Newspaper Page Text
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN s o 0 " A Clean Newspaper for Southern icmes o FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920.
POLLY AND HER PALS e T e : Delicia’s Suggestion Insures the Success of the Flea Ci
2 | Gurßst A HEA (RCUS” HAD OUEHTTA SURE' BOT ITs GotIA Bt Soviimud’) [l ome TTHaR OF IT, | GUESS ey )sey || TTrers : ¢
D [HAE_MUSIC ehTh (T, i. o APPROTRIATE, PoLLY! eAT adluia EXACLY WRCTE IS, Asn 0\ || | TLEE AS A BRD. | b
i { ’ REAT 6USS" ¢\ N e STAMCE !
) ’B-/—Eu?tRS A SOM%VHM}.G. ®OT KisDA MUSIC |} R 4 FUEA GROUS ] Fflz |$ 2
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Skpper Meeting Planned.
. * §fThe Business Woman's Ledgue
the First Methodist Church wiil
et at the church Friday evening.
s%upper will be served at 6:45.
i f*¥¢mbers and business womeén of
" theé church are urged to be present.
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Here's AN “-,“ M Charm
a ‘”X@ F'g g
Thrill ‘ j-,%,'fif,‘\ { r Easter
for YV~ - U Hats
Every e i a
Woman ié? Sale
~© of beautiful
at a uniform |
reduction of A off
Beginning Friday, 9 A. M.
—An unheard-of event, we'll admit—Millinery in
_a sale at the height of the season—but here’s the
* reason. Our elevator isn't completed—interminable
delay, broken promises, disappointment, and all that -
sort of thing. So, to compensate you for the slight
inconvenience—one flight of easy stairs—every Hat
in stock has been reduced exactly one-third.
—E smart effect—every sash-
Jjonable designer has contributed to
‘the charming collection.
‘~~Take your pick of any Hat—soo in
all—at 1-3 off of prices that ranged
.originally from ‘
359310 335
“hoees o Whitehall KR
Electa Chapter to Meet.
Blecta Chapter No. 6, O. E. 8,
will hold a regular meeting in the
Royal Arch Chapter room of the
Masonic Temple, Cain and Peach
tree streets, at 7:30 p. m.,, March 19.
Miss Faganio Wed
Turer A TlcCorg
The engagement of Miss Sara
Maurice Fagan of Fort Valley to
Turneér Ashby MecCord of Atlanta
has been announced, the wedding
to take place at the country home
of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Daniel Fagan, near Fort
Valley, the evening of April 7.
The bride is a graduate of Wes
leyan Collegé and a member of the
Phi Mu Sorority. The bridegroom
to-be is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Y.
McCord of Ponce de Leon avenue.
He attended Emory University and
is a member of the Phi Delta Theta
A number of Atlantans will at
tend the wedding. A party of Ma
con guests will be present. The
ceremony will be performed by the
Rev. William Quillian and the
bride’s father will give her away.
|. ‘ |
Mr. and Mrs. Straiton Hard re
turned Thursday from a short stay
in Monroe.
Miss Augusta Streyer and her
father, J. A. Streyer, have returned
to their home in Macon after a
short stay in Atlanta.
Miss Marjory Weldon is wvisiting
in Elberton. .
Mrs. Robert Warwick has re
turned from a visit to-her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James' T. Lowry, in
Cleveland, Ohio.
Mrs. Howard Conway and Mas
ter Howard Conway Jr. expect to
spent April with Mrs. Conway's
parents in Charlotte, N. C.
Mrs. Jack Pappenheimer has re
turned from Florida, where she re
cuperated from influenza.
Mis§ Katherine Whitfield of
Montgomery is here on her way to
Macon to visit Mrs. Joe Mathews.
