The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 02, 1906, Image 8

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■il3':jr~ r iritiii' VrrV aj
Tho outlnc at I.lthla Springs, which
the Nine O’clock German Club will
rive Saturday, will be the moat nota-
bl. aoctal event of the week-end. A
large party will leave the city at 4
o'clock In the afternoon and will re
turn at 11 p. m. Dinner will be served
In the dlnlnc room of the Sweetwater
Park hotel, after which the cotillion
will be danced.
The ehaperonee will Include: Mr.
and Mm. William Lawson Peel, Mr.
an.l Mrs. John S. Clarke, Mr. and Mra.
Beck, Mr. am
Mr. and Mre. J. Wllle Pope. Mr. and
Mrs. Cobb Caldwell. Mr. and Mra. For-
reet Adair, Mr. and Mra. Charier S.
M then, Mra. Louis Gholatln.
The officers of the club are: Presi
dent, Mr. Logan Clarke; secretary and
treneurrr. Mr. Lynn Werner. The gov
erning board are: Messrs. Travis lluff.
Eiicene Ottley and Robert Ryan.
The members are: Messrs. C. V. An
gler, Jr, R. R. Arnold, 8. W. Black,
S mart Boyd, 8. A. Carter, J. B. Con-
natly. Arthur Clarke, Logan Clarke,
H., [non Cos, J. P. Calloway, John
Corrigan, Andrew Calhoun, Robert
Crumley, J. H. Cross, E. E. Clapp, Ed
ward Cay. Dr. E. M. Coleman, Dr. R.
T. Dorsey. M. D. Dobbs, J. II. Frank-
tin S’. P. Gamble, R. V. Glenn, J. F.
' • nn, Enell Gay, IV. D. Harper,
Th tmaa M. Hall, Jr., Travis Huff, E.
V. Haynes, 8. P. Hewlett, W. B. Irvin,
H. S. Johnson. Jr.. R. W. Keely, D. H.
K' spat rick, T. 8. Kenon, Jr.. J. C.
Ki kpatrlck. H. IV. Lndd, W. McCar-
t ty, H. M. Metone, IVhnrton Mitchell,
A lex McDougald, William Markham,
G L. Norman, W. D. Naah, J. V. Nash,
K M. Ottley, IV. El Ragan, R. 8. Ruat,
s J-llcer, R. A. Ryan, Dr. E. D. Rich
ardson. J. D. Stewart, Austell Thorn-
i 'll, E. E. Thornton, Lynn Werner,
A. M. Whaley. Carroll Latimer, V. A.
Bachelor, M. R. Broyles, R. W. Davis,
.1 W. English, C. C. Hatcher. E. H.
Inman, R. J. Lowry, W. L. Peel, J. 8.
Paine, Jr., J. M. Slaton, T. M. Stewart,
C. L. Stockdell ■ i
Mr. Henry To Wed
Miss Mary duBignon
Mr. and Mra. Fleming duBignon an- iter, Mary Lamar, to Mr. W. C. A. Hew
ry, of Columbus, Ohio, the wedding to
nounce the engagement of their daugh- | take place early In the fall.
was small and Informal, but elegant In
every detail. Her homo was fragrant
with Jars and VI,-os of cut flowers, and
In the dining room quantities of grace
ful spirea were used. Mra. Harman’s
guests were: Mieses Martha Thomas
and llettle Baxter, of Nashville; Mra.
J. A. Thomas, Misses I.aura Candler,
Louise Cox. Lucy Bowden. Evelyn
Orme, Mlsa Phillips, of Pennsylvania,
and Mlsa Hattie Orir.
Mra. J. T. Thrasher, of Dothan, Ala.,
was the guest of honor at a dinner
party given Thursday by Mf. and Mra.
Edward Chamberlain.
The table had as a centerpiece a vase
filled with American beauty roses, the
vase being placed on a handsome
square ,of Renaissance lace.
Mra. Chamberlain wore a toilette of
mull and Valenciennes lace.
