeworth Lamkin and Miss Mary Ger dine formed a congenial party motoring to_Atlanta last week. Mrs. Pleasant A. Stovall has returncd g Savanpah, and with Mrs. Burton C. n a Joseph G. Stovall,s leaves for Switzerland the first of July. Miss lelen Baxter and Miss Edwards are lwdlw some time in New York. Mrs. J. W. Barnett is vmting Mrs, Ster ll% Hubbard in Washington, C. . W. Brunson, Miss Callie Brunson, of Tedge, 8. C., and Mrs. H. D. Smallbones, of Wilmington, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Connolly. Mrs. Fred Morton has gone to Brevard, By, ‘(‘7 spend the summer. Miss Margaret Morton has returned from New York. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Funkenstein have gone to New York, Chicago and other points to be gone several wecks. Henry Atkinson visited his family here at the home of Colonel and Mrs. E. K. Lumpkin. vy Miss Eleanor Smith, the guest of Miss lice Chandler, has returned to her home n_ Valdosta. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toombs Du m have returned after visiting Mr. and Miles Lewis in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holden, of Atlan th, have been visiting Judge and Mrs. Horace Holden, on Milledge avenue r. and Mrs. Lee Minor Paul have left Perry after visiting Judge and Mrs orace Holden. Misses Jennie Arnold, Neil Cochran, Marion Hodgson and Bill Carlisle, Bill Dodson and Riley Reese are in Oxford attanding Emory commencement Miss Morna Michael, of the State Nor mal Bchoel, has returned to her home in Monroe. Miss Mary Lyndon is spending several weeks in North Caroline, Miss leila May Hull leaves in a short while for New York, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Goerdon Carson Mrs. J. H. Beusse and Miss Henrietta Beusse are in New York at the Waldorf for & visit of two weeks SOO o Dalton PEEy—— HE Governor John Milledge Chapter, Daughters of the American Revo lution, has elected the foliowing offi eers for the year: Mrs. Paul B. Trammell, gegent; Mrs. B. A. Tyler, vice regent; ras Margie Hill, recording secretary; Miss fe Horne, corresponding secretary; Mrs " B. Mann, treasurer; Mrs. W. R, Can on, registrar; Mrs. Warren Davis, histo rian; Dr. F. K. Sims, chaplain Misses Lily Belle and Isabelle Wright, of Ringgold, were honor guests at a ;..rty given ¥Friday evening by Clark lones, those invited to mnieet the guests f honor being the members of the Fri aiz Night Club. rs. Paul B. Fite entertained two ta bles of bridge Meonday afternoon in coms pliment to her guest, Mrs. Jim Flemister, of Dallas, Texas, and Mrs. W. W. Hamil ton, of Barnesville fllu Kate Harlan entertained her card S —— o ——————————————— wnx Yl2 p /’ ‘\\&\l:// L/ ~y - -~ h gl \ i 7 " 4 é F. D. d We have many elegant new designs In dlamond mountings to show you-—each of them in the very latest fashion-—-and all of them possessing that in dividuality of design charac teristic of our jewelry. You will find in our collection of diamonds only stones of genu fne worth--we handle no oth | ers—and they are sold under f our unconditional guarantee. Your patronage is invited on this basis, 59N There is Economy t."' in a Few Steps ¢ Ny Around the Corner from Whitehall, { At the Sign of the \ Big Clock, First Door 5 from Keely's Corner, # fio . C Hunder i Note the name and address, “club at two tables of bridge Tuesday aft-- ernoon. Miss Alma Nance, of Atlanta, is the #uest of Mrs. I. F. Farrar, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Prater and children ind Mrs. J. A. Crawford have returned rem a trip to Atlanta. Miss Janice Hamilton is visiting rela ives in