The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 01, 1906, Image 11
IllCi A LIABLE XA ITrAJAlTlAn, MARKETS Edited by JOSEPH B. LIVELY Mr. Lively has Markets in Atlanta and the South for more than twenty- five yean. His experience makes him tlie most reliable market editor in the South If not, in tho entire country. / ACREAGE REPORTS WERE NUMEROUS but generally without EFFECT ON MARKET. Fluctuations in Cotton Narrow, But Were Slightly Higher Than Previous Close. The market! for cotton future* In all , speculative centers have been very dull 1 during the morning trading, operators apparently believing that yesterday's rxcltement and decided elump was un called for, nnd today more, caution Is being exercised. With the exception of English ca blet, news today was as bearish as on Thursday. May option, however, was out of tin way, consequently the lead ing bull teemed to be taking a much needed rest. It Is expected that he will take up the b'-ar side shortly to change his luck. Several acreage and condition ports ware Issued today, all of which were bearish, except thst of the Southern Cotton Growers' Association. It gives the Increase In acreage at 1.1 per cent, or 37,834,718 acres, against last year. The New York Financial Chronicle estimates the acreage at 31.SS7.242, an Increase of 9.84 per cent. The New York Commercial makes the Increase «.* per cent and condition ®"iV Is rumored Miss Giles Will give tho acreage Increase at 7 to t per cent. All this bearish "dope" was without effect on the market during the morn- trading, which was dull, with duc at Ions narrow, though steady In tone and prices a few points above yester day's closing dgures. In sight for the week Is estimated at 105,000 to 115,000 bales, against 141,924 last year and 44,000 in 1904. The weather continues favorable over the belt. In the afternoon the market was dull, but prices had lost their steadiness, and a declining tendency developed, the list selling below yesterday's low point. By Private Leased Wire. New York, June 1.—The cotton market had another active and Irreg ular opening. First prices were r jiolnts higher to 2 polnte lower. Sev. eral private crop report* tended to confuee sentiment. The level of prices was sustained a point or so above lost night's close throughout the early deal ings, with July showing an advance of 3 points on some heavy buying by a prominent house. SPOT COTTON MARKET. Atlasta-Qulet, 11 MIC. New York—(Inlet, 11.Sc. New (blears—Quiet, lie. rpool—oulet, gold. Liverpool—Oulrt. 6.02d. Hayannah—Steady, lie. Augusta—Steady, 1114c. St. Louis—Steady, 11 1 Charlciton—Nominal. MSc. RANGE IN NEW ORLEANS COTTON Cotton futures ranged ns follows at New Orleans today: '• Laat Pi Open. High. Low. Sale. Close. June .in.H0 10.5l 10.70 10.70 10.49-70 July .10.84 10.93 10.71 10.79 10.77-7* Aug. .10.50 10.09 10.47 10.47 10.; , Sent 10.*ew is* ' (let. J0.32 10.19 10.20 1022 10.22-23 M.j 10.21 *>.21 iaa to.a 10.22-3 10.1 Pee. .10.31 10.17 10.23 10.* 1024-* J0.M49 Jan. .1040 104) 10& 10)1 10234) 1040-41 Mar. :ioso ioto ioio ioio iou-ii Closed itMMljr. • RANGE IN NEW YORK COTTON. The following Is tho range In cottoe futures la New York today: Lair Previous June Sfa £&« July .10.85 10.(7, 1050 1051 1 Aug. .10.50 10.53 10*4' 10.* }' Sept .1043 1041 10* 1039 101 .10.37 1041' 10* 1027 10M-: >v. .1041 1041 1041 10.41 10.27.* ■e. .1041 10« 10* 10* 10104} n. .1047 1010 1*.* 10*4 101446 .1047 10.47 1034 10.47 103436 b 10.54 1057 10.43 10.43 10.42-43 LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, June 1. 12:11 p.m.—Cotton, spot, demand fair, with ptic middllni tddllns uplands. *.03d. Sales, W.000; Amer- >n. 9.500; speculation and export, *,000. ■eelnta, 2,000; American, 1,100. « Inly 6.805.79 *.77 6.79 :: l:8tS IS :: ISIS iS | :: l:StS If? fiS f StS IS IS July-Aug. .. Aug.