Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, November 16, 1919, Page 8C, Image 116

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8C Rliss Zell w . Marries Mr i ‘ Schumpert ORSYTH. —Miss Mary Cleveland Zell ner and John Edwin Schaompert of Vidalin were married at the First Baptist Church Tuesday evening ot 8 o'clock, the Rev. R. 1, Blvins officiating. The entire altar of the church was em bowered with palms, ferns and foliage piants. The windows, arches and doorways were otched with festoons of smilax, Hranding in rellef against the green were tall white pedestals topped by ecathedral candelahra holding lighted tapers. Silver anud crystal vases holaing feathery white ehrysanthemums were placed at intervals on&he altar. At the entrance to the altar wel arches which were festooned with smilnx and from the tep was suspended white erymsanthemums in shower offect. An uise through which the wedding party passed wia formed by streamers of white tulle hel@ by tha young ribbon bearers, Misses Charlotte Murphey of New York, Miss Antouetts Bramblett, Miss Margaret ¥irod and Martha Louise Newton, They wore frocke of shell pink tulle trimmed ln tiny pink :\nd blue rosebuds, Before the coremony J. W. I. MeDonald Bung "Becawse' and Cadman’'s “Al Dawn ing,” accompanled by Miss IDrixic Ponder o the first straing of Lohengrin's wed ding maurch ' the ribbon hearers entored foilowed by ¢he ushers, Dr. J. O. Elrod, lowis Zeliner, Elbert Banke and W, 8 Poatwright, who took their places on ecach #lde of the altar. Then followed Miss Bara | Newton and X A. Bland of Brunswick, Next came Migs Louise Phinazee and W. T. Ward of Douglas. After them came) Mise Halle Lanaaster of Mobile and Owen Lively of Atlanta. Then caine Miss Fay Chapman and Emmett Medlock of Atlanta. The bridesmalds wore gowns of shell pink crepe meteor and carried arm bouquets of Killarney roses, which produced a strik ing color effect. The mgatron of honor, s, Thomas R. Gaines of Atlanta, entered wionio and was gowned In a dress of white tulle with court train of white satin and touches of duchess lace and pearls, The maid of henor, Miss Gyrendolin Zellner. ginter of the bride, wore & frock of white grorgette erepe and enrried Killarney Toßea, )mnu-«{iulnly precpding the bride svers little Adelaide Boagwright, flower | girl, and Charles Zellner AII, ring bearer. | The bride entersd on the arm of her Lrother, Charles Zellner Jr,, who gave her in marriage. They were mot at the altar T thre groom and his best man, Marion sehumpert of Vidalia. The bride wore, Liridal robes of white satin. The bodico anil front of the draped skirt were em hroidered in seed pearls. The long court train held to the r}mq‘m-rn by pearl orna tuents, was embroldered in pearis. Qe tuile veil edged with pearls was eaught 1o Tier Lalr by a chapiet of orange blossoms | and bandeaun of pearls, Ter flowers were i armn bouguet of bride's roses and valley lilies in shower effect Immediately fol- Inwing the ceremony a recepiion wos held @t the liome of the bride's mother, Mra, | Charles Zellner Br,, after which Mr. and Mrs. Schumpert left for a wedding trip to Florida. 1 Mre. Jennie O. Amos complimented the _tambers of Mrs, R. P. Brooks' house] nurty with a rook party Baturday evening. e lower floor was decorated with cut ilowers, : Mre. Thomas D. Thurmond and children veturned home Thursday after a visit to relatives in Columbus, AMr. and Mrs. J. D, Kinnette and daugter, Dorls, of Macoh were the guests of Dr. und Mrs Thomas D. Thurmond for the vooek end, : Mrs. J. H. Gay has returned to her Jome in Jacksonville after a visit to her duvghter, Mrs, J. Grady Tingle. ‘ Mre. T. R, Talmadge has returned home #/ter gpending the past week in Atlantu. 1 Mrs, 1. H. Harden has returned from Atlanta, where she was the guest of Mru.‘ 1. N, Fickett, Dr, J. O Elrod and Dr George L, Alu-‘ puder returned Thuraday from Asheville, N. (~ where they attended the Southern Aladieal Conventlon. | Mrs. R. . letcher of Cordele I 8 the guest of Mrs, J. O, Elrod Mrs. W, 'T. Hunnicutt, Mrs. M, B. White, Ars W, A. Bockham, Mrs. A, A® Turner, , nnd Mrs J, 1L Andrews of Atianta, Mra I J. Lawson, Mre. William Lawson and Miss Inez Minter of Macon have returned to their home after attending the house party at which Mrs. I, P. DBrooks was hiostess last week, Miss Bthe! Mall of Millon spent the week cend with relatives in Forayth, For Mitchell O There are many places in a car NEW where a little extra money saves the . ed average owner much. We find that SIXES in the new Mitchell the makers have spent that extra money. This means that a fortune has been invested for you in new machinery and cquipment. You gain finer work manship. More exacting tests protect you, : As you examine the Mitchell Six with us you will find that many parts are built larger and stronger. I{ vou were to go through the fac tory with us you would find the makers using costly steels, new heat treatments, 123 drop forgings. You would note the infinite care in avoid \ ing trouble-causers. Much has been added to the cost of construction. Infinite care means more time is being spent on each car. Yet, we offer the Mitchell at a price which saves you money. R T S Come now and examine the new 3-Passenger Roadster, same price Mitchell. We will be gl(l(l to pninl 5-Passenger Sedan $2600 % . ik " 4-Passenger Coupe $2500 out its SUPC[‘]UT‘IUL‘S. 7-Passenger Touring Car $1875 127-Inch Wheelbase—4B h. p. Moter Al Prices £. o. b, Factory J. G. LEWIS MOTOR CO. MITCHELL, MOTORS COMPANY, Inc, Distributors, Racine, Wisconsin 232 Peachtree St. Phone Ivy 1476. \"//‘ A - ol A & e | N » - : i . ’ Y ! 2 >.* \" o 2 N _‘R,E"‘"\ L / B A - - 1 N \ “:,;— ," -,:.., s AR e } NS RIS NN / Officers Chosen By Civic League ARNESVILLE.