The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 02, 1906, Image 1

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ATLANTA 1910 ] the Atlanta Georgian; VOL. I. NO. 33. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY. JUNE 2, 1006. PRICE: In Atlanta TWO Cents. On Trnlna FIVE Onta. BASEBALL ATLANTA - - - - 9 NEW ORLEANS- - - 1 fjharlle Frank, vclth hh bunch of mil- ! loJuilreB and their roll* of. stare Vfirfi F.noTt xra'k.4 Beck jrrnuDJefi te anO their, rolls of, , Tionev. met Atlanta today, with an at- th!r4. who threw to •<" ind, cstchln* endance of d.cKtrt fans on hand. Phil- Knott, sod Jordan handed it to Pox In anil Stratton maneuvered the , Maas to retch Reck. Plrl tiled oat to inhere for Keer Orleans, .while Archer i seerat. side oet Mo hint no rune. ir.U I.omha held It down for the Fire- Crnrlcr went oit rhort to firsr. •.Yin- trackers. lew.ffteedtd to first and out. pitcher First Inning. i covered the bats K Smith walkcj. Rirkert tile* nut to third hnse. Cor*n M«n w*nl oat 'IHrd to first. »1de tits to left A* hi for one bug. Blak- . rat. Jto Mg rad no runs, lies out tn rlirht field. Iinoll ual!:'. - (wrath luring. Heck files out to left field. Side out. , <TWr*r rai akerl to fret. Stratton yne lilt: Iio.runs. . . 'Hod -ra *0 .*nlcr, Phillips filed out Crosier hits to left field for two Pass, aeii 't. tetfc out Ho hits* no runs. Winters hits clown third base line and i Ft'S put oso it osnte- and smhleil to II u out in first, rrosier rdvanei < ttet S'laser, s«. rHired in third. Smith lilts to loft field for .detail third to arm. Fox went to third, sir hatt. Crozter scores. Winter* ffor-s ; J0rden pltcwl one in uenrer for one lo second. Morse sacrifices, pitcher to bxf I**x scored. Jordan Want out try- tlrst. Pox lilts to deep center for two lmr >o steal seccm dfrorn tliet. Archer burse. Winters scores. Btlnson reels h want cut tit t If is canter. Butt out. ■Ingle over short. Jordan went out at ! Two bltn; no nans, first. Knot scored. Archer put n hall j Eighth Irnlng. aver llie left field fence for n home run. . Mohart grounded to th1i< and on uorlnK Stinson, l-'ltst home run nt 1 Smith's error landed at first. C*rxo Piedmont Pitrlt this senson. Loucks . fsnaed. Blake steeled to right Rlck- eent out from pitcher tu first.. Sidy I ert admasod to second. Knell filed nut out. six hits; six runs. j to e*nte- No sdvnrn* DlaKe tvas ' Second Inning. oaught off Out. filds out. One hit; Rird went nut from catcher tn first, go runs IVHrlen-went out fmm second tn first. f/onoka want rrsr pitcher to first. Cro- reautlful one-handed catch for njrdan. tier filed out to pitcher. Winters went Stratton tiled out to second. Side out. j out pitcher to first. Side oat. No hits; No hits and no runs. > |no runs. (’roller went out third tn first. Win- I Ninth Inning, ters pluced a two-bagger In left. Sid ' lech termed. Bird put a single In fo.iltti went out fro mthlrd to first, eemer fiesd. O'Brien put a single In Winters went to tlilrd. Morse went ; left. Bird went to eecond. Stratton hit down-the easy road. Fox went nut j to eeaead, catching the miner to Jor from third to- first. Sldo out: one hit; Son there te *r«t. Doable, side no runs. Third Inning. Phillips grounded to third and on Smith's error landed on first. Rirkert filed out to center field. No advance. , . . Fargo grounded to second, forcing out • vjfjtlri, Ji 1 ; f Hmlth, te..‘. '”2’2 U. S. TROOPS READY TO INVADE MEXICO TO AVENGE MASSACRE OF AMERICANS One Report Says 200 Persons Are Dead. Another That Americans Killed Num ber 60;—Mexican Governor Leads Men to Aid of the Town. By Prlrilf LrnVctl Wire. Washington, June 2.