The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 01, 1906, Image 8

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. \<sOCIET \Z srm 1 ... 1 Mr*. George C. Bill* Editor. And Womans Interests PIANO RECITAL FRIDAY. Miss'Fannie Klckltghter’s pupila will give a recital Friday afternoon, June 1. at 4:10 o'clock. T'he program will ba aa follow*: "The Little Prince." Krogmann— Mlae Lola Schenck. •Swedish Wedding' March," Soder- man—Mlaa Claire Booth. “On Horaebark.” Streabbng; "Bed Time," Orth—Mlaa Bennie Lou Rey nolds. "II Troratore," Dorn—Mlaa Francea Blchard non. "Hero and the Falrlea" (deacrlptlve f intaala), Wallace—Mlaa Elloree Phil lip*. “Oypay Dance," Llchner: “The Waap and the Bumble Bee,' Muir—Mlaa Joaephlne Richardson. "Home, Sweet Home" (variations), arranted by Orobe—Mlaa Ethel Max- Miaa Klckllchter will *lv# another recital noon, at which fifteen more pu ll* wilt play. I AST AS8EMBLY HOP AT SEOADLIO'S HALL Thuraday evening the laat of the aa- aerably hop* will take place at Begad- llo'a hall on Pine atreet Thaae In formal dancee have been charming ao- rlal events, occurring each week dur ing the season, among the younger dancing aet. The one of Thuraday evening will be attended by a num ber of the young bellea and beaux. MRS. E. C. KINSEY TO ENTERTAIN AT CARDS Mr*. E. C. Klnaey will entertain at a email. Informal card party Tueaday af ternoon In her apartment* In the Tal lulah. COMMENCEMENT EXERCI8E8 OF GIRLS’ HIGH 8CH00L The commencement exerclaea of the Girl*' High achool, which take* place at the Grand Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, will be an event of wldeapread Interact, 1 and will bring together an hu Hence which will teat the capacity of the opera houae. The llat of graduate* which luu al ready been publlahed Include* a large number of popular young girl*, who have accompllahed much In a atudlou* way during the acholaatlc year Ju»t A program of much Intereat haa been arranged for Friday evening. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o THE NEWS FROM HOME. When you leave Atlanta for your aummer vacation, drop a pofltal with your addrea* to the circulation department of The Georgian, and the paper will be mailed to you at. the regular carrier ratetto city subscriber^, of ten cent* a week. When no tifying the office In thla man ner, add your home addreaa alao. OO0OOOOOOOOOOOO0000 IN HONOR OF MISS LYONS. A delightful reception waa given laat night by Mr*. A. A. Lyon at her home, on Blmpaon atreet, In honor of her daughter, Mlaa Agnea Lyon, a pretty and popular graduate of the Prather Home School. The houae waa attractively decorated with pink carnation* and roae*. Mualc, both vocal and Inatrumentpl, kb ren dered, and together with a number of other pleaaant feature* contributed to the thorough enjoyment of the affair. Refreahmenta, conalatlng of Ice* and cake, were aenred during the evening. Among thoae prevent were: Mlaaea Agnea Lyon, Myrtlce Humphrlea, Elina Cawthon, Mattie Maddox, Laura Mad dox, Resale Lyon, Eathef Lyon; Messrs. Eugene Humphrlea, Harry Humphrlea, C. H. Gemer, Loula Kocher, Claude Nealy, Mr*. Dora Woodruff Hurst, Mr. and Mra S. L. Ray, and Mr. and Mr*. Carl Babb. COLONEL AND MR8. LOWRY’S COACHING PARTY. Colonel and Mra. Robert Lowry gave a coaching party Thuraday afternoon In honor of Mlaa Ellae Ltpacomb, of Naahvllle, the gueat of Mlaa Blanche Caraon. , The member* of the party Included: Mlaa Llparomb, Mlaa Canton, Mlaa Bax ter, Mlaa Orr, Mlaa Thomaa, Mr*. Car aon, Mr. Bllcer, Mr. David Kirkland, Mr. Edward A If rl end, Mr. Edward Dougherty. Vernon d'Arnalte, whoa* rich baritone voice la of rare ton* and quality, will be aaalated by Mr. Oacar Pappenhelm, ‘cello, and Mr. J. Fowler Rlchardaon, piano, which aaaure* a program or more than ordinary artletlc excellence. The ladle* In charge of the Settle ment Home are greatly In need of financial aaalatance for the purchase of pillow coses, aheeta, medicine*, band age*, etc., and for the payment of the aalary of one nurae. TO MEET MISS FAIN. A delightful occaalon waa the party at which Mra Edgar Dunlap enter tained Thuraday afternoon at her home on Spring atreet. In honor of her young alater, Mlaa Edna Fain, who ha* re cently) returned from achool In North Carolina. The mualcat romance gyrating con- teat which wax the feature of the after noon'* entertainment afforded much merriment. The flrat prlae waa a handsome gold pin, and the aerond a dainty whit* lace fan. Mr*. Dunlap'* tonne