The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 01, 1906, Image 12

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It Atlanta touts Little Rock again and
Birmingham trim* Memphis, tbe Crackers
will go to third place,
a*: tbe end of Thursday's game Memphis won 23 and lost 16, while Atlanta had
won 23 and lost 17.
A- the name point in the league doings
New Orleans and Rhreveport were tied,
« bcIi with a per cent of .667, with 26 games
^ on and IS lost.
The .667 of the longue leaders looks pret
ty good compared with tbe .575 of Atlanta,
and yet If Shreveport and New Orleans
!■ tbe next four games and Atlanta
mould win. the Crackers would lead the
bigue, barring unexpected activity on the
part of Memphis.
Of course this Is not likely to happen,
but It shows that Atlanta Is right In the
r tmlng, and that, with continued good
I'i ;k, the Crackers will soon be In the
1< id, where they rightfully belong.
nirmlnglinm seems safely relegated to
ti e second division. The Borons are play
ing better ton than they did awhile back,
I t they do not look dangerous.
DeArmond Is still on the fence, lie la In
tlonta and no one*seeni| sure what he Is
going to do. He has not gone to Nashville
j • t, nor has he Jumped to the outlaws.
Well, the great question In hugology lias
wen settled nud the much discussed
mlpter-Itayroond-has gone to Savan
Here's wishing the Rug good luck. He
• .lit to lead the South Atlantic toagtie,
l be Is certainly a wonder when he la
vesting well.
Burnum Is yet far from being In eondl
tlon to pitch hall, and there la little telling
what will liecome of him. Doc Childs, on
the other band, la getting In good trim
and will either be given another trial on
the team or lent to aome other team In the
near future.
Manager Smith would like to give him
a swirl with the Crackers, hut be does not
feel like releasing any of hla present staff
of twlrlers.
W. W. Zimmer. In charge of the Little
Rock club. In tbe absence of bis brother—
Chief—does not know an.vthlug stout the
deal for Zoller except that It Is “on." The
youngster, who was recommended by
Brody, hns agreed to come and transports
tlon will probably to wired to him from
Little Rock.
Manager Smith Is very anxious that Lit
tie Rock give Ison a trial at second, where
a pitcher Is playing at present for the
Travelers. Unfortunately the Zimmer In
charge of the team has no authority to pull
off such s deal, and C!hlef, the man who
holds tbe reins/Is In Cleveland.
Charley Frank will arrive Saturday morn
ing from Nashville. He haa a regularly
scheduled game with Memphis In Memphis
Sunday and will have to leave early. In
consequence the game will bo called at 2
Instead of nt the usual time.
Considering that Charley Frank's team
[" the league Just at present and
that Atlanta-New Orleans gsmes are al
ways warm propositions. It In likely that
Saturday's crowd will dent the season's
record. The game will certainly to worth
a ten-thousand paid admlaslon crowd.
Atlanta Wins Again and
Makes it 10 Out of 12
Atlanta, 1. Little Rook, 0.
Atlanta handed Little Rock the shutout
wallop Thursday for the third consecutive
time and won her tenth out of tbe last
twelve games. Score 1 to 0.
Which was going some. If rot more.
•Dd too much credit ran hardly to given
the beat or at least second t»cst team In
ti e first Inning, wheu one run was scored,
they were Invincible.
Harley and Brady were the slabsters, and
viillo Ilrady allowed n smaller number of
l •*«. the Atlanta man wijs the more ef
I tire. He kept Ills lilts effectively sent-
and did not allow tho two tones on
I <;u he gave up to become obnoxious.
Brady pitched wonderfully good toll,
jongh, and was right ther** all tho way.
I f ho had not allowed Winters a scratchy
of a hit In the first Inning and then
iv h scored Winters he would have had a
shutout, or at least an extra lanlug gunin
to IiIh credit For In tho next seveu In-
t mgs he allowed only two hits, one In the
In the
Harley's fielding of his position was ex-
• elleat. He put nine assists to his credit
el covered stoat half tbe Infield, pulling
Crosier, If
AR. R.
. 4 0
II. 1*0. A. E.
14 0 0
H. Smith, 3b
Morse, ss.
Fox. lb «...
Stinson, cf
Jordan, 2b.