—The war department has just received a telegram from Denver that no troops have crossed the Mexi can border. Mnjor Watts went to Naco to await orders from hendquar- tera. Washington, June 2.—Dispatches have been received here that .Major Watts hns gone to Canutes with a troop off Ameri can cavalry. The government has no confirmation of this re port. It Watts has acted as reported it will be tantamount to a declaration of war. U. S. COSUL AT CANANEA BEGS FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE By Private Leased Wire. Washington, June 2.—United States Consul Galbraith. at Cnnanea. has sent the following dispatches to the state department, dated Naco, Arizona: "Send assistance Immediately to Cananea. Sonora. American citizen* are being murdered, and property Is being dynamited and we must have help. Answer Naco. Arizona, Immediately. The second dispatch: "Imperative Immediate assistance be rendered American citizens at Cananea, Sonora, Mexico.” By Private Leased Wire. Blsbee, Arizona, June 5.—Reports reached here today to the effert that Colontl W. C. Greene was killed during the fighting at Cananea lost night. No confirmation Is at hand at thla hour. The tame report zaya that the fighting .continue# with fierce shooting at Intervals. The total number of Americans kitted ts placed at sixty. Governor Vsabel, of Sonora, Is on the scene with troops, hut ilioottng continues from both sides. Awx-m- rhllllp*. Morse got the putout nnd it Jordan the assist. Illake fanned. Side Mnres, in. i I* irilull lit* USB IM l. DlliAV luiinvu. wjsxev Mb eoeaesssoees out. No hit* and no runs. . Fox. Ik. ,. Stinson grounded to first nnd'out nt ! fthi*o«,*ef„ .. .. ■si. ojrdan filed nut at third. Archer V r r 'J?,,' , need n two-bagger In left gmfdsn.! fm**, ** .**•*"* .... .«• —at*. •• «• first. placed . Si . Ijiucks nieil raft to second. Side out. onejitf and no runs Fourth Inning. - . . . Knoll out from pitcher to first. Beck - doubled (<| light. Bird, got an Infield yew v.'.»A.\s. hit to short, udranctog Heck to third. • t'BHan nut a slnglo In I ft. ”-- 1 ' cored. Illrd landed nt second. llcck .ft****. nr*. »- ton grounded lo second, forcing I I’DIr-n Lr. out. Morse cuv< red the hue. Bird - i, went to third. Phillip* grounded to •dpi. „.. ' iikrisa.ri •'<*ttiei. e pump*, j •b. t‘ third-nod..went' oiit at HM. Side out. Three hits find oitc rdp. ('rosier ni«l nit to center. V.'lnl’r* went out fruit pitcher to first. Hid. 1 nirl at hat. luecd n sing'” In tight ll,l,|. .Moral i-aijK-d out to the pitcher. Slide out. UP' 'ill: no cun*. Firth Inninp. nickcrt in -t m i*n flMd. rttr vrnt'W"'fi I*' nil pluhrr lo first. Bla'u filed oufi to i ■■nt. r Held. Side out. Sj Mi*: nw-satek'^Ttwift— ,,, . Fox singled , ..iit.r ii*id. S'lln-m wi nr out front ^lilnl 11 flr-t. r >x llw mi nt second, jarillivfyit n ffngh tn ■ epier. I'o:. scoFeO. Jordan went to second. Archer placed olio in cpntcr for two' bags. , Jordan scored. Archer !•». . ., a;»Jg,, - •«w 'ttl.IIANk > t*) n — t — 'fe— i Two-oas* Irrto—Cpszlsr, ”, '. Inters, Archer ft. _eck. boms <• —ttn'kef.' ••fuck ett:—Hy f^nioks, 1*1% '.f-rfo. hy Phillips. Loucks. ■f*-*.* art bslls—Off I/oueks, Jfnoll i; pi.. ---rc- ■■!*^Morse: tetitth. •acriUcs hlia went out drying, o »teullhnl. Loufkf _ V 'o:*,.. tiloson. ctieadzraa, i.MO. fanned. Hide out. Three, hit* and t^o Kennfrty. nilta. | 'tinidk «u—B$ ! T REM EN tibU 8~C ROW 0 ~ AT BELMONT PARK.' By Private Len«e,l Wire. ■ Race Track, Belmont Tark, I. I- June S.—What many rnergoer* AatniOAifc are Waetteigtra .. . «M TO too- I 1‘leased to term the biggest raring day boflgte' ,i j., .