-8<*pt. .. . H*pt.-Oct Oct..SoT Nov.-Dee, Drc.Jan Lin.-Feb Frb. -Marrh .. l.loseil quiet. TODAY'S PORT RECEIPTS. The following tabic shown racnfU at the port* today, compart'd with the mu-o d«j »*t year: NEWS AND GOSSIP O: the Fleecy Staple. Private Wire to Ware ,Y Letand. New York. June L—Cotton—Journal of Commerce estimate., rendition at dl; In create In acreage a* per cent. Liverpool cable says: “Quiet and steady better uuderton*." Bombay weekly report.- .. . . , Thla w'k. Lest Total P a| , nce J*dVi'"','.'.'."m«Iooo l.iOtlS Shipments 11,000 Total since Jau. 1 179,000 2T dderab'l* trade bought considerable December. Liquids tlon In July still s feature, end see no signs of rally. We receive the following from the Lea* I .ate. planting Is coml, stand. We hear coming tip to s good practically no complaints or two sections *bont la bor ping out. no thing l _ somewhat later than heretofnru lntln by us. Taken *s a whole, we ran only firm our last week's favorable resume of 1he growing crop, and that at the moment the general outlook la Battering. With s -onttouatlou of normal weather condltlona. of the cotton belt. The rest of the belt I* lies, against 44,861 tft Mr. Private* Wire to Glbert k Clay. Xtf York, Jaue 1.—Hoorn, traders b«__. thla morning and are now selling In ab* Bence of dttnand. Wllaon at 10:17 a.m. aold Xorden B.00I Trytnber at 10.40e. Liverpool at 12:90 p.m. was unchanged on .jls crop and 1 lower on next It was ex* pected to be S lower ©a thla and 1 lower on next crop. Carpenter, Itaggott k Co. and Xordan nanclal Chronicle make* Increase Increase In acreage 9.64 or 11,667.243 acres. Tho Southern Cotton Association's com* pllatlon of aereage statistic* shows total aereags this year 27,634.718, against 26,999.* 491 laat year, or on Increase of 2.2 per cent. Lal>or reported scarce In a number ' atatee. It la rumored Miss Giles eatamltea on acrceige Increase of 7 to 8 per cent. The Journal of Commerco and CommerclaV Bulletin Issues Its report this morntng.i making the condition 12,1. aa Increase la <r cold, dry weather . making the crop two weeka late/- Scarcity of labor very general, bat fields clean and bat little acreage aban weakness In the cotton market at the opening, following the weakness of Tnes* day, lent an additional air of uncertainty In circles where flrat handi are trying to foresee what It Is beat to do about prices For standard gon*]©, in which active trad* ng for fall deliveries begin* during the ,..8mu n* inifop vurt r,f June. * Although liveries mi.bib* or latter part of buyers are known to be la need of some line, of domeatlce for fall, their atfltmle tor tho moment la one of antagonistic wilting. They are taking only,.mall quan tities of low count and coarse goods, but they Insist on very prompt shipments. New Orlesn,. June 1.—Bualneu small this morning, hnt undertone better. Shorts In clined to cover. Onr traveling representative wires Ten- trill und Southeast Arkansas crops fine, clesn, well worked, good stands. Texar kana to (Tarksvllle good. Parts to Bonham •potted, some good, bat generally email - - — * —• —* yet chopped oui; pianus pmi, isuw nvsrcc, having left In Isrge numbers for territories sod Pan Handle. Acreage leas than .11*4; .weather favorable; wovk pushed ni to Claim worked. weevil ba*"appeared"aroim<r _ Navsaota, to spread In that uectlon, eapeclally with flrat shower*. IN STOCK MARKE MIDSUMMER DULLNESS WAS THE MAIN FEATURE. Brokers Said That tho Market A1 together Was a Case of "Dog Eat Dog." New York, June 1.