The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, June 02, 1906, Image 14

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CASH MUST ALWAYS iccom- ptny out-of-town order*. Watch The Georgian Want Page Grow. ■ Situation* Wanted will hereafter be inaerted on thiB page free of charge. 11 you want a aituation, seed your ad. to The Georgian. Each ad. will be limited to three lines, one inser tion. 4a == WANTED HELP—MALE. •nor, life scholarship $M; **»J wawwi poaltloa and union card guaranteed: fra* cut a logo©. Coy no Bros'. Trada School*, Now York, Chicago, St. Loula. , Chicago, ora In the foundry to learn molt! CIS, In two or three month,. rood reference* noed apply. cL-ncti Mill Mfg.Cn. \i an'MIj-GDiM i'IiHaU ANDTES'NY (nod, man: reply with reference and toll l-n-iienlara aa to ability and experience. atrtu Savannah. carp thla office. t<>n Bag and cotton Mllia. VvvN-fEb-YrtllXii URN, it T6 WYBAkB oi.n to work in mi*bino red rAC- WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WILL OIVB REGULAR KUri/OYUBNT Experienced operator. man, rrom «to) 112.(10 par week, and w# will alto v Out wages to thoao without nparltt until it . t' laarn. If you lira ont of Inntn. write na and wa will glvayon fnrinntlon about hoarding places. Nanni SITUATIONS STTt^ WANTED—MALE. pit par Atinnta *t. Marlatta. tla. PHARMACIST WHdlES TtT Chang*) city reference, given. Ad PlinrnnrUt. ItU ivy »t.. AtlruiH. Qa. TION WANTED—FEMALE. th^cnnntrv^ jl nr WANTED—AQENT8. mid for our free circulars. Pen- crnl Mi ui Frame Co., LaPortr, Ind. WANTED—SALE8MEN. ?Sri: fTffiT; for ii.ngnlflcent new map*; new fc«turas: r»pN b. u,n; exclusive territory and liberal llndu > Co., Atlanta, tla. ■mww iLi.r"■ fl i reau ti lir-Mi an are , tun- lhtlftl I of a high grade, exited© ... required ny a New \ork i having a thoroughly eatabll fcrriionr. Acquaintance with Una not nec* i v Salary 11.2*) per annum and sa il.•»;*.*, with an additional conmilmltm over ulated amount of aalea. A permanent. MISCELLANEOUS. k t • IRON 8AFKK. IIANK BAFEH. VAULT DOORfi ■aproof safe*. deposit Itoxee. n. if B. Broad Hi.. Atlanta. [Hh-wtrilATii- Kill. rt m i p5“naV , In t h tartar. flooring, celling, Hi Writ, na for ■ delivered prli .umhar Company, Box fin. iglco, al'lln "fEntTn7T f.M.ea add a ml erected. Fenclni Q* yth *t Main \V11.1.1 > ti! Foray th WITX—FXFETT rk N. Broad Bt. WANTED— MI8CELLANEOU8. OTttftrff r.~' t t. ,' Id good., office fixture., Mfaa, car- u ruaa. planoa. ate., to advantage ^TiiTviWKir ■ UMyane- Cntlckahank Cigar Co., 31, hit,. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS, iifitK mitt: iiotis." ii i ltm or ear rai n! I'ura bread. Cheap, l'lga all ala it \\ iYdU AN VtiITNiT fo’ SeCLt ir lajvyn t DATiD w. YAnmtoran. MASTER I’LUMHirR, Phone* 1255. 8> E. Hunter 8L wirns u'au. i-ai-uii comi'am' Is«nra«t stock In Bontb. 