Mra. Thrasher was gowned In black
lace over taffeta.
Invited to meet the guest of honor
were: Mr. and Mra. William McCarthy.
Mr. and Mra. Julian Biddle, Mrs. E. M.
McCarthy, Mra. E. O. McCabe, Mrs.
E. P. Chamberlin, Mr. and Mra. J. K.
Ottley. Mra. O. E. Mitchell. Misses
O'Neill and Master Noble Biddle.
Gorman- Gorman.
Mr. and Mra. A. J. 8mlth announce
the engagement of their alster, Mrs.
the engagement of their alster, Mrs.
Birdie Thompson Gorman, to Mr. Oa-
alan Daniel Qorman, the marriage to
take place Saturday evening. June J,
at 1:10 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and
Mra. Smith, No. 14S West Peachtree
A number of the young dancing set
were present Thursday evening at the
last assembly hop at Segadlo'a hall.
Many pretty dancing frocks were worn
by the young belles. Flowers and pot
ted plants decorated the hall. Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Gentry end Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Haynes were the chaperones.
Among those present were Mlsa Nine
Gentry, Mias Besale Pope, Mias Lottie
Wylie. Mlsa Lottie Austin, Mlsa Bettle
PcMbody, Miss-Julia Meador, Mlaa Jen
nie Hutchins. Miss Alice May Free
man. Miss Mary Anderson, Mlsa Elisa
beth lliinson, Miss Helen Dargnn. Miss
Katherine IVylle, Miss Alice Davidson.
Mine Walan ll'llrlan Mill (llmlvi T -/> VI n
I Helen O'Brien, Miss Gladys Levin,
Mis- Blanche Carson, Mlaa Baxter,
Miss Thomas, Miss Lipscomb, Mlaa
Marguerite Haverty, Mlaa Leone Lad-
son, Miss Marguerite Hemphill, Mlsa
Ida May Blount, and Messrs. Roger
Keys, Louie Leonard, Harry Harman.
Inman Gray, Andrew Nlcolaon, Herbert
Allan, Julian Thomas, Wimberly Pe-
ta Eugene Haynes, Walton Harper,
( VnaiheiiH Tlimar Pnrgnn
R. M. Northcutt, Turner Canon,
ward Jonrs, Will Parkhurat, Abe Adair,
Ashby Hill, Lainar Hill, Sid Phelan,
Gordon Raker, William Dancy, Law-
r6nre Harris, Hillard Spalding, Leman
Phelan. Vernon Stallings, Milton Dar
pan. Hunter Muse, James Prince. Wills
Pope, Edward Gay and Charles North-
'One of the pleasant events of next
Tuesday will be the party which Mra.
w It Polk will give In honor of Miss
Kiln Qooda.
. Those Invited to meet Mlaa Ooode are
Mlaa Susie Fain. Mias Louise Fain,
Ml - May Pagett, Mlaa Nan Stephens,
Ml-- Perryman, Mlaa Louise McGovern,
'Mbs Julia Ooode. Mlsa Minnie Atkin-
► on. Mlaa Edith Elgin. Mlsa Adele
Carter, Mlaa Weal, Mlaa Edith Fisher,
Mlsa Ethel Fisher, Mlsa Halite Walker,
Ml— Fannie Turner. Mlaa Ruth Lewis,
Ml— Pauline Middleton, Mlsa Edith
Anisden. Miss Marie Alice rhllllps,
Ml-- Eva Wrlgley, Mlaa Elisabeth Mc
course luncheon was served a' small
The first prlxe was a silver hat pin,
and the consolation prise a white belt.
Miss Aline Mitchell, the guest of hon
or, was presented with a hand-em-
broldered lingerie waist.
Miss Howell received her friends In
a dainty morning dress of muslin,
trimmed In Yal lace. Her sister, Miss
May Howell, wore white dotted awlss,
with trimmings of baby Irish lace.