Norfolk, Va, Miss Mignon Harlan, of Calhoun, I 8 the Buest of her sister, Mrs. Paul B. Tram mell, Jr, Miss Allie Mae Dixon has returned from Wesleyan College to spend the holidays With her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. R. M, Dixon. Major and Mrs. W, W. Hamilton, of Barnesville, are here for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Westcott have re turned from their wedding «trip to At lantie City, N. J. Mrs. B. A. Tyler and Miss Betty Tyler Spent a part of this week in Atlanta, 0o Millen STy 188 GRACE PARKER is the guest of 'l:flu Clara Leck DeLoach in States oro, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. West have returned to their home in Sandersville, after a visit 'to_their daughter, Mrs. James Daniel. Mrs. J, B. Thomas has returned from a month's visit to relatives at Eastman. Miss Alma Reynolds has returned from ; Visit to Miss Ethel McDaniel at States oro. Mr. and Mrs. B. (. Brannen is the Buest of rc-lanvr in Statesboro. Mrs. Gordon Lamback and children, of Augusta, spent the week-end with their father, Mayor 8. W, Palmer, Sr, James M. Daniel spent i‘nday in Sa vannah. Mrs. A. E. Awtry has returned from a visit to friends at Douglas. Miss Ethel McDaniel, of Statesboro, is the guest of Miss Alma Reynolds. C. B. Hargroves spent the week-end in Savannah. Mrs. Donie Brinson has returned from a visit to friends at Douglas, Miss Gladys Edenfield has returned from a visit to Rocky Ford. Robert Daniel, Jr., is the ghest of Mrs. Monroe Dearing in Atheps. Mrs. Floy Holt and lixe son, L. 8., of Sandersville, is the guest of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Daniel, Lo L RRon Lithia Springs IEUTENANT CLYDE WATSON, who has been in France for the past year, landed in Ne%% York Thursday and arrived here Monday to visit his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James A. Watson, for a few days before being discharged. Mrs. Robert H. Patterson and children, Eugenia and Robert, Jr.,, motored to Al bertville, Ala.,, Wednesday, where they will spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Stephenson. Seymore Kerr, of Atlanta, spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Max well, Miss Willie J. Stephenson has returned to her home in Albertville, Ala,, after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Patterson. Ralph Bostwick, of Atlanta, was the weekrend guest of Emory Watson. oo Americus e RS. EGBERT ALLEN was hostess last week at a pretty party honor ing Miss Marion Mayo. of Atlanta, who is her attractive house guest. Sweet peas, hydrangeas and nasturtiums were the pretty flowers used in wall pockets and bowls, and those enjoying the occa sion were Miss Anna Murray, Miss Lois McMath, Miss Georgia Bena Dodson, Mrs. A. B. Turpin, Miss Pailine Broadhurst, Miss Mary Littlejohn, Miss Laverne Thom as, Miss Mary Alice Lingo, Mrs. J. G. C'orner of Auburn Avenue and Peachtree Street, Under Haynes Jewelry Store, PHONE IVY Tll6. For Beauty’ Sake ““This Shop Is Here.” . I = (S - TESSRSemAsse -o et SIS S N ".A)\.i = = == =e ,) it a% a\f § (’/f*"?