54 N. Broad 8t NIGHT ci.ahhra In stenography at Southern Shorthand Business University, tangbt by Mias Lula Gachet. BUSINES8 OPPORTUNITIES. GO REE SOUTHERN AUTO AND Equip ment Co. Ws repair, reconstruct, ex change, bay and sail automobiles. Oaraga, 10-18 Mitchell street, Atlanta, Oa. All phone 4884-L- Main. hIgIi cI.aSA reAI. KSYA'Tk'8ALES»IaTI ran obtain partnership Interest No caab Investment raqalred. Mast ba .At man. with large acquaintance, and competent to take actlrs Interest In management-of bait- neas. Name references, axe and experience. Tour reply will 4* ennetdered confidential. -Opportunity." The. Georgian. WanTEd—YflWWi' IirH AtHs'iWKiAPir nr to Invcat services and small rapltal In well established bnalnpaa In city: fine open ing. Address P. O. Box 88, Button B. city. WANTED—REAL E8TATE. I WANT TO PURCHASE FROM 7 HR owner for *bout $4,000 to $5,000 ca*h. mod* era horn* on th* North Bid*. Olr* location, price, etc. AddreM Boyer# car* Georgian. lE Yol) WaNt to ElTifEit BUY ott aell city or anbnrhan property, ace or tale- phone me. J. II. Latham. 238 Equitable Bldg. Phones: Main 8148, Atlanta 2149. REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE. front, ona of the heat In Inman 1-ark; ad join, my home. Will aall at tow jirlea to, good neighbor. C. B. NewlU, Box 836. FOR RENT—APARTMENT8. s'5'B'BwwiiT ugvenrailK.tinc tiful apartment In the Mendenhall apart* m*nt hoaae, 521-622 I’eachtre* *treet. Apply It. It, Arnold, third floor, OmiM Hid* LOST. CTOTvIi'IHCin lakewood line last, night Itsward will be paid to Under. Joe Epltn, 18 Decatur street. PIAN08. BKCirr nANo ,, ca! I £f 1 n u f : or8yth. MEDICAL. ETICT!g!W7W'^W r P.TrEttSrT7{!NirTO yoar urn*; aar* car*; email price. Th* Bate* Car*, Atlanta. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOM8. ^58?ncn'tRA?riC?rf^ncniijno'jricrx week. Lodfln* $1 a we*k. Meals $260 a week. 10% Trinity aveou*. Hell phono 2248, Atlanu phono 2787. WALL PAPER. Trsrypm&c~~£ monldlnga, pictures, picture frames, ale. 1^*11 phone 729, Htandaru 704. 27 H. Hunter. 8H0E REPAIRING. if:naTiRTjirTrtrTTr??w''fi¥r~rt!B boot and ihoe repairing. When I say re pairing, 1 mean us heat repairing only, knpartor material and oak loethar, with the beat workmanship. I know bow to repair becanaa I know a shoo. 1 am a akllfnl mender and can tnaka comfortable sod serviceable shoe broke down and worn ont ones. Don’t forget the No., 21 8. Pryor street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS— Wholesale and retail dlatributora of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just received large consignment of machines and over lo.roi records. Immediate attention given mall ordiffs. We want the names of all talking machine dealers In the aonth. Write for catalogue. Alaxander-Elyea Co. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST bicycle and aundry dlatrlhutor* In th* •oath. Southern *grat» for 1*1*re*. Y«I*, RnHl and Hndaoo bicycle*. Writ* for our jSM^caUlofu* and prlc* Hat. Alaxandor* WB MOVE, STORE, PACK AND SHIP household goods; luaurence rate one per cent Office and warehouse 11346 Walton atraat Both -phonsa. Cathcart’a Trans fer. REYNOLDS. THB SION PAINTER. tSvJarsssAr ^ &v.*sis. u i? YOUR TEETH CROWNED 82-K GOLD CROWNS 88 UP. without pain. All work gnarantaed 11 yaara. Lanier Dental Parlors. 88)8 White- lull HL. over Emmons' clothing store. Ball phone Aos-J. TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN—All dtntal work dona without pain. All work guaranteed 18 years. Lanier lien- UI Parlor., 30)6 Whitehall SI., over Em mons' clothing store. Hell phone 2563-J. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. ItALLWOODS. IDEALS and all othtr makes at bargain prices. We can sell you a register, suitable for any hiialnesa. at a pries that cannot help out pleaae you. Oaah or monthly payments. Every register guaranteed tor two years. Southern Cneh Register Co., Branch of Amertcau Second- Hand Cash Rcglater Co., 24 8. Rroad atrcct, Atlanta, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN. SOUTHERN LOAN AND DIS COUNT COMPANY MAKES LOANS TO RESPONSIBLE SALARIED PEO PLE. 117V4 WHITEHALL STREET. YOUR TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN BY AN IM- proved methofi. All work jrsaranr<H>d 15 ynira. Rraaooahl* pricea. Lqhlcr Dental rarlora. ©4 Whitehall tft.. nr*r Bmmon*' clotblny store. Bell phot* 2M3-J. OLO HATS MADE NEW. Stop trying to do it all yourself—adver tise for help. A Want Ad in The Georgian will cost you only one cent a word. W. E. WORLEY, 825 empire: building. Atlanta ‘Phono 3983. 100x289 PEET POXCB DE LEON AVENUE. good ft-room hous© rioee to the Boulevard. Price $4jt0, for a few day*. FIND HOME ON WJ58T NORTH AVE., cloae to Peachtree, at $SJ00. Fine home; •forth Jackson. at $5,600. Fine home, the loulevard* at $5,200. TWO nOUSEH RENTED AT ISJD: price $1,500. It'* worth your money and paya 16 per cent. KENNEDY HTREET LOT AT $160. PAVED Btreot and car line. It ought to qiMb • ., ATTENTION, HOME- SEEKERS. Have a few building lots left on terms of $10.00 cash and $5.00 per month. Prices low. See EIEBMAN, REAL ESTATE—RENTING. 28 Penchtreo Street THREE MONTHS RENT FREE Adair. Ua Empire. ATL*» EKillNti*——AYI.AA htiiTERs -All atylca and ,1m-,. Itlaa Botina Wnrta. Emplra Bldg- Atlanta iWftimr 11 — ter W.' coUNtyoPricKSS a rife la ageote will tad tha baat forma Mania at Banaatt’a. a Sonth jyjrt«IJml>mjjn^ B WANTED—BOARDERS. Bpgcia^xTnio^rmrBnYtn^ Shun fur gentler M-n aoll.-lt. labia bmrt|. [I tlrkala; ona raaant room. Tele- IdL tt Cona atraal. A WtkiL Sa m xhTnIty PANAMA AND MILAN STRAW HATS cleaned and reehaped. 60c. Soft and stiff felt hats cleaned and re shaped. TEETH BEST RKT OP TKETII 0&.OO. RI’ARAN- laad to Bt. All work guarnolaad IS yaara. lanlar Itaulal i'aiiura. JJS Whltahafl at., ovar tlmmona 4 cluiblut a tufa. BeU phona Only Ona Left of Eight Brand New Suburban Homai. Tha flrat month will ba given FREE and If occuplad ona year, two morn montha wlU ba given FREE at tha end of the year, making only nine months you wilt hars to pay for. Nona but good families will be allowed In al benefit of Property own have one firm ah members change. to the room No. 210 Gould Build- from 10 a. m. to 1 p. ni. Adair, Forreat ft George, SOI Century Bldg. Analey Bros., 4 to 10 East AUhnnia Street. ‘ “’errli*. 4 to “ ‘ — 1 inanranr, 4. a. a tlonal Bank Bldg. 10 B. Alalmma Street. , 601 Petera nidi Co., 701 Pourt! d*d«°- a. Frank C. A Co., 408 and 408 Gould . Ildg. I toiler A Brama, 808 Patera Bldg. Duncan, L. MoK., TIP Fourth Natlanal Bant itunaon, t.aixer. «uu aquiiania i Fouter, W. A., X Inman Bldg. 8 rant A Petty. 02 Beat Alabama Rtraat Word. J. A. A Co., 808 Patera Bldg. “a.‘ McKinnon, tl. 1!.. 820 l'etera Illdg. / Mom A Krouaa, 191 Peurth National Bank li Anhnrn Avenue. Robann A lUrara. 8 Waat Alabama Htrcet. Haundera A Morrla, S South Broad Street. Treadwell. W. E. A Ca,.S4 H. Broad Bt. iraauweu, ... c. « - d, Drauni. Thrower, M. L., cornet Foray th and Wal ton Street,. Ware A Kerner. 