Newspaper Page Text
“The Source of Supply Is the
Reason Why”’ Another Wat
A double-header this time—
combinéd to make things boom
Corner Pryor and Decatur Sts.
The Onlérmch Store in Atlanta.
All gains From Every
Known Source. |
99 c |
and $1.99 ‘
Read the list below. Carefully
pote items and then come andi
‘‘get them'” exactly |
The Great ‘“Truth’’ Wins the
Confidence of Successful, Care
ful Knowing Buyers.
Ladies elegant SILK HOSIERY,
sold by many stores up to $2.50.
All colors and “lace effect’’ or‘
Extra Special 99(:]
Men'’s fine DRESS SHIRTS. A
general assortment and values)
up to $250 and $3, all bunched
in this Extra Special, |
for only - 99(:;
The wise man will buy a dozen.
SWEATERS—Just right in sea
gon now for cool days, mornings,
evenings, etc. The most eco
nomical garment you can wear.
Watson sells all sizes; 990
worth up to $2.50, for
nainsook for summer or 990
ribbed, slightly heavier !
You'll find them priced for
$2.50 in most stores.
DUPLEX and other 996
window shades
Boys' good, heavy BLOUSES
go for only 99(:'
You can't buy the cloth in
them for our g;ice today. l
TB, worth $1.60 '
‘A“‘ll over" tm 990'
BOYS PANTS,; ready fori
“‘rough boys' '’ wear; all
sizés up to 18's, for 99C
Watson ‘DO BEAT ALL" thel
Way He ‘' Cuts Things Loose.”’
o 614, 99c
all go for
mfims' WAISTS; elegant
““wash waists,”’ worth and sold
from $1.50 to $2.50. They () cl
sure are fine and good l
The WISER shoppers will buy|
6 so 10 dozens at a time. l
Men's heavy fleeced and ribbed
UNDERWEAR, bunched, 99ci
to go for "
fie,nf: best elegant ‘‘SILK
OSE,"” the kind that will 99¢
stand laundéring
iot of about 200 990
go for only
The damaged SHOES from the
Hyman Bros., Greensboro, N. C.,
stock that came 1o Wat- 99(:?
son’s, bunched, for l
MEN’'S BEST CAPS, “-0“!‘99(3‘
pick and choiee, now for 1
Men's half-woo! so-called UN
g!RWEAR, shirts and drawers.
50 to $3 ,
garments 99L
Men's 'JUMPERS;" you know
the coats that go with overalls
One general assortment ‘‘Wat.
somized,'’ meaning ‘‘PRICED
Mostly khaki and stripes.
Men's Blue Denim Overalls. .. .$1.99
Mén's and Boys' 5h0e5........51.99
Lat Ladies’ Shoes .............$1.99
Boys’ Shoes sissvinssaninßl g
Girls’ Shoes A 5 $1.99
Weol Sweaters: ‘“out they g0”..51.99
Heavy, good $5 Sweaters, now go
s i e it $1.99
He:vy Satin Yardage g sx‘ a 9
Heavy Silk Yardage 4k $1.99
HMouse Dresses, Aprons, etc., Ready
to-Wear Ginghams and Percales, and
nicely made g $1.99
All other bargains are ‘“‘on sale”
a 8 usual. Our $6.89 finest shoes from
that Greensboro stock are setting a
hew standard for bargain pricing
Put the goods and the price together
--Watson's—and the true test of a
Outing, 25¢; seme Gingham, 25¢;
Mustin, 25¢c; Bleaching, 25¢; Drilling,
lin, 25¢; Bleaching, 25¢: Drilling
25¢c; Sheeting, Brown or White, 25¢
While the iots last only, because
this is away below mill prices or
cost of production
“The Source of Supply Is the
Reason Why"
Shinola Shoe Polish, 7's¢c at both
: Shoe Strings, old price of s¢,
3 Both locations.
isnieral Department Store
. Pryor and Decatur
g |
' Results of Taylor |
} Primary Announced
| BUTLER, Ga., March 18—Follow
ing is the resuit of Tayler County
For ordinary A. H. Riley, re- |
elected: clerk., O. 8. Cox defeated O,
"r, Monfort, inecumbent; tax collec
tor, J. J. McCants, re-elected; tax re
ceiver, W. H. Griffith, re-elécted;
‘shnrif{, J. R. Beeland, re-elected;
county school supeérintendent, Tilly
Rustin defeated H. P. WaHace, in-!