<** 010'll*— ft ft 0 of the* year 1 —tile occasion of the run- sytWilae* a*l ,w aao waasoeld; I It ft U It 1 rs; Ortli PteR...' year ring of the National rttalllon Slake* of 120,1)06 unit.the International sle»->le- ,. — “ chase—came to liand here till* af r- .... noon, and Judged by the sire or the Pkfcfslghla . MO OUJ MO- I 1! rrnwd and the avalanche of money In **?..■?* 'LL ■ °. - ' the ring, such t* the case. **^*. r j?*L ” a **• The throng „f Dboofstion Day only *“»>» Is comparable to the.mighty mob w hich | _,_..., . visited (lie today. The grand . ?. m m . s • stand, the'general enclosure nnd the * * paddock were crowded, probably tt.000 M-'f* '**• * renmns being'on the ground, at the O Grady, time field of highly strung S-year-olds A HUs end OtbsatL went down to the post for the start ■ t , la the National Htalllon Stake*. The *!? J!* - t ! 1 weather was a bit warm, while the '''' V'!!!- Jra ' * track wa» newer foster. tfiSuSs turn! Here, are today's results at Bel- PaStosiie and nllter wont Park: . FIRST nATR—Yafd. I to L won ilstienssi Tayioe sod Boweman; Sjisrka and Doom. New TorW ......fi6fi 60fl 0»»— I t In , ^rt.m y «'£YL n .'S n d- rentlan.'jn ' • ....m «0> <m- 0 to l llilfdTIms I: t^o '' t.entian, n«»tei*rat and h.,v. SEi’OND RAUK-^Oran. ft to .ft, won: ' By Private Leased Wire. Washington, June 1.—The United States government has the Mexican government, to authorize the uze of American , quelling the riota at Cananea. 1 -equeated loops tn GRAPHIC STORY OF FIGHT TOLD BY CORRESPONDENT By HENRY CHRISTIAN .WARNACK. (Special Correspondent of the Heeret News Service at Naoo. Aria., Just Over the Border From Mexico.) By Private Leased Wire. Naco, Aria.; June 2.—Forty-five Americans were shot down and Instant ly killed In Cananea. Me*., 41 miles aouth of the International line, at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Identified dead: DWIGHT. A. N.» reneral manager of Greene mines. tlonni line at -11 o'clock this morning. Refugees declare that ns ninny Mexi cans as Americans are dead. An American who tried to cross the line with his wife waa killed by Mexi cans. He killed three of them. None of those who arrived here during the night has any definite Idea either <*f the number of Americans or Mexicans dead. The whole country Is panic- stricken. Young Will Metcalf killed four men before he fell. METCALF, GeorKe A, superintend* | ent of rentals. WILLIAMS, J„ superintendent fuel department. REFUGEES SAY THAT 200 PERSONS HAVE BEEN KILLED. py Private Leased Wire. Naco, Arizona, June 2.—Refugees are pouring Into this place by'special train. the number of killed at not j less thnn 200. They describe the sit uation there a* most desperate. The Americans, who are now better armed, are defending th«m**\ve* ,'ARILLO. Arena, proprietor 5le*„ w.T CARILLO. ——, nephew of Arello iTnrlllo, ' > ' Between J.000 and 4,000 maddened Mexican mlnera, armed to the teoth, are parading the streetz of the mining ramp surrounding the American quar ter of the town and threatening to kill every foreigner who appears on the streets. Ringers to the Rescue. Captain Thomas' Rynnlng, of the Arizona Rangers, has started from Bls bee with a hand of 000 picked men. armed and deterrninvu t,> put a *t..p to the outrage*. Sergeant Hopkins and another band of rangers have left Douglas on the same errand. Across the line Colonel Cm I Mo Kos- terlltzky, commander of tho rurale, for the northern zone Of fionora. Is on his way to Cananea with n hand of hardy tho Mexicans, who vastly them, and the fighting Is continuous. Up to the time the last hatch if refu gees arrived no reinforcement of either Mexican or Americon troops had reached Cananea. Americans Hurry to Sesns. The Mexicans