‘*" . IIIII; ek fi'l i AN | P i “?k; ‘l A AW 87 ay MRI vt Y '\tl! o = ot \ ;. S B "M (7 \ A W L 5 At s g : \ A\ e e Ten s —weabrae et 2 I I & i ~=AR S ei A Cool, Comfortable, Cozy. o € ) ot e . A&V s R by PR ¢ ll ‘ ‘n"fi:lt.l 2 N —]W § — w : : A WE Hair Dressing @B wg KNOW |8 1t is really great the # CARE ’ N effects that our expert il : HOW i hair dressers can pro- E’. HOW ,: duce, Scientifie sealp i —_— ;‘ treatments by the La- N — M mar method produces N W wonders. A trial will ¥ L convinee you. K a - ~ L . N ' S I s s 8 There is an Artistry in Our Work That is Sure to Please You HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN — A Newspaper for People Who Think — SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 1919. »Holst, Miss Elizabeth Brown, Miss Ruth. McArthur, Miss Louise Williford, Miss Blizabeth Eldredge, Miss Lucille Allen, Mrs. Robert McLeod, Miss Sara Kendrick, Miss Buford Harvey, Miss Bess McLeod, Miss Maude Sherlock, Miss Sara Tower, Miss Marv Ella DnvonY)ort. Miss Elizabeth Davis, Miss Geraldine .Kna. Miss Theone Webh and Miss Esther Reynolds. Mrs. J. 1. Hooks entertained last weelk at a congenigl bridge asembling a few friends to enjoy the game, Sweetpeas and pink, roses were arranged pn\l)tny throughout the ;p\ur!nmn(s, and those play ing were Miss Kathleen Denham, Mrs. D. R. Brinson, Mrs. Walter Rylander, Mrs, £. J. Eldredge, Mrs. Furlow Gatewood, Mra. Charles Burke, Mrs. Eugene Hill, Mrs. E. B, Everett, Mrs. W. E, Taylor, Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mrs. Tom Marshall, Mrs. George Oliver and Mrs. Stephen Pace, One of the prettiest bridge- parties of the week was that given by Mrs. W. 8. Kirkpatrick at her home on College street, when the niembers of the Thursday Bridge Club assembled to enjoy the ever-inter esting game, Summer flowers were clmrmingy arranged in wall pockets and howls. he top score prize was a box of handkerchiefs. Those }glnylng were Mrs, J. 1. Sparks, Mrs. D. R, Androws, Mrs. L. F. Grubbs, Miss Emma Mae Borum, Mrs. Tracy ('unnmflmm. Mrs. Willis Haw kins, Mrs. J. E. Hightower, Mrs. H. O. Jones, Mrs, Carr Glover, Mrs. Lovelace Eve, Mrs. Macon Dudley, Miss Florence Niles, Mrs. B. R. Boyd, Mrs, J. E. Math 'fi. ‘%h's. Hollis Fort and Miss Lois Mc ath. The Woman's Club held an interesting meeting last week, the kast of the series until October, when the members will as semble for the winter work. No program was rendered on this occasion, the entire ;‘lm:‘ being devoted to the business in and, Mrs. M. H. Wheeler was hostess last week to a few congenial friends for a game of bridge. Those playing were Mrs. W. E. Taylor, Miss Mary Parker, Mrs. Furlow Gatewood, Miss Kathleen Den ham, Miss Claire Everett, Miss Louise Marshall, Mrs. Eugene Cato, Miss Annie Ivey, Mrs., D. R. Brinson, Mrs. E. B. Everett, Mrs. John Allen Fort, Miss An nie Bailey, Mrs. Cloyd Buchanan, Mrs. L. F. Grubbs, Mrs. W. D. Ivey, Mrs. Willis Hawkins and Mrs. John Wagnon. Miss Emma Love Fisher, who was re cently elected vice president of the Wes leyan Glee Club, is at home for the sum mer after a winter of study at Wesleyan College. The Fortwtwo Club had for its hostess last week Mrs. W. W. Humber, who en tertained at her pretty home on Taylor street. DPretty sumer flowers were used with chdrming effect throughout the rooms and those playing were Mrs. Lawtence Brown, Mrs. Elton Parker, Mrs. A C. Crockett, Mrs. lLee Hansford, Mrs. Zach Childers, Mrs. George Oliver, Mrs. Joseph Bryan, Mrs. Frank Turpin, Mrs. John Sheffield, Mrs. E. M. Viquesney, Mrs. James Bynum, Mrs. Clarence Davis and Mrs. J. L. Sparks. The newly organized dancing club, just formed of the returning college boys and girls, and claiming the maximum mem bership of fifty, held its first dance in the Bell studio last week and was large ly attended. A number of out-of-town visitors were present, in addition to the Americus social dancers. The chaperons were Lieutenant and Mrs. Floyd Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, G. 8. Scott, Mr. and Mrs L. 8. Waller, Mrs. Will Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Franc