eumbent: county commissioneérs, J.|
H. Whatley, J. N. Garrett and F. C.
Jarrell, all of old board members of
fering for re-election being nl«f«-;nad.i
Chronic Coughs and Per-!
sistent Colds Lead to)
: : |
Pneumonia and Serious
Lung Troubles. You Can
Stop Them Now Withi
Creomulsion, an Emulsr'
fied Creosote That Is:
Pleasant to Take. }
A New Medical Discovery
With Twofold Action.,
Soothes and Heals the
Inflamed Surface and
ills the Germ. Endorsed
By Highest Authorities.
Money Refunded If Any
Cough or Cold, No Matter
How Long Standing, Is
Not Relieved After Tak
ing According to Direc
Of all known drugs, Creosote fs
recognized by the medical fraternity
as the greatest heéaling ageney for
the treatment of chronie coughs and
colds and other forms of throat and
lung troubles. Creomulsion contains,
in addition to creosote, other healing
elements which soothe and heal the
inflamed membrane and stop {he irri
tation and inflammation, while the
creosota goes on to the stomach, ls
absorbed into the blood, attacks the
seat of the trouble and destroys the
germs that lead to consumption.
Creomulsion ig guaranteed satisfac
tory in the treatment of chronie
coughs and eolds, bronchial asthma,
eatarrhal bronchitis and other forms
of throat and lung diseases, and |s
excellent for building up the system
after colds or the flu. Increases ap
petite and hodyweight. Ask your
druggist. —Adv y
Dandruff Surely ‘
Destroys the Hair
ittt it
Girls—if you want plenty of thick,
beautitul, glossy, silky hair, do by gl
mesns get rid of dandruff, for it will
starve your hair and ruin it if you
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff {s to dis
sorve it, thén you destroy it entirely,
To de this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gently
with the finger tipas.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will mmple\o-‘
1y dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it.
. You will find, too, that all itching
and digeing of the scalp will stop, and
|ym|r hair will look and feel a hundred
[times béetter. You ecan get liquid ar
von at any drug storée. It {8 inexpen
give and four ounces Is all you will
need, no matter how much dandruff
vou have, This simple remedy never
!Flush your kidneys occasion
ally if you eat meat
| e,
| No man or woeman vwho eats meat
regularly ean make a mistake by
| flushing the Kidneys occasionally,
‘.\‘u,\'.~ a well known authority. Meat
’fnz ms uric acid which elogs the kid
ney pores so they sluggishly filter
|t~‘ strain only part of the waste and
| poisons from the blood, then you get
lsick. Nearly all rheumatism, head
aches liver trouble, Nervousness,
l‘u!;«:'*;»l!,nn dizziness, sleeplessness,
|!.‘».!~l-!~ disorders come from slug
| glish kidney
i The moment you fee! a dull ache
t"'. the kiduevs or your back hurts,
jor if the nrine s cloudy, offensive,
[full of sediment, irregular of passage
|or attended by a sensation of scald
{ing, get about four ounces of Jad
| Salte from any reliable pharmacy
and take a tablegpoonM! in a glass
of water before breakfast for a few
|-‘l‘\s and your kidnevs will then aet
fine This famous salte {8 made from
the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia and has been
used for generationg to flush clog
| ged kKidneys and stimulate them to
|,-I\-"\ ty, also to neutmlize the acids
in urine so it no longer causes jrri
tation, thus ending bladder disorders
Jad Salts 18 inexpensive and ean
not injure; makes a delightful effer
vesgeent lithin-water drink which all
regular meat eaters should take now
and then to Keep the kidneys clean
and the blood pure. thereby avoiding
serious kidney complications—Adv.