Those present were Misses Aline,
Jessie nnd Ora Sue Mitchell, May
Adair Howell, Nettle Mills, Louise
Dooly, Elisabeth Adair, Wssley Mitch
ell, Htevle Timmons, Ruth Lewis, Min
nie Atkinson, Mrs. Cone Maddox,
Mlaaea Lee and Gertrude Brandon.
Mr. and Mra. E. P. Mathewa, of New,
berry, 8. C„ have Issued Invitations to
the marriage of their daughter Myrtle
to Mr. William Pinckney Smith, which
will take place at their home Wednes
day evening, June t at 1 o'clock.
Mlaa Mathewa Is a young woman of
charming personality, a graduate of
Mont Amoena Bemlnary, Mount Pleas
ant, 8. C. Mr. Smith Is one of New
berry's leading merchants and most
popular young men.
Mlsa Hattie Orr will entertain In
formally Frldhy evening In honor of
Misses El|se Lipscomb, Bessie Baxter
and Martha Thomas, the attractive
guests of Mlsa Blanche Carson. The
occasion will be a bowling party, and
the guests Invited are Mlaaea Blanche
Carson, Ellse Lipscomb, Bessie Baxter,
Martha Thomas, Carter, Hattie Orr,
Messrs. Will Olenn, Charlie Sisson,
Walter Naah, Walter Colqult, David
Saturday Mra. Alma L. Blackman,
assisted by her sister, Mlaa Bertha
Harwood, will give a studio reception,
at her apartments at the Grand—room
600—to which the public nnd especially
lovers of art are cordially Invited. The
hours of the reception will be from 10
to 13 a. m. and from 3 to 6 p. m. Mra.
Blackman's friends are greatly grati
fied to learn that she has recovered
from her recent prolonged Illness.
00004000 00000000000
When you leave Atlanta for
your summer vacation, drop a
postal with your address to the
circulation department of The
Georgian, and the paper will be
mailed to you at the regular
carrier rate to city subscribers,
of ten cents a week. When no
tifying the offlea In this man
ner, add your home address also.
Thomas, Mlaa Baxter. Miss Carson,
Miss Hattie Orr, Mr. David Kirkland,
Mr. Edward Airtiend, Mr. Edward
Dougherty, Mr. Stafford Na«h, Mr.
Walter Naah, Mr. Ulrtc Atklnaon, Mr.
Robert Keely, Mr. Versatile Olenn,
Mr. Hugh Robluaon, Mr. Hugh Fore
man, Mr. Qua Ryan and Mr. Charles
Mra. Ella Davidson, of Greensboro,
has announced the engagement and
approaching marriage of her daughter,
Estelle,, to Mr..George A. Merritt, the
wedding to take place at the Baptist
church, Oreenaboro, on June 6.
The young*couple will leave Imme
(■lately after the marriage ceremony
for Tallulah Falls, to spend several
Friday afternoon Mra. James O. Mil
ter waa hostess at an Informal bridge
party, given In her apartment at the
Majestic In honor of Mlaa Burbrldge,
the guest* of Mm. Van Rensielaer, and
___ ... Mi
Mlaaea Baxter, Thomas and Llpacoinb,
ek ‘
who for a'week have been visiting Mlaa
Blanche Caraon. Mra. Miller's party
was thoroughly Informal, only sixteen
guests being present, but was one of
the moat enjoyable affairs of the week.
Mlaa Edna High entertained her
young frlenda at a very enjoyable
birthday party. Mlsa Joyce Wood and
Mlaa Annie Lou Mann contributed to
the pleasure of the evening by their
excellent piano and vocal aelectlona.