726 Century Bldg. ■ Wtleon, II. L, MS rrudratlel Uldg. thass bouses. Thus ora located on the River electrlo car line only twenty minutes ride from the center of the city; contain 7 and a rooms; have never been occuplad; ora located In Waat Atlanta Park. Every house fronts tlva oaks; on Ideal spot for children. It li cheaper than llvln* in tha city In tha cantar of thla Park are tha Ferro Phosphate Spring,, which trouble, no matter of how long stand ing. It now haa a new church, neatly furnished, a store, a school-house coat ing |t,600.00 will soon be completed. Captain J. T. Mills, who lives on the a wlU show you through the Rent 120.00 per month. JOHN J. WOODS1DB, 12 Auburn Avenuo. THOS. W. JACKSON, HEAL K8TATE. 1416 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, ATLANTA, GA. $1600 WILL BUY A 8IX-ROOM COTTAGE on the north aide. $600 cash, balance to 1600 CASH AND $3) A MONTH, per cent. Interest, will buy s ttve- nttage. with all Improvement*. In ilautes' *■ * “ walk from the center i.Sk', »i,ww f arm, iiAbd.M r, iu m-n, will buy s new six-room cottage on. Tenth WIIU UYtT P'l im Bum in'lll. IRXUIIIIU grove; Ilea splendid. Price $4,000; can ar range terms. $•100 CASH WILL BUY TWO ALMOST new cottages, wrnrr lot, rented to col ored tenants for $24.90 a month. Thla ahoold ■ at above price. CASH. IIAI.AM'K J. C. BALDWIN & CO. REAL ESTATE ft INVESTMENTS. 601 PETERS BUILD1NO. Bell Phone 6101. Atlanta Phone 3810 ANOIER AVEXTTE, NEAR NORTH erard. - 10-r. 2-atory modern mldence. feat. Easy terms. Bai ^ Easy terms. Bargain. , llt'V THE PCilNlTflU I naw; parties leaylng th) *200 CASH WILL of a »-r. flat, au city. Thla Is 60 par cant laaa than coat; win (Ira In addition two months paid np rant at 880.69 par month. knmfnr wwrosw: ■ .ml . raw monih: 8190 caab, balance 816 par *n. ivrman And m. catTAot:. Weatvlew, * * HMVto rent, $10 and $12.60 per month; large lots; get out of this smojey city Injo fresh country sir. It will help Wr HTItRRT. W TOK IWf A. J. WEST & CO., SECOND FLOOR. CENTURY BLDG. Phono 1754. CLEAN SAFE INVESTMENT-STORE house, comer Glenn and Gate City street*, ranted for $30: would brink $25. Never vacant; room for another nouae. $2,100. ... - McNEILL & SHERWOOD ■ REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING 614 Empire Building. Phone 887. W a Ki t £bAf(SNC £ FOR CASH CCSTOMBB tI00.009 WORTH a of railroad froQtnge that has not doubled In value within the last two years. FOR SALE. BRICKYARD AND MANUFACTURING ait* on railroad, containing 00 more* with creek and rock, within 2 mtfea of Piedmont Park. Will soft any part. tLorlk IN LOT, 209 FEET ON tOKNEB: line location far 18-flat building that will always be ranted. A bargain. VlFTY FEET OPPOSITE TERMINAL Station at a bargain. bAHT 1-iNB htreet-i5-Ao6U Home, large lot, $4,700. HjAcHTitKii-A 1 bBiUWPDL FATHe" $13,500. INMAN PARK. NEAR Dlttilb ClllCLK and Dixie avenne, 9-room house, large lot; beautiful bom*; bargain. $7,500. \vahhingt5.s‘ flThEET=4-'uG6U BEaU- tiful horn* with two China cloaota, fold* Ing door*, fine gaa fixture*, modem con venience*, etc.: stab!*, large lot to altoy. Term* at $4,70i. , HUttiU Nriw VhdftU'H6UHS fiJJ a bi'Hutlful corner, west End, U,260 to $4,500. , Hl>0EW60b, GA.. i-M6U" CMTAufe, two street car lines, 81,809. Terms like paying rent. 8-KOOM, 3-BTORY NEW HOUSE; TINT- ed walla, cabinet mantelo, Meldrlm street, only 81.700. Terms. HlfetTY NEw* C6WA(R: Near UKe- wood Heights; tot 100 fact front with 8 pretty ahade. Taka this at 11.750; term,. f250 cash. Thla Is a good Inrcatmant aa the house la rented at 515 per month. 