—The Civie League held its first fall meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs, A. O. Murphey. The following officers were elected: Presi dent, Mrs, A. O. Murphey; first vice presl dent, Mrs. J. ¥. Redding; sccond vice president, Gus M. T. Grace; third vice president, Mrs, R. O. Cotter; secretary, Mrs, L. C. Tyus; treasurer, Mrs, Frank Sims. Mrs, Frank Sims was elected am delegate u/th« convention in Columbus, ¢, O. Summers, Riley Summers, Miss Catherine Summers and Mrs. Annie Ander son motored to Atlanta last Thursday, i Mr. nnd Mrs. M, Burns vigited Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs., A, O, Murphey entertaincd at dinner last Friday evening in celebra tion of Mr. Murphey's sixty-fourth birth day. 'Those jpresent were Mr. and Mra, W. M. Howard, Mr., and Mrs., B. M. Turner, Mra. L. E. Veal and Mrs Annie Anderson, Dr. Cox's Sunday school class enter tained at a reception at the First Baptist Church lagt Friday evening. Miss Mary Woodall spent last Saturday in Griffin, Mre. Luey Burford of Atlanta and T. J. Simmons of Mnacon were the weck end guexts of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Murphey. ' Mrs. W. A. Prout, who has bheen very ill, is in Atlanta at a private sanitarium, ‘Hho was accompanied hy Dr. J. M. An derson, Mrs, L. 8, Pitield, Miss Cather ine Summers and Riley Summers, . Mre. J. E. Howard has been on a visit to Mrs. Warren Woodward in Macan, 1 Mrs, BEdward Elder sin Atianta, . Mrs. T. O. Galloway and Master Tom Galloway are in Atlanta. - Mug. Frank Quillian and Dorothy are vn a viait to Atlanta, after which they wil! g 0 to Rome to be with Mrs, Quilllan's }mmhcr. Mrs, A. O, Murphey 18 in Allanta with Mre. Wnard Albertson, ) The first fall mecting of the Parent- Teachor Assoclation was held Friday \'J‘hnm taking part werc: Mrs, J. M. An doerson, president, presiding: Miss Lorenna Reeves, Mra, J, D, Bmith, Misg Edna Mor ris, followed by mugic on the school vie~ trola. . Mr. and Mre. Albert Middlebrooks of Cartersville were In the city for a week end visit to relatives, Miss Nannie lHoward of Zebulon was here last week. ; - Judge O. I, B, Bloodworth of the Court of Appeals visited Barnesville last Satur day, ~ Misa Grane Noely, after an operation at Piedmont Sanitarium, I 8 improving. O, O, Bummers was host at an opossum aupper last Tuesday nvemn& Those pres ent were W. O, Stafford, W. M, Howard, C. M. Bumphreg, J. D. BBmith, J. F. ‘Neely, R, G. Matthews, C. O, Summers, Riley Bummers. Mrs, C, J. Lester and Mrs. E. L. Cook spent last Friday in Atlanta., Mrs, D. W. Pritchett visited Atlanta Wednesday. ~ Mrs, Dave Kleckley and little Miss Touise are in Baltimore with Mrs., Kleckley's sis ter. Temple Notes 188 FLORIE STRICKLAND of Athens spent several days last week in Temple with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Strickland. Jack Ridgeway of Tallapoosa spent Sun day In ‘Jemple, Wesley Alicood spent Friday o Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. J. N, Hilderbrand of Tal lapoosn were Temple visitors last week, ~ Miss Loulse Steed spent the week end in Carroliton with her parents, Charlie Stovall spent Sunday in Macon, Miss Dell Entrekin spent the week end in Bremen with home folks, ~ Misses Margret and Sarah Griffin of Carrollton spent the week end in Temple with relatives, ~ Jim Johnson of Atlanta spent Sunday with home folks, Mrs, R. M. Thomason is the guest of relatives in Temple, Mrs. Sallie Black and father, Mr. Demp sey, of Birmingham, were the recent guests of Mrs. W, A, Ent'ekin. . Raymonll Aderholt of Atlanta spent Sunday in Temple as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Aderhoit, Homer Bims of JHapevilla was tho re cent guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. B, Man ley. Mrs, 8 E. Strickland spent Tuesday in Atlanta., DRI S R e At AANAN §B § e : % Llin & W L 3 AINCWROPWPOL AUL A UUNIG VY LU A laun < Db avarian ay ANUY aaadude Ay | avad, o ces g B e D Ll T e T i e B R R e il lGirls Entertain EST POINT.—The Athletlc Club wns the scene of a party Saturday evening, when the high school girls entertained in honor of the West Point fooiball team and the visiting team, the Atlanta Boys' High. The decorations wers of red and white, the school's colors. Dur ing the evening punch was served by Misses lola Kirby, Jette Baker and Lucile ’Hamlllnu. The chaperous were Mr. and Mre. R. H. Jennings, Mrs. W. G. Schan fer, and Misses Marie Cumbee, Aunnie Mae Bmith, and Maggie Wade. Mrs, J. W. Hudmon gave a rook party Baturday afternoon, complimentary to Mrs. Aileen Peyton Duke of Shreveport, La. Mrs. Griggs Zachry entertained the Ju nior Bridge Club ut the Sunset Tea Room Tuesday afternoon. o Mrs. Hugh McCulloh was hostess Wed nesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Alleen Peyton Duke and Miss Mabel Lyndon. The Rev, W. G. Crawley, J. A, Avary and W. P. Thomas and Mrs. W. B, Hig ginbotham are attending the North Geor gia Conference in Atlanta. Miss Bernice Gay of Langdale, Ala,, was the guest of Miss Caroline Cumbee for the week end., ; Iws. Hugh MeCulloh and J. M. Pold ot tended the medical convention in Ashevilie, N. ~ and from there went to New York to atiund a clinie, ‘ l Miss Mabel Lyndon of Washington, (;a.,] {s the guest of the Misses Adams. Mr, and Mis. Frank Lanfer, Mr, nnd‘ Mra. ¥rank Harrold and Hollis Lanier of Americus were recent guests of the family of E. ¥. Lanier. Mry, John T, Johnson is visiting in At lanta. Cam Lanier of Auburn spent the weex ewd at home. | Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Arnold and chil-| dren of Atlanta motored to West Point \flmurllny and returned home Sunday. While here they were the guests of Mm.l Lottic Melton, Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Fuller entertained at a family dinner on Bunday. Their guests were Mr, and Mrs, L. W. Arnold ’nml children of Atlanta, Mrs., lLottie Mel ton, Mrs, lchols and Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Meiton, : | Summerville Notes R. AND MRS, W. H. PENN enter tained at dinner Sunday in honor of ‘ Mr. Penn's 80th birthday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Parks and Miss Alice Parks of Rome, Dr. and Mrs. O, A, Selman and son, Tom Hill, . The northern, central and southern cir cles of the EBaptist Missionary Society weer entertained Friday afternoon in the homes of Miss Allie Bryant, Mrs, C. E, Lee and Mrs, John A, League, A home wedding was that of Miss Clif ford Ratliffe of Holland to Roy T. Duncan of Chattanooga Thursday morning at the honmie of the bride’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. | 1. A. RatiMffe. Rev. H. H, Connell per formed the ceremony. The home was deco rated in yellow and white chrysanthemumas. The party entered to the strains of the wedding chorus played by the groom's sgister, Miss Rosa Dunesn of Chattanooga. Miss Mamie Emith of Holland and James Travig of Chattanooga were aticendants, The bride was attired in a brown travel ing suit and brown accessorles and cnre ried ping sweetheart roses. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan left for Atianta, Birmingham and other points. They will make their home in C'hattanooga. Misg Thelma Wood entertained the Pres bhyterian Juvenile Missionary Society Fri day afternoon on her hirthday, Mr, and Mrs. B. H. Orr entertained Mr. and Mrg, Baker Farrar and son at dinner! Friday. Mrs. Ader Holt and Miss Catherine Holt of Pome were gucsts of Mrs. A. T. Powell SBunday. Mr. and Mrs. B, P, Harvey and family and Miss Kate Amburg of Rome were dln-‘ ner gnests of the Migses Gambles at Pleas ant Oreen Sunday. 1 f Mrs. Louise Mngsey of Mengelwood Tenn., 18 vigiting her mother, Mrs. & ‘ ‘Wilson. i Capt. O, A. Lyverly snent Tuesday with his daughter. Mrs. L. M. J.amb. Migses Annie Allen and Leouise Hinton were guesis of Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Mr-rgm at Trion Inn Friday. WMieges Adele Lowrv, Gloria TLamb and Lowry Lambh of Chattannoga were guests of Mr. and Mra. 1. 1. Grent Sunday, ' Mr. ond Mrs. Roger Esstinan snent Sun lflnv and Monday with Mr, and Mrs. B, L Hvehea in Rome. | Miss Puth Espy has returned from Lou j tavitle, Ky. \ Mrs, Bertle Gillesnie of Misgissippi snent the week end with Mr. and Msr. W, K. Ritting. / . . d Miss Dillar A . o > ! > MU FIES ! i ' . ASHINGTON.—The marriage of Miss Mary Certrude Dillard and Stepren Nettles of Greenville, 8, C., took place at the home of the bride’s mother, 'Mra. Sarah Reese Dillard, The Rev., Ste { phen A, Nettleg, father of the bridegroomn, ’ officiated. & The bride wore a traveling dress of blue duvetyn embroidered in bronze with a hat to match, her wrap, a cape of Kolinsky fur and her flowers a corsage of violets and orchids. The home was decorat:d 'wnh yellow chrysanthemums and ferns, yellow roszes and ageratum forming the { centerpiece of the table for the wedding tuncheon. Mr. and Mrs, Nettles left in the after noon for Florida and on their return will be at home in Greenville. Mrs. Nettles is the second daughter of Mrs. Dillard and the late George Embree Dillard of Washington and Atlanta, and her grandfathers were Judge Willlam Reese of Washington and Maj, Frank W. Dillard of Columbus. Mr, Nettles i en gaged in the practise of law in Greenville. He is a graduate of Harvard University. During the war he was captain on the Ismfl’ of the Thirtieth Division. Mrs. Sophie Hill and Mrs, James An thony spent a part of last week in Siloam with Judge H. G. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Willingham, Mrs. J. T. Wingfield, Mrs. Joe David and Mrs. Wooten Quin spent one day lagt week in Augusta. ' 1. T. Irvin Jr. and K. Motte Smith at tended the North Georgia Conference in Atlanta. Mrs. A. L. Combs, Mrs, Marsh Pope, |Ml.wrm l.ouise Pope, Julia Pope, and Nora Lucas spent Sunday in CrawfordvVille. Mrs. John Harrigson of Simpsonville, 8. ~ is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lena Fitzpatrick, Miss Bertha Wood, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wood Sr. is visiting friends in Dawson. ‘ Mrs, G. T. Anthony, Mrs. Boykin Cade, Miascas Lucy Willis Dußose and Kathleen Hill were visitors In Augusta. \ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zirber, Miss Louigc Smith and Miss Charlie Mae Carter have returned from a stay of several days in {Atlanta. 1 Mrs. James Reid has returned to Savan- | nnhd after visiting Mr., and Mrs. H. H. Reid. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Lowe Sr. left last week for a motor trip to South Georgia. M.B, James Anthony has returned to her home in Ilorida after visiting relatives| here, ‘ W. E. Harwell of Manstield spent sev eral days last week with his son, Gr(-y‘ § Harwell. ‘ Mr, apd Mrs. Louls Skinné® of Harlem announce the birth of a son, Louis Irvin Jr.,, November 3. Mrs. Skinner” was for merly Miss Mary Oslin of this place. ‘ Mrs. Pierce Sims of Rayle spent last woeek with her mother, Mps, M. M. (}reen.i Miss RRuby Booker left recently for At lanta, where she {8 studying to be a. trained nurse at St. Joseph's Infirmary. Mrs. T. 8. Burus and Miss Stella Burus have returned from a visit to Atlanta. Mr, and Mrs. M. P. Pope have returned from a week’s stay in Atlanta. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nettles of Colum bia, 8§ (~ attended the Dillard-Netties wedding here Saturday, ‘ Miss Ruth lowe gave a party Saturdny‘ for Mrs. Hobart Miller, a bride of the past tmonth. Yellow and white chrysunthemuns were used as decorations. The guests were Misses KElizabeth Wootten, Mary and Mn-; dred Irvin, Kathleen Hill, Mitta Pharr, Vohannie Kllington, Kathryn Aubrey Wil heft, ¥lizabeth and Sallie Dyson, Nona, Emogene and Julia Hill, Julia Toombs and Lucy Willis Dußose, Frances and Emmie Ficklen, Mitta PPharr, Klizabeth Chapman, Mildred Sims of Atlanta, Helen Burdett, Helen Irvin, Samille Lowe, Susie Hil, Mesdames Claude Norman, Marvin Sims, Yancey Lowe Jr., Paul Newsome, Carl Zirbes, (. S. Fraser, Henry Hammond, Grey Harwell, Lloyd Johnson, John gib son, Ruth Irvin, ¥Frank Rogers, Frank Simpson, Joe Dyson, Carroll Colley, Har vard Orr, Harry Brooks and Gabriel An thony. Miss Lowe was assisted in