Mrs. Philip Simimons of St. Louis
who has been with her grandpa
rents, Judge and Mrs. W. H. Fish,
wert to Macon for the marriage of
Miss Martha Shorter Hamilton of
Rome to Chester Alvin Stephens
of Chattanooga Wednesday evening
at the home of the bride's sister,
Mrs. Asher Ayres. 7
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allen are ex-.
pected home from Florida Satur- J
Mrs. Glenn Preston Chrissman of
Detroit is the guest of Mrs. William
H. Scott in Peachtwee place.
Mrs. John D. Little has returned
from Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. King have '
moved into their apartment, 74
West Eleventh street.
Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Swann and’
Mry and® Mrs. E. W. Roberts of
Monroe, Ga., are at the Ansley. °
Mrs. R. F. Smith and Mirs Gladys
Smith of Easlrgy, S, C, are at the
Hotel Ansley.
Rafi de Bruler of Macon lis
among the guests at the Ansley.
Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart; dean of
Harvard University, is a guest at,
the Ansley. €
Miss Caroline Shivers is confined
eb o sooit s A
' All styles, sizes and finishes.:
' Goodhart-Tompkins' Co.
Victrola Headqgunarters, |
72 N. Brng st. v
E Pv‘ | '
L V t.k :
, i 3
A business man's wife could not,
gew or read without sharp pains in
her eyes. For years her eyes were
red and weak. Finally she tried sim
ple witch hazel, camphor, hydrastis,
etc, ag mixed in Lavoptik eye wash,
The result produced by a single bet-’
tle amazed everyone, The witch’
hazel and eamphor soothe and tfe
lieve the inflammation; the hydras
tis and other xngrediJnts have in
vigorating and -&amlsqg:’ic properties.
We guaran a small bottle Lavoptik
to help AN%OC'ASE weak, stta.lnag o
inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup
' Mrs. Thomas Radford Turner of
Macon will be matron of honor and
Miss Anne Audrey Fagan, sister of
thé bride and a Brenau student, will
be maid of honor. The bridesmaids
will include Miss Mary DuPie of
Spartanburg, Miss Mary Brown of
Gainesville, Miss Ruth Houser and
Miss Helen Marshall of Fort Val
Harry McCord of Atlanta will be
his brother's best man and the
groomsmen will be Eldridge Smith
of Dublin, Ralph Barnwell of At
lanta, Paul Warwick of Albany and
James D. Fagan of Fort Valley.
Among the Atlantans who v ' at
tend the wedding are Mr. and Mrs,
H. Y. McCord, Mr. and Mrs. J. B,
*McCord, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc-
Cord, Paul. Warwick, Ralph Barn
well and Harry McCord.
For Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Richards of
New -York, who will arrive Satur
day for a week here with. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Clay Moore at East l.ak?,
will be extensively entertained.
They will be honor guests in .a
party given by Mrs. Moore
Saturday evening at the Pielmont
Driving Club. The party wiil in
clude Mr. and Mrs. Richards, Mr.
‘and Mrs. Ivan Allen, Mr. and Mrs,
W. J| milson, Mr. and Mrs. Julius
- Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. William n.
Barnwell and Mr. and Mrs. Moore,
Among those entertaining next
week for Mr. and Mrs. Richaras
will be Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tilgon and Mr.
and Mrs. Julius Jennings.
Mrs. Righards was Miss Rosa
Codtes of Mobile and has ~ften
visited her sister, Mrs. Moore, in
Atlanta. This visit will be tge first
made here by Mrs. Richards since
her marriage.’ .
History Club to Meet. A
. The Nineteenth Century History
Club will. meet Thursday,:-3:30 p.
m., with the president, Mrs. Bolling
Jones. }
to her home by a slight illness.
Miss Frances Ellis left Thursday
to spend a few days in Griffin with
Mrs. Barnes has returned
from California.
Mrs. John N. McCullough and
daughter, Miss Harriet McCullough,
are visiting friends in San Antonio,
Mrs., J. E. C. Pedder and Mrs.
John Hill are home after visiting
friends and relatives in ILos An
geles, Cal.