Mangum, and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Council. An engagement announcement of inter est to Americus friends is that of Miss Frances Lovm'g and Mr. Lucas C. Thiers, of Memphis, enn., the mariage to take place the latter part of June. Miss Lov ing has spent all her life in Americus, and has won a host of friends by her charming personality and happy disposi tion. A number of pretty affairs have been arranged for this June bride. A pretty wedding of the week was that of Miss Thelma Ryals and Ervin Lee, rwhlch occurred at the home of the bride's: ‘{mrant-. Mr, and Mrs. E. C l{gau. at heir home on HBrannon street. The vows were received by Rev. Guyton Msher, and the bride was attended l){ her little broth er and sister, Carl and Katherine, and Miss Edith Ryals as maid of honor. Aft er the ceremony luncheon waas served to the intimate family friends, and immedi- Iltelg following Mr. and Mrs. Lee left I for New York and Washington for a wed ,dln‘ trip of two weeks. Upon their re turn they will be at home at 917 Lee street, ’ The announcement aof the engagement of Miss Mary Ella Davenport and Quim by Melton. is of interest to a wide oircle of friends, both in Americus and else where, where the young people are well kaown, MIW pretty affairs are being planned for Miss Davenport, Miss Dorothy Cargill entertained last lweek at a heart-dice party, compliment ing Miss Margaret Laney, of Columbus. who i@ her attractive guest for some time. Sweotpeas tnd bright summer flowers were attractively arranged throughout the house, and those playing were Miss Quenelle Harrold, Miss Annie lvey, Miss Agnes Gatewood, Miss Annie Ellig, Miss QGertrude Davenport, Miss Mabel Ellis, Miss Mary Glover, Miss Eugenia Parker, Miss Clara Glover, Miss Hess McLeod, Miss Mary Parker, Miss Mary l)udlc{. Miss Mara Sims, Miss Pauline Broad hurst, Miss Ruth Council, Miss Isabel Wheatley, Miss Mary Sheffield, Miss Eu {;nla ('Olllnl.'MI“ Emma Love Fisher, jss Georgia 'Bena Dodson, Miss Nellie Worthy and Miss Mary Sue Chambliss. An enjoynble swimming party and pice nic was enjoyed last week by the mem bers of Miss ‘m:ubcth (Cobb's music class. After the swim a delicious picnic lunch was served, Mrs. Furlow Gatewood entertained last week a few congenial friends at bridge. Sweetpeas and summer flowers were the pretty decorations used, and a box of handkerchiefs was given for top score. Those present were Miss Kathleen Denham, Mrs. D. R, Brinson, Miss Maude therlock, Miss Elizabeth Eldredge, Mrs. Griff Eldredge, Mrs, Eugene (‘ato, Miss Sara Kendrick, Mrs. J. G. Holst, Mrs. E. J. Eldredge, Miss Marion Mayo, Miss Lou ise Marshall and Mrs, W. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lanier entertained last week at a dinner party in homeor of Miss Mary Ella Davenport, a bride-elect of the month. The prettily appointed ta ble had for its centerpicce a lovely ar rangement of yellow coreopsis with shaded yellow tapers, and the place cards and other details carried out the yellow color scheme. Covers were laid for twelce, and those seated were Miss Davenport and gu!ml:ly Melton, Mr. and Mrs. Emory ylander, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rylander, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hooks, Hollis and Charles Lanier. Miss Quenclle Harrold entertained last week at a pretty heart-dice party, com plimenting Miss Frances Loving, a bride elect of the month, and Miss Margaret Laney, of Columbus, who Is the house guest of Miss Dorothy Cargill. Hydran geas and sweetpeas formed the pretty decorations, and the guests of honor were given pretty pieces of lingerie. Those