6VE8 6000 FEET raICR&aA' FUGNt- .age outof and within city limits. Prices, 1800 to m.000 per tot at bargain countar prices. Buy now and donbls your money within a year. If YOU WANT A BUSINESS SITE WE hava client, who will hoy apd Improrc for you. Cull and aea ua. STOCKS AND BONDS. I 8*11 ma: * Ceutral Rank and Trust Corporation atock. I'henlx Real Estato Company. q Houthern States Life Insurance Co. atock. i CHAS. E. THOMPSON, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, 240 Equitable Building. j special Sale. ? TWO BEAUTIFUL NORTH SIDE HOMER. \alne, 84.780 and 19.600. 9 und 10 rooms aach. One ot them built within the -last year. Modern In every respect. WlU sell or exchange for vacant or Improved prop- " arty. These are bargain,. Call and see ua. McNEILL & SHERWOOD, REAL ESTATE, £ 514 Empire. Phone U. 887. g Water, gaa and bath. lialanra to suit purchaser. 6EE US' V6ft BauOaiS'8 NIXt WKeR.' COLLEGE PARK HOME. DONT PAY BENT. It Is axcaadlngly bad form to do ao whan I room, modern, naw bonaa on corner lot. BEADTIFUI, COTTAGE HOMES FOR ■ala on raty monthly payments. They are brand naw and loraly. On large, Una lota. Bight on car Una and In the city. It minute, from cantar of city. Bath and toilet, hot and cold watrr; 6 rooms; pay ments only 089 par month; 8 rooms, pay ments only 826 par month: 8 rooms, extra Snlah, 889 par month, for fall detail, sea COPENHTLL LAND CO. 15 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. BeU Phone 60S; Atlanta Phone 245. nar lot: 8280 cash, balance easy monthly payments. EDWARD H. WALKER, THE COLLEGE PARK REAL ES TATE DEALER. RENT $58 PER MONTH PRICE $5,0000. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 13 AUBURN AVENUE. BeU Phone 45X. m- TIIOS. W. JACKSON. Member Atlanta Real Estate Exchange GLORE £ JUSTIN, 316 PETERS BLDG. 10-R. II.. e ALEXANDER ST. .. ....83*89 6-It. II., U0 MELDRUM ST ....tlft.09 €-U. Me, 191 KCNBKT AYR. .... 112.50 4-a II.. 398 W. FOURTH ST. ... .... 97.89 3 11. It- 8 MELDRUM ST .... H00 l it. H-. 130 LINSBY BT .... 85.09 3-R. h.. is umn irr .... 19.98 S B. II- sm MAGNOLIA RT. .... UM ML II- 617 W. NORTH AVg. .. .... 89.89 GENUINE BARGAIN IN A CHOICE SUB URBAN HOME. MODERN 2*8TORY flROOM RESIDENCE on lot 100x200 on the northeast corner of Mc, ££*? on •***«* Clifton avenue, right ft t I'll f f I>n Mtatlnn nm Iha Inntan Hail aaJ at Clifton station on tha Inman Park and Clifton car Una In Edge wood. You will hare to II. The house la nicely flnlabed The lot contains every Improvement-wood, rhtckpn and aarvant*a houses, ■ tables, nice garden: pretty grove and lawn In front Thla place has been turned over to me for exclusive sale at n sacrifice price. Yon will hove to see me at once, na if will not ha on the market long. ATLANTA MA&KETS. THE WEEK REVIEWED. (Written »ispecially for The Georglnn by J. B. Everett, secretary of the Atlanta Fruit and Produce Exchange.) Atlanta. Go., Juno 1—The past xv»*ek has been a record breaker on this market, vegetable* of nil kinds have been pouring In nere from nil aonm»a In such nbundnnco that It was lmpossible to move them at any kind of price* that would be pleasing or justifiable to tha shippers. Home grown •tuff Is being bronrbt in dally by the wagon* and thus cuts off the demand * a great extent. Florida bean* are In abundance and have been telling for almost any price in order to dispose of them, and Is 8om»* Instance* quantities of them have bean dumped. The rices range from 60 to 76c per drum. T*r!