enter taining by her mother, Mrs. Samuel Lowe. Garnett Green gave a bridge party at the Country Club for Mrs. Garnett An drews, the house guest of Mrs. William Toombs. The reception room was deco rated in salvia, Mrs, William Toombs wen top score and was presenied with a par of silk hose, the guest prize being a bottle of perfama.. Mrs, T. M. Green, Mrs, Frank Lee and Mrs. Kathryn Hill assisted Mrs. Green in entertalnlng. The guests were Mesdames Laurence Fortson, Willinghamn Wood, Clem Sutton, Gabriel Toombs, R. A. Wilheit, Nevin Adkins of Atlanta, Richard Callaway, Addie Latimer, Kathryn Hili, O, G. Pignatel of New York, Frank Lee, Sara Dillard, Tom Burke, Josenh Dyin Jomos Reynolds, Boyce Fieklen Jr. and Mrs, J. C. Wright, ST Mig. Frank Lee entertained Tuesday aft - ernoon at bridge for Mrs, Garnett Androws of Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. Enoch Johns has returned from a ten days' stay in Atlanta. Mrs. J, G. Wright spent a short while in Atlanta with Miss Cariate Alexander, Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Melton and Mrs. Clem CGunn of Crawfordville spent one day last week here, Mrs. Paul Newsome was hostess at cards Tuesday afternoon, entertaining in honor of her sister, Miss M#dred Bims, of At fanta. Mrs. Ben D. Irvin gave a bridge party for Mrs, Garnett Andrews Saturday aftor noon. 'l'ha rooms where the games were [pmyod and refrezhments served were deco rated with chrysanthemums and ferns, ’l‘h-:] Ixuests were Mesdames Andrews, Wmlmn‘ Toombs, K. A. Wilheit, J. J. Wright, James Reynolds, Addie Latimer, Frauk Lee, Sara Willard, Tom Burke, Gabriel g‘oombs and Miss Annie Dillard of Colum us, Mrs, Frank Colley entertained at dinner Saturday, her guests being Mr. and Mrs. James Newsome and Mrs, Poykin Cade, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wills and son, Mrs. T, J. Wills, Mrs. Grover €Cockran and Miss Minnie Lee Ward were motor visitors in | Avgusta on Thursday. Mra, E. G. Hill has returned from Co lumbia, 8. €., where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs, Nevin Adkins and daughter left the last of the week for Atlanta after a month's stay with Mr, O. 8 Rarnett. Miss QGertrude Barnett entertained at a theater party Wednesday. Miss Annie Dillard of Columbus is the guest of Mrs, Sara Dillard. Mrs. R, T. Gresham has returned from a visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Fortson spent several days in Athens. Miss Eula Bramlett has returned from a visit to Atlanta. Mrs, A, C. McMekin left Tuesday for At lanta to visit relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dyson, Mrs, J. R. Dyson and Miss Dorothy Dyson were motor visitors in Royston Sunday, Mrs., T. P. Stanton had as guests at bridge Thursday - afternoon, Mesdames Frank Colley, Sara Sanders, K. A. Wil heit, Emma Willingham and Miss Kath lecn Colley. Mra, Marsh Popo entertained at a tea Saturday evening, the guests being Misses Loulse, Cornelia, Julia and Lettie Pope, Elizabeth Putnam, Mary Holland, Kathrvn Crutehfield, Johnnie Booker, lLouis Mec- Kenney, William Sims, Brantltey Callaway and Allen Hollenshead An informal dance was given at the Country Ciub Friday evening for Miss Cor. nelia Pope and her house guests, Miss Kathryn Crutehfield of Texas, Miss Mary Holland of Marietta, and Miss Elizabeth Putnam of Atlanta, Miss Elizabeth Wootten had as guests at tea Friday cvening Miss Lucy Wilis and Julia Toombs Dußose and Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Miller, . Vienna Notes RS. OSCAR McKENZIE of Blakely spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Taylor. N Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Woodruff spent Sun day in Bohmville. - Miss Leiln Morgan spent the week end at Wesievan, Miss Eloisa Sea of Reynolds has been the recent guest of Miss Audray Scott. Mrs. B. A. Dickson has returned to her home In Lilly after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Calhoun. Mrs. McKensie of Oglethorpe is the guest of her Aaughter, Mrs. D. A, ’rqgor. Thursday at the home of » P A Leonard the Woman's Club_ was enter tained with Mrs. Leonard, Mra Carnes, Mrs. J. J. Heard and Mrs. Horace Jones a 8 hostesses. e et et Greensboro Notes IS3 MARIE WR;‘GH'I‘. who has been ;;nmu in Athens, hes returned ome. Mrs, Randolph Gelssler will leave soon to visit relatives in Virginia. The aschool set of the Baptist church were ontertained the past week, Mra. Rudolph Geissler was Eomm at an m(flrmnl card party at which Mrs Miles Lowis entertained. Miss Amy Geiss ler was awarded the prize for top score. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton MeWhorter have returned home after a visit to Judge aud AMrs. Hamilton MoeWhorter in Athens. Mrs. Jw:rh Boswell ig the guest of hev daughter, Mre. Charlie McWhorter, in An navelis, M 4 ! . | { | ! R aned { MERICUS.—M'ss Georgia. Bena Dod son was the initial hostess of the new social club. Those present were Mrs. Wilbur Smith, Mrs. Earl Schofield, Miss Clara Bowen, Miss Sara Sheffield, | Miss Alice McNeill, Miss Claire Everette, | Miss Louige Marshall, Miss Kathleen Den [ham, Miss Bara Tower, Miss Louise Willi ford, .Mrs. E. B. Everette, M s T. B. Hooks Jr., Mrs. Glenn Hooks, Mrs. Walter Rylander, Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Heys McMath. Miss Mary Sue Chambliss entertained { Monday with a luncheon at which Mias vMury Belle Green was nonor guest. | Mre. Thomas Hooks was hostess at a ! birthday dinner in compliment to Mr. | Hooks. The guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Furlow Gatewood, Mr. and Mrs. J." D. | Hooks, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hooks, Mr. ‘and Mrs. W. W. Dykes and Mr, and Mrs. T. B. Hooks. I Migs Orlean Ansley complimented Miss lM:\ry Belle Green, a bride of the week. Miss Caroline Payne gave a miscellan eous showed for Miss Mary Belle Green, _whn was married Tuesday. The guests included Miss Louise Marshall, Miss Kliz lahelh Harris, Miss Emmie Glover, Miss Orlean Anmnsley, Miss Marguerite Everette, |Miss Mary Alice Lingo, Miss Margaret Wheatley, Miss Katherine Hamilton, Miss IMary Sue Chambliss, Miss Eunice Royal, Mrs, E. B. Everette and Mrs. Cloyd Buch anan, Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Sprayberry announce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Adelle. Mrs. Charles Burke has returned from [.’