from tho country around are Joining their fellows In town. They are all well armed and appear to be under some discipline. A number of Amert-’ans have ktarted for the seat of war. and others are mak ing for the border. It Is reported that Major Watts, commanding the United 8tates troops nt Fort. Huarhuea. had crossed the border at the head of a squadron of cavalry under permission given by Governor Ysnbel. of Honors, and that he had nppenled to Washington to rat ify hla action. Both United States troops and Arizona Rangers are con centrating on the American side of the sw wau asi.r.—virau, *»“•■• fiitf Masterson. 7 to 5, seedtid: Sewell. n g ; mM »t. THIRD r'Xi'K—1'hak. Edwards. 0 to FOURTH RACE—Perverse, 1 to I. ■ Do- vug; B»!le of Pecoest. 10 to I, second; , l.'dna Juason. i le 1. talrd. Tims, I. won: .Supermen. dJ Jo l. second: De- luuml. 7 to ip,.third. Time, ;5».ft-ft. RACING RESULTS. Toronto. Toronto; Can., June I.—Here are to day's results: I'lRRT RACK—Anna 8ml«h. 9 to S, won: Acbar, to to 1, second: Money Musa, ft to S, third. SECOND RA — "on: Pungent. Marls. 4 to 5. third. THIRD RACE—Moonraker, 1ft to 10, "on: Ijiupsnra, 3 to 1, second! Slaugh ter, out. third. FOURTH RACE Tongorder, 10 to l, 1 won; New Mown Hay, 7 to I, sec ond; Peter Sterling. 4 to S, third. FIFTH R.'.CIC -Hsrculold. T to L won! Grand F». * to J. second: Drome- Isry. 21 to 1. third. Time, 4:11 Other Letonle Recee. •ramp RACD—Robin Hood, I to 10. wur:- Don Domo. 4 to *, seoont; MR- dee. 1 to 1 third. FOURTH RACE -Sir Ituosk 1 to ft, won;. Ledy Navzrre, out. eecond. Only tore etsrtero. More Toronto Raeta fifth RACB—Frank Hommere, 1 to I, won; lord Radnor, ft to J, second; Coeover, 1 to 4. third. Letonle. I.atnnla, June ft.—Here are todays racing results: FIRST RACE—St. Volma, ft to ft.; fl Al>PTTJt EOUAL8 non: Eula R.. * to 1. second: Morendo. UA-P.IVXri-rO Xiy u ” a to». third._ ... WORLD’S RECORD. *ECnxD RACE—Avendow, 1. wob{ MIm n#*rth«. 7 to 1, »eeonfl: ri« '•»U<v • to L third 1 BvutfftOAo II!. Jun* 2—At th« tnnuxl I. j.fifTX ami track meet nC the - - ' - - - - [ irMtert eellegrs John Gtrrela. of CANDIDATE TOR OOVERNOR ^ c'p'V 18 ORATOR Or THE DA\ i* r ^ i Mid by Krenzlrln. Ponneylvanlau Garrele alee won tbt d!«cce throw with 1?| 1-* fiML ’^ffrhifaa won the witnent rrw.We. H P*olal t« Thr fiftorfUn. rirkeax. B. C.. Jnnr J.-Th* Conf*4rrrrf» °f tlife roanty irr celrbrxtiag herv teday. Th#f» xrr RhAat 1^00 people prrirnt. M. p. AA$*\\. candidate for gorernor. I» orstor of th. day. XJ. k SENATOR PROCTOR ^•mal rr«a»^a h«n«r ar# b^lng pre , v. » ••mad to th# worthy Cnnfrdemtea. If A VSR Slav MAN MEXICAN GOVERNOR LEADS AMERICANS TO CANANEA. By Private leased Wire. Douglas. Arlsnna, June ft.—Governor Ysnbel, of the stole of Sonora, arrived at Naco at 7:i0 o'clock this morning nnd Immediately gave orders permit ting the armed Americans who were there from Blsbee. Douglas and all parts of Arizona to necompony him to Cxn- anea, where many lives were lost In mine riots yesterday. The Americans organized and, In rommand of Captain Tom Rynnlng, former captain of the Rough Riders, and now commander of the Arlsnna Ranger*, left with the governor on a .portnl treln for cananea at I o'clock. There were 410 men In the party. GOVERNMENT ASKS MEXICO men. Governor Tsabot, of the state borrtfr nt the best point to reach. Can of Sonora, ha* promised to furnish aid nnea bu , »hether nn armed force has In reply to Colonel \\. C. Greene a call . ... - - fur help. Hundreds nf refugees nre already on their way north to plares of safety till* side of the line. War Depsrtmsnt Notifiad. J. Galbraith, American consul hns advised the war department, nnd