Archer, c
. 3 0
. 3 0
. 3 0
. 3 0
. 2 0
. 3 0
12 2 0
1 0 2 1
0 14 0 0
0 1 ft o
0 12ft
ft 4 ft 0
- 27 "l
4 27 15 1
Drennou, cf.
Nohlett, ns.
Mm nr. If
PottKUlM, lb
All. It. H. 1*0. A. H.
: § 8 l l I ?
. 8 0 1 1) 9 0
■ » 1) 2 18 1 0
Brady, p
Mickey/ Jb.
. 4 ft
. 4 0
ft 1 4 0
0 13 0
Watt, 2b
. 3 6
0 12 0
“ “ *
Score by Innings:
.166 666 ooo-i
Hiimiiiary-Two-lore iilta-A. HniltlT "l)ren-
nen. MonH-. Tlirre lwre hltn-t)nuala». K.r-
rlfloo hits—M Inters, Anderson, Watt First
base on tolls—off llnrler 2, off Brady 1.
Struck ont-lly Harley 8, by Brady 3. Time,
1:65* Umpire—Buckley.
By Private Leased Wire.
i mdon, June I.—The eyes of tennis en-
ti uHlasts everywhere are turned today to-
wiirfi Liverpool, where the first of the In-
t atlonal competition* for tbe Davis cup
t . ct place. The American players, Wright
and Ward, engage the French players, De-
■ courgla. Worth and Gerraot. Hlmnltaneous-
l< he Australasians, Brookes and Wilding,
i #et the Austrians. It Is generally to-
!'• «*d that the Americana .will win their
* from the Frenchmen, ns they did a
HWar ago. As tho Australasians have been
b\ wing great form, the meeting of their
t- 19 and tbo American* for the right to
Iffciailleugs the Englishmen for the cup la
c. rded as assured. The Americans do>
f. . ted the AttNtrnlsslans In all of their
t 'rhea Inst acasou, although some wore
l y doss scores.
Augusta . .
Charleston .
Columbia .
Savannah .
Macon . . ,
?*• rdat to Tbe Georgian. ,
Kmory College. Oxford, Gs., Juno 1 -Tho
; teals for tho championship of the singles
the Kmory tennis tonrtiament were
played yesterday afternoon and won by
ML B. Quintan from G. C. White. Score
£m, 6-3 and 64. It Is customary for the
mm of the victors In tho tournament to
engraved on tbe athletic association
loving cup in the college library, and this
[poor the names of Dempsey and Qullllan
W the doublet and C. B. Qfillllan for the
^fitegb* will be placed *m the cups. This
■Soar's tournament was the most successful
T hold here for a number of years.
[[•perlal to Tbe Georglau.
Covington, Ua., June L—The strong
thickhead team, which played on the local
grounds Wednesday, went down In defeat
• before the onslaught of the strong local
Ktettn by a score of 14 to 4. The locals
v never had any trouble in connecting with
rite toll. 8mlth« Iluckhead’a alabman, was
hit at opportune times. Boyd did the twirl-
J lag for Covington, Berggren reviving. Both
did good work. "Dnnimjr" Bteele did fine
wort on short, likewise 11 art afield on first
and Woodruff on third,
i The prospects for s first-class team are
very good here this season. Large crowds
[ attend each game. Kevrrat of Covington's
players who played here last year will not
\ he teen ou the local diamond until after
Hose of several colleges, where the
players are students. By the middle of
jjuns t'ovtugtou will present to the public
Hgte nf tbs toot amateur ball teams In
u.' stale.
down alike the hot llnera and the warm 1
The way It happened, reduced to figures,
league Standings
CLUBS— Played. Won. Loot.
New Orleans .. 3* 28 j,
Shreveport ... 39 28 13 ,
Memphis .... 39 23 18
Atlanta . . . . 40 23 17
Birmingham.. 83 23 20
Montgomery . . 80 16 25
Nashville ... 83 15 -8
Little Rook . . 39 10 29
CLUBS— Played. Won. Lost.
Chicago . . ,
New York .
Pittsburg .
Cincinnati .
St. lamia . ,
Brooklyn . .
Boston . . .
Played. Won.
CLUBS— Played. Won.
New York .
Cleveland .
St. Louis .
Detroit . .
Chicago , .
Boston . .
CLUBS— Played. Won. Lost!