wax decorated with aweet peaa and roaea, and after the game refresh- inenta were aerved at email table*. PRIMARY UNION OF THE METHODI8T CHURCH. The Primary Union will meet at the Flrat Methodist church Friday at 4 p. m. Devotional exerclaea will be led by Mr*. Vaaaer Woolley. Primary Leaaon—Mr. Lewi* Smith. Round Table—Mra. J. E. Klaer. Beginner*' Leaaon—Mlaa May Hold erby. Blackboard Illuatratlon—Mlaa Marie Chlpley. A cordial Invitation la extended to all primary and Junior teacher*. Via Itora are welcomed. > MR. AND MR8. REGENSTEIN WILL ENTERTAIN IN MRS. GORMAN’S HONOR. Mr. and Mr*. Joaeph Regenateln will rntertaln Thuraday evening at dinner nml bridge, at their attractive home, on Capitol avenue. In honor of Mr*. Birdie Oorman. The dining table will have aa ita centerpiece a plateau of dalale* with n handaome lace cover, over yellow ratln. The floral decoration* through out the home will be In white and Kold tint*, together with quantltle* of fern* and palm*. A dinner In many couraea will be followed by bridge. The acore card* will be hand-painted dalalea. The flrat prlae will be a rut glaaa bowl; the guest's prlae a dainty piece of lingerie. Mr*. Regenateln will wear a hand saw. gown of pink moire chiffon. The following will be the gueat* of Mr. and Mra. Regenateln: Mra. Birdie Gor man. Mr. O. tl. Gorman. Mr. and Mra. A. McD. Wllaon, Jr., Mr. nnd Mra. iu.ickman Dunn. Mr. and Mr*. Jack Stewart. Mr*. Katherine Cooney Ab bott, Mlaa Nancy Waldo, Meaar*. H. A. Tomlinson and Daniel Denny. YOUNG LADIES FINISH COURSE IN LIBRARY WORK. Ten young women, repreaentlng aev- • ral Georgia town* and four Bouthern ►tale* were on Thuraday awarded cer tificate* by Fred J. Paxon, prealdent of the board of truateea of Carnegie li brary "for aatlafartory completion of tbe regular courae of lnatructlon In library training, covering a period of one year." The flrat year of the library acheol eatabllahed by Mlaa Wallace haa been no eucreaaful a* to place the work upon a pennanent baste, and on Satur- day over thirty applicants will take the examination for entrance In Beptember, when the second term will begin. There la a greater demand In the South for such work than I* generally known, and the young ladles who vere award ed certificate* Thursday morning will next year Ml position* throughout the South. They are: Mlaeea Alexander and Bradley, of Atlanta; MU* Bibb, of Montgomery': Mle* Bailey, of Mc Donough; Mlaa Chapman, of Macon; Mias Bucher, of Decatur: Mias Hop- kina, of Athena; Mlaa McMaater, of Wlnnaboro. S. C; Mlaa Many penny, of Chattanooga; Mias Martin, of Easley, &A-— BEAUTIFUL UNE OF —NEW BRACELETS— Just Received. Look at Them. Charles W. Crankshaw, DUnaoed Merchant and Jeweler. Whitehall St. MARTIN-HOLCOMB. Mr. and Mra. Philo Holcomb have Issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Ruth Helen, to Mr, Charles Marlin, on the evening of Thuradny, June 14, at I:SO o'clock, at their home, 431 Cenlntl avenue. It will be a pink and while wedding with carnations In white and pink tlnta, making fragrant the pretty home. In the dining room the table will be pro fusely decorated In carnation* of white and pink, with pink shaded candelabra, pink and white, bonbon* and other ac cessories, completing the artistic ar rangement. The menu will carry out the same color moi if. The fair young bride will enter the drawing room with her father, pre ceded by her slater, Mlaa Mary Elisa beth Holcomb, aa inald of honor. Mr. Charles Marlin will have aa hla beat man hla brother, Mr. George Mar lin. There will be no other attendants. The wedding march will be played by Mrs. Boatman. After the ceremony and reception the bridal couple will leave for an ex tensive trip North and East, and upon their return will reside ut Hheffield, Ala., where Mr. Martin la Interested In an Important manufacturing enterprise. Previous to hla, removal to Hheifleld, Mr. Martin was associated with the Atlanta hardware firm of Martin, Heard A Co. The brlde'a wedding dreaa will be of soft white mull, band-made, elaborate ly trimmed with lace. She will carry a large bouquet of while roaea and maldenhnlr ferns. Her golng-away gown will be of dark blue silk with lingerie wajat and hat to match. The bridesmaid's toilette will be of pink eollenne cloth, lace trimmed, and she will carry a bouquet of white earns lions. THE YOUNG MATRON’S CLUB OF WEST END ENTERTAIN8. The Young Matrons’ Club of West End will entertain Thuraday afternoon at a brilliant reception at