Refreshments were enjoyed at 11
Mlsa High's guests wera: Mlaa An
nie Lou Mann,.Mlaa Joyce Wood, Mlaa
Nellie Lee, Mine Gueale Mae Hrantly,
Mlaa Thyraa Ware. Mlaa Grace Golden,
Mlaa Ruby ‘
i me of the moat enjoyable of the
many Informal parties which have
boon given this week for Mlaa Aline
Mitchell waa that at which Mlsa Caro-
iiii.i Howell entertained at carda Fri
llin' morning, at her home, In Weet
The lower floor of Mies Howell's
h,,me waa thrown open to her guests,
and waa decorated with pink popples
mi l eweetpeas. After the game, a
. Jones, Mlaa Bene Williams,
Mlaa Odessa Backus, Mlaa Norn Gra
ham, Mias Ola Gibson, Mlsa Minnie Lee
Bruntly, Mlaa Tommie Brnntly, Mlsa
Clara Brsntly, Miss Henrietta High,
Mrs, J. D. High, Mr. F. J. Golden, Mr.
Archie Backus, Mr. Claude Arnold,
Edgar Luther, Henry Courtney, Tom
Backus, Harry Allen, Martin Luther,
Frank Cobler, Howard Barlcklo, Wil
liam Jones, Taylor Russell, llomer
Jones, Julian Werts, Raymond Green
lee, H. A. Whltmeyer, William High,
Fred High, Tracy Bentell.
Among the fashionable people dining
at the Country Club Thursday evening
were Miss Mary Thomas, Mlsa Janie
Speer, Mlaa Kate Robinson. Mlaa Mar
tha Woodward. Mlaa Nannie Nlcolaon,
Mr. and Mra. John Grant. Mlaa Josle
Stockilell, Miss Harrlo Stockdell, Mr.
and Mra. Charles Conklin, Mr. nnd
Mra. Robert Bhedden, Colonel Robert
Lowry, Mlsa Ellee Llpacoinb, Mlaa
No Condensed Milk in Our Ice Cream
Nothing but fresh, rich, Janay cream, pure granulated sugar and
pure fruit flavoring! go Into the ice cream we make—which can't be
truthfully laid of most of the Ice cream sold around town. We are
supplying many of the best families In Atlanta. It we're not supply
ing you, send us a trial order for any amount of any flavor.
Phones 913-Adams & Hoyt Company.
On Saturday evening at S o'clock.
Juno 3. at the Kllndworth Conserva
tory of Music, 171 Peachtree atreet,
Mias Hanna Spiro, asslated by Mr. Kart
Mbeller will give n delightful recital.
The moat suectssfu! year of Kllnd-
worth Conservatory will be brought to
a close with a series of concerts to be
S ven by Its graduating pupils. Mies
anna Spiro's recital will be followed
by five concerts to be held next week.
discrimination, and each of
the muelcales to be given will be above
the amateur performance. The exer
cises will be held at the conservatory,
attend. The following le the program
for Saturday evening:
J. S. Bach—Prelude, from English
Suite In E minor.
Ludwig Van Beethoven—Rondo
caprlcclo, op. 130, “Rage Over the Lost
Frederic Chopin—"Two Maiurkas"
(op. 41, No. 1, and op. >4, No. 4), Fan-
talale, op. 4i.
Robert Schumann—Concerto, op 14,
allegro affettuoeo, Intermessc -andante
grail,wo), allegro vivace. Orchestral
nukowskt—"Ellncelles. 1
Schubert-Llsit—"Der Wanderer. 1
Frans Llsit—Overture to Wagner's
Mr. and Mra. David R. Hook cele.
brated their golden wedding Thursday
at their home, at Alniaretta, Oa.
The four living children were pres
ent at this celebration of the half cen
tury anniversary of their parents’ mar
riage. They were Addison C. Hook, of
Central, 8. C.; George O. Hook, Mra.
T. A. McCleskey and Mra. J. L. Mor
ris, of Alpharetta.
Invitations have been received In At
lanta to the marriage of Mlse Kath
erine Maude Harris, the young daugh
ter of Mre. Ethel Hlllyer Harris, to
Benjamin Cudworth Yancey.
The ceremony will take place on
the evening of June 13, at the First
ttapttat church tn Rome, and will be
followed by a brilliant reception at the
home of the bride's mother.