Toledo .... 38 28 18
Columbus ... 83 26 18
Milwaukee . . 36 18 17
Kansas City . 80 21 19
St. Paul .... 37 17 20
Minneapolis . . 39 17 22
Louisville ... 39 17 22
Indianapolis . . 39 18 25
CLUBS— Played. Won. Lost
Conlele .
Albany .
A merlcu.
Atlanta 1, Little Rocko.
Birmingham 1. Memphis 0.
Shreveport 2. Montgomery 1.
V.lslit'llla C V’n... f _ a
Nashville 5, New Orleans 2.
South Atlantic.
Charleston 4, Augusta 2.
Savannah 6. Macon 0.
Pittsburg 3, St. Louis 0.
Brooklyn 1, Boston 0.
Chicago S, Cincinnati X.
Philadelphia 6, New York 1.
Washington 9, Boston 2.
Detroit 4, Chicago 2.
Detroit 6, Chicago 4.
New York 7, Philadelphia 3.
ML Louis A Cleveland 3.
Rlnce Msy IT Atlants hns plsyed sn ersn
dusen gsmes sud of these she hse won
tea. I .title Itoek took a gsnte In Little
llork and Memphis won <>a her home
grounds |ust oner.
The record In full follows:
Msy 17—Wou from Little llnck, 3 to 1.
Msy 17—Wou from Little nock. 8 to 2.
May 16-I/oat to Little Boek. 8 to L
May 21-Woo from Memphis, 8 to 3 (ten
May 22—Won from Memphln, 8 to 3 (ten
May 23—Lost to Memphis. 8 to 3.
Msy 28—Italn.
Msy 28—Italn.
Mny 28—Won from Rhroreport, 8 to 1.
May 2D—Won from Rhreveport, 3 to 2.
Mny *»—Won from Rhreveport, 11 to 3.
Msy 38—Won from Little Itock, 7 to 0.
May 39-Won from Little Itoek, 5 to 0.
Msy 31-Won from little Book. 1 to 0.
Juno 1— Ml
If tbs IJttle Itoek gnnie todny happened
to be n nhetout n remarkable record would
lie established—four straight shutouts
against the same team In three days. Rtlll,
three In two days Is quite to the chow-
Brady, the man who no nearly smothered
Atlanta Thursday. Is the man who best
her In IJttle Itoek by n score of 8 to 1..
Rudderham was arrested Thursday In
Montgomery for using abuslre language.
Itallur surprising In Kudderhhm. He In
apparently tbe quietest of mortals.
Mlkq was gtvlug the Pelicans n taste of
what they are going to get In Atlanta.
Archer got a bad bump In the ankle In
Thnradny'a game. Ilrady .trnek at n
pitched ball mi hard that he swung dear
arnuud and lauded the Iwt right ou Arch
er's shins. It must have hurt ivuie, but
Arvher went right eu entitling.
The two third baseman pulled down aome
hot ones. Rmlth smothered a stasler from
Anderson's bat and Hickey hooked onto n
torrid one ttuit Jordan turned loone.
Newlln'a hit In the ninth Inning, wan a
lucky one. It went down to Harley, who
nlnpped nt It. Morse, wan right In the .line
of flight ami would hate nabbed It ueept,
for thnt. llnrley deflected the Pall and It
rolled safe. However, Jhe hit did not ent
much flgure.
Rt. Loots threw It Into Cleveland again, 8
to 3. In eleven Inning*. The Nap will have
to keep wriggling to ntay ahead of the
New York heat Jimmy Dygert Thursday.
Griffith himself turned the trick. The
Kplt Ball Kid pitched good twit, though.
Clone gamee are the order of the day
In the Ueorgta Rtnte Iwngue. All three
were bard fought Thursday.
Brooklyn In strictly the confectionary
these days. The Dodgers shat out Boston
yesterday and only Wednesday they did tbe
•ante thing for Now York.
Birmingham and Memphln are certainly
playing twit these days. Thursday they
went ten Innlnga, and Hurlbnrt of Mem-
phla Anally preaented the Barona with tbe
game by throwing the ball over the fence.
Pretty good for the Tong boy.
It's a good team that gets the best of
Atlanta on her own grounds.—Montgomery
Yes, 6nt they all get * fair chance and
no ertn break.
The Memphln team, on Its first visit to
Birmingham, has favorably Impressed the
fans. Tbe bunch evidently known some
thing about the game of baseball.—Birming
ham Ledger.
