Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, January 04, 1920, Page 4E, Image 142

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4E Are Quiefing Down Continued From Page 3. ‘ with parties for this popular young | bride-elect, whose wedding will be the first of the New Year in At lanta’s young set, .- - ‘ Originality Wins— / S OME of the grown yps did get ‘ together on one ocecasion last w=ek and quite a time they had, too. 1 refer, of course, to the fa mous faneyv dress ball of the Nine o'Clocks. The old saying about Solomon in all his glory comes in quite handy here when one reflects upon the cosiumes worn at that brilliant affalr., Some, however, were of the droll variety, instead of ! the brilliant, and strange to say these were the favorites in the prize campaign. Mrs. Leßoy Childs, for instance, won the man's prize, lier disgulse as a “fat man,” being | #0 penfect that no one suspected ’ her jdentity until the disclosure. At any rate that's what the all ' #ay. FEloise Robinson, in casting | about for original ideas, recalled the ] well Xnown descriptive phrase, | anent the lady who is over dressed i ~having on “everything but the kitchen stove.” 8o Eloise decided to be the kitchen stove. SBShe received a warm welcome, 1 never quite ascertained whether Mrs, Ben Gatins, in her henna colored trou serettes and jewaled_ turban and all, was a Christian slave or a Hablonish queen. Anyway, Bhe was stunning In the suit and her pearls, diamonds, rubles, emeralds and other precious stones like the advertisement of a well known Jewlery place on Fifth avenue— “defied detection.® Gatherine Gid dings, as a sugar lump, was sweet enough to eat and most of the sugarlumps hanging from the ends of countless white ribbon stream ers were eaten before the dance was over, Recalling Jerry Farrer in her most betwitching role, Char lotte Meador was Carmen, and a blonde Spanish beauty was Mrs, Glenville Giddings. - 000 A Vision— B EFORE passing entirely away from the subject of fancy dress, [ must say that with our memories of all the gay beauty and gorgeous charm and droll fantasy of the Nine o'Clock Malds, 'ln make-believe costumes, many of us recall a vision in white with a sweet madonna-like face and won derful red hair, whom none ecould fail to recognize as one of the most popular debutantes of the season, ~ In the beautiful and limpressive presentation of “The Vision,"” which was given at the Auditorium last - week under the auspices of the ~ Woman's Club. : Although the characters in this entertainment are supposed to be nameless, [ am encouraged 10 name this one “Angel of a Debutante” because—well, bDecause—of all the young girls who had been asked to take part in “The Vision,” and who - had promised to do so, this one only kept her promise, despite the allurements and distractions of party after party and ball after ball &ll through the time of practise and presentation. 1 “She was there every time a re hearsal was held, and on time,” sald a member of the comnittee, who was so proud and pleased with the debutante’'s devotion to duty . that she could not say enouxh. . “She gave up several dinner pur ties and I don't know how many ~ Dballs, just to do her part as she had promised!” Now, don't you - think we might just as well give - her name in the public prints—es . peclally, as 1 sald, every one who . had the pleasure of seeing this win . some young woman in the role of . Christmas Angel, recognized her at onee as the debutante of the gov erpor's mansion and one of the most feted of the younger set-— . Mary Faith Yow—always and for © ever after an “angel of a debu . tante,” wurely in the minds of all who had anything to do with “The Vision,” as actors, managers or ‘spectators. S O « fi;l\, -y SOy . (’(f/ Sy ..‘ \ :"l: e (e b e N 4 4 s/ : o HAIR SWITCHES AND TRANSFOCRMATIONS Popular Prices $8.50, $lO and $12.50 Made only of beautiful, wavy hu man hair. We match any shade. Made with three short stems Length and weight regulate the price. Workmanship most skill. ful. Batistaction guaranteesd MAIL ORDERS FILLED Pleage send sampie stating price you desire to pay. Mone) refunded cheerfully if we fail to please. ¢ Men's Toupees to onder, $25.00 to $35.00 Theatrical Wigs for rent . The S. A. Clayton Co. Atianta’s Largest Hair Goods Store 18 E. HUNTER—Main 201 . . ISoaetu Having Gay IFling in . - Americus ; MERICUS.—A pretty wedding of the { week was that of Miss Fannie Eilla ! MeDaniel to Richard ,Colller Foster, | the wedding taking place at the home of the bride’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MciDantel, in Dudley street. The wedding party was grouped beneath an arch of Bouthern smilax intertwined with white roses, and Rev, George ¥F. Brown, pastor of Central Baptist Church, read the pretiy | ceremony. Mise Frances MeMath wes maid of honor and wore a dark brown georgette | crepe frock, with hat to match, and her flowers were ?mk rosebuds with ferns. Little Emlily Gammuage waa ring bnrer‘ and carried the emblem in the heart of a white rose and showered the path of the bride with plak rose petals from w« French basket carried on her arm. Dexter M(:-ll Dianie! acted as best man and W, J. Mc-' Daniel, brother of the bride, gave L!s sister | in marriage. The bride wore a tailorgd | mode]l of dark brown silvertone, with a | emell hat of brown duvetyn, and her flow ers were bride’'s roses showered with val ley llies, Following the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Foster left for a short wedding jour- | uey to Florida points, after which they will reside !n Americus, where Mr. Foster 1@ with the Seaboard Air Line Raliroad. The costume ball held in the Biks Hall | this week was a pretty social event of the ! gay holiday season. ‘The spacious hall was resplendent with: Christmas decorations, | and those wearing striking costuines were Miss Thelma Fasterlin, Miss Clara Glover, | Miss Mary Glover, Miss Florence Hooks and | Miss Kdith Creighton dressed as Turkish | maldens. Miss' Kimer Beil came as Mar- | tha Washington, Miss Hugenia Parker wu’ a Neapolitan flower girl; Miss Mary Dud ley and Miss Gertrude Davenport were gyp- ! ries, and Miss Lucy Barrow Taylor wonl ' the costume of a Spanish fortune teller; | | Miss Ruth Councll represented a French |m-!d an did Miss Katherine Hand of Pel ham, who i 8 the house guest of Mins Councl!; Miss Annle Ivey wore a balloon | dress, Miss Annie Kllis wore a jingle bell! costume, Miss Mary Walker's dress was a | stunning effect in black and white, and | Mins Sara Bheffield was gharming in &) Lunny costume of white satin trimmed with soft white fur. Miss Margaret Wheat ley represented a typical American girl, The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Bheftield, Mr, and Mrs, Griswold, and Miss Portman of Columbus, who is their guest; Muajor and Mra. Schofield, Mrs, Mary Clay, | Mra. Macon Dudley, Mrs. James W. Harris Jr., Mrs. Augustus Hparks of Macon aund Miss Bryce Plisbury, | Mr. and Mrs. Lacy A. Morgan enter tained this week at.n family reunlon diuner, #athering the families of the hosts, Christ mas decorations prevailed throughout tha house and seated were Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dugger and little daughter of Muacon, Mr. and Mrs. M, A, Wilson of Pine¢hurst, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bpeight, Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Bpoight of Unadilla, Mliss Tiny Allen, Misy Hattle Pope Morgan, Miss Eilzabeth Morgan, Louls Morgan of Macon and Ku- Kene Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. W. (), Wheeler entertained this woek at a dinner party complimernting Miss Lucille Whitehurst and Miss Flornio Hearborough of New York, who are spend- Ing the holldays in Americus. Covers were lald for ten guests besides the honorees, I The Young Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres byterian Church entertained this week at n.