The contracting parties are widely-
known In the beat social life of the
Mo. Charles Harman entertained
Friday at luncheon In honor of Mlse
Martha Thomas, of Nashville, who IS
this week the attractive guest of Mrs.
J. A. Thomas. Mrs. Hsrmsn’a luncheon
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Carpenter, of
Asheville, N. C„ have announced the
engagement of their daughter, Flor
ence Virginia, to Arthur Dunn, the
marriage to take place June 31.
Aa the young couple are prominent
In Asheville society, the wedding will
be one of the elaborate social events of
the summer season.
Mr. and Mra. Oscar Pappenhelmer
will entertain the Atlanta Whist Club
Friday evening at the Woman's Club
rooms. Besides the club members,
there will be present a number of the
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pappenhelmer.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harper enter
tained a congenial party of frlenda at
an Informal Dutch supper Wednesday
evening. Their guests were Dr. and
Mra. Frank Wynne, and Mr. J. R. Wil
Miss Jenny Cramer's piano pupils
will give the following program at her
studio, 466 Piedmont avenue, Saturday
afternoon at 4 o’clock:
“A Cloudless 8ky" Beyer
Miss Clyde Rapp.
“Sweet Magnolia" Beyer
Mlaa Eva Beatle.
(a) "Sweet -Violet” Smallwood
(b) "Doll's Valae" Engel
Mies Elotae Adams.
"Happy Farmer" Schumann
Master Oeorge Forte.
(a) "The Cowslip" Smallwood
(b) "Up Qrade March" Oelbel
(c) "Butterfly” Rhode
Mlsa Marie Adams.
(a) "On the Meadow" .. .. Llchner
(b) "Morning Prayer" .. ..Streabbog
Mias Annie Willie McCall.
(a) "Vales" Durand
(b) "Le retit ChevalUr" Krug
Mlse Mary Gray.
"The Swallow's Song" .. ..Bohm
Mlaa Clara Marshall.
(a) "Plsslcatl" ..Delibes
(b) "Traumeret’’ ..Schumann
Mlsa Hasel Kirk.
(a) "Etude” . .Wollenhaupt
(b) "Narcissus” Nevlna
Miss Pauline Coulter.
(a) “Third Maxurka" Browne
(b) "Menuet” .. Paderewski
Mies Marlon Wayne.
Melodle” Paderewski
Mlaa Madge A. Blgham. .
(a) "Spring-Song” .. .. Mendelssohn
(b) "Spinning Song” .. ..Mendelssohn
Miss Lots Crosby.
"Vnlse Styrlenne .,*.. Wollenhaupt
Miss Annah Mullln.
An enjoyable childrens' party waa
the one given Friday afternoon by
William Cheater Warren and - Green
Dodd Warren at their home on Weet
Peachtree street. The house waa dec
orated with sweet peaa. Quantities of
these fragrant blossoms were on the
mantels and cabinets. The centerpiece
on the dining room table waa a basket
of pink sweet peas and the long han
dle waa tied with pink tulle.
Many games were played and
pretty feature was. the fish pond pre
sided over by Mlaa Julia Dodd, who
wore a pretty frock of white . mull
trimmed with lace.
Mra. Warren was gowned In white
mull trimmed with Valenciennes lace.