the home of Mrs. A. R. Colcord, one of Ita mem bers. This club la a prominent factor In the social life of West End, and at Ita reception Thursday afternoon will entertain two hundred women, each of Ita members being given the privl lege of Inviting a number of friends. The receiving party will consist of ths seventeen member* of the club, wh6 are: Mrs. A, It. Colcord, Mra. Harvle Jordan, Mra. H. C. McHan, Mra. J. H. Drewry, Mra. W. B. Dlsbro, Mra. C. J. Bloodworth, Mrs. H. T. Helfner, Mrs. George Law, Mra. Leon Walker, Mra. R. E. Trigg*, Mra. R. H. White, Mra. T. L. Stoke*, Mra. O. W. Beay, Mra. W. A. Tartman, Mrs. L. D. Lowe, Mra. T. H. Pills, Mra. L. Z. Kennerly. These ladles will be assisted In entertaining by twelve young women of West End. Mra. Colcord's home will be beauti ful, with Its profuse decorations of cut flower*. Every available spot will be made fragrant with sweet peaa, nas turtium*, and field daisies, while palms and fern* will add to the artistic ef fect. The drawing room will be deco rated exclusively In nasturtiums, the yellow of thle flower being accentuated >y numerous candles with yellow ahadea. In the reception hall. In the parlors, and on the ptassa, which haa been converted Into a summer sitting room, will be shower bouquets of field daisies. The achame of decoration In the din ing room will be pink and white, and aweet pens will be the only flweieuaed. The mints and ices will also be In these color*. 8UNBEAMS WILL ENTERTAIN. The Sunbeams of the Junior B. Y. P. U„ of the Capitol Avenue Baptist church, will give a missionary sock so cial Thursday evening ut T:30 o'clock. A line program consisting of mualc, songs and recitations Is promised. All children are Invited. Refreshments will be aerved. and Mary Pendleton, Daisy LeCraw.i Mlaa Mabls nni .Mle* Hanye. Those J.i>—• rit were Mr Victor Moore, Mr*. W. W. Landrum, Mr*. George Wllker- aon, Mra. Smith, Mra. White, Mra. Per. due, Mr*. Klaer, Mra. Dickey, Mra. White, Mrs. George King, Mra. Prim, Mr*. Weatherford, Mra. Carmichael, Mlaa Holland, Mra. Brooks, Mr*. Carle ton, Mrs. Palmer, Mra. Greenfield. Mra. Charles Moody, Mra. Ernest Woodruff, Mra. Hale, Mrs. Herring, Mr*. Foster, Mra. Sam Jones, Mra. Bolling Jonas, Mrs. Lupe, Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Moyer, Mra. Lewis, Mrs. Pendleton, Mlaa Mat* thews. Mix*. Johnson, Mra. H. M. Pat tarson, Mrs. Btockard, Mlaa Bell, Mrs. Frank Stewart, Mra. Buehl, Mra. A. Rhodes, Mrs. Cooke. Delightful refreahmenta were aerved after the literary program was com Plated. Personal Mention Mlae Mabel Young, of Columbia, C„ la spending a few daye In the city, the gueat of Mra. Hunnewell Griffin. Mlaa Young haa been a student at Mon ro* Collage for th* past year. Mr. and Mr*. Marvin L. Thrower have returned after an extensive trip, visiting different points of Intarest California and Colorado, returning by way of Ghlcigo. Mlaa Wilma Gaines, of Memphis, will arrive In the city to attend the Tim- roona-MItchell wedding. Mlaa Gaines will be the gueat -of Mra. Charles Bowen* The many friends of Mlaa Lily Smith will be 'pl*aa4d ’ to know that she convalescent from a severe lllneaa of the past tan day*. Mr. Young B. Smith, who gradu atee with distinction Thursday night from the Boys’ High School, wilt leave Saturday for Chicago, to spend the sum mer with his father, Mr. A. J. Smith. Miss Louise Todd will spend a por tlon of the aummer In Chicago, with Mra. A. J. Smith, who will leave about el«A Htl/l.lla A# T,,mh Sa J — I — ' Lam J *»*•«• *»l *0. Ulllllll) n IIU TV |VI Iravo ftlllfUl the middle of June to Join her husband In that city. Mra. Katherine Cooney Abbott will leave the middle of June to attend the wedding of her brother, Mr. R. L. Cooney, to Mlaa Meakea, at Nashville. Later Mra. Abbott goes to Chicago for the summer. The friends of Mr*. William N. Ran dall will be glad tq know that she has recovered- from her prolonged recent Illness. Mr. George O. Turner leaves this aft eraoon for Caldwell, Idaho, and for an extensive trip throughout the north west Mr. and Mrs. George Lowndes and family will leave the middle of June for Wacm Spring*, where they have taken a cottage for the summer. Mlaa Joale Smyth*, after a visit to her cousin, Mra. J. Glascock Maya, will return to her home at Auguata on Friday. DINNER FOR MR. ROBERT MOORE. Mr. Oordnn F. Matthews will give a dinner at the Iroquois next Monday evening In honor of Mr. Robert Moore, who leaves next week for Atlanta, Ga. to reside.