The wonderful new Paramount-
Arteraft-Cosmopolitan production
“April Folly” coming to the Forsyth
Pheater Monday for a three days’|
stay, offers an interesting study in
ferninineé ¢haracter that gives rige to!
a quéstion shat has occupied the
minds of thinking men and women
for many decades. ‘
It is sajd that not one woman in
ten possesses a sense of adventure.
1s this true? If you are a woman
here {4 a test by which you can judge
whether or not that almost exclusive
ly masculine trait is one of your
(Go and seée Marion Davies in her
new screen drama, “April Folly,” yoa
will want to see it any way. It is
one of those things tha! ‘one can’t
afford to miss; and then put yourself
in the heroine’s place. Suppose that
you were a popular writer as well
as a lovely young woman, would you
jeopardize your career Dy swapping
identities for theé fime being and then
embark, under her name, on a long
gea voyage where real dangers were
fnvolved in the undertaking?
Yet that is what April Poole, por
trayed on the screem by Marton
Davies, decided to do. and that on a
moment’s notice, She has materially
boosted the circulation of a chain
of magazines by her delightful
stories. The owner of them is in
love with her, and when we make
her screen acquaintance she has
brought her last, and therefore her
pet effort, into the office to read to
the proprietor and managing editor.
Bhe announces that she has drawn
the characters from life, The hero
fne is herself, the proprietor is the
noble hero and the villain i 8 the man
aging editor. Could audacity go fur
ther? Not only to write a tale in
which the managing editor is a
scheming, unscrupulous crook, but
frankly to tell him that she has cast
him for the part. But that is April
Poole. She takes the long chance
every time and takes it with a light
hearted insouciance that gladdens the
heart of the beholdar who holds his
breath as he watches her various
hazardous adventurings and the con
summately skillful manner in which
‘she skates on thin ice.
As she reads the story to the two
men it is unfolded on the screen.
The scene changes from the rather
dingy office to a gorgeous masked
ball in Montreal, where April is
easily the most alluring figure pres
ent. She is a chiffon Pierrof, an ex
quisite, diaphanous study in black
and white, with a tiny little black
mask over her nose and eyes and a
bewitching little blatk hat tilted on
one Stde of her head, and she is al
ready leading Kirby Sarle, the South
African millionaire, a dance. He too,
in hig long cloark and feather hat, is
a sufficiently enchanting figure to
enchain the heart of any matinee
girl. There is no more charming
lover on the stage or screen than
Conway ‘Tearle who plays in this
drama the dual role of proprietor of
the magazine and also of the South
African millionaire.
It is at thig ball that April discov
ers the gredt plot to steal the fa
mous Mannister diamond. The Harl
of Mannister is sending his daugh
ter, Lucy Diana, from his country
homeé near Montreal to Cape Town,
where ghe ig to live with an eccen
tric aunt until she gets over the in
fatuation for a struggling young ar
tist of whom her father disapproves,
and he is sending the family dia
mond to the aunt by her,
Kenny, the managing editor vil
lian, and his accomplice, a butler in
the Mannister home, are planning to
gectire it. April disccvers their plot
and determines to spike their guns.
By an extremely cléver ruse she
manages an interview with Lady
Tells How He Did It
Mr. J. A. McCrea, a well known
resident of San Francisco, who was
called Daddy and Grandpa on account
of his white hair, and who darkened
it with a homemade mixture, recently
made the following statement:
“Any one can prepare a simple mix.
ture at home that will darken gray
hair and make it soft and glossy. To
a half pint of water add 1 ounce of
bay rum, a small box of Barbo Com
pound and 1-4 ounce of glycerine,
These ingredients can be bought at
any drug store at very little cost. Ap
ply to the hair twice a week until tha
desired shade is obtained. It does not
color the scalp, {8 not sticky or greasy
and 4oes not rub off."—Adv
To abort a cold
and prevent com
- -
plications, take
The purified and refined
calomel tablets that are
nausealess, safe and sure.