< sa Georgia beans nro In abundance and are prices. . f % . ■ Cabbage and old Irish potatoes are In good demand and are moving nt th«* fol- winr prices: Cabbage ZH to Sc per poand; 1 Irish potatoes $1.30 per bushelsweet tatoes scarce, and bring from $1.25 to 50 per bushel. L'antaloupes are beginning to arrive In od local shipment* and good atock selling ho $2 to $2.50 per crate. Cherries, 24^iuart crates, selling from $2^0 dull and very hard to dispose of at any kind * “rice. 1th the very warm weather that now apple crop Is almut exhausted, i ’ew shipments are arriving and FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlanta Fruit and FBUITS.—Apple* $7 to $7.60 per barreL $3 to $3.60 per box. Georgia stock, 21-quart *1 to '81.68 SULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- XOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. a pwwauie, is* Uers 16. to 25c. to lie; dresset quash, yellow, 81 to 81.25; white 76e per crate, 81 to tl.26. Hweet potatoes, per bushel, 81.25 to 8I.6O1 „ pff buHiel. is 13* to 13*c hunch. iteat 88; fancy patent 15. 10; half patent >*vu» vu, iiiuv-j uitieus wav, mil a uaicui ■ 18 to 84.88: fancy 83.98; aprlng wheat : white ISC'; Private Wire to Ware ft Lelind. Chicago, June Inter-Ocean: "Sev bonrd exporter., have been caught rhort of corn for loading the first half 0 f June. Their buying here the last twp days boa been for .hlpment within fly, to seven day., which shows that they have waited for the May to get out of the way In expectation of a decline in prices, but the buying has all come at once, and with light stocks price, hav, advanced both for cash and future,. Low grades sold up even with July and were picked up readily nt l-lOS-lcad. J vance In the sample market. Ther, was evidence at the clone of the de- Mined Having I sail-ll.'.l. Cur btWM Who kart boon the largest sellers of cash corn the past, two day, were 1n the pit selling against their surplus holdings. New York exporiera also reported the demand satisfied and one message said, ‘Cancellations made ! here on the basis of dead freight" -Oats were bought at the close on 1 report that Statistician Snow had mad, a condition of 79 for tho crop In fill, nola, Indiana and Missouri. No oifl. clal report has been Issued. The condl. tlon of the crop In these sections I, low, while In Iowa, a good part of N>. broska and In the Northwest it Is about 1 perfect, but the gains In the Northwest are not believed to be sufficient to oij^, I set losses In the central West. The I condition for the country laat year was 82.9 and at harvest 90.3. The lowest June condition In 14 years was 84.3 m 1895. "Secretary Smiley, .of the Kansu j State Grain Dealers' Association, Is out with a crop report making the condl- • tlon of wheat In the southern part of Kansas as good aa ■ laat year. The northwestern part,. embracing thirty- ' one .countlee, cannot raise to ■ exceed j one-third of an average crop. He esti mates the crop of the state at 55,000,• I 000 bushels, and attributes the deterio ration to lock of moisture. "The Kansas state report Is said to j make the prospects for the state 78 per cent of last year's, or about 54,000,- 000 bushels. Private Wire to Glbert ft Clay. Chleago, June 2.