—Buffalo Enquirer. MR. AND MRS. SCOTT TO GIVE DINNER IN HONOR MR8. SCOTT. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Scott will enter tain at a dinner Thursday evening at their home In Decatur. In honor of Mra. Rebecca Mcott, who came from Pennsylvania to attend the dedication of the Rebecca hnll of Agnes Brott, which occurred Wednesday morning. MISS GH0L8TIN ENTERTAINS. Miss Katharine Gholatln entertained the DeAulantes Club Thursday morn ing at her home on Weal Peachtree. Thoae present were; Mlaa Ida High lower. Mis* Ethel Oay, Miss Hattie May High, Mra. Edward Fort son, Mlaa Bessie Woodward, Mrs. Mari' Deas Tupper, Mra. Martha Woodward and Mlaa Mary Thomaa. WEST END BRIDGE CLUB TO GIVE BRIDGE TEA. The members of the West End Bridge Club will entertain their friends at a bridge tea Friday, June *, at the resi dence of Mr*. D. I. McIntyre. In West End. H. C. FRICK’S DONATION TO THE Y. W. C. A, Late advices from Pittsburg state that llenry Clay Frick ha* offered to give 1100,000 toward a building fund for the Young Women's Chrlatlnn As sociation of Pittsburg, providing that an additional sum of 3300,000 Is raised for this same fund, and haa offered further to give 1100,000 toward an en dowment fund. |<r»vld!ng 3300,000 la raised In like manner by the friends of the Institution. Mr. Frick makes hi* offer good until July 1, 1*07, for the building fund and give* two year* more for tbe raising of the additional 3100,000 for th* en dowment fund. The officers of the as sociation will attempt to raise the money and are confident that they will he successful CONCERT FOR THE HOME SETTLEMENT The concert to he given at Marisl I ball on the evening of June ?, for the I benefit of the Methodlat Home Settle* KINDERGARTEN NORMAL 8CHOOL The closing exercises of the Atlanta Kindergarten Normal School will take place Friday morning. June 1, at 10:10 o'clock. In the Kindergarten Sunday school room, at the Central Cohgrega tlonal church on EMI* street. The fol lowing program of much Interest haa bean prepared for the occasion: Plano solo, "The Voice of the Morn ing”—Miss Nina Bridger. A traditional game, "Weaving the Chain"—Led by Mia* Margaret Barnes, assisted by Junior class and Atlanta Klndergartnera. Rhythmic Game*—(a) Social, (b) Im itative, (c) competitive—Mra. Jolly's class from the Mary Raoul Free Kin dergarten. Play—(a) Ita Origin and Purpose, Mlaa Margaret E. Barnes; (b) A Means of Developing Ideal*. Mlaa Ethel Caa- sin. Vocal solo (aelectad)—Mlaa Dora Snyder. Games, Klndergartnera—(a) Swiss May Song, led by Miss Ethel Caasln; (bl Transformation, led by Mra. Kate Jolly. Delivery of Diplomas—Rev. C. A. ton. Langston. Klndergartner’s Hymn. Benediction—Rev. Frank E. Jenkins. The following will receive diplomas Friday morning al tha closing exerclaea of the Kindergarten Normal School; Mra. Kate C. Jolly, Mlaa Margaret Barnes and Mlaa Ethel Caaaln. OR. ROBERT DOAK TO WED MISS FLOY FOLGER, Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Folger, of Cen tral, 8, C„ announce the engagement of their daughter, Floy, to Dr. Robert 8. Doak, of Naahvllle, Tenneaeee, th* wed ding to lake place June the 37th at noon, at the home of the bride-elect's parenta. Mlaa Folger ha* score* of friends In Atlanta, who are Interested In her marriage. She haa been one of the most popular as well as successful teacher* ever connected with Cox Col lege. Dr. Doak la one of the moat prominent members, of hla profession in Naahvllle and la well known In At lanta. MISSES BRANDON ENTERTAIN AT CARDS, The O. M. Club, of West End, was entertained Thursday morning by the Misses Gertrude and Lee Brandon at their home on Park atreet. After many games of euchre a delicious luncheon of several couraea waa served at the card tables. The flrat prise, a hand-painted cup and saucer, waa won by Mr*. William McClellan. Mlaa Mary ltowcll cut for the consolation prise, which waa a beautiful china plate. The visitor's prise, a white purse, waa pre sented to Mrs. Albert Marbut. Beside* the club member* there wore many visitor* present. They were: Mra. El mo Massengale, Mrs. John Maddox, Mra. B. M. Walker, Mra. Frank Berry. Mr*. Edward Brewer, Mr*. Eckfnrd, Mrs. W. E. Foster, Mr*. Albert Mar but. Misses Margaret Berry, Alice Mas- sengale, Margaret Brown, Florence Allen, Louise Norman, May Archer, Mamie Hchane, Ethel and Jessie Tut- wtler, Ruth Johnson. May Taylor, An nie Sharpe. Mary Howell, Lee Speer and Nellie Meet*. IN HONOR OF JUNE BRIDES. Mrs. Guy Watford