—A dull market, with a rising Inclination in aome qunr ters and uncertainty In ' others, was merely repeating today what had grown familiar on the previous days of the week. With a higher range of London Quotations, prices started somewhat higher, A renewal of tho pressure against Pennsylvania stock broke the price another 1-2 point and caused a slow reaction in the other lefders. But the scarcity of real offer ings for sale discouraged much activity on the bear side, and tho rest of the morning was given over to desultory operations for th, rim I, same of ths minor specialties, and la fma SV twa other Issues of moro Importance. Of the specialty movements those of Colo rado Fuel, pressed Car and Car Foun dry were the most conspicuous. Louis vllle and Nashville was the strongest of the railway group In a continuation of reports of an Increased dividend and the other Southern shares were sympathetically strong. Illinois C n- tral and St. Paul were well maintained, but the coal and steel shares were heavy. In the stock market strength chnrac terlxed the opening. Louisville and Nashville up 7-8; Tennessee Coal and Iron up 1-2; Colorado Fuel 11-4; Penn sylvania held an Initial gain of 1-3, Reading was somewhat unsteady. Else where the Improvement extended to a •mall fraction. Business was on a moderate scale, and after the opening trading prices were Inclined to recede •lightly. Brokers said that the market was si together a case of "dog eat dog," some traders backing stocks up, while oth ers offered them down. Government bonds unchanged. Other bonds Irregular.' JULY MAIN FEATURE IN YESTERDAY’S MARKET New York, June 1.—The Rdn says: "Jnly was the mala feature and declined rapidly Tor s time under the preaaure of hesrr Iqnldstton, hammering, stop orders sue line weather. The South, Liverpool. Well street sold, and 1’rife slid Weld Interests ~ I ‘ "i*ve sold Ji r was favor erpool tdvlcea were week. Report bad It that little or no short Interest remains there; n statement which probably ought to be taken with s grain of unit; nnd. lu s word, there was nothing psrtlculnrly atlm olntlng In the neves fr— ‘ cotton world, although .. __ euntinuet _ come off tamely—'"Much rry jl,” or rather cotton, no for ss the bolls Utterly reviving It la con- option, not to put It. look a, for tin- .. Idedly sick If actually defunct. Philadelphia Is call, alow tows, but to sit sppearanc cotton worm, am actual cotton con war deal ns* cot end little wool.” let log spot cotton merchants hare stood up “> the rack end beaten the New York bulls. >ut the Illy agony Is over. The July option to many seems an equally flttlug subject for an obituary. The only disturb ing factor visible on the nky line la the government report next Monday. There are those who think It has been discounted In this week's big drcllue. There are s food many othent who prefer to prophesy after the event, (lae thing, however, seem* certain, and that Is, thst raw • cotton at home and abroad Is passing Into ths man nurtured stats with s rapidity and lu a volume seldom or never equalled, and an the short* In the new crop PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO.'S DAILY MARKET LETTER New York. Jnne l.-Cottos-ExpceUtlons of continued liquidation In today's cotton market was rather disappointing to the bearish element. Liverpool cables, while week, did not fully meet our decline, and mlng here oer market ranged from • Weakness developed lu idlng. ~ “ E lug a 'half "hour of "trading, "and. jester, day low levels were made for the Jnly optlou. while the new e point lower than y« larger Increases were i—-- — , .. tlcisns of acreage planted, end sentiment Is now almost universally bearish, and cot ton seems to have so friends. The weather renditions continue-almost perfect. After the noon seed on. tbe market became ex tremely dull snd strength was noticeable In tba new crop option*. The New Tort anil New Orleans cotton sxcbsnges trill bs Cl Htock*^MkUamm« dullness the stock market daring tbs alon and trading eras — „ ESTIMATED RECEIPT8. New Orteaas expects 90S to 1.20* hsles, •"■"lnat 8.145 actual lent year: Galveston. -WO to MOO bales, against 1.874 trtasl Is at rear; Howtos. LMO to U9A sgslnst 14* ■'•tssi hut year. ^ June July September October *t,,-,-v.' MSStiff was notlcreiiij hisii bin bvio,. ....