[ pretty socinl at the Presbyterian Church In which Americus soclety participated hap pily. In the recelving line were Mrs. ‘George Duncan, Miss Edith Nolson, Mrs. Leroy (. Henderson and Rev. Frank An- | derson, pastor of the congregation. Those participating in the musicul progrun were Mins Mamie Brogg, Miss Bvelyn Bragg, Curroll Clarke, lLaurence Chainbiiss, Hud son Fetner, Egbert Clarke, Sam Hooks, Mrs. James W. Huarrls Jr. and Miss Mary Lou Parker of Buena Vista and Miss Kllen Estes of New York. Miss Elizabeth Har ris had charge of the story telling hour. Miss MaMha Jehuson entertained this| weak for Miss Katherine Brahan of Hunts- | ville, Tex., who is her guest. Those pres ent were Miss Brahan, Miss Ellluboth‘ Council, Miss Charlotte Turner, Miss ¥ran ces Bhiver, Miss Alice Harrold, Miss Chloe Davenport, Mlss Btta Ruth Brooks, Miss Mnrn? Cargill, Miss Annle I, Hall, Miss Allce Johnmson, Miss Martha Ivey, Mises | LAEN Denhwm, Miss Annle Jago ufl Athens, Miss Claire Harris, Mias Josephine | Simmons, Miss Mabel SBawyer, Miss Mary Glover, Miss Elizabeth Norman of Mluna.] lAt the conclusion of the soclal hour sand wiches with cocon were served. - Mrs. ¥Frank Harrold {s in Richland this week, where she is the guest of Mra. R, T, Humber Jr. during the social weason. The Richland Camp Hons of Veterans enter tained at & banquet at which Mrs. Harrold gave an address on *What the U, D. C. & Doing Generally in Qeorgla.”’ Mrs. Hum ber made a short talk on “Whet the U, D, l . Is Doing Locally,” which was a com-! panfon address to that of Mrs. Harrold, ' Tre . buffet luncheon given by Mra, Frank | Lanier at her home In Taylor street Tues dey at 1 o'tlock was an exceptionally pretty compilrgent to the visiting college ®irls at home from thelr various institu tlons of learning, but specificaly henoring Miss Katherine Hand ¢f Peiham, who is the house guest of Miss Ruth Council, ' At a meeting of the Hortense Missionary Rociety held in the First Methodist Church ‘ this weck, the following officers were ‘elected to merve for the coming year: President, Mrs. John Sheffield; vice prul-l dent, Mrs. Henry B. Mashburn; superin tendent of young people's work, Mrs. Her schel Smith: asslstant to Mrs. Smith, Mrs. | Guyton Fisher; recordig secretary, Mrs. N. & Evans: corresponding secretary, Mrs, | O. L. Passimmore; superintendent soclal serve- . lce, Mrs. SBam Heys: superintendant of .up-f plies, Mre, 8. A, Danlel; superintendent of | study and publleity, Mrs. Henry H, Glover; ugent for the .soclety's paper, Mrs. Nat | Lemaster; rmnln, Mrs. JmFeh Bryan, Th'l officers will be formally (nstalled at the {irst meeting in January. ‘ Mrs. George Oliver entertained this weel at a dioner at her home In Church stroet, Beated at the (glumly appointed table were Mrs. P. 00, Clegg, Mr. and Mrs. Ram‘ (?leg‘l, Miss Margaret Rdwards, lee Allen, P. C. Allen, Mr. and Mra. Emmett Cleme ents of Buena Vista, Mr. anl Mrs. W. . Cunningham and children of Cordele, Mr, and Mrs., Ben Worthy, t Dr. and Mre. Xyan T. Mathis entepr | tained at dinner this waeek at thelr homs in Churdh street The guests of ' honor ‘wvru Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brahau of Hunts vilie, Tex,, who are the house guests of Mra. Henry Johnson. Rented with the honorees were Mr. and Mrs, Henry John #son, Miss Linda Mathis, Miss Lula Mathis and the hosts of the eccasion. Miss Arble Harrison entertained the members of her Bunday school class and the young men of her church this week at her home in Church street. The gwuests were entertained with a muasioal guessing contest and at the conciusion of the gamo & salad course was served. The decora tions were in the Christmps colors. Miss Quenelle Harrold entertained this | week at a tea at her home in College street, compiimenting the returned college | &irls and speciticaily honoring Miss Kath. lonno Hand of Pelham, who s the house Zuest of Miss Buth Councii. Those asked 1o wieet the honoree were Miss Council, lilms Agnes Gatewood, Miss Dorothy ar | RIL Miss Alice MoNeill, Mise Mary Shef { Yleid, Miss Mary Dudiey, Miss Olara Glover, { Mise Mabel Kills, Miss Gertrude Daven L port, Miss Annie Elils. Later Miss Harrold im.u her guests attended the movies ' ; Royvston Notes ! RB. J. A. ROYSBTON gave n dinner | Friday evening for the school fao ulty. Herm[ueatl were Misses Annte Sl"lym, Lois Ragsdale, Nannie Kate Bh}olds. { Clhrystine Woodburn, Ruby Wilkerson, An ‘na Lou Fudge, Mnr¥ Baker, Esther Mo- Crary, Corpelius Wilbanks, Mrs. R, H. Moss and "r-. K. N. Bowers. Mra. J. A, Dyar gave a diner Sunday for her sons, Carlyle and Hubert, and their Bue«a, Ben Noyes of Atlanta, Miss Khxabeth "urner entertained hii itean of her friends at dinner and w the ater party Thursday evening, Miss Mildred u‘:Whorter entertained a number of little xirl friends at a turkey 'dlnn-r Friday evening. Mrs. 8. ). Brown gave a dinner Men | day evening. Her guests were Mr., and | Mrs. J. A, Wilbanks, Mr. and Mre. F. L. | Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Les Turner, Dr.’ and | Mrs. M. L. MoCrary, Misses Esther Mc ; Urary, Cornelin Wilbanks, Jo Johneon, | MesarsZ Price Branch, Boyd Cernwell and | covers were placed for Misses Cornella | Wilbanks, Fanida Baker, Ruby Little, Eu lans Adams, Messrs. Hen Mayes of Atlanta, | Hubert Dyar, Cariye Dyar and Jones Bond, Miss Esiher MoeCrary gave & dinner party Sunday evening for Price Branch eof Mism!, Fla. Charlie Roysion gave a & o'clock dinner Monday m‘v-u¥ng Mrs. J. A, Roysion, Mrs . N. Neims and Mrs. Vasco Meadew | asgisted in entertaining. i A dancing party was given by ths { vouny men of the tewn Tuesday evening lat the pome of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Bond Mtic was furuished by Haughey's Oxrchostra, HEAKRSI'> sSUNDAY AMBERCAN— A Newspaper tor reople Who Think —SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1920 Holid G J Holidays Gay ALDOSTA —Mrs. T. H. McKey enter tained Tuesday afternoon at a the ater party in compliment to Mra, J. P. Gibbons of Hamlet, N. C., the guest lof Mrs, C. W. Barnes. The guests were Mrs. J. P. Gibbons of Hanlet, N, O, Mrs, {J. B. Powers, Mrs. W, M. Oli .ar, Mrs |C. M. Killian, Mrs. D, V. Baker, Mrs. J. E. Morrow, Misg Hallle Varnudoe, Miss | Florence Barnes, Mrs, £, R. Wilcox, Mrs, {B. H. Jonus and Mrs., W. K. Strickland, | Mias Nancy legg wans hostess Tuesday jevening at 1 dinner party, «Covers wore {laid for Miss Hallie Oranford, Miss Dinah { Roberts, Isniah Tilman, Young Tillman, , Hownrd MeKey, Willlam West and Luicus | Daugherty, i _An Interesting marriago of the week wag that of Miss Dorrisa Kennon of Adel to W. 