\ visit to her mother in Camilla. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lanier have re l(nrm\d from a visit to friends in Atlanta, and during their visit were entertained by ! Mr. and Mrs. Clark Howell and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Seciple. Friends of Miss Ruby Lee Wood of Tal lahassee have received cards anneuncing her engagement to E. J. Hatcher of Quin cy, Fla., the wedding to take place late in November at the home of her parents. Miss Marguerite Everette was hostess at a buffet supper for Miss Mary Belle Green, a bride of the week. Those invited were Miag Orlean Ansley, Miss Geraldine Payne, Miss Laura Johnson, Miss Mary Sue Chambiiss, Mrs. J. L. Mounce, and members of the wedding party. Mrs. Eugene Cato entertained at a bridge party at the home of Mrs. Frank Tur pin in Taylor street. Playing were Mrs. Furlow Gatewood Jr., Mrs. D. K. Brin son, Mrs. W. ¥. Bailey, Mrs. John Allen Fort, Mre. A. B, Turnin, Mrs. E. B. Ev erette, Miss Mary Littteiohn, Miss Claire Everctte, Miss Elizabeth Eldredge, Miss Annie Bailcy and Miss Louise Marshall. The Woman's Literary Club mét with |Mrs. Clarence Carswell. Those participat. irg in the nrogram were Mrs. Charles M. Williams, Mrs. Josenh Perkins Mrs. W A. Rembert. Mrs. J. W. Harris Jr. Mrs. Lawrence McPhaul and little Aaughter of Doerun are the guests of Mrs. A. G. Duncan. a Cards have heen receiced announcing the marriage of Miss Mse Crabb to Karl J. Wiilinms, November 3. Miss Rlizabeth Murphy, who has been the guest of Mre. €. C. Hawkins, has re turned to her home in Tuscon, Ariz. The Msatrons' Club met with Mrs. Tay tor Lewig. Present were Mrs. H. B. Al len, Miss Msartha Wheatley, Mrs. Dud'ey Gatewood, Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mrs, Thomnas Harrald, Mrs. Ralston Corgill Mrs. W. A. Dodeon, Mrs. W. F. Clarke Mrs, Ernest Stathom. Mrs, C. M. Coun cil aAnd Mrs. 8. H. McKee. Mrs. Will C. Carter w»s hostess to her Wortv-two Club at the home of Mrs. R. L. Maynard Phege nleving were Mrs. J. N, 'Scarborongh. Mrs. Nothan Murray, Mrs, Dudley Gatewood, Mrs. W. J. Josey, Mrs H. B. Mashburn, Mrs. Frank Cato, Mrs, l"nbert Mayvnard, Mrs. W. O. Gray, Mrs. W. 8. Ivey, Mrs. E. L. Murray and Miss Callie Slappey. Mrs., J. D. Hooks entertained at a hridge pearty. Those niaving we e Mrs. W. E. Tevior, Miss Elizonheth W'dredge, I Miss Annie Bailev. Miss Louise Marsheil Miss Thelma FEasterlin, Mrs. E. J. Eld redge, Mrs. Furlow Gatewoond Jr, Mrs. Walter Brown. Mrs. . K. Brinson. Mrs. Tawrence McPhaul, M=s. W, F. Beilev, Mrs Hevs MeM»th, Miss Claire Everette Mrs. Ctharles M. Council’ entertained at two parties »t her home, the gnest of hanor heing Mrs. Welborn F. Clarke, her houge gnest. Miss Thelma Tasterlin is in Athens, WMrs. John Wagnon was hostess to her bridge club. Mr's. Eghert Allen had as her guests the Rev. and Mrs. Paul Ellis of Macon. Pelham Notes R 3. W. B. MARSHALL 2nd daugh terg, Aubrey and Marjorie, spent Sunday in Camilla. Miss Ruth Turner spent several days in Atlanta as the guets of her sister, Mrs. Ralnh Huie. Miss Maggie West of Ochlocknee spent last week with lher mother, Mrs. M. W. West e Russell Griner of Washington, D. C, gpent last Friday with friends here. T. I'. Perdue of Griffin was the recent guoest of his daughter. Misses Kathlieem Roland and Mildred Adams spent the week end in Albany with Miss Louise Cross. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holland were recent visgitors to Dothan, Ala. Mrs. J. E. Ward and children are spend ing several days with relatives in Monti cello, Fla. Miss May Shepherd and Harry Taylor are visiting friends in Atlanta. Mrs. C. E. Glaucier and son, Clarence, gspent Monday in Ochlocknee. Dr. W. S. Hill bas returned ?‘om Rome, where he has been visiting hi§ daughter, Miss Birdie, Mrs, James Barrow and son of Athens arc visiting Mrs. A, J. Barrow. Migs Alma Thompson of Valdosta was the recent guest of her sister, Miss Pearl Thompsgon. Miss Mildred Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Campbeil spent Sunday in Hartsfield. Mrs. T. J. Browns of Edison is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harrison. Me. and Mrs. N. C. Oliver of Albany \"mmd Mr., and Mrs. N, E. Adams Sun qaay. Mre. 1. E. Buckhannan of Atlanta is visiting Mrs. H. M. Goff. Mrs. H. C. James and Miss Martha James have returned from Atlanta. e A et Blakely Notes LAKELY.—Mrs. W. H. Alexander en tertained the Study Club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. M. Baggs spent the week end in Albany. the guest of relatives. Miss Annie V. Womack was the gurst of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Paschal, in Do than. Mrs. Alvin Flemming is the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. H. Robinson, in Albany. Miss Ethel Jomes has recently had as her guests Mrs. 8. D, Rambo of Marietta, Mrs. A. D Graves and Mr., and Mrs. F, 8. Jones of Bainbridge. ’ Miss Coclo Dickenson 8f Dothan, who has heen visiting Mrs. J. G. Standifer, has returned home. Miss Bunice Lacey recently ecntertained Misses Lucile Harrison and Olivia Rambo and Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Bostwick of Ar lington. e An auto party from Dothan visiting _RBlakely were Mrs. Tom Traywick, Mrs. Nola Reed and Miss Nelle Reed. Miss Altha Hammock has returned ‘o Washington Seminary after spending the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Hammock. Mrs. Mae Witchard and Mrs. W. L Rhodes were joint hostesses to the Baptist Philatheas Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. B. E. Cohen entertained fifty young peonle at a dance Friday evening. Mrs. Joe Vinson spent the week in At ‘ lanta. Mrs. J. H. Moye has returned from At lanta and Sparta. Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Wade have left for Chariotte, N. O, after having visited Blakely for the past month, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hall, Mary and Wil. liam Jr. have returned from Atlanta and Athens, where they visited relatives, Mrs. R. M. Underwood and children of Albany have been visiting Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Fryer. Mrs. 1. B. Toole has had as her guests Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Underwood of Bain bridge and Mrs, B. H. Legg of Atlanta. Miss Winifred Brooks of Americus spent the week end with her parents. Miss Mae Brooks has left for Hinesville, where she will teach music. Mrs. W. W. Smith and Miss Mary Smith have returned from a visit to Atlanta, Mrs. T. B. Dowell has had as her guests Mr. and Mrs, Will McDowell of Jackson- X\“e and Mrs. C. E. Savage of Bundridge, a. Mrs. E. P. Crutehfield of Graceville, Fla., has been the gusst of Mrs. J. D. Keith, Charles Boyette has returned to Locust Grove after a week end visit to his par enta, Mr. end Mrs. C. E. Boyett Miss Willie Mosely of Jakin was the guest of Mrs. A. D. Harris last week. Mrs. C. T. Alexander has had as her guests Mra. Willls Cox, Mrs. Grimsley and Miss Grimsley of Fort Gaines. Mrs. Rothie Clifton of Eufaula, Ala., has returned home after a month's visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Killebrew of Albany spent a few days with Mrs. J. B. Hobbs. Mrs. C, W. Armstrong of Columbia, Ala., was the guest of Mrs. J. D. Abernathy last week. Col. Lowry Stone has been visiting friends in Atlanta for the past week. Statesboro Notes RS. NITA KEOWN has returned from a visit to Valdosta and Cordele. Miss Catherine Nottingham of | Franktown, Va., i 8 the guest of Miss , Marian Pate. - | Hinton Booth is spending several days in | Atlanta. ‘ Mrs. J. A. McDougald is in Savannah, | the guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Wil llams. ~ j Rupert L. Rackley and D. O. McDou , Bald have returned from a two weeks’ | stay in Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. O. J. Jackson is the guest of rel atives in Pensacola Miss Belle Outland is visiting friends in Jacksonville. Miss Perkins of Savannah was the week end guest of Mrs. Fulton Perkins. Mrs. J. M. Rackley and Mrs. Barney McCoy of Atlanta are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Cowart, Mrs. W. H. Sharpe is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. D. Anderson, in Jack | sonville. é Miss Kate McDougald and Mrs. J. W. Bland were joint hostesses at a party on ’Novnmber 11~ These invited were Miss ;Ruth Lester, Miss Anna Hughes, Miss Louise Hughes, Miss Mabel Pratt, Miss I(jussie, Miss Bess Lee, Miss Anna ‘Johnston, Miecs Eloise Lake, Mrs. Nita Keown, Miss Pearl Holland, Miss Nelle Jones, Miss Mary Lee Jones, Miss Irene Arden, Miss Ruth Parrish, Miss Georgia Bliteh, Miss Kathleen McCroan, Miss Lucy | Blitch, Miss Ulma Olliff, Miss Xlma Wim berly, Miss Marian Pate, Miss Zerith Fore hand, Miss Ouida Brannen, Miss' Virgil Kent, Miss Martha Lewis, Miss Ruby Péar rish, Miss Kthel Anderson, Miss Alma Rackley, Miss Mamie Hall, Miss Kittie Turner, Miss Mary Willcox, Miss Mete Kennedy, Miss Maggie Mae Maull, Miss Nancy Perry, Miss Mattie Palmer, Miss Rebie Newton of Rocky Ford, Miss Cath erine Nottingham of Franktown, Va., Mrs, Price Hickman of Savannah and Miss Julia Carmichael and Miss Clara Cobb, Master Harry Mayll entertained Friday in honor of his twel&h birthday. Lyeriy Notes. YERLY.—The box supper, given at the Lyerly High School auditorium Saturday night, was attended by a large crowd. Mrs. J. L. Pollock is on an extended visit to relatives at Madison and Waynes boro. Ms, Willie Brown and Mrs. Brandon of Cedar Bluff, Ala., spent last week with Mrs. H. D. Brown. Dr. B. F. Shamblin and little daughter, Moselle, spent several days of last week with Mr, and Mrs. Thad McKoy of Doug lasville. Mrs. M. E. Stark and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stark of Atlanta spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr..and Mrs. W. M. Hammond and children of TLaFayette spent Sundey he e, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Edwards. Miss Bessic Lawrence of Menlo spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Lon Ed Doster. Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Julia Smith of Cornelia are spending some time here with their son and brothe, H. [S. Carson, whose wife is racovering from a recent illness at the Harbin Sanitarium in Rome, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Smith and little son, Lewis, are visiting relatives at Bow man and Elberton. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Pollock and daugh ter, Miss Nelda Pollock, returned Tuesday from a week’s visit to relatives at Macon. Miss Incz Whitlow, who is teaching at Trion, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Postmaster and Mrs. W. G. Whitlow. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Doster spent Friday in Rome. Miss Annie Lou Groce, who is teaching in Atlanta, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Groce. 2 7 R R . s mn -y | B 2 \fl A AESZ 7= ——r 2V N N T =74 ’:gfi:‘ ‘\fi 3 gfi\.}: A% v 4 gL TR m il e - | Trae i | :1,:1 & ‘!‘l‘ y/,‘*\: ‘3% %%vv\; LR “'l"'a; f'l} I ; il S NN Sl Rl SAERY B 1T e ST ‘ al 17 R N A\wf\w\ - ‘,‘,”' A nd e R AL e T T W e I N M - (- - A (OLI UR L Bl AN T D g| IL o=i [TAER N “ i xr;‘a————-——,mflfl.fim,w = ‘(')y T NVAY AT FERS £ === m‘lifig i, :;ru ] R T el UAN == E o R il S KRO \A L S ‘v.", A !“) > IX% } oilLo s QTS TR A o W v ":',‘.; 0 -7/ 2 i| I gy __»;,:;l‘_l?:—.7__7 f";’ T i J 7 i h zf’ A :N7 bt || B g i i o I - 2 GRN o W Pl - NHE § i { m | ill iW\ o A m'.