- other Honthern roads. wkleS bars toon fairly setlve of tale, were dentsnt today. An Irregular London market with no orders no either able caused a oulet opening here. Penusylvsnlu. while opening up H per cent, noon feet lu advance, and wss weoh dur- K thr early tradlsg. .Tho lavesUgatloo of rallreada by the lnterattte rommlaalon, now lu araaton at ltd will. It ta mid, extend to other I New York Centrslla the next to FisSawMSSf*- w* to keep the pobUc eat of the iMrhet and dull and quiet marhtts ate looked for In Wall street for sous time to come. WARE A LELAND’8 DAILY COTTON LETTER. kz zfiRjst thl« th-err In rali.-l In cp, dally, taking fair return Ing when wmh. for thaTiMMiaPPai •torka will prevent s decline of ueriouapro- nortlona, nod us noon as the market Is SeeeaoM as Irregular attvssce to likely. ■■operating for proflu fair retnraa and reporrhas. k. for the llmltad supply of GIBERT & CLAY IS r. ALABAMA ST. BONDI. COTTON. GRAIN. corrcc. provisions ATLANTA. 04. N*w Tork Btfvk Ei^hspc New Tork Totton Esriiar.r Sitw Tork CoffM Bxebaoc Private Wire* to all E Ucti m4 Long Diatanca Taltphana 6£9$* MKMBCRSi New OrlHM rot ton Exrh*«ic* ICItfea*© Ttaie. X-w orimn. Hurt. Rxeswg ^Are-totlon W. R. PAGAN, Managar. other la. that the abort* In moatha hero s good deal of company, po* altdy Tt may yet prove altogether too much for comtort." New Orleans, Jnne 1.—The Tlmea-Demo- erst mya: "Bsatero longs, rnuvlnred that tho bull leader Is May had lieeom., tbe liesr leader for July, and Southern longa confronted hy tpe government’s uereage and eoudltlon report coming on a day wln-n tbs Southern eiehange will l>e ,-loacl by law snd both worried by a tout sbsenee of kaowledgs as to the nature of the com parioons the government will nink- use ef nnd by tke depreoaton logically follow ing In tha wake of definite defeat, pur- chsaed dealrd Immunity from further dis aster at the hands of the master, manipu lator, paying dearly eaoagh therefor. The totos t _ The bureau words. ‘ k that It will show an acreage lu ex- of tweuty-nlse millions. Therefore renlng up procure has been predicated the eventng np upon day’s predialUd ed effort to dlacnnnt Mon . _ report, but rath uf.the trailers In both of harm’s way on reu short b manv° P t ROHi anon nanj i .—.— — July suy bs sttribsted to cause, n than to ss Inspired Insight Into the ft coming bulletin. In tha flrat place, n •pot cotton la ovrnsd hy atteh Interests * - - ---* —'-*■* batd sentimental eff&t’of re- tbe man who ■ undoubtedly up an tllnriig prospect to tbe hear manipulator. Thus the .spscstotlvs the luunsdlste future, places the staple rinsriy oti tbe derenolre without, bow taking from the farmer or the factory — — " — thHr required power ss dors la the event they doubt wbstever.ln the h? •or. CouaequAntly • bearish bureau may toon readily be turned to concrete account hy the rings than • bafltab re port. But Jnly contractu are lotriutesUy wofU lnS # %t'tSS n hStovTYh. c, 3 , reCP'!SSi *poi coiiun ooKsara ids wrowi orw legitimately command and should ob- soon sort of s premium so matter ... crop condition and acreage msgultode are brought to light lost Jloadsy. But ■rat tow tactics may again have to be resorted to ere.tho fret shall .have.been played to conclusion. Meanwhile ill sc counts bare sot been evened up and n further sharp decline today, the last day left both IJverpool ssd New Orleans In which to dloeoout one of tho most Import ant documents of the rear, would prol-ably pave tke way to broader.speeslstlve opera tion* next wars, veinslg<-rate tho rings sod Inject s goodly dose of rife elixir Into tho blood of every Boor broker In tbe hut- here. Logically, tats, stagnation is not •attclpsted today. A rally ought to be doe. W Its coming vrnahl lie rendered GIBERT A CLAY'S DAILY COTTON LETTER. Titw ima rwu spot sales Ists than Tburaday’a dose snd tlnue rxc iient Is volnme. | tlooa amounting to a qeoutloaa le-lng redi Iklablation that ] aecma to lure r RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET A male* mated Copper.