The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 02, 1906, Image 16

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- --- - =- it t| ' II II -= = II II ll II ‘ ; - - 1 FRANK’S MILLIONAIRES MAKE DEBUT I j V Edited by PERCY H. WHITING. ,j |j || f| A- 9gggggygg99gS?gW9ygV5lk3fikRI7Kj7KxH,SNfiBS)?ggP999SSSSggRSO' II II J1...J! I^j BUSY SATURDAY IN SPORTING WORLD j ® TT FT THAT DUTCHMAN ARRIVES BRINGING THE PELICANS Charley Frank and hi* hand of festive Millionaire* arrived Saturday morning from Nashville. all In good ihnpe nnd ready for bnrd hattlea with the Atlanta tram. 'That Dutchman" look* pretty proaperoua mid cheerful for a man who la charged ii y the'Birmingham paper*) with runnlug the league. It may ta atated In paaalng that Charley arnica that running hla own team take* it''"lit all Ida time, ami that he I* willing to let Judge Kavanaugh take care of the The New Orleana team thla year* while not quite the equal of the wonder Charley i unk had laat year, la an excellent one. Moat of the player* are new ou the New nrlaaaa team, nnd several are new to the league. Heck, Ittratton, Phllllpa and Rreltenateln nre the only men who went through all of laat aeaaon with the Pelican*. UlckeVt wan with Atlanta laat year, Hlnke and Oueae were with IJttle Ilock. Chick Cargo, who la batting aacond for tlu* Pelican*, nnd playing abort atop, la a l'i.dher of Hobby Cargo, n member of two 1*11100lit team* In Naahvlll* and afterward* with Atlanta for part of a aeaaon, up to n>* time of hla death. "Chick" Cargo wav l light by Charley Frank from Albany. Bloke, who waa with Little Rock laat *• sons, la playing aecond been and batting ililrd on the Hat. lie la a player who got n trial with Charley Frank the aecond year Hu.*; the "Dutchman" managed the Mem phis team, lie dropped back to tho Cotton states then and laat year he waa reacuad by IJttle Rock. r* urih on the batting llat la "Punch" Knott, right tbddcr when fhlhga are going well and catcher when necessary. "Punch" played with New Orleans years ago, before the nrgnulaatlou of the present Noutheru Imagin'. Charley I* rank discovered hliu lu Kvansvllle nnd brought him to New Or leans. When the first Houtberu League sen win opened Punch was presented, along with Ifarry Hussey, to Nashville by Charley Frank, lie played great ball with Nashville for three years and then went to the Wash ington club, where he did well last year. Ills work with New Orleans {hla year has l»oeti excellent, lie Is a mnu who takes the b*‘*t of care of himself and always works hard. Heck, who tats after Knoll and who la at first base, was with Frauk last year. At the Iieglnn!ng of the season of 1905 Frank traded him on the coast for French nnd he waa n member of Inst year's pennant winners. Illrd blew Into New Orleans thla spring with a crew of hall player* who hnd been touting Mexico, lie went out with the btfiiclt of taseball privateers who fitted up In Mobile and played through the winter Pinas recommended him to Frank, nnd when ha hit Atlanta "That Dutchman" took hint on for a trial. , O'Urten, tha third baaeiinn for Frank this year, was taught from Philadelphia. Formerly he played with Illinois In the York Htnte League. Manager Frank con siders him the equal of any fielder In tha league. Htratton, who Is catching for Now Or leans thl* year, was with the Pellcnna laat year, aud so were Hill Phllllpa and Brelt- enafeio. Tho PeJJrau*’ other pttehrr* are tluese. who waa with Little Itoek laat year, and Manuel, who came from flaton linage, RUBE ZELLER. A'NJ) HI$ PITCH I.N<3 EXPRESSION. icNVi 1 ®' twSi.• • W 'v.v> TfL PICTORIAL INTERVIEWS WITH ATLANTA BALL PLAYERS BY CARTOONIST BREWERTON. “RUBE" ZELLER. 80UTHERN. CLUBS— New Orient* . Shreveport . . Atlanta . . fllrmlnKhnm . 