Governor Klbby, of Arizona, has been notified. Help 1* also expected In the shape of 1,000 rllles and ample aup- j plies of arms which ore being rushed I Southward on orders from the Greene Consolidated Copper Company. With there the Americans, who number about half the imputation of Cananea, and who at the time of the outbreak were practically unarmed, expect to be nhte to defend themselves at least un til help from one or the other of tlw two governmrnts arrives. Half n million dollar* worth of turn her has hern destroyed by fire, set by the strikers. Haines from these yards can tie seen from the border, palming the whole southern horlion a brilliant red. The firing at 12 o'clock wa» ter rific. Under order* fpim the Mexlean consul, It I* reported that the guard ha* opened fire on the American train only one-half mile from Naco. 8*t Firs to Town. The outbreak occurred Immediately after Colonel William C. Greene, presi dent of the Greene Consolidated Cop- lier Company, had finished a speech to the Mexlean miners. Cananea haa a population of about 22.000, three- fourths of which are Mexicans. Yes terday the Mexicans went In a body, numbering some 1,000 or 4.000, to de mand 13.50 for an 8-hour work day. They declared no American should ever work there until their demand# were satisfied. Colonel Greene went out of bis office with thrlr spokesman nnd be gan tn address them In Spanish, tell ing them to grant their demands was impossible. After firing upon Americans with whom they swore no longer to com pete. the Mexicans began to set fire to the city and tn dynamite the that works of the Greene Consolidated. Troops Haad Far Scans. Among the dead are George A. Met ATLANTA MEN IN CANANEA C» A. J. Beddon and W. T. Donaldson, former Atlantans, are with the Green corporation, In Cananea, Arts., where, the striking miners have decided to massacre all opposed to them In their efforts to get what they want. Young Beddon la th* son of Dr. A. E. Beddon. a colleague of Rev. Crawford Jackson. In his Juvenile protection work.* Young Donaldson Is the son of Dr. C. N. Donaldson, of 312 Prudential building, who resides in Klrkwrood. • Roth of the fathors came to The Georgian office Saturday morning nnd Inquired anxiously for news of their respective sons. Dr. Beddon said his son, who Is n graduate of Tech, 1904. Is the editor of The Cananea Herald, the official organ of tho Green company. Dr. Donald son said his son was In the commissary department. Young Beddon worked for the telephone company a while after his graduation. Then he went west to pursue his studies of mining engi neering. Two weeks ago, he eent a letter to his father. In which he described a prospecting trip In the mountains. Mr. Donaldson Is a married man. His wife and two children llvo In Kirkwood. They are all worried. SAYS ROOSEVELT CALL TO POPULISTS TO MEET IN ATLANTA him Immedlatelyto acquaint tha Mexl- enn government with the facte of the situation at Cananrn and ask Mexico to take effective men*ure« for the pro tection of American citizens there; also to "request of the Mexican gov ernment, a* suggested, a* to what measures, if any, the United State* government may take In affording pro tection to lie citizen* In Cananea.” Until Mexico'* reply ehall have been received, no troop* will be eenl. TROOPS AT FORT LOGAN AWAIT ORDER* TO START lly Prlrnt* leflaol Wire. Denver, Colo, Juno 2.—Fort Logon troopa aro ready nwaltlng orders ex pected from Washington title nftcr- noon. ' Lieutenant Colonel Davis 'says they are expecting to be went to Mexico at any minute, lleodnuartei* of the department of Colorado declare troopa are already at the Mexican line. ARMED MEN ARE AMBUSHED AT MCXCAN BORDER LINE ny Prlvato leased Wire. Naco, Arlx, June ft.