*#. Atlautlc Caw Aim*rlmn Hugur Ht'fluliiff..,, n Aaacoo4a * American U>coin«>tlTe ***’" •lo pranrml. ** American HtneUlac Krsinln? ..!.!! •I" fiMiftl. Atcblaon do preferred American t'etton on K.iltliimre nml Ohio ltn>i>kl.\!i Hnpltl Transit Canadian PadOc Cftkaxo anil N ort h wot tern.... rhesapenko anil Ohio Colorado Fuel nn»l Iron Central Leather do pr< ft-rpHl at*.....,,.,,,. Chicago nntl CJr«*nt Western Chicngo, Milwaukee aud St, Paul petawaro and Ilodton OlMtlllar’a Sacurltlca Erie General Blactrlc ,.l lUlnoli Central American Ice Socurlttea Ijnularffl* nnd Nnahritle Mexican Central, Missouri Padfie New York. Ontario and Weatern l.ea11 Northern Pn« lt1<- New York Central * * nnd W« —,./anln _ ■*•** PTOasod Steel Car * rhclflc Mill Ken.llitbj Republic Steel............... ltoek IaIaimI da preferietl Ml) United states Rubber...'.... do. preferre<l Southern PaeKle Southern RalUvny ; do. preferred... Sloes Sheffield. Teuneaaea Coal and Iron Texan and Pacific Union Pacific United State* Steel do. pref)>rrcd Virginia Carolina Chemical do. preferred Weatern Union Wilbasli da preferred Wisconsin Central.,.. do. preferred STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New Tork, June l.-Tbe Sun eaya: • tbe main the atock market dlaptajred atrong undertone and waa governed moat of the day by nn advancing tendency, lmt the volume of tranaactlona waa limited Numeroua Irregular reeeaalona In price* oc curred from time to time, and at tha cloae a idling movement wiped out the largeat aharo of the earlfer gain*. The market waa atrongeat In the forepart of the day, helped to aome extent, perhapa, by an !m prorement In financial sentiment foreign markota. This waa due, na aeemed, to more encouraging views taken In Paris, particularly regarding the Russian altua tlon and together with firmness on all tbe European bournes In tho prlee of Russian bonds. The Pennsylvania shares led In tbe fall, and their weakness waa accompanied by a story that negotiations by the man ngement of tho company for the «sle of 860.000,000 abort term notes In Paris bad been broken off. This story was anthorlta tlvely stated to be untrue, but there has bccu up to thla time something of n popu lar misunderstanding of the status of tbe transaction In question. It has been com rocnly sappoeed that tho Pennsylvania fact 1a that the arrangemeut has not jot been settled, although Tt is thoroughly W Heved In well Informed quartars that tho loon will. In due conrse, be taken by tbe UNDERTONE IS FIRM IN BOSTON WOOL MARKET By Private Leased Wire. Boston, June 1.—The Improvement Uced a week ago has not led to any heavy tranaactlona In wool market There baa been a fair volumo of bnslneaa In small lota of domestic staple and a few alseablo tranaactlona of foreign atock. The under tone of the market la firm and <lt evloua prices are obtained, irera have doll, tha next memo. new clip movement Includes pales In i at 20 to 2214c, an estimated average 1 coat landed of 75c. Rales in fas* r, Wyu., are at 22 to 24c. A ‘ ' pounds In Idaho was Itfwghi ’onnt at 23c. New York mill Wk Ohio farmers 11c for medlu Rbe cars. Tbe Mies of the week, amount to 1,150,000 pounds 666.000 pounds foreign * * pounds ns rompsrctf In tho rorrcK|Hindlng ’ ESTIMATE OF ACREAGE BY THE N. Y. COMMERCIAL By Frlvete Leased Wire. New Yavk, Jane J.