will entertain on Thursday afternoon at cards In honor of Mlaaea Aline Mitchell and Edith Amsden, two June brides. MRS. LE CRAW ENTERTAIN8, Mrs. C. W. V. LaCraw entertained delightfully Thursday afternoon the Inman Park Biudenta* Club at her home on Kdgewood avenue. Reside* the club members there were present a number of Mfs. LeCraw'a friends Her home waa attractively decorated with quantities of sweet peaa. Mr*. LaCraw ment I* being anticipated with much wu assisted In entertaining her guest* pleasure, by lovers of good music. Mr. by Mlaaea Grace Landrum, Katherine Mr. and Mra. Julian-Field will leave Saturday for Washington, D.' C„ and New York, where they will spend two weeks. Mlaa VestI Jones, of- Social: Circle, On., after gttendlpg college at Monroe, la spending a few days as the gueat of Mrs. H. Griffin. Mra. Solomon and Mlaa Cecelia Sol omon, who have been th* guests of Mra. Julius Alexander, will return Monday to their home In Savannah. Mra. J. Whlteford Russell has re turned from a visit of several weeks to Lieutenant and Mrs. Riddle at the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Mra. A. O. Granger, of Carteravllle, has gone to St. Paul to attend the bi ennial convention of the General Fed eration of Women's Clubs. Mra. A. McD. Wilson will go to Ashe vllle next week to attend the con ventlon of the Young Woman'* Chris- tlan Association. Mra. William Riddle will arrive the middle of June to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Jam** J. Russell, on North avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerdlne, of Macon, arrived Thuraday and will make their home In Atlanta. Mr*. Georg* Obear and baby have returned from a vlelt to Mrs. Obaar'a father at Cincinnati. Isa Lyda Mitchell, of Reynolds, Oa., Is visiting her coualna, Mr. and Mrs. H. Griffin, on Horrle street. Mra. Frank Weet I* III with typhoid fever nt her apartment on Baker street. A delightful event' of Saturday will be th* card party which Mies Florence Jones will give. Mlse Mari* Nlsbet, of Savannah, will arrive eoon lo vlelt Mra. Thornton Mary*. • Mra. R. M. Walker wilt entertain her euchre club next Tuesday after noon at her home on Peachtree. Professor R.-L. Northcutt will spend the aummer months In Marietta at hi* home. • ' William S. Sherwood left Thursday for New York and other eastern cities, to be absent about a month. Mra. Peter Erwin and young son leave In a few days for a visit of a month to relative* In South Carolina. The Old-fashioned Women will meet Friday morning with Mra. Robert Mad dox at her country home. Mlae Rosa Lowry Is the guest for several days of Mlaa Bessie Baxter, at her home on Ponce DeLeon avenue. Mrs. Charle* C. Hanson Is spending some time In Memphis with Mr. Han son. Mra. L. F. Terrell and children have postponed their trip to Birmingham until later In June. Mra. R. A. McTyre and two daugh ter* left Tuesday for their home In Balnbrtdge, Ga. Mrs. K. B. tgtehard, of Athens, Oa., after spending a week with relative* on Harris straoL has returned home. Mlae Luc lie Thompson of Newnan, will be the gueat nes* week of her aunt. Mrs. A. J. Smith. The friends of Mrs. A. A. Harman will regret to know that she arms taken suddenly 111 on Wednesday. Mr. Thomaa Eggleston has returned from a business trip North. lira Albert Collier entertained the SOCIETY WITH OUR NEIGHBORS BRUNSWICK, GA. Mrs. C. L. Elliott has returnad from a visit to St. Augustine, Fla. Mrs. J. 8. Wright and Mlaa Arabella Wright have returned from a visit to Sterling. Mlaa Juliette Branham, of Baltimore, Md, la the gueat of Dr. and Mr*. H. M. Branham. D. P. Presser, of Atlanta, spent a day or two In the city .recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas and family have returned from a stay of several days In their cottage at St Si mons Island. Mrs. & H. Mason, Misses Francea and Ethel Mason, gnd their guest Mias Co’nstanc* Hall, are spending a few days on St Simona. Miss Gertrude Lott Is expected home tomorrow from Randolph-Macon col lege, ‘of which Institute she la a stu dent Mlaa Lott n:-de a particularly line record In mualc at Randolph-Ma con this year, and took one of the prin cipal parts In a piano recital during the dosing exerclaea at the college. J. D. Youngblood, of Atlanta, la a visitor In Brunswick. C. W. Doming, of LaGrange. but for merly of Brunswick, la visiting rela tives In the city. Colonel W. E. Kay, assistant gen eral counsel of the Atlantic Coast Line, with headquarters In Jacksonville, Fla., haa been spending several days In the city. / Mlaa Lula Randolph has returned from a visit to friends In Albany. Mra. Orville D Parker, of Austin, Tex., !