—The directors of the Board of Trade have refused to | change current commission rules on the ground that they have not had a fair trial. Thla does not prevent the members from forcing a ballot vote on the proposition to go back to old rates. Cables from Argentine noted that very beneficial rains have fallen and that the agricultural outlook was sat isfactory. The Iowa state crop report for June 1 Is very optimistic, the best at thla date since 1900. Minneapolis wheat stocks decreased 600,000 bushels for the week, and Du luth decreased 110,000 bushels. General' rainfall through the sectfnna of Missouri, Illinois and Ohio valley, that have heretofore complained of too much dry weather, made a bearish sentiment In oats. This was partly offset by the strength In corn. STOCKS AND BONDS. Hid. Asked. . 114 115 H.ww nw, juies, per uuanei, aw. HAY.—Timothy, choice Urge bales, 81.10: choice small bale,. Jl.iC; do.. Na i Ird bales, 01.(6; da Na 3 15c; da No. 1 STUFF.—Chicken feed, 594b. sacks haa rol>l». ft* AA. .kn.4. Cl JJ. 10* 1, 81.80; bran, pure wheat. 188 bmp, mixed, TO pounds, 8U0; 81.86; salt. 100-lD. aacka, 49; , per cwt., 81; C. 8. meal, per alia, aqnare sacks, per ton, 89.25. , Atlanu, and , plates Drift Arhnckle's 815.80: FOR RENT BY JOHN J. WOODSIDE. 208 RICHARDSON 8TREET-THIR SIX room cotta**, on lot 27x100, wbldi lie* level, la on the nortb side of Itlcnardaon •t., between Central tve. and Pulliam at.; haa faa, hot and cold water, bath, cloaet, ■Ink In the kitchen; la In good nelxhbor* hood and In ^fairly good repair; Central are. care half block away; will Ik? vacant May 29. Rent, Inclndlnf city water, $&10 per montb. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. * 13 Auburn Ave. Both Phones <18 C. H. WELLS & CO. 1104 Fourth Nat. Blr. Bldg. NORTH SIDE—WE HAVE A NUMBER OF J. H. LATHAM, 338 EQUITABLE BLDG. Bell Phone 3143; Atlanta Phone 3143. W. E. SAUNDERS & CO., REAL ESTATE, 57 Inman Bldg. Bell 'Phone 1435. w* ARB HAVING CALLS EVERY DAY from parties who want t* rent hotter, both on the north and aonth aide. If yon hero anything yon want rented or sold 1 SKATING RINK, MARYS BT, In price from 84,000 to |X,600 for or on terms to ault. If yon will come to see ua and tell ug what yon want we can salt you. WEST END—GOOD 8-ROOM IIOVBB, li block from Gordon. A little repairs will make a choice home out ot this. We^olter_thla at a bargain for cn,h. COLLEGE PARK-HERB WE OFFER AN- other bargain^ for the caab. f-rootn cottage, lot 75 by 300, right In the oro center of town: will rent for $3 per monthfor only $2,260; well worth $2,850 city water mil Pi | | l^^llue. p.ijui. cash and tertua tu ault EAST POINT—2 NKW 6-ROOM COTTAGER GRANT PAHK^i'ERY NEAR T^Il/PAR& 6-roum cottage, large lot. water, gas and sewer. I Mock from cflr IIS*. 12,600. 1188 cash and 83 per mouth. Georgia 4Ha. 1118 114 Georgia It. It. 8a. 1810 ..... 108 , Bavannah la. 1989. ........ 102ii Macon 8s, 1810 108 Atlanta 6a, 1911 1(6 Atlanta 4t*s, 1823 '.109, Atlanta 4a. 1984 . . lWi Atlanta and West Point .... 