3lontguthery. Nashville . . Little Bock . .650 .685 .676 .545 .190 .141 .:5» SOUTH ATLANTIC. In tb, Colton Htntm. New Golf Course Will Be One of the Best in Country Golf players In the Atlanta Athletic Club *r.» awaiting with what patience they ran inuater for the opening of the new golf cotine at East Lake, where a matter of $n: <00 la tatng expended to make the emir** and grounds the beat In the Mouth. Although the opentog day la atlll far off, It i* possible to get nn Idea about the conn*. A brief deserlptton, hole by bole, I* here given: l r*t bole, bogey 4, length 210 yard*. I*i leUcally free from ha tarda, except to catch k violent slice. Second bole, tagey t, length 410, bsxards Ink*, requlrluc a carry of L» yards; bound- fttry on left aud up hill (day. I Third hole, bogey 5, length 1C. hainnls. Vcwrth hole, bogey 5, length 410, down In'! bole, with tuiaarda for slice nnd traps l»» front of green, flrecn slants down bill. I ifth hole, bogey 4, length 310, lake to I < Isti a slice. Mltth hole. Iwgey 4. length »W. This Is t!*•• "Hrrus ring hole." Then* Is n rop b * her entirely around the hole with n t" ■ Ive-foot trap on the front side. , Seventh bole, bogey 5. length 430. Up hill hole with traps to right and left, and green cut Into woods which forma hntard ou three sldea of green. Eighth hole, bogey 5. length 460. down hill hole, woods on left, trap on right for first nnd second shots and down hill greeu. Math hole, tagey 4, length 276. This la the eltaw lode. The drive Is through the woods, where' over 400 tree* were removed to make an opening for the fair green. Tenth hole, bagay 4, length W>. Plain sailing to the ftrccu, which Is a plateau. Klcvcnth bole, tagey 4, length ISO. An uphill bole with woods to the left nml n trap ou the right. Twelfth hole, lajgey 6. length 458. Hound- ary on the left, trot* ou the right aud two big traps In front of green, which slopes, dowp Itlll. Fourteenth hole, tagey 4. length 310. fM* hole has the "spectacles bunker" 130 feet from the tee. with thirty foot "eyes" ami n twenty-foot taw. Fifteenth hole, tagey 4, length 371; hns- anls. trap* on right sml "rough" ou left. Sixteenth h«de. tagey 5, length 4W. This Is the "lalnmt hole." The third shot puts the tall ou an Islaud 110x240 feet, which lias The Georgian’s Score Card. ATLANTA. | R. | H ) E. NEW ORLEANS | R | H. | E. CROZtER. ir .... RIOKERT. If .... WNTER8. rf ... CARGO, aa 8. SMITH. 3b... BLAKE. 3b MOR8E. aa l! KNOLL, rf POX. lb |i BECK, »b.- JORDAN. 3b .... BIRD, cf '7 ARCHER, c O'BRIEN. 3b .... 8TIN80N. cf .... STRATTON, c .. LOUCK8. p .... ' BREITKNSTEIN TOTALS 1 TOTALS Score by Inning,: 113 7 8 9 10 11—R CLUBS— AuguMtt . , Charlenton . Macon . . Columbia . Jacksonville Savannah . ClayM/Won. Lnit. p.C. .37 24 13 .849 37 19 18 .514 39 18 31 .4(3 .488 .469 .338 19 18 17 . . 37 17 . . 39 17 AMERICAN. CLUBS— Philadelphia. Cleveland . . New York . HI. Louie . Detroit . . . .811 .Ml .500 .444 .3(5 .303 CLUBS— chlcaso . . New York . I’lttnburg . Philadelphia Cincinnati . St. Loula . Brooklyn . Boeton . . . as .578 .388 .178 .388 .388 ONLY THREE HORSES START IN FAMOUS LAT0NIA DERBY Hy Private Leased Wire. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2.