—Thirty armed while*, who came here from Blabee lo go to Cananea and asslet the Ameri can* there, were ambushed shortly before 12 o'clock last night by Mexi can* half a mile from here. Just as the first one stepped across the line, the Mexicans began firing. II Is not known how many of the tatter were Injured. George Buchner, of Ills- bee. waa shot In the arm. All but six of the Americans have returned here. It Is not known whether the missing wars killed, wounded or escaped In on- other direction. He Bags For Help. Colonel Greene haa sent the following telegram: "Send help »t once, for Qod’i sake." Colonel Greene's family has arrived here eafely, but the colonel remalne In command of his men. A special train has Just bo«n sent tn Hermnslln for Governor Rafael Ysabel. A report Just received states that Colonel Oreeno In an Ineffective at tempt to quell the bottle that continues to rage at Cananea. rode through the howling mob In nn automobile, escap. Ing a hundred rifle and pistol shots. Ordered to Buy Guns. Orders have Juet been received by State Ticket Will Be Put Out It Is Thought. An official coil was seat out Sat urday by J. J. Hollpway, chairman of the executive committee of the Peo ple's party of Georgia, for a meeting to be held In Atlanta on Thursday, Juno 14. The call gQe« on to say that "matters qf vital. Importance to our party will be considered." It looks as If there Is to be a state ticket 1 nominated. Former Hfste Sen ator Yancey (’arter was In Atlanta a short time UK" He said It looked as If no Hflf.reiiiiectlng man. who was not hound hand and foot by the «»ld party could vote the Democratic ticket with the conditions Imposed. At thHt lime he threw out the hint that a full ticket* would be notnlhatM and put In the field to oppose Clark Howell, Hoke Smith. Judge Russell, Colonel Kstlll, Jim Hmlth and the numerous other Democratic candidates. He expressed the belief that the Populists would be victorious. The official cail Is ns follows: "Clem. Go., • May 31, 190* "A meeting of the state executive committee nf the Populist party Georgia Is hereby called to meet Atlanta. Oa., on Thursday, June 14, 1906, at 12 m. to consider matters of vltnl Importance to nur party. "All members ar» urgently Invited to be present. "J. J. HOLLO WAT, Chairman." JEFF DMIfS' BIRTHDAY WILL BE CELEBRATED On Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock the anniversary of the hlrthdny of JefTer- son Davis, former president of the eon- utophon, I S d ? h ™ C i;o U '; , ^ b f%^e b .T„ , ,*g d ,. , v n e. ,h a 't W. buy ,very flrezrm «nd cartridge »l rap | tol . Blabee A Dougin** corporation *tore«, and nuh them by tho «[.<rtal train lo the Greene Company'* forwarding agent *t Naco. Thl* mean* that the American* ztlll control tha Uleplmno wlr* tu th* Anier- Iran line. CONCERT TO BE GIVEN On June 7, M the Marlat college, a /ernment ME x,uu muolcal concert will be given for the TO TAKE PROTECTIVE STEP* b * nefll of ,h * d,,trtct nurM * ,n ,h * TO TAKE PROTECTIVE STEPS. of Atlanta, l^dlf* of lion. Hooper Alexander, of Decatur, will ho the orator of tho occasion. Tho exercises will he held under the aus pices of Atlanta Camp 169, United Confederate Veterans. All confederate veterans, sons of vet erans and other organisations are requested to meet nt the capitol at 2:20 o'clock Monday afternoon lo march to the hall where the exercises FOR DISTRICT NUR8E8 | will be held. A*lrfe fmm the uddrr.a I by Mr. Alexander and ,nme> apectal mualr, no ,et program ha, been ar ranged. By Private Leaaed Wire. Waahlngton, June ft.