168 Atlanta and West Point Dat)ts. 189 C. It. of Georgia flrat Income V. ... da 2d Incoma M da Id Income 89 Georgia 281 South western .117 m THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. By Prlrnte Leased Wire. Chicago, June 2.—Hogo-RccelpH today 16.800. Market 6 to 18c lower; quality fair: left oyer 2.800; hulk I«.85q«.45; estimate! for Monday 45,000; light hog a 88.3*96-45; mixed $6.154! IM RE dd.e^b.eU, JIH nrin r"-~ I 6.4214; good to ehotce heavy 8636(26.(.44. Cattle— Eatlmated roeelpta 600. Market :eady: quality fair: beavoa 84.10©6;eo»a ...7004.66: belfera 82.6006: calrea KfllS: good to prime ataera 063004; poor to r«*l 84.10(i5.15; atocken and feoders.|175fi47l. t.iriid.u. atmari ■ iuu act Sheep— Rillmated receipts. ,000. Market ateadxT quality fair; natty# 88-404*6.10; yearl ings Uffilt.Xj lambs 85.280670; weatrra 85-2508-79. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Showing tha Arrival and Departure ot Pae ‘ gcr Trains ot tha Following Bogdi: TURN AND ATLANTIC RAILIIOAO. WEST 8 Nashville 7:19 73 Marietta . 8:3S •98 NaabvtUa 11:46 am *8 Nasbrilla . 4:60 ,ai 75 Marietta . IM pm 78 Marietta .. 5:30 pm 1 Nashrllle 7Ji pm » 4 Naahrllla ■ IJOpn CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From-— Depart To- Savannah ... 7:89 am Macon 12-2J*; Jackaonvllla . 7:M am Ravaanah ■Macon V Savannah iMsroom 8.-00 am am Macon 4:00 om 4--06 pm Savannah..... 8:U nm — —l Jai Tja pm Jachaopyllle .OdOpm ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAIL ROAD. ’ Arrive From— Depart To- •Sclma 11:80am ‘Montgomery IdOtm Montgom'y . 7:45 pm ‘Mmitgomery 12:46 pm •Selma 11:16 pm ‘Selma JIJE? LaGrangn ... 5:80x01 LaGranie -- } * P“ '/il train, ot Atlan: llr ‘ - Railroad Company from Atlanta - Mitchell atraat t Atlanta and pany arrive at - Terminal -ate : and Madison i Vest Point and depart station, corner avenue. GEORGIA RAILROAD Arrive From- Depart To- •Angusta ... 9:00 pm •Angela ifet " * Jonyen 6:45 am Ulhonla Covington .. 7:48 am ‘AnguiU 1-30 •Augusta ...18:80 pm Conyera ? Utboala .... 8:35 pm Covington ... 6 10 •Angosta .... 8:13 pm •Anguata .•■■lb*^ ... 7:15 am am .. 8:80 pm •TKiil Ml othertralnadSiy ««P< »** dijr, - A^KAhjl^rr A m Mf'inphls. . .11:45*m N*w York . . 2:20 pm . 7:49^“ Irmlngh'm Shown In . 4:40 *n» .7:20 an* Cw-York . .Ug w bbevllle . lemphla . . ' ? faahlDfton • 0:85 l ,ul STEPHENSON BROS., Plumbing and Gas Fitting 51 S. Forsyth Street. p . noc . BeU 2827 Main. Phones: AtIanta 37. 8L60Q—AnOl.Tfour doom from Gordon at.. West End, new cottage: 5 beautlfuln-m«. recepnoa hall, parlor, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, bath (line porcelain tnbiwaw forwaothec cottage); a very neat home. Owner n<-'»ia iiioc- krfp lot (Urg* tnoufh i YumS Jnat off Georgia ave.; 7 rooms, well built, anbsuntlal h-me. *•* thl* prW. $soo down; IwUnc© nn. • - 53.3D—41 VKltLOOKING GRANT PARK, on (-hernkee ave.. clnoa to Oeo«!*.*;T, ; ,’ r “d bath; water, gaa. fruit trees, the beat pUro we know of for voir chlbk-°- Owner needs 8LM; I-glance enay. Bare had an offer of 83J00: email naan paymcni- 83.»S*-GBANT. »ear OeorgU'ero - Lroona. almogt mnr.rottoee home. OJrrw r’J teonoto right*"^ Sc " Bll * fc xot ■ more, deatrabte location on Oiant at. ravora.-w LE t"oL; EASY TERmT R L,8T - PnBrrl P, AC “ ,S ° THEn REAL ESTATE. _ BeU 105L T ' STKVENSON BROTHERS £ COMPANY, 1*29'CANDLER BUILDING- I Atlanta 3v* |