• visiting relatives In Bruns wick. Miss Agnes Duan* Dickson has re turned from a visit to Mra. William McElderry, at Waynesvllle. Mrs. William H. Bayne, of Darien, la visiting Mrs. J. J. Wimberly. Mlaaea Edna and Maud Taylor, and their gueat, Mlaa Lillian Fox, of New Jersey. have returned from a visit to Mr*. W. A. McDonald, at Frederica. Mra. Frank H. Mallard Is visiting in Mobile, Ala. Mra. 11. L. B. Wiggins, of Raleigh, N. C„ is the gueat of Mra. B. A. White. Mra. Neyle Colquitt, who haa been visiting relatives here, has returned to her home In Savannah. . Mr. and Mr*. Betell and Miss Mae Reneau, of Atlanta, will apend a month or two on Cumberland lelond. Mist Bertha Baker haa returned to the city after a pleasant visit on Jekyl Island. . Mra. Sam Sllversteln, of Atlanta, who hna been visiting friends In Brunswick, has returned to her home. Mra. McTytJie and children, of Sa vannah, are visiting Mr. and Mra. W. E. Porter. Mlaa Emma Lee Is expected home from Randolph-Macon, college, where she haa bean pursuing her studies. Mra. H. S. Lee and Mlaa Bird Lee are vlaltng In Americua for a few days. Mra. Robert Tompkins, of St. Marys, la the gueat of Mra. W. H. Bunkley. Mlaa Lattlmer, who has been visiting Mrs. L N. Watson, left a day or two ago for a visit to Virginia. Miss Augusta Knight haa returned from Blackahear, where she has been attending the Blackahear Institute. The above name on a box of candy means something. It is a guarantee of purity, quality and style, and all else that is desirable in a delicious, wholesome confection. Nunnally’s Candy is the very best that is made. For proof of this statement we welcome comparison with any other candy, made any where, and sold at any price. ment, la expected to return home to day. Mrs. L. G. Johnson and little daugh ter, Zllla, of Rome, are spending the week with her parents. Rev. W. A. Parks and wife. Little Etta Lula Walton, of Camilla, Ga., Is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Branan, on Mills street. Oharlle Edgeworth visited hla broth er In Atlanta recently. Welcome Parks went up to Atlanta thla week for medical treatment. - Colonel E. C. Chastain, of Hazlehurat, Ga., visited friends In the city this week. Professor V. D. Whatley, president of Hutcheson College, is visiting In Alabama this week. Mra. Walter Murray and children, of New Orleans, are spending some time In the city. Miss Blanche Burma*, of i-arnes- vllle, was among the recent visitors Mr. Alphonso Glenn, of Gastonia.’ X C, visited the family of Mr. T a' Cappa laat week. Mr. and Mra. T. A. Cappa and daugh- ter, Genevieve, attended the Torrey. Alexander meeting in' Atlanta "St week. Mr. Jeff Bright, of Hartwell, Is vis- Itlng relatives and friends. Misses Edna Payne and Luis Ho*,, head visited friends In Cornelia last week. tending the Blackahear Institute. JUdson N. Crabb a pent Sunday In Savannah', where he met hls parents, who were en route from Cedartown to Virginia Beach. Misses - Vivian etnd -Olivia Kay are expected home from Baltimore, where they have Been attending Notre Dame college. > Mra. J. T. Colaon has returned from a visit to Union Springs, Ala. Mr. and Mra. Claude Cummings are visiting In Jacksonville. Fla., for a few days. Mlaa Fannie Mason entertained some of her' friends Informally laat Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKey and Master Howard McKey are spending a few days on St Simons Island. i Mr. and Mrs. C. Downing have gone to Naw York, and will, after a few days In the metropolis, go to Peeksklll, where Mis* Madelalne Downing will graduate this week. Mr. Downing end dlaa Madeleine will sail on June 3 for an extended tour through Europe. J. C. Llguer, commercial agent of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic, and J. B. C. Blltch. local agent for the same road, are attending the Immigra tion convention In Augusta. A. Fendlg haa returned from an ex tensive business trip. DUBLIN. Mr. W. B. Baker, of Macon, waa a reednt vlellor In the city. Mr. J. E. Smith has returned from Atlanta, where he haa been some time undergoing treatment. Mr. Fred Brown vlstted Irwlnton last Mlaa Emma Tarpley Is visiting friends In Alabama. Miss Jul* Herrmen, of Eastman, is expected to visit ths Mlaaea Baum at an early date. Mr. J.'T. Bales Is bask from a bull nesa trip to Seneca, 8. C. Judge