Medicinal virtues retain
ed and improved. Soid
only in oeared packages
Price 35¢.
A Clean Newspaper for Southern Hoines
Moderate Use
Of Alcohol Bad,
Say Scientists
(By Universal Service.)
PARJS, March 18.—(laims
that the moderate use of
aleohol is beneficial were dis
posed of today by the Academy
of Science in a report of the re
sult of observation of the ef
fects of alcohol in géveral thou
sand cases.
These observations, the re
port says, prove conclusively
that the increase of muscular
force, intellectual power and
rapidity of movement is merely
an illusion. The eensation of
warmth produced by the drink
ing of alcoholic beverages also
is declared to be detrimental
rather than beneficlal, because
the effect is only temporary and
is produced at the expense of
the temperature of the internal
Diana just before the train on
which that young woman is travel
ing, pulls into Montréal and warns
her of the danger., The result is
that the girls first exchange confi
and then clothes and identities.
April steps off the train as Lady
Diana Mannister with the diamond
in her possession, and Lady Diana,
passing as April Poole, meets her
young man and married him, amd
immediately disappears from the
April goes aboard the steamer on
Lady Diana's tickets and very soon
discovers that she is not to take the
journey alone. Kirby Sarle is also
theer on his way home and Kenny
young man and marries him, and
dences and the clothes and identities.
and the former butler have likewise
embarked, hot o nthe trail of the
great diamohd. In addition Lord
Méannister has detailed a detective
to guard hig daghter. This man, how
ever, haß never seen Lddy Diana
and has no idea that April i 8 not
The the adventures begin. The
things that happem on that boat
would make the hair of the most
stolid and phlegmatic person stand
on end. It is a constant duel be
tween April and the thieves, They
are leaving no stone unturned to
secure that diamond, and April is
using ail her cleverness and iln
genuity ip outwitting them. Sarle
is puzzled and unhappy. He knows
that there is something mysterious
going on, but he can not discover
what it is. He is, however, always
at had assiduous in his efforts to
protect April, although he only tan
gles things up still more.
Finally, April disappears. Tt ig un
believable, but she has utterly van
ished. The whole ship is in confu
sion. Every nook and cranny of it is
searched, but she is gone, and on a
boat, in midocean there is no place
to go but the water. The only sup
position any oné can entertain is that
she has committed suicide,
I would like to tell you where she
did stow herself, but I will not be
unkind enough to destrov your
amusemeént and amazement when you
Bée the picture and find out for your
self what she did.
- On landing the thieves follow
April's baggage to the home of her
aunt in a last attempt to get the
diamond. They think it is theirs
‘when April suddenly reappears and
turns the tables on them so effective
}ly that they are caught at last in a
very pretty trap, all carefully ar<
ranged by the invincible April her
’ And here the story ends, leaving
April wondering if all her winning
‘has not been loss, for she doubts that
Kenny's love can possibly survive
some of the supreme tests to which
it has been put.
~ The scene shifts,. We are back
again in the editor’s office. April is
just reading the conclusion of her
story. The editor looks very glum.
He has not relished the picture of
‘himself as a doubled-dyed villian
Kenny, however, is enchanted with
the tale, only he is rather crushed
because the ending is so inconclu
April's spirit of adventure comes
out strong here. She immediately
proposes to him. Is it not leap year?
His joyful acceptance is seen on the
screen. It is a model of how a man
should accept a leap year proposal.
Marion Daives is a delivious com
medinne. She plays the part of April
with a touch as light as a thistle
down, and her joyous vivacity carries
her audience with her. It isn't often
that one sees comedy combined with
adventure and mystery all in ona
play. So, dear public, make the most
of it. It is such plays as that that
add to Miss Davies’ reputation and
help to make her the tremendous
favorite that she is.
» .
Leo Ornstein Arrives
. .