—The commereUI ted Flnsnetal Cbvaukle this morning Ireued u report os the acreage In rottuu this mmi. It jil.reo the svee at *1,697,*47 seres, agaluol 29,008,419 seres test eessos, on Ineresse of *.*4 por resL Ths paper states that ms- turity to slao shoat op to tbe hversgo ssd ‘ *"* In therefore Is advance ol tlvstioo has been ssttofse. to, despite tba reported The t-nsdlUou on June able wltb stead good, loss a ssttefsetory yield , average seesone are experienced dor- lug tbe suuuier snd tbe autumn. about up ti Jut tbe crop la therefu set year. Cnlllv jre'rcl./ 'of "labor 1 we. nulla farm The outlook promti If fair average saasi Indlvldasl' estimate* of serfage snd dittos have been published today, bat I excited little more then peealog room ll*> e . og comments Tbs reduction In supplied continues, lint Id leas than anticipate! on account of tbd continued free receipts. The Bombay morel arff year end ablpmcsts ere greeter than tbe prevtoen peer for tbe same period, by g few tboeaend be lee, and I bio, taken In S*fW3»5yjR vTSbSTSu^: ■nt Ihls^^rnoon SOUTHERN EXCHANGE Oldest Established Office South. COTTON STOCKS BONOS GRAIN Ground Floor Oould Building. Dally market tetter sad market manual mailed on application. market wss - ■HMPRf4t. for to up*rath Hy dull with « on in cxcrcdlngty •mull mile, trmt la the market has MM i" I ct report 3J"» 'Jay. Nean L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's Cipital $250,000 srrrarNCC. ths ncal bank phonic >017. papncNTiAL m Of. 8TOCK SALE8, It s, a 131.70 si 11 noon 196.nft> at 1 p. m.. .. *27,900 shares 2 p. nt.ono shares Total 992,000 shares TIPS FLASIIED From Wall StroeL Private Wire ta Glliert A Clay. New York, Juno l.—Continuance of Irregular Improvemnt ojwrstlons. In tsrrupted by the usual professional K nersl and speclflo antagonism, maj •xpected In the atock market to- day, with apeclaltlea favored, and wt believe selected stocks may be bought upon all these soft spots brought about by raiding of certain stocks and nntu- Iv I,..'Using li "in Him- to time, provided the dally operator Is content with modern returns on bulgen. Louisville anti Nashville may bought on all recessions. The Fuel pool seems Confident forcing the shorts to cover up to 10, Two hundred Is being predicted for Illinois 4,'entrnl, A bull tip In noted on Missouri Pa cific, Unless active, It shopld be Ig nored. 8t. Paul should be taken for a turn on this reaction. Reading to sold by professional! to ward 142, and until Its pool to wilting to Jake that level It will not material ly advance. The same may be said of Union Pacino around the 111 level. A bull lip la rejiorted on beet sugar, —Financial Bureau. It Is rejmrted thst the Rt. Paul financing will be on a basla of equal parts of 4 j»r cent bonds and com, substantial rlgh New York, June 1.—In London, con sols for both money and account de clined l-l*c. I-ondnn Arm, l-l©t-9r up. ' No markets abroad after today until Tuesday-next. Wall street, however, will make a market, but one that will be apt to chango but llttlo, except In specialties, although sentiment Is more or lees bullnh on nxjiectatlons of a very favorable bank statement, and the belief that aggressive support will be extended whenever pressure to too pronounced. Nothing In the news this morning to affect the market materially. Be lieve It will have continuation of trad- ndltlona of past few days, with activity In ajieclaltles. Believe L-oulsvIlle nnd Nashville, Atlantic Coast Lins snd Denver can be bought for turns Advlss accepting small profits, anyhow. Dow, Jonas * Qo.’s summary yestsrday's stock market: American stocks In London flfm, 1-9 ei-lc above parity. London market close* today until uesday morning. Canadian Pacific on