J. E. Burch Is spending some time at Indian Sprlrfga and Atlanta for hla health. Mr. and Mra. J. A. Kelley are away on a hunting and flehlng trip In Burke county. Mr. and Mr*. T. 8. Myers have re turned to their home at Rocklege. Mra. Hardeman, of Haddocks, la In the city, being called here by the 111- ness of her eleter, Mra. Eugenia Hooks. Mr. C. J. Kamper spent Sunday In the city, coming over from Cochran. Mr. and Mra. J. A. Peacock have re turned from Washington and Old Point Comfort. Mr. O. P. Houser, after an absence several weeks for hls health, haa re turned very much Improved. Messrs. Tom Hightower and Arthur Wolfe spent 8unday In Irwlnton. Dr. Tom Taylor, of Rents, waa a re cent visitor here. Mr. J. M. Outler baa been quite III veral days, but Is now much Im proved. WHITE8BURG. Miss Dovle McBrayer. who has been Atlanta for tome time under treat- Wednrsday Euchre Club this week. Mra. James L Dickey, who baa been Is much Improved. Mle* Roelne Raoul from Naw York city. haa returned Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lowman will visit Atlantic City In June. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fort son will visit New York next week. Miss Margaret Felshar is III with ap pendicitis at Orady nospltal. CARTER8VILLE. Thuraday afternoon the Music Club entertained at a musicals In honor of Mrs. A. O. Granger. The following program-waa rendered after which re freshments were served: Piano solo, Mra. Logan Vaughan; vocal solo, Mias Wise; piano solo, Mlaa Nlel; reading, Mra. McCafferty; vocal solo, Mra. Felton Jonea; vocal trio, Mra. Jones, Mra. Young, Mlaa Crouch; piano solo, Miss Wlkle; vocal solo, Mlaa Milner. Friday afternoon the Cherokee Club held a social meatlng In honor of Mr*. Granger. Talk* were made by th* chairmen of the different committees, followed by a talk from Mra. Peeples, president of the Tennessee Press Club, and an addreaa on club work by Mra. Granger. Mra. Will Young, Mra. Logan Vaughan, Mra. Harry Womelsdorf and Mrs. Felton contributed a program of vocal piano music. Mra. A. O. Granger left Monday for St. Paul, where she will attend the biennial of women's clubs. Mra. Harry Granger and Mra. Sher man Granger will sail on Saturday from New York for Colombia, South America. Mr*, o. H. Aubrey has returned from a vlolt to Atlanta. Mra. Mary Freeman and family will move to their country home next week for the summer months. Mra. Felton Jones Is spending a week In Atlanta. Mra. J. 8. Munford entertains her neighborhood sewlqk circle Ihia after noon. Mrs. John W. Al»,n la In Washing ton. D. C. Mlaa Allen Camp, of Lumberion, Mlaa., la the guest of Mias Sara Tumlln. Misses Mary Lou Milner and Bonnie Kate Saxon are visiting at Agnea Scott, College. Mia's Lulle Lumpkin Is visiting In Chattanooga. Miss Jessie Wlkle leaves next week for Roanoke, Ve. and HAMILTON. children are the guest of Rev. Mrs. J. W. White. Hon. A. H. Carmichael, of Tuscum- bla. Is a guest at the Brown Hotel. John White made a trip to Russell ville on Monday. Mra. C. Palmon and children, of Russellville, are visiting Dr. and Mra. J. C. Johnson this week. Miss Ramon Middleton, who haa been visiting friends at Bexar, haa returned home. Kim Brown, of Amory, Miss., wax the guest of W. W. Hall on Tueaday. M ' Vl a rl Ifnmde . . # Ilfl—A-U ^ — —* J f J Thad Harris, of Wlnfleld, candidate for sheriff, visited Hamilton on Tuea day. gut Mlaa Luclle Baker, of Jesup, is the last of bar aunt, Mrs. J. 8. WUklnaon. Magnificent collection beautiful Pic ture Postal Cards. It will Interest you to see this display. For sale by PIEDMONT SOUVENIR COMPANY, In Lobby lied moot Hotel TOCCOA. The Southern Trio, of Atlanta, con sisting of Mra. Wynne, Mlaaea Martha Smith and Sarah Zoura Cawthorn, of Atlanta, delightfully entertained on the evening of the list at the school chapel In behalf of the Baptist church. Miss Louis* Simmons Is at home from Wesleyan Female College, at Ma con. Miss Alice Newton has returned from a visit to friends at Easley, 8. C. Mr. J. F. Smith attended commence ment at Piedmont College In Demorest lost week. Rev. A. Christian, of Hamburg Ala, visited Toccoa one day laat week. Mr. and Mr*. A. Walters have re turned from an extended stay In south Georgia. Mr. and Mr*. Claude Edwards have returned from visits lo Atlanta, Augus ta and Chdrieston. S. C. Misses Zella Phillips and Pearl Lit tle, of Carnesvllle, were guests of Mrs. T. R. Isbell this week. Mrs. E. H. Oraves, Miss Emily Reale and Mlaa Aurora