*Mrs, John 8. Conroy of East Or
ange, N. J., and Mrs. Eris Powell
of Washington have returned after
a visit to Mrs. John Morris Jr.
. Miss Helen Estes has returned to
her home in. Gainesville after visit
ing ‘Mrs. Charles: Sisson, 7
Mrs, Frederick . Rawlings, who
has been the guest of her parents,
Mr, 'apd Mrs.’ Thomas Hardwick,
at the Georgian Terrace, returns
Thursday to her home in Sanders
Miss Dorothy, Bates will arrive
Friday evening to 'spend the spring
holidays with her -parents, Mr, and
Mrd. 'J. W. Bates, bringing as her
.guest from National Park Semi
nary, in Washington, where she
has been attending school, Miss
Katherine Satterfield ‘of Macon
and Miss Margaret O'Brien. They
will also visit Miss - Sattréfiéld in
Macon during the 'ho!fidayg.
Miss Virginia Stanford has re
covered from the accident in which
she was seriously hurt, and has
returned home.
Mrs. Katherine Weathrshee, sec
retary of the Atlantas Humane So
ciet&{”; has been called to Savannah
by the illhégs ‘of her daughter, Mrs.
J, Kvang Brannan. . .
Miss | ey ' Marion. Adams will
‘have as her guest for the week end,
‘Miss-Ruth.Green.of Savannah, Miss
Greene is coach of the Savannah
buekétb%L team, which will play
"’nli:" X s .. C. A. team Saturday
b R PRI W A Uk
More Negs{of Society
Plan Drive
The Central Committee of Women
Voters will launch a carhpaign for
the 1920 membership during the last
weeks of Marchy All of the ward
leaders have reported the women In
their wards greatly interesied and
ready to undertake (ihe campaign.
Among those who will assist in the
work are: First Ward, Mrs. T. J.
Akridge,- Mrs. Howe; Second ward,
Mrs. J. T. Bradfield and Miss Rhoda
Kaufman; Third Ward, Mrs. C. P,
Ozburn, Mrs. Virgil Estes, Mrs.
Lewis Hutcheson, Mrs, Maude
Raum, Mrs. L. L. Roberts, Mrs.
Fred Hames, Mrs. J. B. Morgan,
Mrs. A. A. Allen, Mrs. T. C. Jerome,
Mrs. L. L. Oslin, Mrs. Caroline
Wood, Mrs. Charles Foster; Fourth
Ward. Mrs. H, A. Wason, Mrs. Al
bert Spalding, Mrs. Andrew Han
sell; Fifth Ward, Mrs. Emma Cow
an, Mrs. J. M. Waites, Mds. C. G.
Ellis; Sixth Ward, Mrs. M. P. Tagg,
Mrs. Weathershy, Mrs, E. W, Char
bonnier, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs, Walter
Bedard; Seventh Ward, Mrs. W. E.
Mansfield:; Eighth Wadd, Mrs. Ed
gar Neely, Mrs. Elliot Cheatham,
Mrs. Haynes Meclfadden. Mrs.
Charles Goodman, Mrs. R. 8. Tur
man, Mrs. J. A. Anderson, Mrs.
Ulric Atkinson; Ninth Ward, Mrs.
Frar.. 3raham, Mrs. J. Carter Cook,
Miss Anna Bennett, Mrs. F. C. Mc-
Connell. Miss Eleanore Raoul, Mrs.
James Hamilton, Mrs. J. H. Gibbs,
Mrs. . H. Naedele, Mrs. Moreland
Sneer, Mrs. J. Hinton Clarke, Mrt
William Rawling, Mrs. Benjaml
Flsas, Mrs. George Pratt; Tenth
Ward. Mrs. C. A. McGinnis, Mrs. A.
. Helmar, Mrs. E. J, Marchman,
Mrs. V. A. McKnight, Mrs. Paul
Beavers, Mrs. Karl Yancey, Mrs.
t 0. C. Cole, Mrs. R. C, Brooks, Mrs.