present showing to earning 12 per cent stock. United mates Steel net earning! for flrat half of 1*0* will establish new gh record. Harriman roads buying ateel rails. Light demand for stocks In loan crowd. _ _ Money returning from Ran Francisco snd 120,000,000 more expected In next two weeks. „ „ . Standard Gas flies suit In United States circuit court to enjoin state of- fleers from enforcing »0-cent gas law. Iowa slats crop report beet for this Urns of year since 1100. Dun’s wbsat crop reports show out look bettor than usual at this date. Jtoported Southern railway will sell 82.900,000 bond, abroad. Twelve Industrials advanced 0 per ^Twenty active railroads advanced 20 per cent. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. The fella trios tobk give* tbe opanlug _Bd cloaln# quotatlnxa for ruffes for future delivery tods/ Is New York: January 6.J54.I tin: N :: lib :: 7::: SS Jtcembtr NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. hlcsgn, June I.—The InterOcren mjo: ■a<l„ In wheel wee largely of erunlng^np •till , , &£r a'BBf&Sy! tuerkut Jsst before the riser urgent rell- Ing of eeattored lete of May, meeting with little d.-maod, brake the price to within a bare shade of the Jnly. "The corn trade wse In striking contrast In the weakness In wheat, baying by Pat ten broker* ami pro*! taking by abort*, who sold on the Toeeday bid go, rallying the market from an opening dip end turn lug It atrong. Trade was email. "Oat* were beery on eelUng by Bartlett, rdwnrda aud pit tradera. Buying wee tnumiay we* lar.i* 00 No. 3 hard et -. I. 1. Buffalo. Tin day of le orer July token In Mgy delivery l hid* 1st* In the "o. I Northern • afternoon. mmmmm Imahela and and st the ecehoard the only •ess wss tSOW eocu. Charter* •■^W. thlpped !.5004*0 pounds of hum* snd ■boulders tost week, or 5OJ.000 juminla more thitn tho Mine time Isat year,' eald the Cl man of one of the big peckers. -Onr ade Is Joints baa .been good right stone nulstlug ne stork*. The • a foot a* expected, ami ^doubtful slmut the Idg ..rhlcngo.Jnne 1,-In fare of bearish con- dltlons, wheat rallied well from lla break yesterday. tVee I her today Is especially good. Heins over Ohio valley, where need ed, snd clear end warmer uArthwrat. There SB s torse July hiddlne In innnrye<t hamla. on oullook Is so brilliant that It cannot he Improved much, but It li alwuya liable to accident*. Abort aellere will not dare to In over eggreoslre, conetil ‘ erste ronlract storks which ■ . decresee. Highly rent* la • debatable price with the winter wheat; crop far front ne- ired. Ilcllere piirchaars nn soft epets f* far small proflta st treat, t’orn shorts :m •ml It will now . __ auataln there price*. At prerent le not In LOST OVER A CENT IN A FEW AAINUTES IMPROVED WEATHER CONDI- TIONS RESPONSIBLE bushels corn end 300,mo bushels oats. SK" The light. dallvertei prire to the general trad*, but not to t •hlppers. The latter bare ln-en taking ercrythlng delivered recently no fast •• It could lie secured. Hally atattatlca of tbe osta trade will berraftor ha poetvd ne regularly by the Imerd ss hs» neretofora been tbe ruelom with wheat snd corn. The steadily Incrasalsg Importance of the onto trade here mad* ths action Impera tive.'' PRIMARY MOVEMENT. The following tbowe ths primary move- I—- ‘ —*• md corn: * 315,01)1) bushel*, against iet yrer; ahlpments 274,400 1*2,000 In * t year. Coro—Receipts Imehel*. njralnat 541- 000 bnahels laat year; ehlpuicute 479.000 tin si- els, ogalnat 409,000 Imahela last year. LIVERPOOL GRAIN M/CrKET. Wheat opened unchanged: 1:10 p, m„ un changed; closed unchanged. . p - H w * h NORTHWEST CARS. roUewllif tabU giro* lb* nnrthwrtt cnr» of grata fodaj, last week and Inur tear: Jait laat Todaf. XVttk. Year. 14 120 167 1 I Ulnnenpolla . . . . >ala(b ••••••• rjilrngo Commission Houses Sold Heavily on Stop Orders—Argentine Sihpments Heavy. By Private Lensed Wire. Chicago, June 1.