The Invited guests Included
Nellie Dodd. Dorothy Dodd. Georgia
Rice, Dorothy, Haverty, Emily Davis,
Emily Roblnaon, Jennie Robinson, Ruth
Harrison, Clara Cole, Ellen Wolffs,
Ruth Benson, Margaret Wllkeraon,
Helen Muse, Helen Warren, Elizabeth
Ooldsmlth, Martha Bloodworth, Nellie
Dodd Walker, Evelyn Arnold, Francis
Broyles, Katherine Reynold*, Ruth
Crusselle, Elisabeth Hawkins, Halite
Crawford, Elisabeth Crawford, Elisa
beth Coker, Max Hall Wilson, Mamie
Walker, Dorothy Hagan, Dorothy Ey-
lea. Oscar Davis, Sheldon Goldsmith,
Carl Goldsmith. Kendrick Goldsmith,
Joe McCord, Charlea Eylea. Theodore
Moody, John Hopklna Alble Malone,
John Malone, Tom Hlnmnn, Charles
Northern L M. Harrison, Chester
Smith, William Van Valkenberg, Emory
-• “ i Peabody,
Fllnn, Olen Evans, Theodore
Alex Schleslnger, Fred. Cole, Alfred
Orandy, Joe Haverty, Dan Maury, Tom
Cobb Hull,. William McKensle, Andry
lAnderaon. Charlea Raweon, Barclay
Arnold, Ralph BarhweU, Francis Pe*|
I ll«IU| 6M«i|rsi u»tlin« ii| 4 imiua * w-
lea, Tolman Hurt, Colquitt ' Carter,
oodrow McMillan, Mattlllne McCul
lough. WllUe Spalding, Jr., Thomas
i Van Vi
Wright, Morgan
The luncheon at which Mrs. J. Wllle
Pope will entertain Saturday for Miss
Edna Pope, will one of the prettiest
ptuHtes given during the week. Twen
ty-five of Mlsa Pope’s girl friends have
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall St
Snappy Vici Kid and
Patent Leathers with
“Turn” Soles.
Positively nothing like
them in Shoe Leather
in all Atlanta under
$3.00 to $3.50 pair.
$2.50 Pair
If you want the liveliest, snappiest Oxfords or Ribbon Ties that ever graced the
foot of Women at the very moderate price of $2.50 pair attend this sale tomorrow.
We've planned an extraordinary Shoe Sale for Saturday. We intend to force the
sales to unheard of figures for this one day. To accomplish our aim we announce
: Pattent Leather effects with the popular large eyelets and broad stfr ^ p* rv
silk ribbon laces, actual $3.00 values tomorrow, Saturday, only... \/
been Invited. The entire lower floor of
Mrs. Pope’s home will be decorated
with marguerites, while the table from
which luncheon will be served will be
In white and yellow.
Miss Pope le to be one of Atlanta's
most attractive June brides, her mar
riage to Mr. R. C. Smith taking place
next week.
Mrs. Wllmer Moore entertained the
members of the Child Study Club Fri
day at her summer home In Mari-
The party .spent the day; returning
.j the city In the afternoon. The
members of the party Included: Mrs.
Francis Block, Mrs. Hush Richard
son, Mrs. Robert Foreman, Sir*. John
W. Grant, Mra. Henry & Jackson, Mra.
William H. Kiser, Mr*. James McKel-
dln, Mrs. Vaughn Nixon, Mra. Thomas
R. Paine, Mra. James D. Robinson, Mra.
Robert F. Shedden, Mra. William D,
Ellis, Jr.
Is the attractive guest of Mra. Mont-
gomery, at 334 Ponce DeLeon avenue.
Captain Lindsey and Mlaa Anne
Lindsey have returned from a visit, to
Judge Harris' family'at Carrollton.
Miss Sarah Frances Oorman, of Tal-
botton, will arrive Saturday to attend
the Oorman-Oorman marriage.
Mrs. Lena S. Huntley and Miss Jean
ette Swift will spend Bunday at their
farm, near Marietta, Oa.
Mrs. Robert Maddox entertained the
Old-Faihloned Women at a spend-the-
day party Friday at her country home,
"Woodhaven.” '
In the party were: Mrs. Preston
Arkwright, Mrs. Will Kiser, Mra. Rob
ert Foreman, Mrs. W, D. Ellis, Jr.