pres ent were Miss Dorothy Cargill, Miss Mar garet Laney, Miss Frances Loving, Miss Mabel Ellis, Miss Agnes Gatewood, Miss Annie Ellis, Miss Gertrude Davenport, Miss Mary Sheffield, Miss Isabel Wheatley, Miss Mary Dudley, Miss Mary Kate Hamilton, Miss Clara Glover, Miss Mary Sue Cham bliss, Miss Ruth Council and Miss Bugenia Collins, Mrs. Furlow Gatewood 1&1 hostess last week to members of th% RB4 Cross Bridge Club. Sweetpeas and pink roses were used in all pockets and vases, and the top score was a pack of playing cards. Those playlng were Mrs. J. D. Hooks, Miss Claire Everett, Miss Kathleen Denham, Mrs. Carr Glover, Mrs. Dudley Gatewood, Miss Louise Marshall, Mrs. Walter Rylan der, 'Mrs. L. D. Todd and Mrs. J. C. Den ham. Miss ' Emma Love Fisher is visiting friends in Cordele, and is the bridesmaid e \ ' X / prge——— § = i 7 EX."~" o ! (AR N | ,‘\t ‘;‘l,l] . AQ' = .‘““N'w“jf, ) ‘ LL2 4 L \ID" e\] 2k o ) AL it I 111 . I-—-— Wil m ! i I T v‘\\w (N { || II 111111 W | gt v e 114 A e ! v A T Yll | (i 111 i 11111 ll|*' ”fi AL I" ! ! g il el 111110 M 1111111,-:?!I:’: i ~l; i - II}I“ Al I’*;IIIII;I\"I‘III | I 111 fHif A 111 A ] l e I"‘I*‘II‘I;I‘I il i RGBT HHH umllqu-m Announcement In asking the public to visit Atlanta’s newest and best equipped beauty shop—THE LAMAR—we feel that you will be delighted with our facilities to extend the very best service and treatment, . Expert Operators and the Latest Equipments are here and we’ve prepared to serve you proeperly in Hairdressing, “hampooing, Scalp Treatment, Hair Staining, Children’s Hair Cutting, Hair Bleaching, Manicuring, Facial Massage. For Beauty’s Sake See . Lamar T - — "ll‘l' H/. X “‘rl W\ . 2, s 'III', =) YA 'i 02% = iy !‘,.1" 'I, A g T T 8 o A e I “'“;"J:'I"“ X[Ny o " o T | . e 4 —(i /I S \ L et e — ST P 7)) - T, r\‘,f_“,,,..l @ e Latest Eleetrical II juipment, ; at the wedding of Miss Chester and Mr,l QIII""" Miss Chester formerly resided in Arficricus during the pastorate of her fa ther, Dr. O. B, Chester, at the First Meth- | odist Church, and she has nun(r friends in Americus who aré interosted in her marriage. I Mrs. Coley J. Lewis, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Council. I The Dauglitecs of the Ameriean Ravolu tion had an interesting meeting last week with Mrs. Frank PP. Harrold ul er home on College strect. A very interesting talk was given by MeCord Prather his re cent experiences in France, and Mrs. Adolph Hoffman rendered several violin seloctions. The chapter disbanded for the summer months, and will resume its meet-I ings in October, I The dance given by the Sumter Cluh at the Elks' hall was a brilllant nffnn.l Many members of the college set have returned for the summer, and this lent an alr of added gaiety to the qucasion. The out-of-town visitors preum were Miss Bsather Reynolds, of Mobile; Miss Cortez Whitsett, of Atlanta; Miss Theone Wehb, of Sumter; Miss Ernestine Logan and Misa Geraldine Logan, of Plains; Miss Susan Bloomer, of Mississippl; ;Miss Willidee Clarke, Miss Vera Inman and Miss Ade line Armstrong, of Albany. I coeß } Forsyth 3 APTAIN AND MRS. THOMAS R. GAINES, of Fort McPherson, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs Thomas R. Talmadge. Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Gay, of Jackson ville, Fla., wer> the guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs., J. Grady Tingle. They left Wednesday nccomfamed by Mrs. J. O. Elrod for an extended Western trip. Mrs. Lois Peeples, of Atlanta, was the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. T. B. Cabaniss. G. G. King, Mrs. Annie McKenzie and Willlam MecKenzie, of Thomaston, were the recent guests of Prof. and Mrs. W. W. Hurst, Miss Mary Ponder and Miss Loulse Phin azee left Friday for New York, where they will study music during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Talmadge and Mrs. Thomas R. Gaines spent several days of the past week in Atlanta, where they went to meect Captain Gaines, who has re cently returned from France. Miss Annie McCowen is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCowen. Brad Brown, of Milledgeville, spent the week-end in the city. Mrs. Paul Whatley has returned to her home in Helena, after a visit to her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Gibson, R. P. Brooks and Howell Newton are The most effective, convenlent and harmless way te remove hair Is with DeMiracle, the original sanitary liguid, It acts quickly with certainty and absolute safe ty. Results from its use are im vediate and lasting. Only genuine DeMiracle, the riginal saunltary lquid, has = money-back guarantee in each anckage. At toilet counters In Joe, $1 am@ $2 sises, or by mall from us in plain wrapper on re celipt of price, FREE book mailed in plain seuled envelope on request. De- Miracle, 120th St. and FPark Ave, New York. eui:ylnl a fishing trip in Florida, ‘ lsses Sara Newton, Mary and Anna Persons left Tuesday for an extended trip in the East, Miss Blanche Rushin and Miss Eliza beth Bittick left Tuesday for a visit to Savannah. Spartanburg, 8. C, and Ashe ville, N, C. Mr. and Mrs, W. G Waeallborn, Miss Brinson, Miss Ballie Rushin and Miss Nisaneha Rushin spent Sunday in Indian Bprings, . Miss Josephene Chambliss, of Broxton, Sndlhu 'uen of her aunt, Mrs, J. O. El rod, Mrs. "George Morris, of Cordele, is the ruest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Oater, Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Wellborn, Miss Sallie Rushin, 8, Rutherford, R. L. Bivins, Robert L. Biv ins, Jr., Thomas R. Talmadge, Thomas R. Talmadge, Jr.,, Z. M. Maynard, Robert MeClain, J. M. Wright, Clark Tribble and l:llll'wrt Banks spent Monday in Hawkins v o, Mrs, Arthur B. Bwing has returned to her home In Atlanta after a visit to her mother, Mrs. D, H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Medlock, of Atlanta, spent several days of the weck with John MeCowen, Mrs. W. W, Hurst i{s the guest of her dmnghter. Mrs. R. 8: Franklin, in Adairs ville. Messrs,. Thomas R. Talmadge, R. W, ;oLBMBNY R O e ¢ B ’ o %gA 1) R el et ..1313;},; Li A S o s B o ek o S S & A ) ] by e U s ' R:“ 9 gy N { o) R g £ ‘9:' A ; i X x’; - L » o - b . L s 4 WP, . bl o o TR TRAERTAN L4O L N T e % & o AR . (] ATL ANTA'S GREATE ST FURNITURE HOUSE 6 WEST MITCHELL ST, 2 DOORS FROM WHITEHALL ST. Monday Special B ey I — ) II“W A y,_u e &2 /\\ Ba 3 L X ok U et LA ,_‘,;.;-b'. oN; S o o “_‘,’ G : 132 Four-foot Bench, like eut. Ideal for lawn, porch or summer home. A limited number to be sold. Come early. $ 1 .39 NO C.o.D.’s OR PHONE ORDERS. (Frrer oo RN RG RAI LR B T oo AETROE Lt e O MEEAGEsI - MEEAerE O R G :I_.'q. G‘,‘--’-‘L ?@?“"‘ ki u.l 'S2. S‘g {,‘ \c‘;‘f’ ~n-‘“‘“‘_‘ EE‘ \SS v.m;_‘x 5 'l-gun-. "lll"A;O.V.O.\(«:(oa\\\\\\\\ ,1 x‘ 'I///,l...oo.o.oto.o.o.ozo?o?of‘:\ofo.*"ff.?it.fs‘f!llll‘;:‘F ‘I II{????’!’!‘?I‘S’!??Ii / Nzl \lemntrrreseearll/ \pogsml) B WEiannainiiiney BRIy by e ] [t ‘;‘iml "TIRIRI ¥ ’ mm;m""'“" g "“"muu..,,,,,=; _;I ] e 77% 1 - v : ol i ) . i This 3-piece Brown Fiber Suite, in old rose and blue eretonne; spring seats $ with slip cushions (Easy Terms) ......ovvvierevracnrineirsioncescscnnans’ 59°00 Cash Mail Orders Filled Promptly—Every Piece Exactly as Illustrated. W Ten-Pi Anne Sui en-Piece Queen Anne Suite T ] 2 7l | e e R?! fl' Y {;v K ; V,;;,Tll‘\.’F'::.r.lf;:;;.;_ff,.