For Piano Recital
IL.eo Ornstein, the young Russian
pianigt, arrived in Atlanta Thursday
for his recital at Egleston Memorial
Hall at 8:15 o'clock. He registered
at the Georgia Terrace Hotel,
Mr. Ornstein's recital probably will
draw an audience fully equal to the
capacity of the hall, as music lovers
are interested in him not only as a
pianist of the first rank, but as the
composer of some exceedingly origi
nal musie. His program will include
several of the classics and a number
of modern compositions, with sev
eral of his own works.
3 ‘
Brass Knucks in
Shoemakers' Strike
NEW YORK, March 18- Knives,
blackjacks, and brass knuckles fig
ured in a small riot tbday Dbetween
striking shoemakers and strike
breakers in Brooklyn. Cne man was
geriously injured and othtia were
bruised and hurt. Police broke up
the battle,
me slender, healthy
1o give you ides of size bafore re. .
Juetion of wq&n: M:!
Ciodh N 3 doting with saltn #te:
po thyroid, oo lok. of time Just
follow ul-ph’unhrdm
n'“u‘ uu.::
108 chan_wuereziom "’s’.;‘."".;
' &Abh.cnm';:&..fiv m‘a
dd 0 your capabillty
| charm. fi"n‘z Eho know you.
acome h unger
Y g Ipoedritee, .”é“o?k :l: g
| :fi.«wm& oL oF KOBEIN at say
drug Arcent no ln‘lfl,m.} It coméa in &
bux. with goariuies. O wide sos free brochare to
KOREIN CO., Station F, New York Ciy
Georgla muay prepare drastic meas
ures like those in Florida, Alabama
and Arkansas to combat the pink
boll worm when the State board otl
entomology meets in Atlanta next
The pink worm first made its ap
pearance on the Texas coast from
a shipment of cotton brought in from|
Central America, and wreckKed off the|
shore in a storm. Many bales were
washed to land where they lay and
rotted. The worm made its appear
ance the following year.
From Texas, the worm developed‘
into a flyig moth and appeared In
certain parts of bouisiana, whence
it is believed to have gone into Mis
gissippi and parts of Oklahoma. ‘
Florida, Alabama and Arkansas‘
have adopted rigid quarantifie regu
lations agiuinst all of Texas and a.‘
great part of L.ouisiana, and the fed
eral government has prescribed non-‘
planting territory in Texas. J
The pink worm ravages the cotton
far more disasterously than the boll
weevil. His form of attack is said to‘
be made at the stage when.the farm- |
er has just suceeeded in staving offi
the boll weevil. The worm bores in
to the boll attacking the cotton up
to the time of maturity. He pro-’
ceeds from one boll to another fre
quently placing eggs in the seed and
staple thus enabling them to be baled
and transported to other parts of the
country. }
Georgia entomologists will consider
the best means to get preventative
measures in the quickest possible
time. Similar regulatiohs to those
adopted by Florida, Alabama and
Arkangas will prevent the shipmeént
into Georgia of ahny raw cotton, cot
ton seed or other products from any
infested State. The board will pe
gin a study of the problem at the
meeting next week. |
Tells Judge He Robhed
Store While ‘Doped’
A youth giving his name as ‘“Babe”
T.eßoy, who came to Atlanta recently
with a theatrical company, Thursday
told Judge Humphrieg, in Criminal
Court, he robbed the Central Avenue
Tee Cream Parlor while he was un
der the influence of drug, which he
had been using for some time.
Judge Humphries sentenced the
youth to serve from three to seven
yvears, expresing the hope he would
come out of prison free of the drug
habit and ‘““would make a man of
himself.” T.eßoy obtained $17.55 from
the ice cream parlor. He was rep
ersented by Attorney Aschin.
MENOMINEE, Mich, March 18—
Governor Lowden of Illinois, is in bed
today suffering from a heavv cold
eontracted on his tour through the
Upper Paninsula and he has cancelled
his speaking date at Escanaba.
Goodhart-Tompkins Co.
e e TB, Brs
Lost Rest. Could Not Wash
Hands. Cuticura Heals.