Mrs. Jullen Field,
i Field, Mrs. Henry Jackson
Robert t
Jackson, of Nash-
Personal Mention
Mrs. Frank Wynne and, Miss Zurn
Caw thorn will leave Sunday night for
Savannah. On Monday, they will sail
on the City of Atlanta for New York,
where they wilt spend the summer, and
will study under Lucketone, the fore
most vocal Instructor tn that city.
with Miss -Martha Smith, will give a
series of ooncerts throughout the
The boarding pupils of the Prather
school have returnea to their respect
ive homes. Mlsa Louies Thomason has
gone to Klsslmee, Flo.; Mlse Ella Stev
ens to hsr home at Cornelia, Oa.: Mis*
Miss Ftorrie Beck to Hspevllle, Oa.,
and Mlsa Meta Clements has returned
to Decatur, Oa.
Mlsa Elisabeth Dobbins will leave
Atlanta Sunday for a visit to friends
and relatives In El barton and Frank
lin Springs.
Miss Annie Harris, of New Orleans,
will be the guest next week of Miss
Margaret Wallace. Miss Harris is to
be maid of honor at the Yancey-Harrls
wedding In Rome, and Is at present
receiving charming social attention*
Mrs. H. Hochstrasser and Mlsa Hor-
tense Hochstrasser passed through At
lanta Friday en route to Washington.
D. C.. from their home at Lake City.
Mr. Whitehead, of New York city,
le the guest of Mr. and Mre. W. L.
Peel, at their country home, Bolton
Mlse Mabel POrdue, of New Orleans,
W. H. Gorman, of Geneva, Ala., will
reach Atlanta- Saturday to atetnd tbe
Gorman-Gorman wedding.
Miss Elite Dunlap has returned from
a visit to her brother, Mr. W. N. Dun
lap, at Covington.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. High and Alias
Hattie May High will leave next'week
for Atlantic Beach.
Miss Helen Bagley returned Wednes
day from New York, where' she has
been'at school.'
The Phi Delta Theta* will give an
enjoyable dance at Segadlo’a Friday
Mrs. Edward Holbrook will leave
eoon for a vlelt to relatives In Chat
Mr. and Mr*. Austell Thornton will
spend Saturday and Sunday at Stone
Mr*. John E Donaldson has returned
to Balnbrtdge, after a brief visit to At
Miss Gertrude Smith has gone to
Boston, where she will spend the sum
Mrs. E. C. Kinsey will entertain In
formally at cards Tueaday afternoon.
a sea trip during her vacation.
Mr. George W. Brine leaves Satur
day for New York city.
Mrs. Albert Thornton entertained her
card club Wedneaday.
Mr. Charlea Jenkins
friends In Eatonton.
Is visiting
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Hawthorne are at
the Majestic.
Magnificent collection beautiful Pic
ture Postal Cards. It will laterest
you to soo this display. For sale by
In Lobby Piedmont Hotel.
If so, have The Georgian mailed te
you. Mailed to city subscribers while
away from homo for tho summer
months at the regular rate of ton conti
a week—no chargo for mailing. Sonl
to any address in the United Statoo oi
Canada. Foreign postage extra.
Gaorgo E. Harring III.
Qeorge E. Herring, formerly passen
ger agent of the Louisville and Nash
ville road In Atlanta, and now tho
Florida passenger agent of the same
road, with headquarters at Jackson
ville, who on Friday morning was re
moved to the Halcyon hospital, In this
city, to undergo an operation, is quite
III. He ha* th* best wishes of a hosi
of friends In this city for a speedy and
complete recovery.
Mr*. Ida Howell Cramer and little
daughter, Louise, are In Baltimore.
Dr. William Wllmerdlng 1* In Boston
attending the medical convention.
Mr. and Mra. P. H. Moore are spend
ing the summer at Lithla Springe.
Mrs. Sarah Jackson Hanna will enjoy
will teach from June 1 to
August 15 in his resident
music studio, • 271 Ivy St.
Terms by mail or Bell tele
phone 91*8.
Reliable Druggists,
We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free
Atlanta Agents for
80c Pound
Lily of the Valley, Rose, Carnation and Sweet Pea
Shipped to Any Point in the South.
123 Peachtree Street. Candler Building.