—It's Derby day nt tatouln today aud the twentieth event by thnt name will have three startera, unless others unexpectedly tab up. Mtlll, with Mir ilmiu nnd tady Navarre to fight, n good rare la almost a certainty. Debar Is an uncertain quantity. If his Kentncky Derby race would he accepted as his form lie ought to be 1.000,000 to 1 today, lie evidently dbl unt like the enppy track nnd with n pull In the weights ho may cut considerable figure.' Mir lluon. wt)o will lie an (Nlda-on favorite, la a- great colt. lie looks like a Derby • Iwra* nnd he ran like oneiat taulsvllle. He Is right on edge, and the trainer, Petb Coyne; has no excuse to offer If he la beaten. He worked a mile nnd a half the other day In 2:86 14 In the easiest fashion, being practically palled up Mir lluon an argument, figuring ou the Derby at l*oulavlHe. Sir lluon beat her two lengths there at even weights, which mean* that she waa conceding the colt five pound*. Tommy Hums, who rode her. claimed after the race that tho filly would have won If she bad received her five pounds sex allowance. On the strength of the Kentucky Derby many will pin their faith and tat, their tuopey on tady Navarre. She beat colti every time she ran thla year, and she la as ruble as n* pebble. Hhe waa well aeasoned, however, when ahe met sir* lluon, while be nil through the Inst eighth. In that trial followers. was tunklug his debut for tbs season. That fact has caused msuy to say that she will not ta ss vlose to George tang's colt again this year, as she was at tautsrllle. Well, lt*a the difference of oplnlou that makes tatting, so escb one will have a lot of he went the tulle and a quarter lu 2:06. the next eighth In :13 nnd waa then eased up. Yesterday he was galloped the Derby route lu 2:44. He Is ataudlug training well and lie baa put on flesh steadily since he baa toon here. tady Yavarre, who la fit aa a fiddle, waa galloped three-quarters of a tulle yesterday In 1:18. At the weight she ought to give Debar ran well at New Orleana In nil aged races and was able to concede weight nnd win. His Derby race at Louisville was a Joke. If he has recovered bis form be will make the others hustle to tant him. Htartera. Weights. Jockeys. Odds. Mir Hunn 127 Troxley...... 2 to 5 tady Navarre.... 122 Dugan • to 6 Debar 117 D. Austin.*.. 15 to 1 Notes on Friday y s Games 4Jet out of the road, you up In front; the Crackers arc runulog wild. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. CLUBS— % Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Toledo Columbus . Milwaukee Kansas City St. Paul . Minneapolis Louisville . Indianapolis Clubs— Columbus Waycrosa Cordele . Albany . , Valdosta . Ameiicua , GEORGIA STATE. .682 .600 .400 .364 .158 FRIDAY’S RESULTS. Southern. Birmingham 2. Memphis 1. Atlanta 2, Little R<x'k 1. South Atlantic. Macon 1, Savannah American. Washington 4, Boston 0. Boston 12, Washington 8. New York 10. Philadelphia 3. Cleveland 3, Chicago 2. * Ft. Louis 4. Detroit 1. National. Pittsburg 5, St. Loula 4. New York 6, Philadelphia 6. Brooklyn 5, Boston 0. Eastern. Jersey city 5. Baltimore 2. Providence 3. Newark 1. Buffalo 4, Toronto 2. Rochester 8. Montreal 0 (forf a tank tahlnd It covered with long grass. The ditch, walk aud canal which forms the hazard. Is twenty-five yards wide. Meventeentb hole, ttogey 5, length 445. There Is an often ditch on the left and a for the second shot. an for the second shut. Eighteenth hole, bogej 6. length 606. Crosses neck of the take on second shot, carry of sixty yard* take Is SS yards from At tills rnte It Is going to ta.protty hard to stop them when they bit the top. Go on after that seventeen straight rec onl now. It*f easy enough. New Orlcanl never coul! do much against Atlauta. It certainly takes a morbid dlsposiUou them* days to figure It out that Atlauta hasn't n pretty good chance for the peu< until. Hickey got the only three assist* In the second half of the second Inning, nnd Douglass all the pntotts. Winters Is the man who hit the two tagger wlileh beat l.ltls Hock. Gristt busi ness for Winters. Amlerson played great • tall, considering that he had n bunt idti. In the second, when lie hit a two-tagger. It ’was pitiful to se«» him "flat-wheeling" to-second. After making that effort watt was pat In to mu for Anderoou sad the busby