—Wheat closed 1 1-1 ©I l-Se lower, white corn wns 1-265-S better. Oat* were off l-S©l-4c and provisions lost 17 1-2Q27 1-lc. Ths bulla In wheat encountered rough sledging, while ths bear* enjoyed smooth ridlnr. There were new figures on th. Southwestern crop, Knniuts be ing placed clearly above former esti mates snd ths other Southwestern states totals ware added to. Besides the unloading or longs In July nnd Hep- tembsr wheat thsra was some short selling by scattered Interests. The demand for flour wss xmnlt nnd cash whsst was quit* dull, both her. snd In ths amalter market* of the coun try. . Ths 8now report on w hent w as construed by the wheat trad- n* quite bearish, white It was on ngt* snd • stand-off nn corn. The eltuetlon In hog products wss weak, with packers teadlngesslters. Primary wheat receipt* were 316,not) and com 82*,000, compared with -oo.- 000 and 142,000, respectively, a year ago. CTsarances were 2S7.000 wheat, no corn, and 11,000 oats. - • Cash whsst wss active hero lute In the day, but the amount traded In an wall as the price were not mnde public Improved weather conditions ore Inrgoly responsible for nn aaster open ing In wheat. Heavy selling by com mission houses on stop orders mimed decline of over a cent In a few minute* after th* opening. Argentine *hlp- ments wer# about half n million over the estimate and markets them report ed quiet with a downward tendency. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. low* WnBAT- Open. High. Low. Clou ..iibaT— %Ji & 3r St 8 |i* a a a Kept . .16.12H 16.16 16.00 16.00 LARD— ~ l* .. I.72K 6.76 • .ft, 8.674 m ih if Ott. * 9.10 * 0.00 8.90 8.90 Julr •* 9.8254 0.85 0.15 y 15 Mpt .* 0.228 9.2214 9.10 0.10 CHICAGO CAR LOTff. aa fol. Vrtr. •. rlo»v. m” 4$'* 4hty© s?i 16 3-1 1« 27*4 hJTH 9.Or; !S» To«1oy. Tomorrow. Oata ' • Hoffa WM. L P[Ugfntld*nt. K0BT. >. MADDOX, Vtei.Pfil. MADDOX - RUCKER BANKING CO. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS .• $500,000.00 ACCOUNT* INVITCD. Wo noil tho widely Imown nnd extensively used CIrenlar Notes and Lettcre of Credit of Tlios. Cook &i ,Son./| . In OurS*vln|S Department we allow (merest at the Rate of 3 1-2 per cent Compounded Seml-Annuilly. Frank Hawklaa, rr>*iM<*ot If. If* Atkloaon, V. I> T/iArnaa C. Erwin. Aunt. raabt»r. JoaFpb A. McCord, fnshier. R. \\. f>y»*r©, A«nt Canbli»r. • Third National Bank nniumnu Capital Surplus $200,000.00. $300,000.00. DIRECTORSi Frank Ilawkloa. John W. Grant. H. M. Atkinson. E. II. Ro _ ^ II. Y. McCord. Joseph A. McCord. , Dsvf-1 Woodward. lMR8SBIBH18BBiBB8BBBI8gIBBBBiaB88BlB8BB8BBflH8BIIIIIBWBW8WB8BlBMBSBSS Dr. A. W. f’alhoun. Ml '"-I I'-.i Xufi John W. Grant. LOWRY NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS Foreign Exchange, Travelers’ Checks, Brown Brotheia’ Letters of Credit available in all parts of the world. LELAND SIONS, ST * Ytrko Btw Orl WARE A COTTON, GRAIN, PROVISlO^rSTOCKS, BONDS, • «•* 2 WbU SL, NBm Building, Af/l.fJ, Ct Ml UB/Aj. Htw Ya'I Caff** hthtngt. Chhtqt Bottd #f Trad*. Hew OflttHt Caffoa Ckusjt St*k inking*. Ihtrptol Attot-ttlot. Btm ftrk Cttfn lt(httg*. frhitt wirti t* Atm York, Htw Otlttti, Chutgo. B C C0THBAB. “ Bolintoot 1H2. IAB. Mtootor. Sftndtrd rhooo 2 BANK CLOSING NOTICE. M. Jri.rmi iMrlg- btrtbduy. mstortng. Mned.y, Jmie 4lh. will b» tin. uit aorta tlon I*** ^ HABWIN t» JQ9. A. McCOliD, J I C , «im Mb. Tba banka _ta nnriM lie doaad for buali PIEDMONT BROKERAGE CO., (Incorporated.) Dacmint Floor Piadmont Hotai. STOCKS. MONOS. CRAIN. PROVISIONS. INVESTMENTS, Faat Wirs Sarvica from Naw York, New Orleans, Chicago. CORRESPONDENTS *W M. J. SAGE A CO . 42 AROAOWAY, NEW YORK. tDW hOTll. Monogor 1**1 *t4 long DiUooto Boll PBooo 1391.