Atlanta fnnn will have n chance to judge
about this for themselves next week.
Charley Frank bon Informed Mike Finn
that he wnntn Plans bark for tbe Atlanta
games, evidently the New Orleans mogul
thinks Atlanta will bo n pennant contender.
—Memphln Newn-Relmltar.
'That Dutchman" will undoubtedly hare
Just cause to think no before he gets
through with the Cracker*.
"Daddy” Vaughan did not ate*! any bnlln
yenterdny.—New Orleans States.
There they go agslu. trying to give
Vaughan a bad name. Birmingham papers
please take notice. Maylw It Is part of
thqt "conspiracy" against Vaughan.
The Birmingham papers are horrified at
the hope which Bobby Gllks expressed that
New Orleans would best Birmingham.
While hero Bobby said: "Birmingham has
a pretty poor chance to win any pennants,
for every team In the league Is against
Vaughan. They feel that they do not get
* square deni In Birmingham. And they
think It I* Vaughan’s fault."
In lh» new pitcher's twirling ability.
Montgomery Journal. -, tbe good-natured German whs
worked In yesterday’* second game ni
bought from the Dea Moines team of ih.
Western league. He Is accounted the star
twlrler of the Memphis club, and gets awar
with a majority of his games. IJebhnrdt
denies that he Is Oerm»n.-Blrmlnghtis
Age-Herald. * "
Because players don’t kick ou an umpire’s
derisions Js no sign he is handed dowo.
Karsnaugh has mussled the diamond
heroes In such a manner that to klrlt la
almost to die.--Birmingham News.
Good business, too. Fans pay to see hall
games, not chewing matches. (Matty Uat>
thews please take notice.)
The different Cities continue to hammer
Manager Vaughan and tho Barons, hut tbs
local management and the fans of the city
are getting right up next to the hlg ms*.
agar.—Birmingham Ledger.
Well, we thought thnt they would "get
next” to Vaughan some time.
Otto Jordan haa * grudge against some
one and In trying to work off his hard
feelings by knocking tbe exterior off the
globule. Fudge!—Montgomery Jouroxl.*
"Scoop*" Carey, who covers first for
Memphis, Is an old National and Ameri
can lengner. Although a little elow on bin
him the judgment and quick thinking
Ity lacking In younger players. He Is sn
old head nt the game.—Birmingham Age-
Carey played with Nashville for a while
several years ago, hot Fisher lost him on
some technicality.
Geyer, the pitcher released by Nssh-rille
some time ago, Is now twirling In the
Ohto-Pennaylvanla League. Geyer Is a
good one.—Birmingham Ledger.
Breltensteln, who was recently released
by Rbrereport, landed today and I* look
ing fit Tho cx-Plrnto nay* ho In feeling
pretty well, hut In not sure of hla arm.
He may go Into thn game this afternoon
and, If no, the fans will have an oppor
tunity to tlse him up. Both Amerine and
Mullnney placn a good deal of confidence
While nil thin talk In going around shout
Breltensteln, "Doc” Zeller, "Red’’ Flaber
and tbe rest, aome of these dope writers
ought to alt up and 8ake notice of Un
well, late of the Cotton Rtatea League,
who Is now star twlrler on the Montgomery
team. Hla progress will be well worth
watching. Only twenty-two now, If he
continues to Improve for tbe next few
yearn ns he If doing now, he will he nut
of the biggest pitchers In tho hlggeit
league one of these days. A game between
Max and "Red” Fisher ur Zeller would he
a contest worth going miles to see. And
we wouldn't mind risking a straw hit on
the Kid, either.—Montgomery Journal.
Hark to the defiance of Tbe Birmingham
"Let Frank snd hla henchmen do their
worst and nee whether or not Harry
Vaughan Is nny thn worse off. They may
outmore him In league meetings, but this
will be nothing."
Now, I guess Charley Frank will he
Atlanta looks mighty good Jnst now and
they are not falling to sneak ths big end
of the score behind the board. They didn't
do t thing to the Pirates and It li only
regretted thnt they did not hare s ehanra
to do them worse. It’s a elnch they will
strap the Pellcnus.—Birmingham New*
Montgomery, of Birmingham, Is quoted aa
saying that bo would not play In Atlanta
for three pints of beer or something to
thnt effect.