haired pitcher wandered off the tag and was tagged out. Chalk up n good ” “ Evers on that play. throw for When Fox reachsa after a tall be can E rotablr stretch further than any living umrn talng. Yesterday In the first In ning lu* went .out .twelve, or fifteen feet from first base after one of White’s wHlo one*. Hut In the meantime he never too* hUfi ‘ ■ foot off first taoi It has often been said that tarry tajoie i»ver gets an much credit for the difficult stunt* lie pulls off as be ought to tiecauee he takes the hard asm with such ease that all of them bmk easy. The same Is true nf Otto Jonlnu. Otto has a way of awing- they look as though have gobtded theiu. As a matter of fact, otto can pull them down tatter than any other second baseman In the league. When Drenneu waa celled oat on a third strike In the third Inning he looked solic itously at Umpire Hockley aod then at the plate. NAT KAISER & CO. Confidential loans on valuables. Bargains in unredeemed Dia monds. 15 Decatur SL Kimball House. . Then, without a word, he « t dow n and tagnu brushing off the rubtar. Ruck- lev dbl pot «ay,northing, tat the motion he made nif/tnt "*x%hx\ ant) Dreeacw dM. It’s a wise tall player, who ean roast the umpire without speaking a word. Montgomery trimmed Shreveport In good style Friday. Wonder If Bobby GHks r an- anal slump has arrived. Cleveland la tack In third place In the American race, bat tbe Napa are within striking distance of the front. If the New* York Americana win the i mi f lit t will train In Atlanta next spring. My, my! Hut Brooklyn la au awful prop osition these days. Shut out Boston Frl- FIRST SHOOT AT EAST LAKE FIGHT LID IS ON AGAIN; PUGS ARE OUT FOR JOBS By TAD. By Private Leased Wire. New York, June 2.—Governor Higgins, of New York, has ordered all prise fights stopped. . Sheriff Hayes got on the Job, aud uow "everybody worka but the fight ers." Our advertising has taken a big Jump In the past two days, and we are afraid that we tuny have to get out a "want ad" sup plement next week. The following advertisements were brought In yesterday: Situations Wanted-Mnle—Strong young tay would like position In bakery shop or butcher shop; not afraid of work. Address Gus Ruhlln. Metropole Hotel. "Young Western gentlemen with good voice would like position In some chorus; will carry spear or play small parts; has been on stage before, playing leading parts In ’The Bowery After Dark.* References If required. Address James Britt, Clay tons, Coney Island. "Good atrong boy would like position as piano mover or anchorman In tag-of-wtr team. Sam Ilerger. "Young man of good appearance would like position as solicitor or stump speaker; has traveled all over the world, peddling for yenra. Jack O’Brien. Philadelphia. "Sober young man wants position as table finisher; experienced; references. WIUu Britt. I "Wanted—Position as waiter In hotel or restaurant; city or out of town. Young Corbett. "Young man, strong, 26, wishes to lesrn good trade or work at anything; has two good bands. Teriy McGovern. "First-class cook wants work; good all round man; long experience. Joseph Gins (colored). * "Elevator Runner—Yonng man who has had many upt and downs wants work run ning elevator; polite and neat. Bob Fits- almmons. "Floorwalker—Good appearance, well edu cated, flrat-class stride, would like position In big department otore. Joseph Grim." Travelers Score a Run But Crackers Score Two Atlanta 2. Little Rock 1 The Crackers made It four straight vic tim last thirteen game* at Pied mont Thursday when they downed tbe Travelers by a score of 2 to L Up to the last Inulqg It looked ns though a record wore to ta m*d«* and as though the Atlanta team wen* going to score four shutouts agnlust the same ten in In three id Jnst