—The deplorable affair at Cananea. Mexico, preaenla an International problem of conalderable gravity and the admlnlatratlon her* le moving with great caution. Under the treaty with .Mexico It le allowable for United Btatra troopa to Invade Mexico In purault of renegade Indian* without awaiting apeclflc action by the Mexican government. In other rlrcumatancex th# United State* I* bound by the ordinary rule* of International law and comity. Even ahould Governor Y«abel, of Senora •tate. In which Cananea la located, re- queat the aid of United Statea troop* tn putting down the Mexican miner*' uprialng; there la very aertoue doubt whether the United Statea would be Juatlfied in .ending troopa acroa, the border. 'Rest Wire# to Mexico. The Oral newa of the affair reached Waahlngton aarty thla morning In ID* preae dlepatrbee. Shortly thereafter h telegram waa received by the elate department from United 8tatee Conaul Galbraith, et Cananea. giving In brief the etory of the attack by th* Moil- can miner# upon the Americana, and tatlng the eltuatton wa» ao aerioua as to demand imperatively the pres ence of American troopa. Secretary Taft and Chief of Staff Bell Immediately went Into consulta tion. Secretary Root wired Ambassador Thompson *l Mexico City directing DECLARES POLITICAL SLUSH FUND CAUSE OF CHANGE Only American Material I* To B« Uaed in Canal Work Now. liy Private Leased Wire. Washington. June S.—Senator Wil liam J. Stono of Missouri. In the de bate on the Aldrich resolution giving the president authority to go outside tho United States to buy supplies for the Panama canal, said In part: ."No one can doubt that the presi dent will buy practically all canal ma terials in America, no matter what the difference in prices here and abroad may be. If we are to judge the future by the past there Is no room for questioning what course the president will adopt. Much Bluetaring Dona. "Tho men who contributed the stu pendous slush fund, aggregating mil lions upon millions of dollars, to carry the last presidential election for the republicans, almost of necessity, have their grasp upon those who accepted tholr princely donations. "But thero has been so much of this blustering and It has attracted such wldo attention that something must be dono to relieve the situa tion. Something must be provided for public credulity to feed upon. A door must be opened for escape and a soft placo must be mado for the president to fall. The scheme for all this is wrapped up In this solution." * Courage Put to Teat. Senator Stone said that about a year ago the president and the sec retary of war had announced that they would not he held up In the pur chase of materials for the canal by American manufacturers or Ameri can owners. But he declared that the special Interests affected resisted and won. Promptl/ they organized their forces to resist and to discipline him," he said. "The stand-patters came swarming In from every direction and a storm of protest wns raised from every, qugrtor. "The president’s courage was put to the test, and. as usual, proved unequal to the strain There waa a great thundering by him In the index j with the customary RoosevelMan fia» J co at the finish The iron man a| | the white house again proved him*! self to be no Iron man at all." TRUMAN H. PORTER DIES AT CHARLOTTE tho city aro supporting thoio nurxoa, and this concort la for th* purpose of raising their a*l*riea. Tlckota will be 11, and are on aalo at Phillip* A Craw. Tho program la as follow*: Vernon D'Arnalle, baritone; J. Fow ler Richardson, pianist; Oscar P«pp*n- holmor, ‘cellist. Vocal. "Leoncavallo''—Prologue from "Pagllacci." Cello, (a) "Iphlgonla's Aria,” Gluck; tb) "Chanson DoNult.” Elgar; (t) "love Poem,” Grieg. Vocal, (a) "In Summer Helds,” Brahma: <t» "Serenade,"Brahma; (c) “L’Hegro ExquUe," Hahn; td> ‘‘Spring." Lassen. •Cello, (a) "Melody." Balnt-Saoni; tb) "Devotion." Hegner; (e) "Valeo, 1 Wlttenbecken. Vocal. "Hiawatha'S Farewell," Cole- r *t^>cal.