*“There wad a peculidr rash on my
hend that fhched terribly until |
scratched ft. [ had to stay home
from work because my hand sort of
cracked open and I couid not hold a
newapaper uniesa I wore gloves. |
could not wash my hands, and did
not sicep well at all.
“My doctor prescribed Cuticurd
Boap and Ointment so I got a free
sample. 1 was healdd in a short
time after using two full-sised cakes
of Cuticura Socg:d one full-sized
box of Cuticura tment.”’ (Signed)
mnb. Shelry, 3100 34th St.,
d Park, D.C., Ang. 16, 1910,
Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Taloum the eare of your skin.
n‘mmEE Aditess: “Outicurs
uticura Soap shaves without mug.
Cough Remedy
You ean save about §2, and have
a better remedy than the ready -
made kind. Esally done.
1f you eombineg the curative proper
ties of every known ‘“ready-made”
cough remedy, you probably could not
get as much real carative power as
there is in this simple home-made
cough syrup, which is easily prepared
in a few minutes.
Get from any druggist 2%, ounces of
Pinex, pour it into a pint bottle and
fill the bottle with syrup, nsing eitl‘nr
plain granulated sugar syrup, elarified
molasses, honey, or corn syrup, as de
sired. The result i@ a full pint of
really better cough synip than you
ould buy ready-made for three times
"“'Al‘“““."- Tastes pleasant and never
This Pinex and Syrup preparation
obts right at the cause of & coufh and
sives almost immediate relief. 1t loos
ens the phlegm, “0?. the nasty throat
tickle and heals the sore, irritated
membranes so gently and easily that
it is really astonishing.
A day’s use will usually overcome
the ordinary cough and for bronchitis,
croup, hoarseness and bronchial asthma,
there is nothing better.
Pinex it a madst valuable concen
trated mm;;ound of genuine Norway
pine extract, and has been used for
gepentions to break up severe coughs.
I'o avoid dieappointment, ask vour
druggist for “215 ounceés of Pinex”
with full directions, and don’t accept
anvthing else. Guaranteed to give ng'
golute satiefaction or money promptly
mmded The Pinex Co, Ft. Wayne,
(By International News Service.)
WASHINGTON, March 18.—S8ena
tor Hiramm Johrsoh came back téo
Washington today with blood in his
eye. As soon as he has cast his vote
against the treaty, it was announced,
he will return te the fray and hence
forth show no quarter to what ne
dubs the ‘“trick” polities of political
~ The senator’s iré was aroused by
'what he termed the ‘“fake primary”
‘in Minnesota fostered, he charged, by
a political machine favoring General
Leonard Woods candidacy and which
he claimed lastéd but one hour. At
‘Wood headquarters here the inclina
tion was to treat the matter merely
in the light of practical politics.
George C. Peck, in charge in the cupi-l
tal, smilingly declared Senator John
son ought to feel himseélf lucky to |
come out of the Minnesota primaries
as well as he did.
Senator Johnson broke off his
Michigan campaign in the middle to
return here and cast his vote against
the fatification of the treaty. He said |
‘he would return to that Stats, and |
later carry his fight into other tSates, |
48 soon as the situation here per
County Fee Sgstem
Scored by Braswell
Opposition to the fee system for
county officers will We voiced by W,
H. Braswell, candidaté for sheriff or‘
DeKalb County, at a meeting Tues
day night in the Decatur courthouse.
Mr. Braswell Thursday challenged
all candidates for county office to
debate the fee question. He declared
he would show the reason ‘“why offi
cers would be put on a salary basis.”
bAR st |
ALBANY, Ga,, March 18—A. C.
Knight has sold his home in Hils
man Heights to J. E. Foy Jr., for
$14.000. Mr. Foy and Dermot Shem
well have bought farms neéar the city
and plan to build homes.
Take advantage of these Money-Saving Prices on
GUARANTEED Dental Work during the remain
der of March. They mean a SAVING OF FIFTY
, s saving -wel COLA CYOWRS ..o 00 3
PLATES offer you makes it | Bridge Work as low as. $
. possible to cut your
$5 AUnd deémal biif very ma | Gilver Filling ......... $1
P oo ot se) Tooth Polished ... .....