‘_... i __9.._,_ " 4 ! ‘A o o L rke li- Y ' o [ Y S S s ——— Y Li) - Ir Ll —— ¥ e ) T T TR -t g | m—— S s I Il ‘\\m ’9‘; o e e7| et e %I W é I R T g e IIIIIIIIW‘ . — RO T T I 1111 ..IIWIIIII I Dining room Suite, eonsisting of 54-inch Buffet, 6-foot Extension Square Table, 37-inch China Cabinet, 32-ineh Serving Table, 1 Arm Chair and 5 Straight Chairs. $ An ideal Suite for bungalow or apartment, Specially priced (Easy Terms) 225000 e I e ittt L I S . o See Our Line of Bedroom Suites \\\/ e JI M i 11l 1P ! A (Y o LU fi / e 7 /"\“\’ "X i 5 ol 1 I:A A‘» ;";_;"—-’—:“— ! ] ~i l‘ ‘:‘_ fl 7| :' | I 7 1 ‘ DFAR | o ILR R N|° I i l o pmciands ‘4‘”‘., ita.t -, " e‘N = || B D=l {‘\O', 1 .‘,: ok ~ i - ¢ : “ LDI 3 i /IN P U el 'efi“’«‘,# '-"" A b & ._ (S 8 ,‘:‘. ' = ‘:.v “I;; \\\(i s ol "“'A e l‘fi G . Bedroom suites in wonderful variety of styles and finishes. Old Ivory, Mahogany, and American Walnut are shown in the various period effects at prices ranging from $150.00 to 500,00, —~EASY.TERMB- Wilkinson, I, F. Bloodworth, T, C. Gam-= ble, Thomas R. Talmadge, Jr, are attend ing the meeting of the Cotton Speed Crushers' Association at Tybee Island, Howell Newton spent the week-end in Camilla. Prof. W. W, Hurst spent several days of the past week in Cuthbert, : Mre. 11, D. Rudisill is the guest of Mra. Charlie Banders in Deeatur, oo | Royston 188 LOUISE TUCKER, who has been attending school at Wesleyan Col lege, 18 at home with her mother, Mrs. Bertsie Tucker. Miss Rather McCrary, a member of the Poecoa grammar school faculty, is at home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs, Gladstone Owens, of Ath ens, spent the week-end with the latter’'s parents, Mr. and Mra. D. A. Baker. Mrs. J. F. Lee and children were the guests of Mra. W. F. Hubbard, in Eiber }on. last week. Misses Laura Baker and Berta Little are at home from Georgia Normal and Indus trinl College, at Milledgeville, where they have ben in school for the past year. Mrs, R. C. Ayers left last week for Washington, D. €., where she will visit Mrs. H. A, Pitmer and Miss Vivian Baker. Mrs. L. J. McConnell spent several days in Carnesville last week as the guest of 7H Mr. and Mrs, V. C. Nelms. Miss Fulane Adams visited relatives in Dewy Rose last weel. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Moss and Dr. and Mrs. E. N. Bowers have returned from a visit to relatives in Hiawassee. Lieutenant Cline Brooks has returned from overseas and is at home with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. H. L., Kenmore had as their guestd at dinner Sunday, Misses Anna Relle Ginn, Nunnie Sue Brooks, FEulane Adams and Gus Richardson, of Hartwell. Miss Carlton, of Bowersville, was the nue;t of Miss Nannie Sue Brooks last week, The Allen Turner Chapter of U. D. C. met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs, J. M. Lee at her home on Hartwell street. The Laura Bowers Chapter of the Hasts ern Star enjoyed a social meeting Thursday evening at the Masonic Hall L. CHAJAGE Manufacturer and Dealer In FINE FURS Expert Remodeling 221 Arcade Building SPECIAL pr—— :-' - Sty ] 7 Mg ST &?\53:\5:-15_3-—-‘- 22 Ne T e o IR S e T T Y ~*. : ot :“.:-'—J NN ST PR T R N % LT T SRR LT e e NN R T *y \l\\:-—;:_:.‘?;‘s.’-,.’ This Clothes Hamper, ex actly like cut, is 28 inches high, has extra heavy at tached top; an indispen sable article for the home. There are only 18 of them left, so you had better get in early Manday morning. They will not stay in the house long at $1.49