That's awful new* of course, but we'll
Doings of Big Al Kaufman
And Some Few Lesser Pugs
By rrivnta Leased Wire.
New York. June l.-AI Kaufman, thb
ex-amateur heavyweight champion nf the
Pacific caant. wham Billy Delaney, the
champion maker, says will noon be tbe
heavyweight champion of tho world. Is soon
to be seen In action. Delaney and the hlg
boxer are la this city and hare been look
ing for a match. They bar no one and
the chances are thnt Kaufman will be
hooked up for a go with Ou* Ruhtln.
Tonight's fights: Dare Roll Iran v* Jig
Stone, ten round* Consolidated Athletic
Tommy Murphy r* Bert Keye* nix
round* Ulmer l’nrk. South Brooklyn.
Amby McUsrey v* Young Erne, six
round* allford Athletic Club,
Kid Farmer, of l’eorln, wiped pnt the
memory of his recent defeat by Paddy
Nee, of Pittsburg, by fighting Nee to the
canrns at Davenport, In.. In eleven rounds
of fast milling Inst night
In the eleventh round Farmer smothered
Nee snd gut him going and best him to
the floor. Uppercuta did moet of the ef
fective work In thin round.
Kid Henry, of Lancaster, and Charley
Knox, of Altoona, are to be matched sgsls
In * few days to meet In t ten-ronnd bout
on Jnne 8.
Willie Lewis has started training for his
ten-ronnd boat with Joe Gan* Marvin
Hart and Mike Shreck. the Clnrlunttl
heavyweight have been matched to meet
In a ten-ronnd bout on June 26 at Terr*
At the National Athlotlc Club of Phila
delphia tomorrow night nn all-star card
wlU be put on. On tbe wind-up Ike Brad
ley, the English bantam, will make his
first appearance In this country agaluf
Special to The Georgian.
Asheville. N. C„ June J.-The V. M. C. A.
hue organised a strong tenuis elqb, and
will play In tournaments with the other
Y. M. C. A. teams of the state during the
summer. Ralph Mutant ninl Gilliland
Httkrlosther, who have won several state
mstebe* wlU piny with thin testa thin
The Georgian’s Score Card.
CROZIER. It ....
S. SMITH, 3b.
FOX, lb
DRENNEN. ct ..
WATT. 2b
Special to Tbe Georgian.
Corner, Ga.. Jnne 1.—Comer'a baseball
team which played at Eltorton met defeat
Thursday afternoon. It was s hotly con
tested game and the visitors fought until
the laat man was down In the ninth.
This Is the second game of tho series
between the two towns. The first game
was played here, and Comer won.
Score by Innings:
Eltorton 002 010 302—8
Corner 010 002 010—4
Batteries: Watkins and Taylor; Sorrella
Snd David.
Spetlnl to The Georgian.
Eltorton, Oa., Jnne 1.—The Eltorton Ti
gers yesterday met and defeated the crack
nine of Comer, Ga., by the score of 8 to 4.
Tbe game was full of brilliant plays
from start to finish.
The features of the game were the tot
ting and fielding of “Roily" Swearingen,
Special to The Georgian.
Little Itock, June l.-Zol!er. an lafleldcf
from Camden, X. J., will Join the IJttle
Itock team shortly.
After accepting Little Rock’s terms Zoller
believed he would play with East Liver
pool, hnt subsequently changed his min<i
and concluded be would come to IJttle
Itock. This waa after a telegram from
Secretary Farrell, of the Nations! Associa
tion, was sent to East Liverpool.
CHASSINO. James and Bonnie Far
ley, 8heppard Camp, Blanche Sloan,
Murphy and Willard, Howard and
Bland, Cameragraph. Sale at Grand
Next Week—Vaudeville.
Confidential loans on valuables.
Bargains In unredeemed Diamonds.
15 Decatur 8L Kimball House.
the cstchlng of Tsylor snd the phenomenal
pitching of Bailey, sll of the locnl team-
For the visitors Murrah in center field
played a good game.
Etbertaofallen*.. aU amateur team. H
this section of the state.
Batteries—Eltorton: Watkins. Bailey «n<!
Taylor; Comer, Morrells and David. I >“*
plre—Morris, of Atlanta.
Score by innings: 1
• 10 11—R
Little Rock......