*‘- U fi "wi ; il ! ) |l STy 1207 B=\ e ] | s w 8 | i g \ ¢ l’]\l fiiw gt Sl | ol W \ e | F AT~ &1 | B I 8 o : y . T ] | B A' 5 R il M====_ 2= i e mIPAN Pl S e N [ ] A= aran e B }fi’ }Qam, e ) Y S | AN 7 == e IRN ff’;;i’*‘" STG I‘I{; [ ] ’ | . AT 3 Rl 'QA H“..// i .-.;;. &B K .’J g - R s FONmEEe TN ey i 1 A N q o e 4? B "*J‘\, p U« B | il e LY cE== ¥ A (i of 13 : 3 =\ . ] e e o 8 (e e S ol B .\% | AR | SR 1R e i A PR m—: Neil 7{ ; RAE l B | /,"l‘g il SN Bl (E&l ) il e e i !%a y -l\,§2s’ SR “ /fl _. 1& i 4 e s Y i ¢ |RI TTR TSR s B e DN LA LT s Efi‘ : b L e K %‘fi\ LR N e sl g IS BN B '.‘;;.’-;w;\#s_c‘s‘tw‘.\ Yy et i RSI L= ! \\ (/o i o si= SRB = 33:;:‘7} ST R s === &o i | N B — = '“QET‘!;&*QT‘&"’\\‘&@E&, R e saad ([ W= Ece =T _— = o %fiéfi Uy g | = : E};R_\i, Rk -J,’& N i 2 ; i -} WS e || M LSS i 3 | it ‘ P e e )| Rng o ‘ it 4‘ 1 N ‘E?J*:@y: ||| R ; (i | i . it I fi'v\‘fié"‘\ 0| I 1 il i R e | - R | oL e g il » "’*""v*%;;% (g 3 | S _ $2195 No Money Down "¢)1 7 The Entire;Solid Qak Suite B R 0 ¢7Ol W L iiL A L U B | SSRGS R NSR TA e { Just think of it! A whole room full of furniture at a price that doesn’t 1 seem possible these days. Six big, handsome, well-made pieces of | Solid Oek furniture for your Library, Living Room or Parlor—good, | solid, substantial pieces that'll give you years of service. Let us ship ’ i you the entire Suite TODAY. Pay a little each month if you like it. ! The Library Table: Made of thoroughly seasoned, solid oak through out, Size of top, 24x34 inches. Lower magazine shelf, 8-in. wide and full length of table, Legs of full 2-inch stock, Open slat ends. Bolted and screwed construc tion. Finished in rich dull wax, brown fumed oak. The Large Rocker: Selected, solid oak throughout. Seat, 18x20 inches, Juxuriously pacded and upholstered in im itation brown Spanish leather, Height of seat, 16-in. Hei&htof back, 23-in. Heisl': of arme, 9-in, idth over all, 26-in. tween arms, 1%-in, Bolted and screwed construction. Clear grained rockers, slat ted back, 2-inch posts, and wide arm rests, Fink.i-hed in rich dull wax, brown fumed oa The Arm Chair: Selected. solid oak throughout, with 2-inch posts, slatted back and wide arm rests. Seat 18x20 inches, luxuriously upholstered in imitation brown SMnht: leather. Height of seat, 16-in, Height of back, 23 in, Height of arm, 9-in. Width over all, 28-in, Width between arms, 18-in. Boited and screwed construction. Finished in rich dull wax, brown fumed oak. The Sewing Rocker: Select ed, solid cak throughout. Clear grained Real, growing Ferns, Free: As soon as your erder i accepted for |h|£ment we will immediately send lou the colleetion of three selected, growing ferns, These ferns are especially chosen for ease of indoor cultivation. They are shipped with roots and a little sooil, wrapped in damp moss m&ozur:dpaper and enclosed in a shipping carton to assure reaching you in splendid eondi b y for immediate transplanting in your fernery, (The basket shown in the illustration is net furnished, but merely shows how they may be arranged for house decoration.) Mill and River Streets DUAKERVALLEY MFG.(O. . : “\Facrony sanGan oistmsutors @ AURORA, ILLINOIS Shower Given for Miss Mary Tucker ONYERS.—Mrs. R. -H. Cannon eén tertained fifty guests at a - linen shower or Miss Mary Lou Tucker, a bride-elect of this week. The lower floor was decorated in pink and white, using palms and cut flowers. The dining :(com where the wedding bell_ hun over the table containing gifts of linen, Mrs. Cannon was assisted in enter-' taining by Mrs. *r!on of Lithonia, Miss Sallie Walker of Atlanta and Mrs. C. E. Reagan and Miss Lucy Gleaton. A salad course was served by Misses Helen and Ruth Tucker, Bernice Harper and Mrs. Chester Cannon. Those present were Mesdames J. J. Langfo d, D. C. Langford, Thorpe Baldwin, John Hannab, C. H. Langford, R. O. Gailey, C. K. Gailey, L. M. Twiggs, C. R. Vaughn, E. P. McDaniel, C. E. Reagan, V. E. Almand, Barksdale, M. L. Haynes, W. H. Tucker, M. E. Peabody, J. R. O'Neal, W. H. Simpkins, J. R. Lee, M. C. Summers, R. W. Tucker, C. R. Cannon, Tom Norton, R. H. Cannon and Misses Sallie Walker, Kate Smith, Marion Swords, Kate O'Kel ley, Sallie, Fannie and Lucy Glefton, Helen, Tucker, Ruth Tucker and Bernice Harper. ! A wedding of much interest was that of Miss Lula Smith November 9, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Smith. Immediately after the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. L. M. Twiggs, the bride and bride groom left for a week’s stay in Atlanta. They will make their home in Conyers. " Mrs. D. C. Langford has retu ned after a month’s stay with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson Weber, in Florida. Miss Dorothy Hall of Detroit is ex pected soon to be the guest of Mrs. M. E. Peabo lv. Miss Sallie Walker of Atlanta and Mrs. Lou Norton of Lithonia are guests of Mrs. R. H. Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Rice Green of Bostwick were week end guests of their daughter, Mrs. H. G. McElvaney. Mrs. R/ W. Tucker will have as her house guests for the Tucker-Williams wedding Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing, Mr. and M s. A. R. Tucker of Atlanta, Mrs. Howard Hilley of Wilson, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker of Greensboro. 3 . Ellijay Notes HE Sewing Club met with Miss Mi riam Beadles Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. "Max Cobb have re turnad to their home in Fairnrmn. Mra. Towles was the wee! 1 guest of her mother, Mrs. T. H. Warl Mr. and Mrs. Ctrister Warlick have returned to their Fome after an extended ;‘is{t to the former's father, T. H. War ick. Mr. and Mrs. Clement McHan enter tained Thursday night, at a dinner party. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Mce- Han, Ormond Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Hudson and Miss Miriam Beadles. Miss Beadles gave a rook party Tuesday evening. Clyde Allen of Canton spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Queen have returned from a visit to their daughter, Miss Gladys Queen, of lanier University. 