'n. Lewis of Valdosta. The bride Is daughter of Mr.'and Mrs, J. H. Kennon | The bridegroom is a native of Adel. . The announcement is made of the mar | ringe of Miss Ruth Elizubeth Seibert to ' William Marvin Knight, on the M'nmnlf of | Decetnber 49, The bride Is the daughter | of Mr. and Mrs., George L. Beibert, whiie | the bridegroom s n young business man of Morrison, Va., where they will make their home. l Monday afternoon Miss Eleanor Bmith ' wns hostess at a bridge party in honor of her guest, Miss Alice Chandler, of Athoms. Miss Bmith was assisted in otnertaining by Mrs. D. D, Bmith, her mother, Mrs, Mar gnret Green, Mrs. B, T.<Rosley, Mrs, J. C. | !Hnn!. Mrs. L. G. Youmans and Miss ;uuh\_-! Smith, Those present were Miss Alice Chandler, Mrs. Royal French, Misg | Blanche Rose, Mlsk Kathleen Smith, Misg | Belle Lyons of Waycross, Miss Margarct Griffin, Miss Charlie Burton Hawk, Miss Mary Jennings of Jennings, Fla., Miss Poarl Bmith, Miss Nelle Dandridge, !\liu«‘ Edith Mathis, Miss Dorothy lasher, Mln‘ ‘l)oro(hy Johnson, Miss Virginia l'vti-{/]v:fl.‘ Miss Jlebecen Malloy, Miss Caroline Rose, Miss Daisy Rellhan, Miss Ruth 'rhomu.l Miss Nancy Legg, Miss Dinah Roberts, Miss Hn#le Cranford, Mies Prances Fender ‘ Miss Hvelyn Powell of Atlanta, who hag been visiting in Jacksonville, Fla., is here for n visit with hoer grandmoether, Mrs, I, | G. Powell. Miss Sarn Bmith of Madison, Fla., is the] guest of Miss Pearl Smith. ‘Frank Lamb, a native of Valdosta, but now a resident of Arkangas, is here the guest of J. T. and B. H. Roberts, Mr., and Mrs. 1. 1. Daugherty enter tained informally at dinner Sunday in hon-| or of Mr, and Mre. H. H sSheop of Norfolk, Va, and Mr. and Mrs. itoland Perry of | Washington, D. C., who are visiting Mr | and Mrs. Hugh loggine, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hunter of Vermont n;e thu guests of Mr, and Mrs, E. B, Dam. Dpier, . B. Rlvers returned Monday from lake City, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. L. W, Rivers, who will viait here for some timeo, Mrs. A. A. Morrison of Charleston, 8, O, is the guest of Mre John Rich. Mrs. W. J. Penn Jr of Albany is the guest of her sister, Mre. J. D. Register, Mr. and Mrs. J. F'. Bmith of Tifton were anmong the visitors hore this week, Mrs. Hansell Paino la visiting relatives at Buena Vista, Mrs. J. P. Gibhons of North Carolina is the guest of Mrs. C. W. Barnes. Mrs. J. H. Du Bose has returned from Macon, whetre she has been the guest of relatives, Miss Ponrl Harvv{. who has been visiting in_Aunniston, Ala.,, has raeturned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kansinger of Chat tanooga, Tenn., who have been here for the halidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. N, Deming, have returnod, Mr. and Mrs, George A. Croom of Way cross were here last week, the guest of triends. Mrs. 8. M. Varnedoe and Miss Mnrgaret’ Varnedoe went to Atlanta last week Lo visit friends. Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Ham, who have been with relatives in Savanuah for several days, are now at home. Mr. and Mrs, H. T. Hutcheson motored home from O'Brien, Ma., Monday, after visiting reiatives for meveral days, Mra. (', M. Davis of Louisville, Ky,, the guest of Mra. C. J. Barton, Miss Lucille Arrington of Augusta s the guest of Mias Curollnafinun. | Mr. and Mrs. C. M, McGoogan and How ard McGoogan of SBavannah, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. R, Pittman, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Burnett, who have heen visiting ‘Mr. and Mrs, D, A. Sapp at Ray City during the holldays, have re turned heome. Mr. and Mys. C. H. White of Barneaville have been the guests of their daughter, Mre. J. T. Wood, for several days and have wone to Savasnah for a visit before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sheiton of Atlanta wera here for the holldvgl as the gnests of Mrs, C. L. Shelton, and returned to their home Tuesday, i Conyers Notes 188 FLORENCE LANGFORD had as her guest for the week Miss Parker of Covingtou. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Strect had ae their dinner guests Monday evening Mr. and Mrs, W, ¥T. Street, Jeossle Bennett, Mr. and Mra. A, M, Street and Miss Florence Jangford. . Miss Marion Sword's guests for the holi- | daye were Mrs. Bess Cowan and Miss Clara SBmith of Atianta, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Haynes entertained at 6 o'clock dinner in their honor Tuesday evening. Covers were inld for ten. Migs Thelina urric spent 4 few days last week in Atianta with her brother, Lueian Currle. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, MoClung of Atlanta were recent guests of relatives in Con yors. Miss lLorena Minor was hostess to o pretty party Monday evening, complis mentary to her Sunday school ciass Mrs. John K. Maddox and daughter of Decatur spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Tucker, Miss Julin MeCollum amd Murphy Wright woere quietly married at the Bap tist parsonage in Lithonla Saturday after noon. Mr, and Mrs. Budd Almand and Mr, and Mrs. Robert McKoy of Douglasville )wcr« recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. 4! T. Ahu!}_l\d. Mr. and Mrs W. 8. Almond entertained At luncheon Monday evening in honor of their guests, Misses Minnle Olive Parks and Rusie Ruth Almand. Misg Fairy Walker was hostess at @ prayn party ot her home Fridav evening. hdse npesent vwore Misess Annle; Plpank. ett. Lillisn PPunkett, Avnade Laecy Vanght Wathier ol Julin MeColiuta, Ruby Tyler, Thelma Currie, Grace and Truby Walker, | Mr. and Mrs, Jeck MeCollam, Messrs, iErnosl Blackwell, Charlie Pitagerald, Carl Grenade, Mercer Walker, J. H. Cowan, red and Edd Davig, Jarl and Ralph Walker and Otis Bohanuan, Miss Ada RBianche Almand is with friends at Mount Vernon. Mre. Bob Higks of Covington is visit. 'lnx her sister, Mrs., V. €. Almand. Sycamore Notes | YCAMORE has been gay soclally holi day week. Mesdames L. W, Greenn and T. N. Bussey entertained “at rook and Maésdames D. C. Craney, C. T. Maddox, C. Fountain: Henry Fountain, W, R. Smith, M. ¥. Whidden, M. ¥. Adair, Warren Luke, J. T. Butler and W. D. Fountain gave dinner parties, Jumes Moore was at home to fifty littie friends December 30, from 3:30 to § o'clock, celebrating his twelfth birthday., Different Christinas games were plaved and refresh ments carrving out the Christinas colors were merved. ““he Rev. J. W. Connors of Stillmore is the guest of Sveamore friends Mrs. Katie Whiddon Brown of Irwinviile and Mra. Timethy Pauik of Qcilla are guests of Mra. M. F. Whiddon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adair of Ashburn and Percy Adams of Atlanta are guests of Mrs. Mary Adair. Mrs. Florence Womack and Miss Nell Bell of Tifton are guests of Mrs. H. C. Fountain. Misses Margaret and Josephine Evans es Ashburn and Miss Harriet Evans of Tifton were week end guests of Mrs. W. R, Sniith. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Lipsey have come from Tifton to wake Sycamore their hame. Mrs. James Skipper of Coverdale is the guest of Miss Alice Fountain. Mr. and Mrs, G. U. Reeves are visiting Mrs. Mary Reeves at Metoalf, ' Medford Pore of Sale City is the guest of W. T. Williame and family. Miss Mary Rrown of Milledgeville and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Barfield of Perry, who were the holiday guests of Miss Jewel Wil lintos, have returned to their homes Mrs. Lizzie Biles of Jackson is the gueat of A. J. Bilea Mrs. Florence Brooks % New York Is here with her brother, . ¥, Hearns berwer, Mrs., Walter Pardon and children of Coverdale are guests of Mrs. D. C. @ravey, Mre. John Sconyers was a recent visitor to Mrs. Warren lauke at Inaha. Mr. and Mrs, Bdwin Smith and children have returned from a visit to relatives at Marietta. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Stump, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Smith, have returned to their homes at Valdesta, Miss Kate McDowell of Jacksonville, Fla., is the guest of Mrs. Etla Rogers. Mrs. Ana Sh:rpord Meeks of Clements was & recent visitor to Mrs. W, R, Smith Wedding of e ( Inferest in LEBANY.—Perhaps the principal event of the winter season in Albany was the marriage Tuesday evening at St. {Paul's Episcopal Chureh of Miss Julia Dae. (vis Pace to Walter Holton Burt. The jwedding was solemnized at 6:30 o'clock ‘and was one of the most beautiful ever (#een i that® historic church. Miss Louise | Pearce played an organ concert while the |Kuests were arriving. Just before the wedding party entered the cholr of SBt PPaul's Chureh progeeded up the main alsle | #“inging the bridal chorus. ‘The bridal "party entered to the strdins of Mendels sohn's wedding march. The ushers and | Eroomsmen entered in couples, taking their ' Mtations alterumtely to the right and left lof the chancel entrance, The wero | Messrs, Y. G, Hliieman, W, W, l‘ca Jr., Morton Turner of Quitman; J. D, Weston 'Jr., Hollis Lanier, 8. R. Lippitt, Martin Cowart of Arlington and Dr, & L. Grace. ;Nnxt cafme the bridesmaids, Misses Marie Whitehead, Carl Pinkston of Montgomery, | Miss Rileen Pope and Miriam Jones. The matron of honor, Mre. W. W, Pace Jr, | came next aud then the maid of honor, | | Miss Mary Pace, a sister of the bride, | Next followed the flower girl, little Miss Anita Champion, who strewed rose petals in the path of the bhride, who entered with | her father, W. W. Pace. At the same time the groom appeared at the door of the vestry room with his best man, Rembert Marshall of Nashville, Tenn. The cercs mony was performed by the Rev. John ‘Moore Walker and the wedding party re- | tired to the strains of Lehengrin's bridal | chorus Immediately after the ceremony there followed at the home of the bride's | parents, Mr. and. Mrs. W. W. Pace, In North Jefferson street, a briliiant recep- | tlon In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Burt. Re- | fculvln( with the bride and groom were Mr. and Mrs. Pace and the bridal party. A buffet luncheeh was served. Mr, and Mrs. Burt left at :06 Tuesday night for a two weeks' trip to Washington, New York and other Eastern points. They will re turn about the middle of January and make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Pace, A beautiful home wedding was that Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, €. Dunham in North Jefferson Atreet of Miss Mildred Hill Williams of At- | lanta, a sister of Mrs, Dunham, to E. A, Burgtorgf' of Cincinnati, the Rev. Lamar.| Sims D, D., pastor of the KFirst Baptist Church, offictating. The two living rooms of the heautifu) Dunham home were thrown together for the ceremony which was performed in front of an improvised altar in the smaller room. Mrs, Henry Lloyd Tallman, who stood with the bride, | was the only attendant. 'The bride wore | a traveling suit of brown velour with hat | and boots to match, and her hou%uet was | pink rose buds. The bridv is a daughter | of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Williams of At | lants, and has spent much of her tlmal in Albany during the last few years with | her sister, Mrs. Dunham. The groom is' a former lieutenant in the air service who | was uu:&onod at SBouther Fleld, near Amerigud. Mr, and Mrs. Burgtorf left |m-] mediately after the ceremony for Louis ville, where they will visit relatives be- ! fore proceeding te Cincinnati te live, and | ‘where Mr. Burgtor! {8 engaged In buui-] ness, Miss Irma Jean Fouche and Thomnl! Wallace Oliver were married Monday even- | ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. ¥. ! Owens, near the city. The Owens hoine was beautiful in its decorations of South ern smilax and ferns. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, Lamar Stms, . D, pastor of the First Baptist Church, who} used the ring ceremorx. The bride is the | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Fouche of | Albany and has endeared herself to a large | circle of friends since coming to this city. The bridegroom is a young business mun' of Jacksonville, who was born and reared in Albany. The young couple left Tuesday morning for Jacksonville to live. Migges Miriam Jones and Marle White head entertained the Pace-Burt wedding party at an informal buffet supper Mon day night at the home of Miss Jones’ par-l ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jones, in Broad | street, immediately after the wedding re- | ‘hgnrul at the KEpiscopal Church. Pink and white in the decorations and the menu \rurnllh-d the color motif of the occasion, the centerplece on the table being a veau- | tiful Italian bogonia with dainty pink blossoms. Three courses were served, the last one heing mouses with individual white cakes on each of which burned a | small pink candle in o tiny pink rose. . Another interesting and elaborate affafr of the week was a dinner party for the! Pace-Burt weddh}f pur!é given Bnturdn’l evening by Miss Eileen Hope at the Kin=| chafoonee Country Club. As the guests en- | tered they were seated at small round | tables, on each of which four red candies burned in silver candlesticks, and minia ture Christmas trees stood in the individual nut containers. About twenty-five guests enjoyed a delightful five-course dinner. | Jesse 1. Weston also entertained with | o dinner party at the Kinchafoonee Coun- | Itry Club Sunday night in henor of the . Pace-Burt wedding party. BSeveral out-of- | ‘town persons were among the thirty | guests, : ! Miss Kleanor Riley entertained about (forty of her young friends at a heart and {lunnn party at the Kinchafoonee Country | IClub ’l‘uesXay evening. Randolph Arm strong won the prize in the contest. Frult 'punch was served. Miss Afnen Davis also entertained a number ¢of her young friends with a party | at the Kinchafoonee Country Club Thurs day wight, l A dance at the Elks' Club Tuesday even ing was an enjoyable social .affair. Amoug | the out-of-town guests were Misses Julia ‘Wherry of Richmond, the guest of Miss Sarah Warrea; Sunleaf Rlade of Griffin, | Carl Pinkston of Montgomery, Clande {Moye of Cuthbert; Messrs. Burton Slade tof Griffin, 1. F. Derringer, Martin Cowart lof Arlington. Robert Sealy of Bdison, | Frank Hand, Tom Twitty, Alton Wil tson and Gorden Hilliard of Pelham, Leon "()rvnn and Frank Perry of Camilla. { Marvin Harper entertained the members {of the graduating class of 1919 in the Al {bany High School at a reunion at his home on Broad strest Tuesday afternoon. At their home in Broad street Monday evening Col and Mrs, W. M. Wilder gave a five-course dinner to the officers of the old Second Georgla Reximent, with whom | Colonel Wilder was formerly associated lin the National Guard. Covers were laid {for ten and the centerpiece on the beau utfully appointed table was a cryvstal bas ket of pink roses, Those present wer Maj James Fomt of Awmericus, Capt. R, O, ( Ellis of Columbusg, Capt. CGarnett Saye, Capt. Stewart Saye and gapt. J. J. West sos Albany, Lieut. Jumé Armstrong of | Camp Pike, Ark., Maj. W. W. Wilkinson of Bainbridge, Chaplain Lamar Sims of Albany, all eof whom were with the American expeditionary forces except Chaplain BSims, who was prevented by physical delects, . The regular business session of the Al bany Woman's Club was held at the club rooms in the Mgnicipal Auditorium Thurs- {day afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Willingham and her mother, Mrs. B. J, Willingham of Rich mond, who have been visiting the family of »\r. and Mrs, R. H, Ferrell, left Mon | day Yo spend some time in Florida bdefore |r-~mrn|ng to Richmond. | M. and Mrs. Gordon E. Reynolds ware charming host and hostess at the Kincha | foonee Country Club Monday night when | they entertained the Evening Bridge Ciub lat ite weekly meeting. ‘Tables were ar -Irnn[ed for twenty couples and an ele gant course dinner was served before the ;plny!ng hegan. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. . W. Rawson, Mrs. . H. Faulkner, ‘Mra. P. H. Jones and Miss Stella Brown of Viola, Tenn, Mrs. Reynolds' guest, | Among the other out-of-town guests waro Mre. J. Kinard and Miss LeVane of At '\nnu and Hugh Hasting of McMinnville, Tenn, ! Mrs. "H. F. Paddison of Mount Airy, N. {C., s visiting her father, H. W, Johnson, and other rélatives here. Capt. and Mrs. Efimund Wright, who linve been visiting Mrs. Wright's mother, Mre. K. Pate, during the holidays, have returned to their honie at Milledgevilie, Miss Alice Way of Moultrie is the at tractive guest of Miss )x?.mrm- Smith. i Mr. and Mrs. Gwinn N. Pope spent seve eral days of this week with Mrs. Pope's parents at Troy, Ala, Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Dunham left Sat urday night to spend several weeks in | New York City. . - Cummings Notes RS, JOHN HOCKENHULL and Mrs, Emory Lipscomb entertained at a leap year ‘mrly Wednesiay night, at the home of Mrs. Hoekenhull in honor of their nieces, Misases Katherine and An toinette Merritte of Gainesviile. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hope had for their Sunday guests Mr. and Mra Tridb Rhiriley, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brannon of Alpharetta and Wil Cobb of Gainesville. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Vaughn of Roswell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groover of Atlanta and Walter Groover of Nashville, Tenn,, were' the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. J Uroover, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Green Roberts have moved to their new home in Cor dele. Misses Clara and Kathicen Rrown en tertained informally for the younger set Saturday evening. Miss Genie Nitchel\wf Atlanta is the guest of Miss Fannie HMarrison. i Sibl | Mrs. Sibley IS I Dinner , REENSBORO.—One of the loveliest | of the informal Christmas (mhar\vgu ! was the dinner on Friday evening |glven by Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Willis in {onior of Judge and Mrs. Samuel H. Bib lley, Those invited were Mrs. Herman I(Hmler. Miss Amy Geissler, Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Rudolph Gelssler, Theodore Geissler, Judge and Mrs. 8. H. Bibley of Union Point and ;Clyde and Florence Willis, { Amnother compliment to Mrs. Samuel H. i Bibley was the luncheon at which Mrs. Noel Park entertained Monday. Covers ‘w«sre lald for nine. Those present were i Mra. R. L. Caldwell, Mrs. John Tucker, ' Mrs. Joseph Faust, Mrs. Thurston. Crawe |ford, Mrs. Zeno Fitzpatrick of Madisen, ' Mrs, Miles Lewis, Mrs. Elizabeth' Polk: | An enjoyable affair of Wednesday was | the luncheon at which Mrs. E, H. Armot wag hostess. Those present were Mrs. J, 'W. Evang, Mrs. Noel Park, Mrs. James ' Baynes, Mrs. N. C. Wells, Mrs. Joseph Fuust, Mrs. Thurston Crawford and Mrs. l.\“lus Lewia, . _Among the New Year's gatherings was the dinner of Dr. and Mrs, Hill Lewis in honor of Miss Emogene Hill, Mrs. Bell 'King of Washington and Miss Nona Pope of Florida. Those present were Judfe 'H. G. Lewls, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lewls, Mr. and Mrs, Miles Lewis, Misses Lellie and Margaret Lewis, Lloyd Lewis, Charles and Hal Lewis, Kugene Lewis, James Gra ham and Hill Lewis Jr. . Misses Marie and Julia Wright were joint hostesses Christmas night at a dance, ' About fifty of the younger set participated. ~ Col. Walter Boswell of Washington s the”guusz of his mother, Mrs. Joseph Bos - well, ~ Mrs. Bell King and Miss Emogene Hill of Washington and Miss Nona Pope of Florida are.guests of Judge A. G. Lewis. ‘h Dr. Linton Bethea is visiting relatives are, Mrs. Herman Geissler and Miss Amy Gelssler are spending several days in At lanta. Miss Janet Liddell came down from At lanta and visited the Rev. and Mrs. M. . _Tiddell for the holidays. Mrs, J. B. Park réturned Monday from 2 visit to her daughter, Mrs. Henry Har ris, in Bparta. An interesting event of the holidays was the marriage of Miss Lily Lewis and Fay ctte Taylor, Misses Celeste and Marion Park, Kyle Smith and Louls Robinson attended the Nlew Year dance in Madison Thursday night. Miss Louise Wright has returned from Madison, Mr. and Mrs, Edward I. Lewis enter tained at a family dinner party Wednes day, their guests includipg Dr. and Mrs, Hill Lewis, Judge H. G." Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Lewis, Misses Lillie nn%}nr garet Lewis, Lloyd Lewis, Charlie 'wis, Hal Lewis, Eugene Lewis, Misses Emo gene Hill, Mrs. Bell King and Miss Nona Pope. Miss Kate Thompson of Atlanta is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Park and will be honoree at a large rook party at which Mrs. Noel Park will entertain for the younger set. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bhipley and Isa helle Shipley, Col. and Mrs. Joseph Faust have returned from Lexington whers they spent the holidaye with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. John Tucker are at home after a visit to the former's parents in Conyers, X b ' ! Cordele Notes | , ISSES FRANK AND IDA MARSH | | gave an informal dance Tuesday | evening for their guest, Miss Mary Alice Lingo of Americus, ! The second of a series of deiightful | dances was given Kriday evening at the Suwanee Hotel. A number of visitors at~ tended. | Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Clark gave a 6 | o’'clock dinner Saturday evoning for their | lguen, Miss Nell Bmalling of ){ucon‘ Cov ers were laid for Mliss Smalling, John P, Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Felton Smith gand Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Aikins gave & din ner ChMstmas Day. Their gueets wore members of the immediate family and in cluded Mrs. Louise Needham, Miss Tallu lah Atkins, Mrmxng, Mr. and Mrs, W. B, | Paris and Miss prgaret Neadham. ! “ Misses Martha Llpg. Annelyn Smith, Mary and Margaret ulloch of Waesleyan spent the holidays in Cordels with home i folks. A . | Miss Pansy Gamble js visiting her pare f ents dn I.‘o‘""ll)“s.