when file out of the park with two men down lu IJttle Rock's half of the ninth Inning aud the score 2 to 0 lu Atlauta'* fuvor, Meaney singled and Douglas* tripled, scoring the only run made by IJttle Rock on Georgia soil this year and spoiling all chances for that nhutont reyord. Again the Little Uock team played ex cellent ball and long, pink-topped Ncwlfn E Itched a g04H| game. The Crackers, with lughes In the box, were Just naturally t«> much for them. Tall Tommy waa In good form and made the Arknu*us people scatter ^wee hit* .through eight Innlni AMUSEMENTS CASINO TONIGHT—MATINEE TODAY. vaudeville; The first shoot ever held on the ground* of tbe Atlanta Athletic Club at East take was pulled off Mntunlay afternoon. The clnb boom* Waa not quite completed* In time for the opening event, but the traps wen* In rinnI condition and the event was an Interesting one. ISON GOING TO GULFPORT At!. Dtlr £e.gne. tan. rigned with tin If port. 111. ,-luli which now .tnvd. fourth In Ita. t'ottou ht.te. lewgne. Till. ufKrrnthm I. n font on. .nil ]*ou tan, n good forth. FINALS ON MONDAY. In Xrw Orlrnns jrMtmUy mad, Irani, nut of I hr qnonUou nnd til cunarqurnre of the writing the court, rrrrlrrd tbr Inal nutrta for tbr rhamft.iMhlp In doubt*, waa pont- pound until Monday. 0000000000000000000 o WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. CHASSINO, James and Bonnie Far ley, Sheppard Camp, Blanche Sloan, Murphy and Willard, Howard and Bland, Cameragraph. Sale at Grand Next Week—Vaudeville. NEXT WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. In the ninth came the two hits which scored n run, but tbe uext msn wn* put out In easy style and the game euded Is Atlanta'* favor. The fielding of the (Trackers was as bril liant as It has been nil through the recent atay at homc-and that's brilliant some. Every man was right In tbe game and the work could not have lieen smoother If It had been polished a month. The crowd was smell, considering that tbe team was playing winning tall, chiefly Itccanse the fans were bolding tack far the strenuous New Orleans series, which begin* Saturday. the -ihg figures: ATLANTA— Ciyslei Wlntei AB. R. H. TO. A. E. nters. rf. M. Smith, I Morse, as. . Fox. lb. ... Htlnuoa, et. Jordan, 2b. 1 1 0 1 0 a *• 2 0 0 4 *4 0 0 0 1 ® 4 0 1 3 o 0 4 0J6?2 1 1 0 0 l • Totals ,33 2 • 27 10 • LITTLE ROCK- AB. ft. TT. PoTa E. Drennen, cf. 4 0 0 2 0 ® DeAnnoml, 2b 4 0 0 0 0 » Menuey, If 4 1 2 1 2 J Douglass, lb 4 0 1 8 2 « Anderson, c I ® 1 4 0 • Brady, rf. Hickey. 3b. , Noblstt, ss. Newlln, p. , 3 0 0 2 2 0 13 2 3 0 0 3 3 4 l 6 34 13 • Mcore by tunings: Little lim it 7.7777.' ooo two mi-i Atlanta .....OOOOJIOO*-» Summary—' hit.—" Int.n .. Mora,. Anil-nnn, Krrrn. Ttarr»-tw*' nit- IMHiglau. Stolen Inum-NohMt. " Kncrtflrr hlta-Stltuon. Bm, ®n b* *-''* llngkiw 1, lilt by pltrhed l«U,-«J Htwke* 1, by Newlln 3. ItnK-k «mt-Hr llngbe. 7, by Newllh 1. Time, 1:40. I mplre —Buckley. Attemlance, 1,506. MODERN Vaudeville Vaudeville’, Greatest Novelty. LASKY A ROLFE’S SPECTACU. LAR PRODUCTION, DIRECTION JAKE WELLS, PrtSl4e«L THE MILITARY OCTETTE MflW DPFN And the Girl Behind the Baton II U 11 UI L H And Ihe Girl Behind tbe Baton THE OEMUTHS, Whirlwind Dan-j cera. LEWIS & GREEN. Comedians. AZRA. European Novelty. HERALD SQUARE QUARTETTE. CAMERAGRAPH, all new pictures. - A PERFECT AMUSEMENT RESORT! BAND CONCERTS DAILY. If Nitalivllle liml «Htly trimmed New Or- lean. 1*111111; everything In the Keathern League wiHdd hut* broken .boat right. New Orleana at Atlanta. Little Rock at Birmingham. Memphla at Montgomery. Shreveport at Nashville. Burb.ll ant U h • ’ . New lock COOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOO Atlanta vs. j New Orleans June 2, 4,5 and 6th ! Game Called at 3:00 O'Clcck. : —