R. A. McMurry, Mrs. E. E. Davis:
Eleventh Ward, Mrs. W. J. MeWil
liams and Mrs. Ray.
: The League of Women Voters
was organized in January to pro
mote the best interests of the com
munity through the direct influence
- of the ballot. Ten officers from the
city at large and one leader from
each ward were elected to make up
a central or executive committee.
Mrs. Harry P. Hermance was unan
imously elected president.
The April meeting has been set
for 2 p. my April 3, at the Cham
her of Commerce. As the policy for
1 the coming vear will be decided
~ upon_ all womeri who sre interested
} are urged to join during the March
campaign for membershin, so they
| may have a voice in the discussions.
' The membership dues are of three
elasses, 25 cents a year, $1 a year,
or $5. The wards have peen di
vided into districts by the ward
leaders and a captain for each has
been appointed to interview all the
women within the district. So far
the” Third and Ninth wards lead in
paid up memberships,
Four general meetings of the
’ league must be held vearly. To
bridge the gap hetween the election
| anG the April meeting for this year
it was voted that the of
ficers of the old Central
Committee of Women Citizens
(formed to urge the women to reg
ister) would carry on the work of
| the organization until April,
P | “‘ |
Wl N
\ ',," B \v,’ o Ao
\ 1‘ /’;/m:\“}‘\gy( \] b %
\i \ 4 \ |
."1 ‘.J\h\-:l“‘w““ k"
Dainty Garments
Retain their dainti
ness longer when
cleaned by the
From finest silk to heav.-
iest outer garments, there
is but one way to insure
gatisfaction—and that is
the PIEDMONT way.
Main 857-858
ST. Pairicßs
- .
Tea Promising
The St. Patrick’s tea to be given
Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock by
the freshman class of Washington
Seminary at the home of the pres
ident. Miss Isabelle Breitenbucher,
promises to be a brilliant success.
More than 100 tickets have been
sold. The freshmen organized a
chub with philanthropic work as its
specialty, directing its activities to
ward raising money for the work
ing girls’ home philanthropies, and
this entertainment, which will in
clude continuous cabaret features,
will be for the benefit of one of
the homes where business girls can
find safe environment.
The tea will be featured by Irigh
emblems, and every girl assisting in
the entertainment will wear be
coming shamrock aprons and fresh
shamrocks pinned to their blouses.
Tea and sandwiches will be
served along with the program for
25 cents. Ice cream and cake and
home made candies wiii be sold by
,a group of attractive young girls
in costume.
Officers of the freshman class.
are Miss Isabelle Breitenbucher,
president; Miss Rosalind TLunce
ford, vice president; Miss Hester
Bruce, treasurer; Miss Elizabeth
Holleman, secretary, and Miss
Mary Elizabeth Holleman, chair
man of the entertainment commit
tee. In the receiving party will
be the officers of the class, and
the members of the organization
will assist in éntertaining the
guests. :
Eastern Star to Meet,
Oglethorpe Chapter No. 122, Or
der of the Eastern Star, will meet
in the Masoniec Temple, Buckhead,
at 7:30 n, m. March 19. There will
be work in the degrees,
The Question Is---
—Not “how much , '
bread you serve ‘
with your meals,”
but “what kind of ,
bread’” —and, if .
you are particular
about your bread,
, . L
Sl L/ 4.4 44
The Big Loaf—
Big In Quality %
And Big In Weight
Your Grocer Will :
Deliver It — Fresh ISC
From the Ovens .
American Bakeries Company
.2‘. %n: %
.. ‘," ’
i - Afi -
'}u‘ \\W if i :
Ue ¥ -
d The New Millinery
Ideas o’ the Season
Trimmed and
Models— A
Specially Priced '
b e Friday and Saturday
Neeagg oo |
Trimmed =y
. .
~ Models, =\ :
$7.50 up R
Untrimmed »' Cialy
S3OO up 3Ay @ —
Rosenbaum’s 1
Successors to Kutz e
38 :': : Whitehall