‘}' i YAS & "‘ n | Mrs. Willis Shipp and little daughter | | are guests of Mrs. (. C. Persons-in Fitze gerald. : ‘ Miss Gladys Richard of Marshallville ‘*'\ts been the guest of Mrs. W. F. Mark ert. | Miases Frank and Ida Marsh have re-l iturned from a visit to Jacksonville. { | Mr. and_ Mrs. Bonner Brown and little "daughter, Mary of Savannah were guests {of relatives here during the hoiidays. | 1 { Miss Mary Allee’ Lingo of Amer{cus is | the guest of Misses Frank and Ida Marsh. { Mr. and Mrs. 4. T. Christian and little daughter, Marigene, visited relatives In Eiberton the past week. { Mr. and Mrs. E. ¥. Ort and children left the past week for Moultrie, where they will reside, ‘ Among college girls who spent the holi days at home were Misses Frederica Boat- I right and Emma Maddox of Brenau, Elsie iwilliams. Alice Whipple, Ruth Scandrett, | Faustelle Willlams, Thelma Cook and Eva Boniske of Agnes Scott, Bobbie Barwick, Grace Williams, ‘;m Strozier, Anna Cal houn, Dailas Eitgherger and Gladys Cun- Iningham of G. N. 1. €., Alene Feun, Eve ilyn Roebuck, Nell Denham and Bonnie Williamaon of HBessie Tift, Jane Howell, Louise Blade and Audrey Dekle of Shorter, and Lillian Cannon of Fairmont, Wash (ington, D, C. , Mr., and Mrs. K. ¥. Tison have returned | from a vigit to relatives in Montgomery, Ala. ! Mrs. E. E. Cox of Camilla and Mrs, Ruby Pitts of Winder are visiting their mother, Mra, D, A, Pitts. Mr. and’ Mrs. Willie Sheppard of Fitz ! erald have been the uest sos Mrs. Fan ‘nie Sheppard. | Mr. and *Mrs. W. H. Burson of Macon | are guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Glisson. | Mrs. Mattie Jefferson of Columbus is | the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. A. Pitts, Mrs. M. J. Fielder has returned from a o ‘to Derwson and Griffin, Mrs. Hector Camerson and little daugh ter of Jacksonville are wuésts of her mother; Mrs. Fannie Hyde, and sister, Mrs, J. T. Jones, i Capt. and Mrs. J. K. Jemison of Fort ! Howard, near Baltimo.e, Md,, are guests {of Mr. and Mrs, O, M. Heard, | Mrs. V. O. Marshburn and Joseph D. | Marshburn of Barnesville are guests of er. and Mrs. O. M. Heard, | Mrs. Charles Munnerlyn and little son jof “’ni'crosa are guests of Judge and Mrs. J. P. Hughes. Mra. George Oliver and children of Americus were guests Sunday of Mrs. W. H. Cunningham. Miss Frances Winfree hes returned from a visit to her mother at Hamilton. | Mrs Allen Johnson of Dle Bota {8 the | guest of her mother, Mrs. J, B. Scott. { Mrs. Allen Johnson of De Sota is the !gnut of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Scott. | Littia Miss Ella Wesley Elliott is visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 1 Start. ' | Miss Juliag Powell of Griffin arrived | Monday {or%\ visit to Miss Martha Lifsey. Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Cleveland entertained 'at dinper Saturday in honesr of Ed Ragan, Mr. send Mrs. J. 8. Lewrey and Mr. and { Mrs. John Lowrey Jr. of Dawson moto ed to Cordele Sunday and were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. McKenzie. | Mrs J. K. Crabb, Miss Annabel Crabb ;and Raey Crabb have returned to their | home at Americus after a visit to Mrs. | Duffee Grimsley. ] Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Holder of West Point {are guests of relatives here. | Mrs. Cloyd Watson of Ashburn was 3 ‘i\'iaitor in Cordele Saturday, ‘ Dr. and Mrs, L. C. Fisher and Mrs. H. K. Fisher are gueésis for the week end of Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Diffee, en route to | Florida and Cl\h&. b T | Mrs. J. N. King and son John N. Jr. | of Rochelle were guests for the week end lof Mrs. J. 8 McKenzie and family. | Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Harter have returned from a visit to Macon. | Mr. and Mre. J. 8, Comer have returned lfrom Macon where the?r spent Christmas with their dnugmer, Mrs. Hope Roberts, Mra. N. Maddox and san, Glynwood of ‘Er\mnton are guests of Mrs. J. A, Lasse ter. | Mflss Cassle Yeomaus of Lyons s th i guest of Misses Josie and Bonnie Wil ! liamson. l Mrs. D. L. Smith and little daughter, | Pheresa of Cuthhert are guests of Mr. {and Mre D. 8 Williamson ¢ Mrs. B. R. Parker of Atlanta and sou | Fred Cutts are guests of relatives and ffrionds in the city. { Judge and Mrs. D. M. Clarke of Jesup are the guests of their sister-in-law, Mrs. !M. B. Clarke. - | Miss Nell Smaliing of Macon is the wq'tst of her sister, Mrs. . M. Clark. 4 Miss Corinne Little of Douglas was the recent guest as Misses Anna and Mary Bell {Clark, : wir. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson, Mr. and ‘Mrs. L. A. Parker, Miss Mary Parker, L. A. ~ Parker Jr.,, 8. J. Hil and Miss Evelyn Hill .foermed a party enjoying aa outing at Miss Bradley i Gives binner ARROLLTON.—Friday evening, Miss Olive Bradley gave a dinner at her home in Depot street. Covers were placed for Misses Mildred Camp, Marguer ite Adams, Busie Tannes Olive Bradley; Mepsrs. Bill Horton, Bill Lovvorn, Charles Prodnax, Roy PBass, Herschel Harris amli Dr. Harry Bledsoe. Miss. Bradley was as sisted in entertaining by her mother, Mrs.! J. T. Bradley. Thursday evening the younger pet gave a dance at the Clifton Hotel. Those danc ng were Misses Sarah Gray, Corine Bass, Dixie Reeves, Mildred Camp, Ellen Hunt of Barnesville; Messrs, Dwight McCain, Robby Vaughn, Horace Stewart, Bill Lov vorn, Marion Brodnax, Hollis Gray Jr.,l Sam Boykin, John Tanner. : Mr, and Mrs. Grady Cole gave a dinner | Friday evening. The guests were Misses Lois Brasweli,, Belva Cole, Vannie Philips; Messrs. June Dowling, Arthur Atkin and Dr. Hulett Askew, v Miss Cecil Cramer gave a dinner Thurs day evening. Covers were placed for . Misges Nell Hale, Reba Garrett, Cecil Cru mer, and Messrs. Selby Cramer, E. J. Cav-‘ endar and R, L. Cowart of La Grange. | Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Upchurch gave a dinner Monday at their home In Newnan street. Those invited were Mrs. W. G. Williams of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Summerville of Chattancoga, Miss Dovie | Claud Willlams of Atlanta, and Miss Eu nice Upchurch, Thursday, Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Ll‘km‘ gave a dinner. ‘Those present were alrs. 3. J. Boykin, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Shae fer, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Herndon, Mr. nnd“ Mrs. 8. C. Boykin, Sam Bo{‘kln, Jes siec Boykin of La Grange, Miss Elizabeth ‘:,.uyxm. Caroline Boykin and Luta Hemw‘ on. i Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bradley gave a dinner. Covers were placed for Mr, and Mrs, B, F. Boykin, C, C. McClain of Atlanta, Dwight McClain, Mrs. Marie Brad_ ley Vaughn and Miss Caroline Boykin. | Misses Marguerite Adams and Ciare Hol derness, and Messrs. Bill Levvorn and Herschel Harris went to Newnan Friday to attend a dinner dance given by Carl Boone ‘ and later attended the Tech-Newnan ball game, Harry Moore left Tuesday for Newport, R. 1. Before returning he will go to Bos ton, New York and Philadeiphia. - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dobbs of Atllnlsl spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, E, M. Bass. + Dr. and Mrs. Charles Baskin of Temple sl;mnt Thursday with Mr and Mrs. Ed Bas kin. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tanner, C. M. Jr.,, Katharine and James motored to Auanta‘ Thursday, returning Friday. l Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Heaton had as their guests Tuesday at dinner m and Mrs.] Kugene Tanner of Asheville,”N. C.; J. G. Tanner and Misses Mary, Emmie, Beulah | and Annie Tanner, Mr., and Mrs. R, F. Hyatt entertained Sunday the following guests at a lovely dinner: Mrs. Warren Meadows, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Campbeil, Miss Nell Meadows, Sarah Camplell and Beverly Campbell. Mrs. Wiley Creel entertained at a forty two party Thursday in honor of her guests, Mesdames J. D. Walker, H. H. Ware of | Hogansville, Marion Camp of Atlanta, Mlss; Mozelle Reed of Hogansville. Besides the guests of honor, those present were' Mesdames Eli Colclough, R. A, JollJ', B. M. Long, B. F. Boykin, H. F, Goodwin, K. M. ass, 8. J. Boykin, O. E. Bmith, J. C. | Loftin, A. K. Snead, Ernest SBnead, C. E. | Roop, k.. M. Turner, A. O. Hale. After a number of games & sweet course was served. ’ Miss Lydle Tanner was hostess at & lovely 6 o'clock dinner Tuesday evening. Covers were laid for Misses Lucy Stone, Loyce Smith, Estelle Bass, Laura hytle,l Corinne Bass, Aline Corry of Barnesville, | Sarah Gray; Messrs, Keffer Snead, Guy Cheney, George Sewell of Atlanta, Marion Brodnax. 4 sis. R. A. Jolly entertained Friday | afternoon at a domino party in honor of the guests of Mrs. Wiley Creel, Mesd&mel,} J. D, Walker, H. H. Ware of Hogansville, Mrs. Marion Camp of Atlanta, Besides the guests of honor those present ‘were Mn-‘ \El,amel B. F. Boykin, E. C, Bass and E. M, ass., : Miss Katie Lou Thomasson entertained at a dinner for little Miss Sarah Katharine Campbell Wednesday., Those invited were Misses Carolyn Boykin, Celeste Long, Vir ginia-Cooper, Mildred Foldsg, Mary askin, Mmary Alice Lassiter, Bevery Campbell, Mary Watkins, The table was lovely with {n small Christmas tree for a centerpiece, savers and pmce cards. After dinner the children enjoyed a theater party. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baskin gave a Christ mas dinner Thursday evening for all the emplo{ees of A. J. Baskin & Co. -Covers were jald for twenty-five. ! _Mr. and 'Mrs, J. C. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs J. T. Thomasson left Sunday for their home in La Grange, after spending the holidays here the guests of J. J. Thomas son. | Miss Lucy Cobb ' & prom party ]Mondny evening., hose present were Misses Blanch Cooper, Clarice Turner. ' Mary Tanner, Elizabeth Boykin, Charlcie Holmes, Louise Veal, Mirlam Stone, Mae | Buckett, Mabel Adeholt, Thelma Bonner, Tewell Walker, Milton Smith, Jets Brock, Lewis Connell, Carl Stevens, Edward Dodd, Mallory Carlisle, Luther Hamon, Frank Cobb, Lewis Cobb, Jullan Lovvern, John Tanner, Stanley McClain, Wilmer Huff. Miss Katie I.ou Thomasson was hostess at a dinner Thursday for Mr. and Mrs, {J. T. Thomasson of La Grange, whose |mu‘rlaze was an interesting event of this ! month. The guests inyited were Mr. and { Mrs. J. C. Thomas of La Grange, Mr. and [Mrs. W. 8. Campbell, Dr, and Mrs. E. W. Thomasson of Edwardsville, and J. ¥. | Thomasson. | . A number of xmi and boys of the va | rious colleges a home for the vacation. Among those are: Misses Agnes Adams, y Liydia Tanner of Wesleyvan, Anice Whatley, Loyce Smith of G. N. and 1., Clare Snead, Nell Cpbb, Ruth Bmith, Eunice Johnson of Bessie Tlfti Messrs, Kiefer Snead, Holland | Melson of Clemson, Herschel Harris, Frank Cooper, Bill Lovvorn, Hollis Gray of Tech, ' Sam Boykin, Irving Hamrick, Luther Har ‘mon of QGeorgia, Lewis and Frank Cobb, | Lewis Connell, Carl Stevens, Harvey Jack | son of Locust Grove, John Tanner and Jeff Brock of G. M. A. Dr. A. J. Cavendar left Friday for Ce dartown, after spending several days with his son, E. J. Cavendar. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hale and little son I:\nd Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Hale of Atlanta jare the guests of Rev. and Mrs, W. H. Misses Sarah Gray, Corinne Bass, Ellen Hunt; Messrs. Hollis Gray Jr., Sam Boykin and Frank Fuller of Culloden motored to Newnan ‘Friday night to the dance. Todd Baskin of Ban Anatonio, Texds, was the guest of his brother, Ed Baskin, this week., Mre. Robert Fitts Jr. and baby of Rouse, N. Y, are the guests of R. H. Fitts, Miss Winnie Astin left Monday for Co lumbla, 8. C., after spending the holidays with her parenta. Measrs. J. B. and Kramer Brednax of Birmingham speut Christmnas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Drodnax. ‘Misser Ruth and Genelle Spence of New uan spent the week end with Mrs. 8. J. Boykin, Miss Helen Hunt has returned to her honie in Barnesville, after a visit to Miss Sarah Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hamrick of At lanta announce the birth of a son, Decem ber 21. Mrs. Hamrick will be remembered a 8 Miss Pauline Holmes of Carrollton. Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Bass entertained at a {amily dinner Thursday, Covers were laid for thirty, Dr, Jack Sims of Birmingham s visiting his s:rter, Mrs. Emma Robinson, Otis Dial of Camp Jesup is the guest of his father, J. B. PP Dial. Mis., Angle 81mon{rn of Atianta is the gutst of Ner sister, Mra. Ce* Boykin. Lr. Lloyd Aycock of New® York is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary Aycock. Miss Bernice Acklin of Atlanta was a nf-‘uu end visitor to her father, John Ack n. Mrs. Bartow Smith and little son of At lanta are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Movreli, s Mr and Mrs. Frank Moncrief and chil dren of llouston, Texas, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Merrell, G e — Tifton Notes. HE maorriage of Miss Mary Emily Pape and Jo Fraiik Noesmith on the the evening of December 22, at the home of the bride's brother and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Bowen, was one of the most beautiful evants of the season. Miss Josle Golden was maid of henor and Mieses Katle Ruth Pickett, Phosa Dur den and Bessie Nesmith, were bridesmaids. Perry McCrante, Albert Pope and Waiter Stevens were groomsmen, and Mr. Carden of Atlanta was best man. Sara Julia Bowen and Berma Baker were flower girls, ‘The dfesses of the bride and her attend ants were in pastel shades, white for the bride, and green, yellow, lavender, blue and pink for the maids. A A A AA AP Newport Springs, Fla., the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shipp and baby of Macen arée guests of Mrs. C. Y. Shipp. Miss Juanita Reid has returned from a rigit to Florida. Miss Laura Morgan of Americus is the guest of Miss Borisclare Kiker. Mrs. Perry Clegg and little son have returned from a visit to relativegy in Americus. Officers HOMASVILLE.—The dance given Wednesday night by the Glen Arven Country Club was the annual social event for bidding farewell to the old year and ushering in the New Year. A num ber of out-of-town guests were present. An interesting social event of the holi day season here was the entertainment given Friday afternoon by Mrs. John B. White, in compliment to Mrs. G. R. Coch ran of Boston, a recent bride. A number of guests were present, among those from out of town being Mrs. G. R. Cochran, Mrs. Bamuel Mclntosh and Mrs. Roy Ram seur, Boston, Mrs. C. Van Bergen, Monti= cello, Fla., Mrs. Trinka, Chicago, Mre. Jameg B. White, Tuisa, 0k1a.,, Miss Annie Jones, Paducah, Ky. The Twentieth Century Club of Boston held the last meeting of the old year with Mrs. 8. W. Hrooks, who was hosteas for the occadion. The officers elected to gerve for the coming club year were, Mrs. G. H. Turner, president; Mrs. 8. W. Brooks, first vice president; Mrs. T. N. Bussey, second vice president; Mrs. Sam Cook, re cording secretary; Mrs. O. T. Hopper, cor responding secretary; Mrs. D. F. Horn, treasurer. The retiring president, Mrs. J. w. Paramore, gave an interesting address on the wok that had been accomplished by the club and some of the things for which it stood. This club is one of the most active and pro gressive organizations -of women in South Georgia, Miss Mildred Fleetwood left last week for Des Moines, la., where she goes as a delegate to represent the Georgia Normal and Industrial College at Milledgeville at the Y. W, C. A. Convention at Des Moines Miss Margie Burke has returned to Ma con after spending the holidays with Miss Lucy Lester at her home here, Miss. Malvina Mitchsll, Miss Ethel Coch ran and Miss Alice May Norton have been the guests for the week of Mrs. Byron Bages in Camilla. Miss Martha Smith of Wayneshoro, Va., has been the guest for the holidays of Miss Ethel Evans. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert T, Wallace and Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. J. 8. Denham have returned to Dothan, Ala., after spending a short time with relatives here” Miss Hazel Beamer . has returned te Bchool in New Orleans after spending the holidays at home, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert ¥awthorne of Ma con have been the guests for the holidays of Mrs. James Hawthorne, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balfour and Frank Balfour Jr. of Stateshoro have been gpend ing the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Balfour. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fleetwood and chii dren have returned to Cartersville after spending the holidays with relatives here, Mrs. 8. H. Everett and children of Ma con are the guests of Mrs. Eeverett's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Smith. Mr., and Mrs. W. H. Bage of Alhany, N. Y., are expected this week to occupy their winter home, Boxhall vplantation. They will be accompanied by their daugh ter, Mrs. White of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. Willlams of Cornell University. Mrs. Jay C. Morse of Cleveland, Ohio, has arrived for the season and is occupy=- ing her winter home, near town. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Disston and fam ily of Philadelphia have arrived and will ;mend the season at their wintér home lere. Charles H. Starkwea‘her and family es New York have arrived and are occupying the Crozier cottage “or the season. Mrs. Taylor Mitchell and Miss Ellen T.i'- 1y have been *‘ne guests of Mrs. Byron Bags at Camilla. 5 Mrs. €. L. Jones, Miss Jones and Miss Beth Carpentie of Valdesta w:ra the guests alst week of Mrs. A. E. Bullard and Miss Eleanor Smith. Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Binion left last woeek for Palm Beach where they will spend the Henson. Dr. and Mre. H. C. Nelson of Bostn are spending the season in Thomasvilla, ~ Mra. Oscar Linten and Miss Gene Jaton of Monticello, Fla., were visitors to Ihowmne asgville last week. ARMY OVERCOATS DYED ' Black, Blue or Brown _ Price $4.00 Makes a Splendid Civilian Coat for Littie Money. SOUTHERN DYE WORKS 38 N. FORSYTH S"t‘;;:e:vv;eezgzg 0. and City Hall BUSINESS MEN'S PENSION POLICY $1,000.00 payable for accidental death, loss of two limbs or both eyes}.";: SIOO.OO monthly, payable FOUR YEARS, for any ACCIDENT causing i total disability; ene-fourth the amount as long as insured lives and con tinues totally disabled. “ SIOO.OO monthly, payable ONE YEAR, for any ILLNESS CAUSINGL:’; house confinement; one-fourth the amount as long as insured lives and continues totally confined to the house. e S32—THIRTY TWO DCLLARS per year—s 32 /Thi: rate applies to office men between the ages of 18 and 50. Larger g or smaller policies at proportionate rates. Rates quoted on all occupations upon request. -w ARCH M. CONWAY, General Agent e 1015 Mealey Building. Phone |, 734%. v A Pleasant, Profitable and Systematic Way to Save Your Surplus Earnings in the Year 1920 Are you satisfied with the disposition you made of your earnings during the twelve months just passed? The average persen finds it difficult to save his surplus earnings unless he has a definite and sys tematic method of investing a certain amount reg ularly. You probably know that diamonds are gilt edge investments. The best quality increased over 200 per cent in the last ten years. All indications point to a still greater increase from now on. Our deferred payment plan gives you an ideal method of investing your money. It is a pleasant and profitable way to acquire the habit of saving. Selections sent on approval—all charges paid whether you purchase or not, Write for booklet, ““Facts About Diamonds,”’ and illustrated eatalogue for 1920. . Maier & Berkele, Inc. DIAMOND MERCHANTS 31 WHITEHALL ST. j Established 18K7 . . Social Circle Notes HE largest affair of the week was the _ New Year's party, at which Mrs. L. falcolm entertained for her daughtersy, Misses Sue Elizabeth and Mary Kate Mal colm, on New Year's Eve. About twenty five couples were present. Miss Ruby Avret was hostess at a pridge luncheon Tuesday in honor of the members of the season’s Debutante Club. The guests were Misses Sara Emma Herndon, _ Bue, Blizabeth and Mary Kate AMalcolm, Emily Upshaw, Nell Upshaw, Minnelle Rogers, Katie Knight, Alma Willis, Lillian Conner, Hattie Mae Brown, Annie Sue Banks and Mesdames Guy Pledger and Jack Stephen son. ~ \ - The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club met last week with Mrs. Will Kirkpatrick. Mrs. L. I, Lamar and children of Way croes returred Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Stewart of West .« Point spent Christmas with Mrs. Mrs. Stew art’s patents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Stanton. Miss Mary Kate Gresham has returned home after a visit to Miss Mary Sockwell in Covington, - Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell entertained : at qinner Tuesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs., Grant Mitchell of Thomasville. Mrs H. H. Harris and little daughter, liathryn, spent Christma with Mrs. 1s A Malectm, ! Mies Heien Cox of Monroe {8 the guest of = Miss Sara Emma Herndon. Mr. and Mrs. B S. Herndon and family spent Sunday in Covington. - Miss Martha Stanton was the week end - guest of Miss Ora Upshaw in Covington. : Mrs. Wirt Joanson of Atlanta and Cecil s and Albert Johnson spent the week end with Mrs. Willie Cook. s Mre. Walter Wiley had as her guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Speer, Miss Marian Speer, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Raney, '~ Mr and Mrs. Sam Smith, all of Atlanta, Mrs. P, 1. Dixon of Thomasville, and Rob ert Speer of Chattanooga. : Miss Mary Stephenson of Athens and _ Miss Elizabeth Stephenson of Commerce & are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. M. E. Gunter. Mrs. R. L. Cook entertained at dinmer,. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mays and Mrs. Char lie Miller will leave soon for an extended visit to Florida. = “'\‘.\N N P :.‘ v @’ .“ ) T,‘ R & ®N i“’ = ) P ~ A ‘ e, & KAW Face Massage Is Not Only a Luxury But . Often a Necessity The pores of the skin become clogged with unseen dirt that can not be eradicated only by the use of hot towels, application of our famous Lemon Whitening Cream, and if the tissues need rebuild ing. We use only Clayton’'s own make of building cream and the muscles are greatly benefited and strengthened by the operator’s soothing manipulations. Our mas sage Chairs are the best made and very restful. No advance in prices, 1 The S. A. Clayton Co. | Atlanta’'s largest Halr Dressing, ‘ Manicuring and Chiroprody Store. 18 East Hunter,, Main 201, !