Strong visited friends In Clarkeavllle Thursday. Mrs. E. W. Hull, of Port Royal, S. C„ Is at the Albemarle fer the aunt mer. Presiding Elder Rev. J. II. Maahburn conducted services at the- Methodlat church Sunday. Miss Maud 8wlft. of Atlanta, la vis iting home folks. Mrs. J. B. Simmons vlstted Atlanta .this week. Mrs. Guriy spent Saturday and Sun day In Atlanta. Mias - Elisabeth Edwards, of Lucy Cobb, visited home folk* several days recently. Miss' Nellie Bright, of AdalrsviUe, la at borne for the holidays. AU8TELL. Mr. W. C. Thompson, dispatcher for the Southern railway at Birmingham. Ala., haa -been visiting hls family at this place for the post few day*. He returns to Birmingham this evening. Ex-Mayor Charles J. Shelverton, land agent for the Southern railway, spent part of lost woek and Sunday with hls family at this place and left for Lynch- burr., Vn., today. Mlaa Pearl Winters Is visiting Mlu Mamie Pittman, of Douglasvllle, Ga. Mrs. McQueen Saunders, of Forsyth, Go., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Jackson, at this place. Mr. J. C. Gowder has returned from a trip to South Georgia. Mra. W. E. Shelverton has returned from a visit ,to Birmingham, Ala, where she spent several day*. Mrs.' R.’ 8. Mather Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Finger, of Collins- worth, Ohio, also Mle* Eva Frost, of Spring street. Mrs. Forest B. Spink spent today with her parents. Captain T. J. Lowe and wife, at Mableton. Mr. Algood, Methodist minister of this place, was called to hls mother’s j bedside at Rockmart, where she lays desperately III. The many friends, and members extend their deepest sympa thy. Mrs. John Ward, residing here, died at, 3:30 p. m, after A lingering Illness. Mra. A. J. Chapman Is selling out her household goods and will leave for Vir ginia at an early date. Dr. Robert C. Cloud has returned from a trip to Charleston, S. <\, where he attended the convention of Southern railway physicians and surgeon*. ACWORTH, GA. Miss Florlne Dial, of Woodstock, ha* returned home after spending several days with Mra. C. M. Lovlngood. Mra. W. Y. Bailey, of Kingston, I* spending some time here with her son. W. T. Bailey. Master Glover Johnson, of Attall*. Ala., Is here to spend the summer with hls grandfather, J. N. Johnson. Mra. Penn Mitchell and two children. Robert and Pendleton, are visiting rel atives In Haxelhurat, Miss. Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Smith have re turned from Atlanta, and will spend the summer at the McLain hotel. Miss Ruby Beasley, of Stllesboro. has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. J- Northcutt. . Mr. and Mra. T. W. Hunt left .Mon day for Atlanta, where they will make their home. Miss Fowler, of Woodstock, ha* been visiting Mrs. J. H. Perklnaon. Miss Nell* Johnson, who ha* been teaching hear Eatonton, has returned home. The commencement exercise* of Smith Lemon institute were held !*»' Friday night. Thoee receiving diplo mas were Mlse Lulu Mitchell. .Ml** -'h- nle Lee McGee, and Claude Rainey Mra. Hugh Orr, of Gadsden. I* spend ing some time here with her parents. Mr. and Mra. J. L. Nichols. Miss Lena McLain has as her gue« her cousin, Mlsa Logan, of Prescott. Ark. WINDER, GA. , We have one of the flnest mf" schools In the south. The spring t' 1 ™ closed last week, with ten graduate* Misses Kathleen Cobes. Ore Cssa* Nellie Lou Hamby. Memphis* Her”* gree, Desmo Pentlcost, Oussle Flore Garrison, and Messrs. Her*ch« Hill. Homer Smith and Eugene Kira M'lss Mai Patterson, one of ou r i most beautiful young ladles, ha* •** I slek for the past week, but her n>»W | friends are glad lo know she will *■ be well again. ., .... Mlsa Flore Garrison Carson andt-oy •him iiun. uariiiiuii .*• lean and little Katherine Gentry • spending this week In the coumo their grandparents, Mr. and Mr* Cleaton. . ... -m All the Winder Sunday school* " picnic next Thursday at Galne*'’ 1 * °Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cannon “J spending the week at their c ** home In Rockdale county. , .u entertained t®" ,-andkf younger set one hls father’s lovely home on street. _ of Mr. and Mrs.'Blakeley v ”- ', M Abbeville, 8. C„ spent Sunday here, gueat of Mrs. Perry’s parents. ARE YOU GOING AWAY? ir so, have The Oeorglan "f ! " J hlit you. Mailed to city subscribed' r away from home for the *“' t4 ^s months at the regular raw of ten <^ ot a week—no charge for *nallln* M * to any- aggress in ths United . i - Canada. Foreign postage extr*