*’Ceik> Obligato,' "It Is Enough," Mendelssohn; "O! Dry Those Tears," Del Rlego; "Rococo Serenade," Meyer- Htlmund. . . . Program Is under the direction of J. Fowler Richardson. M. H. Analay In tha City, if. N. An.ley, geaeeal freight ageot of the West Pole* road, la renewing acquaint- aaees amoag tha railroad men of Atlanta. Mr. A aster waa foeaaeelr of this e4ty iM MM ef the amet popular men of the mad. __ He left for Montgomery Saturday morning. | ami recitations. News waa raettred lo Atlanta fiaturday morning of tbe death Friday of Truniau II. f'-rtar nt « ij.,rk»lta. N «\ Mr J'ortar formerly a resident of Atlanta and baa many relative# and friend# In thla rlty. Mr. Porter waa connected with the Er- erett-Itldley company before going to Char lotte Home time ago, where he enter***! th«» office or the auditor of the ttoutbern Hall leaves two brothere. W. B. and B. If. Porter, and one alater, Mra. Ann* (Irani- nr. ail of Atlanta. The body will be brought today to ry Branch. (Ja. Funeral and loti 111 take pla**e there fiunday. Flo ent FREE ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE BOYS' CLUB A free entertainment will be given at the Ilaptlat Tabernacle Monday evening at • o'clock under tho auapl**es of the Boya* flub of Atlanta.. ; Mnra W. Small will deliver ao addreoa and th-re will I*#* an Interesting program of BOBBY AND OU8 SUED BY LAWYER I Alleging that Robert H. Walthour nnd Gua I*. Caatle failed to pay him 1200 attorney's fees, for defending tha suit -if Mm (Jinre Mallory vs. the In terstate Fair Association, Edgar La- thnrn, n well-known Atlanta lawyer, i has Hied suit ngalnnt the world’s t ham- t plon nnd hla former manager for |20t> I nnd Interest from March D, 1906, to* •lute The petition nllegPM that on Febru ary 15, 1904, Mra. Grace Mallory,] through her next friend, filed suit]' against Walthour and fustic for 616,- i « 000, for which she claimed they w«rg! .- liable to her on account of the death! | of Charles .Mallory, her husband. whoV was killed while employed to ride bl-1 ’ cycle races at Piedmont park. It la^ allegfil that Walthour and Castle em ployed the petitioner to represent them) In tho suit. In the Interests of v he filed pleas and demurrers, hlch, when tried on Mar* h f», 1906,1 as settled In favor of the defendants,' «’u"tle and Walthour, and that no ap-•' •eal of the case was evet made bf ■lie. Mallory Accompanying the petition, as exhib it "A," la a copy of the petit loner's hill for legiil services rendered Wai- thour and Castle. PA88ENOER STATION WANTED AT VALDOSTA vement Special to The Georgian. Valdosta. Gs.. June 2.— ha* b#'**n begun here by t til and hoard of trade toward securing the erection of a union railway passen- K«m station here A meeting of tha mayor nnd council was held, at which a resolution was adopted requesting e Georgia Southern lantlc coast Line tn n which to meet tha WktW Of tile b"«rd >-? trade In thlm city, nnd see If some agreement can not be ranched looking to the matter of building the station. the officials of and Florida and set an early date Mitchell May Resign By Priratc Isn***l Wire. Wilkc-torre. Pa . June : - Ing of the National Mine has been '-ailed, nnd there ar that President John Mitchell Hgn t meet- A'orken rumors Merchant'! Special to The Ge« lekena. 8. C„ J< of J. I> Moore place, died thin gttts. Son Deed.