- T the difference. Our D R
iy : o P s TEETH Enamel
:'-@\.:) 0, ) ORI Wi riine 2
Ret ionts: Goms ot | Plates White
h...‘.." zncfetsandc takee adt~ < ‘Q)‘\ Crowns $4
4 vantage of the great Sl m) Gold
Made and Il);ll;vered Same |.. fl “ B Filling $2
5 W. Alabama
ATTENDANT Open Daily, Bto 6 ” MAIN 1946
Always insist upotrue “Bayemspirin"ln “Bayer package”
N S \R/
" LY
The “Bayer Cross” on Aspirin tablets has the
same meamng as 14-Karat on gold. Both mean
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” should be taken
according to the safe and proper directions in
tach “Bayes package.” Be suré the “Bayer
Cross” is on package and on tablets. Then you
are getting the genuine Aspiriu prescribéd by
A Form of Dyspepsia Usually Resulting From
the Inability to Digest Starchy-Food.
A great many people are severely
bothered with intestinal indigestion
due to the fact that the starchy foods,
such as potatoes, rice, white bread.
etc., are digested in the small intes
tine and not in the stomach as Is
generally supposed.
To relieve this eondition Stuart’s
Dyspepsia Tablets are well supplied
with an intestinal digestant so that
instead of practising severe diet you
may eat these essential, nourishing
foods without distress.
- In the small intestiné the pancre
atic juice acts upon the starches and
ordinarily, in a state of health, pos
se€sss the power of converting them
into grape sugar and dextrine. Starch
must be so transformed before it can
be 6f use to the bodily economy. Re
‘maining as unchanged starch, it
either passes through the alimentary
canal, and proves a useless burden
to the system, because it resists ab
sorption, or it causes intestinal in
digestion, the food products becom
ing werid through putrefaction, which
often sets up a ecatarrhal inflamma
tion of the intestine, resulting in diar
e —————————————————————————— T e
Individual Slate Surfaced
Shingle, Bxl2-inch, per
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glés, (4inl), per aq...57.50
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bargain, per =q.......56.25
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. Surfaced, 9x14-inch, _ per
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Palatial Slate Surfaced Strip Shingle, two color tile effect roofing, double layer
BONY. Bhr RNEPS. .l v et b e Rt PRSI e
Write for our prices an ELECTILE Slate Surfaced Roll Roofing, also on
ELEE€TROID and ASFALTO smooth surfaced roofings. We give a discount to
dealers onm above prices. All prices are f. o. b, cars Atlanta, Ga. and subject
to change in price without noticé as prices aré aavancing very rapidly. Can
ship al! orders promptly.
. 9 '
phycicians for over eighteen years for the relief
of Colds, Pain, Headache, Toothache, Earache,
~ Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis,
~ For a few cents you can get a handy tin box
| containing twelve tablets. Druggists also sell
larger “Bayer packages.” Aspirin is the trade
~mark of Bayer Manufacturc of Monoacetice
acidester of Salicylicacid.
In a complaint of this charaeter
many persong use paregorie, bismu:§'
and tannin to relieve the dlmhoeb
all powerful astringents and they stop
the trouble suddenly, “locking up ' the
morbid secretions, throwing the toxic
intestinal poison back en the system,
and often causing auto-intoxication.
contain among other powerful diges
tives, a substance called pancreatin,
which thoroughly digests starchy
foods in the small intestine, thus pre
venting intestinal indigestion.
These tablets also contain caleium
carboriate; which is a mild theugh ef
fective sub-astringent, and which by
its antigéptic properties removes thd‘(‘
intestinal poisons that are always
present in intestinal indigestion and
Not only are the starches digested
by the use of Stuart’s Dyspepsia
Tablets, but through the action of
other ingredients they relieve stom
ach indigestion and dyspspsia. Buy
a package from your druggist today
for 50 eents and note the sense of re
lief that follows in short order.—Ady.