22277~ AEROPLANES FOR BOYS (- /.f(k-"."'?’\'_// AND GIRLS AND GROWN-UPS, TOO : W The Twentieth Century Wonderful Toy. W Made of wood and heavy cardbeard, body 13 in. long, 2 1-2 by 3-8 in. thick, wooden propeller. Postpaid Anywhere Upon Receipt of 79c¢c, Money Order or Certified Check—No Cash ‘or Stamps Accepted. THE UP-TO-DATE TOY CO., West Park, Ohio %rockers and slatted back. Seat luxurious- Iy padded and uphoistered in imitation brown Spanish leather., Size of scat, 17x17-in. Height of seat from floor, 16-in, Height of back from seat, 21%2-in. Legs mni from 1'%4-in, stock. Bolted and screwed construction, Finished in rich dull wax, brown fumed oak. The Reception Chair: Select ed, solid oak throughout. Seat, 17x17-in., luxuriously padded and upholstered in im itation brown Spanigh leather, Legs made from 1%-in, stock. Slatted back. Height of seat from ficor, 16-in, Height of back from seat, 21%-in. Bolted and screwed construction throughout, Finished inrich dull wax, brown fumed oak. The Jardiniere Stand: Made of selected oak to match the suite. Size of top, 12x12-in. Height 18-in. Strongly braced with cross pieces. Suitable for ferns, fish bowls, ete, Finished in rich dull wax, brown fumed finish. General Description: Every gnhco matches perfectly. The suite is ilt to give service and satisfaction, Itis shipped knocked down so as to reach you in perfect condition without injury or breakage. Easy to set up, The entire suite is nhifiped and packed in a single crate and takes the lowest possible freight rate. Shipping weight about 180 pounds, Ball Ground Notes NNOUNCEMENT is made of the mar riage of Miss Annie Lee Cantrell of Marictta, formerly of Ball Ground, te Lake Sappingion os Isabell, Tenn., which took place at ike residence of Mr, and Mrs Charlie Cantrell, the bride's parents, |November 9. After the bridal tour Mr. and Mrs. Sappington will be at home in Isabell, Tenn. Millard Byers of Atlanta spent the week end with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Jim Byers. Miss Bernice Byers entertained Saturday eveniug. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin of Atlanta spent the week end as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Courtney. Calaon Groover of Atlanta has been vise iting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Groover. Little Miss Bess White entertained friends on huer tenth birthday Saturday afternoon, ' | Mrs U. L. Starnes entertained Mr. and | Mrs. Courtney and Mr. and Mrs. Worley at {a 6 o'clock dinner last week. ’ Mrs. Atlerton of Jasper was a visitoe i Monday. ; Master Billy Courtney is visiting relas tives in Atlanta. ‘ Miss Leola Willlams of Atlanta spent | the week end with her parents ana had ' a sher guest, Miss Echols of Atlanta. i Miss Williams entertained Saturday even= i ilng. The guests included Misses Bess Allen, | Hattie Garrett, Bernice Roberts, Viola | Brady, Maude and Ruby Wheeler, and |Lnuise Colley and Rebecca Camp of Cox, Messrs Paul Jackson, Jud Wheeler and Caldon Groover of Atlanta. . Dr. Gordon Hendrix was In Atlanta Monday. Miss Maude Wheeler has had as her guests Misses Louise Colley and Rebecca Camp of Gox College. Miss Maude Wheeler entertained at an l‘(nr‘ormul social Monday evening for Misses Camp and Colley. Those invited wera I!\lis:sos Idelee Saye, Bernice Roberts, Vera Groover, Hattie Garrett and Vieola Brady, Messrs, Glenn Lovelady, Walter Hardin, Claude Brown, Jim Richards, and Clyde and Glenn Brady of Jasper. W ke et Oxford Notes . RS. G. W. COFIELD entertained the Kill Kare Klub Tuesday afternoon. | * Honor guests were her two sisters, Mrs. Speer of Monroe and Miss Bostwick of Atlanta. William Hughlett. of Emory University spent Monday with i'lend here. \ Miss Edith Almafld of Monticello was the week end guest of Mrs. C. M. Sher wnod. ~r | Among those attending the North Geore | gia Conference in Atlanta are Dr. J. As Sharp, Rev. W. W. Carroll, Rev. W. R. Branham and Prof. H, H. Stone. Aubra Sherwood gave a prom party at his home Saturday night. Bishop W. A. Candler preched at the Allen Memorial Chuch Sunday morning. Mrs. F. F. Wynn is in Atianta with hee daughter, Miss Margaret Wynn, who is recovering from an operation at the Davis { I"ischer Sanitarium, Miss Emma Perkins of Social Cirele spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Frances Hitchcock, Mrs. R. A. Hitchcock had as her guests ‘Sund:ly Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Knight and Msrtha Knight, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. | Roberts of Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. | Kn'ght, Mr_and Mrs. G. C. Young of Jer sey. Mr. Hitchcock left Sunday at noon l for Mnn!g‘umer;‘ AAT RAN . O TBST M TR G SRR, If you are not more than pleased, return the en tire suite at our expense, 1f you decide to keeg it, (and we are sure that yon will), remitonly $ monthly until our special price of $31.98 is paid. This offer is exceptional, so fill out and send in the coupon TODAY-—while you have it before you. ‘ Get it from the Factory (') Use the handy Coupon /,-// — .-4',;7,/;( - Quaker Valley Mfg, Ca Aurora lllinois I Ship direct to my home the Solid Oak Six | Piece Suite No, 2605, and include the fernsas | | agift. 1f pleased I will remit $6.93 in ten I da:i's. and then $5 a month for five months,- | $31.95 in all; otherwise 1 will return the Suite AT YOUR EXPENSE, within ten days, | retaining the ferns as a gift in any event. | Old customers make an X here A 7 D | New customers ge: the same giad band. I : I . | SReES R e mnn em— - e ; [Write your name in full here,) I - ternansancanevecsngenns casarntenessm I [Write street or rural routs number here.) | I - - | [Write city and state here.] 535-Nov. | 1f you remit one dollar with the coupon | we will prepay the freight to m"nu road station east of the Rocky Moune | tains, and insure the shipment against | loss or damnfe. The freight will gener | ally be more if collected on delivery.